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Philippines Haiyan Typhoon Child Protection Working Group Snapshot of Child Protection Needs and Risks 25 November 2013

Total Child Population in Country

Child Population by Affected Region (million)

Region IV A

Key Figures1

30.6 million
Total Child Population in Affected Areas

3 2,9 2,6 1,9 1,3

Region VI
Region VII Region V Region VIII Region IV B

17.2 million
Affected Children

5.5 million
Displaced Children

of the affected population are


1.8 million

Key Needs and Risks

Individual Secondary Data Sources used for the Snapshot

Similar Emergency information sources Pre-Crisis Information sources Post-Crisis Information sources
1-2 sources of information 3-4 sources of information 5-6 sources of information 7-8 sources of information 9-10 sources of information

Psychosocial Distress and Mental Disorder

Child Labour

Physical Violence
and other

Child Labour Dangers and Injuries Unaccompanied and Separated Children Sexual Violence Psychosocial Distress and Mental Disorder Justice for Children Physical Violence and other Harmful Practices Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups 0 5 10 15

Harmful Practices Sexual Violence

Unaccompanied and Separated Children

1 Figures of affected and displaced population are from November 23th, 2013 2 - Republic of Philippines, National Statistics Office, 2010 Census

Number of Individual Source

Philippines Haiyan Typhoon Child Protection Working Group Snapshot of Child Protection Needs and Risks 25 November 2013
The information presented in this snapshot was collected during a secondary data review. Please send any updates to Elaine Jepsen and Jean Mge Sources available at

Pre-Crisis Information

Similar Emergency information

Post-Crisis Information

Child Labour
children are engaged in Provinces child labour, mainly in agriculture, identified as services and industry. Region VII has a heightened risk higher rate of child labour than most of trafficking other regions. After Typhoon Bopha, 19% of site interviews in Regions XI and XIII indicated that children were

Dangers and Injuries

After Typhoon Bopha, in region XI and XIII, the top three existing risks identified by the site reports are the presence

Psychosocial Distress
Provinces where initial assessments indicate

3 million

environmental risks at home and outside, car and road accidents and criminal acts such
of as gang activities, looting, etc. Provinces where

negative behavioural
changes among

After Bopha, 89% of site interviews noticed behavioural changes amongst children affected. On one hand, children focused their attention and time to going to learning spaces. On the other hand, common reported behavioural changes were unusual crying and screaming, sadness, fear of rain and wind, more aggressive behaviour, nightmares, etc.

used for financial benefits,


for farm work

After Typhoon Washi, it was estimated by national NGOs that trafficking increased by 10% in Region X, most affected were girls aged 14-17 years.

children are reported to be playing in the

debris Family Separation

In region affected by Typhoon Bopha, about

Sexual Violence
The number of children in prostitution in the Philippines is estimated as between 60,000 and 100,000. 10% of 15-49 year old women report having experienced sexual violence. In the first two months of the Typhoon Bopha humanitarian

Other Issues

79 cases of GBV were reported. 51% of the interviewed sites reported that sexual violence happens at home. 90% of sites indicate
response, that majority of those affected by sexual violence are girls.

94% of site The prevalence of disability among children 014 years old is highest in urban slum and rural areas. 80% of stunting reports indicated that children have not been separated from their parents or usual Indigenous children rank among the caregivers. poorest and most disadvantaged in the Philippines Provinces where separated children have been

As experienced in previous typhoon emergencies, the

households without access to adequate shelter and security, with lack of lighting, in communal bathing areas.
Risks will be higher in


children being involved in the looting and other crimes is possible given the harsh economic conditions in the affected areas. There are concerns of potential cases of children in conflict with the law.
prospect of

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