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OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS [UNIT-1] Multiple Choice Questions 1.

A profit making business that is a separate legal entity and in which ownership is in the form of shares is known as : (a) (c) 2. (a) (c) 3. Sale proprietorship Partnership (b) (d) Trust Company

The properties owned by a business enterprise are called : Assets Capital (b) (d) Liabilities Owner's equity

A list of assets, liabilities and owner's equity of a business enterprise as of a specific date is :

(a) (c) 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5.

Balance Sheet Cash flow Statement

(b) (d)

Income Statement None of the above

Which of the following is an important is reason for studying accounting? The information provided by accounting is useful in making many economic decisions. Accounting plays an important role in society. The study of accounting could lead to a challenging career All of the above are important reasons Which of the following groups uses accounting information for planning a company's profitability?

(a) (c) 6. (a) (c) 7.

Investors Management

(b) (d)

Creditors Regulatory agencies

Economic events that effect the financial position of a business are called: Separate entities Money measures (b) (d) Business transactions Financial actions

Which of the following forms of organization is not treated as a separate economic unit in accounting?

(a) (c)

Sale proprietorship Partnership

(b) (d)

Committee Company


If a company has liabilities of Rs. 19,000 and owner's equity of Rs. 57,000, the assets of the company are :

(a) (c) 9. (a)

Rs. 38,000 Rs. 57,000 The payment of a liability will : Increase both assets and liabilities

(b) (d)

Rs. 76,000 Rs. 19,000


Increase assets and decrease

liabilities (c) Decrease assets and increase liabilities (d) Decrease assets and decrease

liabilities 9. (a) The payment of a liability will : Increase both assets and liabilities (b) Increase assets and decrease

liabilities (c) Decrease assets and increase liabilities (d) Decrease assets and decrease

liabilities 10. (a) (c) The purchase of an asset for cash will : Increase both assets at the same time Decrease assets and owner's equity (b) (d) Increase both assets and liabilities Increase assets and decrease

liabilities 11. (a) (b) (c) (d) 12. The balance sheet is related to the income statement is the same way that : A point in time is related to a period of time A period of time is related to a point in time. A point in time is related to another point in time. A period of time is related to another period of time. Expenses and withdrawals appear, respectively, on which of the following financial statements? (a) (c) (d) 13. Balance sheet and Income Statement (b) Income statement and Balance Sheet

Statement of owner's equity and balance sheet Income statements and Statement of owner's equity Which of the following types of accounts should be completely independent of the firm organization whose financial data is being exacted?




Chartered accountant

(c) 14. (a) (b) (c) (d) 15.

Internal auditor


Firm's budget direction

The accounting principle of matching is best demonstrated by: Not recognizing any expense unless some revenue is realized Associating effort with accomplishment Recognizing prepaid rest received as revenue. Establishing a reserve for possible future market decline in inventory account Which of the following cost items would be matched with correct revenues as a basis other other than association of cause and effect?

(a) (c) 16. (a) (c) 17. (a) (b) their

Goodwill Cost of goods sold

(b) (d)

Sales commission Purchases on credit.

The immediate recognition of loss is supported by the underlying principle of : Matching Judgement The entity posulate : Refers to the name of the company required in the heading of the balance sheet Refers to the owner's of the entity, who must account for their interest in the entity in (b) (d) Consistency Conservation

personal holdings. (c) is made up of many separate from its owners. (d) Holds that the business is made up of many separate components that are accounted for separately but reported collectively in the financial statements 18. (a) (b) The time period postulate: Refers to the limited life of a joint venture Suggests that companies need to prepare financial reports on a periodic basic, when all operating cycles are complete. (c) Suggestion that companies prepare financial reports on the basis of a systematic time Indicates that the accounting unit as which the financial reports are based is the business

internal, even though the operating cycles of the entity may be incomplete.


Refers to the fact that adjusting entries must be made before financial statements are

prepared periodically. 19. The valuation of a promise to receive cash in the future at present value on the financial statements of a business entity is valid by virtue of which accounting postulate on principle? (a) (c) 20. Entity Matching (b) (d) Materiality Going concern

The determination of the exposes for as accounting period is based largely on the application is which principle?

(a) (c) 21.

Cost Matching

(b) (d)

Consistency Time period

A sle proprietor decided to use the same book account for his personal affairs as for his business. Which of the following accounting principle is violated?

(a) (c)

Going concern Measuring

(b) (d)

Entity Objectivity

22. (a) (b) (c) operate 23.

