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Yaad-e-Khomeyni(r) Islamic Revolution


The word revolution means returning from one place to another place, upheaval, reversion, return, change, revolt, transformation. It is also defined as acceptance of change and acceptance of transformation. A revolution is a rapid, fundamental, and violent internal changes in values and governing principles of society, political bodies, social structures, leadership, state activities and their policies. Shaheed Mutahhari (r): A revolution is not a return to gloom, decadence and decline. A revolution is always complementary and has a progressive trend. The meaning of attainment of perfection and excellence are contained in a revolution. The social meaning of revolution will include destroying a situation through ones will in order to a better situation and turning the existing situation upside down in order to establish a higher order. Islamic Revolution is a clear and new phrase that is connected with the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and has entered the political and social encyclopedia of the world. The Islamic Revolution has drawn the attention even of the enemies and for this reason; they paid a special attention to this socio-political phenomenon. This attention has brought about new theories and hypothesis. In the incorporation of theories for comparison between past revolutions and the Islamic Revolution. The Islamic Revolution is based on intellectual leanings originating from various faculties such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, literature, economics and politics. Definition of Revolution from view point of Imam Khomeyni(r): After a period of mental disarray and decline, Muslims once again attempted to seek Islamic guidance in contrast to the Capitalist west and Communist east. In this respect, He regards, the revolution to be an explosion and the Islamic revolution to be a revolution with an Islamic essence and Islamic opinion and Islamic objectives.

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According to Imam Khomeyni(r), the revolutions of the world have a fundamental and essential difference with the Islamic Revolution of Iran because it is a revolution that has been established on the basis and objectives of Islam and neither the differences nor the resemblances can reveal the true essence of the Revolution. There is a difference between the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the revolutions of the world. The revolutions of the world are without exception, not for the sake of faith; not for the sake of Allah(s) while the Iran Revolution was from the start for the cause of Allah(s); it was for Allah is greater and it shall remain so until the end. The Islamic Revolution of Iran is distinct from all other revolutions both at its birth and in the manner of its struggle as well as in the objective of the revolution. The Islamic Revolution of Iran is a Divine gift that has been realized with the participation of all people in order to establish a just and Islamic state and defend the rights of the oppressed all over the world.


The prominent feature of great revolutions is their being widespread, international, claiming global influence and its effect on the rest of societies. With regards to such specifications and the objectives of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, this Revolution ranks among the greatest social revolutions of the present era. OBJECTIVES 1. SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION AND REVIVAL OF RELIGION The existing public opinion that spoke of the separation of religion from politics as state policy; and that regarded modernization and technology to be the ultimate heaven on earth, reinstated human spirituality and sublimity whose main definition lies in worship of Allah(s). The sensitivity of this idea increases when not only the slogan

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of unity of religion and politics permeates in the body of a revolution, rather, that the main desire of the people which is the implementation of the commandments and focus on the human-building doctrine of Islam are mentioned within the mould of the establishment of an Islamic state. The lofty Objective is rooted from the historical Shiah thought of establishment of Divine rule and a society of monotheistic justice by Imam Hussain (a). This revolution with its claim to spirituality and revival of the spirit of faith and religion, has taken on a separate role in the world and this objective gave this revolution a global and universal appeal. However, this Islam is not compatible with mysticism and isolation and defending tyrants and oppressors and it is the pure strain of Muhammedan Islam that is in conflict with the American brand of Islam. Such an Islam firstly, begins with transformation and spirituality of individuals and thereafter, seeks this transformation in social relations extensively. 2. REVIVAL OF JUSTICE AND JUDICIARY In relation to the class distinctions in society, open violations of human rights, discriminatory possessions of the ruling oppressors and administrators justice to the deprived and the downtrodden, the cry for justice of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is the resonating cry against the wealthy and the powerful that give them nightmares. 3. REJECTION OF DICTATORSHIP AND DEMAND FOR INDEPENDENCE The rejection of Dictatorship is actually the rejection of the colonialism and domination of the dictators. This is because the nature of man is to live in freedom so than he can propagate his thoughts in total freedom and be secure from repression, torture, exile, botheration and violence. Especially in the human-building monotheist ideology of Islam, freedom and liberation form subjugation of other human beings are considered the essentials of humanity. This struggle against tyranny and fighting the evil Taghout mentality and bullying was quite evident from his methods and behavior and distinguished clearly

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the path of the Islamic state of the future from the present totalitarian regime. Imam Khomeini (r): We have no alternative except to eliminate the corrupt and corrupting state machinery and to overthrow the treacherous, corrupt, unjust and oppressive governing bodies and this is a duty of all Muslims in each and every Islamic country and to carry the political-Islamic Revolution to its victory. A. SAVAK ESTABLISHMENT IN IRAN The intelligence services of Shah Regime detained Imam Khomeini (r), which triggered immense reaction by the public. Many innocent people were killed during the demonstrations by the brutal forces of Shah and this event was called as the starting point of the Islamic revolution by Imam Khomeyni (r). The bill for the formation of SAVAK (translation in English: the State Security and Intelligence Organization), was established officially in 1957. SAVAKs mission was quash and confront any Islamic struggle or opposition to the regime. SAVAK was closely linked to the intelligence agencies of both America and Israel (CIA and MOSSAD) and gradually it turned into a terrorist organization. In order obtain information from those they had arrested, SAVAK would firstly send the latter to torture chambers, after which it would hand its captives over to rubber-stamp courts where, after the passing of a predetermined court callousness of SAVAK was so great that Security General of Amnesty International, in a report made in 1957 stated: No country in the world has a worse record in human rights than Iran. In order to obtain confessions, the torturers of SAVAK subject its captives to beatings and electrical shocks. It employs all kinds of horrendous and inhumane methods to achieve its ends; the inflicting of agonizing pain on the private parts and sexual assaults of the wives and daughters of the captives before the latters very eyes, are but two of

