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$ [The Sindh Local Govt: Ordinance 1979, Registration Act 1908 etc: ( ith !


Q. Explain the following:(a) Suppression of Local councils. (b) Qualification of disqualification of a candidate. (c) Deposit and disposal of wills under egistration !ct ("a# $%%$) (d) &ra'erse station (e) !pplicabilit# and scope of !dhesi'e sta(ps (f) Sanad (g) )anal and water course (h) )ouncil and Local )ouncil (i) )ogni*ance and co(pounding of offences under the Sindh Local +o't: ,rd: $%-% (.) /ropagation of Sectarian creeds (0) 1nauthori*ed co((unication of official docu(ents2 infor(ation (l) !ccounts )o((ittee (() epresentati'e (n) 3lood e(ban0(ent (o) "e(ber of a +o't Ser'ant 3a(il# (p) ecogni*ed 1ni'ersit# Q. Short 4otes (a) /owers of Sur'e# ,fficer (b) 4on-&esta(entar# docu(ents. (c) enunciation deed (d) /owers of egistration ,fficer (e) Dower deed. (5une 677%) Q. Define the following:i) /atrol dut# ii) )o(pulsor# functions to be perfor(ed b# )orporations 2 "unicipal )o((ittes iii) Sur'e# operation in cit# i') 8aluations table under sta(p act Q. ! seat of a (e(ber of a "unicipal )o((ittee beco(es 'acant within four (onths before the expir# of the ter( of the )o((ittee9 what is the procedure laid down in the Sindh Local +o't: ,rdinance $%-% to fill such 'acanc#: (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. <hat are the consequences of suppression of a District )ouncil under the pro'isions contained in the Sindh Local +o't: ,rd: $%-%: (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. <hat taxes9 rates and fees can be le'ied b# the "etropolitan )orporations under the SL+, $%-%: Specif# the date fro( which the sa(e co(e into force. (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. 4arrate co(pulsor# functions of )orporations9 "unicipal co((ittees and &own )o((ittees as defined in SL+, $%-%: (5une 677%)

6 [The Sindh Local Govt: Ordinance 1979, Registration Act 1908 etc: ( ith !oo"s#$

Q. <hat are the powers and functions of the following according to =rrigation !ct:i) )anal officer ii) )ollector iii) )o((issioner (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. >ow are water rates and rates for increased water suppl# deter(ined and le'ied under the Sindh =rrigation !ct $?-%: <ho is responsible for using water unauthori*ed and when water runs waste: (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. State9 gi'ing reasons in brief9 whether or not the following docu(ents require registration under the egistration !ct $%7?:$) ! grant of i((o'able propert# b# +o't: 6) !n instru(ent of partition (ade b# a e'enue ,fficer. @) ! certificate of sale granted to the purchaser of propert# sold b# public auction b# a )i'il or e'enue ,fficer. ;) ! lease of i((o'able propert# fro( #ear to #ear. A) 8ariation of a (ortgage b# a subsequent writing. Q. Define powers of +o't: to direct an# council to le'# an# tax9 rate of &oll tax and what further procedure is to be adopted b# concerned council in abo'e context. Q. <hat are the affects of i(proper court fee on docu(ent after registration. >ow deficienc# is reco'ered at later stage. )ite rele'ant section. Q. Define powers of Director Settle(ent Sur'e# and Sur'e# ,fficer. Enu(erate entire process of sur'e# operation of urban area fro( start to co(pletion under pro'isions of )it# Sur'e# !ct. >ow sur'e# officer proceeds to hold inquir# in relation to a building site. (5une 677%) Q. Elucidate docu(ents of which registration is co(pulsor# and what will be effect of non-registration of such docu(ents. Q. <ho are eligible to get land under pro'isions of Sindh +othabad (>ousing Sche(e) !ct $%?-9 and what is procedure to annual such grants. Q. <hat factors are to be conceded to declare certain area as )ala(it# affected area and what relief pac0age is sanctioned. Q. <hat pre-requisite conditions are to be considered to declare certain place as cala(it# hit area and what relief to be pro'ided. Q. /resent resu(e of the Sindh )ourt of <ards !ct depicting therein sole purpose of the !ct and protection-relief pro'ided to such categor# of persons failing within such a(bit.

@ [The Sindh Local Govt: Ordinance 1979, Registration Act 1908 etc: ( ith !oo"s#$

