Long Live The Queen

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WEEK 1 During the Week Charlotte, Lady Merva, arrive Cheerful +1 Special Weekend Activities Talk to Your Father:

: +1 Lonely Visit Charlotte, Lady Merva: +1 Cheerful WEEK 2 During the Week Julianna Arrives Send Her Away: +1 Angry, +1 Yielding You will be approached by a priestess in Week 6, who can train your magic skills, so you can still fulfil all objectives requiring magic (though you need to plan your skill building in less time). Arrest Her: A cruel action, +1 Angry Julianna is put in the dungeon. You can speak with her there during the weekend. Let Her Stay: +1 Willful You now have a magic tutor. Speak to her during the weekend to begin training. Special Weekend Activities Talk to Your Father: Learn a secret about your mother. Talk to Juliana, Duchess of Ursul (in her rooms): Learn something about magic. Visit Dungeon (if Julianna was imprisoned): Hear her out: Test Lore > 20 - you know a secret about Nova's rulers. Free her: You now have a magic tutor. +1 Pressured Refuse: You keep her a prisoner. +1 Angry, +1 Willful Taunt her: +1 Afraid Visit Charlotte, Lady Merva: If you didn't visit her in 1st week: +1 Cheerful, -1 Lonely. If you did visit her: No mood changes. WEEK 3 If Julianna was allowed to stay in Week 2 Hold Still: Test: Composure [10] Success: Julianna kills the snake and no one gets bitten. Failure: Charlotte is bitten by the snake. +1 Afraid Look down: Charlotte is bitten by the snake. +1 Afraid If you send Julianna away or imprison her in Week 2 Test: Reflexes [20] Success: You drive the snake off. +1 Angry Failure: You are bitten. Charlotte heals you with strange magic. +1 Afraid No matter what happens, your aunt, uncle and cousins leave the castle after this and Charlotte is no longer available to talk to. WEEK 4 If Charlotte was bitten in Week 3 Test: Poison [40] Success: Elodie will remark that milk viper bites are often fatal. You think that your cousin might have a guardian angel protecting her.

WEEK 5 During the Week You receive a gift from Talarist, Duke of Sedna Test: Foreign Intelligence [10] or Foreign Affairs: [40] Success: Elodie will know where Sedna is. Test: Court Manners [10] Failure: You wear the necklace. Talarist will think you are interested in marriage. +1 Cheerful Success: You realize it is inappropriate to wear a man's gift. Choose: Wear it: Talarist will think that you are interested in marriage. +1 Willful Don't wear it: Talarist will not pursue marriage. +1 Yielding WEEK 6 If you sent Julianna away, a priestess (Selene) will offer to train you in magic. Test: Lore > 10 to be scolded by your tutor. I won't do it: You will not learn magic this game. +1 Yielding I will do it: You now have a magic tutor. +1 Willful If you arrested Julianna, a priestess asks you to free her: I will free her: You get a magic tutor. +1 Willful I won't free her: She stays in the dungeon. +1 Angry If Julianna is your magic tutor, then you see her and a priestess sitting in the palace garden. If Julianna is available, but was not visited, a priestess appears and tells you to talk to Julianna. Special Weekend Activities If a priestess is tutoring you in magic, you can visit her to begin your magic training. Test: Divination > 1 to comment on her methods. Regardless of the outcome, +1 Afraid WEEK 7 During the Week Maid runs into you Test: Elegance [10] or Test: Reflexes [10] Success: You avoid her. Failure: Test: Court Manners [20] to unlock option "Accept her apology". Choose: Accept her apology: +1 Cheerful Apologise: +1 Depressed Punish her: A cruel action, +1 Angry If you are keeping Julianna in the dungeons, you will receive a visitor. Test: Internal Affairs [40] Success: Elodie will know the identity of the visitor. Choose: Free Duchess Julianna: She becomes your magical tutor, even though the text indicates otherwise. +1 Pressured Giver her title to Ignatius: Julianna stays in the dungeon. A cruel action, +1 Willful, +1 Cheerful Special Weekend Activities If Julianna is still kept prisoner, you can Visit Dungeons: Taunt her anyway: You keep her locked up forever. +1 Angry Execute her: +1 Angry. You choke on magical chains and die. Leave her alone: You keep her locked up forever. +1 Afraid

