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Communicating in Digital Age

Chapter 14 | Dida Lioniesa Susilo

Imparting or exchanging Communication information and news



The first step in the process involves the sender of a message thinking of an idea that he wants to communicate.

Encoding the message into a language that can be understood.

Choosing a Medium

Perceptual Process Model of


Choose the medium by which to send the message.

Output of Message

Communicate the message to the other individual.

Decoding of Message

The recipient of the message accepts the message and converts it into a form that can be interpreted.
Create a Meaning

The recipient will hear the message and try to understand what is being said.
Dealing with Noise

Noise is anything that can distract the recipient of the message from hearing it clearly.

Once the message is clearly received and understood by the recipient, feedback occurs.

Personal Barriers that Influence


Variable skills in communicating effectively Variations in how information is processed and interpreted Variations in personal trust Stereotypes and prejudices Big egos Poor listening skills Natural tendency to evaluate others messages Inability to listen with understanding Nonverbal communication
Physical barriers effective communication can be interfered by the gap between the employees

Other Barriers that Influence


Semantic barriers encoding and decoding errors involve transmitting and receiving words and symbolsfueled by the use of jargon and unnecessary words

Communication Style
ASSERTIVE Expressive without influence or intruding others

NON-ASSERTIVE Self denying and tend to make others taking advantages from ourselves

AGRESSIVE Expressive and taking advantage from others

Non-Verbal Communication
Touch Body movements and gestures Facial expressions Eye contact

5 Dominants Listening Styles

Comprehensive listener listens in a relaxed manner. listener interprets messages by focusing on emotions and body language of the speaker.
listener makes sense of a message by organizing specific thoughts and then integrating this information by focusing on relationships among ideas.

listener attempts to understand the main message and Discerning determine important points. listener listens analytically and formulates arguments Evaluative and challenges what is being said.

Ways to be a good listener

Capitalize on thought speed Listen for ideas Find an area of interest Judge content Hold your fire Work at listening Resist distractions Hear what is said Challenge yourself Use handouts, overheads, or other visual aids

Communication Differences Based on Gender

Biological Perspective Attribute
Inherited drives, needs, and conflicts associated with reproductive strategies between men and women by attributing the genders differences in communication

Social Role Theory

Both females and males learn different ways of speaking as children growing up

Formal Communication
Vertical Horizontal External Routes
Up and down in the organization
Communicating within and between work units

communicating with others outside the organization

Informal Communication
Do not follow the chain of command

The Grapevine

unofficial communication system of informal organization and encompasses all types of communication media

Critical Questions
1. In what circumstances formal communication types can be applied? 2. What do you have to do to be listened?

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