Generally accepted accounting principles: Define accounting practice at a point in time Are similar in nature to the principles of chemistry or phyics. Are rarely charged. (d) Are not effected by charges in the way business

Assigning revenues to the accounting period in which the goods were delivered on the services performed and expresses to the accounting period in which they were used to produce revenues is known as the :

(a) (c) 24. (a) (c) 25.

Accounting period problem Matching rule The prime function of accounting is to : Record economic data (b)

(b) (d)

Continuity assumption Recognition

Provide the international basis for action (d) Attain non-economic goals

Classifying and recording business transaction The basis function of financial accounting is to :

(a) (c) 26. (a) (c) 27. (a) (b) (c) 28. (a) (c) 29. (a) (c) 30. (a) (c) 31.

Record all business transactions


Interpret the financial data

Assist the management in performing function effectively Management accounting provides invaluable services & management in performing: All management functions Contouring functions Book-keeping is mainly concerned with : Recording of financial data relative to business operation Designing the systems in recording classifying, summarizing the recorded data Interpreting the data for internal and external end users. Accounting principles are generally based on : Practicability Convenience in recording The system of recording transactions bases an dual aspect concept is called: Double account system Single entry system The practice of appending notes regarding contigent liasilies: Convention of consistency Convention of conservation (b) (d) Money measurement concept Convention of disclosure (b) Double entry system (b) Subjectinity (b) Interpret the financial data

According to the money measurement concept, the following will be recorded in the basis of account of the business :

(a) (b) (c) 32. (a) (b) (c) 33. (a) (c) 34.

Health of managing direction of the company Quality of company's goods Value of plant and Machinery The convention of conservatism is applicable In providing for discount an creditors In making provision for bad and doubtful debts. Providing for depreciations. The convention of conservatism, when applied to the balance sheet, results in : Understatement of assets Overstatement of capital Revenue is usually recognized as earned at the point of time (b) Understatement of liabilities

(a) (c) 35. (a) (c) 36. (a) (c) 37. (a) (c) 38. (a) (c) 39. (a) (c)

Production is done Cash is obtained


Sale is made

Contigent liability as shown in the balance sheet, arises out of : Consisting of convention Materiality convention The policy of 'Recognize all losses and anticipate no gains" arises outline to : Conservation convention Consistency convention. Bank is a : Real account Nominal A/c Cash Account is a : Real A/c Nominal A/c Baddebts is : Personal A/c Nominal A/c (b) Real A/c (b) Personal A/c (b) Personal A/c (b) Disclosure convention (b) Disclosure convention

40. (a) (b) (c) 41. (a) (c) (e) 42.

In Double entry system of book-keeping each business transaction affects : Two sides of the same A/c The same account on two separate dates Two account The primary qualities that make accounting intonation useful for decision making are : Comparability and consistency Relevance and freedom from bias None of these The assumption that a business enterprise will not be sold or liquidated in the near future is known as the : (b) (d) Materiality and timeliness Reliability and comparability

(a) (c)

Economic entity Conservation

(b) (d)

Monetary unit Periodicity

(e) 43.

None of these When information about two different enterprises has been prepared and presented in a similar manner, the information exhibits the characteristics of :

(a) (c) (e) 44. (a) (c) (e) 45.

Relevance Consistency None

(b) (d)

Releasing Variability

Revenue is generally recognized at the point of sale. Which principle is applied herein? Consistency Revenue reorganization None The accounting principles that conforms to the tendency of accountants. To resolve uncertainly and double in favour of understanding assets and revenues and overstating liabilities and expenses, is known as : (b) (d) Matching Cost Principle

(a) (c) (e) 46.

Conservation Industry practice None

(b) (d)

Materiality Consistency

During the life-time of an entity accountants produce financial statements at arbitrary points in time in accordance with which basic accounting principles?

(a) (c) 47. (a) (b) (c) (d) 48. (a) (b) (c) 49. (a)

Cost-benefit Conservation

(b) (d)

Periodicity Making

The basic function of accounting is to : To maintain records of business To provide, information on the performance of the enterprises To provide information about the owner's assets, liabilities and capital All of the above Book-keeping is concerned with : Recording of financial data Interpretation and analysis of the data Designing of the system in recording classifying and summarizing the recorded data. Which of the following is an essential feature of an asset> An asset is acquired at a cost (b) An asset is tangible

(c) 50. (a) (b) (c) 51. (a) (c) 52. (a) (b) (c) 53. (a) (c) 54. (a) (b) (c) 55. (a) (c) 56. (a) (c)