WEEK 8 During the Week Movable type A man approaches you via the king and requests funding to create a movable type printing press. Test: Production + Trade [50] for the option to spend 875 lassi from the royal treasury to fund the project. Has no gameplay effect, but it is referenced in the ending. Special Weekend Activities If Julianna is your magic tutor, once you have Sense Magic > 90 at the start of a week, you can Visit Julianna to talk about another person in the castle. +1 Angry. With this knowledge, you can add another person to your magic circle during Week 35. Test Lore > 70 to question Julianna further. If you have Meditation > 80 and are studying magic, you can speak to your magic tutor. If your tutor is a priestess and you know that your cousin wields strange magic, you will face an assassin during week 16. If your tutor is Julianna, choose: Drop the subject: +1 Yielding Keep pushing: +1 Willful WEEK 9 Banion, Duke of Maree, Earl of Serenitatis asks for aid against foreign incursions. Test: Foreign Affairs > 20 to realize who started the trouble. Test: Military > 1 to unlock "prepare for battle" option. Choice: Try to negotiate: Diplomat will arrive on week 10. +1 Yielding Prepare for battle: Pleases Banion. +1 Willful. If you are a Lumen: Use battle-magic: This will result in an assassination attempt during week 16. +1 Angry Don't: No effect If you are wearing the necklace from Sedna, Test: Court Manners > 10: Failure: Banion lectures you on the nature of the gift. Success: Choose: I'm considering it: You confirm his suspicions. He will not like this. +1 Cheerful I just like jewelry: You tell him off. +1 Willful WEEK 10 Outcome of the battle with the invaders, if you chose to prepare for battle in Week 9. If you used magic, Test: Wield Magic > 30: Partial success (< 30): You are laughed at and lose a lot of troops. +2 Angry Success: You lose less troops. +1 Angry, +1 Cheerful If you did not use magic, you lose a moderate amount of troops. +1 Angry If you didn't choose to fight, their representative arrives. Test: Novan History > 30 to know something about your subjects. Test: Foreign Affairs > 20 to unlock option "Offer to punish the Duchess of Hellas" Test: Foreign Affairs > 80 or Foreign Intelligence > 80 to know something useful about the invaders and unlock option: "Offer alliance against Terrax" under Bluff / Intimidate. Now choose: Surrender Province: Banion will not be pleased. The invaders will owe you a favor that you can call in during Week 35. +1 Yielding, +2 Depressed Offer him money if Ixion withdraws: Test: Accounting + Trade > 60 or Logistics > 50 to unlock option "Make counter-offer" o Agree: You pay them off with 8,000 lassi. +1 Pressured o Make counter-offer (Accounting + Trade): Pay them off with 4,000 lassi. +1 Willful o Make counter-offer (Logistics): Pay them off with 5,000 lassi. +1 Pressured

o Refuse: Choose again Offer to punish the Duchess of Hellas: o Make her a commoner: Banion will not be pleased. +1 Pressured. Test: Internal Affairs > 60 to name her successor. o Command her to marry an Ixionite: Test: Internal Affairs > 40 to appease the Duchess. Banion will ask for a dance during week 17. o Execute her: A cruel choice. Banion will not be pleased. Test: Internal Affairs > 60 to name her successor. This will result in an assassination attempt during week 16. o Bluff / Intimidate: If you are wearing a necklace from Sedna, Test: Court Manners > 10 to unlock option "Claim you are allied with Talasse." If you are a Lumen, unlock option "Demonstrate magical powers" Threaten to attack: Test: Presence > 60 Success: They withdraw. Crisis averted. Failure: A battle will begin next week. Offer alliance against Terrax: You warn them off. Demonstrate magical powers: This will result in an assassination attempt during week 16. Test: Wield Magic + Presence > 70 Success: They back off. Crisis averted. Failure: They are unimpressed. A battle will commence next week. +1 Depressed Claim you are allied with Talasse: You warn them off. There may be a price to pay later. Execute him: A cruel choice. You will fight them next week. +1 Angry

WEEK 11 If you did not resolve the matter with the foreign invaders, a battle occurs: +1 Angry If the matter has been resolved, the king will talk about a sighting of a keythong in the Old Forest. Test: Lore > 60 or Novan History > 90 to know where the Old Forest is. Regardless, +1 Depressed WEEK 12 If you are wearing a necklace from Sedna, you will receive a visitor. Test: Flattery > 30 to answer glibly. Choose whether to marry him: Accept his offer: You will marry your visitor at the end of the game. +1 Cheerful, +1 Willful. Politely decline: Test: Court Manners > 40 Success: You let him down gently. Failure: He will not be pleased. If you used the necklace for a bluff during week 10, your visitor will insist that you marry, no matter how the Court Manners test turned out. If your dominant mood is yielding, you will automatically accept. Otherwise, choose: All right, I'll marry you: You will marry your visitor at the end of the game. +1 Yielding I still won't marry you: He will not be pleased. +1 Willful If you are not wearing the necklace, a woman will seek funding for a hospital. Test: Herbs + Battlefield Medicine > 50 to get the option to invest 1,200 lassi. This will be referenced during the ending. It can also impact events during Week 30. WEEK 13 Judgement of attempted murderess Test: Novan History > 40 for some family background. Test: Internal Affairs > 100:

Partial success (> 30 < 100): Unlocks option "Ask the Earl of Io about her story" Success: Unlocks option "Tell her that justice was already done" Choose: Put her to work: The Earl of Io is not pleased. Imprison or execute her: Test: Archery > 60: Success: The woman is overpowered and imprisoned or executed per your choice. Failure: The woman is killed and her body cruelly displayed as a public warning. Ask the Earl of Io about her story: Test: Court Manners > 60: Success: Imprison the woman. The Earl is appeased. Failure: The Earl slits her throat. He is not pleased. Tell her that justice was already done: Imprison the woman. The Earl is appeased. +1 Cheerful WEEK 14 Owl flies overhead Test: Divination > 60: Success: Unlock option to speak to a certain person during Week 17. Failure: Test: Falcons > 10 to wonder about owls flying in daylight. If you have not heard of it before, Joslyn passes on reports of a keythong in the Old Forest. Test: Lore > 60 or Novan History > 90 to know where the Old Forest is. Regardless, +1 Depressed WEEK 15 Joslyn notifies you of the upcoming Parade of the Good Lady. You receive a letter from Briony. WEEK 16 Procession of the Good Lady. I will lead the parade: +1 Cheerful, +1 Willful, +1 Pressured Test: Decoration > 70: Partial success (> 50 < 70): Little girls squeal at seeing you. Success: Commoner approval up. Test: Elegance > 70: Commoner approval up. I will parade and make a speech: +1 Cheerful, +1 Willful, +1 Pressured Test: Decoration > 70: Partial success (> 50 < 70): Little girls squeal at seeing you. Success: Commoner approval up. Test: Elegance > 70: Commoner approval up. Test: Public Speaking > 50: Commoner approval up. I would rather not go: +1 Yielding, +1 Lonely Sometimes, if you have not started training in magical powers, after the tree is planted salt water will bubble up from the spot. If you have a magic crystal and you have not chosen to wield it, you can talk to Julianna in the weekend for an additional chance to wield it and +1 Willful, +2 Cheerful. This will not happen if you are attacked by an assassin though. If Julianna is imprisoned in the dungeon, she will escape. +1 Afraid, +1 Afraid If you are attacked by an assassin: Test: Reflexes > 80 or Flexibility > 50 for full success, Reflexes > 30 AND < 80 AND Flexibility < 50 partial success. If Reflexes < 30 and Flexibility < 50, you get too close to a sword and die. If you have Wield Magic > 1, unlock the option "Blast him with magic."

