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TO: Atty. Pilariza Racho-Baldovino FROM: Katrina Joy An !lo" JP #!o A$on " J%li! M!rria& B%ca" Ana Rh!a Echav!z DATE: March '(" ()'' RE: *anc!llation o+ J!richo Allianc! R!cr%it&!nt,$ -J!richo +or .r!vity/ lic!n$! and i&0o$in a trav!l .an on it$ r!cr%it$

Question Presented 1'. Did th! D!0art&!nt o+ #a.or and E&0loy&!nt -DO#E +or .r!vity/ violat! th! ri ht o+ J!richo Allianc! R!cr%it&!nt to d%! to 0roc!$$ 2h!n it i$$%!d ord!r$ canc!lin th! lic!n$!$ o+ J!richo Allianc! R!cr%it&!nt and i&0o$in an i&&!diat! trav!l .an on it$ r!cr%it$ to th! Middl! Ea$t3 Brief Answer 4!$. DO#E violat!d J!richo,$ ri ht to d%! 0roc!$$ 2h!n it ar.itrarily canc!ll!d J!richo,$ lic!n$!$ and i&0o$!d a trav!l .an on r!cr%it$ to th! Middl! Ea$t. Statement of Facts J!richo Allianc! R!cr%it&!nt i$ a 0rivat! a !ncy !n a !d in th! r!cr%it&!nt and 0lac!&!nt o+ Fili0ino contract 2or5!r$ in th! Middl! Ea$t. 6t$ tran$action$ 2!r!" ho2!v!r" ha&0!r!d 2h!n th! D!0art&!nt o+ #a.or and E&0loy&!nt -DO#E/ ord!r!d th! canc!llation o+ it$ lic!n$!. *onco&itantly" a trav!l .an 2a$ al$o i&0o$!d. Th! DO#E .a$!d $%ch action$ %0on int!lli !nc! r!0ort$ it r!c!iv!d $tatin that J!richo 2a$ tran$0ortin !7tr!&i$t$ %nd!r th! %i$! o+ a .ona +id! r!cr%it&!nt and 0lac!&!nt a !ncy. J!richo no2 8%!$tion$ th! validity o+ DO#E ord!r$ a$ it 2a$ not a++ord!d notic! and h!arin 9a .a$ic t!n!t !$0o%$!d .y no l!$$ than th! *on$tit%tion it$!l+. Discussion

DO#E,$ canc!llation o+ J!richo,$ lic!n$!$ i$ a violation o+ th! 0rohi.ition a ain$t d!0rivation o+ 0ro0!rty 2itho%t d%! 0roc!$$ o+ la2. 6t i$ an invalid !7!rci$! o+ 0olic! 0o2!r .!ca%$! it i$ %nd%ly o00r!$$iv! and r!0% nant to th! *on$tit%tion. Th! ri ht a ain$t d!0rivation o+ 0ro0!rty i$ %arant!!d %nd!r :!ction '" Articl! 666 o+ th! ';<= *on$tit%tion o+ th! Phili00in!$. J%ri$0r%d!nc! ha$ ti&! and a ain int!r0r!t!d and a00li!d thi$ *on$tit%tional %arant!! in vario%$ ca$!$. Th!$! >%dicial d!ci$ion$" altho% h not la2$" +or& 0art o+ th! la2$ o+ th! land. *orollary" Articl! < o+ th! N!2 *ivil *od! +%rth!r $tat!$ that: J%dicial d!ci$ion$ a00lyin or int!r0r!tin th! la2$ or th! con$tit%tion
$hall +or& a 0art o+ th! l! al $y$t!& o+ th! Phili00in!$.

