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The Great Adventures of Dirty Pair

Translated by David Lewis KODANSHA ENGLISH LIBRARY Publis ed by K!dans a Ltd"# $%&%$# Ot!wa %&' !(e# Bun)y!&)u# T!)y! $$%# *a+an" ,irst +ublis ed in *a+anese under t e title Dirty Pair N! Daib!)en -!+yri. t /'0 $123 by Haru)a Ta)a' i !" En.lis translati!n '!+yri. t /'0 $124 by K!dans a Ltd" All ri. ts reserved" Printed in *a+an" ISBN 5&36&$26373&8 ,irst editi!n# $124 Se'!nd +rintin.# $11$ O-Red 9 -!rre'ted by Gern 38&:AY&14 -!rre'ted s!(e !bvi!us ty+!s in !ri.inal te;t" <Kei< !ri.inally s+elled as <Kay< '!rre'ted"


Chapter ! "hat#s the $i% Idea&

=e went int! !rbit ar!und Planet Dan.le" :!(ents later .r!und '!ntr!l sent us a = !&Are&Y!u" T at in itsel> was +retty unusual" ?sually an !rbital relay stati!n andles t at )ind !> red ta+e" It ta)es t!! l!n. t! res+!nd t! +r!ble(s >r!( +lanetside" But a''!rdin. t! t e ba').r!und (aterial I@d been b!nin. u+ !n !n !ur way ere# t ere were !nly >ive s+a'e stati!ns in !rbit ar!und Dan.le# and all !> t e( were resear' +lat>!r(s bel! t! t e Gravas ,!undati!n" T ere wasn@t a sin.le +ubli' stati!n >!r !rbital tra>>i' '!ntr!l" Giant s+a'e stati!ns are di>>erent >r!( din)y little satellites" T ere@s a li(it t! !w (any y!u 'an ave in !rbitA >ive is ab!ut t e (a;" Seein. !w +lanet state Dan.le was under t e de >a't! '!ntr!l !> t e Gravas ,!undati!n# I d!n@t su++!se t ey ad any ' !i'e ab!ut .ivin. Gravas e;'lusive ri. ts t! stati!n '!nstru'ti!n" = en t e standard 'all >r!( >li. t '!ntr!l 'a(e t r!u. # I li. tly ta++ed !ne )ey wit t e .litterin. !ran.e&+earl >in.ernail !> (y ri. t inde; >" An i(a.e bli++ed !nt! t e '!((uni'ati!n s'reen" T is .uy was (y )ind !> drea(b!atB O!! # yu((yB *ust l!!)in. at i( (ade (y (!ut water" Hurriedly I 'la++ed (y le>t and !ver (y (!ut " T en I .ave t e y!un. >li. t '!ntr!ller a ' ir+y but (eltin. s(ile" He was a real inn!'ent" In a >las e went bri. t red !ut t! is earl!bes" :((& ((# w at a 'uteyB I let !ut a little&.irlis v!i'e# Cust a bit nasal# and abs!lutely sweeter t an anyt in. else in t e universe" <D! y!u""" want (eD ,!r# s!(et in.D< <? &u &u " ? " ? ? " ? e(B< *ust as I@d +lanned# e was '!(+letely >lu((!;ed" <? e(# u # y!ur# s i&# u # s i+ re.istrati!n and# b!&b!dy '!de# '!de# '!de nu(b&bu(&bu(&bver and y!ur +&+&+&++ass&+assen.ers@ na&na(esB< <G!!dnessB Our na(esB< I widened (y eyes# and '!vered (y (!ut wit b!t >ists" T e .esture >li++ed i( !ut a.ain" <Yaiee I&I&I# ! n!B N!# t is t is t is is re..ur# u # re.ulati!ns !nly" I (ean# t at# u # a'tually it@s n!t t at I +ers!nally u u u want t! )n!w# I (ean"""< <I see#< I said# s!>tly 'uttin. i( !>> in (id&senten'e" N!t dr!++in. t e s y r!utine >!r an instant# I l!wered (y v!i'e even (!re" <I@ll re+!rt"""i((ediately" But & < a +er>e't +ause" <A>ter t at# y!u ave t! tell (e y!ur na(e and# + !ne nu(berD<

<Eeee& ee)B< Driven t! distra'ti!n# t e '!ntr!ller '!uld ardly s+ea)" ?sually w en I .et Ee( t is >ar# it@s (y +a'e all t e rest !> t e way" I raised (y li+s 'l!se t! t e built&in 'a(era ab!ve t e '!((uni'ati!n s'reen" O> '!urse# !n is s'reen t at +ut t e( in su+er 'l!se&u+" <:y na(e is"""Kei#< I breat ed" <I@( still Cust $1# really I a(" :y s i+ is an 23&(eter&'lass verti'al lander" S e@s 'alled L!vely An.el" Her re.istry '!de is A(!r" S e bel!n.s t! T ree = &< <Di&Dirty PairB< :y re+!rt was 'ut !>> in (id&w!rd as t e tra>>i' '!ntr!ller suddenly ' !)ed !ut a al> s'rea(" I >lun. (ysel> ba') int! (y seat and ' e')ed t e s'reen" T e '!ntr!ller@s >a'e# >lus ed and stea(in. Cust (!(ents be>!re# was as w ite as a s eet" His eyes were >i;ed and starin." Even is li+s tre(bled in terr!r" <O da(n"< I@d stru') t!! s!!n# I ' ided (ysel>" But it was t!! late n!w" T e +ani')ed '!ntr!ller was tal)in. li)e a (a' ine .un" <R&re+!rt&'!(+lete&and&a++r!ved&t an)&y!uB< e s rie)ed# and instantly br!)e '!((uni'ati!ns" All t at was le>t was little !ld (e# starin. blan)ly at an already dar) '!((uni'ati!ns s'reen" An ann!yin.# i. &+it' ed lau. br!)e !ut !n (y ri. t" It was Yuri at t e (ain '!ntr!ls" T!u' ed t! t e Fui')# I wren' ed (y ead in er dire'ti!n" Her .aGe# >ull !> (irt # '!llided wit (ine# burnin. wit" Yuri .ave an!t er l!n.# '!nte(+tu!us lau. " <= at@s s! >unnyD< I s rie)ed# unable t! stand er leer and lau. " <St!!d u+ a.ain#< said Yuri# narr!win. er eyes triu(+ antly" <*ust s ut u+B< I ret!rted" <I was !nly t!yin. wit i( anywayB< <St!!d u+ a.ain#< s e re+eated in a t!ne !> v!i'e 'al'ulated t! rub (e t e wr!n. way" T e bl!!d rus ed t! (y ead" <P !!eyB< I s rie)ed" <St!!d u+# st!!d u+# y!u sayB It@s n!t Cust (e# y!u )n!wB = at t e ell# it@s be'ause I@( tea(ed u+ wit y!u t at it always turns !ut t is wayB Y!u@ve .!t a l!t !> nerve (a)in. >un !> (e"< In t e >a'e !> (y assault# Yuri +r!(+tly s ut u+" A>ter a +ause s e sullenly added# <Always bla(in. s!(e!ne else"< S!(ew ere# s!(et in. sna++ed inside (e" I swun. (ysel> ba') t! >a'e t e '!ns!le# +!utin.# and .ave Yuri a sidel!n. .lare" <= y d!n@t y!u Cust st!+ bit' in. and +ay attenti!n t! t e '!ntr!lsD I> y!u .et s! distra'ted y!u@ll >ly us >lat int! t e .r!undB<

<N! +r!ble(#< s e said# s !>> (y ysteri'al !utburst" <I lined us u+ !n t e bea'!n and swit' ed !ver t! aut!(ati' l!n. a.!" =e '!uld land in !ur slee+ i> we wanted t!"< <Arr. B< I .r!wled# dis'!(>!rted by er (ild reC!inder" T ere was n!t in. I '!uld use t! .et ba') at er" T is Cust wasn@t (y lu')y day" I re'lined (y seat# and .ave (ysel> u+ t! br!!din." :y le.s# stret' in. se;ily >r!( H&'ut s !rts# rested !n t!+ !> t e '!ns!le" L!!)in. at t e(# I s i>ted (y ba') t! t e s+a'e tra>>i' '!ntr!ller" In t e >irst +la'e# any!ne w ! runs away >r!( a beauty li)e (e d!esn@t deserve t! live" O # >!r sure# !ur re+utati!n (ay be a little less t an r!syB But t at@s t e >ault !> t e w!r) we d! >!r t e ===A" It d!esn@t ave anyt in. t! d! wit us +ers!nally n!w# d!es itD L!!)# I@( $4$ 'enti(eters tall# and wei. Cust 85 )il!.ra(s" I (easure 1$&88&1$" T !se are Cust ab!ut ideal +r!+!rti!ns# I@ll ave y!u )n!w" :y air@s red# and Cust a bit >riGGy" But sin'e I wear it in a stylis w!l> 'ut# it@s really Fuite be'!(in." :y eyes are br!wn# and (y s)in@s a 'rea(y .!ld" :aybe I s !uldn@t say s! (ysel># but I a++en t! be a 'ute# (aybe Cust a s( b!yis # beauty" N!w Yuri" Yuri# !n t e !t er and# is $62 'enti(eters tall and wei. s 8$ )il!.ra(s" S e (easures 22&85&13" S e@s built a tad li. ter t an I a(# but s e@s a beauti>ul .irl wit t at la'Fuer bla') air !> ers strai. t d!wn t! er s !ulders" ,!r a b!nus# er s)in is a '!ntrastin. lily&w ite" S e@s Cust li)e a little *a+anese d!ll" T ere are ti(es w en I st!+ s !rt Cust l!!)in. at er# and we@re t e sa(e se;B T en t ere are# y!u )n!w# !ur 'l!t esD T ey (ay ave '!llars# but t ese s)in&ti. t t!+s leave !ur (idri>>s bare" Add in !ur H&'ut s !rts and 'al>& b!!ts and we .litter in silver >r!( ead t! >!!t# irresistibly se;y" Y!u '!uld sear' t e w !le :il)y =ay# but y!u w!uldn@t '!(e u+ wit a (!re tantaliGin. du!" But t at little brat !> a tra>>i' '!ntr!llerB ,!a(in. at t e (!ut B L!sin. it t e (!(ent e eard we were t e Dirty PairB Pe!+le li)e t at s !uld be t r!wn !ut wit t e .arba.e" <T at@s ri. tB He@s a t!tal idi!tB< =it !ut t in)in.# I vented (y !ut l!ud" Y!u@d t in) Yuri w!uld be sur+rised t! ave (e suddenly start s !utin. li)e t at# but s e didn@t .ive (e a se'!nd .lan'e" I .uess s e@s used t! it" Instead# t ere was a w ine >r!( be ind (e" <:ee!wD< I >elt s!(et in. li. tly +!)e (y s !ulder" <Is t at y!u# :u.iD<

I turned ar!und" It was# Cust as I@d e;+e'ted & :u.i" He was sittin. all !> a ea+ in !ne !> t e tw! ba')&u+ seats be ind us" L!vely An.el is a s(all# 23&(eter&'lass stars i+" A'tually# er '!(bat 'a+ability and +er>!r(an'e ave been u+.raded t! (a)e er a (at' >!r a %33&(eter destr!yer" But s e still as !nly >!ur seats in t e brid.e# and tw! !> t !se are Cust >!r ba')u+" Aaa&a " *ust !n'e I@d li)e t! >l!+ a ands!(e un) int! !ne !> t !se seats and .! >lyin. ab!ut t e Gala;y""" I drew (y eyebr!ws t!.et er# and .lared at :u.i" He was su++!sed t! stay in t e R 9 R r!!( !ne level d!wn w en we were at t e '!ntr!ls" Pr!bably e@d snu') u+stairs be'ause e was w!rried ab!ut (e avin. ysteri's /a.ainB0" But rules are rules" :u.i .ave (e a (!urn>ul l!!)# and 'urled u+" T e w i+&li)e >eeler wit t e su'ti!n&'u+ ti+ t at e@d laid !n (y s !ulder a (!(ent be>!re dr!!+ed away" He l!wered is r!und bla') eyes and tried n!t t! (eet (y .aGe" :u.i is a surviv!r !> a near&e;tin't ra'e" T ey were dis'!vered !n Planet = at@s&its&na(e w ere t ey@d been lab!rat!ry ani(als in s!(e an'ient 'iviliGati!n" T ey ave a bi. ead si(ilar t! t !se !> 'at 'ritters >r!( Eart # but t eir Cet bla') b!dies are twi'e a.ain as lar.e as (e" T eir t i') le.s end in +aws wit raG!r&li)e 'laws# and >r!( t eir s !ulders .r!w tw! l!n. >eelers li)e t e !ne t at ad ta++ed (y s !ulder" Sin'e t e >eelers end in su'ti!n 'u+s# t ey 'an d! Cust ab!ut any )ind !> w!r) t at we u(ans 'an d! wit !ur ands" O> '!urse# t at reFuires Fuite a bit !> intelli.en'e as well# but t ey '!(e eFui++ed wit t at# t!!" T ey@re believed t! be as intelli.ent# and (aybe even (!re s!# t an we are" T ey als! b!ast an!t er s+e'ial talent" T is rests in t e 'urly tendril&li)e l!n. airs t at ta)e t e +la'e !> ears" By vibratin. t ese tendrils t ey 'an (ani+ulate ele'tr!(a.neti' waves and ele'tri' 'urrents any way t ey +lease" =e tw! (e' ani'al dun'es leave all t e re+airs and re(!delin. w!r) !n L!vely An.el '!(+letely t! :u.i" On t e ver.e !> e;tin'ti!n# t ere@s !nly a and>ul le>t# s! !> '!urse t ey@ve been desi.nated a +r!te'ted s+e'ies" It was Cust by ' an'e t at Yuri and I .!t :u.i" I '!uld tell y!u all ab!ut it# but let@s Cust s)i+ it >!r n!w# !)ayD All y!u need t! )n!w >!r t e (!(ent is t at al!n. wit all is !t er attributes# !ur +et as ad is te(+er(ent i(+r!ved by we u(ans" As >!r any!ne else avin. su' a +et# well# li)e t ey say# t e :il)y =ay@s a (i. ty bi. +la'e# but y!u w!n@t >ind any!ne else !ut t ere w ! d!es" On'e a day we ave t! >eed :u.i a s+e'ial )aliu( 'a+sule# s! is >!!d bill '!sts us an ar( and a le." Still# :u.i@s su' a >antasti' +et we d!n@t .ive it a se'!nd t !u. t" <:u.iB< I said s ar+ly" <G! ba') t! y!ur r!!(B<

:u.i s !!) is ead !bstinately at >irst# but at last e see(ed t! realiGe t at I really was an.ry" He sl!wly .!t d!wn !>> t e seat" <:ee!!!!!!w#< e w ined sadly# and +l!dded eavily >r!( t e '!ntr!l 'abin" D!n@t let i( >!!l y!u" It was all an a't" T ey are s(art" T ey )n!w e;a'tly !w t! win a u(an bein.@s sy(+at y" I saw i( !>> silently" <O well#< I si. ed# and >a'ed >r!nt a.ain" <Kei#< said Yuri as i> !n 'ue" <=e@ve .!t re&entry 'learan'e" I@( .!in. t! land"< <D! w at y!u li)eB< I ret!rted '!ldly" N! !ne as un>!r.ivin. as I a( was .!in. t! >!r.ive Yuri >!r t e way s e ad treated (e Cust a >ew (inutes be>!re" L!vely An.el steadily l!st altitude as s e tra'ed a s+iral !rbit ar!und Dan.le" Dan.le# li)e al(!st every +lanet in abited by (an)ind & is a beauti>ul blue s+ ere (!ttled wit >l!atin. w ite 'l!uds" T e rati! !> sea t! land is Cust ab!ut 83&83# and t ere are tw! '!ntinents se+arated by !'ean" Al(!st all t e land sur>a'e is '!n'entrated !n t ese '!ntinents & Eru)a and Tanst" Eru)a is l!'ated near t e eFuat!r in t e n!rt ern e(is+ ere# w ile Tanst is near t e eFuat!r in t e s!ut ern e(is+ ere !n t e !++!site side !> t e .l!be" Eru)a is t an Tanst# but b!t are eFually blessed wit abs!lutely t e (!st (arvel!us 'li(ate" -!unt !n t e Gravas ,!undati!n & wit t e (!st 'a+ital in all t e .ala;y & t! +i') a winner" L!vely An.el was b!und >!r Tanst@s s!ut ern e(is+ ere" T at@s w ere !ur 'lient# Gravas Heavy Industries# !ne !> t e industrial divisi!ns !> t e Gravas ,!undati!n# as its eadFuarters" T at@s ri. t" T !se .uys" T e )in.s !> eavy industry# t ey w ! +r!udly b!ast t at t ere isn@t a C!b t ey 'an@t ta')leA >r!( stars i+buildin. t! ere'tin. entire 'ities" Gravas Heavy Industries as b!t a business eadFuarters and a +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters" T e !ne !n Dan.le is t e +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters# res+!nsible >!r !+erati!ns and resear' " Our desi.nated landin. site was Kurut!(i S+a'e P!rt# s(a') dab in t e (iddle !> t e Tanst '!ntinent" T! be +er>e'tly !nest# we b!t !> us +re>er t e !'eanA we didn@t want t! ave t! land in a 'ru((y !ld land& l!')ed s+a'e+!rt" But Kurut!(i is as 'l!se as y!u 'an .et t! Gravas H"l"@s eadFuarters# s! w at@s a .irl t! d!D In t e >irst +la'e# we weren@t ere >!r t e >un !> it" Our altitude was d!wn t! %3#333 (eters" I d!n@t )n!w w at (a.i' t ey@d used# but Tanst was swat ed '!(+letely in brilliant .reen" T e 'ities .litterin. silver ere and t ere a.ainst t at ba')dr!+ (ade it l!!) li)e a billiard table s'attered wit 'ue balls" It (ust

ave ta)en a l!t !> terra&>!r(in. t! bury an entire '!ntinent in .rasslands and >!rest" But I w!uldn@t +ut it +ast t e(# n!t t e b!ys >r!( Gravas" Iuite a+art >r!( t e (et !ds t ey (i. t ave used and w atever in'idents t ere@d been in +ullin. it !>># I ad t! .ive t e( 'redit" All any!ne '!uld >eel ab!ut t at endless .reen .arden was its in'redible beauty" I was '!(+letely entran'ed by t e lands'a+e slidin. +ast !n !ur (ain s'reen# and >!r a (!(ent >!r.!t everyt in. else" T at was w en t ey atta')ed" <KeiB< sna++ed Yuri in a s ar+# 'ris+ v!i'e" E(er.en'yB In an instant I@d st!++ed (!+in.# and was (y !ld sel> a.ain" <Several s i+s aren@t !beyin. tra>>i' '!ntr!l#< Yuri '!ntinued" <= ! are t eyD H!w (anyD< Even as I as)ed# I was a'tivatin. t e '!ns!le@s laser and (issile tri..ers" It (i. t turn !ut t! be n!t in. at all" But a ===A -ri(e Tr!uble -!nsultant is always +re+ared" O> '!urse# !ne reas!n we@d been ni')na(ed t e Dirty Pair was t at we were always an itty&bitty bit t!! +re+ared""" <T ere@re >ive b!.ies#< 'a(e Yuri@s answer" <Twenty&(eter&'lass sau'ersB T ey@re eadin. strai. t >!r usB< <D! we ave a visualD< <I@ll >eed it !nt! t e (ain s'reen"< E;'e+t >!r t e e(er.en'y +!rt# t ere are n! wind!ws in L!vely An.el@s '!ni'al '!ntr!l 'abin" Instead# we 'an ' e') !ut ea' and every )ind !> situati!n !n t e d!Gens !> lar.e and s(all s'reens !> all des'ri+ti!ns linin. t e wall +anels" T e lar.est !ne# l!'ated dire'tly in >r!nt !> t e +il!t and '!&+il!t seats# is t e (ain s'reen" =e 'an 'all u+ any )ind !> i(a.e !n it# >r!( J&ray s'ans t! en an'ed i(a.ery" T e (ain s'reen s !wed >ive >lyin. sau'ers barrelin. t!ward L!vely An.el" T e distant silver s+e')s .littered a.ainst a ba').r!und !> daGGlin. blue s)y" <Enlar.e !ne >!r (eB< T e i(a.e s i>ted be>!re I '!uld >inis s+ea)in." Yuri ad ad t e sa( idea" A sin.le sau'er >illed t e s'reen"

It was a )ind I@d never seen be>!re" It 'ertainly wasn@t !n t e '!((er'ial (ar)et" And !> '!urse# it wasn@t !ne in (ilitary servi'e# eit er# at least n!t !>>i'ially" T e tw! barrels +r!trudin. >r!( t e leadin. ed.e 'learly went wit s!(e )ind !> ener.y wea+!n" = !ever t e s i+s bel!n.ed t!# t is (u' was 'lear" T ey were >i. ters# and t ey were >ull !> (ali'e >!r L!vely An.el" <Ran.e %2#333 (eters" S+eed :a' $%#< said Yuri" <T ey@ll be in ran.e in a (!(ent"< <? & u B< T e +al(s !> (y ands were s eered wit sweat as I tensely .ri++ed t e tri..ers" I> we were in s+a'e# !ur lasers w!uld ave ad an e>>e'tive ran.e !> nearly %33 )il!(eters" But n!w we were $8#333 (eters ab!ve Dan.le" =e were dee+ in t e at(!s+ ere" Lasers de.rade tre(end!usly in t e at(!s+ ere" Even at $3#333 (eters it w!uld be t!u. t! it t e ene(y ard en!u. t! (a)e t e( urt" But i> I used (issiles it was as 'lear as day t ey@d Cust s !!t t e( d!wn" <Ran.e $1#333B< I >li')ed !n t e tar.ettin. s'reen" T e sau'ers s !wed u+ as w ite bli+s" = en t ey 'a(e int! e>>e'tive ran.e# as adCusted by t e '!(+uter >!r at(!s+ eri' density and all !t er esti(ated data# t ey@d turn red" T at was

w en t e >i. tin. w!uld start" But be>!re t at t ere was !ne last t in. I ad t! be very sure !>" <T ere@s n! res+!nse"< Yuri ad already d!ne it >!r (e" S e@d sent t e '!((!n inter+lanetary '!de (essa.e# <Identi>y y!ur s i+ and a>>iliati!n"< S! l!n. as t eir '!((uni'ati!n .ear is w!r)in.# any s i+ t at i.n!res t is 'all >r!( a ===A stars i+ is aut!(ati'ally '!nsidered !stile" =e '!uld >ire w en ready" Ran.e $3#333"O B< Yuri@s v!i'e ' an.ed in t e (iddle !> t e '!untd!wn" <T e sau'ers are >annin. !utB< *ust as I@d e;+e'ted" T e t!tal ener.y l!ad !> a %3&(eter 'lass >lyin. sau'er '!uldn@t t! (at' L!vely An.els" T eir wea+!ns +r!bably weren@t (u' .!!d# eit er" I> t ey >lew in leisurely >r!( dead a ead# and in >!r(ati!n at t at# t ey w!uldn@t stand a ' an'e" A''!rdin. t! standard t e!ry# n!w was t e (!(ent t! re&de+l!y# and t! atta') us >r!( all sides" <Ran.e 2#333B< T e (!(ent Yuri s+!)e# t e >li')s !> li. t !n t e tar.ettin. s'reen suddenly went red" T e sau'ers still .ave n! si.n !> atta')in." =e '!uld stri)e >irst" I s !uted a '!urse ' an.e t! Yuri" <%,537B< It was a bearin. t at betrayed (y +er>e't '!n>iden'e in vi't!ry" =e were .!in. t! ta)e t e( !ut# startin. wit t e 'l!sest !ne and w!r) !ur way !ut" Li)e a ra+t!r ' its +rey# L!vely An.el wri..led er ele.ant s'arlet b!dy" I sFueeGed t e laser" A strea) !> li. t >las ed !ut# and sli'ed t e sau'er a+art" An en!r(!us ball !> !ran.e >la(e dyed t e blue eavens" <5B$$% & < =e >li++ed ba') t e !t er way wit !ut a +ause" O> '!urse# t e ene(y als! reversed '!urse# tryin. t! )ee+ us en'ir'led" But we were >aster !n !ur >eet" Lasers >ireB An!t er ene(y sau'er e;+l!ded" Si(ultane!us (issile laun' & t is Cust t! tie t eir ands" I >ired !>> t ree ea' at tw! !> t e ene(y s i+s" One d!d.ed t e( wit !ut a se'!nd t !u. t# but its buddy was tra++ed" It +!++ed u+ !ut !> t e way !> t e (issiles# ri. t int! !ur +at " I >inis ed it !>> wit t e lasers" T at le>t tw!" But t e distan'e was 'l!sin." T ey t! s !!t ba')" A wea) ener.y bea( li')ed L!vely An.el@s !uter +lates" Even at tw! t! !ne it wasn@t a d!.>i. t# n!t wit t is bi. a di>>eren'e in +er>!r(an'e" I blaGed away# and an!t er s i+ turned int! burnin. >ra.(ents" One t! .!"

