Enforcement of The Promise - Adopted Baby Route Sermon

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Enforcement of the Promise

1. faith is the power to overcome the world. so the devil is against faith. (1 John 5:1-5) 2. will Christ find faith in the world (Luke 18:8) 3. Quote on lowness of faith in this day. 4. What is faith? 5. 6. 7. -Faith was given to be expressed -Is the Sixth sense (Six is the number of man) -it is the only direct and positive sense

8. How to receive faith (faith comes by hearing the Word of God) 9. Disciples and the deaf and dumb boy 10. Enforcement of the Law. 11. The law is the Word and you must know the Word.

PROVING_HIS_WORD JEFF_IN 08-16-64 31 "My timepiece is turning just exactly right. I've got to put you upon the same basis I did the first man, them days. And I put you on the same basis of Luther, and on the same basis of Wesley." Because, you see, sin wasn't known then like it is now. And when we got more knowledge now than we had then, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises a standard against it. See? And now, today we've got more knowledge, more understanding, so the rivers of unbelief is flowing in hard, but God raises a standard against it.

DESPERATIONS_ JEFF_IN 09-01-63 Evening 27 Now, the Word plainly states (if you want to put this down) in Galatians 5 and 6, that faith worketh by love. See? Faith worketh by love. And the only way that you can have faith, is have love first. Because after all, faith is love's incentive. Incentive, that's exactly what--what faith is, is an incentive to love. Now, you--if you don't have love you can't have faith. See? How can you have faith in your wife if you don't love her?

THE_PROPHET_ELISHA CHICAGO_IL 07-23-54 6 And--and when you find unbelief, it's accompanied by hatred. If you find faith, it's accompanied by love, for love creates faith. And without faith, why you can't have love.

GETTING_IN_THE_SPIRIT CHICAGO_IL 04-28-61 "Days of miracles is past. We don't need Divine healing today." Why, we need it more today than we ever had. You say,

"We got the best doctors." That's right. "Got the best medicine." Right. "Got the best hospitals." Right. Got more sickness: right. 'Cause you got more unbelief. Right. That's exactly it.

BE_NOT_AFRAID TULARE_CA 02-24-61 31 You can--we got the biggest churches we ever had, most members we ever had, best dressed we ever had, best fed we ever had, more money than we ever had, more sickness than we ever had, because we got more unbelief than we ever had.

DOOR_TO_THE_HEART PHOENIX_AZ 03-12-60 23 Let's talk of faith just a moment. "Now, I'll let you in, Jesus, but I've got my own faith." Well, He can't do much for you. If you've got your own faith, I don't want no faith. I want His faith. My faith is no good. The faith of God is what we need: God's faith in us. My faith is no good; your faith is no good; it takes Christ to come in and stand in that door of faith and be Lord, Lord over your faith. When you read in the Bible, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever," your faith will say, "That's impossible." But His faith will say, "Amen, I am." If the critic says the days of miracles is past, the faith of God will say, "He doesn't know what he's talking about." If the critic says Jesus doesn't heal, the Holy Spirit standing in the door of your faith will say, "I'm the Lord that healeth all of thy diseases." If just makes such a difference to let Him at that door of faith. RESTORATION_OF_THE_BRIDE_TREE JEFF_IN 04-22-62 Then, we are the--have the privilege to enforce upon Satan the claims that God give us, for God has a law; and His Word is the Law. And God in this Word made certain claims to the church. Therefore, we have a right to force these claims upon Satan and say, "Give it back." And he has to do it, because we can take God's Agent, the Holy Spirit, go right down on our knees, and say, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD." He's got to give it up; that's all, 'cause the Holy Spirit's there to make him do it. 23 The law of the land is to enforce--it's by the land, for the land. But the Law of the Spirit of God is to force Satan to give up that which he has unrightfully, deceitfully taken from God. Souls of men he took from God, souls of women, children; sickness of the body, he placed upon people where God made them in His image to be like Him. And the church is given the rightful, legal rights by the Bible, to take the Holy Spirit and enforce this upon them. I believe, I just quoted it the last meeting here; I'm not sure. But a brother came to Louisville from down in Georgia, and left his car setting over there, and someone stole it. And he had his clothes, his wife's clothes, his children's clothes... It was Brother Evans here I... (They're usually here.) They drive fifteen hundred miles every day when we have service here, coming in here to have service. And the poor fellow was here without anything and seven hundred and something miles from home. And he didn't know what to do. He turned it in to the police, but they had a big racket in Louisville. They were stealing cars and painting them. 24 And you can--don't have to have a title there to sell it; and they can make you a title in a few minutes to any number you'd want to put on it. And so, they were having a terrible time. So we got down on our knees. See, now, Jesus wouldn't have had to do that, for He was the Word. Now, we're not the Word. The Word of the Lord came to the prophets; they wasn't the Word, but the Word come to them. But Jesus was the Word. See? He didn't have to pray; He was God Himself. See? But we are--are His prophets, His servants, who the Word of the Lord comes to. Then the prophet is vindicated by, whether it's the Word of the Lord or not, by what he says comes to pass. So then, we had a Scripture here that Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, and if they will agree (I'll be in their midst)--and if they will agree on touching any one certain thing and ask it (don't doubt it), they shall have what they've asked; it'll be given to them." Now, there's--there's the law. Now, the One that's here to enforce that law is the Holy Spirit. How

