SMS Based Enotice Board For College

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SMS based eNotice Board for College

Abstract Wireless communication has announced its arrival on big stage and the world is going mobile. We want to control everything and without moving an inch. This remote control of appliances is possible through Embedded Systems. The use of Embedded System in Communication has given rise to many interesting applications that ensures comfort and safety to human life. The main aim of this project will be to design a S S driven automatic display board which can replace the currently used programmable electronic display. !t is proposed to design receiver cum an display board which can be The programmed from authori"ed mobile phone.

message to be displayed is sent through a S S from an authori"ed transmitter. The microcontroller receives the S S# validates the sending obile !dentification $umber % !$& and displays the desired information. Started off as an instantaneous $ews display unit# we have improved upon it and tried to ta'e advantage of the computing capabilities of microcontroller. (oo'ing into current trend of information transfer in the campus# it is seen that important notice ta'e time to be displayed in the notice boards. This latency is not e)pected in most of the cases and must be avoided. !t is proposed to implement this project at the institute level. !t is proposed to place display boards in major access points. The

electronics each time.

displays This

which it


currently for



programmable displays which need to be reprogrammed ma'es inefficient immediate information transfer# and thus the display board loses its importance. The *S based display board can be used as an add+on to these display boards and ma'e it truly wireless. The display board programs itself with the help of the incoming S S with proper validation. Such a system proves to be helpful for immediate information transfer. The system re,uired for the purpose is nothing but a icrocontroller based S S bo). The main components of the 'it include microcontroller# *S the wireless features. The *S through message modem. These components modem receives the S S. are integrated with the display board and thus incorporate The -T commands are serially transferred to the modem -./0/. !n return the modem transmits the stored through the C1 port. The microcontroller

validates the S S and then displays the message in the (C2 display board. 3arious time division multiple)ing techni,ues have been suggested to ma'e the display boards functionally efficient. The microcontroller used in this case is -T45s6/. otorola C784 is used as the *S modem. !n the prototype model# (C2 display is used for simulation purpose. While implementation this can be replaced by actually display boards.

The data will be displayed only after entering uni,ue pass 'ey .!n addition to that address matching is done and data can be receive only by the dedicated receiver # and this data is displayed on (C2.

The main focus of the thesis is on displaying information to a dedicated (cd by the any part of world using *S any location. Introduction The project mainly focuses on transmission of te)tual data through air interface by the use of *S through asynchronous serial communication .The data will be processed by the microcontroller on both ends. The data will be displayed on (cd only after entering uni,ue pass 'ey. !n addition to that address matching is done and data can be received only by the dedicated receiver. -ctually what happens is# sending sms through phone has become very popular and if we can use this sms to control devices and in displaying data. !t is possible to receive or decode the sms globally by using gsm # by the any part of world we can control and display data on (cd board . !n this project we not only send the data but send the data with pass code also. Which enables us to prevent the unauthori"ed use of (cd display board and only the person who have pass code can have access to (cd board . !mportant feature of thesis is we are using gsm networ' by which we can control (cd display board by the any part of globe. !f we must have the respected pass code. -nd the pass code is o' then the correct data is to be displayed on (C2. networ'# which facilitate to control any message board globally from

HARDWARE USED 1. 7./ 9 IS! "# C"M$"NEN!S

S"#!WARE USED 1. %eil u&'ision (.) :eil Software is used provide you with software development tools for 4;67 based microcontrollers. With the :eil tools# you can generate embedded applications for virtually every 4;67 derivative. The supported microcontrollers are listed in the <+vision *. $R"+1 $rogra,,er Soft-are

!HE"R. "# "$ERA!I"N !n this project we interfaced 4;67 microcontroller with otorola=s C784 *S mobile phone to decode the received message and do the re,uired action. The protocol used for the communication between the two is -T command. The microcontroller pulls the S S received by phone# decode it# recogni"es the obile no. and then switches on the relays attached to its port to control the appliances. -fter successful operation# controller sends bac' the ac'nowledgement to the user=s mobile through S S.