Now choose: Fight him: Test Polearms > 50 Failure: You get too close to a sword and die Partial success (> 30 < 50): The assassin is overpowered, but poisons himself. +10 Afraid Success: Choose: Kill him: A cruel choice Don't: The assassin is overpowered, but poisons himself. Blast him with magic: If partial success on the earlier Reflexes/Flexibility check, test Wield Magic > 100: Failure: Your blood runs dry and you die. Success: You barely burn the assassin to death. If full success on the earlier Reflexes/Flexibility check, test Wield Magic > 60: Success: You burn the assassin to a crisp. Failure: You get too close to a sword and die Run away: If partial success on the earlier Reflexes/Flexibility check, your blood runs dry and you die If full success on Reflexes/Flexibility check, Test: Running > 40: Success: You outrun the assassin, who poisons himself. Failure: Test commoner approval Success: A commoner sacrifices himself to save you and the assassin dies. Failure: You get too close to a sword and die WEEK 17 If you faced an assassin last week, Joslyn may give you a coded piece of paper. Test: Ciphering > 60 to figure out where the assassin came from. Grand ball Test: Presence > 50 or Test: Elegance > 50 or Test: Composure > 50 or Test: Decoration > 70 If all tests failed +1 Afraid, +1 Pressured Dance with suitors. If you are betrothed to Talarist, you can refuse to dance. Test: Court Manners > 40 to consider the consequences of refusing. If you dance, choose a partner: Someone about your age (Linley): Test: Dance > 50 partial success, > 90 success Someone younger than you (Adair): Test: Dance > 50 partial success, > 90 success Someone older than you (Chaine, Earl of Mima): Test: Dance > 50 partial success, > 90 success Someone already married (Erwin, Earl of Ishtar): Test: Dance > 50 partial success, > 90 success Someone scandalous (Julianna if she is at court, otherwise Brin if she is present, or finally Arisse if the others are unavailable): +1 Willful, Test: Dance > 50 partial success, > 90 success Test: Court Manners + Flattery > 60 to mollify the nobles. If you succeeded on the Divination test in Week 14, Test: Foreign Intelligence > 70 to obtain a little bit of extra background. Then choose: Talk to him: Test: Public Speaking + Court Manners + Flattery > 50 to ask politely. Say nothing: Nothing happens If you forced the Duchess of Hellas to marry during week 10 then her brother the Duke of Maree will offer a dance. Test: Court Manners > 40 to understand the nature of his game. Now choose: Accept: Test: Court Manners > 40 Success: Choose: o I plan to use you, then drop you: You are cruel and ruthless, but at least you're honest. +1 Willful o I plan to marry you: You make a perfect match. Failure: You succumb to his plots. +1 Yielding, +1 Pressured Refuse: +1 Pressured. Test: Public Speaking + Court Manners + Flattery > 50

Success: You tell him off. Failure: You look bad. If Banion, the Duke of Maree is displeased, he will provoke you. Test: Composure > 20 to unlock option "Ignore it." If you executed his sister during week 10, faced an assassin during week 16 and decoded a piece of paper tonight, unlock the option "Accuse him of sending assassins." Choose how to respond: Challenge him to a duel: +1 Angry, +1 Willful, Test: Swords > 30: Failure: You get too close to a sword and die. Success: Test: Athletics > 40: Failure: You get too close to a sword and die. Success: Test: Swords > 70: Failure: You get too close to a sword and die. Success: Banion dies. This will end the evening. Ignore the insult: +1 Yielding Accuse him of sending assassins: Choose: o Imprison him: This ends the evening. +1 Angry o Execute him: This ends the evening. +1 Angry o Order his execution: +1 Angry. Test: Public Speaking + Presence > 100: Success: You have Banion executed. This will end the evening. Failure: The duke calls for a vote of no confidence among the nobles. Pass: You remain in your position and have Banion executed. This will end the evening. Fail: You lose your right to rule. The game ends. If you used magic during week 10, faced an assassin during week 16 and decoded a piece of paper tonight, Test: Court Manners > 60 to consider the consequences of accusing somebody: Say nothing: Nothing happens. +1 Afraid Accuse him: Test: Court Manners > 60 to consider the consequences of your next choice. Agree that you made a mistake: The evening ends and you look bad. +1 Yielding Imprison him: The evening ends. +1 Depressed, +1 Angry Execute him: The evening ends. +1 Angry Test: Sense Magic > 80: Failure: Nothing happens. Success: You notice that Lucille has magic power: Let it go: Nothing happens. Talk to your aunt: Test: Sense Magic > 100 Success: Unlocks option to accuse her: o Offer her a court position: Lucille is now your minister of magic. This adds another person to your magic circle in Week 35. o Keep her secret: Nothing immediate happens. o Accuse her: Test: Resist Magic > 80: Failure: You end your days as a semi-living vegetable. Game over. Success: Lucille dies. +1 Willful, +5 Depressed If Lucille is given a court position or dies, you will not be attacked by bandits in week 28 if you decide to go to Sudbury, nor be sent the poisoned chocolates in week 32. WEEK 18 If you receive flowers from a lady, Test: Court Manners > 90 to understand their significance. Test: Poison > 50 to realize something slightly disturbing. Now choose: Accept them: The sender will believe you have a romantic interest in her. +1 Willful Reject them: +1 Angry Find your father with Sirin, choose: Shame her with silent scorn: Test: Presence > 50