An asset provides future benefits The primary qualities that increase the utility of financial statement are : Comparability Consistency Reliability, relevance and understanfibility Which of the following is a liability? Creditors Bad debts recovered According to the concept of 'Revenue Recognization' revenues are recognized when: Cash is actually received Order is received Revenue becomes due i.e. the legal title of the goods is transferred Accounting principles are based on Convenience Practicability The accounting standard in India are issued by : ASB Council of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India IASC A transaction involving a very small amount does not need to be recorded because of : Dual concept Revenue recognition concept Lower of cost on market value should be used in costing for : Inventories only Current assets only (b) Assets (b) Materiality concept (b) Subjectivity (b) Debtors

57) Assets minus liabilities equal to A) Goodwill B) Working capital C) Net income D) Capital 58) Goodwill is classified as which one of the following assets?

A) Fixed B) Long term C) Current D) Intangible 59) An accounting year ending on a date other than December 31 is referred to as a ____________ year. 4) When a Liability is reduced or decreased, it is recorded on the: A) Left or credit side of the account B) Right or debit side of the account C) Right or credit side of the account D) Left or debit side of the account

Answer's List 1. (d) (b) 8. (b) (b) 15. (a) (b) 22. (c) (a) 29. (b) (b) 36 (a) (e) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (c) 40. (c) 41. (e) 42. 30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20 (c) 21. 9. (d) 10 (a) 11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. 2. (a) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5 (c) 6 (b) 7


(e) (c)












50. 58.

(c) (d)










(a) 57


. Fiscal 60.

UNIT-II Multiple choice questions 1. The three most useful general purpose financial statements for management are : (a) Income statement, statement of retained earning and balance sheet (b) Income statement, balance sheet and statement of charges in financial position (c) Income statements, statement of retained earnings and funds flow statement (d) Statement of retained earnings, balance sheet and funds flow statement 2. In case of a limited company, the term financial statement includes : (a) Profit and loss account and balance sheet (b) Profit and loss account, profit and loss appropriation account and balance sheet (c) Balance sheet 3. The term current assets does not included : (a) Payment in advance (c) Long term deferred charges 4. The following is a recorded fact : (a) Market value of investments (c) Replacement cost of machinery 5. The term fixed assets includes : (a) Stock in trade (c) Payments in advance
6) Goods of $1,000 purchased from Mr. A were recorded in sales book, the rectification of this error will:

(b) Bill receivable

(d) Debtors

(b) Furniture

A) Increase the gross profit

B) Reduce the gross profit

C) Have no effect on gross Profit

D) None of the given options

7) Which of the following account will be credited when a typewriter is sold that has been used in the office?

A) Purchase Account

B) Sales Account

C) Cash Account

D) Office Equipment Account

8) When one or both aspects of a transaction are recorded in the wrong class or category of account, this is called:

A) Error of principle

B) Error of omission

C) Error of commission

D) Error of original entry

9) Which of the following item must be recorded in the adjusted Cash Book in order to bring it in line with the entries in the Bank Statement?

A) Bank charges

B) An error on the Bank Statement

C) An uncredited deposit

D) An unpresented cheque

10) It is supposed that on 31st December, 2007, the sundry debtors are amounted to $40,000. On the basis of past experience, it is estimated that 10% of the sundry debtors are doubtful. Actual bad debts are $ 1600. What amount of new provision for doubtful debts will be credited in profit & loss account

A) 4599

B) 3400

C) 2400

D) 1500

11) Which of the following is an example of operating expense?

A) Purchasing operating equipment

B) Purchasing a vehicle

C) Purchasing cleaning services

D) buying a computer

12) Which of the following would NOT be considered as a component of 'cost' of stock?

A) Transportation inward costs

B) Import duties

C) Salaries of selling staff

D) Purchase price

13) Which of the following will be debited, if cash is drawn by Proprietor? A) Proprietors drawings B) Proprietors cash C) Proprietors capital

D) Out flows

14) Which of the following is TRUE about the treatment of insurance paid in advance $ 1200?

A) Current asset

B) Current liability

C) Short term liability

D) Fixed asset

15) When closing stock is given in trial balance, then it will effect:

A) Trading account only

B) Balance sheet only

C) Owner's equity only

D) Trading A/C and Balance sheet

16) Trial balance is prepared to check accuracy of

A) Ledger accounts balances

B) Balance sheet balances

C) Income statement balances

D) Cash flow statement balances

17) If a transaction is completely omitted from the books of accounts, will it affect the agreement of a trial balance?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Transactions can't be omitted

18) ________ is the common base for preparing a trial balance

A) Ledger accounts

B) General Journal

C) Specialized journals

D) Balance sheet

19) Which of the following is true about a trial balance?