But"""but at t at (!(ent we (ade !ur de'isive err!r" =e@d .!tten 'areless" =e@d been s! abs!rbed in t e ene(y t at we@d >!r.!tten t! )ee+ an eye !n w at was .!in. !n ar!und us" T e >irst t! n!ti'e was# as (i. t be e;+e'ted# Yuri at t e radar s'reen" <?uuu (>>>B< It was an indes'ribable s!und# n!t Fuite a s'rea(" <= at is itD< <In t e sau'er@s way#< Yuri .as+ed" <T ere@s a bi. 'ivilian s i+ in its wayB< <Eeee)B < T e sau'er# '!nvin'ed it didn@t stand a ' an'e# was already runnin. away" T! suddenly ave a bi. trans+!rt +l!d int! its +at s+elled disaster" Trans+!rts aren@t !nly # t ey d!n@t ave anyt in. t! +r!te't t e(selves wit " <A''elerate !ut in >r!nt !> t e sau'erB< I s !uted i(+atiently" <I(+!ssibleB< Yuri sna++ed ba')" <=e@re in t e at(!s+ ere" T ere@s a li(it t! !w >ast we 'an .!"< <T en raise t e s i+ !n t e '!(&lin) and tell t e( t! .et !ut !> t e wayB< Y!u d! itB< s e wailed" Her v!i'e was as ed.y as (ine" <I@ve .!t (y ands >ull Cust >lyin. t is t in.B< <G!t y!uB< I swit' ed !n t e trans(itter# and ailed t e s i+ !n 'ivilian >reFuen'ies" T ey res+!nded i((ediately" S e was t e 733&(eter liner Gala+a.!s# as bi. as t ey '!(e >!r +lanetary li>t!>> s i+s" S e was Cust (a)in. er a++r!a' t! Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt" Already s e was well bel!w 5#333 (eters" -a+tain Guerni''a !> t e Gala+a.!s didn@t even try t! understand t e situati!n# n! (atter !w des+erately I e;+lained w at was a++enin." Even as we tal)ed# t e >lyin. sau'er +lun.ed ever 'l!ser t! is s i+" In t e end it was t e Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt '!ntr!l t!wer# n!t Gala+a.!s ersel># t at .ras+ed t e .ravity !> t e situati!n" Instantly a warnin. went !ut" And re'eivin. it# t e liner >inally t! +l!d !nt! a new eadin." <O B A B = at t e &B< Yuri s rie)ed# er eyes .!in. r!und" <He@s n!t Cust atta')in.B He t in)s e@s a Ka(i)aGeB< <EEEHB< I sFueeGed t e laser >!r all I was w!rt " T e !nly way t! st!+ i( was t! s !!t i( d!wn" But t e sau'er was n! slu..ard w en it 'a(e t! runnin." Already e was t!! >ar away" T e laser bea(s l!!)ed li)e t ey were s'!rin. dire't its# but t ey weren@t +!wer>ul en!u. t! ta)e i( !ut" T e sau'er swerved a>ter t e Gala+a.!s as it w!bbled int! a turn" It +lun.ed s(a') int! t e (ain en.ine r!!( at t e liner@s stern"

And t ere was a very bi. ban." <O&!&!&! "< Yuri and I '!uldn@t bear t! wat' " =e '!vered !ur >a'es" Gala+a.!s br!)e in tw!# and tu(bled t!ward t e +lanet bel!w" O> '!urse# t ere was n! way t! save er" <T e bastardB< 'ried Yuri >uri!usly" Her >ists were 'len' ed and tre(blin." <He )new e '!uldn@t beat us in a >air >i. t# s! e >!und t is way t! +ut us !n t e s+!t"< Y!u said it# Yuri" =e really were !n t e s+!t"

Chapter '! Shut Up or E(se)))

Hi" :y na(e@s Kei" I was b!rn !n t e +lanet Ni!.i !n De'e(ber %4# %$%$" I@( $1 years !ld" T ree years a.! I .raduated >r!( t e university !n :eGuiru# and C!ined t e ===A t!.et er wit (y +artner Yuri" I@( Cust a inn!'ent# sweet y!un. (aiden" Yuri was b!rn !n :ar' $2# %$%%" S e@s >r!( Y!' a" And yu+# s e@s $1# t!!" Yuri and I .!t t! )n!w ea' !t er w en we were in t e sa(e study .r!u+ in t e sa(e 'lass at t e university !n :eGuiru" =e s!!n be'a(e >ast >riends" Y!u '!uldn@t >ind tw! +e!+le wit (!re di>>erent +ers!nalities !r tastes# but >!r s!(e reas!n we were attra'ted t! ea' !t er >r!( t e instant we (et" It was stran.e !w well we .!t al!n. /t ere really was a reas!n >!r it# t!!# but t at !nly be'a(e 'lear a>ter we C!ined t e ===A0" It@s been seven years n!w# but we@ve never been se+arated# n!t even !n'e" One day n!t l!n. be>!re we were su++!sed t! .raduate# we were 'alled in by !ur advis!r and intr!du'ed t! a .entle(an waitin. in is !>>i'e" T e (an was a re>ined# s' !larly ty+e# ab!ut >!rty# w ! s !wed abs!lutely n! in'linati!n t! tell us is na(e" ,a't was# e was a s'!ut >!r an !r.aniGati!n we@d !nly eard ru(!rs ab!ut be>!re & t e ===A & T ree D!uble&? A" T e ===A@s real na(e is t e =!rlds =el>are =!r) Ass!'iati!n & it@s !ne !> t e +ubli' b!dies bel! t! ?nited Gala'ti'a" As >!r ?nited Gala'ti'a itsel># well# I ave yet t! (eet any!ne w ! d!esn@t )n!w w at t at is" ,!unded in %$75# wit a (e(bers i+ !> 7#333 +lanet states l!'ated in t e :il)y =ay .ala;y# ?G is a +an&.ala'ti' +ea'e '!!+erati!n !r.aniGati!n" It@s Cust 73 years sin'e s'ientists +er>e'ted t e .reatest drea( !> t e u(an ra'e# t e war+ drive" In t at ti(e# we u(ans & '!l!nists# we 'all !urselves & ave advan'ed steadily int! !uter s+a'e# >illin. t e :il)y =ay >r!( end t!

end" T ere are (!re t an 7#333 in abited s!lar syste(s# and Cust ab!ut as (any +lanet states & states w ere t e entire +lanet is t e basi' ad(inistrative unit" :y !wn !(e +lanet Ni!.i# and Yuri@s Y!' a# are b!t +lanet states" T ey de'lared inde+enden'e >r!( ,ederated Terra a de'ade a.! and C!ined ?nited Gala'ti'a" = en y!u t in) ab!ut it# t e u(an ra'e as '!(e a l!n. way in Cust t e t ree de'ades sin'e it laun' ed !>> int! dee+ s+a'e" In'redible vitality is t e w!rd" I su++!se t at vitality (ust be a (ani>estati!n !> t e li>e>!r'e !> t e s+e'ies itsel>" In re'ent years terra>!r(in. te' n!l!.y as been advan'in. by lea+s and b!unds" N!wadays even +lanets t at !n'e were le>t t! t e(selves as un>it >!r u(an abitati!n are bein. rebuilt int! '!l!niGable w!rlds" S!(e states even +lan t! terra>!r( all t e +lanets in t eir s!lar syste(s" At t is rate# virtually every +lanet state in t e .ala;y will ave ev!lved int! an even (!re advan'ed >!r( !> .!vern(ent wit in Cust t e ne;t >ew years & s!lar states# +er a+sD T irty years" *ust 73 years and it@s already '!(e t! t is" It )ind !> (a)es y!u t in) t e universe itsel> as blessed u(anity@s advan'e" As i> it C!y>ully >lun. wide its .ates !> its !wn a''!rd" -an t at really be trueD =ell# I >!r !ne sure d!n@t t in) s!" :an d!esn@t '!ntr!l t e universeA it asn@t surrendered" It@s !nly .iven !ur u(an ra'e an itsy&bitsy ' an'e /and even t at stri)es (e as in'redibly .ener!us0" S!(e !w we@ve been able t! (a)e .!!d !n t at ' an'e" Or we ave s! >ar" O> '!urse t e r!ad asn@t always been easy" = y is t atD Be'ause naturally# t e ' an'e we@ve been .iven '!(es wit its !wn set !> trials atta' ed" In '!untless s a+es and >!r(s# t !se trials ave risen u+ be>!re !ur s+e'ies t! bl!') !ur way" S!(eti(es t ere@s been terrible >evers# !ri.ins un)n!wn" At !t er ti(es# natural 'atastr!+ es bey!nd !ur '!ntr!l# li)e (assive s+a'e 'urrents !r bla') !les" T ere as even been >i. ts a(!n. !urselves t at ave es'alated int! a test >!r t e ra'e as a w !le" T ere wasn@t (u' !> t at in t e be.innin." =e (i. t ta)e s!(e da(a.e n!w and t en# but it was always li(ited# and never en!u. t! sway t e >ate !> t e entire s+e'ies" Or wasn@t# t at is# until t e disaster t at s !!) t e very >!undati!ns !> ?nited Gala'ti'a# t e in>a(!us Kuraretta trinary star in'ident" T ere@s n! reas!n >!r (e t! e;+lain t e in'ident ere# s! I w!n@t" I> y!u want t! )n!w (!re ab!ut it# Cust 'art y!ursel> !>> t! t e library" Everyt in. >r!( t e very be.innin. t! t e very end# all t e way d!wn t! t e se'ret

st!ries be ind t e se'ret st!ries# ave all been +ut d!wn !n (i'r!>il(" *ust t e standard en'y'l!+edia entry w!uld +r!bably be all y!u need# t !u. " = at was (!st>i'ant ab!ut t e Kuraretta in'ident was n!t t e in'ident itsel>" It was t at it >inally +!unded int! t e eads !> t e leaders !> ea' and every +lanet state an awareness t at any )ind !> tr!uble# even t e (!st trivial t in.# 'an eventually es'alate t! t e +!int t at it t reatens t e e;isten'e !> t e w !le u(an ra'e i> it isn@t andled +r!+erly" T at was t e ba').r!und rati!nale >!r t e >!undin. !> t e ===A si; years a.!" T e ===A see)s !ut# trains and dis+at' es +e!+le w ! 'an res+!nd t! any and all )inds !> +r!ble(s wit t e +!tential t! ar( t e s+e'ies" T e ===A@s a.ents eit er s!lve t e +r!ble( t e(selves# !r +r!vide advi'e t at '!ntributes t! >indin. a s!luti!n" It@s a uniFue !r.aniGati!n even wit in ?nited Gala'ti'a" T! enable it t! +er>!r( its (issi!n# ?nited Gala'ti'a as end!wed t e ===A wit awes!(e aut !rity" ===A a.ents & tr!uble '!nsultants# we@re 'alled & ave t!tal >reed!( !> a''ess t! any +lanet state bel! t! Gala'ti'a" =e@re .ranted '!(+lete aut !rity t! inde+endently +ursue !ur investi.ati!ns" Tr!uble '!nsultants res+!nsible >!r investi.atin. 'ri(inal !>>enses in +arti'ular# are .iven 'arte blan' e t! use any and all )inds !> wea+!ns" Even s!# and I )n!w t is 'an be ard t! understand & t e ===A is in n! way an internati!nal +!li'e >!r'e# !r a s+e'ial (ilitary >!r'e" Ea' +lanet state as its !wn inde+endent +!li'e and ar(y# and ?nited Gala'ti'a as t e ?G S+a'e ,!r'e" T ere@s been n! need t! .! t! all t e tr!uble !> 'reatin. yet an!t er si(ilar !r.aniGati!n" N!# in t e >inal analysis# t e ===A always >un'ti!ns in t e interests !> all (an)ind" It@s .uidin. + il!s!+ y is t e <enri' (ent !> li>e"< In s !rt# its wel>are" I Cust t !u. t y!u !u. t t! )n!w" It@s really ard t! be'!(e a ===A tr!uble '!nsultant" A'tually# ard isn@t Fuite t e ri. t w!rd" Y!u 'an@t Cust ' !!se t! be'!(e a tr!uble '!nsultant" T e ===A ' !!ses t e +e!+le it needs itsel># t r!u. its !wn s'!uts" I d!n@t )n!w w at t e standards are (ysel>" T e ?nited Gala'ti'a 'entral '!(+uter sele'ts +e!+le t r!u. !ut t e .ala;y w ! ave t e Fualities and talents it ta)es" T en it sends a re'ruiter t! (eet t e(" On'e y!u@ve been s'!uted# y!u under.! a year !> s+e'ial trainin." A>ter t at t e ===A assi.ns y!u t! t e >ield y!ur +arti'ular talents best eFui+ y!u t! andle" T e ===A s'!ut w ! suddenly s !wed u+ a >ew days be>!re !ur .raduati!n was t ere t! s'!ut us" Believe it !r n!t# e wanted us t! be ===A 'ri(e tr!uble '!nsultants"

Our st!(a' s >li+&>l!++ed" T e s !') nearly t!!) !ur breat away" Yuri really did st!+ breat in. >!r a (!(entA s e was >it t! su>>!'ate !n t e s+!t" I 'an re(e(ber as i> it were yesterday !w !ur advis!r# Dr" - iban# (!aned and buried is ead in is ar(s w en e saw us >l!underin. ab!ut" All t in.s '!nsidered# it was a natural rea'ti!n" Neit er !> us ad any +arti'ular talent /!r s! we believed at t e ti(e0" As >!r !ur .rades# well# t! be +er>e'tly >ran)# t ey weren@t e;a'tly +raisew!rt y" I> t ere was anyt in. ab!ut us t at set us a+art >r!( !t er +e!+le it was t e >a't t at we were b!t /t !u. I say it (ysel>0# a'tually Fuite beauti>ul# wit +retty .!!d >i.ures /Every!ne did say s!B0" Yet t at !bvi!usly ad n!t in. t! d! wit t e ===A@s sele'ti!n standards" =e were sure t ere@d been s!(e (ista)e" =e )e+t bad.erin. t e re'ruiter t! tell us w y we were bein. s'!uted" But t at was !ne Fuesti!n e abs!lutely re>used t! answer" Later !n we >!und !ut t at e '!uldn@t ave answered us even i> e@d wanted t!A e didn@t ave t e sli. test idea w y# eit er" In t e end# we went al!n." ===A tr!uble '!nsultants are an elite" T ey@re at t e very 'uttin. ed.e !> s!'iety" But even better t an t at# t ey@d '!(e t! s'!ut Yuri and (e t!.et er" By t en t e tw! !> us ad already de'ided t at we w!uld be inse+arable w en we went !ut int! t e real w!rld /and d!n@t y!u .et t! t in)in. we@re lesbians# E'uG we@re n!tB0" But t e real w!rld isn@t all r!ses# and we@d been >rettin. ab!ut w et er we '!uld really +ull it !>>" And t en# Cust at t at very (!(ent# al!n. '!(es t is in'redible !>>er >r!( t e ===A" I> t ey@d s'!uted Cust (e# !r Yuri# we w!uld ave turned t e( d!wn >lat" N! s!!ner ad we .raduated t an we were sent t! t e ===A trainin. >a'ility !n S i(!.u" On S i(!.u t ey stu>> >res re'ruits t! t e .ills wit new s)ills# >r!( +il!tin. s+a'es i+s t! andlin. wea+!ns !r# as in !ur 'ase# te' niFues !> 'ri(inal investi.ati!n" =e r!lled !ur eyes at t e t !u. t !> avin. t! .! ba') t! s' !!l t e (inute we@d >inis ed '!lle.e" But we .rit !ur teet # and b!re it" S!# at t e end !> t e year we !btained !ur !>>i'ial li'enses as 'ri(inal!r tr!uble '!nsultants and started !n !ur new 'areers" As >!r !ur C!b re'!rd# it@s n!t s!(et in. I@d want t! tal) t! stran.ers ab!ut" It@s n!t e;a'tly# y!u )n!w & bad" =e@ve s!lved every 'ase we@ve ever w!r)ed !n" It@s Cust t at t e s!luti!ns weren@t always very +retty" As I see it# t ere are tw! ways t! s!lve a 'ase" T ere@s t e 'lean way# w ere y!u use +ea'e>ul (eans t! brin. everyt in. under '!ntr!l" T en t ere@s t e !t er way# w ere y!u ave t! use '!er'i!n t! >!r'e a s!luti!n !n a +r!ble( w et er it li)es it !r n!t" I d!n@t )n!w !w e'!n!(i' tr!uble '!nsultants .! ab!ut it# but it see(s t! (e t at in !ur >ield# we always run

int! t e .!ry se'!nd alternative" Even t en# !ur 'ases ave ad(ittedly been Cust a bit t!! s+e'ta'ular" An e;+l!si!n ere# an in>ern! t ere# and in t e end we@re le>t wit a (!untain !> '!r+ses and# in'identally# a s!luti!n" N!w it@s (y !+ini!n t at we always .et 'ases t at ave t e latent +!tential >!r turnin. !ut t at way n! (atter w ! t!!) t e( !n" Publi' !+ini!n see(s t! see it di>>erently" Ru(!r as it t at any 'ase# even !ne as teeny&tiny as t e +!int !> a needle# will es'alate t! t!tal war !n'e we@ve been sent in" O> '!urse t at@s Cust n!nsense" I> it was true t ey w!uld ave ta)en away !ur li'enses l!n. a.!# n!w# w!uldn@t t eyD A tr!uble '!nsultants@ '!dena(e is usually ta)en >r!( t e na(e !> is s i+" Our s+a'es i+ bears t e sweet a++ellati!n L!vely An.el" Naturally# we s !uld be 'alled t at# t!!" And t is was true at least# in t e be.innin." N!wadays# t !u. # n!b!dy uses t at 'ute little title" Based !n !ur style !> w!r)# al(!st be>!re we )new it# every!ne ad ta)en t! 'allin. us t e Dirty Pair" ,!rtunately /d!es t at s!und !ddD0# 'lients 'an@t +i') t eir tr!uble '!nsultants" T e 'entral '!(+uter sends t e +e!+le it best suited t! t e tas)# based !n a detailed analysis !> t e 'ase at and" I> t ey '!uld ' !!se# I su++!se !ur w!r) w!uld dry u+ !verni. t" = erever we .!# t e w!rd as always .!tten !ut already# and +e!+le .reet us wit t e sa(e !ld l!!) !> '!nsternati!n !n t eir >a'es" T at really (a)es t e bl!!d rus t! !ur eads" Inwardly we s'rea( at !ur 'lients t! st!+ t eir blit erin." T is ti(e# we +led.e# we@ll (a)e a 'lean C!b !> it" T !u. # s!(e !w !r !t er# Fuite a.ainst !ur will# it turns !ut t e sa(e as usual" N!net eless# startin. !>> !ur investi.ati!n by sa'ri>i'in. an entire 'ivilian s+a'eliner 'arryin. >!rty +assen.ers and >i>teen 'rew (e(bers K as we Cust ad !n Dan.le & was a >irst even >!r us# t e ill&re+uted Dirty Pair" <= ! d!es e t in) e is# t at sn!t&n!sed +u(+)in eadB< I ad started s !utin. at t e t!+ !> (y v!i'e t e (!(ent we it t e r!ad" =e were ridin. in a .lea(in. bla') li(!usine" Yuri# sittin. ne;t t! (e in t e ba') seat# and :r" :erut!nan u+ >r!nt ne;t t! t e driver# b!t '!vered t eir ears in disa++r!val" T e driver was an andr!id# and '!uldn@t ave 'ared less" T e !t ers '!uld ave learned a t in. !r tw! >r!( i(B <Y!u sure 'an be a l!ud(!ut # KeiB< said Yuri an.rily" <= at d! y!u (ean by t atB< I ret!rted# t! t e atta')" <Y!u sure 'an )ee+ y!ur +rissy +!ise a>ter bein. +ut t r!u. all t atB< <Is t ere anyt in. wr!n. wit t atB< <=r!n.B< I 'ried# +r!v!)ed anew" <D!n@t y!u ave any nervesD< <Sure I d!B< Yuri +u>>ed !ut er ' ee)s" <Plenty &< <O # >! itB< It was !+eless"

