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Historical Fiction Story Rubric

Task: Write one chapter of a historical fiction story and include a bibliography. Follow this rubric to ensure you get a good grade on your final project. Category Writing process D Student has devoted some time and effort to the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, reviewing, and editing), but was not very thorough. Did just enough to get by. Factual errors in the story challenge the readers understanding of the historical event(s). The story has a protagonist. The reader knows some things about the protagonist or other important characters. CB Student has devoted time and effort to the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Has worked and gotten the job done. There are a few historical inaccuracies, but they do not detract from the readers understanding of the historical event(s). The protagonist and other important characters are named and described through use of descriptive words, actions, and dialogue. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters were like. Descriptive words and historical details are used to tell the reader when and where the story took place. The narrative tells an interesting story that the reader is able to follow and understand without too much difficulty. Spelling and conventions are not perfect but do not detract from the meaning and purpose of the text. Almost all (about 90%) of the presentation requirements were met Student has provided a complete bibliography, but has not formatted it properly. A A+ Student has devoted a lot of time and effort to the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Has worked hard to make the story the best it can be. All historical facts presented in the story are accurate. By reading the story, the reader is able to learn something about the historical event(s). The protagonist and other important characters are named and clearly described through use of vivid descriptive words, actions, and dialogue. Most readers could describe the characters accurately. Vivid descriptive words and historical details help the reader imagine he/she is back in a certain place and time in history. The narrative tells an interesting story that makes sense from beginning to end. It makes the reader want to read more. Convention and word choice add to the richness and readability of the story. There are very few spelling or convention errors. All of the presentation requirements are met. (See the back side of this rubric for presentation requirements.) Student has provided a complete bibliography that is correctly formatted. (See the back side of this rubric instructions on creating a proper bibliography.)

Historical information and accuracy Characters


Narrative as a whole




The setting is described, but the reader has some difficulty figuring out where the and when the story took place. The narrative tells a story, but a lack of details and/or plot structure challenge the readers ability to fully understand what is happening. Spelling and convention (grammar, capitals, punctuation) mistakes challenge the readers understanding but do not prevent it. Many (about 75%) of the presentation requirements were met, but several were not. A bibliography is included but it is not complete nor is it formatted correctly.

Presentation Requirements
Run a spell check, edit your work, and fix errors before turning in o As part of the editing process, make sure to read your story aloud to yourself or to someone else to listen for things that dont sound right One-inch margins Have a ragged right margin. Dont justify margins Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Helvetica. Use the same font throughout your paper 12-point font size Double space The story can be written neatly in pen if necessary. No ragged edges on paper

Bibliography Format
1. Use to easily make a bibliography in MLA format. Choose what type of source (website or book) Enter all the information that you know o Book title, or article title if web page usually found at the top o Author if a book o Contributors of web page author of article (might not find it) o Website title ends in .com o Publisher/sponsor look at the bottom of the page o URL copy and paste o Electronically published look for date (might not find it) o Date accessed date you read article o Please include the URL Hit Create Citation, copy and paste onto page 2. See Mrs. Nordstrom or Mrs. Rodrigues for instructions on how to cite a YouTube video. 3. Format your Bibliography On its own page at the end of your story Type Works Cited or Bibliography at the top of the page, centered. Hanging indent 1/2 inch Double spaced Put citations in alphabetical order by authors last name Please include URLs

Example of a Bibliography: Bibliography Collins, Suzsanne, The Hunger Games. Toronto: Scholastic, 2008. Print. Goodley, Eleanor a D. "Emigration Of Bandera Texas Polish Silesians." James Smock, 15 July 2010. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. < polish-texan-articles/history/>. "Horseshoe Crabs Are One of Nature's Great Survivors." The Natural History Museum, 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. <>.

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