Failure +1 Angry Success: +1 Cheerful Insult her with false flattery: Test: Flattery > 50 Failure +1 Angry Success: +1 Cheerful Trip her as she passes: Test: Flexibility > 30 Failure: +1 Angry Success: +1 Willful Test: Intrigue > 40: Failure: Nothing happens Success: Choose what your agents should focus on: Noble plots: You may be informed of nobles planning to rebel against you. Commoner uprisings: You will be warned of possible violent riots organized by the populace. Foreign threats: Will give you advance warning of any foreign invasions. Assassins: More training: -1 Afraid, -1 Depressed More guards: Avoid Archery + Reflexes test if attacked during week 28. +1 Afraid More punishment: A cruel choice. +1 Angry If your aunt Lucille came to an unfortunate end last week, a young squire is mysteriously mangled. Test: Sense Magic > 0 (cannot be failed, I don't know why the test is there). Test: Lore > 70: Success: You remember something similar... Partial Success (> 60 < 70): You make an educated guess. Failure: Test Novan History > 80 to remember something similar... Regardless of the tests, +1 Afraid Special Weekend Activities If a squire was killed this week, you can discuss the event with your magic tutor. Test: Sense Magic > 0. Test: Lore > 100: Success: You learn something. +1 Pressured Failure: You are brushed off. +1 Yielding if brushed off by a priestess. +1 Yielding, +1 Afraid if brushed off by Julianna. If you have accepted Selene as your mentor but not yet acquired the crystal, she will offer to handle the treasury guards. Accept: The guards are killed by a mysterious illness. +1 Depressed. Reject: ??? WEEK 19 Adjusting the royal buget Test: Accounting > 50 to tally your treasury. Raise taxes: Add 3,000 lassi to the royal treasury, make a hidden (you are not informed if it fails) Test: Accounting + Trade > 100 Success: The populace will not be so discontent Failure: The populace will grow discontent. Keep them the same: No effect. Lower taxes: You spend 3,000 lassi from the treasury, but the common people are mollified. If you cannot afford this, +1 Pressured and choose again. WEEK 20 Judgement of a man who killed his wife Test: Sense Magic > 80 Partial success (> 30 < 80): You sense magic around him. Success: Unlocks choice "Question him about crystal"

Pardon him: +1 Depressed Imprison him: Man will escape next week, killing some of your soldiers in the process. +1 Angry Execute him: A cruel choice. Man will escape next week, killing some of your soldiers in the process. +1 Willful Question him about crystal: Test: Resist Magic > 60 Success: Obtain spare Lumen crystal. +1 Angry Fail: Test: Flexibility > 50 Success: Obtain spare Lumen crystal. +1 Afraid Fail: Test: Reflexes + Running > 50 Success: Obtain spare Lumen crystal. +1 Afraid Fail: You are strangled with magical chains and die.

WEEK 21 If the prisoner from the week before was imprisoned, he and many other prisoners escape. If he was sent to execution, there is an explosion at the gallows and rumors circulate about a cabal of evil Lumens. You may receive a poem about yourself and a squid (this may be related to commoner approval): "That's hilarious!": +1 Cheerful "That's terrible!": +1 Angry Climb out and grab it: Test: Climb > 100 Partial Success (> 40 < 100): You grab it safely. Success: +1 Willful, +1 Cheerful Fail: +2 Afraid, +4 Yielding. You may get the Injured mood, which yields a penalty to learning Agility, Weapons, Athletics and Animal Handling skills until recovered. Ignore it: Loss of commoner approval. Special Weekend Activities If you obtained a spare crystal last week, you can visit your magic tutor to question her about it. +1 Pressured WEEK 22 Fabian, Earl of Titan and Duke-Regent of Elath, passes away. Test: Novan History > 40 to consider the implications. Test: Internal Affairs > 90 Partial success (> 80 < 90): A little information. Success: More information, and Test: Internal Affairs > 100 for even more juicy gossip. What to do with the heir: Leave him with Arisse: Appeases Arisse, but gives her more power if she decides to rebel. Send him to his grandfather: Arisse will not be pleased. This may lead to his assassination later on. Marry him: He comes to live with you. Send him to your uncle: He is out of Arisse's grasp and safe from assassins, but Arisse will not be pleased. Make his stepsister Adele regent (only possible if somebody advised you to do this at the ball): +1 Cheerful. WEEK 23 Musician seeks patronage If you don't have any money left, you send her away. Test: Foreign Intelligence > 90: Success: Know a secret about musicians. Test: Foreign Intelligence > 100 Success: Know more secrets about musicians. Test: Sense Magic > 80 Success: Know a secret about this musician. Test: Intrigue > 20 to know additional uses for musicians.

