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Fernando A.

Blanco Cullar y Elena Giraldo del Viejo


The child grooming is a child befriending and establishing an emotional connection with him, in order to abuse him sexually in most cases.

Sexting is a combination of words sex and texting, sexting is send sexually explicit images or messages from one person to another.

The cyber bulling is to harass a person through the Internet, social networks like Facebook, YouTube or MySpace, games forums, etc.

Phishing is to attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Harassment covers a wide range of behaviours of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behaviour intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive. In the legal sense, it is intentional behaviour which is found threatening.

Deceiving is to make a person believe that you have other aspects and another personality to get something from it.

Flaming is the act of publishing a unfriendly or abusive message in a forum or email list, and the one who sends it, receives the name of flamer. Sometimes they are published in response to a bait or provocative message, designed especially to generate abusive answers.

Hate speech is any communication that insults a person or a group on their race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic. 2 25/11/13


Netiquette is the group of rules that must be followed on the Internet.

- 6 advices to stop Ciberbulling:

Dont respond.

Dont retaliate.

Save the evidence.

Block the bully.

Reach out for help.

Use reporting tools.

- 3 actions to fight Sexting:

Talking about sexting with children. What have those conversations before they begin to use electronic devices with cameras. Teenagers should be aware of the risks of internet.

Electronic devices are not safe. Some believe they have stored on your phone photos of himself sexually explicit poses no risk, as well as store them in the 1 25/11/13


computer. Parents should explain that a cell can be lost or be stolen and then those images will be available to someone else. To avoid this the best solution is that these images do not exist.

They must understand how the computer works webcam. And above all, they should explain to the webcam act like they're in a public place, never undress or show any behavior that would not do in public.

- 10 basic rules of behaviour in the Internet:

Never forget that the person reading the message is a person with feelings that can be hurt. Follow the same rules of behavior online that you follow in real life. Writing all capital letters is considered shouting and Moreover, it is difficult to read. Respect the time and the bandwidth of others. Show the good side of him while you keep in line. Share your knowledge with the community. Help keep the discussions in a safe and educational environment. Respect the privacy of others, make a group against a person is wrong.

Do not abuse of your power.

Be objective about issues that their primary doesn't affect the general.


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