A'tually# it ad all be.un w en we debar)ed >r!( L!vely An.el" =!rn t! a ra.# t !r!u. ly de+ressed by t e 'ras !> t e Gala+a.!s# we trud.ed (!r!sely d!wn L!vely An.el@s .an.way int! t e ta)e!>>Llandin. +!rt at Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt" Everyt in. see(ed a ' !re" =e didn@t even want t! tal)" All we really wanted t! d! i> we '!uld was ide under !ur blan)ets in L!vely An.el@s slee+in. 'abin and sul)" But we '!uld ardly d! t at" =e ad '!(e ere t! d! a C!b" :!re!ver# we still ad t! sFuare away t e Gala+a.!s disaster" O >!r sure# it ad !nly a++ened be'ause t !se ?,Os ad ta)en it u+!n t e(selves t! atta') us# t! run away >r!( us# and t! s(as int! t e s+a'eliner" But we still '!uldn@t es'a+e >eelin. res+!nsible" As ===A tr!uble '!nsultants# it ad been !ur duty t! s !!t t e( d!wn be>!re t in.s went t at >ar" Stee+ed in .l!!(# we went d!wnstairs and .!t !n t e (!vin. sidewal)" Yuri and I were b!t e(+ty anded# wit !ut even a ba. t! !ur na(e" =e@d le>t :u.i be ind in L!vely An.el" =e .!t !>> at t e i((i.rati!n '!unter" O> '!urse# all ===A a.ents ave >ree +asses" =e Cust >las ed !ur ID 'ards# and we were t r!u. " I didn@t (u' li)e t e way t e i((i.rati!n !>>i'er stared at us t !u. # as i> we were a '!u+le !> (!nsters" I> I@d (et i( in t e street# e never w!uld ave .!tten away wit it" =e t!!) t e elevat!r t! t e >irst >l!!r l!bby & w ere we >!und a .r!u+ !> (en waitin. >!r us" T ere were ab!ut %3 !> t e(" T ey were all tall# )een&eyed# and wra++ed in bla') '!ats" S!(e !> t e( even ad !n sun.lasses" =e esitated be>!re a++r!a' in. t e(# a>raid t ey (i. t be .an.sters" It wasn@t be'ause we were s'ared !> t e(# (ind y!u" =e were Cust s'ared !> Cu(+in. t! '!n'lusi!ns and .ettin. int! a brawl" On'e & !n Planet Ber!su# I t in) it was & we@d (ista)en s!(e a't!rs !n l!'ati!n >!r real .an.sters and beaten t e( t! a +ul+" =e didn@t want t! (a)e t e sa(e (ista)e twi'e" All twenty +airs !> eyes >!ll!wed us as we ste++ed !ut !> t e elevat!r" I >elt a little uneasy as t! w at t e >!ll!win. (inutes (i. t brin." One !> t e (en ste++ed >!rward" T is .uy didn@t ave a '!at" He was wearin. a bla')# t ree&+ie'e +instri+e suit wit t e >lair !> a >as i!n (!del" Besides w i' # e was Cust in'redibly ands!(e" He l!!)ed 75# (aybe 78" He ad a >earless >a'e wit a str!n.# well& s a+ed n!se" A s !') !> dar) br!wn air un. !ver is >!re ead" He was breat ta) se;y" His aFua(arine eyes .linted li)e +ri'eless Cewels# and w en t ey turned !n (e t ey sent a s iver d!wn (y s+ine# turnin. (y )nees t! Celly"

He was even taller t an t e .an. !> beanstal)s ar!und i(# easily t!++in. $13 'enti(eters" He was terribly lean# but is s ar+ (!ve(ents bes+!)e !> ir!n (us'les" T e (an s(iled s!>tly# revealin. a .li((er !> +early w ite teet " O # e was t!! (u' " I was wal)in. !n air" Ta)e (eB In a dee+ v!i'e at !n'e (as'uline and tender# t e (an s+!)e & <Aren@t y!u '!ld in t at .et&u+D< In a (!(ent I was (ysel> a.ain" = at@s it t! y!u# buddyB = at@s t e bi. idea# ruinin. (y .!!d (!!dBD I d!n@t need y!ur advi'e" It (ay l!!) bare t! y!u# but we@re '!(+letely +r!te'ted# n!t !nly w ere t ere@s >abri' but w ere it l!!)s li)e !ur s)in@s e;+!sed# t!!" =e@re en'ased in a trans+arent s eat in. !> ultra&t in rein>!r'ed +!ly(er" T e +!ly(er was devel!+ed by ===A@s !wn resear' labs# and even .ives us s!(e +r!te'ti!n a.ainst eat and bullets" T at@s (!re t an a '!untry bu(+)in li)e y!u deserves t! )n!wB I .lared at t e (an as I rattled t at !>> in (y (ind" Yuri see(ed t! ave ad t e sa(e rea'ti!n" S e .l!wered at i( as i> e were er w!rst ene(y" T e (an n!ti'ed e@d (ade a bl!!+er" Sli. tly >lustered# e tried a.ain" <A # t at was rude !> (e" Y!u tw! y!un. ladies w!uldn@t a++en t! be ===A tr!uble '!nsultantsD< S! t at was it" =ell# w y adn@t e said s! in t e >irst +la'eD I let (y e;+ressi!n rela; a little" <T at@s ri&i. t#< I '!!ed" <Are y!u >r!( t e Gravas ,!undati!nD< <N!"< :r" Hands!(e sl!wly s !!) is ead" His every (!ve was deliberate# and it was .ettin. !n (y nervesA He s(iled wit t e '!rner !> is (!ut " An!t er un+leasant +re(!niti!n ran d!wn (y s+ine" <:y na(e is Baylea>#< e said" Still s(ir)in.# e s+a'ed !ut is w!rds (!(ent!usly" <I@( an ins+e't!r !> t e Dan.le -entral P!li'e"< Eee)B I let l!!se a silent s'rea(" ,!r a (!(ent (y w !le b!dy went" Tal) ab!ut t in.s t at d!n@t .et al!n.B It@s a rare '!(binati!n t at 'an .et al!n. any w!rse t an us and t e l!'al '!+s" I wildly 'ursed (y un' " It ad# as usual# been ri. t !n" <-ri(inal tr!uble '!nsultants Kei and Yuri#< Ins+e't!r Baylea> '!ntinued" <N!# let@s dis+ense wit t e >!r(alities" =e@ll Cust 'all y!u t e Dirty Pair"< =e were stunned s+ee' less" Pressin. is advanta.e# Baylea> be'a(e even (!re !verbearin." BlastB I> y!u want t! )ee+ t in.s s !rt# !ur !>>i'ial '!de na(e is L!vely An.elB <Dirty PairB< is v!i'e .rew even s ar+er" <T e reas!n we@ve '!(e t! t is s+a'e+!rt t!day is t! send y!u +a')in.B

<T e e;+l!si!n and >ire at Gravas Heavy Industries t at y!u@ve been as)ed t! investi.ate >alls under (y Curisdi'ti!n" I@ve deter(ined t at it was an a''ident" O> '!urse# I '!ndu'ted a t !r!u. investi.ati!n" :y '!n'lusi!n is based !n t at investi.ati!n" N! (atter w at an.le y!u +ursue# t ere is n! r!!( >!r d!ubt" <But t !se >!!ls at t e Gravas ,!undati!nB I d!n@t )n!w w at .!t int! t e(# but t ey went and +etiti!ned t e ===A t! re!+en t e investi.ati!n" """And (!re!ver" :!re!verB T e +e!+le t ey send t! d! it are n!ne !t er t an t e in>a(!us Dirty PairB D! y!u e;+e't us t! +ut u+ wit t atD <I w!uldn@t 'all it (in!r# but n!net eless# t e e;+l!si!n was unFuesti!nably an a''ident" And n!w# t! ave it ta)en in and by t e G!ddesses !> Ill ,!rtune# t! ave it +!)ed at# >ra(ed# t! ave u+ eavals# +ubli' !rder disturbed# (urders +r!v!)ed# 'ities destr!yed# t e very land itsel> +!lluted & < <O Cust s ut u+B< I 'ried at last# brea)in. i( !>> in (id&senten'e" Le>t t! i(sel># t e ins+e't!r see(ed ready t! .! !n runnin. us d!wn in +ubli' >!rever" <S+!utin. !>> Cust be'ause we@re ta)in. it Fuietly" And y!u 'all y!ursel> a (an# blabberin. !n li)e t atD *ust w en are y!u su..estin. t at we ever did anyt in. li)e t atB< <= enD< lau. ed Baylea> (!')" He t! '!unt !n is >in.ers" <T e -astle !> Geb!r! a>>air !n Orius# t e Bar!n Kital!') (urder !n Tevi!us# t e ' ild )idna++in. !n Kelbat# t e Gaidle"""< O n!" I 'radled (y ead in (y ar(s" T e ene(y ad studied all ab!ut us" It w!uld ta)e (!re t an a al>& earted e>>!rt t! 'ut i( d!wn t! siGe" But i> we Fuailed n!w and returned !(e# it w!uld be 'urtains >!r us wit t e ===A" =e ad t! .ive i( a .!!d# ard bite" <O # t !se#< I said n!n' alantly# >ei.nin. 'al(" <=eren@t t !se all in'idents# n!t a''identsD And didn@t we s!lve t e( allD< <S!lve t e(B< .r!wled Baylea># .rindin. is teet " <= at d! y!u ave t! bra. ab!utB Ea' and every !ne !> t e( was a te;tb!!) study !> bl!!ds ed and destru'ti!nB S!lved t e(# y!u sayD T at@s absurd" Are y!u >!ll!win. (eD In t e 'ase !> Orius# n!b!dy as been able t! live t ere sin'e" It@s a . !st +lanet" Eeeee)B A.ain I .ave a silent s'rea(" Even I t !u. t we@d rat er !verd!ne t in.s !n Orius# but I@d never drea(ed it ad been t at bad" Even s!# e w!uld ave t! d! better t an t at t! daunt us" <S! Cust w at t e ell are y!u drivin. atDB< I 'ried in des+erate '!unter& atta')" A yu((y l!!)in. y!un. .ent .lan'ed (y way in sur+rise" BlastB

An!t er (an s'ared !>> >!r .!!d" <Every !ne !> t !se 'ases was b!und t! turn !ut t e way it didB It@s n!t !ur >ault t in.s a++ened t at wayB< <A aB< Ins+e't!r Baylea> raised is ' in and l!!)ed d!wn !n us t r!u. narr!wed eyes" It was a dis+lay !> t e (!st blatant '!nte(+t" <In t at 'ase# I su++!se y!u@re .!in. t! 'lai( it wasn@t y!ur >ault t at y!u >!u. t a d!.>i. t ri. t !ver Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt# t e Gala+a.!s and >i>ty&>ive inn!'ent 'itiGens t! t eir deat sB< O!!>B His w!rds see(ed t! (a)e an al(!st audible n!ise as t ey +lun.ed int! (y eart" Da(nB ?sin. t e very t in. we were (!st u+set ab!ut !urselves""" <=ell# I su++!se y!u 'an 'lai( anyt in. y!u want#< '!ntinued Baylea># l!!)in. as)an'e at us wit a vi't!r@s +ride" <A>ter all# y!u@re t e all& (i. ty tr!uble '!nsultants >r!( t e ===A" S! let it +ass# let it +ass" But I at least (ust as) y!u t! settle t e s'!re" Isn@t t at s!D I> y!u d!n@t# w at '!ns!lati!n will t ere be >!r t e 88 deadD< <=e >eel e;a'tly t e sa(e way#< I said" Turnin. senti(ental# I >!und (ysel> a.reein. wit Baylea>" But t at was Cust t e ins+e't!r@s tra+" = at Baylea> (eant by settlin. t e s'!re was '!(+letely di>>erent >r!( w at Yuri and I ad in (ind" <I@( .rate>ul y!u a.ree#< e said# wit a sna)y s(ile !n is li+s" <In t at 'ase# y!u 'an a''!(+any (e t! eadFuarters n!w" Yes# y!u 'an stay t ere >!r 53 days !r s! and el+ us answer a >ew Fuesti!ns"< <= atB< I was >labber.asted" T e very idea was ridi'ul!us" <= y are y!u s! sur+risedD< as)ed Baylea> wit an i'y l!!) !n is >a'e" <Didn@t y!u Cust a.ree t! settle t e s'!reD< <N!B< I wailed" <T at@s n!t w at I (eantB< <I see" " "< A.ain t e '!nte(+tu!us .aGe" <S! I ta)e it ===A tr!uble '!nsultants d!n@t ave t e u(an '!(+assi!n t! (!urn t e deadD< <H!w dare y!uB< I e;+l!ded at Baylea> w!rds" <N!w y!u listen t! (eB = at !n eart were y!u '!+s u+ t! w ile we were bein. atta')ed by unidenti>ied >lyin. sau'ersD =ere y!u sittin. ar!und su')in. y!ur t u(bs and 'ryin. dearie (e# dearie (eD Or (aybe y!u were Cust enC!yin. t e s !w# waitin. >!r us t! (a)e a (ista)eD H!w ab!ut itD On Dan.le d!n@t t e +!li'e d! anyt in. w en s!(eb!dy starts a battle in y!ur airs+a'eD<

<= at did y!u Cust sayB< r!ared Baylea>" His >a'e went 'ri(s!n# t en w ite# and >inally bla')" <=e were waitin. ere t! (a)e y!u see reas!n and t! send y!u ba') w ere y!u 'a(e >r!(B And even w ile we waited & t e Gala+a.!s tra.edyB As i> t at by itsel> wasn@t (!re t an we '!uld endure# n!w y!u '!(e and insult us t! !ur >a'esB <Hery =ellB I> t at@s !w it@s .!in. t! be# t en t! ell wit t e ===A and ?nited Gala'ti'aB I@ll tea' y!u a less!n y!u@ll never >!r.etB< <Hery >unnyB Try it and see !w >ar y!u .etB< <By G!d# I willB< S+ar)s >lew between us" T!u' and .!# we were !nly an in' away >r!( a battle r!yal" It ad .!ne bey!nd w!rds" But Cust at t at (!(ent""" <= &w at@s .!in. !n ereB< A (an burst urriedly int! t e l!bby" He was a s !rt#>ied l!!)in. .entle(an !> 88 !r 86# 'learly a t!+ e;e'utive ty+e" <Da(nati!nB< Ins+e't!r Baylea> .r!unded is teet at t e si. t !> i(" <T ere were s! (any ' e')+!ints al!n. t e way I was a>raid s!(et in. was .!in. !n#< t e (an ' attered at Baylea>" <And sure en!u. # Cust l!!) at y!uB Ins+e't!r# w at is t e (eanin. !> t isDB <Y!u 'an see >!r y!ursel># :r" :erut!nan#< re+lied Baylea> in ' a.rin" T e !ld .ent was n!ne !t er t an !ur 'lient# ( dire't!r :erut!nan !> t e Gravas ,!undati!n" <A s+a'es i+ as 'ras ed# and I was Cust at t e +!int !> reFuestin. s!(e i(+!rtant witnesses t! v!luntarily a''!(+any (e t! eadFuarters"< <Y!u see( t! be stret' in. t in.s a bit#< sna++ed :erut!nan" <I s+ea) >!r t e Gravas ,!undati!n in turnin. d!wn y!ur reFuest" T ese tw! y!un. ladies are ere at t e invitati!n !> t e ,!undati!n"< :r" :erut!nan#< re+lied Baylea> sti>>ly" <It@s true t e Gravas ,!undati!n virtually '!ntr!ls Dan.le" Even s!# I d!n@t t in) it w!uld be wise t! (a)e ene(ies !> t e -entral P!li'e"< <Say w at y!u li)e#< ret!rted :erut!nan brusFuely" <On (y le.iti(ate aut !rity# I intend t! ta)e t ese tw! ladies wit (e"< <Y!u d!# d! y!uB< e;'lai(ed Baylea># 'ru(blin. in t e >a'e !> :erut!nan@s res!lve" <T en d! as y!u +leaseB< Baylea> relu'tantly le>t t e l!bby# is twenty underlin.s in t!w" <N!w t en#< said :erut!nan# turnin. t! >a'e us" He still s+!)e 'ris+ly >r!( t e +revi!us ar.u(ent# and is s+lendid bald d!(e .lea(ed wit sweat <I@( terribly s!rry t! ave been s! late" =e@ll .! strai. t t! Gravas Heavy Industries eadFuarters"<

=e were +r!(+tly bundled int! a bi. bla') air'ar li(!usine waitin. !utside t e s+a'e+!rt ter(inal" T e li(!usine li>ted !>># and (!(ents later we were barrelin. d!wn t e i. way# due s!ut "

Chapter *! "ho Cares A+out ,a-ations. Any/ay&

<=ell# it w!uldn@t ave a++ened i> y!u weren@t s! sl!w !n t e u+ta)eB< Des+erately +ullin. (ysel> ba') t!.et er a.ain# I went ba') t! belab!rin. Yuri" As >!r Yuri# Cust !w d! y!u li)e t atD S e was .aw)in. at (e# er >a'e a +i'ture !> daGed stu+e>a'ti!n" <T e +r!ble( wit y!u#< I '!ntinued# <is t at y!u always +retend as i> n!t in. '!n'erns y!u at allB <But .!lly#< said Yuri# sFuir(in. !n t e seat" Y!u Cust .!t ri. t u+ and started Fuarrelin. wit t e +!li'e(en# Kei" T ere wasn@t anyt in. I '!uld d!# was t ereD< <Hu(+ B< I was at a l!ss >!r w!rds" O # >!r sure# t ere was a (!untain !> t in.s I '!uld ave said" Li)e# Cust w at d! y!u (ean by t at# YuriD = ile y!u were standin. t ere li)e a lu(+ !n a l!.# I was !ut t ere de>endin. !ur !n!r all by (ysel>" B!y# y!u@ve .!t a l!t !> nerveB I '!ntinued t! seet e in ra.e" But !n'e Yuri ta)es t at attitude# it d!esn@t (atter w at y!u say" S e Cust >l!ats away >r!( y!u# until y!u wind u+ >eelin. li)e a >!!l y!ursel>" I .ave u+ t r!win. ysteri's at er# and trained (y si. ts !n :erut!nan# sittin. in t e >r!nt seat"

<:y# (y# :r" :erut!nan#< I said# startin. i( !ut .ently wit (y velvet t!u' " <Y!u 'ertainly did ta)e a l!n. ti(e .ettin. t! t e air+!rt# didn@t y!uD< <A & A # yes"< :erut!nan turned t! l!!) at us !ver t e ba') !> is seat" He was 'learly e(barrassed" As I (enti!ned in t e l!bby#< e said# <t e +!li'e ad ' e')+!ints set u+ all al!n. t e i. way" :!re!ver# t ey were t e )ind w ere t ey t !r!u. ly ' e') ea' 'ar !ne by !ne"< <=!wB T e +!li'e were tryin. t! st!+ y!uD< <I d!n@t )n!w i> I was t eir !r n!t#< said :erut!nan" <But it did stri)e (e as sus+i'i!us# s! I ad s!(e !> !ur sta>> l!!) int! it" A++arently ea' ' e')+!int was ta)en d!wn a>ter I@d .!ne t r!u. "< <=ell t at was +retty braGen !> t e("< I narr!wed (y eyes" <T ey were s' e(in. t! turn us ba') !r s!(et in. be>!re y!u arrived"< <T e +!li'e were e;tre(ely an.ry w en t ey learned t at t e Gravas ,!undati!n ad ta)en t is in'ident t! t e ===A#< ad(itted :erut!nan" = en t ey learned t at t e Dirty# a e(# t e L!vely An.els were '!(in.# t ey Fuite !+enly tried t! +ressure us"< <ReallyB<

