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1. Who may annul a vow?

2. When may a father annul his

among the tribes. widowed daughter's vows?
the conquest until the Land was divided 3. Why were the Jewish People not
commanded to attack Moav, as they
the Land. They promised to remain after
were to attack Midian?
west of the Jordan during the conquest of
10. 32:24 - Moshe required them to remain
9. 32:17 - At the head of the troops. 4. Those selected to fight Midian went
their property than for their children. unwillingly. Why?
8. 32:16 - They showed more regard for 5. What holy vessels accompanied the
7. 31:23 - Immersion in a mikve. Jewish People into battle?
6. 31:19 - The Machane Shechina. 6. Those who killed in the war against The reading for Parshas Mattos can discourage the rest of Bnei Yisrael,
5. 31:6 - The aron and the tzitz. Midian were required to remain outside be found on page 918. Note: The and that it is akin to the sin of the
would follow. the "machane" (camp). Which Shabbos Torah Reading is divided spies. They assure Moshe that they
4. 31:5 - They knew that Moshe's death
into 7 parts. Each section is called an will first help conquer Israel, and
7. Besides removing traces of for-
was destined to come from Moav.
fear against the Jewish People. Also, Ruth Aliya literally: Go up since for each only then will they go back to their
bidden food, what else is needed to
3. 31:2 - Because Moav only acted out of
make metal vessels obtained from a Aliya, one person "goes up" to make homes on the eastern side of the
a bracha [blessing] on the Torah. Jordan River. Moshe grants their
old and widowed before she was fully mar- non-Jew fit for a Jewish owner?
2. 30:10 - If she is under 12 and 1/2 years 8. "We will build sheep-pens here for Moshe teaches the rules and request on condition that they uphold
nedarim. Otherwise, three ordinary people. our livestock and cities for our little restrictions governing oaths and vows their part of the deal.
1. 30:2 - Preferably, an expert in the laws of ones." What was improper about this especially the role of a husband or
statement? father in either upholding or
9. During the conquest of the Land, annulling a vow. Bnei Yisrael wage
B.J. YOUTH ACTIVITIES where did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven
Shabbos Morning Schedule war against Midian. They kill the five Welcome to the newest
position themselves? Midianite kings, all the males and
Kinder-Cong Pre-K and K 10. What promise did Bnei Gad and Beth Jacob Staff families
in the Kinder-Cong room Bilaam. Moshe is upset that women
Boys grades 1-4 Youth Center
Bnei Reuven make beyond that which
were taken captive. They were Yisroel, Malka and Yael
Moshe required? Ahava Weiser
Girls grades 1-4 Social Hall catalysts for the immoral behavior of
Girls grades 5-8 Apt. 7 with Mrs. the Jewish People. He rebukes the Adam and Chava Kelin
Shabbos afternoon groups led by for
Mazal Tov officers. The spoils of war are
Dorit and Philip Silverman counted and apportioned. The Welcome to SEED
boys & girls grades K-5 in the social
hall is on break until the Simon/ on Golan’s engagement to
commanding officers report to Moshe 2008-5758!!!
Weiser Youth team arrive in August that there was not one casualty among This year’s All-Star lineup.
Ilana. The community is Bnei Yisrael. They bring an offering
invited for a L’Chayim on Heading the team...Rabbi
that is taken by Moshe and Elazar and Shia & Danielle Ellenberg
The lunch and learn that was July 31st from 7:30-10:00 placed in the Ohel Mo'ed (Tent of
scheduled for this Tuesday has p.m. at their home Bochurim:
Meeting). The Tribes of Gad and
been postponed until Tuesday, 6117 Pontiac Drive Dovid Claman-Ottowa
Reuven, who own large quantities of
August 12th.
livestock, petition Moshe to allow Chezki Dubin-Jerusalem
them to remain east of the Jordan and Yoni Senter-Monsey
Late Maariv 9:15 p.m. A Summer only restaurant!!! not enter the Land of Israel. They Benji Masher-London
Sunday-Thursday The Courtyard Grill. explain that the land east of the Yosaif Rosenberg-Baltimore
sign up at least once a week Sundays, Tuesday & Thursday Jordan is quite suitable grazing land Gidon Leiser-Belgium
at Adat Yeshurun 5pm-9pm for their livestock. Moshe's initial Come learn Sun-Thur
response is that this request will
Candlelighting………………….… .….7:33 p.m. Daf Yomi