Test: Instrument + Voice > 50: Fail: You like what you hear. Success: You determine her real talent. Test: Intrigue > 20: Success: Unlock option: "Test her for secret skills" Options: Accept her as Court Musician: Costs you 300 lassi. Congratulations, you now have a court musician! Test her for secret skills: Costs you 300 lassi. You find another use for her. Reject her: No effect. WEEK 24 Get a letter from young Lord Adair if you sent him to live with someone else. If he's living with you, Test: Animal Handling > 30: Success: +1 Cheerful Failure: +1 Pressured If you chose for your agents to focus on Noble plots during week 18, they may inform you of somebody planning a rebellion. Choose how to deal with them: Send soldiers to arrest her: They do not return. Send assassins to kill her: She passes away quietly in her sleep. You have prevented a civil war, but her family will take revenge during week 33. Wait for more information: You fail to act on the information WEEK 25 Flash of light in the sky. Test: Logistics > 70 AND Trade > 40 OR Intrigue check at week 18 passed and foreign threats chosen: Success: You see a disturbing trend. If you have money left, you can choose: Build more warships: Spend 4,000 lassi from the royal treasury to expand your fleet (NOTE: This is important if you want to achieve a naval victory later in the game). Do nothing: Nothing happens. Fail: Test Divination > 90: Fail: +1 Cheerful Success: You divine a possible future: Hire more soldiers: Spend 1,000 lassi from the royal treasury to expand your army. If you don't have the money, you try to raise as many soldiers as you can. Do nothing: Nothing happens. WEEK 26 If you left Adair with his grandfather during week 22, you may receive news that he has been assassinated. +1 Afraid. Test: Foreign Intelligence > 70 to unlock option "Blame Talasse", then choose: Blame the Earl of Ishtar: o Imprison him: +1 Angry o Execute him: A cruel choice. +1 Angry Blame Talasse: Blame no one: +1 Depressed Next, Test: Internal Affairs > 70 to ponder the succession. Test: Production > 50 to realize the significance of the area. Now choose: Name a Novan heir: A child of the Duke of Kigal: You let the duke pick a grandchild of the Duchess of Lillah. Her position is strengthened in case of a rebellion. A child of the Duchess of Lillah: You let the Duchess of Lillah strengthen her position in case of a rebellion. An administrator from Elath: You name somebody not of the Duchess of Lillah's line.

A random commoner!: +1 Pressured Name Talarist the heir: You make a foreign duke your subject. Delay: You retain direct control of the area. If the Duke of Sedna has been snubbed, he may make trouble at your border. If you have any money left, you can choose to send emergency aid (~900 lassi). If Adair lives, and you do not receive the poem, it's a beautiful day! +1 Cheerful WEEK 27 If you named a Novan heir during week 26, foreign soldiers will invade the domain, which will cost you 500 lassi. +1 Pressured You are invited to Gwenelle's birthday party. If you chose for your agents to look for commoner uprisings during week 18, you will be warned if there are bandits in the area. Now choose: Go to Sudbury for Gwenelle's party: +1 Cheerful Send your regrets: No immediate effect WEEK 28 If you are not going to Sudbury, +1 Lonely. Test: Court Manners > 80 to smooth things over. If going to Sudbury: Test: Archery + Reflexes > 100 Success: Not hit by arrow. +1 Depressed, +1 Afraid Failure: Test: Battlefield Medicine > 70 Failure: You take an arrow to the gut, resulting in your death. Success: +3 Afraid, Test: Composure > 40 Success: You survive Failure: Test: Meditation > 50 Success: You survive Failure: You take an arrow to the gut and die. NOTE: There are two ways to avoid the bandits on the road. Eliminate the person who sent them and have your commoner approval above 45, or, in week 18 when you pass the intrigue check, say you're worried about assassins and hire extra bodyguards. At the party: Test: Flattery > 60 to unlock option "Flatter them both" Side with Gwenelle: Lieke is unhappy. +1 Willful, +1 Depressed Side with her mother: Gwenelle is unhappy. +1 Yielding. Flatter them both: Both are appeased. Test: Novan History > 90 or Test: Lore > 60 to know what Briony is talking about: Offer to help: +1 Willful Try to talk her out of it: Test: Conversation > 75 Success: Briony relents. +1 Angry Failure: Briony goes by herself. Tattle to her parents: Briony is upset, but stays at home. If Lucille is still alive and Charlotte didn't heal you on week 3, -1 Lonely If Lucille is still alive and Charlotte healed you on week 3, nothing else happens. If Lucille is dead, +1 Depressed WEEK 29 Events highly dependent on previous choices. A civil war may break out. Test: Military > 40 to tally the sizes of the armies involved. Choose whether to pardon criminals to increase the size of your army.

