1st and 2nd Aliyot:: B.J. Youth Activities

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What forms of idol worship are punish-

able by death?
widow. 2. If a person performs miracles in the
10. 16:10 - A levi, convert, orphan, and name of Hashem and then says that the
matzah on the night of Pesach. laws of the Torah have been revised, what
9. 16:3 - Eating the korban pesach and the is done to this person?
city. 3. The Torah says, "to Him (Hashem) you
the poor of one's city, the poor of another shall cleave." How does one fulfill this
one's father, a brother from one's mother, command?
8. 15:7 - The most needy, a brother from 4. The trial of a person accused of encour-
permitted matters.
aging others to worship idols differs from The reading for Parshas Re’eh misuse the physical in the service of
the trial of other capital cases. How? can be found on page 998. Note: "gods who are not G-d", we negate
7. 14:21 - By avoiding excesses even in

1st and 2nd Aliyot: Moshe instructs the Creator's purpose for creating the
6. 14:2 - The kedusha is inherited from the 5. Who has the primary responsibility of
attempted to entice. inflicting the punishment on one who tried the Chosen People to eradicate any universe. Therefore, they and all their
5. 13:10 - The person whom the guilty one to entice others to worship idols? remnant of idolatry and strengthen all belongings must be destroyed.
not returned to court to plead in his favor. 6. What is the "source" of the Jewish Peo- aspects of service to G-d. All offer- 5th, 6th, and 7th Aliyot: The re-
he is retried. If he was judged guilty, he is ple being an am kadosh (holy nation)? ings must be brought to the "Chosen" mainder of the Parsha, details those
information of a condemning nature arises, 7. How should the Jewish People maintain
place, the Bais Hamikdash, so that Mitzvos that set us apart from all
4. 13:10 - If he was acquitted and new themselves as an am kadosh?
8. What is the order of priority regarding to worship is an act of humility and self- other nations: Kashrus; Maasros -
ing in burying the dead and visiting the
whom one should give charity? lessness, rather than a self-indulging Tithes; the Shmitah - sabbatical year;
actions by performing good deeds, assist-
9. What mitzvah recalls the Exodus from "need". An even greater danger to our the laws regarding lending money;
uniqueness is the innate desire to the Eved Ivri - a Jew who is a slave;
3. 13:5 - One should emulate Hashem's
2. 13:2-6 - He is put to death. Egypt?
worshipping that idol. 10. Which four individuals are under compromise and assimilate Torah the consecration of the first born ani-
ing oneself, and any normal manner of Hashem's "special protection"? values with other forms of worship. mal, and a review of the main Yomim
fice on an altar, pouring libations, prostrat- (the Chanukah bush syndrome) Tovim - holidays: Pesach, Shavouth,
3rd and 4th Aliyot: Moshe fore- and Succoth.
1. 12:30 - Slaughtering or burning a sacri-

