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Philadelphia University Faculty of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering First Semester, 2009/2010

Course Syllabus
Course Title:Computer Networking Course code: 630463/630442 Course Level: Fifth Year Lecture Time: 09:45 - 11:15 Course prerequisite: Communication Eng. (630451) Credit hours: 3

Academic Staff Specifics Name Rank Office Number/Location E729/6 Off. Hrs

E-mail Address

Dr. Emad Khalaf A.P.

Course module description: Basic Computer Network Concept, Open System interconnection OSI, TCP/IP, Switching (Circuit-Switched Networks, Packet- Switched Networks, Message-Switched Networks), Error Detection and Correction (Check Sum, VRC, LRC, CRC, Hamming code), Data Link control and protocols (Flow Control, Error Control, Asynchronous and Synchronous protocols), Multiple Access ( Random Access Protocols, Controlled Access Protocols, Channelization Protocols), Local Area Networks LAN, (Ethernet, token ring and FDDI), Wireless LANs, Computer Network Components (Hubs, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Gateways), Introduction to Wide Area Networks WAN and Networks Applications. Course module objectives: To introduce the basic concept of computer networks, the main components, standards, categories, implementation and their usage. Course/ module components Basic Computer Network Concept, Open System interconnection OSI, TCP/IP, Switching, Error Detection and Correction, Data Link control and protocols, Multiple Access, Local Area Networks LAN, Wireless LANs, Computer Network Components, Introduction to Wide Area Networks WAN and Networks Applications. Text Book:

Data Communication and Networking, By: B.A.Forauzan, McGraw Hill, 2007.

Teaching methods: This course would be given in 3 hours of lecture a week. During the course, the student would have given 3 home-works and 3 quizzes. At the end of the course the student should handout one project about one of the computer networks applications and related subjects. Two Midterm Exams is carried out during the course. Learning outcomes: At completing this module the student should be able to: - Understand the main idea and concepts of computer networks. - Understand the computer networks standards and its categories. - Understand the concept and the differences of the OSI model and TCP/IP suite protocol model. - Understand the implementation of computer networks and their usage. - Understand the idea, concepts and the hardware implementation of the intermediate network devices. - Understand data transmission and communication in computer networks. Skills: - Be able to evaluate the network topology and communication. - Be able to analyze and evaluate the data transmission. - Be able to design and implement a network. - Be able to use and implement intermediate network devices depending on the needs and the usage of the net work. - Be able to write technical reports about computer networks applications and related subjects.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes

A - Knowledge and Understanding A1. A2. A3. A4. B - Intellectual Skills B1. B2. B3. C - Practical Skills C1. C2. C3. D - Transferable Skills D1. D2. A5. A6. A7. A8.



















Assessment instruments Short report and/ or Short research project. Quizzes. Home works Final examination: 50 marks

Allocation of Marks Assessment Instruments Mid term Exam Final examination: 50 marks Reports, research projects, Quizzes, Home works, Projects Total 100 Mark 25 50 25

Documentation and academic honesty This course is given from the textbook mentioned above. It is copyright protected. Students are encouraged to purchase this textbook from the university bookshop. Students are also advised to avoid plagiarism in their home-works and assignments. Course/module academic calendar Basic and support material Homework/reports to be covered and their due dates Basic Computer Network Concept, Computer Network Open System interconnection Homework & Quiz OSI(Layers, functions), TCP/IP Switching Error Detection and Homework & Quiz Correction (Check Sum, VRC, LRC, CRC, Hamming code). Data Link control and protocols. (Flow Control, Error Control), Asynchronous and Synchronous protocols. Multiple Access Local Area Networks LAN, (Ethernet, token ring, token bus and FDDI) Wireless LANs Computer Network Components (Hubs, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Gateways) Introduction to Wide Area Networks WAN and Networks Applications.

week (1) (2), (3)

(4) (5), (6)

(7) First examination

(8), (9) (10), (11)

Homework & Quiz

(12), (13) Second examination (14)

(15) Specimen examination (Optional) (16)


Final Examination

Expected workload: On average, students need to spend 2 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture/tutorial. Attendance policy: Absence from lectures and/or tutorials shall not exceed 15%. Students who exceed the 15% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant college/faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course, If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course.

Module references Books:

1) Kurose, J., and K. Ross. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 2002. ISBN: 0201976994. 2) Keshav, S. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking. 1st ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN: 0201634422. 3) Walrand, Jean. Communication Networks: A First Course. Mc Graw Hill, 1998. ISBN: 0256174040. 4) Tanenbaum, Andrew. Computer Networks. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0133499456. 5) Bertsekas, Dmitri, and Robert Gallager. Data Networks. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991. ISBN: 0132009161.


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