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such atrocities perpetrated. The Shah was fully aware of SAVAKs practices. This organization was abolished by Iranian Muslims in 1978 and its torturers were prosecuted in revolutionary courts. A. Dependence on Aliens B. Suppression and repression C. Poverty and deprivation are other few factors responsible for Islamic Revolution.


Faith in Allah (s) and Divine tradition, Unity and Uniformity, Leadership: a) Religious Authority, b) Democracy. ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE REVOLUTION The Imam Khomeyni (r) always mentioned these achievements as The blessings of the Revolution blessing that were bestowed by the grace of Allah(s) on the movement of the people of Iran. We shall analyze some of these achievements or socio-political blessings of the Revolution comprehensively. One of the blessings of this movement is the matter of spiritual transformation in our society. FIRST - POLITICAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE One of the best achievements of the Revolution that is widely acknowledged is that of self-reliance, independence and absence of affiliation in various arenas. A country that was indebted either to the east or the west for everything and never imagined that it could stand on its own tow feet, was able to guide and lead a revolution that severed all those dependencies as manifested in the slogan neither east nor west; only an Islamic Revolution. This manifestation that normally, in all revolutions because of the weakness of the leaders, with the rejection of one power they naturally incline towards the other power appears amazing.

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SECOND FREEDOM This freedom differs fundamentally from its western definition. It is based on this definition that when a human being frees himself from the captivity and chains of both the internal and external devil, it will result in the pure gems of divinity to bloom in him and he shall advance towards his own perfection. THIRD PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN POLITICS AND SOCIETY Women are a huge intellectual and social asset in society that the Imam Khomeyni (r) in consideration of their intrinsic nature defined their main responsibility, which is quite different from the general global perception of woman as a tool for exploitation. This role that has been taken away in the course of history from women and was considered logical was revived with the Islamic Revolution by substituting the criteria of humanity instead of sexuality. Thus, women found their true place in the humane and Islamic definition and certainly played a pioneering role in the victory of the Revolution that revealed itself in two ways. One, in their effective and knowledgeable presence in the events leading to the Revolution whether in providing struggle; and secondly, their responsibility of upbringing and guiding for creation of motivation in the men of the household and the youth to play their constructive role in the events leading to the Revolution. Imam Khomeini(r): woman is a human being and that too a great one; women are the tutors of society. Human beings are created from the bosom of women. FOURTH SUPPORTING THE WEAK AND THE DEPRIVED CLASSES One of the important blessings of the Revolution is its support for the deprived and oppressed nations and this is regarded as a duty. This revolution, apart from all religious, national or geographical considerations, regards itself a partner to the sufferings of the poor,

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oppressed and downtrodden nations and in the global sphere, with its all-out support it strives to attain a world without any kind of discrimination and assist them in making structural improvements and progress in the social, political, cultural and economic spheres. Imam Khomeyni (r): We have a duty to be friends of the oppressed and be enemies of the oppressors. FIFTH THE ISLAMIC UMMAH NATION

MUSLIM SOCIETY Muslims have now found that Islam, the Quran and the traditions of the prophet of Islam is a powerful and active source that can create a movement in various fields of politics, culture and economy. The Imam believed that the Islamic fundamental has the potential to liberate the Muslims from dependence on others and that the major problems of the Muslims are a result of distancing themselves from these fundamentals and original Islamic thought. This message was well received by the Muslims and especially the Muslim nations a message that cannot be contained even by means of the intimidated governments. A. INTRODUCTION OF THE ULTIMATE IDEALS OF MUSLIMS NATIONS The true and genuine Islam, which is that same righteous Mohammedan Islam and return to the rule of justice of the prophet at the dawn of Islam, is the ideal of all Muslim nations. Thus, this uprisings and movements of Muslim societies is not for territorial expansion; rather it is for the revival of the commandments and teachings of Islam and consequently, it aims at the sovereignty of Allah(s) over the life of man. With such an objective, all Muslims must strive for tits realization and concentrate their efforts on this subject. B. UNITY OF ISLAMIC SOCIETY Implementation of the commandments of the great religion of Islam is possible only through unity and avoidance of

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religious disputes and fighting in a single direction against the single enemy. For this reason, all discordant thoughts among Muslim countries must be strongly condemned and Islamic fraternity and unity in all social, cultural and economic fields be established as is also recommended in the holy Quran. 2. BACKING ISLAMIC MOVEMENTS ESPECIALLY PALESTINE On the path of achievement of final objective, every Islamic movement that comes close to the ideal of Muslims must be supported by all Muslims countries; and every movement that is established to confront the enemy reveals the honor and respect of Muslims and we must strive for its victory. Today, the Jihad of Muslims of Palestine is the frontline of defense of the Islamic honor and no Muslim must remain silent in relation to it. This viewpoint of the Imam khomeyni (r) infused new life in the oppressed struggle of the people of Palestine against the usurpers of the divine territory and provided that this support come from all Muslims, no disbeliever will have the strength to confront Islam.


