How Righteous Are You - 1

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AM 12/29/02

Please turn to Matthew 5:20. God is righteous! Whatever He does is right! Psalm 116:5 - Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. Psalm 12 :! - The Lord is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked. Psalm 1!5:1" - The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Psalm 11 :1!2 - Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. God is righteous! God wants men and women to #e righteous. Psalm ":11 - God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 11:" - For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth ehold the u!right. Psalm 2:12 - The righteous shall flourish like the !alm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Le anon. Prover#s 10:$0 - The righteous shall never e removed: ut the wicked shall not inha it the earth. Prover#s 1!:$2 - The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: ut the righteous hath ho!e in his death. God is righteous! God wants men and women to #e righteous. %& H&W '(GH)*&+% ,'* -&+. ( usuall/ don0t as1 2or silent meditation in the middle o2 a sermon3 #ut ( will this morning. (n /our mind 4lease review /our wee1. What did /ou do that God would 5all righteous.

What did /ou do that God would 5all unrighteous. %& H&W '(GH)*&+% ,'* -&+.

THE PROBLEM WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS 6hristian3 /ou 1now what ( am going to sa/. We have no righteousness! We are unrighteous! (saiah 6!:6 - "ut we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our ini#uities, like the wind, have taken us away. 'omans $:10-12 - $s it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: %&&' There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. %&(' They are all gone out of the way, they are together ecome un!rofita le; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 7ut3 6hristian there is more to 5onsider. Matthew 5:20 - For ) say unto you, That e*ce!t your righteousness shall e*ceed the righteousness of the scri es and +harisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. )hat statement would have reall/ sho51ed 8esus0 hearers. )he s5ri#es and Pharisees were 1nown 2or #eing religious and 2or 1ee4ing the letter o2 the law. )he s5ri#es and Pharisees added laws to the law and e94e5ted men to 1ee4 them as well! 8esus is telling us that the wa/ we live should #e more righteous than the s5ri#es and Pharisees i2 we e94e5t to see Heaven! ,nd loo1 at Matthew 5:1"-1 . Think not that ) am come to destroy the law, or the !ro!hets: ) am not come to destroy, ut to fulfil. %&,' For verily ) say unto you, Till heaven and earth !ass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise !ass from the law, till all e fulfilled. %&-' .hosoever therefore shall reak one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall e called the least in the kingdom of heaven: ut whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall e called great in the kingdom of heaven.

%& H&W '(GH)*&+% ,'* -&+.

6hristian3 how right is /our attitude towards other 6hristians. How right is /our attitude towards /our 2amil/ mem#ers. How right is /our #ehavior on the :o# or in s5hool. How a#out the home. How right is /our language on the :o# or in s5hool. How a#out the home. 6hristian3 are /ou honest on the :o#3 in s5hool3 and at home. 6hristian3 do /ou 2antasi;e a#out slee4ing with other women or other men. 6hristian have /ou stolen something 2rom someone3 or at a store3 or on the :o# or at s5hool. 6hristian have /ou lied a#out someone else3 or stret5hed the truth to ma1e someone loo1 #ad. 6hristian3 do /ou worr/ and 2ret. How righteous is that.

%& H&W '(GH)*&+% ,'* -&+. 'ev. 21:"-< - /e that overcometh shall inherit all things; and ) will e his God, and he shall e my son. %,' "ut the fearful, and un elieving, and the a omina le, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their !art in the lake which urneth with fire and rimstone: which is the second death. )H* P'&7=*M W()H '(GH)*&+%>*%% THE PROVISION O RIGHTEOUSNESS

Please turn to 'omans 5. 'omans 5:6- - For when we were yet without strength, in due time 0hrist died for the ungodly. %1' For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet !eradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. %,' "ut God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, 0hrist died for us. %-' 2uch more then, eing now justified y his lood, we shall e saved from wrath through him. 2 6orinthians 5:21 - For he hath made him to e sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might e made the righteousness of God in him.