<But we are# a>ter all# t e +eerless Gravas ,!undati!n" T at@s es+e'ially true ere !n Dan.le" =e !+ened u+ t is +lanet and devel!+ed it Cust t! l!'ate t e eadFuarters !> Gravas Heavy Industries ere" As >ar as t e .!vern(ent !> Dan.le is '!n'erned# !ur w!rd is t e law" It was !nly +!li'e +ressure" =e brus ed it !>>"< <S! t at@s w y t ey ad t! res!rt t! >!r'e#< I said# n!ddin. t! (ysel># and i((ediately resu(ed (y Fuesti!nin." <But even s!# w y are t ey s! +reCudi'ed a.ainst usD G!!dness# y!u d!n@t su++!se t e +!li'e are inv!lved in t is a>>airD< <T at is (!st unli)ely#< said :erut!nan# dis(issin. t e idea !ut !> and" <He as a Fui') te(+er# but y!u (i. t 'all t at t e >law in a Cewel" In all !t er res+e'ts# Ins+e't!r Baylea> is a 'a+able and !nest +!li'e !>>i'er" As l!n. as e@s inv!lved# it@s sa>e t! assu(e n!t in. under anded is .!in. !n" :!re!ver"""< <:!re!verD< <A''!rdin. t! a re+!rt by t e Gravas ,!undati!n@s !wn intelli.en'e a++aratus# t e +!li'e are inn!'ent"< <Intelli.en'e a++aratusB< I 'ried !ut des+ite (ysel> at :erut!nan@s w!rds" Yuri (ade a s !w !> '!verin. er ears" *ust .! Cu(+ in a la)e# YuriB <Y!ur intelli.en'e a++aratusB< I said" <A +rivate !r.aniGati!n as bi. as t e Gravas ,!undati!n (ust ave d!Gens !> investi.ative !+erati!ns in several senses !> t e w!rd# ri. tD *ust n!w y!u (enti!ned !ne !> t eir re+!rts"< <Yes#< a.reed :erut!nan# tiltin. is ead FuiGGi'ally" <T at@s Fuite r!utine"< <S! let (e Cust as) y!u !ne t in." A''!rdin. t! t e ru(!r (ills# at least# t e in>!r(ati!n .at erin. 'a+abilities !> t e Gravas ,!undati!n@s intelli.en'e a++aratus easily !utstri+s t at !> t e ?nited Gala'ti'a S+a'e ,!r'e Intelli.en'e Bureau Se'!nd Se'ti!n" Is t at really trueD< <I 'an@t s+ea) wit abs!lute '!n>iden'e# but .enerally s+ea)in.# t at@s true#< a')n!wled.ed :erut!nan readily" <=e@re es+e'ially str!n. in e'!n!(i's"< <=ell# t en" Y!u +etiti!ned t e ===A a>ter y!ur intelli.en'e a++aratus ad already d!ne its w!r)" S!# w at are y!u really a>terD< T e !verw el(in. (aC!rity !> t e 'ases br!u. t be>!re t e ===A are initiated by nati!nal .!vern(ents" S' e(ati'ally# t e +r!'ess .!es li)e t isM in'ident arises & '!+s investi.ate & '!+s 'an@t '!+e & '!+s re+!rt t! t e .!vern(ent & t e .!vern(ent +etiti!ns t e ===A" T ere are s!(e 'ases# !wever# t at d!n@t >!ll!w t is +attern" T ey@re br!u. t dire'tly t! t e ===A@s attenti!n by t e +rivate se't!r" T ere are

ti(es# >!r instan'e# w en t e 'lai(ant (ay be dissatis>ied wit t e !ut'!(e !> a 'ase t e +!li'e already '!nsider 'l!sed" T at was w at ad a++ened t is ti(e wit t e Gravas ,!undati!n" <= at are we really a>terD T at@s a bit !> an e;a..erati!n#< re+lied :erut!nan serenely" <T e .reatest reas!n >!r !ur a++eal was si(+ly t at t e '!n'lusi!ns !> t e +!li'e and t e '!ntents !> t e >inal re+!rt +re+ared by !ur !wn intelli.en'e +e!+le disa.reed"< <T e +!li'e '!n'luded it was an a''ident#< I said" <S!# w at was y!ur '!n'lusi!nD< <-ause un)n!wn"< <= a & D< -au. t !>> .uard# (y eyes .rew r!und wit sur+rise" :erut!nan '!ntinued !n !blivi!usly" <Our intelli.en'e +e!+le investi.ated t e in'ident >r!( t ree an.les & !ne# t at it was a si(+le a''identA tw!# t at it was a 'ri(e by s!(e!ne inside t e !r.aniGati!n# and t ree# t at it was a 'ri(e by an !utsider" T ey s+ent a w !le (!nt !n it# and in t e end were unable t! deter(ine w i' i> any !> t ese was t e a'tual 'ause" But w at ab!ut t e +!li'eD A>ter Cust tw! wee)s !> investi.ati!ns t ey '!n'luded t at it was an a''ident" =e were disturbed by t is dis're+an'y# and de'ided t! ta)e t e (atter t! t e ===A"< <I see"< It all (ade sense" I was satis>ied" <T e >a't t at we ad real reas!n >!r '!n'ern#< added :erut!nan# <is +r!ved by t e ===A@s a''e+tan'e !> t e 'ase" A( I n!t '!rre'tD< Indeed# it was e;a'tly as :erut!nan said" In t e 'ase !> a +rivate se't!r a++eal# t e ===A d!esn@t Cust aut!(ati'ally dis+at' a tr!uble '!nsultant" ,irst# it as t e 'lai(ant and t e +!li'e turn !ver all t eir data" All t e eviden'e is t en in+ut int! t e ?nited Gala'ti'a 'entral '!(+uter" I> t ere is even t e tiniest bit !> a '!ntradi'ti!n in t e +!li'e@s '!n'lusi!ns# a tr!uble '!nsultant is dis+at' ed t! t e s'ene# n! (atter !w (in!r t e 'ase (ay see( t! be" T e >a't t at we ad been sent t! Dan.le s !wed (!re 'learly t an anyt in. else t at (!re t an a si(+le a''ident was inv!lved" By t e sa(e t!)en# t at Cud.(ent ad branded t e +!li'e wit t e in>a(y !> a b!t' ed investi.ati!n" T at@s t e reas!n we always .et al!n. s! badly wit t e l!'al +!li'e" Even s!# t !u. # t e atred Baylea> ad s !wn t!ward us was si(+ly t!! e;tre(e" <=ell# y!u 'ertainly ave as)ed (e a l!t !> Fuesti!ns#< said :erut!nan wit .entle(anly restraint" Per a+s e >elt e s !uld brid.e t e silen'e n!w

t at !ur '!nversati!n ad +etered !ut" <=eren@t y!u t!ld anyt in. at all ab!ut t e (atters I@ve been e;+lainin.D< <T at@s itB< Yuri# w ! ad been '!(+letely silent u+ t! t at +!int# suddenly let !ut a s !ut" =!uld y!u believe itD S e@d even raised ersel> al> !ut !> er seat" :erut!nan and I .a+ed at er in sur+rise" <T at@s t e w !le +!intB< s e '!ntinued" <=e were yan)ed int! t is a>>air wit !ut even ti(e >!r t atB< N!w I underst!!d w at s e wanted t! say" And !> '!urse# I wanted t! say it# t!!" = en t e 'entral '!(+uter ad su((!ned us we ad been !n ,&-lass standby & in !t er w!rds# !n va'ati!n" =e@d been at San!va Bea' !n Hanir" Hanir is !ne !> t e :il)y =ay@s (!st >a(!us !'ean res!rt +lanets" San!va Bea' is !n t e western sea'!ast !> t e Suvalean '!ntinent# w i' s+rawls al!n. Hanir@s eFuat!r" It@s an !'ean swi((in. res!rt t at@s .reatest 'lai( t! >a(e is its )il!(eter&l!n. bea' # blessed wit s all!w water >ar !ut t! sea and '!vered wit 'rystal w ite star sand" A # t e li(+id water# t e .entle waves# t e re>res in. breeGe# t e !t# e;'itin. rays !> t e sunB T at was w ere we@d been +assin. !ur ti(e !n ,& -lass standby w en we re'eived t e e(er.en'y su((!ns" = at d! y!u t in) w!uld n!r(ally a++en in su' a 'aseD O> '!urse# we@d be s'rea(in. bl!!dy (urder" Ten !r even twenty !> t e ' !i'est w!rds in !ur v!'abulary w!uldn@t su>>i'e t! relieve !ur >eelin.s" But Cust t is !n'e# it was di>>erent" Y!u see# t is +arti'ular ,&-lass standby ad ad n!t in. .!in. >!r it at all" Yuri ad .!tten t e 'ra(+s and nearly dr!wned" I was nearly run d!wn by a ydr!Cet b!at" T e )n!')!ut .uy we tried t! +i') u+ turned !ut t! be .ay""" In a w!rd# t is va'ati!n ad been t e +its" T at@s w en we .!t t e e(er.en'y su((!ns >r!( eadFuarters" Stewin. t ere wit n!t in. t! d!# lyin. ar!und !n !ur ba')s t!+less# we@d b!unded !>> Hanir and ba') int! s+a'e as i> t e su((!ns ad been a blessin. >r!( eaven" ,!ll!win. eadFuarter@s dire'ti!ns# we@d rus ed strai. t t! Dan.le" N!net eless# t e su((!ns was un+re'edented" =e a.reed t! .! be'ause we Cust a++ened t! be in a disaster G!ne at t e ti(e# but t is !ne 'learly bel!n.ed t! t at 'ate.!ry !ur w!r) rules ter( <re>usable duties"< I> we adn@t wanted t! .!# we '!uld ave said n! wit !ut any +enalty at all" = en t e ===A de'ides t! dis+at' a tr!uble '!nsultant# it >irst 'are>ully studies t e nature and >a'ts !> t e 'ase# t en sele'ts t e '!nsultant +resu(ed t! be (!st suited t! t e tas) >r!( t e list !> t !se !n A&# B&# !r -&

-lass standby" A.ents !n D&# E&# !r ,&-lass standby aren@t even ' e')ed" T e r!tati!n s' edule '!(es >irst" I tal) ab!ut tr!uble '!nsultants as i> we were all t e sa(e# but in >a't# !ur w!r) varies tre(end!usly" Naturally# t ere are s!(e +e!+le w ! are suited >!r a .iven assi.n(ent# and s!(e w ! aren@t" All t e t !usands and t !usands !> tr!uble '!nsultants are 'are>ully 'ate.!riGed by ability and +ers!nality# and t !se wit si(ilar in'linati!ns are listed u+ int! .r!u+s" T e w!r) s' edule is de'ided wit in t is >ra(ew!r)" O> '!urse# t is way !> d!in. t in.s (eans t at s!(eti(es !nly t e se'!nd best# !r even t e t ird best ' !i'e >!r a 'ase a'tually .ets assi.ned t! it" I> anyt in.# t at@s w at a++ens t e (aC!rity !> t e ti(e" In al(!st every 'ase# t e di>>eren'e in abilities >alls wit in t e +r!bability !> err!r" Even i> it d!esn@t# t !u. # it@s believed t at y!u .et better results by dis+at' in. a tr!uble '!nsultant w ! is well rested and rarin. t! .! t an y!u d! by sendin. s!(e!ne !n D& !r ,&-lass standby w ! as Cust >inis ed is !r er last assi.n(ent less t an t e (andat!ry $33 !urs be>!re" Be t at as it (ay# we ad been !n ,&-lass standby# and we ad been su((!ned" T ere '!uld be !nly !ne reas!n" T e 'entral '!(+uter ad Cud.ed t at we were t e !nly +e!+le w ! '!uld s!lve t is 'ase" :!re!ver# every (inute was +re'i!us" =it !ut even ti(e t! .ive t e data a .!!d read t r!u. # we s+urred L!vely An.el !n and urried t! Dan.le" A silen'e ad st!len !ver t e interi!r !> t e air'ar" Even I# w ! ad been d!in. (y best t! 'reate a disturban'e# n!w sat wit (y (!ut s ut# 'astin. an eye !ver t e lands'a+e !> Dan.le >l!win. by bey!nd t e wind!ws" A .reen +lain s+read be>!re us as >ar as t e eye '!uld see" T e w ite line !> t e i. way (eandered !n wit !ut end" A truly (!n!t!n!us s'ene" T en# suddenly# I n!ti'ed a silver .litter >ar away !n t e ri. t" It was a (ulti&>a'eted t!wer" ,!ll!win. it# a '!lle'ti!n !> !t er buildin.s 'a(e int! view" <T at@s it#< said :erut!nan# +!intin. at t e buildin.s" T at@s t e eadFuarters !> Gravas Heavy Industries"< =e were .uided t! t e ( dire't!r@s e;'lusive re'e+ti!n r!!( !n t e 52t >l!!r# at t e very t!+ !> t e eadFuarters buildin." It was t e sa(e (ulti&>a'eted s)ys'ra+er t at ad been t e >irst t in. we ad seen >r!( t e i. way" As :erut!nan e;+lained it# t ere were >!rty& ei. t sides" ,!rty&ei. t sides and 52 >l!!rs" A tedi!us uni>!r(ity ad been i(+!sed !n t e buildin."

T is bein. t e very i. est !> i. &'lass re'e+ti!n r!!(s# we ad i. !+es as we sli++ed t r!u. t e d!!r" But t e interi!r was +lain" =e@d been l!!)in. >!rward t! s!(e (>i'ent r!'!'! e;trava.anGa# s! it was really a let d!wn" T e r!!( wasn@t even very lar.e" T e d!(inant '!l!r was a s!ber silver&.ray" =e were ur.ed t! ta)e a seat !n an an.ular s!>a b!rdered wit br!wn leat er" Yuri and I +l!++ed !urselves d!wn side by side" :y b!dy ad see(ed t! sin) d!wn wit ea' ste+ !n t e t i') 'ar+et# .ivin. (e un+leasant sensati!ns" :erut!nan sat d!wn e;a'tly !++!site us" T ere was n! !ne else in t e r!!(" <= at a++ens ne;tD< I as)ed" <I@ll e;+lain t e 'ase in brie>#< said :erut!nan# runnin. a and !ver is bald +ate" <Dr" Te++eus# t e (an in !verall ' ar.e !> !ur resear' 'enters# will be C!inin. us later"< As e s+!)e# :erut!nan +us ed a nu(ber !> swit' )eys !n t e ed.e !> t e table" T e 'enter sl!wly s+lit a+art# and !ut 'a(e a sele'ti!n !> drin)s" Gravas# it see(ed# valued >un'ti!n !ver >!r(" <= at will y!u aveD< :erut!nan as)ed" I ' !se tea wit 'rea(" Yuri t!!) !t ' !'!late" Y!u better wat' t !se 'al!ries# .irlB <It a++ened a++r!;i(ately !ne (!nt a.! by t e standard 'alendar#< :erut!nan said" <By Dan.le@s 'alendar# it was 8% days a.!"< He waited >!r us t! ta)e a si+# t en '!ntinued wit is st!ry" Dr" Te++eus still ad n!t s !wn u+" <=e )n!w t e e;a't ti(e it !''urred & 5M3% A":" & s !rtly be>!re dawn" <As >!r w at a++ened# I believe y!u@ve already seen t e re+!rt" Resear' Lab A&%5# l!'ated t ree )il!(eters east !> t is buildin.# e;+l!ded and burned" <It was a tre(end!us e;+l!si!n" Lab A&%5 was divided u+ a(!n. seven buildin.s# l!'ated !n a %"5 (illi!n sFuare (eter tra't" All t e buildin.s were destr!yed by ' ain e;+l!si!ns and >la(e" <T e >a'ilities in ea' buildin. and t e lab@s (ain resear' t e(es are (u' t!! '!(+li'ated t! e;+lain n!w" Please see t e re+!rt later" H!wever""" and t is is s!(et in. I was t !r!u. ly Fuesti!ned ab!ut by t e +!li'e""" I 'an s+ea) >!r w et er !r n!t t ere was anyt in. in Lab A&%5# any ' e(i'als !r e;+eri(ental a++aratus# t at '!uld ave tri..ered su' a u.e e;+l!si!n" <T e answer is# yes# t ere was" <-!nseFuently# w ile I 'ertainly w!uldn@t say it was a natural e;+l!si!n# it 'ertainly was n!t an i(+!ssible !ne"<

<S! t at@s w y y!u investi.ated t e a''ident t e!ry as well as t e 'ri(e t e!ry#< I +ut in" <T at@s ri. t#< a.reed :erut!nan" He t!!) a si+ !> '!>>ee# and '!ntinued" <But be>!re I .et t! t at# I s !uld (enti!n t at t ere was !ne (!re +!int !> '!ntr!versy" <T at inv!lved t e vi'ti( !> t e blast" <As a result !> an !n&t e&s+!t investi.ati!n# t e re(ains !> Dr"!n# !r rat er a s red !> is re(ains# was >!und at t e site !> t e e;+l!si!n" T r!u. 'l!nin.# it was >ir(ly establis ed t at t e re(ains were t !se !> Dr"!n# and t us it was '!n>ir(ed t at t e 'ase did inv!lve a deat "< <T at 'ertainly is stran.e#< I n!dded" <T! ave t at bi. an e;+l!si!n and still Cust !ne deat """< <N!#< said :erut!nan# wit a wave !> is ri. t and" <Even !ne deat was 'ause >!r '!ntr!versy"< <E D< <All !ur resear' labs are '!(+letely 'l!sed d!wn a>ter $133 !urs" T ere are vari!us reas!ns >!r t is & se'urity su+ervisi!n# lab!r a.ree(ents and t e li)e" But +uttin. t !se aside >!r t e (!(ent# !n'e t e labs are 'l!sed# n! !ne is all!wed t! re(ain inside t e buildin.s >!r t e $% !urs until 3433 t e ne;t (!rnin." It is als! i(+!ssible t! .et t r!u. t e .ates t! enter t e labs" <= at is even (!re +e'uliar is t at Dr"!n was n!t even !ne !> t e resear' ers assi.ned t! Lab A&%5"< <T en w ere was e"""< <He was t e dire't!r !> Resear' Lab A&$2# ei. t )il!(eters s!ut !> Lab A&%5"< I .r!aned" N! w!nder +e!+le were (a)in. su' a >uss ab!ut itB <S!#< I as)ed# <were y!u able t! >ind !ut w at Dr"!n was d!in. in a '!(+letely unrelated lab!rat!ry at t at !ur !> t e (!rnin.D< <I didn@t say t e labs were unrelated#< said :erut!nan# .ently '!rre'tin. (y Fuesti!n" <Re'ently labs A&%5 and A&$2 initiated (utual e;' '!n'ernin. a 'ertain e;+eri(ent" T at@s a''!rdin. t! t e testi(!ny !> Dr" Te++eus# w ! s !uld be ere any (inute n!w" N!t !nly is e t e !verall dire't!r !> !ur labs# but e is als! dire't!r !> Lab A&%5 itsel>" Dr" Te++eus says Dr"!n was )eenly interested in t is e;+eri(ent" He su..ests t at t at was t e reas!n e went s! >ar as t! brea) t e rules and stay be ind in Lab A&%5# and as a result# .!t 'au. t in t e e;+l!si!n"< <Dr" Te++eus ba')s t e a''ident t e!ryD< ,!r s!(e reas!n# t at stru') (e as very +e'uliar" <Dr" Te++eus as '!nsidered it an a''ident >r!( be.innin. t! end#< :erut!nan said s!>tly" <T at@s +r!bably !ne !> t e reas!ns t e +!li'e '!n'luded it was a''idental"<

<But t at@s stran.e#< inserted Yuri" <T e >a'ts d!n@t s!und as i> t ey 'an be e;+lained away s! easily"< <In any 'ase# t at was Dr" Te++eus@ +!siti!n based !n is !wn leaders i+ !> t e !n&site ins+e'ti!n tea(#< said :erut!nan# drainin. is '!>>ee 'u+" <But it@s als! true t at !ur intelli.en'e +e!+le were n!t '!nvin'ed" N! d!ubt t ere were a nu(ber !> reas!ns >!r t at# but by >ar t e (!st i(+!rtant !ne is t at Dr"!n@s be avi!r was si(+ly t!! abn!r(al"< <S! t ere@s s!(et in. else ab!ut i(D< I as)ed" <He ad dis+!sed !> virtually all is bel!< said :erut!nan" <T e !nly arti'les le>t be ind were is >av!rite '!at and brie>'ase# and t en a sin.le '!+y !> t e bible & e was an ardent - ristian" T at was all" T ere was n!t in. else"< <T at@s weirdB< <Yes# well# in any 'ase# it@s be'ause !> t is t at we de'ided t! a++eal t! t e ===A"< :erut!nan leaned sli. tly >!rward in is ' air" <As >!r t e rest# +lease investi.ate it y!urselves# and >ind t e trut !> t is (atter" T at@s w y I 'alled Dr" Te++eus"""< At t at (!(ent t ere was a li. t ele'tr!ni' s!und" <A #< said :erut!nan# l!!)in. at t e d!!r" <He a++ears t! ave arrived"< He +us ed an!t er swit' " T e d!!r slid !+en and :erut!nan .!t t! is >eet t! .reet t e new arrival" A tall (an# .ri( and ea.le&n!sed# str!de bris)ly int! t e r!!(" He l!!)ed ab!ut 85 !r 88" Silver air# +ier'in. eyes" His ' ee)s were sun)en# and e ad a >ears!(e e;+ressi!n !n is >a'e" Dr" Te++eus st!++ed in >r!nt !> us" He .lared at us >!r a (!(ent" T en >inally# e s+!)e" <= at d! y!u e;+e't (e t! tell t ese tw! little e; ibiti!nistsB< T !se were Dr" Te++eus@ >irst w!rds"

Chapter 0! "e#ve Got the Po/er1

=e ad !+ened t e 'urtains# and were l!!)in. !utside" ,r!( t e 52t >l!!r y!u '!uld ta)e in al(!st all t e resear' 'enters surr!undin. Gravas Heavy Industries eadFuarters in a sin.le .lan'e" In (!st 'ases# t e lab!rat!ry buildin.s were s'attered a(idst e;+anses !> >!rest and lawn"

I instantly l!'ated Lab A&%5" T ere and !nly t ere# a w !le (!nt a>ter t e a''ident# t e bla') as es lay undisturbed" N!t even t e wre')a.e ad been 'leared awayA it sat t ere li)e a bla') (!untain" Dr" Te++eus a>ter sayin. is >ill >!r a >ull ten (inutes# ad +r!(+tly le>t a.ain# 'lai(in. e was in t e (iddle !> an e;+eri(ent" He was a real e''entri'" :erut!nan (ade a Fuaverin. a+!l!.y in is +la'e" Sin'e t e +r!>ess!r ad )e+t re+eatin. t e sa(e +!int# !r rat er# t e sa(e tw! +!ints & <It was an a''ident#< and# <T ese tw! little ussies<# we didn@t .ive is w!rds a se'!nd t !u. t"< <:r" :erut!nan#< I said# suddenly turnin. t! >a'e i(" <YesD< e as)ed" He ad sat ba') d!wn !n t e s!>a" N!w e s'ra(bled t! is >eet a.ain" <=e want t! .! see Lab A&%5" Please s !w us t e way"< <Pard!n (eD< <It >eels li)e s!(et in.@s ab!ut t! a++enB< I win)ed at i(" <A # a e(#< said :erut!nan# is >a'e reddenin." <In t at 'ase# we 'an leave i((ediately"< =e le>t t e eadFuarters buildin. and .!t int! a (u' s(aller air'ar" :erut!nan i(sel> dr!ve" dire't!r t !u. e (i. t be# e a++arently ad little desire t! use any !> is sub!rdinates" -!(e t! t in) !> it# even t e driver !> t e li(!usine adn@t been u(an# but an andr!id" T e leaders i+ !> t e Gravas ,!undati!n (ust be ta)in. t is in'ident very seri!usly indeed" Be>!re l!n. we rea' ed t e bla')ened e;+anse t at ad !n'e been Lab A& %5" =e !++ed !ut !> t e air'ar" H!rri>yin.# was t e !nly w!rd t! des'ribe t at lands'a+e" T e lab!rat!ry ad !''u+ied su' a u.e tra't t at n!t in. but des!lati!n (et t e eye" T e s)elet!ns !> ruined buildin.s +!)in. u+ ere and t ere !nly rein>!r'ed t e i(+ressi!n" <H!w""" aw>ul#< said Yuri# as i> t e w!rds ad been wrun. !ut !> er" I d!ubt I '!uld ave said anyt in. (!re (ysel>" <Even s!# we were able t! '!ntain t e da(a.e t! a (ini(u(#< e;+lained :erut!nan" It see(s ea' resear' 'enter was all!tted (u' wider .r!unds t an ne'essary in anti'i+ati!n !> Cust su' an a''ident as ad !''urred" T e sites were >urt er en'l!sed by %3&(eter& i. >irewalls t at als! served t! )ee+ !ut sus+i'i!us +ers!ns and industrial s+ies" Everyt in. was desi.ned t! +revent >ires >r!( s+readin. t! !t er se't!rs in 'ase !> a disaster" T is ti(e# t e >ears!(e s !') wave >r!( t e e;+l!si!n ad >lattened t e >en'e# but at least t e !+ed&>!r .!al ad been a' ieved"

