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Zero Your Account

Here's an interesting article about getting refund of our credit that we extend to the US inc. That 1099 method of cancelling civil cases is particularly interesting.

Zero Your Account "A Question of Philosophy A few years ago, we were employing IRS Form 1099-OID by naming the straw party as the Recipient and the de facto entity as the Payer. Roger Elvick used that very method in the case that landed him in prison. More recently, the Zero Your Account (ZYA) method for bringing the Individual Master File / social security record to a zero balance has employed the OID form by naming the straw party as Payer and the de facto entity as Recipient. And even more recently, a method which uses a 1099-A which names the straw party as the Lender in conjunction with a 1099-OID which names the straw party as the recipient has appeared and, as of this writing, has shown promise for resolving Court cases and providing a substantial return of funds to the Source (the living Man/Woman).

PHILOSOPHY OF ZYA The philosophy of ZYA is simple. Living men have prepaid the entire de facto concoction with the loss of the Land in 1865 and the transfer of all wealth to the United States Federal

Corporation and subjugation of free-holding rights in 1933. This mega-pool of credit is used to fund the abomination and production of all goods and services there under. The correct economic model therefore for a simple retail purchase would be to visit the store and have the value of the requisitioned goods set-off against Our credit. But since it does not work that way, since living Men are forced to pay for goods and services they have already funded, we seek a refund of the payment. The invoice or billing amount with which we are served is the fiction value that is attributed to the amount of our credit that was used to produce the good or service. Since U.S. Inc. paid nothing for the gain and is charging us the invoice amount, that invoice amount comprises the Original Issue Discount the amount that they will gain when we pay them minus the cost of the credit to produce the good or service (which was $0.00). In banking situations, we approach a licensed credit bearer (bank) for the purpose of buying back our own goods a house or a car for instance. Since the bank claims to be loaning us value of some sort, and we supplied all of that value when our money was confiscated by deception in 1933 under the Communist Roosefesto, in effect the bank is charging us for access to our own credit. So we are injured twice when we purchase the car and when we pay the bank the usury rape tax. Therefore, since the banks investment was $0.00 and they are making value equal to the principal and interest of the loan, the Original Issue Discount is equal to the face value of the contract plus any payments that were made. Under ZYA, the author suggests that the OID amount is listed in Box #1 and noted as a federal withholding in Box #4. Those

amounts are then transferred to the cover form, Form 1096. Simple and neat. Form 1096 is especially revealing because it asks, remarkably, for the EIN and social security number of the filer which has been interpreted to mean it is asking for information about the living mans live account and the fictions dead corporate account, although implies that these boxes are provided to accommodate individual OR corporate filers. That total amount as listed on the 1096 is then transferred to Lines 21, 22, 37, 38, 41 and 43 on IRS Form 1040 as Taxable Income. And on the very next line, Line 44, the Tax on that income is listed as $0.00 so that a refund of the full OID can be sought on Line 74a (all lines from 2007 Form 1040). This is the primary concern of those who are now using the older method as they believe such a filing could lead to fraud charges or an audit. Proponents of ZYA simply call attention to the following: 1. The tax is stated to be voluntary and is known to be selfassessing. A living man can elect to assess a zero amount. 2. The living man is not a corporation and hence not taxable. Interestingly, the 1040 does NOT state Your Taxable Income. It only states Taxable Income on Line 43. But on Line 63 the form states: This is your tax.You admit to the tax. They get to retain the gain. 3. The purpose of all of these filings is to present the distinction between the living and straw parties. Form 1040 is being used to identify withheld funds. Period.

4. Form 56 (see below).

PHILOSOPHY OF THE ORIGINAL METHOD The philosophy of the original method is similar to the above as far as pre-payment and being blocked from accessing our own credit. However, in the original method, the tax on Line 43 is completed by looking up the applicable tax on a tax table, and then subtracting the tax from the OID to arrive at the applicable refund.

