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Why were the Jewish People

counted so frequently?
10.3:7 - Bigtan and Teresh. 2. What documents did the people
9. 3:4 - Nadav had no children. bring when they were counted?
as if he gave birth to them. 3. What determined the color of the
8. 3:1 - Since Moshe taught them Torah, its tribal flags?
7. 2:32 - 603,550. 4. What is the difference between an
pets. "ot" and a "degel"?
parted and the kohanim sounded the trum- 5. How do we see that the Jews in the
time of Moshe observed "techum
6. 2:9 - The cloud over the Ohel Moed de-
Shabbat" - the prohibition against The reading for Bamidbar can be responsibilities in transporting the
Moed on Shabbat.
been forbidden for them to go to the Ohel
Had they camped farther, it would have traveling more than 2,000 amot on found on page 726 . Note: The Mishkan is stated, and their total
more than 2,000 amot from the Ohel Moed.
6. What was the signal for the camp
Shabbos Torah Reading is was 22,000.
divided into 7 parts. Each section 6th Aliya: Being that the Leviyim
5. 2:2 - G-d commanded them to camp no
a flagpole. to travel?
cloth that hangs from a flagpole. A degel is 7. What was the sum total of the is called an Aliya literally: Go up were to be in direct exchange for
4. 2:2 - An "ot" is a flag, i.e., a colored counting of the 12 tribes? since for each Aliya, one person the first born, Moshe counts all the
kohen gadol. 8. Why are Aharon's sons called "sons "goes up" to make a bracha first born in the rest of the nation.
of Aharon and Moshe"?
that tribes stone in the breastplate of the
3. 2:2 - Each tribes flag was the color of
9. Who was Nadav's oldest son?
[blessing] on the Torah Their total was 22,273. The extra
ing their tribal lineage.
10. Which two people from the Book Reading. 273 first born are instructed to
1st & 2nd Aliyot: Moshe counts redeem themselves from Aharon
2. 1:18 - They brought birth records prov-
1. 1:1 - They are very dear to G-d. of Esther does Rashi mention in
this week's Parsha? all males over the age of 20, and the Kohain for 5 silver shekels.
registers them according to their 7th Aliya: The Parsha concludes
Shavuos Dinner Sunday
paternal ancestry. The total, not with detailed instructions for the
night June 8th including Shayvet Layvie, was family of Kahas. Their primary
RSVP to the Shul office Welcome to all of our guests &
visitors to San Diego & 603,550. The total number of Jews responsibility was to transport the
Beth Jacob Congregation. was around 3 million. vessels of the Mishkan. Only
Shalosh is sponsored by 3rd Aliya: The tribes are each Aharon and his sons were allowed
Leah and Marty Mally in assigned their position within the to cover the vessels in preparation
memory of Leah’s and B.J. YOUTH ACTIVITIES camp, and in the order of the for transport. Once covered, the
Marty’s father on their traveling. family of Kahas did the actual
Shabbos Morning Schedule
Yahrzeits 4th Aliya: In preparation for carrying.
Kinder-Cong Pre-K and K
in the Kinder-Cong room separating the tribe of Layvie, the Overview is courtesy of Rav Aron
Boys grades 1-4 Youth Center Torah establishes Aharon's Tendler
Girls grades 1-4 Social Hall genealogy. Although the Kohanim
Girls grades 5-8 Apt. 7 Mrs. were also from the Tribe of As many of you know Gershon
Reitman Layvie, they were counted by Brookler had surgery last
themselves. Thursday. We are asking
Shabbos afternoon groups led by those who are reciting Tehillim
Rebbetzin Alterman for boys & 5th Aliya: Moshe counts the
Leviyim according to their three to continue every day through
girls grades K-5 in the social his recovery period. This
hall 5:00-6:00 p.m. Please be on basic families: Gershon, Kehas,
Chessed will continue through
time and Mirarri. Their individual
next Shabbos.
Candlelighting………………….… .….7:33 p.m. Daf Yomi
Mincha …………………………...........6:30 p.m. Mon—Fri…..….......6:15 am
The Haftorah can be found on page sins. In essence, Hoshea had spoken
Daf Hayomi Sotah 7...…....…………....7:45 a.m. Sunday…..……...…7:00 am
1180. Hosea 2:01- 2:22 Lashon Harah about the Jews.
Hashkama Minyan in Youth Ctr...……..7:45 a.m. Shabbos…...…..…..7:45 am
This week's Haftorah is from Hoshea. As a part of Hoshea's training, Hashem
Shacharis (main sanctuary)…….............8:45.a.m. Monday
Hoshea's prophecy is a seemingly instructed him to marry a woman who
Latest time for Shema…………………..9:13 a.m. Ethics Class.….......0:00 am
contradictory presentation of the was a prostitute. He fathers three
Rabbi Bloom’s class……………………4:45 p.m. Prophets…………..7:45 pm.