If civil war does not break out, you may receive an embroidered cushion from a noble. Should that noble have died, it comes from her successor and is much more ominous. +1 Afraid If Briony isn't with you and the civil war did not break out, you may choose to recruit criminals from your prison as soldiers. If Briony is at the castle and her parents are among the rebels, you can choose to: Send Briony home as a gesture of goodwill: This may be helpful. Hold Briony hostage: You enter hostage negotiations next week. If you did not go to Sudbury, Briony's mother arrives to ask you where she is. If you went to Sudbury, brought Briony home with you and are not at civil war, you can talk to her about the forest quest. Test: Conversation > 40 to unlock option "Ask about Briony's parents" Send her alone: Briony will not return. Her uncle will not be happy. Go with Briony: Start the forest adventure. Tell her not to go: Briony goes anyway, and you won't see her again. Her uncle will not be happy. Ask about Briony's parents: Test: Internal Affairs > 90 to understand her family background. In any case, Briony will stay put. +1 Angry If you go with her, start the forest adventure: Test: Sense Magic > 50 to sense something amiss. Test: Herbs > 70 Fail: You fall victim to monsters. Success: +10 Afraid. Test: Running > 50 Fail: You fall victim to monsters. Success: Test: Horses > 70 Success: You both escape. Fail: Choice: Leave her: You escape, she dies. Her uncle will not be happy. Support her: Test: Dance > 30 Success: You both escape. Fail: You fall victim to monsters. WEEK 30 Events highly dependent on previous choices. If you are in a civil war and holding Briony hostage, choose: I only want peace: You end the civil war. +1 Angry A ransom payment: You receive 2,000 lassi and end the civil war. +1 Willful Exile for the rebels: +1 Willful. Test: Cruelty & Presence (Cruelty > 10 OR Cruelty*10 + Presence > 150): Failure: Battle will commence. Success: The rebel leaders will go into exile, the war is over. If you are in a civil war and do not have a hostage, the rebels will come to make you an offer: Agree: +1 Yielding. Your rule, and the game, ends. Refuse: Battle will commence. +1 Willful Suggest compromise: Test: Public Speaking > 70 Success: You reach a compromise and war is averted. You have a new advisor and a new fianc. Failure: Choose: Surrender: +1 Yielding. Your rule, and the game, ends. Refuse: Battle will commence. +1 Angry If you brought Briony home from Sudbury with you, and you are not at war, her mother comes to collect her. +1 Angry, +5 Pressure If Briony did not come home with you, your father gives you the option to recruit more soldiers.

WEEK 31 If you are at war, determine the outcome of the battle. Test: Military > 1 to be of any use at all. If you are a Lumen, Test: Wield Magic > 90: Partial Success (> 40 < 70): You weaken the enemy. Partial Success (> 70 < 90): Some of the enemy flee before you. Success: You wreak havoc among the enemy. Failure: No effect. The final outcome depends on your military skills and the size of your army. Lose, and the game ends. Win, and the rebel leader is executed and you receive ~1,000 lassi in tribute. Test: Strategy + Logistics > 100 to limit your losses. Test: cruelty > 10: Success: Your soldiers slaughter the wounded enemies. Failure: Test: Battlefield Medicine + Herbs > 60 to limit losses on both sides. If you funded a hospital earlier, this will also help save some lives. If you are not at war, witness a freak wind, and Test: Divination > 40 to realize something. +1 Afraid, +1 Angry If you reached a compromise with the rebels, their leader arrives to be your advisor. Test: Court Manners > 60 to inquire about your new fianc. If you convinced Briony to go home with her mother, a letter arrives from her. Test: Ciphering > 30 to discover a terrible family secret. WEEK 32 Your father suggests you hold a tournament. Will the victors receive: Status and praise: No effect. Employment: Increases soldiers (important for winning naval battle if you aren't using magic). Gold: You set aside a grand prize of 100 lassi for the winners. Vase of flowers. Test: Divination > 70 Success: Something is amiss, unlocks option "Save it for later" Failure: Test: Decoration > 50: +1 Cheerful Chocolates arrive (if you haven't eliminated the sender): Test: Production + Trade > 60 to unlock option "Save it for later" Test: Court Manners > 80 to unlock option "Save it for later" Test: Dogs > 50 to unlock option "Save it for later" If you choose to eat the candy, or eat them automatically: +1 Cheerful, +2 Depresed Test: Poison > 70: Fail: You get poisoned and die. Partial success (> 10 < 70): The maid tries to help you, but you get poisoned and die (perhaps there is a hidden check here?) Success: You save yourself. WEEK 33 Tournament: Option to participate in tournament: Mounted Parade: Test: Horses > 50: Success: You lead the parade. Failure: Test: Composure + Elegance > 60. Success: You look good, even though you don't know how to ride. Failure: You cling to the horse. +1 Afraid Jousting: Test: Horses > 50: Failure: You fall off Success: Test: Polearms > 50 . Failure: You can't lift your lance Success: Test: Horses + Polearms > 160 Partial Success (< 160): You are defeated. Success: You win the first round

