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The Paper That's Read from Cover to Cover

RED VANO Joned names as Doc Poland, (continued from Buck Oreen, Vic Lewis, George preceding page) Founded 1947 Ward, John Ward. He followed 1 Owned and Published by as his most constant visitor in the official affairs of the city's; OSWEGO VALLEY NEWS, INC. he hospital. Fred never married mayors, Bill Smith, Myron FosNorth Seventh and Erie Streets, Fulton, N.Y. nd his only relatives live in ter, John Stevenson, Dr. BaldCOLSON E. CARR X>bbs Ferry, N.Y., and Boston, win, Clyde Ingamells, Bill BranPresident and Editor-in-chief agan, John Johnson and Elon A&ss. BEATRICE B. CARR I asked Fred what the biggest Rowlee; and knew each of them Vice President and Business Manager hrill of his life has been. He personally. LEON C. BALDWIN VINCENT CARAVAN rofoundly answered that he is He jokingly tells how he al- It will be another case of grin Advertising Manager Managing Editor ;ill experiencing his biggest most transformed an Irishman and bear it when the two per Phone 592*6314 Phone 592-0314 hrillbeing a Fultonian and into an Italian. When Joe Cra-> cent sales tax takes its first bite OAK PHOTO SERVICE matching it grow, living among nan (now a Fulton policeman) on Aug. 1. was six months old his family And it's water over the dam /Photographer ice people. Phone 592-4941 Fred said1 his big thrill began lived across from Fred. Fred be- to talk about what could have in 1912 when he came to Fulton came attached to the handsome been done to stave off such an Subscriptions by Mail Only child and spent hours amusing $1.00 per year in Oswego County; $2.50 per year outside county. as an immigrant and was accept- him. When Fred cooked spag- unwanted tax. But paring costs ed into the community; and of state goverment will take a Published every Thursday. Entered as 2nd Class matter a t Post watched the Broadway bridge hetti, which was often, Joe was lot of doing. Office, Pulton, N.Y. there begging for some and ate >eing built and St. Mary's school S a l a r i e s grow bigger and onstructed. The Post Office was and ate until it was all gone. His, probably many of these top exfather began referring to him as rected soon after the bridge ecutives could live very well on ind about the sam^ time the "Spaghetti Joe." As Joe grew their expenses and lulus and tate Theater sprung up. He has older, Fred took him to shows, save their salaries.after taxes. een the Nestle Co. in Fulton ball games, parades; they were Although food and drugs will grow from one small building in inseparable companions. J o e escape the tax collector, it will 'ay St. where baby food and learned to speak Italian as flu- be necessary only to order a hocolate milk were made. The ently as a native Italian. meal over 99 cents to become a lealright Co. was Oswego Falls If one period of his life could tax payer at a lunch counter or hen and consisted of two paper be single out as more prominent restaurant. machines, a cardboard machine than any other it probably Probably many places will and three or four ground wood would be the World War II era,f ea t, ure a Rocky Special at 99 By Senator JOHN SPARKMAN (D. Ala.) machines for making pulp. He when patriotic Americans were cents beginning Aug. 1 and this Chairman of the Small Business Committee ecalls that Armstrong's modern buying war bonds to help the will probably include some of The five million small businessmen of this nation plant today was a small opera- war effort. John Stacy was loca! the present 95 cent and $1.06 ion known as Arrowhead Mill bond chairman and his besi lunches to balance the take. are playing a vital part in our national effort to And he says his eyes wink in salesman was Fred Vano. Free Of course there are the good reduce unemployment. Last year, they added more amazement when he walks by outsold the whole committee sides to a sales tax! It should than 115,000 people to the employ- ' modern telephone and power selling bonds to everyone he met ease the state's income tax levy ment rolls. ompany offices. He has seen His achievement did not go un- in the coming years and make The Small Business Administranew businesses replace old an< commended. The Treasury De- mfere state tax dollars available tion is an agency created by Congress downtown and west side assume partment later presented him for county and city projects. to assist small independent business 1 modem proportions. with a citation which he cher- Supervisors may even confirms to become more significant facIn his reminiscences he men- ishes to this day. ider adding to the sales tax to tors in our economy. It makes loans ase the burden on county real to small businesses to enable them to estate. In fact, Mayor Rowlee expand their operations and so emwas among the first to suggest ploy more people. uch a move. THOUSANDS OF LOANS Golfers are a tough breed but In 1964 the Small Business AdminJohn Sparkman many of them added an extra istration made almost 11,000 loans tick last week-end when rain with a total value of $425,800,000. This is a record and snow greeted the opening for the agency. In addition 200 loans amounting to of the Battle Island course. more than $30,000,000 were made to local developThat extra stick held up an ment companies across the nation. These loans umbrella and many dotted the created 6700 new job opportunities. course. Many were observed The small businessman is the backbone of our blowing on their hands!probcountry. He is an excellent social and economic inably for luck as it doesn't seem fluence on his community. His efforts should be enhat they would be cold on such couraged and rewarded. When he is in trouble he i nice spring day. should be helped. Just about everything has Providing relief to victims of floods and storms been found by police in a junk is one of the most important jobs of the Small Busiyard rural cache uncovered ness Administration. Last year more than 4000 during the wsek-end by police. small businessmen received nearly $92,000,000 to I stopned out but the only thing TREASURY D E W CITATION Frederick Vano displays cita- that I have missing is a large assist them in recovering from the devastation tion he received from United States Treasury Department in cat. , caused by natural disasters. 