<N!w w at w!uld y!u li)e t! d!D< as)ed :erut!nan" <Pard!n (eD< <T e lab!rat!ry was in t e 'enter !> t is wasteland" D! y!u want t! .! t at >arD< <O> '!urse#< I re+lied 'asually# as i> it s !uld ave been '!(+letely !bvi!us" <I> we d!n@t# !w are we su++!sed t! .et !ur brea)D< <Y!ur brea)D< :erut!nan a++eared n!t t! ave underst!!d (e" T at was reas!nable en!u. " But I didn@t >eel li)e e;+lainin. everyt in. Cust n!w" He@d see !n'e it a++ened# anyway" =e .!t ba') int! t e air'ar" <S all we .! t! .r!und Ger!D< <= ere did Dr"!n dieD< <T e >ra.(ent !> >les was >!und at t e site !> t e Pavl!ssa :e(!rial Lab!rat!ry# w i' was deter(ined as t e 'enter !> t e blast"< <T en ta)e us t ere"< T e air'ar 'r!ssed !ver int! t e burned&!ut territ!ry" I e;+e'ted it t! stir u+ 'l!uds !> as es# but I was wr!n." :!re t an a (!nt ad already ela+sed# and everyt in. ad s!lidi>ied" A''!rdin. t! :erut!nan# Gravas Heavy Industries '!uld ave rest!red t is (u' land t! its +ristine state in Cust ten standard 'alendar days i> t ey@d >elt li)e it" T ey adn@t d!ne s! in !rder t! aid t e sear' >!r t e 'ause !> t e e;+l!si!n" = en we eard t at# !ur res+!nsibility see(ed all t e (!re !ner!us" = at a dra.B = ere t e Pavl!ssa :e(!rial Lab!rat!ry ad !n'e st!!d t ere was n!w a 'rater t at (ust ave (easured 833 (eters !r (!re a'r!ss" <G!s B< Seein. it >!r t e >irst ti(e wit !ur !wn eyes# we b!t 'au. t !ur breat " <I d!n@t see !w y!u '!uld ave >!und any re(ains ere at allB< <T e +!li'e '!uldn@t d! it#< said :erut!nan" <It was >!und by !ur !wn intelli.en'e +e!+le"< He s+!)e a tad b!ast>ully" H!w 'uteB And I was t in)in. e was s! star' y" <Yuri# '!(e ereB< I 'alled er !ver t! (e# and we C!ined ands" D!n@t t in) we were +lannin. t! ta)e a wal) !r anyt in." ,!r s!(e ti(e n!w I@d ad t is !t sensati!n runnin. u+ and d!wn (y s+ine" T at@s w y we C!ined ands" It was a si.n t at it was ab!ut t!" <It >eels li)e it w!uld be better t! .! t! t e 'enter !> t e 'rater#< Yuri said" I silently n!dded a.ree(ent# and we started wal)in." :erut!nan was l!!)in. at us wit a +uGGled e;+ressi!n !n is >a'e" I waved at i(# (eanin. t! say n!t t! w!rry"

In >ive (inutes we were at .r!und Ger!" T e walls !> t e 'rater r!se u+ ar!und us li)e an inverted '!ne" Over ead was a 'rystal blue s)y" T e eat t! en.ul> (y entire b!dy" Still standin.# Yuri and I >a'ed ea' !t er and +ut !ur +al(s sFuarely t!.et er" Li. tly 'l!sin. !ur eyes# we sl!wly stret' ed !ur ar(s t!ward t e s)y as i> we were .ivin. a BanGai ' eer" As always# it >elt as i> we were bein. (ani+ulated by s!(et in. !utside !urselves" Our ands w!uld n!t '!(e a+art" S!(et in. blaGed in t e ba') !> (y eye" It was a >las !> +ure w ite li. t" T en a diGGyin. >eelin. !> wal)in. !n air# >!ll!wed by a tin.lin. e'stasy" Everyt in. went w ite" An i(a.e a++eared" It a++eared li)e a +i'ture +ainted !n a i((a'ulate 'anvas" It went !ut" In a twin)lin.# '!l!r returned t! (y '!ns'i!usness" At t e sa(e ti(e I was assaulted by an unbearable let ar.y" :y le.s were ready t! '!lla+se under (e" I resisted wit a will+!wer !ned by l!n. trainin." Sl!wly I >elt (y stren.t returnin." I !+ened (y eyes" ,!r a (!(ent everyt in. s+un diGGily" T en it st!++ed" Everyt in. was as it ad been be>!re" In t is talent lay t e reas!n >!r !ur bein. s'!uted by t e ===A" =e# w ! ad t !u. t we ad n! talent at all# in >a't ad ad a w!nder>ul ability '!n'ealed wit in us""" -lairv!yan'e" T at@s w at t e +ara+sy' !l!.ists 'all it" T e >irst ti(e we e;+erien'ed it was in !ur se'!nd year !> '!lle.e" Li)e (any !t er es+ers & +e!+le wit e;trasens!ry +!wers & t e >irst (ani>estati!n !> !ur ability was +urely a''idental" A >riend ad l!st a Cewel !n 'a(+us" T at wasn@t s! unusual in itsel>" Y!u ear t e sa(e st!ry all t e ti(e" T at is# i> y!u leave !ut t e +art ab!ut t is Cewel bein. a $%3&'arat +las(ast!ne" Naturally# t ere was an u+r!ar" As t! w y s e br!u. t s!(et in. as valuable as t at !nt! 'a(+us in t e >irst +la'e# !> '!urse t ere was a reas!n# but it w!uld ta)e t!! l!n. t! e;+lain ere# s! I w!n@t" In any 'ase# s e br!u. t it# and s e l!st it" T e +!li'e were 'alled in# and t ere was a .reat# 'a(+us&wide sear' " In t e (iddle !> all t is# Yuri and I >ell int! a tran'e in !ur d!r(it!ry r!!(" It was at a (!(ent w en we Cust a++ened t! be t!u' in. ands" =e saw an i(a.e +ass be>!re us" It was an i(a.e !> a red bird"

Needless t! say# we didn@t )n!w w at !n eart t! (a)e !> t is" In >a't# we didn@t even )n!w w at ad a++ened t! us" It was deter(ined t at t e Cewel ad been st!len" T e 'ri(inal was s!!n a++re ended" In'redibly en!u. # it turned !ut t! be !ne !> !ur 'lass(ates" It was a s !') w en we saw er bein. led away# but it was even (!re !> a s !') w en we >!und !ut t at s e was wearin. a +in in er air# in t e s a+e !> a red birdB T e bird was un(ista)ably t e sa(e !ne we ad seen w ile we were in !ur tran'e" = en we t!ld !ur >riends# n!t !ne !> t e( believed us" It was an in>uriatin. e;+erien'e" Tal)in. ab!ut it later# t !u. # we de'ided we '!uldn@t really bla(e t e(" I> !ur +!siti!n ad been reversed# we +r!bably w!uldn@t ave believed it !urselves" T at@s !w e;tra!rdinary an in'ident it was" Yuri and I +led.ed t en and t ere t at t e ne;t ti(e we ad t e sa(e e;+erien'e we@d ann!un'e it t! !ur >riends and rest!re !ur !n!r" T e !++!rtunity 'a(e s!!ner t an we@d e;+e'ted" T is ti(e it was an a''ident inv!lvin. !ur !wn advis!r" He was it by a s+eedin. air'ar# Cust tw! wee)s a>ter t e 'ase !> t e (issin. Cewel" It was a it&and&run a''ident" ,!rtunately# !ur advis!r es'a+ed wit !nly li. t inCuries" But by t e sa(e t!)en# t ere were n! 'lues# and it was i(+!ssible t! >erret !ut t e 'ri(inal" =e & I )n!w I s !uldn@t say t is & we saw t is as a eaven&sent !++!rtunity" =e Fui')ly s ut !urselves u+ in !ur r!!(# i((ediately C!ined ands as we ad be>!re# and waited >!r t e tran'e t! '!(e" N!t in. a++ened"""!nly ti(e 'rawled sl!wly by" I(+atiently we tried t! >i.ure !ut w at was di>>erent >r!( be>!re" T at ti(e# every!ne in t e 'lass ad been '!nsidered a sus+e't# and every!nes@ nerves ad been ab!ut t! sna+" & t at@s w at was (issin. n!wB ,ar >r!( bein. an.ry# we were al(!st Cu(+in. >!r C!y" S! we started d!in. !ur best t! .et an.ry" Pe!+le are +retty irres+!nsible 'ritters" As we s !uted ba') and >!rt ab!ut w at t at 'ree+ ad d!ne t! !ur tea' er# we really did t! .et an.ry" A>ter twenty (inutes !r s!# we were in a ra.e" And t en we went int! a tran'e" T e visi!n we saw was n!t 'lear# but it see(ed t! be a d!ll !> s!(e )ind" -!(+arin. n!tes a>terwards# Yuri and I >inally a.reed it was a d!ll !> a dar)&&>a'ed y!ut wearin. a wide&bri((ed at" =e +r!(+tly drew a +i'ture !> it" T e ne;t day 'a(e" =e s !wed t e +i'ture t! !ur 'lass(ates" Every!ne lau. ed at t e aw>ul drawin.# but t ere was !ne b!y w !@s >a'e went sti>>" He said e )new an air'ar t at ad a d!ll li)e t at >r!( a !!) !n

its das b!ard" Every!ne & even !urselves & were ast!nis ed" But w en we investi.ated# it turned !ut e was ri. t" T e 'ri(inal was arrested t e ne;t a>tern!!n" = en Pr!>ess!r - iban eard t e st!ry# e 'alled us !ver t! t e !s+ital" =e e;+lained in detail w at ad a++ened# and e in+ut it int! a '!(+uter" T at '!(+uter was lin)ed t! t e ===A@s in>!r(ati!n netw!r)" Tw! years later t e ===A s'!ut(an 'a(e t! see us" T ere ad been n! !t er !++!rtunities t! use !ur 'lairv!yan'e sin'e t en# and we ad been !n t e ver.e !> >!r.ettin. ab!ut it !urselves" <Are y!u all ri. tD< A v!i'e suddenly ran. !ut# and we s ivered in sur+rise" L!!)in. ar!und# we >!und :erut!nan standin. beside us wit a w!rried l!!) !n is >a'e" <= at a++ened# >!r G!d@s sa)eD< e as)ed a.ain" =e Fui')ly t!ld i( ab!ut !ur ability" <T e +air !> y!u are an es+er tea(D< :erut!nan )e+t !n s a)in. is ead# w et er in ast!nis (ent !r ad(irati!n it was ard t! say" <=e were .iven really ri.!r!us trainin. by t e ===A#< I added# l!werin. (y v!i'e" <But even wit t e tw! !> us t!.et er# we still 'an@t see very (u' " Instead !> 'lear visi!n# it@s (!re li)e aGy """ n!# (uddy visi!n"< <= at d! y!u (ean by t atD< <=e Cust .et a >ra.(ent !> a int" It w!uld be w!nder>ul i> we .!t a 'lear i(a.e# but n! su' lu')"""< <A a" I see#< said :erut!nan wit an a(bi.u!us lau. " <And w at )ind !> i(a.e did y!u see Cust n!wD< <T at@s itB< I 'ried# turnin. u+ (y v!lu(e '!ntr!l" <Yuri# w at d! y!u t in) t at wasD< <T at t in.D< said Yuri# tiltin. er ead sli. tly" <-!uld it ave been a 'r!ss (ar)D< <Are y!u )iddin.D One ar( was l! t an t e !t er"< <T en a real 'r!ssB< <A"""'r!ssD< It was (y turn t! tilt (y ead" <N!w t at y!u (enti!n it# it '!uld ave been a 'r!ss"""< <Y!u saw s!(et in. else# t!!# didn@t y!uD< <? & u #< I n!dded" <But I d!n@t ave t e sli. test idea w at t at '!uld ave beenB< <= at )ind !> i(a.e was itD< as)ed :erut!nan# is 'uri!sity +iFued" <It was li)e""" t is"< I s)et' ed a drawin. !n t e ' arred as " It s !wed a br!ad line# ' !++ed u+ int! (any +ie'es"

<But & But t is is a"""B< :erut!nan l!!)ed at t e drawin. and )n!tted is eyebr!ws" <D!es it re(ind y!u !> s!(et in.D< I as)ed i(# (!re t an al> s)e+ti'al (ysel>" <? &! B< T is ti(e it was Yuri" <= at is itDB< <=e@re surr!undedB< Yuri was in a 'r!u' # vi.ilantly s'annin. !ur surr!undin.s" I >!ll!wed er e;a(+le" Al!n. t e ri( !> t e 'rater I '!uld (a)e !ut a nu(ber !> u(an s a+es" T ere see(ed t! be ab!ut ten !> t e(" <D! y!u )n!w w ! t ey areD< I as)ed :erut!nan" <N!#< e s !!) is ead" <But w !ever t ey are# n! sus+i'i!us ' ara'ters are su++!sed t! be all!wed !nt! Gravas Heavy Industries +r!+ertyB< <T at@s a l!t !> bull w en reality@s u+ t ere starin. us in t e >a'e#< I sna++ed" <True#< :erut!nan assented readily" He +ulled s!(et in. >r!( is +!')et" <Please use t is#< e said" <T ere@s been su' a ras !> terr!ris( lately t at even I )ee+ !ne !n (e"< = at e anded !ver was a lar.e ray .un" T is (!del +a')ed Fuite a +un' " <T is@ll be a bi. el+#< I said" <But w at ab!ut y!uD< :erut!nan s ru..ed" <I d!n@t )n!w !w t! use it# anyway"< Kee+in. l!w# t e ten (en ed.ed 'l!ser" =e >lun. !urselves belly&d!wn !n t e bla')ened eart # and tra')ed t eir (!ve(ents" <L!!)s li)e t ey !nly ave ray.uns#< said Yuri" <H!w stin.y !> t e(#< I '!(+lained" <I> t ey@d used a eli'!+ter it w!uld ave (ade a better +i'ture" < <=it all t e de>ense syste(s Gravas as ere# t ey +r!bably '!uldn@t ris) anyt in. t at >an'y"< <S! we@re in a blind s+!t le>t by t e >ire"< <E>raid s!"< T e (en were n!w wit in a undred (eters !> us" =e '!uld see t e( 'learly" T ey w!re Cet bla') s+a'e Ca')ets# and t eir eads were '!vered wit w at l!!)ed li)e el(ets" And !> '!urse# wit !ut e;'e+ti!n t ey all eld ray.uns" <= at s all we d!D< as)ed :erut!nan ti(idly" <=e >i. t# !bvi!uslyB< <But t ere are t!! (any !> t e("<

<=e ave t e Bl!!dy -ard#< I said# turnin. t! Yuri" <Yuri# s !w t e Bl!!dy -ard t! :r" :erut!nan" < <O)ayB< Yuri eld u+ t e 'ard s e was 'lut' in. in er ri. t and" T e Bl!!dy -ard is literally t at# a 'ard n! t an t e !nes y!u use t! +lay 'ards" It@s (ade !> Te.n!id s eet (etal# and all its are raG!r s ar+" = en y!u t r!w it# it 'an easily stay airb!rne >!r tw! !urs !n i!n drive# and 'an be >reely '!ntr!lled by a and eld trans(itter" <Ab!ve all# it@s a .reat 'utter#< I said" <It 'an sli'e t r!u. % (illi(eters !> KN all!y li)e butter"< <Hu """< :erut!nan '!uld d! n!t in. but .as+" I '!ntinued" <T at@s w y it@s 'alled t e Bl!!dy -ard" D! y!u .et (y (eanin. n!wD< <Hu """< <=it t is and y!ur ray.un# it s !uldn@t ta)e us (!re t an >ive (inutes t! +!lis !>> all ten !> t e("< <Here t ey '!(eB< 'ried Yuri" I br!)e !>> (y e;+lanati!n# and l!!)ed ar!und" All ten (en were ' t!ward us# ray.uns at ready" <T r!w itB< Even as I s !uted# t e Bl!!dy -ard >lew >r!( Yuri@s and" Leavin. a >aint silver trail# it ar' ed t r!u. t e air" T e ene(y didn@t even n!ti'e its ra+id (!ve(ent" <Aaar. B< <AiieeeB< T ere were !rri>ied s'rea(s# >!ll!wed by >!untains !> red bl!!d s+urtin. u+ t! stain t e blue s)y Instantly t ree (en tu(bled !ver# li>eless" ,!r a (!(ent t e !t ers were >r!Gen in t eir tra')s" It was (y turn" P!++in. u+# I >ired !>> (y ray.un" I drilled tw! !> t e( t r!u. t e ' est# > (ysel> ba') d!wn" -!untless rays !> li. t sli'ed t r!u. t e s+a'e I@d Cust !''u+ied" ,ive t! .!" T ree !> t e >ive >ell >res +rey t! t e Bl!!dy -ard" In se'!nds t e ene(y ad been redu'ed t! tw!" But as t eir ability t! es'a+e un ar(ed s! >ar ad s !wn# t e last tw! were +r!s" :!vin. >ar (!re ni(bly t an I ad e;+e'ted# t ey suddenly r!se u+ ri. t in >r!nt !> us" Laser bea(s lea+ed >r!( t e .uns in t eir ands" Yuri and I r!lled !ut !> t e way" <Eee)B< It was :erut!nan@s v!i'e" I saw i( writ e in +ain# 'lut' in. is s ins" He (ust ave been .raGed by a laser bea(" I .r!und (y teet and lea+ed t!

t e atta')" ,irst I .unned d!wn !ne" T en I s+un ar!und t! ta)e !n t e last .uy &but e ad already been 'ut '!(+letely in tw! by t e Bl!!dy -ard" T e Bl!!dy -ard# true t! its na(e# returned t! Yuri@s and s(eared a bri. t red" I ran t! :erut!nan@s side" Only tw! (inutes and 56 se'!nds ad ela+sed >r!( t e start !> t e >i. t" <O B O G!dB I@( >inis edB< :erut!nan was .!in. a bit !verb!ard" As >ar as I '!uld see# it was !nly a s'rat' " I s(iled wryly and +eered int! is >a'e" I was ab!ut t! rib i( a little# w en I was st!++ed by a sudden t !u. t" <:erut!nan#< I ras+ed" <= at did y!u Cust sayD< <I@( d!ne >!rB< N!# n!t t atB Be>!re t atB< <O # ! G!dB< re+eated :erut!nan du(bly" <T at@s itB< I s+ran. t! (y >eet# :erut!nan@s inCury '!(+letely >!r.!tten" <YuriB< I yelled" <T at@s itB< <= at@s wr!n. wit y!uD< <T e 'r!ssB< I s !uted" <T at@s t e bible Dr"!n le>t be indB< <A B< Yuri@s e;+ressi!n li. ted u+" <S! t at@s it"""< <N!w I understand"< An e;'ited v!i'e ran. !ut be ind us" It was t e sa(e :erut!nan w ! ad been wailin. Cust se'!nds be>!re" ,r!( is v!i'e it w!uld see( is w!und ad vanis ed" <= at is itD< I as)ed" <T e !t er i(a.eB< said :erut!nan" <It@s a bar '!de"< <A bar '!deD< <It l!!)s li)e Cust a br!)en line# but w en y!u s'an it !+ti'ally# it@s a si.nal >!r 'arryin. '!ded in>!r(ati!n" < <Is t ere s!(et in. li)e t at in Dr"!n@s <N!#< said :erut!nan" <=e ' e')ed# but t ere was n!t in. written in it"< <T en in t at 'ase"""< <But we didn@t '!nsider invisible in)#< :erut!nan '!n'luded" <T ere are 'ertain )inds !> (a.neti' in) t at 'an be read !nly by '!(+uter"< <S! t ere@s a ' an'eD< <Pr!bably# i> y!ur 'lairv!yan'e is !n"< <= ere@s t e bibleD< <It@s bein. )e+t at eadFuarters"< <T en let@s .!B Ri. t n!wB< Yuri and I lent :erut!nan !ur s !ulders" Already s !win. s!(e (iddle& a.ed +aun' # t e e;e'utive was si(+ly t!! eavy >!r w!rds" Hu>>in. and +u>>in.# we 'arried i( t! t e air'ar"

I .!t int! t e driver@s seat# and >lew us ba') t! t e eadFuarters buildin. at lunati' s+eed" =e !nly 'ras ed int! t e w!!ds twi'e al!n. t e way"

Chapter 2! Get In Our "ay and 3ou Get It1

=e waited in t e sa(e !ld re'e+ti!n r!!( !n t e 52t >l!!r !> Gravas Heavy Industries eadFuarters" A>ter a >ew (inutes t e d!!r burst !+en# and :erut!nan rus ed in wit a bla') bible 'lut' ed t! is ' est" T e d!!r i((ediately sealed s ut" <Y!u@re .!in. t! d! it ereD< as)ed Yuri# er eyes widenin." <All t e eFui+(ent@s ere#< :erut!nan e;+lained ra+idly" <Besides# t ere@s n! sa>er +la'e !n Dan.le"< <I understand t at# but !w are y!u .!in. t! d! itD< T is ti(e it was (y turn t! as)" <*ust +lease )ee+ Fuiet and wat' #< said :erut!nan" =it a >l!uris e t!u' ed t e swit' )eys !n t e ed.e !> t e table" T ere was a l!w# eavy ru(ble" Startled# I darted (y eyes ar!und t e r!!(" =it a dee+ .r!wl# t e w !le wall at t e >ar end !> t e re'e+ti!n r!!( was bein. swall!wed u+ by t e >l!!r" Bey!nd it st!!d a u.e '!ntr!l +anel buried under a daGGlin. array !> (eters# s'reens and indi'at!r la(+s" A& a# s! t at@s !w t is +la'e is really set u+B T e wall disa++eared '!(+letely int! t e >l!!r# revealin. t e '!ns!le in its entirety" <N!w t en"""< Bible in and# :erut!nan went !ver t! t e '!ntr!l +anel" He ni(bly ta++ed a sin.le swit' " In >r!nt !> i(# a 83&sFuare&'enti(eter +anel suddenly >ell !+en wit a iss as air da(+ers abs!rbed t e s !')" A (!ut .a+ed !+en in its +la'e" <T e idea is t at we +la'e t e bible in ere#< :erut!nan said" <=e 'an ave it analyGed w i' ever way we wis # and t e results will s !w u+ !n t e s'reen"< S! sayin.# e du(+ed t e bible int! t e !+en !le wit n! (!re ad! t an i> e@d been t!ssin. .arba.e int! a dustbin" T e (!ut sna++ed s ut" Indi'at!r la(+s blin)in. wildly" T e LED dis+lays !> t e (eters >li')ed ba') and >!rt " Suddenly >ine +rint and '!de nu(bers t! >lit a'r!ss t e bi..est !> t e s'reens# easily (easurin. $"8 (eters i. and % (eters a'r!ss"