about people who don't believe in the Holy Spirit, would reject Him? See? You're--you're rejecting your own peace and mercy. See? 25 Now, we got on our knees, about five men (with Brother Fred Sothmann, and--and many of the others was there)-four or five men; and we knelt down, and I pleaded this case before God. And then, I took the Word of the promise and sent It forth. The great Holy Spirit, as He took the Word to serve the summons, a vision broke, and I saw a man going towards Bowling Green, Kentucky, with a yellow shirt on, driving this truck. The Holy Spirit come upon him, condemned him, and he turned around (about halfway). I saw him come back and park that car on a certain street, over across the river here. And I raised up and told the brethren, THUS SAITH THE LORD. And when they started out, they went on the road, and there was the car setting there, half empty with gasoline where the tank half empty (where it had been filled up), just enough to take him half way to Bowling Green and bring him back. Now, those men are setting right here this morning, as a witness. What is it? Enforcing. "Give it back." See? That's it; that's what it's talking about. "Restore it. Bring it back to its right owner." And if Satan has robbed you of the privilege of being a son or a daughter of God, we have a right this morning by the Holy Spirit to enforce the claim of God: "Bring them back." If he's afflicted you and made you sick, we have a right before God to enforce the laws of God: "By His stripes we are healed." Amen. 26 Bring him back; turn him loose. You're taking him out yonder to death, and we claim him. Bring him back." Now, that's the enforcement. Restore it back to its natural condition again. A man's sick, baby's sick, woman's sick (See?); they're out of their natural condition. Then we have a right to enforce our claim: not our claim it's our claim because God give it to us: "By His stripes we were healed; He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed." Now, we have a right to enforce that law. And the--the Lawgiver, the Holy Spirit Himself is here, the Agent of God to see that it's done that way. Amen. Now, the only way He can work is when you let Him work. See? You've got to believe it. There's a law... Oh, if I ever get to my text. There's a law, there's a law given amongst everything. You know, a fish has a law. And that fish can stand up here in water, and he has a law within him. If he will just let go of that law that's in him, he can sink plumb to the bottom of the sea: won't bother him a bit; won't break one cell. You try to do it. That law's not in you. You can't do it, but the fish can. He deflates himself of that air, such a way that he can; there's nothing in him to burst open. And he's made that way; he knows it, and he can enforce that law to take him plumb to the bottom of the sea and then raise him back up again.

The adopted baby route

1. A restless heart will never gain anything from the Lord (A double minded person is unstable - james) 2. There is nothing more deceitful than the heart of man 3. You should be at ease. Commit your ways to God. 4. Commune with your own soul 5. Let the weak say I am strong 6. The adopted baby route 7. Abraham grew strong giving praise, thanking God.