PERSPECTIVE OF THE IMAM KHOMEYNI (R) IN COMPARISON WITH THE STATE AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS The link of the leadership with the people is naturally religious, fundamental and deep link. It was because of this reason that the Imam Khomeyni (r) founded and led one of the most popular types of governments. Contrary to all existing political systems of the world, in this regime, the people do not absolve themselves of responsibility after determining the leader and holding elections and are not left to fend for themselves. Rather, their presence on the scene of administration of Islamic society and participation in the fate of the Islamic system is guaranteed as a religious obligation.

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In the opinion of the Imam Khomeyni (r), the Islamic state is founded on mutual love and trust of the people and righteous and just leadership. Thus Imam Khomeyni (r) states Leader and leadership in divine and Islamic religions are not something great to have values on its own and causes a person to Allah(s) forbid, to be overcome with pride and megalomania (self-centered). It is better if you call me a servant than a leader. Leadership is not important serving is important. Islam has made it obligatory for us to serve. I am a brother to Muslims of the world and consider myself to be their servant and solider. Addressing the government that regards themselves to be governor generals and superior to the people, the Imam Khomeyni(r) has stated that Government in an Islamic state is at the service of the nation; it must be the servant of the nation. Awareness of the people and their participation, supervision and coordination with their elected government is the best underwriter for safeguarding security in the society. The difference of this theory of government and national and social security with the theory that in the most democratic political systems define government and the state in the sphere of power its tools and essentials; and based on this, they regard the most important element of social security to be in the power of force, is quite apparent. The Imam Khomeyni (r) states When a great power does not have a national base, it cannot stand firm.


One of the important psychological tools for creating fear and terror in the hearts of nations is to exaggerate the power of the enemy and its invincibility. After the Second World War and the invention and monopolization of nuclear weapons in the hands of superpowers

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especially America, this mindset was created in the nations of the Third World that not only is it not possible to confront superpowers in possession of nuclear weapons, rather, for survival and living, there is no alternative other than aligning with them. The Cold War period and the rules governing it had such a quality and it was accepted by the small and weaker nations and governments. Considering that the Imam Khomeyni (r), on the basis of his own Divine beliefs and convictions had absolute faith in the infinite power of the nation, he challenged this convention when Imam Khomeyni(r) states America cannot do a damn thing. and We shall crush America under our feet. Thus, Imam Khomeyni (r) eliminated fear and apprehension form the hearts of the masses and guided them towards this conviction that the terrible nature of nuclear weapons and huge arsenals is not the measure of power of a country; rather higher than that is the resolve of nations that can triumph over them. An American that has been slapped on the face by you; an American that had pinned its hopes on Iran; and the oil of Iran; and the resources of Iran, you have thrown out this America.


With regard to the lofty Islamic teachings, the Imam Khomeyni (r) believed that if a society and a nation is able to face up to death, resolve this issue for itself and comes to the conclusion that death is not the end of life, rather than an honorable death combined with martyrdom is the beginning of a new and more illustrious life then not only will it not have any fear of confronting the enemy, rather, it will render the enemy incapable and impotent in the face of his weapon so that it will finally bow in submission. It was in this manner and with this method, that the Imam Khomeyni (r), despite having exceptional

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charismatic power and despite having the authority of a supreme Shiite theologian, chose the long and difficult road of guiding and creating awareness in the people. With this method, he was able to train the nation in such a way that they acted like the Imam Khomeyni (r) and created a power that became the main foundation and pillar of stability and power of the Islamic Republic.


ISLAM IS THE RIGHT OF EVERYONE "I am hoping that we can hoist the flag of Islam, the flag of the Republic of Islam all over the world and that Islam, which is the right of everyone, would be followed." LET US RAISE THE FLAG OF TAWHD "Allah(s) willing, we hope that you would establish the Islamic Republic with the identity of a republic, based on the rules of Islam, in Iran and other places and raise the flag of Tawhd [the unity of Allah(s)] in your country and other countries." THE IRANIAN NATION WILL HOIST THE FLAG OF ISLAM ALL OVER THE WORLD With its blood, the dear nation and the true followers of Imam Husayn(a) will bury the satanic dynasty of Pahlavi in the cemetery of history and will hoist the flag of Islam not only in the country but in all [other] countries." THE AIM IS TO REVIVE THE UNIVERSAL LAWS OF ISLAM "Our aim is that Islam, the laws of Islam; the universal laws of Islam would be revived and implemented and that everyone would live a comfortable and free life. We want everyone to be independent." WE HOPE TO ESTABLISH JUSTICE "We hope that an Islamic power would emerge, a just power, a power which would depend on justice, and not the bayonets, and not even, say, cannons and tanks, [leading to] harmony among all men. We have been given the promise that when Imam (a) of the Time reappears, these conflicts would disappear. Everyone would coexist like brothers. I want to tell you that there will be no more bullies and bullying. We hope that we can implement some of this to the best of our ability. We hope that [now that] the nations

