Syunik NGO Newsletter Issue 5

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Summer, 2011, Issue 5



Leaders for peace are ready to take action

share their perspectives and experiences on peace-building. Two representatives from the German Embassy in Armenia, Christoph Breunig and Nino Schramm, were invited to meet the participants and the trainers at the Summer Academy. Alternative team-building activities, such as cultural tours and after-school activities, were included in the sessions. The Summer Academy was funded by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) through the German Federal Foreign Office. After completing their training at the Academy, the alumni shared their knowledge and skills by holding peer-to-peer workshops in their communities in order to promote peace in their area. Several workshops took place during the months of July and August. A joint workshop by Lusine

Summer Academy Participants and Trainers

Our Summer Academy on conflict-related topics was launched on June 19 and lasted three weeks. Selected young activists from Armenia, Georgia and Austria took part. Local and international trainers led academic sessions that focused on topics such as conflict analysis, conflict management, conflict transformation, mediation and conflict resolution, providing participants with the knowledge and skills they need to become trainers and leaders to promote peace in the region. In addition to their regular academic sessions led by Armenian, Georgian and European trainers, participants had an opportunity to hear local and foreign guest lecturers and
Academic session held by the Georgian trainer and observed by the representatives from the German Embassy

Safaryan and Arusyak Aharonyan was implemented in the EDUC Youth Educational Studio in Yerevan, while Lilit Hakobyan, Ani Yengibaryan and Mary Nalbandyan conducted workshops with high school students in three different villages of the Armavir Region. Youth in Vayk and Jermuk cities of Vayots Dzor region also benefited from workshops organized by alumni Gohar Hunanyan and Laura Gabrielyan. More workshops will be conducted by alumni in coming months which will significantly impact on future peace building in the region.
Lilit Hakobyan (left) with participants of her follow up workshop

It is summer but our Social Service Centers are still active

Celebrating International Childrens Day in Jermuk SSC
On June 1, an event dedicated to International Childrens Day was organized in Jermuk. The event was initiated by the Youth Center in Jermuk and implemented in collaboration with the Jermuk SSC and the Mayors office. Approximately 40 children marched in the main streets of the city with balloons and Armenian flags in their hands. The celebration included various activities singing, reading poetry, dancing with fairy tale heroes and drawing with chalk. The local priest extended greetings to the children and wishes for a bright future for all of them. The events success was evident in the enthusiastic participation of everyone in the community, and the happy faces of the children were the best reward for the organizers.

Photo Exhibition in Vayk Social Service Center

On August 1, a photographic exhibition was held in the Job Club located in Vayk SSC. The exhibition presented works of the photo club participants, young job seekers from the Vayots Dzor region. The club was conducted by Syuniks EED volunteer, Sebastian Mllner. During the six month training period, participants learned the principles of professional photography and gained both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. An audience, including community members from Vayk and neighboring communities, attended the exhibition. The photos presented demonstrated the newly-attained proficiency of all club members in photography, which we hope will open new career opportunities for them in the future. The exhibition marked not only the end of the photo club, but also the end of Sebastians one year volunteer service in Armenia.

Literary evening in Hermon Community Center

On August 9, a literary evening dedicated to a famous Armenian poet and fairy tale writer, Hovhannes Tumanyan, was organized in Hermon Community Center. During the evening, children from Hermon and neighboring communities (Goghtanik, Vardahovit, Yeghegis and Artabuynk) performed poems and stories written by Hovhannes Tumanian, as well as songs and dances. The presence of such a diverse audience of children, parents, and young and senior community members has encouraged the children, adults and organizers of the event to plan more frequent events such as this in future. In a rural community like Hermon, where villagers do not have many entertainment o p p o r t u n i t i e s, similar evenings will bring life to the community.

Cleaning days in Jermuk and Hermon

During the summer months, several cleaning activities were implemented in Jermuk and Hermon, initiated by groups of both communities social service centers and supported by Syunik NGO. During the cleaning days, youth and adults came together to clean their streets and neighborhoods. The initiative was well accepted and both communities were proud of the results of their efforts: clean streets free of garbage an issue that is important in many rural communities.

Youth Summer Camps

From July 3 to July 31, Syunik NGO held its annual summer camps for children from Armenia, Georgia and ethnic minorities living in Armenia and Georgia. The summer camps once again provided unique opportunities for children to spend their summer vacation in a friendly environment and promoted effective peace-building behavior among children from different nationalities. Various extracurricular activities were included in the program. While having fun in the camp, children also received free dental care that was provided by Syunik in cooperation with the Armenian Dentists Association in California. The camps closing ceremony took place on July 27th and was attended by many high ranking guests, including Bishop Abraham Mkrtchyan, the Primate of Vayots Dzor Diocese, Hans-Jochen Schmidt, the German Ambassador to Armenia, Kalinin Mark Andreievich a representative from the Russian Embassy in Armenia, as well as Silvia Frei, Nana Topuridze and Tamara Kandelaki representatives from HEKS, one of Syuniks long term partners and the funding organization for summer camps. Guests enjoyed the songs, dances

and performances prepared by children and they extended their greetings to both the children and the organizers of the camp. It was obvious that such a cross-border initiative has a positive impact on childrens attitudes towards each other; such initiatives are one of the best ways to promote friendly relationships in the South Caucasus.