A) It lists down the balances of accounts

B) It lists down the balances of a balance sheet

C) It is a kind of financial statement

D) It is not a part of accounting cycle


Financial accounts provide a summary of (a) Assets (c) Accounts (b) Liabilities


Financial statements are : (a) Estimates of facts (c) Recorded data (b) Anticipated facts


Retained earnings statement depicts (a) Appropriation of profit (c) Estimates of costs (b) Estimates of profit


Current assets includes (a) Trade investments (c) Sundry debtors. (b) Machinery


Which of the following is a non-current assets ? (a) Goodwill (c) B/R (b) Cash


State which of the following is a non - current liability ? (a) Mortgage loan (c) Outstanding salary (b) Bank


Depreciation of machinery is (a) Same of funds (c) None (b) Source of funds


Stock in the beginning results in (a) Application of funds (c) No flow of funds (b) Source of funds


Which of the following are non-current items (a) Share premium (c) Payment of wages (e) Bank (b) P/L A/c (d) Sundry creditors


Which of the following will result into application of funds ? (a) Sale of plant (c) Purchase of land (e) Payment of creditors (b) Payment of dividend (d) Issue of share capital

30) Debit balance = Credit balance in a trial balance indicates that

A) No error in recording transactions

B) No error in posting entries to ledger accounts

C) Account balances are correct

D) Mathematically Capital+Liabilities=Assets

31) Trial balance is commonly prepared

A) Frequently during the year

B) At the end of an accounting period

C) At the end of a month

D) At the end of a year

32) Which of the following will affect the agreement of a trial balance?

A) Complete omission of a transaction

B) Partial omission of a transaction

C) Error of principle

D) Compensating errors

33) If debit balances = credit balances, trial balance only shows or check the ____________ and it does not indicate that no errors were made during recording and posting

A) Arithmetic accuracy

B) Errors of commission

C) Omissions of economic events

D) Understatements of balances

34) Which of the following account with normal balance is shown at the debit side of a trial balance?

A) Rent income account

B) Creditors account

C) Unearned income account

D) Cash account

35) Which of the following account with normal balance is shown at the credit side of a trial balance?

A) Cash account

B) Bank account

C) Equipment account

D) Accrued expenses account

36) The closing balance of petty cash book is considered as

A) Liability

B) Asset

C) Expenses

D) Income

37) Payment of rent expenses is recorded on which side of cash book?

A) Receipts

B) Payments

C) Income

D) Expense

38) An entry which is made on both sides of a cash book is called

A) Cash entry

B) Contra entry

C) Payment entry

D) Compound entry

39) A cash book with cash, bank and discount column is commonly referred as

A) Cash book

B) Two columns cash book

C) Three columns cash book

D) Petty cash book

40) Cash book records

A) Cash payments

B) Cash receipts

C) Cash payments and cash receipts

D) Neither cash payments nor cash receipts

41) Cash discount is allowed on _______ repayment of debt

A) Lump sum

B) Prompt

C) Actual

D) None of them

42) Cash book is prepared by

A) Bank

B) Accountant of business

C) Manager of a company

D) Bank's cashier

43) The most common imprest system is the ________ system

A) petty cash

B) Cash book

C) Cash receipt

D) Discount

44) Discount received is recorded on which of the following side of a cash book?

A) Receipts

B) Payments

C) Incomes

D) Expenditures

45) Drawings by owner of business are generally recorded on which of the following side of a cash book?

A) Receipts

B) Payments

C) Incomes

D) Expenditures

46) Introduction capital by owner of business is recorded on which side of a cash book?

A) Receipts

B) Payments

C) Incomes

D) Expenditures

47) Cash book with cash and discount column is mostly referred as

A) Simple cash book

B) Two column cash book

C) Three column cash book

D) Petty cash book

48 A cash book that is used to record the small payments of cash is generally referred as

A) Simple cash book

B) Two column cash book

C) Three column cash book

D) Petty cash book

49) A simple or one column cash book usually has which of the following main columns?

A) Bank

B) Payments

C) Discount

D) Cash

50 Purchase of office equipment for cash will be recorded on which of the following sides of a cash book?

A) Receipts

B) Payments

C) Incomes

D) Expenditures

51) Postdated checks are considered as

A) Cash

B) Bank balance

C) Accounts receivable

D) Cash reserve

52) Postage stamps on hand are considered as

A) Bank

B) Prepaid expenses

C) Accounts receivable

D) Creditor

53) Petty cash fund is supposed to be replenished

A) Every day

B) Every half year

C) Every year

D) At the end of every accounting period

54) Which of the following is generally not the party to a check?