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are with us, the governments, too, would be with us. It would be in their interest to be with us. Allah(s) willing, we hope that this would happen." BROTHERHOOD AND LOVE, FOUNDATIONS OF ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT "I hope that this turning point in Iran would be replicated in all the Muslim countries and among all the deprived people in the world. You, our dear youth, see that our Islamic government is based on brotherhood and love. It is not based on the domination of one individual over another, or a class over another, nor is it based on the [domination of] the ruler over the ruled." WE WILL EXPORT OUR REVOLUTION TO THE WHOLE WORLD "We will export our revolution to the whole world because our revolution is Islamic. As long as La-ilha-illal-lh [There is no God but Allah] and Muhammad-un-Rasl-ul-Lh [Muhammad Is Allah's Messenger] has not echoed throughout the world, the struggle will continue. We, too, will remain [supporters of the struggle] for as long as the struggle against the Arrogant continues anywhere in the world." OUR MAIN DUTY IS TO PROMOTE ISLAM IN THE WORLD "Our officials must know that the Revolution is not limited to Iran. The revolution of the Iranian people is the beginning of the great revolution of the world of Islam under the leadership of Hazrath Hujjat(a), may our souls be sacrificed for him, and may Allah(s) bless all Muslims and all people in the world and make his reappearance possible in our era. The economic and financial issues will be a great threat and grand [source of] treason if they prevent the officials even for a moment from fulfilling the task they are supposed to accomplish. The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran must spend all of its efforts in better serving the people, but this would not mean that they should be prevented from achieving the grand aims of the Revolution, which include the formation of a worldwide Islamic government.

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WE MUST IMPLEMENT ISLAM EVERYWHERE "Follow the path of Islam. Serve the cause of Islam so that, God forbid; if we are defeated and we become martyrs, it would be for the sake of Islam... If, God willing, we become victorious, we will have made Islam victorious. We must be proud and we must implement Islam all over the world, in all countries and raise the flag of Islam." "We are not afraid of the economic blockade, arms embargo and the military intervention of the superpowers. Even if they intervene here, we will put up a fierce resistance against them. Other Muslim nations, too, will confront them. We must take solid steps forward in order to implement the Islamic rules, not only in the country but also in the region and even in the world. THE GOAL OF THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION "We hope that this revolution would become an international revolution, a preamble for the appearance of His Eminence Baqi-yat-Allah (May Our Souls Be Sacrificed for Him). WE MUST INTRODUCE ISLAM AS IT IS "We, who say, that we want to export Islam, it does not mean that we board the planes and invade other countries. We did not say that, nor are we able to do so. But what we can do is that, by utilizing the equipment that we have, through the radio and television, the press, through people who go abroad, we introduce Islam the way it should be. If Islam were to be introduced the way it is, it would be accepted by all. The innate nature of man is pure. Man accepts things that are said, based on his pure innate nature, and this is what frightens the powerful. Hence we have a very important duty. Not only us, but also all of Muslims, and not only you, but also all the strata committed to Islam and living in Iran and abroad. We have a monumental duty, and that is to introduce Islam to the people and the world, as it is, as God Almighty has said, as it appears in our Hadiths and the Qur'an. This in itself can be more effective than thousands of cannons and tanks. What is gained by guidance, changes people's hearts, and this is an art that Islam has. Far

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from wanting to use cannons and tanks to achieve this, the rules of Islam [gravitate toward] this art. UNITY THE KEY TO ISLAM'S EXPANSION: "I hope that, if it be the Will of Allah, we will complete this [act of] service which we have started and, by relying on the God Almighty, would be able to raise the flag of Islam everywhere. "Considering all the poisonous propaganda against Islam, the propagation abroad has a special importance, and taking into account that their being coordinated would further increase its effects, I hereby appoint you as the coordinator of propagation abroad, so that with the grace of God Almighty and the cooperation of all the individuals, institutions and organizations that are active in this field, you would continue this vital task, seriously preventing disorganization and blocking actions of those who do not have a teamwork spirit, so that, within your means, you can thwart the deceitful and poisonous propaganda machinery that fabricate rumors and lies. AS LONG AS THE INTENTION IS PURE, REVOLUTION'S WAVES WILL REACH EVERYWHERE "As long as the intention is pure, and one is pure and aware of God, as long as it is so, this country will be victorious without any problem. From here, too, its waves will reach everywhere. In fact, these waves have reached other countries, thanks to the Almighty. It is not true that it has yet to be exported. It is already exported and will be strengthened outside of Iran. OUR DREAM IS THAT THE SUPERPOWERS WOULD NO LONGER CONTROL MUSLIMS' NATURAL RESOURCES "When we say that our revolution must be exported everywhere, they should not mis-interpret it to mean that we would want to take over other countries. We consider all Muslim countries as brothers. [The borders of] all countries should stay as they are. We want that the same thing that happened in