Mincha …………………………...........6:30 p.m. Mon—Fri…..….......6:15 am
The Haftorah can be found on page many things. It is a cane for support Daf Hayomi Gittin 15..…....…………....7:45 a.m.
1192. In the first Haftorah of the to an older person. It is a staff of Sunday…..……...…7:00 am
Hashkama Minyan in Youth Ctr...……..7:45 a.m. Shabbos…...…..…..7:45 am
three weeks Hashem asks Yirmyahu, leadership to younger person. It can Shacharis (main sanctuary)…….............8:45.a.m.
“What do you see?” Yirmiyahu also be a rod to punish people. When Monday
Latest time for Shema…………………..9:26 a.m.
Ethics Class.….......0:00 am
answers that he sees a stick made of Yirmiyahu correctly identified it, Rabbi Bloom’s class……………………4:45 p.m.
Prophets…………..0:00 pm.
an almond branch. Hashem tells him Hashem confirmed his answer. Ladies class ………….....………….…..5:15 p.m.
Ladies Chumash…..0:00 pm
that he is correct and tells him this However a boiling pot obviously Pirkei Avos……………………………..5:30 p.m.
Gemara Iyun.h…......8:30 pm
symbolizes that the punishment will means trouble and needs no Rabbi’s class……………….…....….…..6:15 p.m.
Mincha…………………..….….….........7:15 p.m. Tuesday
come swiftly. After Hashem asks confirmation. Lunch N Learn
Shalosh Seudos ………….... ..………....7:35 p.m.
again, and Yirmiyahu replies that he The Medrash says that from the time Shabbos Ends……...……….…………..8:33 p.m. 2nd & 4th Tuesday..0:00 pm
sees a boiling pot of water. Here almond tree sprouts until the fruit is Havdala Judaism 101...……..8:00 pm
Hashem just goes straight to the ready is exactly 21 days. These days Gemara Iyun. …..…8:30 pm
explanation without congratulating represent the 21 days between Shiva Torah Topics………8:30 pm
him on his correct vision. Why? Asar B’Tammuz and Tisha B’Av and Sunday Ashkenaz Shacharis…..............8:00 a.m.
The Oheiv Yisroel (Likutim on the switness of Hashem’s judgment. Taste of Talmud…...7:45 pm
Sunday Sephardic Shacharis…...……...7:45 a.m. Gemara Iyun..….......8:30 pm
Shemos) says that a stick can be Mon - Fri Shacharis………….....6:20 & 7:15 a.m.
Sun-Thur Mincha ……….……………..7:30 p.m.
Parshas Hashavua....8:15 pm
Sun.—Thurs Maariv……….. …….…...9:15 p.m.
Gemara Iyun..…......8:30 pm
MATOT Stats Kiddush is sponsored by the Candlelighting August 1st..….............7:28 pm
Summer schedule in effect
42nd of the 54 sedras; 9th of 10 in Shul please check class with the
Bamidbar Women’s SEED learning with Rebbe, if class is on.
Written on 190 lines in a Sefer Torah Reb. Danielle Ellenberg
9 Parshiyot; 4 open, 5 closed Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by
Pessie Sonabend in memory of her Sunday –Thursday from SUMMER SEED
112 psukim - ranks 24th (7th in
B'midbar) husband Gidal on his Yarhtzeit 10:00—11:00 a.m. PROGRAM 5768-2008
1484 words - ranks 29th (6th in Monday and Wednesday July 24th -August 12th
B'midbar) Evenings from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Melava Malka July 26th, 9:30
5652 letters - ranks 30th (7th in p.m. at the Silverman’s on
REFUAH SHELAIMAH Newly arrived cards for all Pontiac. Lunch sign up for
Of the 7 pairs of sedras that are some- occasions being sold from the Shul
Irving Bernhardt Rose Kraft August 9th. Oneg on Friday
times combined and sometimes read office. Come in and buy a few!!!
Goldie Masliah Adella Adams night August 1st. Please set
separately, Matot and Mas'ei are the
Pessie Sonabend Doni Lepor
most-often combined pair. All over
Ralph Carson Rabbi Groundland aside these dates to participate
the world, they are separated only If you would like to receive this
Edith Wiseman Sheila Kunin publication via e-mail or fax before and benefit from the program.
10.5% of the time, the last time being
Shabbos, please call the office at For those who would like to
3 years ago. In Israel, they are sepa-
rated an additional 10% of the time - 619.287.9890. volunteer and participate
when Pesach begins on Shabbat and please call the
the year has 2 Adars. That last hap-
Camp Kesher Only one Know someone who is looking for an office at 619.287.9890
pened 3 years ago. apartment? Apartments available to rent.
Mitzvot: week left Register now
Call Propact @619.917.0592 or
Contains 2 of the 613 mitzvot, 1 pos. FMI call Chaya Samowitz New Apt. Mgr. Doug at 619.490.8465
1 prohibition 619.582.1070 Check out the NEW Shul
for rates and information

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