Fencing: Test: Swords > 80. Failure: You lose Partial Success (> 30 < 80): You lose a long match. Success: You win your first match Archery: Test: Archery > 10. Failure: You hit nothing Partial Success (> 60 < 100): You are soon eliminated. Success: You rank in top 10 Music: Test: Instrument > 90. Success: Test: Voice > 100. Success: You are the champion! Failure: You make a poor performance. Failure: Test: Voice > 100 Partial Success (> 50 < 100): Nothing special. Success: You do well Failure: Test: Public Speaking > 30. Success: You're very loud... Failure: You don't make a sound Falconry: Test: Falcons > 100. Success: You compete, but to little avail Failure: You're no good. +1 Pressured, +1 Depressed None - Loneliness +1 Succeeding at your tournament event increases your popularity. If Arisse or Briony dies for whatever reason, you will be challenged to a duel, unless you did not participate in any tournament events. Test: Wield Magic > 30 to unlock option "Kill him with magic" Kill him with magic: Test: Wield Magic > 60 Pass: You burn him to a crisp in a cruel action. +1 Willful Fail: You get too close to a sword and die. Refuse: He charges you. +1 Willful. Test: Reflexes + Running > 80 Success: You escape your opponent and he is riddled with arrows. Failure: Test: Falcons > 80: Success: Your falcon diverts your opponent, and he is arrested. Failure: You get too close to a sword and die. Accept: Choice of Swords or Staves. +1 Angry Swords: Test: Swords > 90. Success: You defeat your opponent. Failure: You get too close to a sword and die. Staves: Test: Polearms > 50: Failure: Your skull is cracked open and you die. Success: Test: Polearms + Flexibility > 100 Failure: +1 Afraid. Test: Presence + Public Speaking > 70 Success: Your opponent spares your life. Failure: Your skull is cracked open and you die. Success: Choose: Hit him: You win. +1 Angry Don't: Test: Presence + Public Speaking > 70 Success: Your opponent yields. Commoner approval is increased. Failure: Your opponent broke the rules and is imprisoned. +1 Depressed If you didn't eat the chocolates last week, a servant will eat them instead. If you have Cruelty > 5, you will get +1 Cheerful and be relieved that someone else died. Otherwise, you will get +1 Afraid. WEEK 34 If, during week 18, you chose for your agents to watch for commoner uprisings, you may receive a report. +1 Angry If you recruited the musician for her special talents and was sent chocolate during week 32, she will start an investigation. Whatever your previous choices, your father will inform you of a pending foreign invasion. Choose whether to recruit more soldiers for 2,000 lassi. More soldiers will increase you chances of winning a regular victory. Choose whether to direct the fleet or stay in the capital. Directing the fleet will count your full skills in the battle, but expose you to risk. Staying in the capital will lose the naval battle.

If you made a compromise with the rebels during week 30, and you want to direct your fleet, you must Test: Naval Strategy + Swimming > 110 or be forced to stay at home. If you choose to lead the fleet, and you are a Lumen, you will talk with your magic mentor. If your mentor is a priestess, Test: Foreign Intelligence > 100 to understand something about your enemy. If you have access to at least three Lumen, you can then choose to attempt to sink the invading fleet with magic: Yes: +1 Willful No: +1 Afraid WEEK 35 If you stayed in the capital, there are no checks. Your fleet loses. If you are trying to sink the enemy fleet with magic, and there are 3 Lumen in your circle, Test: Wield Magic > 100: Success: You fight at a distance, Test: Lumen > 300: Failure (< 200): You blow yourself up and die. Partial Success (> 200 < 300): You damage the enemy fleet and proceed to a naval battle. A sea monster will rise next week. Success: The enemy fleet is annihilated. A sea monster will rise next week. Failure: You have to get close, Test: Lumen > 200: Failure: You blow yourself up and die. Success: You damage the enemy fleet and proceed to a naval battle. A sea monster will rise next week. If you are trying to sink the enemy fleet with magic, and there are 4 Lumen in your circle, Test: Wield Magic > 100: Success: You fight at a distance, Test: Lumen > 200: Failure (< 120): You blow yourself up and die. Partial Success(> 120 < 200): You damage the enemy fleet and proceed to a naval battle. A sea monster will rise next week. Success: The enemy fleet is annihilated. A sea monster will rise next week. Failure: You have to get close, Test: Lumen > 200: Failure (< 120): You blow yourself up and die. Partial Success (> 120 < 200): You damage the enemy fleet and proceed to a naval battle. A sea monster will rise next week. Success: You blow the enemy to bits, but are overtaken by a freak wave and drown at sea. Naval battle after trying to sink the enemy with magic: Test: Wield Magic > 60 to inflict some additional damage to the enemy. The final outcome now depends on your Military skills and the number of troops and ships. +3 Cheerful if you win. Naval battle without the magical ritual: If you ceded control of your territory during week 10, Test: Court Manners > 60 to receive foreign aid. Test: Wield Magic > 60 to act as a cannon and inflict some damage to the enemy. The outcome now depends on your Military skills and the number of troops and ships. +3 Cheerful if you win. If you lose, Test: Strategy + Naval Strategy > 150 Success: You escape, but your fleet is lost. Failure: Test Swimming > 100 Failure (< 50): You drown at sea. Partial success (> 50 < 100): Test: Composure > 70 Success: You escape, but your fleet is lost. +5 Afraid Failure: Test: Meditation > 70 Success: You escape, but your fleet is lost. +5 Afraid Failure: You drown at sea. Success: You escape, but your fleet is lost.