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Iran-the awakening that occurred in Iran, causing them to distance themselves from the superpowers [by] ending their control over the [natural] resources-would happen in all the nations and all the governments. This is our dream. The meaning of exportation of revolution is that all nations would wake up, all governments would wake up, and would save themselves from this predicament that they face: They are being dominated; they are living in poverty while their resources are being plundered. THE SUPERPOWERS SHOULD KNOW THAT WE WILL RESIST TILL THE LAST BREATH "All the powers and superpowers should know that we will resist till the last person, till the last trench and till the last drop of our blood in order to elevate the word of God. Against their wishes we will establish "Neither-East-Nor-West" governments in most countries of the world. How quickly has the world arrogance forgotten the great historic scene of the people's presence in the Quds Day! If such events are repeated even tens of times, with God's help, our people will remain the same and the scene will remain the same." WE ARE DETERMINED TO DESTROY THE ROTTEN ROOTS OF ZIONISM, CAPITALISM & COMMUNISM "We have declared this fact in our foreign and international policies that we are intending to increase the influence of Islam in the world and that we have been after weakening the rule of World-Devourers. Now, if the lackeys of the U.S. want to call this policy 'expansionism and the desire to form an empire', so be it. We shall not be hindered. We intend to dry out the rotten roots of Zionism, capitalism and communism in the world. We are determined to destroy the systems that are established based on these three principles, with God's grace and help. We are going to promote the system of Islam of Prophet Muhammad (s in the world of arrogance. The nations in chain will soon witness that. We will stop, even if it has to be by force, the expansion of extortion by, and impunity of, the American officials. God-willing, we will not allow that the invitation to compromise with the U.S. and the Soviet Union, with disbelief and

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polytheism, would extend from Ka'bah and Hajj which should serve as a pulpit for humanity, the source from which the voice of the oppressed echoes throughout the world and the source for the reverberation of the call of Tawhd [monotheism]. We beseech God that He would give us the power so that we could shout 'Death to America and Soviet Union' not only from Muslims' Ka'bah, but also from the world's churches." OUR REVOLUTION HAS BEEN EXPORTED "The other issue is the issue of exportation of the revolution. I have repeatedly said that we are not seeking war with anyone. Today our revolution has been exported. Everywhere they are talking about Islam and the deprived view Islam as [their] source of hope. You must introduce Islam as it is with proper propagation. When the nations learn about Islam, they inevitably become attracted to it. We do not want anything else except for implementation of Islam's decrees in the world." WE MUST MAKE THE SUPERPOWERS UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ISLAM "We must advance the cause of Islam. God willing, we must export Islam and make the superpowers understand the power of Islam." WE MUST SETTLE ACCOUNTS WITH WORLD POWERS ONCE AND FOR ALL "We must strive to export our revolution to the world and should give up the idea that we are not going to export our revolution, because Islam does not make any distinction among the Muslim country and supports all the deprived people of the world. On the other hand, all the powers and superpowers are bent on destroying us and if we remain enclosed and contained, we will definitely be defeated. We must show them that, despite all our difficulties and hardships, we have the ability to approach the world ideologically. WE HOPE TO FILL THE WORLD WITH ALL MANIFESTATIONS OF ISLAM "They created the imposed war, so that the plan that the Zionists have would be implemented. On the one hand, they would not allow Islam to be realized here if Islam is realized in Iran, it will inevitably spill over

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to other countries, and mind you it has done so then, their influence, the influence of the Zionists will cease to exist, the U.S. and the Soviet Union will no longer exercise control over the Islamic countries. They do not want Islam to spill over to other countries from Iran. If they could, they would try to influence the minds in Iran, and they are doing so right now. The intention of these people is that first and foremost they want Iran be destroyed. They want an American [form of] the Islamic government to emerge. Of course, it will not be monarchical. They will even call it an Islamic Republic, but an American kind of Islamic Republic, that which is desired by some. This, God willing, they will not achieve. All Iranians, men and women, old and young, children and adults, are determined to keep the U.S. and the Soviet Union out of Iran. But their second intention is to confine Islam to Iran proper. Extensive propaganda [is orchestrated] about what has happened in Iran, what we are doing to little children [alleging that] by force we are sending children under 15 and 14 to the war front. The defenders of human rights have objected. They are sitting here, tuning in to the Voice of America to see what it says, to BBC to see what it says, to such and such radio to see what it says. They are aware of the issues. It is not that they are unaware of the aggressions of Iraq against Iran and that they do not know the extent of the injustice it has done to the countries of Iran and Iraq. They know these. But they do not care about human beings. They want to achieve their own aims. Their intention is to give Islam a bad rap in Iran. They want to give the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran a bad rap so that others would not think about preaching the same ideas in other places, and I hope that they would not succeed in this area. And it is our responsibility to introduce Islam all over the world. Islam is being suppressed now in the world. Islam is lonely in the world. We are a small group. Our publicity is deficient. We have meagre resources while they are controlling all the media. They have a lot of money to spend on whatever they want [achieved]. We, however, should not become disappointed. Although we were not many, we were able to destroy the important satanic power of Muhammad Rid [the ex-Shh of Iran], which was supported, by all other powers. [We

