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DQ #2 Select a chronic disease example and apply it to the six concepts presented for the health belief model.

It is believed that knowledge itself is not a sufficient motivating factor for changing health behaviors. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a conceptual framework used to understand and influence health behavior change. Behavior change requires rational decision making processes that take into consideration the persons perceived susceptibility to illness, perceived consequences of the illness, belief that action is appropriate to reduce risk, belief that the benefits of the action outweigh the costs, cues to action, and self-efficacy (Merrill, 2013). The HBM is based on the understanding that a person will take a health related action if he/she feels a negative health condition could be avoided, has a positive expectation that by taking a recommended action he/she will avoid a negative health condition; and believes he/she can successfully utilize a recommended health action (Health Belief, n. d.). Osteoporosis is a disease where there is a decrease in bone mineral density and degenerative changes of bone tissue, which may lead to an increase fracture risk. The disease affects men and women alike; however it is more prevalent among women and increases during menopause. A womens health belief can impact her decision to partake in a diet and exercise regimen to hopefully avoid complications of osteoporosis in the future (Swaim, Barner, & Brown, 2008). Risk factors include age, heredity, medications, eating disorders, drug use, low calcium intake, excess soda consumption, alcoholism, physical inactivity, and smoking (Merrill, 2013). Health Belief Model for Osteoporosis for Post Menopausal Women Individual Perception Perceived Susceptibility Modifying Factors What are your chances of getting osteoporosis? What factors increase the chance that you will develop the disease? Breaking a bone (hip); being bent over; developing brittle bones What are the health benefits of diet and exercise? Taking calcium and Vitamin D, walking, weight bearing exercise, maintaining a healthy weight What is the likelihood the person will follow a diet and exercise regimen? Likelihood of Action Postmenopausal, women over the age of 50; identifying preventable risk factors Risks are significant enough to try to avoid developing osteoporosis Person believes the recommended action can help avoid developing osteoporosis

Perceived severity

Perceived benefits

Perceived barriers

Receive diet counseling and develop an exercise program, walking.

Commitment to a behavioral lifestyle change Cues to action Education, counseling, motivation

Requires modifying lifelong habits

Walking, calcium, vitamin D, weight bearing exercises, realizing the benefits of action outweigh the barriers Person will maintain exercise plan, diet plan, calcium and Vitamin D intake


Person confident diet and exercise will be beneficial in preventing the development of osteoporosis

The Health Belief Model attempts to show that health-seeking behavior is influenced by a persons perception of a threat posed by a health problem and the value of taking action at reducing the threat (Nursing Theories, 2013; Swaim, et al, 2008). References Health belief model. (n. d.). Retrieved from theory%20clusters/health%20communication Merrill, R. M. (2013). Introduction to epidemiology, (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Nursing theories: A compassion to nursing theories and models. (2013). Retrieved from Swaim, R. A., Barner, J. C., & Brown, C. M. (2008). The relationship of calcium intake and exercise to osteoporosis health belief in postmenopausal women. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 4(2), 153-163. Retrieved from http://www.

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