A) Payee

B) Payer

C) Bank

D) Seller

55) A credit balance in cash book indicates

A) Bank balance

B) Cash at bank

C) Bank overdraft

D) Bank underdraft

56) A schedule of balance drawn from the ledger is called a (a) Statement of accounts (c) Trail Balance 57) A trial balance highlights (a) The flow of funds (b) The status of investment (b) Balance sheet

(c) The arithmetical accuracy of postings (d) The honesty of the book-keeper 58) Rs. 500 paid to workmen as wages for correction of a machine should debited to : (a)Repair account (c) Capital account 59) The difference in the trial balance should be entered in : (a) Nominal account (c) Miscellaneous Capital (b) Suspense account (d) Capital account (b)Machinery account

60) The trial balance is prepared for locating (a) Clerical error (b) Errors of commission

(c) Errors of principle

61) Errors of principle occurs when : (a) (b) (c) A transaction is omitted completely or partially Capital and revenue items are not distinguished Castings and postings are wrong.

62) Rs. 300 received from Mr. X, whose account was written off as a bad debt, is to be credited to: (a) X's account (c) Bad debts recovered account 63) Provision for discount on debtors is : (a) A charge on the revenue (c) None of (a) and (b) (b) An appropriation of profits (b) Cash account

64) When had debt is within trial balance, the following account is debited: (a) (c) Profit & Loss account Sundry debtors account. (b) Provision for bad debts account

65) When provision for bad debts is out side the trial balance the following account is debited: (a) Bad debts account (c) None of (a) and (b) (b) Profit & loss account

1. (b), 2.(b), 3.(c), 4.(b) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17 (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20(c), 21(c), 22(a), 23(c), 24(a), 25 (a), 26(b), 27(a), 28(a), 29(b) 30. (d) 31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (c) 41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56 (c), 57 (c), 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (a) 61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (a) 65. (b)

Unit 3

1) Financial statements are prepared mainly for

A) Internal users of financial information

B) External users of financial informaiton

C) Creditors of the business

D) Managers of the busienss

2) Net profit is computed in which of the following?

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity

3) Which of the following should be the most appropiate order of current asset in a balance sheet?

A) cash, debor, bank, stock

B) Bank, cash, stock, debtor

C) Stock, bank, cash, debtor

D) Cash, bank, debtor, stock

4) In income statement, gross profit is always equal to

A) Sales-expenses

B) Incomes-expenses

C) Sales-cost of goods sold

D) Sales-selling costs

5) Office equipment is a ________ asset for a computer manufacturer and the same office equipment is a _________ asset for a company that deals in these equipments

A) Current, Fixed

B) Fixed, intangible

C) Tangible, intangible

D) Fixed, current

6) Identify the external user of financial information or financial statements

A) Management of the business

B) CFO of the business

C) Employees of the business

D) Investors of the business

7) A statement or report that records the fluctuation in business's capital is referred as

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity

8) Financial statements mainly help in

A) Assumption of economic events

B) Anticipation of economic events

C) Recording of economic events

D) Communication of economic events

9) Purchases+opening stock-closing stock=?

A) Amount of sales

B) Gross profit

C) Cost of goods sold

D) Net income

10) Which of the following financial statements shows the financial position of a business at a specific date?

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity


Financial statements are prepared mainly for

A) Internal users of financial information

B) External users of financial informaiton

C) Creditors of the business

D) Managers of the busienss


Net profit is computed in which of the following?

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity


Which of the following should be the most appropiate order of current asset in a balance sheet?

A) cash, debor, bank, stock

B) Bank, cash, stock, debtor

C) Stock, bank, cash, debtor

D) Cash, bank, debtor, stock


In income statement, gross profit is always equal to

A) Sales-expenses

B) Incomes-expenses

C) Sales-cost of goods sold

D) Sales-selling costs


Office equipment is a ________ asset for a computer manufacturer and the same office equipment is a _________ asset for a company that deals in these equipments

A) Current, Fixed

B) Fixed, intangible

C) Tangible, intangible

D) Fixed, current


Identify the external user of financial information or financial statements

A) Management of the business

B) CFO of the business

C) Employees of the business

D) Investors of the business


A statement or report that records the fluctuation in business's capital is referred as

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity


Financial statements mainly help in

A) Assumption of economic events

B) Anticipation of economic events

C) Recording of economic events

D) Communication of economic events


Purchases+opening stock-closing stock=?