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destroyed his power] with the determination of these young people of Iran. We pushed that power aside. God willing, we will implement Islam here in a manner that God wants, and we are progressing in this area. We are not allowing anyone to come here again. I hope that, as these events have taken place, with the noble determination of the university and Faydiyyah [a seminary school in Qom] extensive publicity would emerge. I hope that in a short while the propaganda would reach a point when we would fill the whole world with Islamic manifestation." THE EXPORTATION OF REVOLUTION PAVES THE WAY FOR THE UPRISING OF THE WORLD SAVIOR "My last word here with you is: Till the last drop of your blood remains loyal to this Islamic Republic which is the result of [the sacrifice] of your forefathers' blood. Prepare the conditions for the uprising of the saviour of the world, the Final Divine Executor and the Glory of the Saints, His Eminence Baqiyyat-Allah (May my soul be sacrificed for Him)". INVOLVEMENT OF RELIGION IN THE SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DOMAINS FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF IMAM KHOMEYNI (R) One of the important and serious discussions in the domain of theology is defining the scope of religious teachings and instructions and explaining whether the religion which was brought forth to guide man covers all spheres and aspects of human life, including individual and social, material and spiritual, worldly and heavenly, spiritual and physical life or has it come just to guide man in respect of his individual and private life? Is there any need for religion to get involved in the areas which man can understand through science and reason? What are the purposes of religion? Is it material or spiritual or both of them? Have the prophets called upon the people to believe in Allah(s) and the afterlife and left other things for man himself to regulate through reason and knowledge? In fact two basic questions can be posed here. Firstly, what is the scope of religion or has it come to guide man in the

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spiritual, individual and private life or has it come to guide man in all aspects of life? If the answer is that religion has a scheme for all areas and aspects of mans life then what are its limits and in what manner? Has it come up with what the maximum or minimum answers? Has it explained the values or has it explained the methods as well. In response to these question theologians have expressed various views. Western theologians maintain that whatever man can understand through reason and knowledge should be separated from whatever lies within the scope of religion and the ideology of secularism is set forth based on this attitude. They say that religion should be excluded from mans material life and it should be limited to his spiritual, individual and private life and things like economy, politics and other worldly issues should be delegated to reason and science. It is due to this attitude that religion in western culture is assigned to spirituality, prayer and worship in the church and on specific days. Some western theologians see the aim of a true religion as moral training and religious law as an accidental issue. In response to the question of what is the scope of Islam, different views have been expressed. Some thinkers have answered it by looking at it from what humanity expects from religion and they consider it as an issue lying outside the scope of religion saying that Firstly, we must know what we expect from religion and determine the needs we should meet by referring to religion. Secondly, we must know the purpose of religion and the prophets mission. Thirdly, in response to what humanity expects from religion and knowing the main purpose of religion, they have embarked on issues such as the essence and outer shell of religion and what is intrinsic and extrinsic to religion and they have stated, Religion has an intrinsic essence which determines its nature and the jurisprudential, social and moral rules of religion such as its Arabism plus its distortions and innovations as being incidental to it. With regard to the involvement of religion in social, political, economic, and scientific domains Imam Khomeyni (r) states Islam is a doctrine that contrary to non-monotheistic doctrines

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involves itself in and regulates all individual, social, material, spiritual, cultural, political and economic affairs. It has not overlooked thee minutest point and is involved in training man and society as well as in material and spiritual development. It has explained the obstacles and problems on the way of attaining perfection in the society and it has plans for their eradication. According to these views, we must first define Imam Khomeynis principles on to this issue and then conclude what the scope of the involvement of religion is in the life of man. The issues set forth in the context of this matter are as follows: 1. The reasons why man needs religion from Imam Khomeynis perspective. 2. The purpose behind the prophets mission. 1) MANS NEED FOR RELIGION One way to determine the scope of religious involvement in mans life is to determine the origin of mans need for it. According to what the Imam Khomeyni (r) said, it is obvious that he considers man from a philosophic and spiritual perspective, as a being having infinite dimensions. He believes that man cannot be understood through the existing human sciences which are imperfect and limited, but we can gain a perfect understanding of man only through the guidance provided by Allah(s). A) MANS NEED FOR RELIGION IS DUE TO HIS NEED FOR LAW One of the ways by which Imam Khomeyni (r) defines mans need for religion and divine revelation is through his need for laws because man is a social being and firstly he needs law and government. Secondly, the law must consider the entire interests of man, which are made up of material and spiritual ones, because the aim is to provide man with happiness and not just his material wellbeing. Thirdly, man is not

