Pesach Sheni Is This Monday May: B.J. Youth Activities

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10. 26:1 - In the Mikdash. 1.

If a home in a walled city is sold,

free. when can it be redeemed?
money, he must wait until the yovel to go 2. What does the word "days" mean in
9. 25:54 - No. If he is not redeemed with this week's Parsha?
8. 25:41 - His master. 3. What is considered a walled city?
jobs 4. What is the definition of a "ger
3.Do not make him perform unnecessary
5. To what is one who leaves Eretz Yis-
2.Do not sell him publicly
1.Do not make him perform humiliating rael compared?
7. 25:39-43 - 6. Why does Rashi mention the plague
behalf of others. of the firstborn in this week's Parsha? The reading for Behar can be found Overview is courtesy of Rav Aron
with interest, pretending they are acting on 7. List three prohibitions which dem- on page 696 . Note: The Shabbos Tendler
will G-d discern and punish those who lend onstrate the dignity with which one Torah Reading is divided into 7 parts.
firstborn and those who were not, so too must treat a Jewish indentured servant. Each section is called an Aliya Pesach Sheni is this Monday May
discerned in Egypt between those who were 8. Who supports the family of the Jew-
literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, 18th. There is no Tachanun and there
ish indentured servant during his years
Egypt." Rashi explains that just as G-d
am the L-rd your G-d who took you out of
of servitude? one person "goes up" to make a is a custom of eating Matzah on this
interest is accompanied by the phrase, "I
9. If a Jew is sold as a servant to a non- bracha [blessing] on the Torah day to commemorate the Second
Reading. Pesach offering during Temple times
6. 25:38 - The prohibition against taking
5. 25:38 - To one who worships idols. Jew, does he go free after six years?
worship idols. 10. Where is it permitted to prostrate 1st Aliya: 1st Aliya: Parshas BeHar
Yisrael and accepts upon himself not to oneself on a stone floor? begins with the laws of Shemitah and Lag Ba’Omer
4. 25:35 - A non-Jew who lives in Eretz Yovel. The land lay fallow every 7th This coming Friday, May 23rd is Lag
by a wall since the time of Yehoshua.
Welcome to all of our guests & year, and after the 49th year, (7x7) it Ba’omer where haircuts and shaving
lay fallow a 2nd year for the 50th and all restrictions are lifted from the
3. 25:29 - A city that has been surrounded
2. 25:29 - The days of an entire year. visitors to San Diego &
not return.
Beth Jacob Congregation. year as well. mourning period. One must wait until
the sale. Afterwards, even in yovel, it does
Welcome back to Shoshana and 2nd, 3rd & 4th Aliyot G-d promises Friday morning
1. 25:29 - Only within the first year after
Shimon Frenkel from (25:21-22) that He will provide for
the nation, regardless of the land be- As many of you know Gershon
Eretz Yisrael Brookler will be having surgery
ing fallow. No one will go hungry.
Condolences to Sarit Reich this Thursday May 22nd. In
The return at Yovel of all hereditary
on the loss of her mother lands to their original owners is com- order to prepare, we have
Mrs. Sima Mizrachi organized the reciting of The
Sarit will be sitting Shiva in B.J. YOUTH ACTIVITIES 5th Aliya: The difference between
entire Tehillim every day. If you
Shabbos Morning Schedule would still like to sign up and
Israel and getting up on the sale of a property in a walled city commit to reciting specific
Wednesday morning. Sarit Kinder-Cong Pre-K and K vs. an unwalled city is established. Tehillim every day please
can be contacted in Israel. in the Kinder-Cong room Continuing the theme of providing contact Leah Bogopulsky. This
The information can be seen Boys grades 1-4 Youth Center and dependency, we are commanded Chessed will continue through
on the website or through the Girls grades 1-4 Social Hall to provide for our impoverished next Shabbos
Rabbi. Girls grades 5-8 Apt. 7 Mrs. brethren. Just as G-d provides for us,
Reitman we must provide for each other.
Please say Tehillim for Naftali
Shabbos afternoon groups led by 6th & 7th Aliyot The freeing of all ben Gila, one of the students
SCY High and ZOA present Jewish slaves at the Yovel is detailed.
Michael Tuchfeld speaking on Rebbetzin Alterman for boys & wounded in the Mercaz HaRav
The Torah discusses redeeming a shootings whose condition is
“Israel’s 60 Years of Independence” girls grades K-5 in the social
Jewish slave from a non-Jewish drastically worsening. Please
Shabbos night May 17th, 9:15 am hall 4:45-5:45 p.m. Please be on
At Chabad of University City owner, and the formula for how much Daven for him. He suffered a
time to pay the non-Jewish master. stroke this week...15 yrs old.
Candlelighting………………….… .….7:23 p.m. Daf Yomi
The Haftorah can be found on page 1177. out a charade of optimism and hope. Yirmi-
Mincha …………………………...........6:30 p.m. Mon—Fri…..….......6:15 am
Yirmiyahu, the prophet of doom, began his yahu himself questioned G-d's message. Daf Hayomi Nazir 58.…....…………....7:45 a.m. Sunday…..……...…7:00 am
prophecies 40 years before the destruction of (32:25) Why should I do this? The city has Hashkama Minyan in Youth Ctr...……..7:45 a.m. Shabbos…...…..…..7:45 am
the Bais Hamikdash in 3298; 463 b.c.e. One been handed over to the Chaldeans!. G-d Shacharis (main sanctuary)…….............8:45.a.m. Monday
year before the actual destruction, Yirmiyahu answered, (32:27) Behold! I am G-d. Is any- Latest time for Shema…………………..9:16 a.m. Ethics Class.….......0:00 am
was imprisoned for a second time on charges thing to wondrous for Me to do? Rabbi Bloom’s class……………………4:45 p.m.
of treason. However, he continued to pro- Although Yirmiyahu had futilely prophesized
Prophets…………..7:45 pm.
Ladies class ………….....………….…..5:15 p.m. Ladies Chumash…..0 :00 pm
claim the eventual destruction of Yerusha- the destruction of the land for 40 years, there Rabbi’s Pirkei Avos class…..…………..5:15 p.m.
layim and the exile of the nation from Israel. was still a chance for the Jews to reverse the Gemara Sotah…......8:30 pm
Rabbi’s class……………….…....….…..6:05 p.m.
G-d sent Yirmiyahu a message while he was decree. However, more than the ever-present Tuesday
in prison that he was to redeem the ancestral possibility of repentance and redemption was
Mincha…………………..….….….........7:05 p.m.
Lunch N Learn
field of his uncle Chanamael the son of Sha- the message of hope. No matter how dismal Shalosh Seudos ………….... ..………....7:30 p.m.
2nd & 4th Tuesday..0:00 pm
lum. (That is the direct connection to Parshas the times or seemingly inevitable the doom, Shabbos Ends……...……….…………..8:24 p.m.
Judaism 101...……..7:45 pm
Bhar.) Yirmiyahu purchased the field and we must have hope. Even the great Yirmi- Havdala
Gemara Iyun. …..…8:30 pm
gave the deed of purchase to his student Ba- yahu needed to be reminded to have hope. Kiddush Levana-Sanctification of moon Torah Topics………8:30 pm
ruch ben Nuriah (who would succeed Yirmi- In the end, on the day of the actual destruc-
yahu as spiritual leader of the nation) to be tion of the Temple, Yirmiyahu was not in WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Wednesday
secured in a sealed clay vessel for safekeep- Yerushalayim. The Medresh relates that upon Sunday Ashkenaz Shacharis......…..........8:00 a.m. Taste of Talmud…...7:45 pm
ing. turning toward his beloved Yerushalayim, Sunday Sephardic Shacharis…………...7:45 a.m. Gemara Sotah….......8:30 pm
G-d's message to the Yirmiyahu and the Jews Yirmiyahu saw smoke rising from the Temple Mon - Fri Shacharis………….....6:20 & 7:15 a.m. Thursday
was direct and simple. Repentance is yet pos- Mt. Instead of suspecting the worst, Yirmi- Parshas Hashavua....8:00 pm
Sun-Thur Mincha ……….……………..7:20 p.m.
sible. “Houses, fields, and vineyards will yet yahu allowed himself to hope, as G-d had
Sun.—Thurs Maariv……….. …….…...9:15 p.m. Gemara Iyun..…......8:30 pm
be bought in this land. (32:15) taught him, that the smoke was from sacri-
Imagine! On the eve of the First Temple's fices that the Jews had finally decided to offer Candlelighting May 23rd……..............7:28 pm NEW SCHEDULE:
destruction, while imprisoned on charges of on the Temple altar. He allowed himself to Sunday night Aggadata
treason for demoralizing the nation with his hope that the nation had repented and the Mon & Wed Sotah
incessant message of impending doom and disaster would be averted. Unfortunately, it LAG BA’OMER PICNIC Tue & Thur Bava Kamma
destruction, Jeremiah was commanded to act was not so. All taught by
Rsvp and sign up for the BJC Rabbi Alterman at 8:30p.m.