A) Amount of sales

B) Gross profit

C) Cost of goods sold

D) Net income


Which of the following financial statements shows the financial position of a business at a specific date?

A) Balance sheet

B) Income statement

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity 11) Which of the following financial reports shows the profitable of a business?

A) Income statement

B) Balance sheet

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity

12) Assets minus liabilities equal to

A) Goodwill

B) Working capital

C) Net income

D) Capital

13) Which of the following financial statements shows the movement of cash and cash equivalents in during an accounting period?

A) Income statement

B) Balance sheet

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity

14) Goodwill is classified as which one of the following assets?

A) Fixed

B) Long term

C) Current

D) Intangible

15) Which of the following does not appear in Balance sheet?

A) Building

B) Cash

C) Goodwill

D) Rent expenses

16) Which of the following lists down the balances to asset accounts, liability accounts and capital account balances?

A) Income statement

B) Balance sheet

C) Cash flow statement

D) Statement of changes in equity

17) Current assets are also known as

A) Working capital

B) Invested capital

C) Assets

D) Cash

18) The expenses related to the main operations of business are referred as

A) Administration expense

B) Non-administration expense

C) Selling expenses

D) Operating expenses

19) Cash receipt from the sales fixed assets is recorded under the heading of

A) Operating activities

B) Financing activities

C) Investing activities

D) Other activities

20) A current asset that is convertible to cash within 3 months can be referred to as

A) Cash asset

B) Operating asset

C) Intangible asset

D) Cash equivalent

21) The profit and loss account indicates (a) The honesty of accounting work. (b) The financial position of the enterprise (c) The capital invested in the enterprise (d) The profit earned or less suffered by the enterprise

22)Interest on capital should be treated as : (a) An asset (b) An expense

(c) An appropriation of profits

23) Cost price of goods which is taken out from the business by its owner for his personal use should be debited : to (a) Sales account (b) Capital account

(c) Drawings account

24) Cost of materials consumed plus direct expenses plus direct labour indicates: (a) Net works cost (c) Prime cost (b) Gross work cost

25) Good will is : (a)Tangible (c) Intangible (b) Currents assets

26) Fixed assets are : (a) For resale (b) Retained in the business for use over a long time for earning income (c) For conversion into cash as early as possible

27) Gross profit is represented by the difference between a) Sales and purchases (c) Sales and total expenses (b) Sales and cost of sales

28) A contingent liability: (a) Is usually associated with operating loss carry forwards (b) Definitely exists as a liabilities but its amount and/or due date is not definitely known (c) as almost probable value of zero but may need to be paid if a gives future even occurs 29) Which one is the Capital Expenditure? a] Capital invested by the owner b] Selling expense for machine c] Machine purchased d] Daily expenses to operate business 30) If capital expense is recorded as revenue expense then which calculation will be wrong? a] Bank balance b] Debtors c] Creditors d] Net profit

31) Capital expenditure a) Car purchased for sale b) Machine purchased for business use c) Road tax and insurance premium of delivery van 32) Sale of machine of machine merchandising business a] Capital receipt b] Capital income c] Revenue income d] Revenue receipt 33) Ramjan Mia import goods for his business. Import duty of goods is a] Capital expenditure b] Revenue expenditure c] Non-trading expenditure d] Revenue income 34) Shukomol Borua purchased a land for his business. He paid tk.5,000 for lands .This registration expenses is a] Revenue expenditure b] Capital expenditure c] It can be both capital and revenue expenditure d] Deferred revenue expenditure 35) In comprehensive income statement we record a)Revenue receipt b) Revenue income c) Capital expenditure 36) In statement of financial position we record a) Capital receipt b) Revenue expenditure c) Deferred Revenue expenditure 37) What type of transaction is Freight in word[a] Revenue [b] Capital [c] Deferred revenue [d] Operating 38) Deferred Revenue expenditure ---a) Paid tk.1,00,000 to Adv. Firm for publicity of goods for 3 years b) Paid rent in advance for 3 months tk.15,000 c) Cost of Business transfer cost tk.25,000 from Dhanmondi to Motijheel

39) Amount spent tk.45,000 of Plabon Voumik considered as a) Capital receipt b) Capital expenditure c) Deferred Revenue expenditure 40) What was the total amount of depreciation charged in 4 years? [a] tk. 15,000 [b] tk. 16,000 [c] tk. 20,000 [d] tk. 21,000 41) The difference between selling price and present book value of machinery is called. [a] Capital income [b] Revenue income [c] Revenue receipt [d] Capital receipt

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28, (c) 29(c), 30(d), 31(b), 32(d), 33(b), 34(b), 35(b), 36(d), 37(a), 38(b), 39(b), 40(d), 41(a)

1) Which of the following is generally considered as a non profit oriented organization?