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qualified to formulate laws because, on the one hand, he has a strictly material view of life and he wants to make a living while on the other, he is incapable of formulating comprehensive laws due to his being weak and limited understanding and due to his having ulterior personal and group motives. Therefore, it is upon Allah(s) to satisfy this need for law through divine revelation. B) MANS NEED FOR RELIGION IS DUE TO HIS NEED FOR SPIRITUAL EDUCATION In Imam Khomeynis view, man has some levels and ranking that extend from nature to world of divinity and he needs training for his development and perfection in these spheres which is not possible except through religion. This is because Allah(s) is aware of man and his existential dimensions and potentials and only he can design a fitting scheme that covers all dimensions and potentials of man. Man is a being who can achieve the highest plane of happiness there is latent plane, an intellectual plane and a levels higher than the innate in the nature of man. It has been in his nature from the beginning that he can transcend the world of nature to achieve a level beyond our imagination. He needs training to achieve these aims. As there are appropriate training for nature there are also appropriate training for other levels most of which man cannot understand. The Imam Khomeyni (r) believes that as religious law and jurisprudence guide the ordinary and spiritual life toward transcendental purposes and values, they are prelude and entrance to the inner aspect and spiritual behavior and those mystics and secrets can be safeguarded through external rituals. Therefore, in Imam Khomeinis reasoning, man needs religion in every aspect of his life, because, although he might become aware of the world, nature and his material needs and design an appropriate program for it. However, as the inner aspect and spiritual effect of each deed is hidden and unknown to him, and since there is a relationship between the worldly and the divine, there must be

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someone to connect the two concerning the individual and social aspects, which is Allah (s) Himself. 2) THE PURPOSE OF THE PROPHETS MISSION One of the principles of defining the scope of religion and its involvement in the social, political, economic and practical arenas is to explain the purpose behind appointment of prophets. We need to determine whether the prophets mission is to provide man with only heavenly and spiritual happiness or it has worldly objective as well. Some thinkers believe that the purpose of the prophets has been nothing other than inviting man to believe in Allah (s) and the hereafter and that they came to familiarize man with monotheism and after life and help people prepare themselves to enjoy heavenly life by controlling their soul of carnality. Shaheed Mutahhari (r) while reviewing the aims of prophetic missions regards two purposes as the important objectives of prophets in the holy Quran. He writes there are four assumptions concerning the order of these two objectives namely: 1. Prophets have had two independent objectives. a) Social Monotheism. b) The individual theoretic and practical monotheism. 2- Main objective is social monotheism and practical and theoretical monotheism is preliminary to social monotheism. 3- The main objective is knowing Allah (s) and nearness to Him. The social monotheism is the prelude to achieving this lofty purpose and since it is not possible to achieve it without preliminary, thus prophets restored to upholding justice and considering oppression. Therefore, social values such as justice, freedom, and equality do not have an inherent value rather; their value lies in being preliminary and instruments.

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4- This view is the same as the third one hut with a difference which is, as the social and moral values are the means and preparatory stage of achieving the main and only value of human being, that is theology and worship, thus they have inherent value as well. Shaheed Mutahhari (r): After criticism and analyses of the abovementioned assumptions, accepts the forth one! Imam Khomeyni (r) also regards three affairs as the main aims of religion. 1. Knowledge of Allah (s) 2. Building human beings 3. Establishing a fair social system. In his opinion the main purpose is knowing Allah (s) and other ones are preliminaries. As he says All objectives of prophets goes back to one phrase, and it is knowing Allah (s). This whole preparatory stage. If man has been called to perform good deeds and learning, it is all in order to emphasize one point common in the nature of all humans, and it is knowing Allah (s), this is the sublime aim, He also adds What prophets were appointed for and other affairs are just prelude to spread monotheism and peoples recognition of the universe. With regard to other objectives, which are training man and upholding social justice, he says: Prophets had two main objectives, they were sent in order to develop peoples spirituality and those potentials, to free the poor from under the domination of hegemony: From the beginning, prophets have had these two dutiesthe spiritual duty which was to release people from the captivity of the carnal soul and to save them from tyranny. These were the prophets duties. When one observes Moses and Abraham and what have been said about them in Quran, He realizes that they also held the same two positions. The first being invitation of people to monotheism and the second being their liberation from tyranny and injustice. In yet another interpretation, by referring to the verse of the surah Hadid he states prophet that, All the objectives of prophets from the creation of man and humanity from the time of Adam until Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon

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them) has been to reform lie society and to sacrifice the individual for the sake of society. No individual is placed higher than prophets, yet they sacrificed themselves for the sake society. The Exalted Allah (s) says: We sent down prophets and gave them the sacred verses; gave the yardstick and sent them. The ultimate objective is that people uphold justice: to set up social justice in the society, oppressions he destroyed and the poor he taken care of and they arise to uphold justice. Then he continues, We sent down Iron. What is the relevance of this? Is it relevant that these objectives be achieved with Iron, with verses, with the scale, with Iron?. Does it imply that if a person or a group decides to ruin society, to ruin a government which is the government of justice we should talk to them by verses? If they do not listen to, then by rational means, if they didnt again pay attention then with Iron. Concerning training of humans Imam Khomeyni (r) says: Islam wants to train a perfect human meaning that to develop him naturally; to enable him to traverse the path of the afterlife and to grant him spiritual growth. Therefore, although prophets have had various purposes, but generally, their main and the sole objective is providing knowledge of Allah (s). Upholding justice while being a sacred objective and paving the way for human development, is also effective in the spiritual journey and attain of Divine proximity. We can pave the way for the sublimity of man and his training through upholding social justice and consequently human potentials will he realized. Religion is involved in the world of man to uphold social justice because, upholding justice can be done through establishing a government, fighting against oppressors, and involving in economic, political, and legal issues. In other words a religious society should be established, a society with its economic, political, legal, and moral relationships organized within the