A!&Co,,and set The following section describes the -T+Command set. The commands can be tried out by connecting a *S modem to one of the >C=s C1 ports. Type in the test+command# adding C? @ (A %Carriage return @ (ine feed B CrCn& before e)ecuting. Table gives an overview of the implemented -T+ Commands in this application. The use of the commands is described in the later sections. -T+Command set overview Co,,and -T -TE; -T@C$ ! -T@C> S -T@C *A -T@C *? -T@C *S -T@C *2 Status 0A!1 The -T command is a status re,uest used for testing if a compatible modem is connected and that the serial interface is wor'ing properly. Descri/tion Chec' if serial interface and *S modem is wor'ing. Turn echo off# less traffic on serial line. 2isplay of new incoming S S. Selection of S S memory. S S string format# how they are compressed. ?ead new message from a given memory location. Send message to a given recipient. 2elete message.

-T command and possible responses Co,,and -T Res/onse 1: E??1? Ec2o off 0A!E)1 The -TE; command is used to configure the communication. Dy default# *S modems are set to echo any received command bac' with an ac'nowledgement. -n e)ample of this is shown below. -TCrCn EECommand sent to modem -TCrCn1:CrCn EE?esponse from modem with echo enabled -fter sending -T# the modem replies with -TCrCr1:CrCn. With echo off# -TE;# the modem would have answered CrCn1:CrCn when e)ecuting -T. The echo off command will reduce traffic on the serial line. The -TE7 command will enable echo again. -TE; command and possible responses Res/onse 0ec2o off1 Co,,ent 1: Echo off Could not turn E??1? echo off Co,,ent Connected and wor'ing Serial line 1:# modem error

Co,,and -TE;

Ne- Message Indication 0A!3CNMI1

-T@C$ ! configures how the modem signals arrival of new messages to the connected terminal device and how they are stored in the modem. This feature is useful when it comes to reading new messages. !nstead of polling the modem periodically for arrival of new messages# -T@C$ ! can tell when a new message has arrived. The -3? will catch such indication# and set a flag. This ensures that the modem only ta'es up C>F resources when necessary. -T@C$ ! command and possible responses Co,,and -T@C$ !BGmodeH7# GmtH/#GbmH0#GdsHI#GbfrH6 Res/onse 1: E??1? Co,,ent ode set Error# could not set such mode.

N"!E4 7. GmodeH integer type9 how messages are buffered. /. GmtH integer type9 indication of new S S# set to 7. 0. GbmH integer type9 $ot in use. I. GdsH integer type9 $ot in use. 6. GbfrH integer type9 $ot in use.

What values GmodeH# GmfH# GbmH# GdsH and GbfrH could ta'e will be different from modem to modem. This should be tested off line with modem connected to the >C. -n e)ample is given below9

-T@C$ !BJCrCn re,uest @C$ !9 %;#7&#%;#7&#%;#/&#%;#/&#%7& parameter values 1: EECommand e)ecuted 1:

EE>ossible value EE>ossible

$referred Message Storage 0A!3C$MS1 The -T@C> S command sets the target memory location for storing sent# read# deleted and received S S messages. ost modems have multiple storage types9 K S 9 S! card memory.