A) Charitable organization

B) Corporation

C) Audit firms

D) Insurance companies

2) The receipts and payments account of a non-profit organization is a

A) Nominal account

B) Real account

C) Income statement account

D) Financial statement

3) Non-profit organizations prepare all of the following accounts except the

A) Receipts and payment accounts

B) Income and Expenditure accounts

C) Balance sheet

D) Income statement

4) Expenditures greater than incomes of a non-profit organization give rise to a

A) Loss

B) Profit

C) Surplus

D) Deficit

5) Rent expense of a non-profit organization paid in advance. Which of the following is the correct classification of rent?

A) Expense

B) Liability

C) Equity

D) Asset

6) An advance receipt of subscription from a member of the non-profit organization is considered as a/an

A) Expense

B) Liability

C) Equity

D) Asset

7) Income and expenditure account is based on

A) Cash accounting

B) Accrual accounting

C) Government accounting

D) Management accounting

8) Which of the following is regarded as apt to show the purchase of a fixed asset?

A) Income and Expenditure account

B) Profit and loss account

C) Balance sheet

9) Which of the following is to be recorded in an income and expenditure account?

A) Purchase of a fixed asset

B) Capital expenditure incurred on a fixed asset

C) Profit on the sale of a fixed asset

D) Sale of a fixed asset

10) Honorarium is a kind of remuneration paid to a person who is not the employee of a nonprofit organization. Which of the following statements is true about the honorarium payment? A) Its a revenue expenditure B) Its a Capital expenditure

C) It is not recorded in the books of accounts

11) The capital of a non-profit organization is generally known as

A) Equity

B) Accumulated fund

C) Cash fund

D) Financial reserve

12) When cash is received for life membership, which one of the following double entries is passed?

A) Cash Debit and capital Credit

B) Life membership Debit and cash Credit

C) Investment Debit and cash Credit

D) Cash Debit and life membership fund Credit

13) XYZ club has a bar that maintains a separate trading account for its trading activities. Which of the following is the treatment of profit or loss on bar trading activities?

A) Profit or loss is directly shown in the balance sheet

B) Profit or loss is to be presented in income and expenditure account

C) Profit and loss is credit in income statement

D) Profit or loss is added to accumulated fund

14) Which of the following is the accounting equation for a non-profit organization?

A) Asset = Capital + Liabilities

B) Capital + Liabilities = Assets

C) Accumulated fund + Liabilities = Assets

D) Liabilities = Asset + Accumulated fund

15) Subscription received but not yet earned is considered as a/an

A) Asset

B) Liability

C) Income

D) Expenditure

16) A non-profit organization received $10,000 as the entrance fee of a new member. If 20% of the fee has to be capitalized, what is the amount of fee needs to be shown in the income and expenditure account?

A) 2000

B) 8000

C) 9000

D) 10,000

17) 10,000 received as the annual membership subscription. Out of this, $2000 is pertaining to

the previous accounting period whereas $1000 is receivable at the end of the current accounting period. Calculate the amount of subscription that will be shown in the income and expenditure account for this accounting

A) 10,000

B) 9000

C) 12,000

D) 8000

18) The balance sheet of a non-profit organization such as a charitable hospital doesnt contain the

A) Assets

B) Building

C) Debts D) Owners equity

19) Income and expenditure accounts show

A) Cash available to an organization

B) Closing capital of an organization

C) Cash available in the bank account

D) Surplus or deficit for the current accounting period

20) On what basis the receipts and payments account is prepared?

A) Cash basis

B) Accrual basis

C) Both accrual and cash basis

21) The amount or property received by a non- profit organization as stated by the will of a deceased person is commonly referred to as

A) Donation

B) Honorarium

C) Legacy

D) Endowment

22) Investment in sinking fund by a non-profit organization is a/an

A) Liability

B) Accumulated fund

C) Asset

D) Equity

23) In non-profit accounting, the sale of old newspapers is generally considered as a/an

A) Expenses

B) Expenditure

C) Income

D) Capital receipt

24) In single entry system of accounting

A) Dual aspects of a transaction is recorded

B) Single aspect of a transaction is recorded

C) Important transactions are recorded

D) All of them

25) Statement of financial position produced from incomplete accounting record is commonly known as

A) Balance sheet

B) Cash flow statement

C) Statement of affairs

D) Statement of financial operations

26) Which of the following businesses usually maintain incomplete accounting record of the business activities?

