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US Navy's new carrier kind of looks like a Star Destroyer from the back Scientists discover mystery human species Incredible photos show terrible aftermath of Sumatra volcano eruption Super Mario 3D World: The Kotaku Review The actual probability of Earth going to hell in the next few decades US Army to get Iron Man suit for troops in just four years

The actual probability of Earth going to hell in the next few decades

We know that climate change is already affecting Earth's weather in a Aerial photos reveal the destructive path of the Midwest open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API

destructive path of the Midwest tornado This is what a 3,400-year-old mummy steak looks like That ISON comet is looking more and more spectacular by the day Too bad this awesome stadium for Qatar's World Cup is made by slaves I'd lose contact with reality if I watched this sky in real life Holy crap! Look at this giant demon squid from hell Guy lost his house in a tornado but he's happy because his PS4 survived This is what a high speed turn in a US Navy destroyer looks like This domestic spider can liquify your esh with one bite I want to drive this all-terrain vehicle with airless tires on Mars
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major way, but we don't exactly know how bad things are going to get. However, scientists have a pretty good idea of the probabilities of Earth going to hell in the next few decades. This video shows them.

"We wanted to find a way of communicating climate risks in a way that showed exactly what climate scientists meant when they say likely or unlikely," co-producer Owen Gaffney told Sploid, "while the terminology can sound a little vague, it is more precise than most people realize." The visualizationfunded by the UN Foundation for the launch of the

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vehicle with airless tires on Mars Scientists nd herpes and coke in Fifty Shades of Grey books What does 200 calories look like in 25 foods? Nothing but the desert lives in these surreal abandoned homes Amazing stairway in Australia seems to go to heaven

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and made by our friend Felix Pharand Deschenesis based on 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data. It ties the IPCC findings with the effects of the Anthropocene, the new geological era that refers to the effect of humans on Earth ecosystems, including the transformation of terrain and life all around us. "We also wanted to communicate the sheer scale humanity is now operating on," says Owen:

I am sure many people assume the world is just too big for us to have a global impact. But in fact we have unequivocal evidence that we are changing the global carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle.

Owen also told me about the sea level rise: "The sea level rise is interesting. Climate scientists often focus on the end of the century but that ignores the fact that sea level will keep on rising and sea-level rise will accelerate, causing more and more problems. So, if we don't control emissions, cities need to build defences not for a one-meter rise in sea level but potentially much higher in the long run." It's not a very bright future, but there's hope that we can at least scale back on emissions or at least get ready for these changes.

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1 Author is participating
mozenber U Jesus Di

102 1 L

16 participants Burning Chrome U J

42 1 L

All of you people saying that this and climate scientists in general is "Propaganda", or bullshit or whatever: Fuck off. Say we reduce emissions, what's the WORST thing that could happen? We become more efficient? We have cleaner air? Even if this is inevitable, or if this is never going to happen in the first place, there's no downside to a cleaner environment.
Yesterday 12:06pm
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But the oldest living creature will survive through it all:

Yesterday 12:40pm

Greg the Mad U Burn

10 1 L

Well, that was one unrelated,

iMagnuson U mozen But... b-but muh freedom!

Yesterday 12:12pm

23 1 L

terrible joke. Really ruined the climate of the comments.

Yesterday 1:21pm

theimmc U mozenber

Thunder Donkey U B
8 1 L

1 1 L

The Mass Tree Extinction event of 2046, and the Ice Age of 2073. But seriously, yeah. And let's not forget fossil fuel is a finite resource and its extraction can pollute our environment. Personally, if "manmade climate change" is a religion, I'm an agnostic, but I'm all for cleaner air. Yesterday 12:19pm
UI 2.0 and 52 others...

Dude, I'm laughing my ass off here. Well done! Yesterday 1:26pm
Burning Chrome and 12 others...

12 participants Chris Howard U Jesu

26 1 L

The illuminati would have you believe lies like evolution, vaccination, germ theory, gravity, a heliocentric solar system, and a spherical earth.

63 additional replies submitted and awaiting review

I'm not falling for it, though! Remember folks, these are the

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same people who are really

approved by the author or users followed by this blog.

Satanic, atheist, reptile shapeshifters! Yesterday 12:08pm

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