<H((#< .r!wled :erut!nan as e ran is eyes !ver t e !ut+ut" N!w and t en e .ave a s ar+ n!d !> is ead" <It@s t ereB< e 'ried Cubilantly" <*ust as we t !u. t# it@s in (a.neti' in)" It@s written !n t e ( !> +a.e %5"< <Pa.e %5#< I (ur(ured" <He t!!) t at >r!( Lab A&%5"< T at@s !w it (ust ave been# I t !u. t" Dr"!n ad t r!wn away is li>e and destr!yed Lab A&%5 Cust t! (a)e sure s!(e!ne read t is (essa.e" O> '!urse# t ere (ust ave been !t er reas!ns as well >!r bl!win. u+ t e lab" But t e ulti(ate reas!n# bey!nd a d!ubt# was t! ensure t at t is (essa.e .!t read" = at '!uld it be# t is (essa.e t at ad been delivered at su' a +ri'eD Strivin. t! '!ntain (y !verw el(in. 'uri!sity# I waited >!r :erut!nan t! read t e de'!ded (essa.e !ut l!ud" As :erut!nan ra+idly s'anned t e ' ara'ters +rintin. !ut !n t e s'reen# is !le b!dy went" He didn@t (!ve a (us'le" Only is li+s tre(bled vi!lently" He '!uldn@t say a w!rd" ,inally e s+!)e# s a)ily# as i> e 'lawed ea' w!rd >r!( is t r!at" <= &w at a !rrend!us t in."""< ?nable t! bear it any l! I ars ly +r!dded i( t! .! !n" <Yes#< e said !ll!wly" <It reads# E"""I#!n# sa'ri>i'e (y li>e t! leave t is warnin. t! all (an)ind" At t is very instant a dastardly +l!t is un>!ldin. under t e dire'ti!n !> Gravas Heavy Industry s'ientist Dr" Te++eus# a +l!t t at t reatens t e very +ea'e !> t e .ala;y" I was t reatened int! '!!+eratin. a.ainst (y will" In !rder t! at!ne >!r t is 'ri(e# I lay d!wn (y li>e t! write t is (essa.e" G!d# .rant (er'y and stren.t t! t is y!ur ' ild"""@ T e end" T at@s all t ere is"< :erut!nan st!++ed readin." T e r!!( was +lun.ed int! silen'e" ,!r a >ew se'!nds# n!ne !> us '!uld >ind !ur v!i'es" <Te++eusB< Suddenly >illed wit a burnin. ra.e# I s+at !ut t e w!rds" <T at 'r!!)B Tryin. t! +ass it !>> as an a''identB< <He s !uld be arrested i((ediatelyB< 'ried Yuri" Y!u said it# YuriB :erut!nan@s ands (!ved a'r!ss t e '!ntr!l +anel" A (an a++eared !n a s(all s'reen !n t e le>t" He w!re a .uard(an@s at" <Get (e se'urity >!r'e '!((ander Tayl!rB< sna++ed :erut!nan" His v!i'e ad .!ne ard" An!t er (an a++eared !n t e s'reen" <Tayl!r ere"< <= ere@s Dr" Te++eusD< T e answer b!un'ed ri. t ba')"

<He and $$ resear' ers t!!) !>> ab!ut al> an !ur a.! in t e s uttle >!r resear' stati!n Hul'an"< <= atB< :erut!nan@s >a'e went w ite" <He .!t awayB< 'ried Yuri" <He (ust ave learned t at we wi+ed !ut t e .an. t at atta')ed us"< It ad t! be t at" <= at see(s t! be t e +r!ble(# SirD< as)ed Tayl!r" T e >a'e in t e s'reen l!!)ed bewildered" <Y!u will wait >!r >urt er !rdersB< sna++ed :erut!nan# is v!i'e turnin. even ars er" <,!r n!w# enter -lass&A Alert statusB< <Yes# SirB< Tayl!r@s >a'e tensed" He br!)e t e '!nne'ti!n" <L!an us an air'arB< I de(anded be ind :erut!nan@s ba')" <= atD< :erut!nan swun. t! >a'e us" <L!an us an air'arB =e@ll .! t! Hul'an in L!vely An.el"< <Y!u 'an@t d! t atB< e 'ried in dis(ay" <It@s utterly re')lessB< <T! a ===A tr!uble '!nsultant#< I ret!rted# brus in. is w!rds aside# <re')lessness is a way !> li>e"< :erut!nan (uttered and 'reased is br!w" <Hurry u+B =e d!n@t ave (u' ti(eB< <I .uess it 'an@t be el+ed#< e (ur(ured" He l!!)ed u+ and +ulled a )ey >r!( is +!')et" <But I@( still .!in. t! 'all !ut t e +!li'e" In t is situati!n"""< <D! as y!u +leaseB< I snat' ed t e )ey >r!( is and" Yuri and I ran >!r t e d!!r" <Let (e say Cust !ne (!re t in.B< :erut!nan@s v!i'e ' ased a>ter us" <Please drive better t an y!u did t e last ti(eB< = ! as)ed >!r y!ur advi'eD A>ter >lubbin. t ree +asses and >!r'in. >!ur !t er air'ra>ts t! 'ras # I >inally br!u. t us s)iddin. t r!u. t e .ates !> Kurut!(i S+a'e+!rt" Oddly en!u. # !ur !wn air'ar was uns'at ed" :erut!nan '!uldn@t '!(+lain ab!ut t at" Runnin. t r!u. t e l!bby# we das ed int! an elevat!r and lea+ed !>> a.ain at t e bert w ere L!vely An.el awaited us" T e sun ad l!n. sin'e set# and t e s+a'e+!rt was >l!!ded wit blindin. arti>i'ial li. t" Bat ed !n all sides by d!Gens !> bea(s !> w ite li. t# L!vely An.el@s ele.ant s'arlet ull .lea(ed +alely a.ainst t e dar) !> s+a'e"

Ei. ty (eters in len.t # ei. teen (eters a'r!ss at er widest +!int" Ta)e a l!n.# s ar+ly +!inted artillery s ell# stret' it !ut even (!re# ni+ in t e waist# and add >!ur r!')et n!GGles and >!ur >ins# alternatin. tw! lar.e and tw! t in# t! t e stern" T at@s a .eneral des'ri+ti!n !> L!vely An.el" O> '!urse# s e@s really >!r(ed !> >ar (!re subtle 'urves t an t at" N! s!!ner ad we .!tten ab!ard t an :u.i 'a(e !ut t! .reet us" He (ust ave been !verC!yed t! see us" He b!unded all !ver t e +la'e wit !ut a 'are# w inin. in'essantly" T an) y!u# :u.i# >!r a ard al>&day (indin. t e st!re" But t ere@s n! ti(e t! +lay wit y!u ri. t n!w" Heartlessly +us in. i( aside# we urried t! t e '!')+it" Yuri sat ersel> d!wn in t e +il!t@s seat# I t!!) t e '!&+il!t@s# and we blasted !>>" L!vely An.el ri++ed !wlin. t r!u. t e at(!s+ ere# dan'in. u+ward t!ward t e distant ei. ts !> s+a'e" A>ter insertin. L!vely An.el int! r!u. !rbit ar!und Dan.le# we .!t '!!rdinates >!r Hul'an >r!( t e s+a'e+!rt '!ntr!l t!wer and (!di>ied !ur traCe'&t!ry" By ' an'e# t e >li. t '!ntr!ller w ! a++eared !n (y s'reen Cust a++ened t! be t e sa(e little .entle(an as be>!re" T is ti(e# t !u. # I ad t!! (u' !n (y (ind t! be a tease" Hul'an was an i((ense# T&s a+ed s+a'e stati!n" Its 'entral a;is was a 'ylinder 7#333 (eters l!n. and 833 (eters a'r!ss" It was en!r(!us# all t e (!re s! >!r Cust a resear' stati!n" In >a't# it >ell Cust a little s !rt !> t e lar.est 'lass !> (ilitary s+a'e stati!ns" I> t e w !le t in. was under ene(y '!ntr!l# it w!uld be all but i(+!ssible t! 'a+ture it s !rt !> 'allin. in a (aC!r battle .r!u+ !> t e ?nited Gala'ti'a S+a'e ,!r'e" L!vely An.el entered an !rbit t at w!uld interse't wit Hul'an in 7#5%3 se'!nds" <It 'ertainly is a t!u. nut t! 'ra')#< said Yuri suddenly" <D! y!u see any ' an'e !> su''essD< T! tell t e trut # I saw n!ne at all" :y +ride wasn@t ab!ut t! let (e tell Yuri t at# t !u. " <T ere is !ne way#< I said n!n' alantly" <=e 'all t e( u+# as) >!r landin. 'learan'e# and d!')"< <Yi)esB< Yuri (ade a s !w !> ast!nis (ent" <= y d!n@t y!u .! ta)e a s+a'ewal) in t e nude# n!wD< <Lay !>>B< <D! y!u seri!usly (ean t! try t atD< <Sure# I@( seri!us"< <=ell# 'an@t be el+ed#< s e said wit a s ru. !> er s !ulders" <It@s n!t su' an abs!lutely wa')! idea" A >r!ntal atta') (i. t a'tually w!r) better t an y!u@d t in)"< <Ri. tB Abs!lutely ri. tB<

I wi+ed an i(a.inary br!w in relie> at avin. >!!led er s! well# and n!dded e;trava.antly" T e re+ly >r!( Hul'an was <-leared >!r d!')in."< :aybe it was sur+risin.# (aybe it wasn@t" In any 'ase# t ere wasn@t anyt in. we '!uld d! >r!( t e !utside t! su' an awes!(e stati!n" =e ad t! .et inside s!(e !w" I> !ur !sts were willin. t! let us in# t at was Cust Ci( dandy" <T e Fuesti!n is# !w d! we .et t r!u. t e airl!')D< said Yuri" T at was an !bvi!us en!u. Fuesti!n" <T ey@ll +r!bably be waitin. >!r us"""< T at# t!!# was !bvi!us" At >irst I@d t !u. t Hul'an (i. t !nly be a te(+!rary re>u.e >!r Dr" Te++eus" But t at ardly see(ed li)ely n!w" N! d!ubt Hul'an was itsel> t e (ain str!n. !ld !> t e Edastardly +l!t t reatenin. t e +ea'e !> t e entire .ala;y#@ t at Dr"!n ad warned !> in is (essa.e" =it a >ew (!di>i'ati!ns# a s+a'e stati!n t at siGe '!uld Fui')ly be turned int! a >!rtress" <One&t !usand )il!(eters t! Hul'anB< said Yuri# be.innin. a '!untd!wn" T ere was barely any ti(e le>t be>!re we d!')ed" <T ere@s n!t in. >!r it but t! (a)e as bi. a s+las as we 'an#< I said" <=e@d better wear s+a'esuits"< =e +ulled trans+arent (etallite all!y s+a'esuits !n !ver !ur re.ular 'l!t es" = en stret' ed very t in# (etallite all!y is su++le but still e;tre(ely t!u. # and it@s re(ar)ably li. t as well" A dire't it (ay be a di>>erent (atter# but y!u 'an '!unt !n it t! stand u+ well t! wea) ener.y bea(s" ,!r wea+!ns we ' !se eat.uns" Set a eat.un !n s'atter# and y!u 'an +ut u+ a .!!d >i. t a.ainst a nu(eri'ally >ar su+eri!r >!e" Hul'an l!!(ed be>!re us" T e stati!n sent us a strea( !> d!')in. instru'ti!ns" Yuri@s ands were >ull Cust steerin. t e s i+# s! I t!!) !ver t e data +r!'essin." An e;+anse !> Hul'an@s !uter +lates s+lit !+en# and a (!!rin. '!nne't!r sl!wly stret' ed !ut t!ward us" On'e we ali.ned L!vely An.el@s ve't!r wit t e d!')@s and C!ined er at' t! t e '!nne't!r# t e d!')in. w!uld be '!(+lete" Yuri s)ill>ully >ired t e d!Gens !> altitude '!ntr!l Cets t! in' L!vely An.el 'l!ser t! Hul'an" Our s'anners '!nverted !ur relative +!siti!ns int! a si(ulated wire i(a.e and +r!Ce'ted it !n t e (ain s'reen" One (eter t! .!""" >i>ty 'enti(eters""" ten 'enti(eters"""!ne 'enti(eter" A li. t s !') ri++led t r!u. t e '!')+it >l!!r" It was .!ne in an instant t! be >!ll!wed by an al(!st +ain>ul silen'e" <= ew#< si. ed Yuri" <=e@re >inally ere#< I said"

<S all we .!D< Yuri +i')ed u+ er s+a'esuit el(et and +ut it !n" Her l!n. bla') air was already bun' ed u+ under a w ite 'a+" O> '!urse# (y !wn red air was# t!!" =e t!!) t e elevat!r t! t e l!wer de')# and ste++ed int! t e airl!')" Bey!nd t e at' .lea(in. dully silver# at t e end !> t e airl!') was ene(y territ!ry" =e ' e')ed t e eat.uns we 'lut' ed in !ur ri. t ands" T eir ener.y tubes were indeed brand new# t e seals >res ly 'ut" T e at' slid !+en" T e t !u. t >li')ered a'r!ss (y (ind t at it was Cust li)e t e start !> a bl!!d&and&t under >i. t s'ene in t e (!vies" Heat.uns at ready# we lea+ed t r!u. t e at' " =e b!unded d!wn t e 'ylindri'al '!nne't!r tube" Inside t e tube t ere was n!ne !> t e 3"%G arti>i'ial .ravity usually (aintained in t e >l!!rs !> s+a'es i+s and s+a'e stati!ns" In a >las we@d rea' ed t e s+a'e stati!n at' " It !+ened wit +er>e't ti(in." =e were inside Hul'an" ,r!( t e airl!') we entered a +assa.eway" =e 'are>ully s'anned t e surr!undin.s" T ere was n! !ne t! be seen" T ere was n! d!ubt t at we were under surveillan'e# !wever" Ot erwise t e at' es s !uldn@t ave !+ened as '!nveniently as t ey ad" T e +assa.eway stret' ed away t! !ur ri. t and le>t" ,lattenin. !urselves a.ainst t e wall# we advan'ed t! t e le>t" =e were eadin. >!r Hul'an@s (ain '!ntr!l r!!(" T an)s t! t e data t e Gravas ,!undati!n ad relayed t! us via Kurut!(i s+a'e+!rt# we were t !r!u. ly versed in t e s+a'e stati!n@s lay!ut" As (i. t be e;+e'ted# Hul'an@s 'rew ad dire'ted us t! t e (!!rin. '!nne't!r >urt est >r!( t e '!ntr!l r!!(" It see(ed a ridi'ul!usly l!n. way t! .!# but n! (atter w i' way we went we '!uldn@t .et l!st" =e@d .!ne s!(e 73 (eters bey!nd t e airl!')" T e +assa.eway was still e(+ty !> li>e" =it t e walls t e(selves .ivin. !>> li. t and t e +assa.eway stret' in. a ead !> us as strai. t as an arr!w# we '!uld see +er>e'tly" But t ere were literally '!untless interse'tin. '!rrid!rs" =e '!uldn@t let d!wn !ur .uard >!r an instant" <L!!) !utB< Yuri@s s !ut rea' ed (e t r!u. (y el(et@s '!((uni'ati!ns set" = en I s+un ar!und# I saw +artiti!ns sla((in. s ut d!wn t e len.t !> t e +assa.eway" T ey were e(er.en'y barriers >!r is!latin. da(a.ed se'ti!ns !> t e stati!n in an a''ident" <BlastB<

=it a 'li') !> (y t!n.ue# I swun. ba') ar!und# Cust in ti(e t! see t e barrier in >r!nt !> us start t! 'l!se" T e ene(y (eant t! +en us inB I raised (y eat.un and +ulled t e" An !ran.e bea( !> eat s+ewed !ut and r!asted t e wall bri. t red" T e +anel li. ts went !>>" T e wall itsel> t! (elt and run" T en it swelled !ut int! a lar.e bubble" T e +artiti!n slid t!ward it" An abn!r(al vibrati!n e' !ed d!wn t e '!rrid!r" T e barrier ad 'ras ed int! t e bul.e" Yuri and I r!lled t r!u. t e !+en .a+ between t e +artiti!n and t e >l!!r# and e(er.ed at t e (!ut !> a '!rrid!r runnin. !>> t! t e ri. t" =e slid n!nst!+ int! its s elter" T e +assa.eway was (u' li)e t e !ne be>!re# alt !u. +er a+s a little narr!wer" I >lattened (y b!dy a.ainst t e wall# and l!wered (ysel> int! a 'r!u' " Yuri >!ll!wed suit !n t e !t er side" <T ey want t! ta)e us alive#< I said" <T at@s w y n!b!dy@s s !wn t eir >a'e ar!und ere"< <At t is rate# t ey@ll '!rner us s!!ner !r later" It@s n! .!!d usin. t e '!rrid!rs"< <=ell# i> we d!n@t use t e '!rrid!rs# !w are we .!in. t! .et anyw ereD< Yuri de(anded" S e !bvi!usly t !u. t I was tal)in. n!nsense" In re+ly# I silently +!inted at t e wall a ead !> us !n !ur le>t" <S! w at ab!ut itD< s e as)ed ars ly" S e still '!uldn@t .et t e +!int" I el+ed er !ut" <I> t e Gravas ,!undati!n@s in>! is '!rre't#< I e;+lained# <t e inside !> t at wall is !ll!w" It@s +art !> t e s+a'e stati!n@s s)elet!n" T e 'avities are all tan.led t!.et er# and '!nne't t! anyw ere and everyw ere in Hul'an" <S! y!u@re su..estin. we (a)e a !le t ere and .et insideD< <Bin.!B Ta(&ta&da&daaaB< <T at@s a .!!d idea#< said Yuri bri. tly" <I@ll blast it !+en wit (y eat.un"< N! s!!ner ad s e s+!)en t an s e tr!tted >!rward" -!(in. t! t e +la'e I@d indi'ated# s e 'arelessly raised er eat.un and started blaGin. away" I ran a>ter er and el+ed >ry t e wall" It (elted be>!re !ur eyes# leavin. a !le tw! (eters in dia(eter" *ust at t at (!(ent# t e t ud !> runnin. >eet rea' ed us t r!u. t e >l!!r" <T ey@re '!(in.B< <T ey +ani')ed w en t ey saw w at we were u+ t!#< I said# Yuri !n" <G! !n a ead" I@ll C!in y!u a>ter I 'lean u+ ere"< <O)ayB<

Yuri lea+ed t r!u. t e !le" I st!!d in >r!nt !> it# waitin. >!r t e ene(y t! rea' t e '!rrid!r" Seven burly (en in blue s+a'e Ca')ets das ed ar!und t e '!rner# ray.uns in and" I instantly s+rayed t e( wit t e bea(s >r!( (y eat.un" T e >irst t ree were instantly wra++ed in >la(es and 'ras ed t! t e >l!!r# twistin. and writ in." Ta)e t atB N! !ne (a)es li. t !> (eB Dis(ayed# t e re(ainin. >!ur (en retreated t! t e '!rrid!r t ey@d '!(e >r!(" Sti')in. t eir ar(s ar!und t e '!rner# t ey Ga++ed away wit t eir ray.uns" Bad ai( and (y (etallite all!y s+a'esuit saved (e >r!( ar(" But at t is rate# t e !dds '!uld !nly w!rsen a.ainst (e" I >lun. (ysel> int! t e !le# )ee+in. a and !n t e ra..ed ed.e w ere t e (!lten wall (aterial ad '!n.ealed" I was deliberately lurin. t e( !n" *ust as I >i.ured# t ey >ell >!r it" T ey still t !u. t we were Cust a '!u+le !> little .irls"

= en t ey@d '!(e ab!ut ten ste+s 'l!ser# I leaned ba') !ut !> t e !le and let t e( ave it wit (y eat.un" Trans>!r(ed int! balls !> >la(e# t e >!ur (en b!un'ed a.ainst t e walls and tu(bled t! t e >l!!r" ,!ur&in&!neB I s+un ar!und and darted t r!u. t e !le" T ere was al(!st n! .ravity inside t e wall 'avity" T at we >elt any at all was +r!bably due t! s+ill&!ver >r!( t e arti>i'ial .ravity in t e '!rrid!r" It was t e sa(e wit t e li. t" T e walls see(ed t! .l!w !n t e inside as

well# !wever >aintly" It wasn@t ard t! see" ?sin. t e la') !> .ravity as a b!!st# I urried >!rward s)i++in. >r!( !ne s)elet!n t! an!t er" <T is way Kei"< Yuri 'alled" I s!!n 'au. t u+ wit er .uided by er v!i'e '!(in. t r!u. (y '!((uni'ati!n set" <L!!)s li)e y!u t!!) 'are !> t e( Cust >ine#< said Yuri" <Nat' B< O!+sB B!astin. a.ain" It t!!) us Fuite a w ile# but t ere was n! (!re inter>eren'e until we rea' ed !ur destinati!n" I >elt a bit let d!wn" <N!b!dy@s even tryin. t! ' ase us#< '!(+lained Yuri" A++arently s e >elt t e sa(e way" <T at@s as)in. a l!t !> t e( w en t e way@s as all (i;ed u+ as t is#< I said" <Any!ne w ! did try t! >!ll!w us '!uld .et '!(+letely l!st i> e wasn@t 'are>ul"< <I .uess y!u@re ri. t"< =e >lew .ra'e>ully between t e '!(+li'ated latti'e !> trusses li)e a +air !> ny(+ s" Add !ur se;y !ut>its and trans+arent (etallite all!y s+a'esuits t! !ur naturally .!!d l!!)s# and y!u 'an see w at I (ean# 'an@t y!uD I was swe+t wit an !verw el(in. '!n>iden'e in !w beauti>ul I (ust l!!)" T at@s itB It wasn@t t at we >elt t in.s were .!in. t!! easily" T e >a't was# we were >rustrated t at t ere wasn@t any!ne ar!und t! ad(ire us" <Here#< I said# ' e')in. a (eter !n (y le>t wrist" <T is is it"< Yuri >l!ated !ver t! C!in (e" <T is is w ere we .! inD< <Sure is#< I re+lied" <T is s !uld be t e wall !> t e ele'tri' +!wer r!!(# a level ab!ve t e (ain '!ntr!l r!!("< <S! dire'tly underneat us is"""< <T e (ain '!ntr!l r!!("< <And i> t is is t eir ele'tri' +!wer r!!(# t ere (ust be all )inds !> >un t in.s we 'an d! t ereB< <Y!u said itB< I a.reed .lee>ully" <=ell t en# s all we .et busy and (a)e us a little !leD< Yuri +!inted er eat.un at t e wall" <=e@ve .!t t! urry" T ere isn@t (u' ti(e"< I als! t!!) ai(" ,la(e .us ed >r!( !ur tw! eat.uns" T e wall .l!wed red !t# (elted# and >ell away" =e '!uld >eel t e air swirlin. !ut !> t e r!!(" =e waited >!r it t! subside# t en du')ed t r!u. t e !le" Inside it was +it' &bla')"