annual picnic on May 25th, We are looking for
32nd of 54 sedras; 9th of 10 in Vay REFUAH SHELAIMAH Del Cerro Park 3-7 pm sponsors of Kiddush &
Written on 99 lines in a Sefer Torah Irving Bernhardt Rose Kraft Shalosh Seudos
7 parshiyot; 1 open, 6 closed Goldie Masliah Doni Lepor
57 p'sukim, rank: 50th; last in Vay Unveiling of the stone for
Ralph Carson Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored
737 words, rank: 50th; last in Vay
2817 letters, rank: 50th; last in Vay Mrs. Hannah Weill by Gershon Brookler in thanks to
B'har has "only" 24 mitzvot, yet only 7 Sunday, May 25th the community for all their Tefillos
other sedras have more. Shul Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. at and good wishes
MITZVOT Contains 24 mitzvot - 7 Sunday, May 18th, 2008 Home of Peace Cemetery
positive, 17 prohibitions 9:00 a.m. All members are Newly arrived cards for all
Mitzva Distribution: Only 7 sedras Know someone who is looking for an occasions being sold from the Shul
have more mitzvot than B'har. 9 invited to attend. office. Come in and buy a few!!!
apartment? Apartments available to rent.
sedras (B'har included) contain 409 Exercise class for women only!!! Call Propact @619.917.0592 or
mitzvot. That comes to 17% of the
Sunday, 9:00—10:00 a.m. in the New Apt. Mgr. Doug at 619.490.8465 Shalosh Seudos is
sedras containing 67% of the mitzvot. for rates and information sponsored by the Shul
17 sedras (31%) have no mitzvot
social hall. $5.00
In memory of Mrs. Paula
Check out the NEW Shul Website Tannen on her Yahrzeit

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