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PENYERAHAN DAN PENILAIAN TUGASAN ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT _________________________________________________________________________ BBPP1103 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT SEPTEMBER 2013 _________________________________________________________________________


1. Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa modul bercetak kursus ini. / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu ata English. Bahasa Inggeris. / Answer in Malay or

3. Muat turunkan t!"#$at tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan dari ada My!"# untuk enyediaan dan enyerahan tugasan anda . Tugasan anda hendaklah ditai dengan menggunakan sai$ %on 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.&. ' Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the My !E for preparation and su"mission of your assignment. #our assignment should "e typed using $% point Times New Roman font and $.& line spacing. (. Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2%00 &'())a 3000 atah erkataan t'*a+ termasuk rujukan. Bilangan erkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Ja()a( menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawa an anda. , #our assignment should "e "etween !"" to #""" $or%s e&'l(%ing references. The num"er of words should "e shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. &. )nda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan *#+),) ON-LINE melalui My!"#. *ila rujuk ke ada ortal untuk arahan mengenai rosedur menghantar tugasan anda secara on-line. )nda dinasihatkan menyim an senaskah tugasan yang diserahkan untuk rujukan sendiri. , #ou must su"mit your assignment ON) *INE via the My !E. Refer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to su"mit your assignment on'line. #ou are advised to (eep a copy of your su"mitted assignment for personal reference. .. )nda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU %ail. ' #ou can su"mit your assignment ONCE only in a SING*E file. /. 0ntuk elajar baru 1semester 123 tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 1.&/ N01!"/!2 2013 hingga 13&/ N01!"/!2 2013. *erahan 4!$!#a4 13&/ N01!"/!2 2013 TIDAK akan diterima. ' )or new student *$st semester+, your assignment must "e su"mitted "etween 1+t, "1# until 1/t, "1#0 -u"mission a1ter 1/t, "1# will NOT "e accepted.

4. 0ntuk elajar senior3 tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara %&/ N01!"/!2 2013 hingga 1%&/ N01!"/!2 2013. *erahan 4!$!#a4 1%&/ N01!"/!2 2013 TIDAK akan diterima. ' )or senior student, your assignment must "e su"mitted "etween !t, "1# until 1!t, "1#0 -u"mission a1ter 1!t, "1# will NOT "e accepted. 5. Tugasan hendaklah disia kan secara individu. )nda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. )nda juga dilarang sama sekali mem lagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri. / #our assignment should "e prepared individually. #ou should not copy another person.s assignment. #ou should also not plagiarise another person.s wor( as your own. PENILAIAN , E2A*UATION Tugasan ini menyumbang sehingga 506 dari ada jumlah markah kursus berkenaan dan akan dinilai berdasarkan ke ada R /2'+ yang dilam irkan7 ' This assignment accounts for 3"4 of the total mar(s for the course and shall "e assessed "ased on t,e R(.ri's attached 0 )nda akan diberikan maklum balas tentang tugasan ini sebelum 6e eriksaan )khir *emester bermula. / #ou would "e given feed"ac( on the assignment "efore the )inal -emester E/amination commences. PLAGIARISME8 POTONGAN MARKAH , 5*AGIARISM6 MAR7S DEDUCTION A"a2a(8 Tugasan yang diserahkan3 secara automatik3 akan disemak untuk menentukan kadar ertindihan. Jika lagiarisme dikesan3 markah akan di otong se erti berikut7 ' 8arning6 The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity chec(. 0f plagiarism is detected, mar(s would "e deducted as follows1 Tugasan dengan ertindihan kandungan antara 10 - 3067 otongan 206 dari ada jumlah markah yang di eroleh. Tugasan dengan ertindihan kandungan antara 31 - %067 otongan (06 dari ada jumlah markah yang di eroleh. Tugasan dengan ertindihan kandungan lebih dari ada %067 Ma2+a& 4'9a2 akan diberikan. Assignments with 1" ) #" 4 o-erlap with others1 "4 deduction from the total mar(s scored. Assignments with #1 ) !" 4 o-erlap with others1 3"4 deduction from the total mar(s scored. Assignments with more t,an !"4 o-erlap with others6 8ero mar9 would "e given. ASSIGNMENT :UESTION PURPOSE The ur ose o% this assignment is to develo learners9 ability to identi%y and analyse the di%%erent roles layed by managers in organisations. RE:UIREMENT

*elect three short articles %rom maga$ines or news a ers which de ict three di%%erent roles layed by managers in organisations. Identi%y and analyse each o% the three managerial roles as described in the articles.




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E=>!$$!(t 5 !ery clear descri tion o% all the si; roles layed by managers in organisations 6enerangan yang sangat jelas semua enam eranan yang dimainkan oleh engurus dalam organisasi +orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ery clear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article. Identi%ikasi yang betul eranan yang dimainkan oleh engurus. 6enerangan yang sangat jelas dan analisis eranan yang dimainkan3 disokong oleh contoh-contoh dari ada artikel itu. +orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ery clear descri tion and

Ma= Ma2 +4

Introduction on the roles layed by managers in organisations


:o descri tion o% the roles layed by managers in organisations

!ery clear descri tion o% only one role layed by managers in organisations

!ery clear descri tion o% 2-3 roles layed by managers in organisations

!ery clear descri tion o% ( to & roles layed by managers in organisations

)nalysis on the %irst managerial role based on the %irst news a er or maga$ine article


:o identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. :o descri tion and analysis o% the role layed.

8rong identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ague descri tion and analysis o% the role layed with no su orting e;am les %rom the article.

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. <uite clear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 but lacked su orting e;am les %rom the article.

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. +lear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article.


)nalysis on the second managerial role based on the


:o identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. :o descri tion and

8rong identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ague descri tion and

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. <uite clear descri tion and

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. +lear


second news a er or maga$ine article

analysis o% the role layed.

analysis o% the role layed with no su orting e;am les %rom the article.

analysis o% the role layed3 but lacked su orting e;am les %rom the article.

descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article.

)nalysis on the third managerial role based on the third news a er or maga$ine article


:o identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. :o descri tion and analysis o% the role layed.

8rong identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ague descri tion and analysis o% the role layed with no su orting e;am les %rom the article.

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. <uite clear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 but lacked su orting e;am les %rom the article.

+orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. +lear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article.

analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article. Identi%ikasi yang betul eranan yang dimainkan oleh engurus. 6enerangan yang sangat jelas dan analisis eranan yang dimainkan3 disokong oleh contoh-contoh dari ada artikel itu. +orrect identi%ication o% the role layed by the manager. !ery clear descri tion and analysis o% the role layed3 su orted by e;am les %rom the article. Identi%ikasi yang betul eranan yang dimainkan oleh engurus. 6enerangan yang sangat jelas dan analisis eranan yang dimainkan3 disokong oleh contoh-contoh dari ada artikel itu. !ery clear conclusion on which role is the most di%%icult to lay and well justi%ied. >esim ulan yang sangat jelas di mana eranan adalah yang 10

+onclusion on which role is the most di%%icult to lay and why

:o conclusion

!ery vague conclusion on which role is the most di%%icult to lay with no justi%ications.

,ather clear conclusion on which role is the most di%%icult to lay but not well justi%ied.

+lear conclusion on which role is the most di%%icult to lay and =uite well justi%ied.

aling sukar untuk bermain dan juga dibenarkan. T0ta$ 10 50

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