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Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems

Aenas initial experiences.

Gerardo del Caz Esteso Head of Airport ATM Operations Division Directorate of Operations.
CDTI. November 26, 2013


Current Situation Aenas initial experiences Challenges Key messages

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Current situation

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

RPAS promises
Operational benefits
Persistent flights High risk misions Safety improvements Higher efficiency

Cutting-edge technology Leading industry Fostering innovation and applications

RPA is a landmark in aviation evolution

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

RPAS existing barriers

Absence of specific legal framework Prevents further development Hampers I+D effort No cross-border operations Condemns RPAS to restrictive and experimental flights

Absence of regulation restricts RPAs to segregared airspace

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Reasons for the lack of regulation

Not enough expertise of policymakers No previous experiences No specs for certification of airworthiness available No specs for operator training & licensing available No air traffic management regulations available Inability to facilitate international flights

A new framework is needed to guarantee a new chapter in aviation fostering innovation and industrial development.
Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Aenas mission
Leading industry players

Spanish Air Force

Innovative Start-ups

Air Navigation regulator and authorities

Aena, as the main ANSP in Spain, tries to bridge the current gap by collaborating with partners and stakeholders leveraging on its daily experience and technical capability
Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Operational Scenario
Aena manages one of Europes largest and most diverse air space servicing all kinds of air traffic operations, from airport to en-route control services. Airport operations: 30 control towers. 39 Runways. 80 Operational configurations. En-route operations: 5 ACCs. 2 TACCs. 11 TMAs.
2.8 million operations managed yearly. 5.176 airport operations each day.

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Aenas contribution
Operations Safety

Our priority

Improve ATM safety & accommodate growth

Operations Capacity

Our duty

Match capacity with air transport growth Increase ATM network infrastructure usage and reduce costs


Our aspiration

Aena aims to provide regulators and policymakers with valuable insight to draft regulation
Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences

Current Status

Technical Specifications

Safety Analysis

Initial Tests

New Regulatory Framework

RPAs integration in non-segregated airspace

We need to carry out more tests and trials before we can safely operate RPAS
Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas initial experiences

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences
Operations in segregated airspace and temporary restricted areas (TSAs and TRZs)
Aena assesses the potential effects and coordinates with Defense ministry Aena coordinates with the operators Aena publishes NOTAMs and prepares operation Aena monitors the operation in real time

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences
DeSIRE Project (April 2013)
RPAS capabilities demonstration with satellites for nonsegregated airspace integration Active participation of Aena as ATC services provider UAV Heron I San Javier Air Base Developed in coordination with Barcelona ACC

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences
ATLANTE PERSEUS Project (Sept 2013)
Joint operation of surveillance demonstration (Operation ndalo) Aena provides information service Continuous contact with control station UAV Atlante Almera Airport In coordination with Sevilla ACC and Almera TWR

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences
NASA:HS3 Sentinel Project (2012-13 campaigns)
Flight coordinated with ACC Canarias UAV Global Hawk Canaries overflight at FL-530 (G Class airspace) Probe launching, descending through controlled airspace Research and study of hurricanes and storms

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Key forthcoming projects

Within SESAR JU framework Real time information on surrounding traffic provided to pilot by an automated ATC

Approach stage in SBAS technology based, evolution of D&A capabilities. Taken place in San Javier Air Base (tbc)

RPAS integration in non-segregated airspace among other controlled and uncontrolled traffics Includes en route stage. Matacn Air Base

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences
So far
Limited to segregated airspace Close collaboration with other stakeholders Participation, support and coordination with Spanish Air Force Successfully facing technical challenges at all levels

Near future
Plans to operate with standard ATC procedures SESAR JU framework Non-discriminatory situations. RPA tested in normal conditions operating new technologies Still limited to segregated airspace until new regulation is applicable

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aenas experiences

Aena is validating all the operational procedures and assessing them in terms of: Safety, technical specifications and regulatory needs. Aena is not drafting regulation: We provide experience and operational knowledge to regulators, policy makers and stakeholders

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences



Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Aena is receiving fresh requests of innovative companies requesting new applications

usually light UAS

aerial works, scientific research, tv apps, security companies Because a lack of legal support, we cannot support these initiatives that could be positive for the society We urgently need a solid and stable framework because case-bycase approach is not an option We are facing the risk of becoming a laggard and damaging current promising initiatives in Spain

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Key messages

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Key messages
Civil RPAS have enormous potential growth Previous to new regulation, all aspects need to be tested, assessed and defined Aena participates actively in all the initiatives in Spain
Need to remove present regulatory barriers before becoming fully operational ANSP involvement is crucial to resolve this issues. Provides technical and operational requirements and valuable insight to regulators and policymakers Aena aims to help drafting new regulations to integrate RPAS in Civil Aviation in a safe and positive way by establishing criteria and guidelines for operators

Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems Aenas initial experiences


Thank you
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