relationship between the Jews and G-d. children whom he gives unusual names
Ladies class ………….....………….…..5:30 p.m. Ladies Chumash…..0 :00 pm
On the one hand Hoshea compares the reflecting his personal frustration with
Rabbi’s Pirkei Avos class…..…………..5:30 p.m. Gemara Sotah…......8:30 pm
Jews to a Harlot who betrays her the Jews. His oldest is named Yizrael -
Rabbi’s class……………….…....….…..6:15 p.m.
husband and can not in good conscience The G-d Who plants. His second child, a Tuesday
Mincha…………………..….….….........7:15 p.m.
claim that her husband has fathered her daughter, he names Lo Ruchamah - One Lunch N Learn
Shalosh Seudos ………….... ..………....7:35 p.m.
children. On the other hand, Hoshea who does not deserve mercy. His third 2nd & 4th Tuesday..0:00 pm
Shabbos Ends……...……….…………..8:33 p.m.
concludes his prophecy with G-d's child, a boy, he named Lo Ami - Not My Judaism 101...……..7:45 pm
promise that he will never abandon the nation. Gemara Iyun. …..…8:30 pm
Jews and that despite the nations betrayal Hashem then told him to send away his WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Torah Topics………8:30 pm
and disloyalty, the children are still His. wife and children. Hoshea begged G-d to Sunday Ashkenaz Shacharis…..............8:00 a.m. Wednesday
In order to understand this prophecy, a rescind His order because he loved his Sunday Sephardic Shacharis…...……...7:45 a.m. Taste of Talmud…...7:45 pm
little background is in order. G-d had family and did not want to be apart from Mon - Fri Shacharis………….....6:20 & 7:15 a.m. Gemara Sotah….......8:30 pm
stated to Hoshea that the Jews had them. G-d then says to him, "Isn't your Sun-Thur Mincha ……….……………..7:30 p.m. Thursday
sinned. Hoshea responded by suggesting wife a prostitute, and don't even know if Sun.—Thurs Maariv……….. …….…...9:15 p.m. Parshas Hashavua....8:00 pm
to Hashem that He exchange the Jews for your children are yours? Yet you love Candlelighting June 6th……..............7:33 pm Gemara Iyun..…......8:30 pm
another nation. As a Prophet, it was them! So too is my relationship with the NEW SCHEDULE:
Hoshea's responsibility to follow Jews. No matter how they betray me I SHOW YOUR COMMUNITY Sunday night Aggadata
Moshe's example and fight on behalf of still love them and do not want to be SUPPORT Mon & Wed Sotah
the nation, not reaffirm their guilt and apart from them!" Save the Dates: Tue & Thur Bava Kamma
• Wednesday, June 11th, All taught by
SCY High Graduation Rabbi Alterman at 8:30p.m.
Sunday night Gemara Shiur
with Rabbi Alterman 8:30 p.m. • Sunday, June 15th We are looking for
Bamidbar STATS Aggadata for Shavuos Day School Graduation sponsors of Kiddush &
34th of 54 sedras; 1st of 10 in Bamidbar • Sunday, June 15th Shalosh Seudos
“Story of Matan Torah”
Written on 263 lines in a Sefer Torah, Day School Banquet
ranks 3rd • Monday June 16th, Torah High
30 Parshiyot; 23 open, 7 closed, ranks 4th
School Seussical production
159 p'sukim - ranks 3rd (3rd in Bamidbar) REFUAH SHELAIMAH for women only Happy Birthday
1823 words - ranks 13th (4th in Bamid-
Irving Bernhardt Rose Kraft Bob Kelin
bar) • Tuesday, June 17th
7393 letters - ranks 9th (3rd in Bamidbar)
Goldie Masliah Doni Lepor
Ralph Carson Gershon Brookler Torah High Graduation
Note the difference in rank from p'sukim Newly arrived cards for all
to words. BaMidbar's p'sukim are among occasions being sold from the Shul
the shortest in the Torah - 11.5 words/ Know someone who is looking for an office. Come in and buy a few!!!
pasuk. Compare: Vayelech: 18.4, Book of Exercise class for women only!!! apartment? Apartments available to rent.
Bamidbar: 12.7, the Torah: 13.7 Sunday, 9:00—10:00 a.m. in the Call Propact @619.917.0592 or Kiddush is
MITZVOT social hall. $5.00 New Apt. Mgr. Doug at 619.490.8465 sponsored by the Shul
Largest of the 17 sedras with none of the
Check out the NEW Shul Website

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