K E9 obile E,uipment storage. 2edicated storage within the modem for te)t messages only. K T9 Collection of all storage connected to the modem9 S # E or others. The phone will chose one appropriate if this option is enabled. -T@C> S command and possible responses Co,,and -T@C> SBG 7H7# G /H/#G 0H0 Res/onse Co,,ent @C> S9 emory Gused7H# configured 1: Gtotal7H# Gused/H# Gtotal/H# Gused0H# Gtotal0H CrCr1:CrCn @C S E??1? Error

$otes9 7. G 7H string type9 emory from which messages are read and deleted. /. G /H string type9 emory to which messages are written and sent. 0. G 0H string type9 emory in which received messages are stored# if forwarding to pc is not set. GusedH integer type9 is number of messages currently in ). GtotalH integer type9 is total number of message locations in ). Message for,at0A!3CM5#1 The -T@C *A command is used to set input and output format of S S messages. Two modes are available9 K >2F mode9 reading and sending S S is done in a special encoded format. K Te)t mode9 reading and sending S S is done in plain te)t. >2F mode is described later in section /./. This compressed format saves message payload and is default on most modems. >2F mode is implemented in the source code for this application note# it is possible to use te)t mode to reduce code footprint if the connected modem supports this. !n te)t mode header fields as sender address# message length# validation period etc. can be read out in plain te)t together with the sent message. >lease consult *S Co,,and Res/onse Co,,ent

-T@C> SBG 7H7# G /H/#G 0H0

@C> S9Gused7H# Gtotal7H#Gused/H# Gtotal/H#Gused0H# Gtotal0H CrCr1:CrCn @C S E??1? Error

emory configured 1:

$otes9 7. G 7H string type9 emory from which messages are read and deleted. /. G /H string type9 emory to which messages are written and sent. 0. G 0H string type9 emory in which received messages are stored# if forwarding to pc is not set. GusedH integer type9 is number of messages currently in ). GtotalH integer type9 is total number of message locations in ). Message for,at0A!3CM5#1 The -T@C *A command is used to set input and output format of S S messages. Two modes are available9 K >2F mode9 reading and sending S S is done in a special encoded format. K Te)t mode9 reading and sending S S is done in plain te)t. >2F mode is described later. This compressed format saves message payload and is default on most modems. >2F mode is implemented in the source code for this application

note# it is possible to use te)t mode to reduce code footprint if the connected modem supports this. !n te)t mode header fields as sender address# message length# validation period etc. can be read out in plain te)t together with the sent message. for more about reading messages in te)t mode. This is not the main target for this application. . -T@C *A command and possible responses Co,,and -T@C *ABGmodeH7 $otes9 7. GmodeH integer type9 ; is >2F mode# 7 is te)t mode. Res/onse Co,,ent 1: ode selected E??1? Error

Read Message0A!3CM5R1 The -T@C *? command is used to read a message from a given memory location. E)ecution of -T@C *? returns a message at Ginde)H from selected memory G 7H %See section /.7.I for memory setup&. The status of the message and the entire compressed message %>2F& is returned. To get any useful information out of the compressed message it should be decompressed. The >2F format and the compression and decompression is described in section /././. !able *&6. -T@C *? command and possible responses Co,,and -T@C *?BGin de)H7 Res/onse @C *?9GstatH/#GalphaH0# GlengthHI CrCn pduH6 @C S E??1? Co,,ent essage read 1: Error# $o such inde)


7. Ginde)H integer type9 ?ead message from location Ginde)H. /. GstatH9 integer type9 Status of message in memory9 ?E-2# F$?E-2# SE$T and F$SE$T. 0. GalphaH integer type9 field. $ot used. anufacturer specific

I. GlengthH integer type9 (ength of compressed message. 6. GpduH string type9 Compressed message.

Send Message0A!3CM5S1 This command enables the user to send S S messages. Section /./.0 describes how to build such messages. Low to include user defined te)t and recipient telephone number. -fter the user defined fields are set# the message can be compressed and sent using the -T@C *S command. -n e)ample usage of -T@C *S is given in section /./.0. !able -T@C *S command and possible responses Co,,and -T@C *SBGlengthH7 C?/ GpduH 0 ctrl+MI Res/onse 1: @C S E??1? Co,,ent essage sent Command error


7. GlengthH integer type9 (ength of message. /. C? B Carriage return 0. GpduH string type9 Compressed message I. Ctrl+M9 Command terminator. -SC!! character /8 %dec&.

