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Russell Ng !!

Turning Stones 2014


A. Read and study each of the situations and then try to decide how you would help resolve the problems presented SITUATION A ! You go to a school where there is a lot of pressure to achieve a high grade. The situation is further complicated by your demanding parents who expect you to do well. You have a pretty good average over your rst three years in high school. You are now in your senior ! y e a r and in a physics class. The teacher is a little unfair. He has planned a di"cult test for ! you and your classmates. You know from the past experience that 50 percent of the students cheat at their exams. You have studied pretty hard, but you know that unless you cheat, many others will get a higher grade than you. What would you do? Reasons to cheat (3)! 1 Higher grades ! ! 2 No need to study! 3 Impress parents!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Reasons to remain honest (3) 1 Not sinning 2 Stay true to yourself 3 No chance to get sanctioned

My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to cheat) to 5 (I will remain honest), I would decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / SITUATION B ! A good friend of yours o#ers you some drugs in order for you to get high. You show an initial unwillingness to take them. He tries to talk you into it by saying that his experience with drugs is that they are fun. Besides, he says, you cannot really hurt anyone but yourself. He further adds that it is nobodys business but yours whether you take the drug or not. The law and parents should not prevent you from enjoying yourself. Would you take the drug? ! ! Reasons to take drugs! ! $$$$$$$$$! $Reasons not to take drugs 1 New experience ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 Bad for your health 2 It is against the law

2 To impress your friend !

Russell Ng !! 3 Have fun ! !

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Turning Stones 2014

3 May act as a gateway drug

My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to take it) to 5 (I will not take the drug), I would decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / SITUATION C ! Your post high school career has taken you into the Air Force. Unfortunately, your country is at war with a separatist group of rebels in a far o# town that wants to secede on the basis of their beliefs. You respect the law and believe very much in the values in your constitution. On a particular day, you are ordered to bomb and totally destroy the village where the rebels are hiding. The rebels are a majority there although among them too are many old people and children. The residents do not support the rebels but are silent on account of their fear of the rebels getting back at them. Should you bomb? Reasons to bomb ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Reasons not to bomb 1 Innocent lives in the area 2 Committing murder 3 Against the idea of peace

1 It is my duty as a soldier ! 2 To kill rebels! ! !

3 To make an impact in the war !

My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to bomb) to 5 (I will not bomb) decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /

B. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1. SITUATION A: Is cheating ever right? Does the argument because everyone else is doing it make it right? Can you think of some consequences for society if morality were based on that argument? Cheating can never be right because one always has the responsibility to study properly for a test. One cannot blame the teacher because it was his choice to study in that school. If we always use the excuse that everyone else is doing it, no one would stand up for what is right anymore and try to make a positive di#erence.

Russell Ng !!

Turning Stones 2014

2. SITUATION B: Would your decision concerning drugs have made a di#erence if the drug were marijuana? Shabu? Do parents and society have a right to limit your fun? Yes, they have a right to limit your fun as long as you are dependent of them. As long as they are giving you a home and are supporting all your needs, you have the right to follow what they want you to do or not to do. Drugs are drugs no matter what. 3. SITUATION C: Are we always obliged to follow authority? Where do we draw a line between disobedience to law and conscience? It was his decision as a citizen to join the army. Joining the army entailed following his superiors no matter what. He had to have known what he was getting into, therefore he must either follow orders or quit the army.



Something is right for me if I think it is right ! ! ! ! [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [% ] $$$1! $$$ 2 ! $$ 3! 4! $5

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Something is right if my intention and feelings are right. ! ! ! ! [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [% ] $$$1! $$$ 2 ! $$ 3! 4! $5

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Something is right if others say it is. ! ! ! ! [ ____ ] [% ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] $$$1! $$$ 2 ! $$ 3! 4! $5

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D. A mix of many things ! ! ! ! ! ! [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] $$$1! $$$ 2 ! $$ 3! [% ] [ ____ ] 4! $5

Russell Ng !!

Turning Stones 2014

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