Th! ca$! o+ Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services -?.R. No. '@=@'A" March (A" ());/" i$ ill%$trativ! o+ th! i&0ortanc! o+ thi$ 0ro0!rty ri ht:
Prot!ct!d 0ro0!rty incl%d!$ th! ri ht to 2or5 and th! ri ht to !arn a livin . 6n JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. v. Court of Appeals" th! *o%rt h!ld that: A 0ro+!$$ion" trad! or callin i$ a 0ro0!rty ri ht 2ithin th! &!anin o+ o%r con$tit%tional %arant!!$. On! cannot .! d!0riv!d o+ th! ri ht to 2or5 and th! ri ht to &a5! a livin .!ca%$! th!$! ri ht$ ar! 0ro0!rty ri ht$" th! ar.itrary and %n2arrant!d d!0rivation o+ 2hich nor&ally con$tit%t!$ an actiona.l! 2ron . Th! ri ht to 2or5 and th! ri ht to !arn a livin n!c!$$arily incl%d!$ th! ri ht to .ar ain +or .!tt!r t!r&$ in an !&0loy&!nt contract and th! ri ht to !n+orc! tho$! t!r&$. 6+ 0rot!ct!d 0ro0!rty do!$ not incl%d! th!$! ri ht$" th!n th! ri ht to 2or5 and th! ri ht to !arn a livin 2o%ld .!co&! !&0ty civil li.!rti!$ 9 th! :tat! can d!0riv! 0!r$on$ o+ th!ir ri ht to 2or5 and th!ir ri ht to !arn a livin .y d!0rivin th!& o+ th! ri ht to n! otiat! +or .!tt!r t!r&$ and th! ri ht to !n+orc! tho$! t!r&$.

Th!r!+or!" thi$ con$tit%tional ri ht &%$t not .! c%rtail!d. D%! 0roc!$$ &%$t .! accord!d. No l!$$ than th! :%0r!&! *o%rt in Sarapat vs. Salanga -BC< :*RA C(A" ())=/ !70lain!d th! conc!0t o+ d%! 0roc!$$ in thi$ &ann!r: 6t i$ a 2!ll $!ttl!d r%l! that th! !$$!nc! o+ d%! 0roc!$$ i$ $i&0ly an o00ort%nity to .! h!ard" or" a$ a00li!d to ad&ini$trativ! 0roc!!din $" an o00ort%nity to !70lain on!D$ $id! or an o00ort%nity to $!!5 a r!con$id!ration o+ th! action or r%lin co&0lain!d o+.

Th! ord!r o+ DO#E in ar.itrarily canc!lin th! lic!n$! o+ J!richo th%$ violat!$ th! latt!r,$ ri ht to $%.$tantiv! d%! 0roc!$$. Th! l!a$t thin that DO#E co%ld hav! don! 2a$ to iv! J!richo th! chanc! to clari+y and !70lain it$ $id! on $aid all! ation$. Thi$ DO#E did not do. :!ction B" R%l! 666" Part E6 o+ th! For5!r$ i$ r!l!vant on thi$ &att!r" th%$: Th! Gad&ini$trativ!H 0roc!!din $ $hall co&0ly 2ith th! r!8%ir!&!nt$ o+ d%! 0roc!$$ 2itho%t $trictly adh!rin to th! t!chnical r%l!$ o+ 0roc!d%r! and !vid!nc! a00lica.l! to >%dicial 0roc!!din $. :!ction 'A" RA <)A(" a$ a&!nd!d .y RA '))((" &andat!$ th! r! %lation o+ 0rivat! $!ctor 0artici0ation in th! r!cr%it&!nt and ov!r$!a$ 0lac!&!nt o+ 2or5!r$ thro% h th! Phili00in! Ov!r$!a$ E&0loy&!nt A !ncy -POEA/" an a !ncy %nd!r th! DO#E. P%r$%ant to $%ch &andat! and th! r! %latory 0o2!r$ rant!d .y Articl! C@ o+ th! #a.or *od!" th! DO#E :!cr!tary r!c!ntly i$$%!d th! ())( POEA R%l!$ +or #and-.a$!d Ov!r$!a$
-())( R%l!$ h!r!a+t!r/. :!ction (" Part E6" R%l! ' o+ $aid r%l!$ li$t$ do2n th! +ollo2in

ro%nd$ +or th! i&0o$ition o+ ad&ini$trativ! $anction$" to 2it:

a. *har in " i&0o$in or acc!0tin dir!ctly or indir!ctly" any a&o%nt o+ &on!y ood$ or $!rvic!$" or any +!! or .ond +or any 0%r0o$! 2hat$o!v!r .!+or! !&0loy&!nt i$ o.tain!d +or an a00licant 2or5!rI .. *har in or acc!0tin dir!ctly or indir!ctly any a&o%nt r!at!r than that $0!ci+i!d in th! $ch!d%l! o+ allo2a.l! +!!$ 0r!$cri.!d .y th! :!cr!tary" or &a5in a 2or5!r 0ay any a&o%nt r!at!r than that act%ally r!c!iv!d .y hi& a$ a loan or advanc!I c. *har in or coll!ctin 0lac!&!nt +!! +or d!0loy&!nt to co%ntri!$ 2h!r! th! 0r!vailin $y$t!&" !ith!r .y la2" 0olicy or 0ractic!" do not allo2 th! char in or coll!ction o+ 0lac!&!nt and r!cr%it&!nt +!!$. d. *oll!ctin any +!! +ro& a 2or5!r 2itho%t i$$%in th! a00ro0riat! r!c!i0t cl!arly $ho2in th! a&o%nt 0aid and th! 0%r0o$! +or 2hich 0ay&!nt 2a$ &ad!I !. En a in in actJ$ o+ &i$r!0r!$!ntation in conn!ction 2ith r!cr%it&!nt and 0lac!&!nt o+ 2or5!r$" $%ch a$ +%rni$hin or$hin any +al$! notic!" in+or&ation or doc%&!nt in r!lation to r!cr%it&!nt or !&0loy&!ntI +. 6nd%cin or att!&0tin to ind%c! an alr!ady !&0loy!d 2or5!r to tran$+!r +ro& or l!av! hi$ !&0loy&!nt +or anoth!r %nl!$$ th! tran$+!r i$ d!$i n!d to li.!rat! a 2or5!r +ro& o00r!$$iv! t!r&$ and condition$ o+ !&0loy&!ntI . 6n+l%!ncin or att!&0tin to in+l%!nc! any 0!r$on or !ntity not to !&0loy any 2or5!r 2ho ha$ not a00li!d +or !&0loy&!nt thro% h hi$ a !ncyI

h. O.$tr%ctin or att!&0tin to o.$tr%ct in$0!ction .y th! :!cr!tary" th! Ad&ini$trator or th!ir d%ly a%thoriz!d r!0r!$!ntativ!$I i. :%.$tit%tin or alt!rin to th! 0r!>%dic! o+ th! 2or5!r" !&0loy&!nt contract$ a00rov!d and v!ri+i!d .y th! D!0art&!nt +ro& th! ti&! o+ act%al $i nin th!r!o+ .y th! 0arti!$ %0 to and incl%din th! 0!riod o+ th! !70iration o+ th! $a&! 2itho%t th! a00roval o+ th! D!0art&!ntI >. Fail%r! to $%.&it r!0ort$ r!lat!d to ov!r$!a$ r!cr%it&!nt and !&0loy&!nt 2ithin th! $0!ci+i!d ti&!" a$ &ay .! r!8%ir!d .y th! :!cr!tary or th! Ad&ini$trationI 5. For th! o2n!r" 0artn!r" or o++ic!rJ$ o+ any lic!n$!d a !ncy to .!co&! an o++ic!r or &!&.!r o+ th! Board o+ any cor0oration or 0artn!r$hi0 !n a !d dir!ctly or indir!ctly in th! &ana !&!nt o+ a trav!l a !ncyI l. Fithholdin or d!nyin trav!l or oth!r 0!rtin!nt doc%&!nt$ +ro& 2or5!r$ +or con$id!ration$ oth!r than tho$! a%thoriz!d %nd!r !7i$tin la2$ and r! %lation$I &. En a in in r!cr%it&!nt activiti!$ in 0lac!$ oth!r than that $0!ci+i!d in th! lic!n$! 2itho%t 0r!vio%$ a%thorization +ro& th! Ad&ini$trationI n. A00ointin or d!$i natin a !nt$" r!0r!$!ntativ!$ or !&0loy!!$ 2itho%t 0rior a00roval +ro& th! Ad&ini$trationI o. Fal$i+yin or alt!rin trav!l doc%&!nt$ o+ a00licant 2or5!r in r!lation to ov!r$!a$ r!cr%it&!nt activiti!$I 0. D!0loyin 2or5!r$ 2ho$! !&0loy&!nt and trav!l doc%&!nt$ 2!r! not 0roc!$$!d .y th! Ad&ini$tration or tho$! a !nci!$ a%thoriz!d .y itI 8. D!0loyin 2or5!r$ to 0rinci0al$ not accr!dit!dJr! i$t!r!d .y th! Ad&ini$trationI r. Fail%r! to d!0loy a 2or5!r 2ithin th! 0r!$cri.!d 0!riod 2itho%t valid r!a$onI $. Di$r! ard o+ ord!r$" notic!$ and oth!r l! al 0roc!$$!$ i$$%!d .y th! Ad&ini$trationI t. *o!rcin 2or5!r$ to acc!0t 0r!>%dicial arran !&!nt$ in !7chan ! +or c!rtain .!n!+it$ that ri ht+%lly .!lon to th! 2or5!r$I %. Fithholdin o+ 2or5!r$ $alari!$ or r!&ittanc!$ 2itho%t >%$ti+ia.l! r!a$on$ or $hortchan in o+ r!&ittanc!$I v. D!0loyin %nd!ra ! 2or5!r$I