6hrist has 4rovided righteousness 2or those who have a 4ro#lem with righteousness. )hat0s all o2 us! 'omans 5:1 - Therefore eing justified y faith, we have !eace with God through our Lord 3esus 0hrist: When a 4erson 5omes to 6hrist3 and admits his own unrighteousness and hel4lessness and unworthiness and turns to 6hrist in 2aith as his or her onl/ ho4e 2or 2orgiveness and a 4la5e in Heaven3 then salvation ta1es 4la5e. )hat0s when a 4erson is saved or :usti2ied. )o #e :usti2ied is to #e ?de5lared righteous?. God loo1s down at a 4oor lost sinner who has trusted 8esus as %avior and sees a righteous man or woman. What does God e94e5t o2 /ou3 6hristian3 on5e /ou have #een de5lared righteous and loo1ing 2orward to Heaven. HE E!PECTS YOU TO LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY" 1 Peter 1:15-1" - "ut as he which hath called you is holy, so e ye holy in all manner of conversation; %&4' "ecause it is written, "e ye holy; for ) am holy. %&1' $nd if ye call on the Father, who without res!ect of !ersons judgeth according to every man5s work, !ass the time of your sojourning here in fear: 6hristian3 although we do not 2ear 5ondemnation3 we must reali;e that we will give a55ount to God 2or our #ehavior as 6hristians. 2 6orinthians 5:10 - For we must all a!!ear efore the judgment seat of 0hrist; that every one may receive the things done in his ody, according to that he hath done, whether it e good or ad. We still have a 4ro#lem with righteousness. We did not have 4ower within ourselves to live righteousl/ #e2ore we 5ame to 6hrist. We do not have 4ower in our own strength to live righteousl/ now! )he good news is that 6hrist is 4roviding 4ower 2or living righteousl/. Please loo1 at 'omans 5:1" - For if y one man5s offence death reigned y one; much more they which receive a undance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life y one, 3esus 0hrist.6

=et0s thin1 a#out this verse 2or a moment. 7/ one man0s o22ense death reigned. 7e5ause o2 ,dam0s sin3 death entered the world. ,nd until 8esus 5omes3 no#od/ es5a4es death. ,nd this death is not onl/ a 4h/si5al death3 #ut a %4iritual one as well. *4hesians 2:1 tells us that #e2ore a 4erson is saved he is ?dead in tres4asses and sin?. He has no ho4e o2 eternal li2e. 7ut God has something #etter 2or those who re5eive ?a#undan5e o2 gra5e?. Gra5e is God0s unmerited 2avor. Gra5e is God giving me what ( don0t deserve. Gra5e has #een 5alled God0s 'i5hes at 6hrist0s *94ense. God0s gra5e is a#undant3 enough to save an/one who 5omes to 6hrist #/ 2aith. *4hesians 2:<- - For y grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: %-' 7ot of works, lest any man should oast. >ot onl/ have we re5eived a#undan5e o2 gra5e3 #ut the gi2t o2 righteousness. When we a55e4ted 6hrist as our %avior3 He :usti2ied us3 or de5lared us righteous. (t3 li1e gra5e3 was a gi2t we a55e4ted when we 4ut out 2aith in 6hrist. ( haven0t alwa/s thought o2 righteousness as a gi2t3 #ut it is. ( did nothing to earn it. For if y one man5s offence death reigned y one; much more they which receive a undance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life y one, 3esus 0hrist.6 )his verse is 4romising a reign in li2e. ,nd ( #elieve that reign in li2e starts now. (nstead o2 #eing de2eated3 we 5an #e vi5torious. (nstead o2 a5ting in an unhol/ manner3 ( 5an a5t in a hol/ manner.

(nstead o2 living unrighteous lives3 we 5an live righteous lives. What0s the 4ra5ti5al se5ret 2or living a hol/ li2e now. )he se5ret in this verse is two 2old. @irst we have the a#undan5e gra5e. God 5ontinues to 4our out his 2avor u4on us when we as13 trust3 and o#e/. 'omans 6:10-1! - For in that he died, he died unto sin once: ut in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. %&&' Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to e dead indeed unto sin, ut alive unto God through 3esus 0hrist our Lord. %&(' Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal ody, that ye should o ey it in the lusts thereof. %&8' 7either yield ye your mem ers as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: ut yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your mem ers as instruments of righteousness unto God. %&9' For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, ut under grace. Going along with a#undant gra5e is the se5ond thought3 the gi2t o2 righteousness. 8ust as 6hrist 4rovides the gi2t o2 righteousness 2or eternal li2e. He 4rovides the gi2t o2 righteousness 2or dail/ living. ,ll ( have to do is a55e4t it. Galatians 2:20 - ) am crucified with 0hrist: nevertheless ) live; yet not ), ut 0hrist liveth in me: and the life which ) now live in the flesh ) live y the faith of the :on of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. What are /ou doing that0s unrighteous. @irst 5on2ess it. 1 8ohn 1: - )f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ,2ter /ou 5on2ess the sin3 2orsa1e it #/ as1ing the =ord 8esus to #e vi5torious over that sin through /ou. ,55e4t His gi2t o2 righteousness to give us vi5tor/. Phili44ians !:1$ - ) can do all things through 0hrist which strengtheneth me. )H* P'&7=*M W()H '(GH)*&+%>*%% )H* P'&A(%(&> &@ '(GH)*&+%>*%% THE PRACTICE O RIGHTEOUSNESS