PHILOSOPHY OF THE 1099-A METHOD This method was designed by two very clever men who researched IRS codes and regs (especially Publication 1212, 26 U.S.C. Secs. 1271 1275, and Chapter 33A of American Jurisprudence 2d, pages 695 715. It is intended to identify the living man as the sponsor of the credit. A 1099-A is used to identify the court or bank as the borrower of funds that have been abandoned. When U.S. Inc. failed to redeem the notes which signified their debt to the Sovereigns (FRNS), the 1099-A identifies the value of the case or original mortgage note as the amount of the credit that has been abandoned. This is a simple system in which a simple Affidavit of Original Issue with Exhibits A and B (photocopy of Copy B of courts 1099-OID; photocopy of Copy B of 1099-A) is filed in the case, with another original sent to the Plaintiff/prosecutor with Exhibits A and B (photocopy of Copy B of Plaintiffs 1099-OID; photocopy of Copy B of 1099-A). It has succeeded in achieving

abandonment of all civil court cases in which its been tired and various refunds. CAUTION: DO NOT EXTRAPOLATE A SILVER BULLET. Many such technologies have succeeded at first and then been stone-walled. WHICH OF THESE METHODS TO CHOOSE, however, is less a function of any of the above information and more a function of: Faith in the Creator And Willingness to persevere

It has been suggested that the Secretary of the Treasury be appointed as fiduciary for all tax and judicial matters (they are the same issues by the way) on IRS Form 56. It is not the method, but the Man that makes the difference. Only the man can stand up and be counted: Thats my understanding. Show me where Im wrong. Its fraud? Dont you have a copy of Form 56? If I got it wrong, why are you not correcting it?Do you not have the authority? If a Sovereign living Man receives a Notice of Frivolous Penalty, instead of crying or quitting or skulking away, he recognizes this as a novation, a re-draft, a substitution of a new contract for the old contract, and he celebrates by issuing a corrected set of filings to institute a return of those additional

funds to the Source. Interest, fees and penalties? Who cares? Heres another filing for return to the Source. It is his faith that keeps him true to the Creator when others fold their cards, tuck tail and run. He knows that when you accede to Satans promises, Satan will then be able to control his every move. A Sovereign living Man holds his ground and remains consistent with his beliefs and his Faith regardless of the provocation or the venue (commerce, common law, Constitution, Articles of Confederation, Original jurisdiction). The venue other than Original jurisdictions irrelevant. He knows the Lord said, fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you. (Chronicles, 20:17). Therefore, when a Sovereign man hears about the 1099-A method, he will NOT run out and correct all of his ZYA returns, he will merely continue to persevere.

Commerce is just another way of demonstrating who you are. So is common law. So is abatement. So are declarations of political status. So are David Clarences removals. So are Keith Edwardss Cancellatura documents. The pathway to freedom is in you, my friends. Not on a piece of paper. None of us have complete knowledge. Thats the way they intend it. Satan does not want to let us off the hook. Its whats in your heart that matters, the strength of your faith, the commitment to perseverance. Once you turn around, you are lost in the kingdom of Satan from which there is no escape. This is what I believe."

Here's the Affidavit of original issue: AFFIDAVIT%20OF%20ORIGINAL%20ISSUE.doc nts/AFFIDAVIT...

Plain Statement of Facts 1. Affiant is the agent for alleged Defendant JOHN H. DOE. 2. Alleged Defendant JOHN H. DOE is the "Original Issuer" of the credit on the debt instrument commonly known and identified as Claim or Case No. 0108-XXXX in THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. 3. THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE is a corporation doing business under an unknown tax identification number also known as THE EAST OCEANSIDE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA located at 1234 River Avenue, OCEANSIDE, CA 86851. 4. The Original Issue price of $20,289.92 for Claim or Case No. 0108-XXXX was accepted on June 30, 2008, by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE and is

filed on Internal Revenue Service Form 1099-OID (attached hereto and stated herein as alleged Defendant's "Exhibit A"). 5. Creditor JOHN H. DOE accepted the Claim or Case No. 0108-XXXX on the attached Internal Revenue Service Form 1099-OID (please see "Exhibit A") for the assessed value of the taxes owed. 6. There being no controversy in THE EAST OCEANSIDE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA on Claim or Case No. 0108-XXXX, this court does not have subject matter jurisdiction and must vacate any order(s) or judgment(s) made.

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