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framework of prophets program, to uphold justice and remove the obstacles in its path. Islam has considered all aspects of issues, Islam has rules for all aspects of issues, all issues related to the world such as politics, society, economy as well as all issues related to the afterworld which people are not aware of Monotheistic religions have come to regard both sides of the issue and to present a program. They ignore none of the two sides, but consider both of them, especially Islam which, emphasizes more than other religions on this objective. AYATULLAH SYED ROOHULLAH AL-MOOSAVI AL-IMAM KHOMEYNI (R) Imam Khomeyni (r) was one of those personalities who have shaped the history. His life can be divided in three periods. The first period is as a religious students, scholars and then Marja. His Birthday coincident with the auspicious birthday anniversary of the great lady of Islam Hz. Fatima (s) occurred on 20th Jamadi-us-Sani 1320 A.H. (24th September 1902) in Khomein city. He belonged to a family of pious religious scholar. His father, Ayatollah Syed Mustafa Khomeyni was one of the popular religious and combatant authorities of the region, while his mother, Hajar Ansari, Belonged to the family of Ayatollah Sheik Mohammad Kahansari, author of the book Ubadat-alTasanif. When he was 5 years old his father was killed by Raza shah. Thus, in his upbringing piety and religiosity got mixed with a hate for tyrants, dictatorship and imperialism. Imam Khomeyni (r) completed his primary education in his home town and went to Hauza (religious Seminary) for religious education when he was 19 years old. First he studied in Arak and then in Qom under the direct guidance of Ayatollah Abdul Kareem Hairi, the founder of the Modern Qom Hauza. Meanwhile, he learned Ethics and Mysticism from famous scholars like Sheik Mohammad ali Shahabadi and Maliki Tabrizi (author of Muraqibat) .He acquired philosophy from

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well-known thinkers such as Rafial-Qazvini and Ali Akbar Yazdi as well, He got acquainted with Islamic Jurisprudence through the teaching of great scholars like Khansari Buzurg (Muhammad Taqi), Yathribi Kashani and Sheikh Abdulqasim Kabir. In 1347 A.H., he started teaching Philosophy. His lectures in Islamic Ethics were also remarkable. In 1364 A.H. simultaneously with the arrival of Imam Burujardi (r) to Qom, he began teaching Dars e Kharij. He was also a pillar of the administration and organization of the Shia clergy in Qom and throughout Iran under the leadership of Ayatollah Buruzardi, Imam Khomeyni (r) became one of Maraje (spiritual leader). The second period of Imam Khomeynis life begins as a social reformers and political revolutionary. Imam Khomeynis political movement against internal tyranny and external imperialism started in the cascade of 1960s when shah launched his White Revolution. This was to whitewash Islam from Iran and to establish surrogate capitalism and capitulation to imperialism. Such had turned a surrogate of America and an ally of Israel. Jews were dominating the Iranian polity, in spite of the fact that 98% of Iranians are Muslims. Imam Khomeyni (r) launched a scathing assault on the tyrant regime of Shah from the pulpit of Madrasa-e-Faiziya. On the 10th of Muharram, he delivered his historic speech. First he was imprisoned, but there was a public furor. So, shah exiled Imam Khomeyni (r) first to Turkey and then to Najaf in Iraq. In Najaf, which was a great center of learning like Qom, Imam Khomeyni (r) embarked on research, teaching spiritual guidance of Shias and also spreading his revolutionary message. In the decade of 70s Imam Khomeyni (r) influence grew inside Iran and he became a dominant force. The death of Agha Mustafa, his elder son and publication of a slanderous article against him triggered demonstration. This movement spread like a bush fire and ignited the revolution. Imam

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Khomeyni (r) went to Neapple de Chateau in France and led the revolution from there. The revolution swept away the mighty regime of shah and Imam Khomeyni (r) came to Iran to the greatest welcome in history. Thus the 2nd period of Imam Khomeyni (r)s life ended. This period is characterized by an incessant struggle against internal tyranny and mighty dictatorship of Shah and against external imperialism of America and Soviet Union. He spread the ideal of Islamic state and the idea that religion cannot over took politics and that polity should be built on foundation of religion. After the triumph of the Islamic revolution of Iran, 3rd period of Imam Khomeynis (r) life begins. In this period he is a national builder, the supreme guide who trained a group of disciples who carry forwarded the revolution. He is also a source of inspiration for religious and spiritual movement throughout the world not only among the Muslims but among other civilization groups as well. Last but not the least; he is the personality who gave a new meaning to Non-Alignment. He challenged both America and Soviet Russia and proved that if a nation is vibrant and inspired by an ideal and ideology it can challenge the greatest power on earth. The force of religion and of the masses will make it immune from the imperialistic assault of global imperialism. This is lesson from history. It should be cherished in all period but more so in the age of unipolarism. Imam Khomeyni (r) is a beacon light for all the down-trodden people and all nations who want to defend their independence. Until June 3rd 1989 when Imam Khomeyni (r) passed away, he ruled the Islamic Republic of Iran. 11 million people came to give a last tribute to him in his funeral. According to tenants of Islam never fearing the Super Powers he once said, As long as you have this trust and faith in Allah (s) all powers are nothing before you.

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