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Dream about Enthusiastic about Accused of Fond of

Charge with Patient with Insist on Appealed to Be ..nice, polite, kind to Shout at Good at Engage in Keen on Compared with Dream of wish Get married to Take part in Be Content with Became engaged to person Cope with Envious of Resigned to Responsible for Agree on = decide Agree with you = same opinion Agree with your suggestions = approve

Agree to my proposal = accept Doesnt agree with me = it makes me feel sick Complain about the bad conditions in the classroom = protest

Complain of headaches = suffer Shout to = to call attention Shout at = violently Throw sth to idem Dream about = the topic of your dream Dream of = imagine wish daydream Consist of = is composed/ formed Consist in = is about have the specified thing as its main or only element

Hear about your wedding = I was told Hear from = receive messages from sb Hear of = do not have knowledge Fall down the stairs = little by little gradually a tree, bicycle, horse = became no longer balanced or supported and drop

Fall off suddenly

Arrive at place airport hotel school station Arrive in jujuy argentina To be made of = material when we can recognize the materials

To be made from = the ingredients are not immediately obvious the cake is made from eggs flour.. Be made with = cakes made with strawberries/ chocolate when we can identify one or more of the ingredients Get on/off Get into/ out of the bus plane train bycicle a car a taxi

Live on an island, farm, the outskirts of the city (far of the city center)

Live in a house in a flat Steal sth from sb/sth Rob sb of sth = deprived sb rob me of my cellphone

Provide sb with sth = the government Provide sth for sb Knock at/on =same Match with/to= same Influence on/over sb In the beginning / in the end= at first / finally At the beginning / at the end= of the story where the story ends In the way= blocking On the way= journey Invite sb to/for dinner

Invite sb to a sandwich, party At night end of the day ,you sleep In the night = not at the end, in the middle At (bre) / On(amE) the weekend Live in(brE) / on(amE) Call in the library inside building In hospital: patient In the hospital: building At the library function purpose We have classes from Monday to/until/till/through(amE) In time = early enough with plenty of time On time = punctually Leave for a place = destination Friday

Looked out of the window (BrE) He jogged (a)round the park In oxford street At the weekend Write to me Talk to sb Different from/ to Monday to Friday

He looked out the window (AmE) He jogged around the park On oxfor street On the weekend Write (to) me Talk to/with sb Different from/than Monday to/through Friday

Between: 2 or a small number of items that we see as separate and individual: We often fly between london, paris and rome. (3) Among: large number. Lots. The plane flew low over the houses. We gazed at the stars above us. There was a clock above/over the entrance. Over before a number Over: covering put a jacket over Mathilde married beneath her. With a man of a lower social class. They hid the treasure beneath some rocks. Underneath her cold exterior, she is very sensitive. At the top/On top the sheet Opposite: face to face In front of: adelante At the latest: not later/after than By heart: from memory

He brought me the book He brought the book for me He sent me the invitation He sent the invitation to me He suggested to her that she should go to the cinema He admitted (to) killing He confessed to the crime. I object to smoking Proud of herself Pride in her success The solution to the exercises buy,

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