1944 "in acknowledgement of patriotic participation in the war Many of the items found have But the major part of the Small Business Adminfinancing program of Warld Wat- II . . . for meritorious serbeen reported missing from istration work remains providing capital for the exvice rendered in the Fifth War Loan." Vano sold many thouspansion of small firms. The unprecedented prosands of dollars of war bonds to aid the war effort during the summer camps so it might pay for camp owners to check up perity of the past 48 months has generated a heavy 1940-44 war years. and make a claim for any missdemand for funds to keep pace with the growing e articles. consumer demand for goods and services. Ronald Blanding Personals Much of the loot was stuffed PARTNERS IN PROGRESS William Lar- in the trunks of the junk cars Named Assistant Mr. and Mrs. To meet this demand and enable private lending and even included frozen foods. At First Trust institutions to participate in the growth of their N.J. visited last week with It's just another reason for Staff changes at the Fulton Mrs. Larkin's parents, Mr. and local communities, last year the Small Business Adoffice of First Trust & Deposit Mrs. John Swierczek, Granby cleaning up these unsightly ministration started a drive to interest banks in junk spots in the rural areas. Co. were announced this week center, taking over some of the agency's outstai ling loans. by W. Niver Wynkoop, presiIt will be interesting to note :ii This program has been successful. dent of the bank. Mrs. Greta Rice, W. Broad- how voters react in the Fulton This aspect of the Small Business AdministraAssistant Secretary William way was called to Syracuse school election on May 4. The tion's activities demonstrates that government and H. Stevens has been appointed due to the death of her sister West side has no candidates albusiness can work together in productive partnerofficer in charge. He replaces Mrs. Evelyn Hogan Post, for- though one has lived on the ship. Such a program points the way toward inWest side as well as in the town Assistant Vice President John merly of Fulton. creased effectiveness for the Small Business AdminJ. Kohles, who has been proof Granby. istration. moted to a supervisory post Mrs. Mary Lou Broadwell, W I look for one of the lightest in the main office in Syracuse. 7th St. has been accepted by turnouts in the school elections The Small Business Administration can play an Ronald N. Blanding of (>14 Syracuse University Medical and feel that Oswego may not important part in solving our unemployment probSeneca St., has been named Center to enter the September do much better despite its havlems in the years ahead. In the next year alone assistant to the officer in class of student nurses. 3,700,000 young people will come into the job maring 18 candidates. charge at the Fulton office. ket. With the aid of the Small Business AdministraMr. and Mrs. James Gagli- High praise is again due the Stevens, of 61 Patrick Circle, tion many of them will find jobs with small firms. has been with First Trust since ardo, Curtis St. observed their Fulton P.T.A. and Recreation, In the Great Society there should be a job for 1955. After several years as 32nd wedding anniversary on Commission for its annual Eastevery person who earnestly wants one. The Small farm loan supervisor and a April 18th. They have two sons er egg hunt. It is a real credit Business Administration is one of the government branch office m a n a g e r in Joseph at home and James J r to these people that they carried out this fine activity! for agencies striving to reach this goal. Syracuse, he was assigned to in the Air Force. the youngsters as fewer and the Fulton office when it opfewer communities seem to be ened last October. tonsils out last week in Osweg Personals Blanding joined First Trust Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Hep- doing so. On- the other hand, I last summer after s e v e r a l pell and children, Ronald and note that the White House held Mrs. Margaret Warren of 1022 Hospital. years experience with another Constance of 465 S. 5th St., at- its annual egg rolling despite Cayuga St. left Easter Sunday to tended the funeral of Mrs all of the vast problems of state. visit her daughter and son-in- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zonne financial institution. ville and children, Columbus Kohles, who has been with Heppell's uncle, Earl Coon of "Downtown", may soon be the law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Swenson Ohio were visiting Mrs. Zoone and family of Chester, Virginia. ville's parents, Mr. and Mrs First Trust since 1926, has Watertown, on Friday, April hit tune for members of St. been named assistant to the 16th. Josephs Council of the K. of C. The Knights are said to be Mr. and Mrs. Francis Caffrey, John Grant, Pratt St., las vice president in charge of the bank's Branch Division. In Mrs. Merlin Doty, RD 4, Os- planning a new home at the Syracuse, spent Easter with their weekend. his new post, he will supervise wego entertained the neigh- old Chamber of Commerce. mother. Mrs. Helen Caffrey, O.Paul Terramiggi celebrate the activities of nine of First borhood children on Saturdaj Even the old timers are hard neida St. his 18th birthday recently wit Trust's branch offices, includ- afternoon with an Easter Egg pressed to recall any balkier Christine and John Cali, Gran- friends and relatives. He is th ing the one in Fulton at 121 Hunt. Discovering the many springs than the present one. by-Bowens Rd., children of Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Josep S. First 'St., and assist in the colorful "nests" were at leas April showers are mixed with supervision 30 young children. and Mrs. Vincent C^li had their, Terramiggi, Broadwell Ave. snow and woe for everyone.


fighting Unemployment





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