2. En a in in actJ$ o+ &i$r!0r!$!ntation +or th! 0%r0o$! o+ $!c%rin a lic!n$! or r!n!2al th!r!o+" $%ch a$ ivin +al$! in+or&ation or doc%&!nt$I

7. En a in in th! r!cr%it&!nt or 0lac!&!nt o+ 2or5!r$ in >o.$ har&+%l to 0%.lic h!alth or &orality or to di nity o+ th! R!0%.lic o+ th! Phili00in!$" y. Tran$+!r or chan ! o+ o2n!r$hi0 o+ a $in l! 0ro0ri!tor$hi0 lic!n$!d to !n a ! in ov!r$!a$ !&0loy&!ntI z. Fail%r! to r!i&.%r$! !70!n$!$ inc%rr!d .y th! 2or5!r in conn!ction 2ith hi$ doc%&!ntation and 0roc!$$in +or 0%r0o$!$ o+ d!0loy&!nt" 2h!r! d!0loy&!nt do!$ not ta5! 0lac! 2itho%t th! 2or5!rD$ +a%ltI aa. Fail%r! to co&0ly 2ith th! %nd!rta5in to d!0loy th! r!8%ir!d n%&.!r o+ 2or5!r$ 2ithin th! 0!riod 0rovid!d in th!$! R%l!$I ... Fail%r! to co&0ly 2ith th! %nd!rta5in to 0rovid! Pr!-D!0art%r! Ori!ntation :!&inar to 2or5!r$I cc. Non-co&0lianc! 2ith any oth!r %nd!rta5in in conn!ction 2ith th! i$$%anc! or r!n!2al o+ th! lic!n$!I dd. Allo2in 0!r$on$ 2ho ar! oth!r2i$! di$8%ali+i!d to 0artici0at! in th! ov!r$!a$ !&0loy&!nt 0ro ra& %nd!r !7i$tin la2$" r%l!$ and r! %lation$ to 0artici0at! in th! &ana !&!nt and o0!ration o+ th! a !ncyI and !!. Eiolation o+ oth!r 0!rtin!nt 0rovi$ion$ o+ th! *od! and oth!r r!l!vant la2$" r%l!$ and r! %lation$" %id!lin!$ and oth!r i$$%anc!$ on r!cr%it&!nt and 0lac!&!nt o+ 2or5!r$ +or ov!r$!a$ !&0loy&!nt and th! 0rot!ction o+ th!ir 2!l+ar!. 6t &%$t r!call!d that DO#E,$ ro%nd +or canc!llation i$ th! all! !d tran$0ortation o+ !7tr!&i$t$ .y J!richo. 6t i$ cl!ar +ro& th! a.ov!-cit!d 0rovi$ion that th! ro%nd invo5!d .y