Syunik takes part in Joint Civic The second rural community Education initiative center in Vayots Dzor region
From July 17 through July 24, the organizers of the Joint Civic Education (JCE) initiative conducted the first seminar in Georgia involving 24 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The aim of JCE is to promote active citizenship education in South Caucasus by training young professionals in civic education and building a network among non-governmental organizations in the region. Syunik NGO was represented by Gevorg Matevosyan, who currently works as a project assistant at the NGO. As follow up to the seminar, fellows will complete a one-week internship in a fellow colleagues organization, as well as participate in a six-day training session that will summarize the results of this initiative and discuss possibilities for future joint projects. In July 2011, Syunik NGO opened the second Rural Community Center in Vayots Dzor region in the village of Getap. The center was established with the support of EED, one of Syuniks long-term partners. Like the Hermon Community Center, which opened at the end of last year, this Center will also provide basic social services to community members in order to solve issues that exist in the community. There is also an agricultural corner in both community centers, which aims to provide agricultural consultancy and support to local farmers within the Rural Development in Seven Communities of Vayots Dzor Region initiative implemented by Syunik and supported by HEKS/EPER.

DAAD Summer School

This year the DAAD summer school for students of the German language in Armenia and Georgia was organized in Vayots Dzor region and it was held in Gitelik University. The summer school took place in June and consisted of five workshops aimed at improving participants German language skills. Syunik NGO was a cooperating partner for the initiative along with the Goethe Institute in Georgia and the Robert Bosch Foundation.

A senior expert from the Netherlands visits Syunik NGO

From August 9-18, Mr. Frans Heldens, an advisor nia to provide consultancy to our staff members who from the Netherlands Senior Experts, was in Arme- are involved in the Rural Development Project (RDP). In addition to providing consultancy and advice, Mr. Heldens shared his practical and theoretical experience and skills with the project staff and local farmers. Mr. Heldens went on several field visits to learn about our activities and projects. In the scope of the RDP, several initiatives were discussed with Mr. Heldens. It was agreed that after his return he would check opportunities to obtain and send hybrid seedlings to be planted in the project nursery, as well as organize an exchange visit of the project staff to the Netherlands. He summed up his impression of our NGO as follows: I am very impressed with your organization. You do a lot but there is still a lot to be done.
Mr. Heldens (left) with farmers in the field

Supporting other initiatives

In August Syunik hosted summer camps organized by the Fund for Armenian Relief Armenia Office. Kids from socially vulnerable families and orphans participated in a three week camp and had an opportunity to spend their summer vacation in a nice environment full of interesting educational and extracurricular activities. Five different groups of dancers from Yerevan and Yeghegnadzor were hosted by Syunik in August. They spent a week in Syuniks summer camp facilities and had master classes on modern and Latino dances. The organizers of the initiative were pleased with the support they received from Syuniks personnel during their stay in the camp.
Book presentation The Hello Europe book presentation took place in Gitelik University on June 14. The event was organized by Yeghegnadzor Youth Bank and Eurasia Partnership Foundation. Hello Europe is a youth-oriented book and is intended for use by high-school students in particular. The event was supported by Syunik NGO staff members. Dance trainings Summer camps

Our young staff members visit to Britain

In July two of our young staff members, Hasmik Sargsyan and Marine Aghajanyan, were in Britain with the Active Citizen initiative implemented by British Council. They visited different cities and they met their peer Active Citizens at Bradford University; they also went on a number of field visits. The trip was an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and to learn about several local institutions in Britain.

Various highlights
Representatives from HEKS visit Syunik NGO Consultancy workshop for Syunik NGO staff members
In July, Syunik NGOs senior consultant, Ingo Mller, was in Armenia to conduct his regular consultancy workshop for Syuniks staff members. The workshop focused on external evaluation and included the analysis of impact indicators and a discussion of plans and strategies for 2012-2015. The workshop provided an excellent opportunity for our staff members to reflect on current activities and to discuss the future direction of the NGO.

On July 27-28, Silvia Frei, a representative from HEKS headquarter office, accompanied by Nana Topuridze and Tamara Kandelaki, representatives from the regional office in Georgia, visited Syunik NGO to attend the closing ceremony of the youth summer camps, a three-year project funded by HEKS. During her visit, Ms. Frei was taken on a field trip to observe the activities being implemented within the Rural Development Project, another initiative supported by HEKS. She visited the nursery and the demonstration fields and she met with farmers involved in the project. Ms. Frei also toured the agricultural consultancy corners in our rural community centers in Hermon and Getap. Future plans and activities, as well as possibilities of starting a new youth project were discussed during the visit.

Officials from Peace Corps meet Bishop Abraham

Helen Lowman, Regional Director of Europe, Mediterranean and Asia at the Peace Corps (PC) headquarter office in Washington DC, and David Lillie, Country Director for PC Armenia, visited Vayots Dzor region to meet Bishop Abraham, the chairman of Syunik NGO Board. During their visit, PC officials were interested in learning about PC volunteers contributions to the region and how to further develop collaborative efforts between Peace Corps, Gitelik University and Syunik NGO, which have a long-standing relationship with each other.

Visit to Jewish cemetery

On August 30th, 2011, a group of archaeologists from Saxony-Anhalt toured the Jewish cemetery in Yeghegis. They were very impressed with the site, both for its historical importance and the natural beauty of the surrounding area. They made several suggestions about how to develop the site and promote tourism in the Yeghegis Valley. Their suggestions will be considered as we move forward in developing the site and become involved in tourism promotion in the region.
Nara Martirosyan Office of International & Public Affairs Syunik Benevolent NGO
Benevolent NGO

Tel/Fax: +374 (0281) 24009 Email:

Momiki St. 5, 3601 Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor Province, Republic of Armenia

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