Q. Define the procedure for entertaining and disposal of clai(s b# court of wards: (5une 677%) Q. Li(itation !ct $%7? pro'ides interalia relief to ti(e barred orders to be appealed against and what are conditions to grant or refuse such sanctions. Q. Explain the sole process of grant of land under Sindh +othabad (>ousing Sche(e) $%?- !ct and which factors are considered of sanction of such land: ,r <ho is e(powered for cancelation of grant and under which circu(stances: (5une 677%) Q. Define entire process to be adopted b# egistering ,fficer 'i* Sub- egistrar for registration of docu(ent 'i* sale deed of un(o'able propert#. <hether he has to (a0e spot enquir# or to i(pound such docu(ent and in what circu(stances (cite rele'ant Section 2 ules) Q. 1nder what circu(stances the egistrar should refuse registration of a docu(ent9 are there an# exceptions to it: =f #es what are those: (5une 677%) Q.Describe which properties co(e within a(bit of Sindh )ourt of <ards !ct $%7A9 and how these are disposed off and loo0ed after. Q. Elucidate how 'aluation of sta(p dut# and registration fee of sale deed of i((o'able propert# is deter(ined and how deficienc# is reco'ered in e'ent of i(proper sta(ping and who is co(petent authorit# in abo'e context quoting necessar# law. Q. >ow is the Sta(p dut# ascertained when the 'alue of sub.ect (atter is indeter(inate: (5une 677%) Q. =n what circu(stances does an oral agree(ent relating to i((o'able propert# ta0e effect against a non-testa(entar# registered docu(ent relating to the sa(e propert#: (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. >ow should touring officers plan their touring for (axi(u( ad'antage of the people as well as the +o't: and sta(ping out corruption: (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. Describe the principles for deter(ination of seniorit# inter se in the 'arious grades in the Sindh e'enue Dept: District "inisterial Ser'ice of its (e(bers appointed b# initial recruit(ent 'is-a-'is those appointed other wise. (4o'e(ber $%%;) Q. Define Election !uthorit#: =ts co(position9 function and powers pro'ided in SL+, $%-%: (4o'e(ber $%%$)

; [The Sindh Local Govt: Ordinance 1979, Registration Act 1908 etc: ( ith !oo"s#$

Q. <hat are the qualifications and dis-Qualifications of a candidate for a local council. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. <hat is (eant b# propert# of the )ouncils as per pro'isions of section -B of SL+,. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. what is the procedure of audit of accounts of local )ouncils as pro'ided in section -; SL+,. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define section ?7 of SL+, and explain schedule of establish(ent for local councils. Q. Define section ?$ of SL+, regarding appoint(ents of Ser'ant of )ouncils. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define law regarding settle(ent of disputes concerning <ater )ourse 1nder irrigation !ct. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. what is (eant b# da(ages to canal etc and define section B$ co'ering penalties etc under =rrigation !ct. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. what are the rights and obligations of owners of <ater course under =rrigation !ct (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define law under =rrigation !ct egarding Liabilit# when water ruins waste. Q. <ho are co(petent to present docu(ents for registration under egistration !ct $%7? Q. Define Section @@ of registration !ct $%7?: (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define duties of egistering ,fficers9 when docu(ents are presented under egistration !ct. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define law regarding inspection of certain boo0s and indexes etc and to gi'e certified copies if and when needed under egistration !ct. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define law under +o't Ser'ants ()onduct) ules $%BB regarding ta0ing part in /olitics and Elections b# +o't Ser'ants. (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define Section 6A of +o't Ser'ants ()onduct) ules $%BB: (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. Define ser'ice association and state if ser'ice association and can be for(ed b# +o't Ser'ant (4o'e(ber $%%$) Q. &o what Extent , C " establish(ent "anual can being i(pro'e(ents in da# to da# office routine and wor0ing (4o'e(ber $%%$)

A [The Sindh Local Govt: Ordinance 1979, Registration Act 1908 etc: ( ith !oo"s#$

Q. <hat are executi'e powers and functions of a "a#or of )orporation and )hair(an of "unicipal )o((ittee as pro'ided in the SL+, (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. <hat is the re(ed# for a egistration ,fficer if the docu(ent presented to hi( is in a language which is not understood b# hi( and co((onl# not used in the District: (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. Discuss the pro'isions laid down in egistration !ct $%7? regarding ti(e presenting the docu(ents before the egistrar. (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. D!E is a +o't ,fficer and has barrowed an a(ount of s A772 fro( DFE. a person who has official dealings with D!E. <hether D!E is liable for an# action under the Sindh +o't Ser'ants ()onduct) ules $%BB. is there an# exception pro'ided to a +o't Ser'ant in this regard. (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. >ow the obstructions are re(o'ed under the pro'isions of Sindh =rrigation !ct $?-% C who is the officer co(petent to get those obstructed re(o'ed. (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. Define the (ethod of recruit(ent b# wa# of initial recruit(ent and transfer as laid down in Sindh e'enue Dept District "inisterial Ser'ice ules $%B;9 (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. State the (ini(u( nu(ber of nights to be spent on tour b# 'arious touring officers as en'isaged in section 6 of the ,C" EstabG (anual 8ol-==. (4o'e(ber $%%7) Q. &he +o'ern(ent of Sindh is 0eenl# interested in the De'elop(ent wor0s in the pro'ince and instructions are issued fro( ti(e to ti(e for the extensi'e touring b# the ad(inistrati'e (achiner# for expanding tas0 of de'elop(ent. Enu(erate these instructions as laid down in section 6 of the ,C" EstabG (anual 8ol-==. (4o'e(ber $%%7)

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