A) Large businesses

B) Companies

C) Big partnership firms

D) Small businesses

27) In which of the following systems of recording the financial statements reflect true and fair view of an entity and accounting records are considered to be more accurate?

A) Single entry system

B) Double entry system

C) Cash based system

28) Identify the correct formula used to ascertain the closing balance of capital A) Opening capital + Net income Drawing Assets = Closing capital

B) Closing capital = Opening Capital + Net loss - Drawings C) Closing Capital = Opening capital + Assets + Incomes Expenses D) Closing capital = Opening capital + Net income Drawings

29) Which of the following formulas is used to calculated the net income for an accounting period?

A) Net income = opening capital + Drawings + Ending capital B) Net income = - Opening capital + Drawings Ending capital

C) Net income = - Opening capital + Drawings + Ending capital D) Net income = Opening capital Total assets

30) If opening capital = $1000 and closing capital = $2000. Assuming no drawings during the accounting period, calculated the net income or loss for the period

A) 1000 net income

B) 1000 net loss

C) 2000 net income

D) 2000 net losss

31) Total opening balances of assets and liabilities are $10,000 and $5000 respectively. Find out the opening capital of the business

A) 10,000

B) 5000

C) 15000

D) 50,000,000

32) Which one of the following accounts is supposed to be used to get the figure of credit purchases made during the current accounting period?

A) Debtor account

B) Revenue account

C) Creditors account

D) Expenses account

33) To obtain the amount of credit sales made during an accounting period, which account is generally used in single entry and incomplete records?

A) A/c payable account

B) Total revenue account

C) Debtors account

D) Stock account

34) Which of the following is used to work out the balance of cash drawings for an accounting period?

A) Debtor account

B) Credit account

C) Cash payments journal

D) Cash book

35) Closing balance of cash can be obtained by drawing up a

A) Balance sheet

B) Statement of affairs

C) Income statement

D) Cash account

36) A method wherein omitted information is determined in the first place and by using this information net income or loss is ascertained is known as

A) nominal method

B) Cash method

C) Conversion method

D) Net profit method

37) If creditors balance was $1000 at 1 Jan 2012, ending balance of creditors was $2000 on 31 Dec 2012 and a payment of $500 was made to creditors, which of the following is the amount of purchases made during the year 2012?

A) 2500

B) 500

C) 1500

D) 2000

38) If debtors balance was $2000 at 1 Jan 2012, credit sales made during the year were $1000 and the total payments of $1500 were received from debtors, which of the following is the debtors account balance at 31 Dec 2012 ?

A) 1000

B) 2000

C) 1500

D) 500

39) Net profit + operating expenses = ?

A) Cost of goods sold

B) Amount of sales

C) Net sales

D) Gross profit

40) Calculate the amount of net income or loss if the capital has been increased by $1000 during this accounting period, drawing = $5000 and $1000 fresh capital was introduced in the business

A) $5000 net loss

B) $5000 net profit

C) $6000 net loss

D) $6000 net profit

41) A nonprofit's revenues and expenses are reported on its statement of


42) The accounting equation of a nonprofit is Assets = Liabilities +


43) A nonprofit's assets and liabilities are reported on its statement of


44) The statement of may be prepared under the direct or indirect method.


45) The nonprofit's financial statement that reports amounts as of a particular date (or moment in time is the


46) The classifications for reporting contributions according to the donors' stipulations are unrestricted, restricted, and permanently restricted.


47) Classifying expenses into program activities and supporting activities is known as the _______________ basis.

a) Functional b)Natural 48.) Reporting expenses by categories such as salaries, rent, utilities, etc. is known as the _______________ basis. a) Functional b)Natural 49) Depreciation expense is reported for a not-for-profit organization's equipment and furniture. a) True b) False 50) Assets released from restrictions will involve two classes of net assets. a) True b) False

51) An accounting year ending on a date other than December 31 is referred to as a year.


52) The two types of restrictions on contributions that are classified as temporarily restricted are purpose and


1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (C) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (a) 31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (b) 41. (Activates) 42. (Net assets). 43. (Finical position) 44. (Cash flows) 45. (Statement of finical position) 46. (Temporarily) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (a) 51. (Fiscal) 52. (Time)

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