,!r a (!(ent I ad a sin)in. >eelin." And suddenly li. tnin. ra'ed u+ and d!wn and ba') and >!rt t r!u. t e r!!(B In a twin)lin. t e s+a'e ar!und us was >illed wit a t !usand (illi!n s+ar)s" <Eeee)B< :y b!dy was envel!+ed in +ain" It >elt li)e I was bein. t!rn t! +ie'es" T e de+t s !> (y brain went nu(b# (y ar(s and le.s went" I was in a.!ny" I was bein. s redded >r!( t e inside !ut" I !+ened (y eyes and tried t! understand w at was a++enin. t! (e# but I n! l! ad t e stren.t " <YuriB< T e s'rea( see(ed t! rea' (y li+s# but n! s!und 'a(e !ut" T e s+ar)s (ulti+lied" I '!uld see a >uri!us >las in. t r!u. (y eyelids" An ele'tri'al dis' ar.e netB T ey@d set a tra+ >!r us" Even as t e t !u. t rea' ed (y brain# s!(et in. sna++ed" :y (ind went blan)"

Chapter 4! No+ody 5a6es 7oo(s of Us

= en I 'a(e t!# I wasn@t wearin. a s+a'esuit" O> '!urse# t !se 'l!t es !> (ine were still !)ay" N! !ne 'an stri+ !>> 'l!t in. '!vered u+ wit rein>!r'ed +!ly(er" Yuri re.ained '!ns'i!usness at al(!st t e sa(e instant" S e sat b!lt u+ri. t" <= ere a( ID< <S!(ew ere !n Hul'an# !> '!urseB< I t rew ba') at er" Our ands were and'u>>ed be ind !ur ba')s" =e@d wal)ed ri. t u+ !nt! t e s'a>>!ld and let !urselves be 'au. t t ere" <= at a dreary r!!("< Yuri was still >rettin. ab!ut t e r!!(" O # >!r sure# it was a b!rin. r!!(" It was Cust a sFuare b!; wit .ray +lasti' +anelin." A n!t in. r!!(" But w ! 'ared ab!ut t atB T ere was a (!untain !> (!re i(+!rtant t in.s t! be t in)in. ab!ut" Y!u idi!t# YuriB T ere was a s ar+ (etalli' s!und" Re>le;ively we sear' ed >!r t e s!ur'e" It was t e d!!r !+enin." A y!un. (an in a blue s+a'e Ca')et st!!d in t e entran'e" He eld a ray.un at ready in is ri. t and"

<Y!u tw!#< e said" <-!(e !n !ut !> t ere"< =e >!ll!wed is !rders" Yuri was al(!st .lee>ul" As >ar as s e was '!n'erned# n! >ate t at awaited us '!uld +!ssibly be w!rse t an bein. l!')ed u+ in a r!!( la')in. even a (irr!r" T ree (!re (en were waitin. in t e '!rrid!r" I@d been t in)in. t at we '!uld )i') d!wn !ne .uy" T at was an idea t at didn@t last l!n." Surr!unded by t e >!ur (en / !w C!y!us an !''asi!n i> t ey@d all been servin. (eB0# we were led t! a (>i'ent +!rtal" It s+lit !+en t! t e ri. t and le>t" T e >irst t in. t! 'at' (y eye was an en!r(!us s'reen easily $8 (eters a'r!ss" Ne;t# t e '!ntr!l +anels arrayed beneat it# as '!l!r>ul as an !bi" T en t e d!Gens !> +e!+le sittin. >a'in. t e '!ns!les# wit r!b!ts (!vin. busily ab!ut a(!n. t e(" Everyt in. lea+ed int! si. t at !n'e" It was t e (ain '!ntr!l r!!(" <S!# we (eet a.ain"< A v!i'e suddenly e' !ed d!wn >r!( !n i. " Re'!.niGin. it# I twisted (y ne') and l!!)ed !ver ead" T ere was a seat atta' ed t! t e end !> a 'rane" In t e seat sat a (an" T e seat des'ended" T e (an sittin. in it was Dr" Te++eus" <I@( a>raid I was rat er rude at !ur last (eetin.#< e said" His v!i'e s!unded >ar (!re rela;ed t an w en we ad >irst (et" His >!rbiddin. >a'e als! stru') (e as (!re at ease" <Given t e 'ir'u(stan'es# I ad n! ' !i'e but t! ad!+t t at attitude"< <I Fuite understand#< I said wit deliberate 'al(" <T e reas!n I@ve 'alled y!u ere t!day#< e '!ntinued bris)ly# <was t! s !w y!u s!(et in. y!u (i. t >ind interestin."< <Li)e w atD< <L!!) at t e (ain s'reen#< e !rdered wit a Cer) !> is ' in" <Eee)B< Yuri and I s rie)ed in duet" T e s'ene un>!ldin. !n t e s'reen was a battle between s+a'e stati!n Hul'an and s'!res !> s+a'es i+s" <:erut!nan (ust ave n!ti>ied t e +!li'e#< said t e s'ientist airily" <T ey@ve been turnin. !ut in dr!ves"< He let !ut a l!n.# dry lau. " T ere was a rin. t! it t at (ade (y bl!!d run '!ld" ,!r a (!(ent I@d .li(+sed t e (an@s rava.ed s!ul" <H!wever# t e situati!n is as y!u 'an see""" Dirty Pair" N! d!ubt y!u 'an tell Fuite well >!r y!urselves w ! as t e advanta.e"<

It was as Te++eus said" T ere was a 'lear .a+ between t e atta')ers and t e de>enders" T e Dan.le P!li'e ,!r'e was '!untin. !n nu(bers# but it was 'learly bein. >!r'ed int! an un>av!rable devel!+(ent" =it a $83&(eter 'lass destr!yer >!r(in. t e (ain a;is !> t e assault# t e +!li'e were tena'i!usly +ressin. >!rward in wave a>ter wave" But t e atta')s were little (!re t an s !w# and were >ailin. t! in>li't t e sli. test da(a.e !n t eir >!e" On t e '!ntrary# every ti(e t ey 'l!sed !n Hul'an t ey were (er'i&lessly battered by t e laser and eat 'ann!ns !> t e stati!n@s antiair'ra>t >la)" T e P!li'e ,!r'es dwindled s i+ by s i+" N! (atter w at# it was a seri!us (ista)e t! try t! ta)e Hul'an >r!( t e !utside wit su' a tiny >leet" I> t ey )e+t it u+# Dan.le@s +!li'e >!r'e w!uld be wi+ed !ut be>!re (any (!re (inutes ad +assed" <-!((anderB< One !> t e (en at t e '!ntr!l +anels 'alled Dr" Te++eus" <T ere@s a (essa.e '!(in. in >r!( t e Dan.le P!li'e ,!r'e" = at s all I d! wit itD< <:aybe t ey@re ready t! surrender#< .rinned Te++eus" <It@s still a little early >!r t at# t !u. " G!!d en!u. " ,eed t e visual ' annel int! t e (ain s'reen"< T e i(a.e !n t e (ain s'reen ' an.ed" A.ain Yuri and I 'ried !ut t!.et er" T e >a'e !n t e s'reen was n!ne !t er t an t at un>!r.ettable# t at ate>ul# t at w!nder>ully ands!(e Ins+e't!r Baylea>" <Dr" Te++eusB< An absurdly i((ense Baylea> s+!)e in a v!i'e" T! ave su' an in'redible un) enlar.ed t! su' an in'redible siGe & w!wB Breat ta)in. was t e !nly w!rd >!r it" I l!at ed i(# and at t e sa(e ti(e was swe+t !>> (y >eet" <T is is Ins+e't!r Baylea> !> t e Dan.le P!li'e ,!r'e" =e ave Hul'an surr!unded by (!re t an 83 s i+s !> !ur >!r'e" Y!u ave n! !+e !> vi't!ry" T! '!ntinue t is >i. t is (eanin.less" =e de(and y!ur i((ediate and un'!nditi!nal surrender"< I didn@t believe >!r an instant t at Baylea> was t e )ind !> (an t! (isread t e way t e battle was .!in." D!ubtless e was ta)in. a .iant .a(ble" One e@d de'ided t! ris) e;a'tly be'ause t in.s were .!in. s! badly a.ainst is !wn side" Even s!# is surrender de(and was si(+ly t!! +re+!ster!us" Be>!re Baylea> ad even >inis ed s+ea)in.# Te++eus d!ubled !ver in a >it !> lau. ter" <Turn it !>>"< e .as+ed# lau. in. s! ard e '!uld barely s+ea)"

T e (ain s'reen swit' ed ba') t! t e battle between Hul'an and t e s+a'es i+s" Yuri wri..led and w ined t at it was a s a(e :r" Hands!(e ad .!ne away" TwitB <Dr" Te++eus#< I said in a v!i'e t at s!unded ars even t! (e# <d! y!u really t in) y!u s !uld be lau. in.D< <= at d! y!u (eanD< returned Te++eus# is v!i'e bri((in. wit '!n>iden'e" <D!n@t tell (e y!u believed t at n!nsense Baylea> was s+!utin.D< <It@s n!t t at#< I said" <I Cust t !u. t I s !uld warn y!u t at# even i> y!u d! re+ulse t e +!li'e# t e ?nited Gala'ti'a S+a'e ,!r'e will be ere be>!re (u' l!"< <O #< e said wit a bit !> a" <Is t at allD< <Is t at allB< I 'ried# startled by t e une;+e'ted rea'ti!n" <Hul'an 'an@t beat t e ?nited Gala'ti'a S+a'e ,!r'eB< <N! d!ubt y!u@re ri. t#< e a')n!wled.ed" <H!wever# by t e ti(e t e S+a'e ,!r'e .ets ere it will all be !ver" Dan.le will be (ine# !r rat er# (y !r.aniGati!n@s" All t e eadFuarters >un'ti!ns !> Gravas Heavy Industries will be in !ur ands" = en t at a++ens# it will be a waste !> ti(e atta')in. Hul'an"< <= at d! y!u (ean by t atB< :y >a'e ad .!ne w ite" Yuri# standin. at (y side# was t e sa(e" <Yes" A>ter all# it is y!ur >ate t! die !n'e we@ve .!tten a little +leasure !ut !> y!u#< said Te++eus" A 'ruel .rin twisted t e ed.e !> is (!ut " <I (i. t as well tell y!u t e w !le st!ry"< And t en e t! +r!udly re'!unt t e entire +l!t >!r us" It went li)e t is & Te++eus bel!n.ed t! a 'ertain 'ri(inal !r.aniGati!n t at values ties !> bl!!d ab!ve all !t ers" T e na(e !> t at !r.aniGati!n is Lu'i>er" Lu'i>er ad set its si. ts !n Gravas Heavy Industries# t e lar.est eavy industry '!(+any# and t e >!urt (!st eavily 'a+italiGed# in t e :il)y =ay" It ad s' e(ed t! ta)e !ver its +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters# and all !> Dan.le wit it" =it Gravas Heavy Industries in its +!')et# Lu'i>er w!uld be able t! ' allen.e any!ne in t e Gala;y" T e +lan t ey ad devised was utterly rut less and ine;+ressibly sava.e" T ey w!uld ens r!ud t e entire +lanet !> Dan.le wit Gal'r!n Si.(a +!is!n .as" Gal'r!n Si.(a +aralyGes t e >r!ntal l!bes !> t e brain" In e>>e't# a ' e(i'al l!b!t!(y" Pe!+le '!nta(inated wit Gal'r!n Si.(a l!se t eir will +!wer# leavin. t e( let ar.i' and unresistin."

On'e Lu'i>er ad .assed t e +lanet# it w!uld be ' ild@s +lay t! ta)e !ver t e .!vern(ent and Dan.le wit it" All t ey w!uld need t! d! w!uld be t! .! t! t e +resident and de(and t at e and it !ver" Neit er t e +resident# n!r t e 'itiGens w ! w!uld be'!(e Lu'i>er@s slaves# w!uld +ut u+ t e sli. test resistan'e" Dan.le and t e +r!du'ti!n eadFuarters !> Gravas Heavy Industries w!uld be'!(e Lu'i>er@s !verni. t" <But s!(e !w !r !t er# (is'al'ulati!ns d! !''ur#< .ru(bled Te++eus" <In !ur 'ase# it was!n" <An'ar!n wasn@t b!und t! Lu'i>er by bl!!d" =e t !u. t we ad n! ' !i'e but t! bend !ur rules and let i( in i> we were t! '!(+lete !ur +lans" It was a .riev!us err!r" <T at >!!l blew !ur !nly .r!und&based '!((and 'enter ri. t !>> t e >a'e !> t e +lanet" Even w!rse# e le>t a (essa.e e;+!sin. !ur +l!t" It was seri!us treas!n deservin. !> deat " <But t e +lan as n!t been sty(ied" ,!r !ur '!((and 'enter we were able t! use Hul'an" =e (ay n! l! be able t! >ine&tune t e v!lu(e !> .as !n t e .r!und# but t e +lan itsel> 'an be +ulled !>> wit Hul'an al!ne" =e 'an .et t e C!b d!ne a>ter a >as i!n# and ta)e !ur ti(e ab!ut 'learin. u+ any tr!uble s+!ts later"< Te++eus +!inted at !ne !> t e '!ntr!l +anels" <L!!) at t at" Y!u see nu(bers !n t e s'reen# d! y!u n!tD $#55% se'!nds" T at@s !w (u' ti(e re(ains be>!re t e tan)s !> Gal'r!n Si.(a we ave +la'ed a'r!ss Dan.le are !+ened" N!w it@s $#5$$ se'!nds" <=e ad t! a''elerate !ur +lans w en y!u tw! started sni>>in. ar!und# but t at@s t e way t in.s .!"< Te++eus@ l!n.&winded tale see(ed li)ely t! dra. !n >!rever" I# !wever# ad st!++ed listenin." I@d already eard all t at I needed t! )n!w" T e )ey t in. was t at Hul'an was t e !nly '!((and 'enter le>t" And w y was t at i(+!rtantD = y# be'ause it (eant t at i> we '!uld !nly s(as t is +la'e t! +ie'es# t e entire +l!t w!uld >ail" N!w was t e (!(ent >!r a'ti!n" I si.naled Yuri wit (y eyes" S e 'au. t !n i((ediately" =it an inn!'ent (!ve(ent# s e slid ar!und be ind (e" <Ye!wB< Yuri >ell d!wn wit a s'rea(" Every eye in t e '!ntr!l r!!( swun. in !ur dire'ti!n" Even Te++eus st!++ed tal)in.# and turned is )een eyes u+!n us" <= ! d! y!u t in) y!u@re )i')in.# y!u stu+id >!!lB< I s rie)ed" <= y d!n@t y!u wat' w ere y!u +ut y!ur stu+id >eetB< I sFuatted d!wn and .rabbed Yuri@s s !ulder wit (y ands# still l!')ed be ind (e in (a.neti' and'u>>s" Pretendin. t! be el+ed t! er >eet# Yuri

n!n&' alantly stret' ed !ut er ne') and bit t e rin. !n (y ri. t rin. > s! l!udly y!u '!uld ear t e 'li')" S e stru..led t! er >eet" <D! it a.ain and see i> I el+ y!uB< I s !uted" By n!w# t !u. # n!b!dy was wat' in. us any(!re" =e@d d!ne everyt in. t at we '!uld d!" T ere was n!t in. le>t n!w but t! wait" But t e waitin. was a.!ny" On t e (ain s'reen t e +!li'e s i+s were bein. swatted d!wn !ne by !ne" And all t e w ile t e nu(bers !n t e '!ns!le '!unted d!wn 'easelessly# re(!rselessly t!ward Ger! !ur >!r Lu'i>er@s +l!t" It was int!lerable" T e a'e u+ !ur sleeve still s !wed n! si.ns !> (!vin." *ust 5$3 se'!nds t! .!" *ust 533 se'!nds t! .!" *ust""" T e d!!r suddenly burst !+en" And >r!( bey!nd it# a bl!!d'urdlin. s'rea(# (i;ed wit a >a(iliar r!ar" <He@s ereB< 'ried Yuri# er >a'e li. tin. u+" S rie)in. and wailin.# a )n!t !> bl!!d&s(eared (en tu(bled int! t e '!ntr!l r!!(" <= &w at is t isDB< Te++eus@ >a'e twit' ed wit sur+rise" Ta)e t at# buddyB S !utin. and s'rea(in.# t e wall !> +e!+le ar!und t e d!!r br!)e a+art" T ey +!ured li)e an avalan' e t!ward t e >ar wall" T ey were >leein. in terr!r" ,r!( !ut !> t eir (idst# an i((ense bla') s ad!w dan'ed int! t e air"

A 'at&li)e b!dy wit t i') >eelers e;tendin. >r!( its s !ulders li)e w i+s" Hairli)e tendrils in +la'e !> ears" <:u.iB< =e 'alled i( t! us" :u.i slau. tered t e d!Gen (en between us in a >estival !> bl!!d# and b!unded t! !ur side" <:u.iB Release !ur and'u>>sB< N! s!!ner ad I s+!)en t an t e and'u>>s 'li')ed !+en" T! :u.i# w ! was able t! (ani+ulate ele'tr!(a.neti' waves and ele'tri' 'urrents at will# releasin. (a.neti' and'u>>s didn@t reFuire a (!(ent@s t !u. t" <Listen t! (e# :u.i#< I yelled" <Tear t is r!!( a+art" = i' ever way y!u want# !wever (u' y!u wantB R!ut any!ne w ! .ets in y!ur wayB Turn t is r!!( int! Cun)B< :u.i s+un ar!und# and urtled !>> !n is (issi!n !> slau. ter and destru'ti!n" His >ury was !rrend!us# and wit .!!d reas!n" He still adn@t ad is daily )aliu( 'a+sule" N! (atter !w (u' y!u alter t e( t! .et al!n. wit u(ans# at ti(es !> it is arder t! '!ntr!l t e( t an t e wildest !> beasts" A bl!w >r!( t eir >r!nt le.s +ulveriGes st!neA t eir s ar+ >an.s s red t r!u. steel" :!re!ver# t e >eelers !n t eir s !ulders 'an andle any and every )ind !> wea+!n" :u.i ad endured"

?ntil e@d been su((!ned by t e e(er.en'y si.nal br!ad'ast by (y rin.# e ad waited and waited in L!vely An.el@s R 9 R r!!(# endurin. is e(+ty st!(a' " N! d!ubt e e;+l!ded int! a'ti!n t e (!(ent e +i')ed u+ !ur si.nal" ?sin. all is +!wers t! t e >ull# e ad !+ened t e d!!r# !+ened t e airl!')# !+ened t e at' # 'ras ed t r!u. t e +artiti!ns# and (assa'red any!ne w ! tried t! st!+ is advan'e & Cust t! save us" T e '!untd!wn !n t e '!ns!le ad st!++ed at 7% se'!nds" T e '!ntr!l r!!( was n! l! >un'ti!nal" <KeiB< Yuri ran t! (e wit an ar(l!ad !> ray.uns" <Dr" Te++eus is (issin.B< <BlastB< I s+at" <He@s run away"@ <T ere@s !nly !ne e;it#< Yuri said# andin. (e tw! ray.uns" <Let@s .! a>ter i(B< <Ri. t !nB< Leavin. :u.i at is w!r)# we va'ated t e '!ntr!l r!!(" I> we needed :u.i later# we '!uld always 'all i( wit (y rin." ?ntil t en# let i( ave is >un" =e s+!tted Te++eus as s!!n as we entered t e '!rrid!r" It was +er>e'tly strai. t# and e was 'lear t! see" =e ' ased a>ter t e retreatin. >!r( !> t e +r!>ess!r# already s'are'ely t an a bean" It didn@t ta)e us l!n. t! >i.ure !ut w ere e was .!in." He was eaded >!r t e >!r s(all s+a'eb!ats" He was +lannin. t! aband!n Hul'an and (a)e is .etaway" O> '!urse# e (eant t! du(+ all is underlin.s# t!!" I .uess e wasn@t 'ut !ut t! be a leader" <He@s .!in. t! .et awayB< Yuri 'ried" S e was ri. t" =e ad barely 'l!sed t e distan'e" At t is rate# e@d es'a+e int! s+a'e" Te++eus ad rea' ed t e" <YuriB< I yelled" <T r!w t e Bl!!dy -ard" :a)e it d! its t in. in t e an.erB< T is was w at I ad in (ind" T e Bl!!dy -ard 'an 'ut t r!u. tw! (illi(eters !> KN all!y" I> we let it >ly blindly ar!und t e it (i. t Cust 'ut t r!u. en!u. +arts !> t e s+a'eb!ats t! leave t e( unusable" N!t Cust t at" I> we were lu')y# it (i. t even +!lis !>> Dr" Te++eus >!r us" Yuri Fui')ly read (y intenti!ns" S e t!!) t e Bl!!dy -ard >r!( er +!')et and t rew it wit all er stren.t " It >lew int! t e Cust se'!nds a>ter Te++eus vanis ed inside" It (ust ave been twenty !r t irty se'!nds later# I >!ll!wed t e( in" Te++eus was standin. ra(r!d strai. t at t e >ar end !> t e vast utterly stunned" T ere were t ree s+a'eb!ats in t e and all !> t e( ad been (!rtally da(a.ed by t e Bl!!dy -ard" Te++eus ad a++arently

tried all t ree" His s+lendid silver (ane was in disarray# and is s !ulders eaved wit is .as+in. breat " <T is is y!ur w!r)B< e snarled w en e saw (e" Y!u (ade y!ur bed# n!w slee+ in itB< I s !t ba')" I str!de t!ward i(" <= y d!n@t y!u .ive u+ n!wD< I said# i( t! surrender" <A real (an )n!ws w en e@s beaten"< Te++eus suddenly burst !ut lau. in." His ead t r!wn ba')# e r!ared wit (irt " ,!r a (!(ent I t !u. t e@d .!ne (ad# but I was wr!n." I su++!se e was lau. in. in '!nte(+t at is !wn >ailure" T e lau. ter st!++ed abru+tly" <Y!u little bit' B< e s'rea(ed wildly" He >lun. i(sel> at (e" I +ulled t e" Te++eus 'ru(+led t! t e >l!!r# s !t t r!u. t e ' est by (y ray.un" Gas+in. >!r breat # Yuri >inally 'au. t u+ wit (e" =e returned t! L!vely An.el" :u.i was als! ba')# i((ensely satis>ied# is bla') b!dy stained wit bl!!d" B!y# and we 'all t at a +etB =e didn@t want t!# but we '!nta'ted Ins+e't!r Baylea> anyway and in>!r(ed i( t at Hul'an was n! l! !+erati!nal" Baylea> didn@t say a w!rd" He Cust sn!rted" =e 'ast !>># and +ulled away >r!( t e s+a'e stati!n" It dwindled be ind us" <T at was a .!!d +ie'e !> w!r)#< I said" <T ey w!n@t be able t! 'all us t e Dirty Pair n!w"< <I w!nder"< ,!r s!(e reas!n Yuri see(ed .lu(" <O> '!urse n!tB< I ar.ued# (y v!i'e risin. in v!lu(e" <Sure# t ere was a bit !> a >i. t at t e end# but t e Gala+a.!s was t e end !> it as >ar as 'ivilian 'asualties .!" T at@s a >irst >!r us"< <L!!)yB< Yuri suddenly +!inted at t e (ain s'reen" It still s !wed Hul'an" T ere didn@t see( t! be anyt in. wr!n." E;'e+t""" <O n!B< :y bl!!d >r!Ge" <It@s""" en.ines"""are""" >irin."""< I '!uldn@t tell w i' n!GGles t ey were" But w ! 'ares ab!ut t atB S!(e !> Hul'an@s altitude '!ntr!l r!')ets were still >irin.# and t ey were +us in. t e s+a'e stati!n t!ward t e +lanet bel!w" <S!(e idi!t (ust ave set t e( !>> by (ista)e"< I see(ed t! ear Yuri@s v!i'e wa>tin. u+ >r!( ell"