DO#E i$ not a&on tho$! $tat!d in th! $aid r%l!$. K!nc!" th! ord!r$ 2!r! invalid &%$t not .! iv!n !++!ct. Th! trac5 r!cord o+ J!richo &%$t al$o .! con$id!r!d. For y!ar$ no2" th! a !ncy ha$ .!!n cat!rin to Fili0ino$ 2ho 2ant to .! !&0loy!d a.road. 6t i$ only no2 that it$ cr!di.ility ha$ .!!n 8%!$tion!d .y a $&all ro%0 o+ Fili0ino contract 2or5!r$. 6t $ho%ld .! not!d that it ha$ co&0li!d 2ith th! r!8%ir!&!nt$ i&0o$!d .y POEA %nd!r :!ction '" Part 66" R%l! o+ th! ())( R%l!$. 6t 2a$ no l!$$ than th! POEA it$!l+ 2hich $trictly $cr!!n!d th! a !ncy. 6t cannot no2 r!vo5! J!richo,$ lic!n$! 2itho%t any >%$ti+ia.l! r!a$on. *onco&itantly" th! trav!l .an i$$%!d .y DO#E i$ al$o invalid .!ca%$! it did not $0!ci+y 2hich 0artic%lar co%ntry i$ %nd!r $tat! o+ 2ar. 6t $ho%ld .! not!d that th! Middl! Ea$t alon! con$i$t$ o+ '< co%ntri!$. Mor!ov!r" it $in l!d o%t th! r!cr%it$ o+ J!richo.

:!ction @" Articl! 666 o+ th! ';<= *on$tit%tion i$ v!ry cl!ar on thi$: Th! li.!rty o+ a.od! and o+ chan in th! $a&! 2ithin th! li&it$ 0r!$cri.!d .y la2 $hall not .! i&0air!d %0on la2+%l ord!r o+ th! co%rt. N!ith!r $hall th! ri ht to trav!l .! i&0air!d !7c!0t in th! int!r!$t o+ national $!c%rity" 0%.lic $a+!ty or 0%.lic h!alth" a$ &ay .! 0rovid!d .y la2. 6n ord!r to hid! th! o.vio%$" DO#E hin !$ it$ clai& on th! 2ar a ain$t t!rrori$& o+ 2hich th! Phili00in!$ i$ an activ! 0lay!r. Altho% h DO#E,$ act%ation$ ar! co&&!nda.l!" it ho2!v!r +ail!d to ta5! into acco%nt that .a$ic con$tit%tional ri ht$ 2!r! violat!d. Al$o" !v!n a$$%&in ex argumenti that DO#E ha$ th! 0o2!r to i&0o$! a trav!l .an 0%r$%ant to th! :tat!,$ 0olic! 0o2!r" th! :%0r!&! *o%rt in Philippine Association of Service Exporters, Inc. v. rilon" ?.R. No. #-<';B<" C) J%n! ';<<" ca%tion!d that
Not2ith$tandin it$ !7t!n$iv! $2!!0" 0olic! 0o2!r i$ not 2itho%t it$ o2n li&itation$. For all it$ a2!$o&! con$!8%!nc!$" it &ay not .! !7!rci$!d ar.itrarily or %nr!a$ Oth!r2i$!" and in that !v!nt" it d!+!at$ th! 0%r0o$! +or 2hich it i$ !7!rci$!d" that i$" to advanc! th! 0%.lic ood.

Mor!ov!r" th! i$$%! o+ national $!c%rity i$ .!tt!r l!+t 2ith th! D!0art&!nt o+ National D!+!n$! and th! O++ic! o+ th! National :!c%rity Advi$!r 2ho ar! .!tt!r !8%i00!d 2ith $%ch &att!r. Conclusion Pr!$cindin +ro& th! a+or!cit!d la2 and >%ri$0r%d!nc!" DO#E 2a$ r!&i$$ o+ it$ ation to a++ord J!richo it$ con$tit%tional ri ht to d%! 0roc!$$. Th%$" th! ord!r$ it i&0o$!d &%$t .! $tr%c5 do2n and d!clar!d %ncon$tit%tional.

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