warned the Jews against incorporat- Rav S.R. Hirsch points out that Rosh
B.J. YOUTH ACTIVITIES ing any pagan practices, and against Hashana and Yom Kippur are not
Shabbos Morning Schedule Welcome to all of our guests and the false prophet, idolatrous mission- reviewed in Sefer Divarim because
Kinder-Cong Pre-K and K visitors here for the Adattos and aries, and the Ir Hanidachas - the there were no changes in the practices
in the Kinder-Cong room Apostate City. These must be de- of those Yomim Tovim when living
Schloss families for Shabbos
Boys grades 1-4 Youth Center stroyed along with their material be- in the desert or living in Eretz Yis-
Girls grades 1-4 Social Hall longings. When using the world in roel. (Intro. to Divarim)
Girls grades 5-8 Apt. 7 with Mrs. Unveiling of the stone for accordance with the wishes of the
Reitman (off this week) Mr. Kalman Green
Shabbos afternoon groups led by for Creator, we declare the existence of a Overview is courtesy of Rav Aron
Sunday, August 31st Creator who has a divine purpose for Tendler
boys & girls grades K-5 in the social
hall will be up and running in a few 2:00 p.m. at creating the material world. When we
weeks. Please speak to Yisroel, or Home of Peace Cemetery
Adam for more information.
Sunday morning Bloomberry pan- Save the Date:
Sunday, August 31 at 11:00 a.m.
cakes with Mishnayos for the teens Torah High School presents Dedication of New Beit Midrash in memory of
after davening. Rabbi Paysach Krohn Al Adatto & Bert Schloss
September 11th, 2008
Monday, Sept 1 at 3:00 p.m.
Sephardic Torah Dedication in memory of Al Adatto
Candlelighting………………….… .….6:58 p.m. Daf Yomi
Mincha …………………………...........6:30 p.m. Mon—Fri…..….......6:15 am
The Haftorah can be found on page Avodas Hashem and Yiras Daf Hayomi Gittin 50..…....…………....7:45 a.m.
1199. Haftorah Re'eh Isaiah 54:11 - Shamayim. G-d will be recognized Sunday…..……...…7:00 am
Hashkama Minyan in Youth Ctr...……..7:45 a.m. Shabbos…...…..…..7:45 am
55:5 by all as the ony Provider of Shacharis (main sanctuary)…….............8:45.a.m.
This week's Haftorah is the third sustanance in contrast to our present Monday
Latest time for Shema…………………..9:35 a.m.
Ethics Class.…........0:00 am
Haftorah of Consolation. Yishayuhu assumed self-sufficiency and Ladies class ……………….....…….…..0:00 p.m.
Prophets…………..7:45 pm.
Hanavi described the utopian times independence. The words of Pirkei Avos for men & women………...5:15 p.m.
Ladies Chumash…..0:00 pm
of Mashiach when the veiling values Yishyuhu offer us hope in knowing Rabbi’s class……………….…....….…..5:45 p.m.
Gemara Iyun..…......0:00 pm
of societal assumptions and norm that closeness to Hashem and the end Mincha…………………..….….….........6:40 p.m.
Shalosh Seudos ………….... ..………....7:00 p.m. Tuesday
will be lifted and the reality of our of Galus is up to us. All we have to Lunch N Learn
Shabbos Ends………………………….7:57 p.m..
absolute dependency on Hashem will do is trust the beginning words of the Havdala 2nd & 4th Tuesday..0:00 pm
be realized and accepted. Money and Parsha: "The Blessing: that you Judaism 101...……..7:45 pm
other assumed values and goals will should listen to the commandments WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Gemara Iyun. …..…8:30 pm
be replaced by the currency of of Hashem…" Sunday Ashkenaz Shacharis…..............8:00 a.m. Torah Topics………8:30 pm
Sunday Sephardic Shacharis…...……...7:45 a.m. Wednesday
Mon - Fri Shacharis………….....6:20 & 7:15 a.m. Taste of Talmud…...7:45 pm
Shalosh Seudos sponsored Kiddush Lunch sponsored by Sun-Thur Mincha ……….……………..6:50 p.m. Gemara Iyun..….......8:30 pm
Sun.—Thurs Maariv……….. …….…...9:15 p.m. Thursday
by the Steiman family in memory Lise and Rob Adatto in honor of the
Candlelighting September 5th.….........6:49 pm Parshas Hashavua....7:45 pm
of Morrie Steiman on his engagement of their daughter
Gemara Iyun..…......8:30 pm
Yahrzeit today Jazmon to Rami Mazal Tov Lise and Rob Summer schedule no longer
and on the occasion of the Auf Ruf in effect please check with
Adatto and Ethel Adatto on
R'EI STATS of Josh Bernhardt the Rebbe, if class is on.
the celebrating engagement
47th of the 54 sedras; 4th of 11 in
D'varim of their daughter
Davening class with Rabbi
Jazmon to Rami Labor Day
Written on 257.8 lines in a Sefer Bloom at 4:45 at his home
Torah (rank: 4th) Mazal Tov Monday September 1st
Coffee and refreshments served.
20 Parshiyot; 5 open; 15 closed Mazal Tov Susan and Irving Sunday Schedule
(rank: 10th tied)
Bernhardt on the Special study session with
126 p'sukim - ranks 13th Exercise class for women only!!!
Auf Ruf of their son, Josh Rabbi Adam Simon
Same number of p'sukim as Lech Sunday, 9:00—10:00 a.m. in the
social hall. $5.00 after Shacharis
L'cha, but Lech L'cha ranks 23 in
size, compared with 4th for R'ei.
Interesting, no? New Class in Hebrew being formed with
1932 words - ranks 7th (first in Rabbi Shlomo Hecht. For more
D'varim) REFUAH SHELAIMAH information please speak to him directly
Irving Bernhardt Rose Kraft Late Maariv 9:15 p.m.
7442 letters - ranks 7th (first in Sunday-Thursday
D'varim) Goldie Masliah Adella Adams
Doni Lepor Ralph Carson sign up at least once a week Know someone who is looking for
Relatively long p'sukim like most
an apartment? Apartments
sedras in D'varim (hence, jump in
available to rent. Call Propact
ranking) Newly arrived cards for all
occasions being sold from the Shul @619.917.0592 or Apt. Mgr. Doug
MITZVOT 55 of the 613; 17 posi- Check out the NEW Shul office. Come in and buy a few!!! at 619.490.8465
tive, 38 prohibition
Website BJSD.org

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