<It 'an@t be""" st!++edD< <N!t li)ely" N!t wit t at (u' (ass"@ <But# but it will burn u+ in t e at(!s+ ere# ri. tD< <N!t li)ely" N!t wit t at (u' (ass"< <At least 'ras in t e seaB< I s rie)ed wildly" <I> n!t# at least 'ras s!(ew ere w ere t ere aren@t +e!+leB A desertB T e savanna B T e +!lesB Y!u .!t all )inds !> ' !i'es# d!n@t y!uB PleaseB *ust +lease d!n@t 'ras anyw ere in abitedB< But""" I be..ed in vain" Hul'an# wit (!st !> its (ass still inta't# 'ras ed !n land# s(a') dab in t e (iddle !> Tas'!+!lis -ity !n t e Eru)an '!ntinent" A''!rdin. t! eyewitness re+!rts# an awes!(e (us r!!( 'l!ud t!wered t !usands !> (eters int! t e air" T e da(a.e >r!( t e s !')wave e;tended !ver t e w !le '!ntinent" It was nearly t!tally destr!yed" T e deat t!llM $#%65#7%2" On'e a.ain# t e na(e !> t e Dirty Pair ru(bled s+e'ta'ularly t r!u. !ut t e .ala;y"

Chapter 8! 5i9 5e a Dirty Spe-ia(

<An!t erB Brin. (e an!t er bi( s!daB< I sla((ed t e e(+ty .lass !n t e '!unter" It let !>> a s ar+ +in. !> +r!test" Da(nati!nB It didn@t brea)" S! y!u t in) y!u@re t!u. B <Kei# st!+ ta)in. it !ut !n t e .lass"< said"Yuri" S e was sittin. !n t e st!!l !n (y ri. t" Little :iss Prissy ad s+ent t ree !urs si++in. away at a sin.le S'!t' and water" T at was a >ar 'ry >r!( (e" I@d already )n!')ed d!wn >!ur b!ttles !> bi( all by (ysel>" A bi. di>>eren'e" S e wasn@t even drun)" S !!tin. !>> er (!ut li)e t atB Only a >!!l .!es t! a bar and d!esn@t .et drun)B <D!esn@t it b!t er y!uD Aren@t y!u de+ressedD D!esn@t it (a)e y!u an.ryD Aren@t y!u (ad wit ra.eD< I t rust a > at Yuri and +!unded in (y w!rds" S e r!lled er eyes# er .lass in !ne and" <SureB< I ra.ed# (y w!rds slurrin. a little" <Sure# we@re ===A tr!uble '!nsultants" Sure# it@s !ur duty t! anti'i+ate every )ind !> '!ntin.en'y# and st!+ t e( be>!re t ey !''urB Sure# I )n!w t atB <But t at was bey!nd !ur '!ntr!lB S! w at i> $#%63#333 +e!+le died" It was still bey!nd !ur '!ntr!lB = ! .ives a 'are ab!ut a s+a'e stati!n 'ras "

It wasn@t !ur >aultB = at t e ell# any!ne w ! t in)s we '!uld ave )e+t t !se en.ines >r!( >irin. in t e (iddle !> t at (ess (ust be 'raGy t e(selvesB< <Yes# Kei#< a.reed Yuri wearily" <I )n!w all ab!ut it"< N! .!!d# n! .!!d" Yuri was a b!rn dullard" I 'ran)ed u+ (y v!lu(e an!t er n!t' " <I tell y!u# it@s t e ' ie>@s >aultB Sittin. ba') !n is >anny at eadFuarters# n!t )n!win. t e >irst t in. ab!ut it and ' ewin. us !utB He@s t! bla(eB T e 'entral '!(+uter itsel> said we didn@t d! anyt in. wr!n." And still t e ' ie> as t! .! blat erin. !n li)e t at" It@s all is >aultB< <I )n!w# Kei# I )n!w#< said Yuri as s e ' e')ed (y ar(s" <I )n!w# s! let@s try t! be a little Fuieter# !)ayD T ere@re !t er 'ust!(ers# y!u )n!w"< <BartenderB< I r!ared# i.n!rin. er '!(+letely" <= ere@s (y bi( s!daB Hurry u+ and brin. it ereB St!+ y!ur tail !r I@ll .ive y!u a taste !> (y eat .unB< <Ye& Yes# :a@(B< T e >lurried bartender +assed (e a .lass >illed t! t e bri( wit bi( s!da" T e little stin)erB = at did e t in) e was d!in.# usin. a (ani+ulat!r li)e t atB He didn@t even try t! brin. it t! (e i(sel>" I treat y!u .!!d E'uG y!u@re a little bit ands!(e# and t is is w at I .etD O n! y!u d!n@tB I@( a 'ust!(er t!!# y!u )n!wB <N!b!dy >!!ls ar!und wit (eB< I snat' ed u+ t e .lass# and wit a .rand >l!uris eaved (y drin) at t e bartender t ree (eters away" Ri. t !n" T e bi( s!da it i( >ull in t e >a'e" <Aii. B< T e +ani')ed bartender s rie)ed as t e al'! !l stun. is eyes" <D!n@t .! +uttin. !n airs wit (eB< I sna++ed" <Hurry u+ and (i; an!t er" And t is ti(e brin. it t! (e ri. t# wit y!ur !wn andsB =it y!ur !wn ands# y!u earB Try any >unny business and y!u w!n@t ave anyt in. le>t >r!( t e ne') !n u+B And d!n@t y!u >! itB< <Y&y&yes@("< T e bartender n!dded# is v!i'e barely a w is+er" He uddled at t e '!unter and (i;in. an!t er bi( s!da" Better# better" I> y!u@d d!ne it ri. t t e >irst ti(e# I w!uldn@t ave ad t! .et all >ired u+ ab!ut it" :y new bi( s!da >inally arrived" I .lared at t e bartender as I t!!) it >r!( is and" T at s! terri>ied i( e '!uldn@t wal) away a.ain" He@d be'!(e >r!Gen t! t e s+!t" G!!d" Hery .!!d" T is is !w it !u. t t! be" A bi( is best w en y!u 'an eye a (an w ile y!u@re drin)in. it" <He & e & e " Y!u really d! ave a way ab!ut y!uB<

S!(e!ne suddenly s+!)e u+ !n (y le>t" It was a va'ant v!i'e# t!tally listless" T e and !ldin. (y .lass st!++ed (idway t! (y (!ut " I turned (y ead" A (an ad +l!++ed i(sel> d!wn !n t e st!!l !n (y le>t and was wat' in. (e" = en !ur eyes (et e 'la++ed is ands" <= at a >ine s'eneB O w!nder>ul# Cust w!nder>ulB< His a.e was a stu(+er" I '!uldn@t tell i> e was y!un.# !r .ettin. !n" I> I ad t! +i')# I@d say y!un." His air was# well# ab!ut n!r(al" His l!!)s were +ar >!r t e '!urse" =ell# n!# (aybe a bit better t an t at" He was t in# !val&>a'ed and is eyes dr!!+ed a little" T! be (!re s+e'i>i'# e l!!)ed li)e a stret' ed&!ut >r!." And e ad an a(bi.u!us# unidenti>iable .rin !n is >a'e t at never see(ed t! ' an.e" He .ave (e t e 'ree+s" ,eelin. t e way I did already# e was t e last t in. I needed t! s+!il (y (!!d" <= ! t e ell are y!uD< I as)ed ven!(!usly" <O # s!rry# s!rry" ,!r.!t t! intr!du'e (ysel>" :eD I@( D!te!)a" I@( t e edit!r !> Hi. Sense :a.aGine"< D!te!)a >is ed a na(e 'ard >r!( is .reen Ca')et and laid it !n t e '!unter in >r!nt !> (e" Sure en!u. " T ere it was in +rintM Yan D!te!)a# edit!r# Hi. Sense :a.aGine" Even s!# w at a na(e" <S!#< I said# (y v!i'e still i'y" = at business d!es Edit!r D!te!)a ave wit (eD< <Y!u tw! are t e Dirty Pair# t e leadin. li. ts !> t e ===A# aren@t y!uD< rattled !n D!te!)a# still .rinnin." <:e# I@( a .reat >an !> y!urs" He & e & e """< <N!w Cust !ld !n t ere"< I said# >i;in. i( wit a burnin. .lare" <= at did y!u Cust 'all usD< <= y# t e Dirty"""< D!te!)a .!t t at >ar be>!re 'at' in. !n" His v!i'e trailed !>>" <A # n&n!# I (ean# t e tw! L!vely An.els"""< ,ine" T at@s Cust >ine" I n!dded" L!vely An.el is !ur !>>i'ial '!dena(e" I all!wed (y r!') ard e;+ressi!n t! s!>ten Cust a little" :aybe D!te!)a >elt relieved" In any 'ase# e t!!) a dee+ breat and urried !n" <N!w# w at I@( t in)in. is t is" In !ur ne;t issue I@d li)e t! d! a s+e'ial >eature !n t e Dirty# n!# n!# n!t t e Dirty# !n t e L!vely An.els" H!!& !!!& !!" D!esn@t t at s!und interestin.B< He abru+tly d!wned is S'!t' and water in a sin.le .ul+" I blew (y t!+" Interestin.D Interestin.B = y t e little 'ree+B As i> t in.s weren@t bad en!u. already# e wants t! use ===A tr!uble '!nsultants in a s+e'ial issue !> is >ilt y little (a.aGineD = ! d! y!u t in) y!u@re )iddin.# y!u e(+ty eaded idi!tD ,!!lB

Da(n y!uB< I e;+l!ded in a ra.e# (y veins standin. !ut blue !n (y >!re ead" <= at d! y!u t in) t e ===A is y!u# y!u little i(+!tent & B< <I# i(+# i(+!tent"""B< T at was en!u. t! (a)e even D!te!)a +eel is eyes" N! d!ubt it was t e >irst ti(e e@d ever been 'alled t at by any!ne /I )n!w t is (ay s!und >unny '!(in. >r!( (y !wn (!ut 0 as beauti>ul as I" His >a'e went w ite as a s eet" :aybe by ' an'e e really was i(+!tent" =ell# ta)e t at# buddyB = at t e ell# I@( drun)" D!n@t (ind (e" <I> y!u d!n@t di. i(+!tent# t en +i(+!tentB< I s rie)ed (eanin.lessly" <-an@t y!u see we@re de+ressed ab!ut bein. ' ewed !ut by !ur b!ssD Y!u +!tat! eadB< <Bad(!ut y!ur b!ss and e@ll say y!u@re a'tin. b!ssyB< returned D!te!)a +la'idly" <E """ D< = at an atr!'i!us +unB Yuri and I dr!++ed dead !n t e s+!t" T e 'ree+ wasn@t t e least bit daunted" ,ar >r!( it" Kn!')ed !ut >!r !nly a se'!nd# D!te!)a was already babblin. !n a.ain" <Y!u@re b!t dressed li)e t at# and wit y!ur l!vely >i.ures""" e & e & e " P!se nude >!r t e '!l!r s+read and !ur readers will Cust ad!re it"< <Babble !n# idi!tB< I s'rea(ed# )i')in. t e st!!l and t! (y >eet" D!te!)a@s eyes were a study in le' ery as e l!!)ed us !ver >r!( ead t! t!e# +ra'ti'ally str!)in. !ur silver t!+s and !t +ants wit is .aGe" Hey# t is was n! C!)eB T e .uy was a natural b!rn dirty !ld (anB <I> y!u li)e nudes s! (u' # y!u 'an try it y!ursel>B< I s rie)ed in a brittle v!i'e t at reverberated t r!u. !ut t e bar" <D!n@t b!t er wit usB D! y!ur !wn stri+teaseB< <O # w at a .!!d ideaB< 'ried D!te!)a# 'la++in. is ands" = at t e devil"""D <I@ll stri+ >!r y!uB A'tually# I rat er .! >!r t in.s li)e t at"< ?+!n w i' D!te!)a !++ed t! is >eet and started )i')in. !>> is tr!users" =&w &w at is t is .uyD S!(e )ind !> +ervertD T e bartender and t e !t er 'ust!(ers nearby .a+ed in ast!nis (ent at t e edit!r@s <+er>!r(an'e"< <St!+ it# y!u idi!tB< I 'ried in a +ani'" <-ut it !utB< I tried t! .rab D!te!)a t! .et i( t! st!+" But s!(e !w !r !t er# (y .rab turned int! a s !ve" D!te!)a@s le.s were entan.led by is l!wered tr!users" He '!uldn@t (!ve" And t at was w en I +us ed i(" Instantly t e edit!r t!++led !ver !n t e >ar side !> is st!!l"

= ere e landed a++ened t! be s(a') dab in t e (iddle !> t e table be ind i(" N!w# t is was a din.y bar in t e sleaGiest +art !> t!wn" It was in'redibly 'ra(+ed# and Cust +a')ed wit tables" It w!uld ave been a (ira'le i> e@d .!tten as >ar as t e >l!!r" <Eeee&ee)"< =it a sus+i'i!us little s rie)# D!te!)a@s s)inny b!dy s(as ed !nt! t e table and 'rus ed it >lat" T e >!ur (en sittin. ar!und it were >lun. t! t e >l!!r by t e >!r'e !> t e bl!w# D!te!)a landin. !n t!+ !> t e(" All >!ur were ul)s# >er!'i!us (en every in' t e brawler" T in.s l!!)ed bla') >!r D!te!)a" <I@ll tea' y!u# y!u bastardB< *ust as I@d >eared# t e bi..est !ne !> all t!ssed aside t e table and t!wered t! is >eet in a ra.e" I '!uldn@t (a)e !ut is >a'e beneat t e wide bri( !> t e !dd at e was wearin.# but I '!uld tell >r!( t e way is w !le b!dy was s a)in. t at e was >i. tin. (ad" It l!!)ed li)e D!te!)a@s ead and b!dy w!uld never (eet a.ain" I started t! .! t! t e edit!r@s aid# w en""" D!te!)a wavered t! is >eet# +eered u+ at t e 'raGed .iant be>!re i(# and 'ried# <A # w at a l!vely ead >!r billiardsB< T en e +!++ed int! t e air# +lu')ed !>> t e .iant@s at# +!++ed u+ !ne (!re ti(e# and really did s(as is ead int! t e (!nster@s >a'e" <Ar. B< T e bearded# l!n.& aired .iant >lew !ver ba')wards# 'lut' in. is >a'e" N!t t at it (attered !r anyt in.# but I '!uld@ve sw!rn I@d seen i( s!(e+la'e be>!re" <I ave a l!t !> '!n>iden'e in (y ead#< bubbled D!te!)a" T e .uy was a (ad(an" T e .iant@s t ree buddies rus ed t e edit!r" He .reeted t e( wit new ead atta')s" <S&st!+B Please st!+" T is is terribleB< T e ( rus ed !ver# 'alled by t e bartender" He was nattily dressed in a bla') suit" T!u. &l!!)in. .iants w ! (ust ave been b!un'ers# trailed in is wa)e" G!nnn)B T e ( ead e(itted a dull rin." D!te!)a ad let i( ave it by (ista)e" T e ( bla')ed !ut !n t e s+!t" T e t ree b!un'ers@ >a'es went red wit >ury" But Cust at t at (!(ent# t e .iant brawler w ! ad been t e >irst t! e;+erien'e D!te!)a@s ead +un' barrelled strai. t int! t e(" :aybe e@d been dis!riented by D!te!)a@s ead bl!w" SeiGin. t e >irst !> t e b!un'ers# e landed a tre(end!us +un' !n t e (an@s C aw" T e b!un'er#

sent tu(blin. by t e bl!w# b!wled !ver an!t er )n!t !> 'ust!(ers" A se'!nd later e was +ayin. t e +ri'e# and an!t er brawl ad br!)en !ut" It was li)e a '!nta.i!us disease" Be>!re any!ne )new w at was a++enin.# t e >i. tin. ad in>e'ted t e entire bar" <O B< Yuri# w ! ad been w!rdlessly li')in. away at er drin) t e w !le ti(e# suddenly ' ir+ed in sur+rise" <= at is itD< I as)ed# w eelin. !n er" <I Cust re(e(beredB< s e said e;'itedly" <T at airy bruiserB T at was -urly" He@s !n t e A&'lass wanted list >!r (urderB< <= &B< I was stunned" Killer -urlyB In>a(!us >!r n! less t an 25 (urdersB N!t !nly t at# t ere was a !ne (illi!n 'redit +ri'e !n is ead" = at was a .uy li)e t at d!in. idin. in a bar li)e t isB I >ranti'ally sear' ed >!r -urly@s >a'e a(!n. t e >renGied (!b !> brawlin. +e!+le" = en I s+!tted i(# e was .ra++lin. >er!'i!usly wit a w !le +a') !> !t er (en" N!w# we@re n!t +!li'ew!(en" =e@re ===A tr!uble '!nsultants" But w en it '!(es t! s!(e!ne !n t e A&'lass wanted list# it@s !ur duty t! arrest i( re.ardless !> !ur 'urrently assi.ned tas)" But ri. t n!w t at was t!tally !ut !> t e Fuesti!n" =e were literally surr!unded by a wall !> >les " T ere were d!Gens !> +e!+le between us and -urly# and t ere was n! way we '!uld ave .!tten 'l!se t! i( n! (atter !w (u' we >lailed away" Bee+ bee+ bee+""" <N!w w atB< I wailed a.ain" <It@s a 'all >r!( eadFuartersB< <An!t er 'aseD< said Yuri +eevis ly" <,irst t ey ' ew us !ut# t en t ey wear us t! a ra." It isn@t >airB< T e ri. t side !> t e bar suddenly bri. tened" =e '!uld see t e >li')er !> >la(es" S!(eb!dy !r s!(et in. (ust ave started a >ire" -urtains and +art !> t e wall were already ablaGe" <I&it@s a >ire"< said Yuri" T e 'ust!(ers# t e .uards and even t e bartender were '!(+letely abs!rbed in .ra++lin. and +un' in. ea' !t er !ut" N! !ne ad even n!ti'ed t e >la(es" <= at are we t! d! ab!ut t e 'all"< I as)ed" <=e d!n@t ave any ' !i'e# d! weD< s e sFuealed" <=e .!" But (!re t an t at# w at d! we d! ab!ut t e >i. t# and ab!ut -urly# and ab!ut t e >ireD< <=e re+!rt t! eadFuarters# t en"< I said in a daGe" <T is bar@s a s a(bles"< <YuriD D! y!u t in) we s !uld .!D< <=ell# I@( .!in." Ri. t n!wB I d!n@t )n!w anyt in. ab!ut t isB<

As we swa( t r!u. t e w irl+!!l !> >i. tin. +e!+le we s+!tted D!te!)a a.ain" He 'au. t si. t !> us# t!!# and waved as e s(a')ed is ead int! t e >a'e !> t e 'ust!(er at is side" =e >inally sl!..ed !ur way t! t e d!!r" T e s'rea(s and bell!ws and eat were !rrend!us" =e l!!)ed ba') and surveyed t e w !le bar# but all we '!uld (a)e !ut were t e >ist>i. ts 'l!sest t! us" =e '!uld als! Cust dis'ern t e >la(es 'rawlin. u+ t e >ar wall" T e >ire ad already s+read t! t e 'eilin." It l!!)ed bad" T e bar wasn@t l!n. >!r t is w!rld" ,!r a >ew (!(ents I st!!d t ere# .a+in. blan)ly at t e s+e'ta'le" <Kei# w at@s wr!n.D< as)ed Yuri" <T e ' ie>@s waitin. >!r us"< <O # yea "< I turned and !+ened t e d!!r" =e sli++ed !ut# and +ut t e bar be ind us"


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