To win the naval battle without magic, you need to pass your tests, have many soldiers (Hiring them when prompted and not losing any) AND have enough ships (pass Logistics + Trade check on Week 25, or else have directed your agents to seek foreign threats on Week 18, and choosing to build more ships). Receiving aid from a foreign nation is a valid substitute for building ships. If you don't have enough ships, you will always lose. WEEK 36 If you won the naval battle, you may be holding prisoners. Test: World History > 80 to unlock option "Ransom them all" then decide what to do with them: Ransom them all: Receive 1,000 lassi. o Ransom the rich, conscript the poor: Receive 700 lassi. o Ransom the rich, execute the poor: A cruel action. Receive 700 lassi. Execute them all: A very cruel action. If you lost the naval battle, and are betrothed to Talarist, you can run away to Talasse, but this will lead to a game over. Otherwise, you will meet the enemy commander. Test: Foreign Intelligence > 90: Success: You know something about the enemy commander. Failure: Test: World History > 100 to realize something concerning the enemy commander. Test: Sense Magic > 80 to discover something about the enemy commander. Test: Composure > 40: Success: You remain composed. Failure: Test: Court Manners > 60: Success: You don't show your anger. Failure: +1 Angry Test: Sense Magic > 90 to discover something disturbing. Test: Foreign Intelligence > 90 to replace the option "Offer marriage alliance" with "Sing to him" Now choose: Offer marriage alliance: You discover something unfortunate, make another choice. Offer to give him your power: Test: Cruelty > 10: Success: Choose: o Do it: You do what is necessary and become an evil minion. o Refuse: Make another choice. Failure: You don't have what it takes, make another choice. Refuse outright: Your blood runs dry and you die. Accept his terms: If you are not a Lumen, see below. Test: Resist Magic > 60: Failure (< 30): You are blasted with magic and die. Partial Success (> 30 < 60): You fight, but are blasted with magic and die. Success: Test: Sense Magic > 60 Success: You make a counter attack Failure: Test: Resist Magic > 100 Failure: You are blasted with magic and die. Success: Test: Meditation > 30 Failure: You are blasted with magic and die. Success: You ready a counter attack. +1 Willful Counter attack: Test: Wield Magic > 50: Failure: You attempt to dazzle him, but fail. You are blasted with magic and die. Success: Choose how to fight him: Magic Sword: Test: Reflexes + Swords > 100: Failure: You are blasted with magic and die. Success: You kill the enemy commander. Dazzle him: Test: Wield Magic > 80 Failure: You are blasted with magic and die. Success: Test: Decoration > 70

Failure: You are blasted with magic and die. Success: You kill the enemy commander. Sing to him: Test: Instrument + Voice > 100 Failure: You tried, but failed. Make another choice. Success: Test: Public Speaking > 70 Failure: He was not impressed. Make another choice. Success: Test: Presence > 70 Failure: Not good enough, make another choice. Success: You saved the day with the power of music. If you do not have any magic skills and you accept his terms, Joslyn will duel in your stead and be killed. +10 Depressed, +1 Angry. Test: Composure > 70: Failure: You snap and are killed by magic. Success: Choose: Obey: The invaders leave. +2 Yielding Refuse: You are killed by magic. If you do not meet the enemy commander, and a sea monster has risen, you get +1 Afraid WEEK 37 If the commoner approval is high, everybody loves you. +1-2 Cheerful If you killed the enemy commander in a duel, his soldiers are looting your lands, costing you 1,000 lassi. If your agents were directed to watch for commoner uprisings during week 18, your monetary losses are significantly reduced. If your musician is making an investigation, she will report the results to you. If you passed a Sense Magic check during week 17, but did not act on it, +1 Yielding If your father is dead and you are currently depressed, you will not act on the information. If your dominant mood is not depressed, choose: Execute them: You are running out of family... Do nothing: +1 Depressed, +2 Yielding If your father is alive, +1 Depressed and choose: Decide Lucille is guilty: Execute Lucille only Execute Lucille and Laurent Execute Lucille, banish the rest Execute the entire family Banish the entire family Decide the musician is lying: +1 Angry Imprison her Execute her Ask about Charlotte's powers Execute Lucille only Execute Lucille and Laurent Execute Lucille, banish the rest Execute the entire family Banish the entire family If you performed the magic ritual during week 35, Test: Trade > 40 to understand the consequences of what you unleashed. If you know Charlotte has magical powers, Test: cruelty > 10 to unlock option "Sacrifice Charlotte" - if you have just dealt with her treacherous family, and she is still around, the option is unlocked without a cruelty check. Sacrifice yourself: You are taken by tentacles and die. Sacrifice Charlotte: If your aunt Lucille is alive, your life will be drained next week. Otherwise, you appease the sea monster.

Try to seal it: You survive, but have made a commitment for the next seven years. WEEK 38 If the commoner approval is low, you worry about your choices. +1 Pressured If the commoner approval is low and you directed your agents to watch for commoner uprisings during week 18, you will receive a report. If you have money in your treasury, unlock option "Give out free food." If you have a court musician, unlock option "Stage a concert." If you have Herbs > 10, you unlock the option "Heal the sick", then choose: Give out free food: Let them eat cake! Costs 300 lassi. Your popularity is boosted. Stage a free concert: Your popularity is boosted. Heal the sick: Test Herbs > 80: Success: Your popularity is boosted. Test Divination > 30 to boost it even further. Failure: Test Herbs + Battlefield Medicine > 60: Success: Your popularity is boosted. Failure: Test Decoration > 50 or Elegance > 50: Success: Your popularity is boosted slightly. Make a public appearance: Test Presence + Public Speaking > 110 or Presence + Elegance > 110 or Presence + Decoration > 110: Success: Your popularity is boosted. If your father is dead and you have not executed the rest of your family, they will arive to comfort Elodie. Lucille will try to talk Elodie out of marrying young, citing the example of Cayleigh, Duchess of Elath, Adair's mother. You will not choose a suitor next week. +1 Yielding WEEK 39 If there are no pending disasters, Test Decoration > 30 to improve your appearance. If the commoner approval is low, the peasants will rebel! If you are not a Lumen, you are deposed. If you are a Lumen, you can choose to turn your magic against the peasants. Test Wield Magic > 30: Success: You scare the surviving peasants off. Failure: Test Presence > 100: Success: You scare the peasants off. Failure: Your skull is cracked, resulting in your unfortunate demise. If you haven't chosen a suitor yet, you are given the option of tipping the scales towards a person of your choice. See Marriage.

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