Delete Message 0A!3CM5D1 This command is used to delete a received stored message from G 7H %See Table /+6&. !able. -T@C *2 command and possible responses This concludes the presentation of the implemented -T+ Command set. ore commands are discussed in ETS! standard *S ;N.;6# and proposed as a reference when wor'ing with applications interfacing *S compatible modems together with manufacturer=s datasheet. Co,,and -T@C *2BGinde)H7 $otes9 Co,,ent essage 1: deleted E??1? Command error 7. Ginde)H integer type9 !nde) of message to delete. Res/onse

$DU for,at e7/lained There are two ways of sending and receiving S S messages9 by te)t mode and by >2F %>rotocol 2escription Fnit& mode.

Dy default most phones and modems are setup to send S S messages using a special compression format %>2F+mode&. Some modems supports te)t+mode# in which any information and the message itself can be read as plain te)t. $ote however that not all phones and modems support te)t+ mode. DESCRI$!I"N "# $R"8EC! Interfacing of ,obile /2one -it2 9)+14 We used a hands+free to ta'e out the signal from mobile phone to transmit it to microcontroller. The operating voltage of mobile is 0.0 3 and provides 0.N volt at logic 7 and ; v at logic;. To ta'e it to the level e,ual of microcontroller we used a) /0/ !C. !t can sense input voltage lower than /3.

MA: *(*4 The -./0/ is a dual driverEreceiver that includes a capacitive voltage generator to supply E!-+/0/ voltage levels from a single 6+3 supply. Each receiver converts E!-+/0/ inputs to 6+3 TT(EC 1S levels. These receivers have a typical threshold of 7.0 3 and a typical hysteresis of ;.6 3# and can accept O0;+3 inputs. Each driver converts TT(EC 1S input levels into E!-+/0/ levels. $in Diagra,

logic diagra, 0/ositi;e logic1

1. $"WER SU$$ .4 $o-er su//l< is a reference to a source of electrical power. - device or system that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is called a /o-er su//l< unit or $SU. The term is most commonly applied to electrical energy supplies# less often to mechanical ones# and rarely to others.

Lere in our application we need a 6v 2C power supply for all electronics involved in the project. This re,uires step down transformer# rectifier# voltage regulator# and filter circuit for generation of 6v 2C power. Lere a brief description of all the components are given as follows9

#uture "f $ro=ect The use of microcontroller in place of a general purpose computer allows us to theori"e on many further improvements on this project prototype. Temperature display during periods wherein no message buffers are empty is one such theoretical improvement that is very possible. The ideal state of the microcontroller is when the indices or storage space in the S! memory are empty and no new message is there to display. With proper use of interrupt routines the incoming message acts as an interrupt# the temperature display is halted and the control flow jumps over to the specific interrupt service routine which first validates the sender=s number and then displays the information field. -nother very interesting and significant improvement would be to accommodate multiple receiver 12E S at the different positions in a geographical area carrying duplicate S! cards.

With the help of principles of T2 - techni,ue# we can choose to simulcast and Eor broadcast important notifications. -fter a display board receives the valid message through the 12E and displays it# it withdraws its 12E signs itself into the identification from the networ' P synchronously another nearby networ' and starts to receive the message. The message is broadcast by the mobile switching center for a continuous time period during which as many possible display board 12E S catch the message and display it as per the constraint of validation. ultilingual display can be another added variation of the project. The display boards are one of the single most important media for information transfer to the ma)imum number of end users. This feature can be added by programming the microcontroller to use different encoding decoding schemes in different areas as per the local language. This will ensure the increase in the number of informed users. *raphical display can also be considered as a long term but achievable and target able output. S

technology along with relatively high end microcontrollers to carry on the tas's of graphics encoding and decoding along with a more e)pansive ban' of usable memory can ma'e this tas' a wal' in the par'

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