Matthew 5:6 - "lessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall e filled. -ou and ( need to have a 5ontinual a44etite and thirst 2or righteousness. (t should #e a goal o2 our lives. (n the ,ntar5ti5 summer o2 1 0<-1 0 3 %ir *rnest %ha51leton and three 5om4anions attem4ted to travel to the %outh Pole 2rom their winter Buarters. )he/ set o22 with 2our 4onies to hel4 5arr/ the load. Wee1s later3 their 4onies dead3 rations all #ut e9hausted3 the/ turned #a51 toward their #ase3 their goal not a55om4lished. ,ltogether3 the/ tre11ed 12" da/s. &n the return :ourne/3 as %ha51leton re5ords in The /eart ;f The $ntarctic3 the time was s4ent tal1ing a#out 2oodCela#orate 2easts3 gourmet delights3 sum4tuous menus. ,s the/ staggered along3 su22ering 2rom d/senter/3 not 1nowing whether the/ would survive3 ever/ wa1ing hour was o55u4ied with thoughts o2 eating. 8esus3 who also 1new the ravages o2 2ood de4rivation3 said3 ?7lessed are those who hunger and thirst 2or '(GH)*&+%>*%%.? We 5an understand %ha51letonDs o#session with 2ood3 whi5h o22ers a glim4se o2 the 4assion 8esus intends 2or our Buest 2or righteousness. %o where do we go to satis2/ our hunger and thirst 2or righteousness. We need to go to the Word o2 God. 2 )imoth/ $:16-1" - $ll scri!ture is given y ins!iration of God, and is !rofita le for doctrine, for re!roof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: %&1' That the man of God may e !erfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 8eremiah 15:16 - Thy words were found, and ) did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for ) am called y thy name, ; Lord God of hosts. Man/ o2 /ou live on a starvation diet. -ou hear the word 4rea5hed on5e a wee1 at #est. ,nd /ou don0t #other to read the Word o2 God at home. With 6hrist0s hel4 we need to 2ollow his admonition 2ound in

=u1e 11:2< - "ut he said, <ea rather, lessed are they that hear the word of God, and kee! it. Psalm 11 : - .herewithal shall a young man cleanse his way= y taking heed thereto according to thy word. When /ou hunger and thirst a2ter righteousness /ou will ma1e ever/ e22ort to #e in %unda/ %5hool3 Morning %ervi5e3 *vening %ervi5e and Pra/er Meeting where the Word o2 God is taught. >ow ( have #rought this message with a 4ur4ose. (t is a5tuall/ an introdu5tion to a series o2 messages3 and a 5hallenge 2or the /ear 200$. )he 5hallenge is that ea5h one o2 us would strive to live righteousl/ in 200$. )he series o2 messages is on the %ermon on the Mount3 whi5h we have Buoted a 2ew times this morning. )he %ermon on the Mount shows us how to live more righteousl/ than the %5ri#es and Pharisees o2 8esus0 da/. )he %ermon on the Mount is a 4ra5ti5al 4resentation o2 how to live righteousl/ on a dail/ #asis. (t is im4ossi#le to o#e/ the %ermon on the Mount 4er2e5tl/3 :ust as it is im4ossi#le to o#e/ the )en 6ommandments 4er2e5tl/. ,s we learn what the %ermon on the Mount means and as we trust 6hrist 2or the 4rovision o2 a#undant gra5e and the gi2t o2 righteousness to o#e/3 we will see ourselves #e5ome more righteous than we are now. =et0s ma1e it a goal as a 5hur5h to live righteousl/ in 6hrist in 200$.

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