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1. The Federal Government: 1. U.S.

Executive: A) The office holders of the executive branch of our government and cabinet members include President Barack Obama, Joe Biden as Vice President, Eric Holder as U.S Attorney General Democratic, Thomas Vilsack as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Democratic, Penny Pritzker as U.S. Secretary of Commerce Democratic, John Kerry as Department of State, Jack Lew as Department of Treasury, Chuck Hagel as Department of Defense, Sally Jewell as Department of the Interior, Thomas E. Perez as Department of Labor, Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Shaun L.S. Donovan as Housing and Urban Development, Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education, Ernest Moniz as Secretary of Energy, Anthony Foxx as secretary of Dept. of Transportation, Eric K. Shinseki who is secretary of department of Veterans Affairs, and Secretary Rand Beers of Homeland Security. 2. The Congress: Senate: A) Two senators of New York are Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer. B) Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer are both politically affiliated with the democratic party. C) Their terms began in 2010 and they are up for re-election in 2014. D) Candidates competing for office have not been said yet for re-election a. The House of Representatives: A) My U.S. House district is located in the 3rd Congressional district of New York. B) My representative is Steve Israel and he is a Democrat. C) HIs term began in 2001 and is up for reelection this year. 3. The Judiciary: A) The members of the US Supreme Court consist of John G. Roberts as Chief Justice of the US, Antonin Scalia who is Associate Justice accompanied by Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader GInsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel Anthony Alito Jr, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Anthony M. Kennedy. B) John G. Roberts term began in 2005, Scalia in 1986, Thomas in 1991, Ginsburg in 1993, Breyer in 1994, Alito in 2006, Sotomayor in 2009, Kagan in 2010, and Kennedy in 1988. C) The President in office of the time Roberts was appointed was G.W. Bush, Scalia under President Reagan, Thomas by President G. H. W. Bush, Ginsburg by President Clinton, Breyer by President Clinton, Alito by President G.W. Bush, Sotomayor by President Obama as well as Kagan, and Kennedy by President Reagan. THE NEW YORK STATE GOVERNMENT: A) The three branches of New York State Government is Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive Branch is headed by the Governor. He is responsible to veto legislative bills and convene the legislature for special sessions. The Lieutenant Governor, State Comptroller, and Attorney General are also officials that serve in this branch. They function to run the states governmental activities. Judicial Branch is defined by the State Constitution. The Cheif Judge of the Court of Appeals is the chief judicial officer of the State. The Administrative Board establishes statewide administrative standards and policies for the court system. The Court of Appeals is the States highest court. The Judicial Branch serves as the enforcement body for bills passed by Legislature and signed into law by governor. It is made to meet the legal needs of the NY citizens. The Legislative Branch is the

lawmaking branch of the state. IT is a two house body made up of the Senate and the Assembly. It functions to help ensure the best interests of the citizens and serves as a check upon the executive authority of the Governor. 2. NY State Executive: A) The Governor is Andrew Cuomo and is affiliated with the Democratic Party. Lieutenant Governor is Robert Duffy from the Democratic Party. Comptroller is Thomas P. DiNapoli from the Democratic Party and Eric Schneiderman is Attorney General from the Democratic Party. B) Andrew Cuomo and Duffy term began in 2011 and is up for re-election in 2014. DiNapoli is running for election in 2014 and was elected 2010. Scheneiderman was elected in 2010 and is up for reelection in 2014. C) Cuomo is competing for Governor and Steve McLaughlin(Republican) may as well. 3. The NY.S. State Legislature: A) My New York State Senate district number is 11. B) My N.Y. State Senator is Tony Avella and he is politically affiliated with Democratic Party. C) HIs term began in 2012 and is up for reelction in 2014. D) My New York State Assembly district number is 26. E) My NY State Assembly person is Edward Braunstein and he is politically affiliated with democratic party. F) He was elected in 2010 and the next reelection is in 2014. G) The breakdown of political party affiliation of each house is Democratic.

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