ELIJAH_ PHOENIX_AZ 03-01-55 Paul Rader, a friend of mine, Baptist preacher, died here some years ago over here in California. A wonderful man, missionary, great believer in healing, told a little story once, said, he was way down South America, somewhere on a missionary trip, he and his wife. And he developed some kind of a fever, yellow fever. I believe, it was black water fever. 37 And it kills you in just a few hours. And he was way back, miles and miles back in the jungles with the natives went back there on a little boat. And said, that after supper that night, they'd eaten, and he went into his room. He was getting sicker and sicker." And he said to his loving wife, he said, "Darling, if you'll just kneel down here and start praying for me," said, "I believe that; it seems like I'm... it's getting black in the room." So she knelt down, held her hands up, said, "Honey, do you want me to go for a doctor?" Said, "No, don't go for the doctor; it'd be too long." Said, "Hard telling, it coming night like this," he said, "you couldn't get the doctor now." He said, "Just pray for me, honey, and keep your hands on me." And it kept getting darker and darker in the room as his life begin to fade out and after while it all become dark. Said he was dreaming he was back up in Oregon again. That was his home, where he used to chop the trees. And he was a very strong man. And said, he... 38 His boss, one time told him. He was dreaming, that said, "Go up the mountain, Paul, and cut me a certain size log and bring it down." He said, "All right, boss." He run up the hillside, said, with the spring of youth in his feet again, in his dream when he was unconscious. And said, he felled the tree right easy. He said, he could feel the axe, as it went down through the soft Oregon fir. And the tree dropped; he trimmed it up like that, stuck his axe into the tree, and tried to pick it up. Oh, he said his strength was gone from him. He said he done everything he could to pick it up. He said, "Well, my strength is completely gone." Maybe that's where you are tonight, your strength completely gone. The hopes is gone, everything gone. Said, he toiled. And he said, "Well, I ought to be able to lift this. I ought be able to pick this up. Why, I've picked them up like this before." Maybe you've been healed before, maybe you've been through prayer lines and you've been healed, but this time you--you just simply can't muster enough faith to get it up the load somehow. He said he just got completely worn out. So he just set down, ducked his head down and started crying. Said, "I'm so weak, I can't move; and I've lost my strength, and I don't know what I'll do." Said he heard his voice of his--the voice of his boss, so gentle and kind. 39 Said he said, "Paul, what's the matter?" He said, "Boss, I--I--I--I just haven't got the strength to pick it up. I just simply can't get it down there." He said, "Paul, you're just doing in vain; you're just tussling in vain." And he said, "Paul, don't you see that stream going down there?" Said, "That stream runs right by the camp." Said, "Why don't you just push it over in the water and jump on it and ride down?" And said when he looked back, his Boss was Jesus. Said, "Just pitch it over in the water, Paul; don't you try anymore. Just get on it and ride down." Said he just pitched it over in the water, jumped in water, begin to splash in water, and the current taking it right on down to camp. He begin screaming at the top of his voice, that his strength was all coming to him, hollering, "I'm a riding on it." And said he come to in the room, screaming at the top of his voice. His wife who had been having her hands laying on him praying, said he jumped up in the middle of the room screaming, when he come to himself, "I'm a riding on it. I'm a riding on it. I'm a riding on it." Brother, that's what it is tonight. I take Jesus Christ at His promise, throw the thing into the waters of the Holy Ghost, and I'll ride on it. Hallelujah. No matter what takes place, I'm a riding on it. Right. Just keep a riding. 40 No matter what everyone, anybody else says, no matter how many times you've tried, just push it over and start riding on it. God will take you right down to the place where you ought to be . Don't you believe it? Why, it hasn't been seven years ago till Mayo Brothers looked me in the face and said, "Reverend Branham, you haven't a chance to live." But I took Him at His Word. I'm a riding on it. Amen. He promised someday He would deliver me over on the other side. The age is coming on, but I'm a riding on it. Some of these days, I'll take out of this life, but I'm a riding on it tonight.

"And every promise in the Book is mine, every chapter, every verse is mine. Oh, my, God promised, "He that heareth My Word, believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life." I'm riding on it. I believe it. Christ said so. What? "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has (right now) Everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life." I've been riding on it for twenty-three years. Hallelujah. The journey will still be in and when it's ended, I'll still be riding on it.

IMAGES_OF_CHRIST JEFF_IN 05-25-59 And if our faith is set right and in the right position, it gives a constant satisfaction . It's just like it's been said about a woman. That maybe when she is married, if she's so--so anxious to embrace her first little baby, that she doesn't hardly know--can wait. But she... her anticipations is so, but behind that, there is a fear if it doesn't quickly show up that she will not have this baby. Then that drives her farther away all the time. 11 Now there's a remedy that they do in these days, and it's worked in all ages. If that woman sees or believes that she's not going to give birth to this baby, if she will just go out and adopt a baby, then the first thing you know, she will have one of her own. Now, that's proven correct nine out of ten times, because that strain of wondering, "Oh, maybe I won't have it." But that takes that little satisfaction there, and it's maybe God's way of getting her in condition, then she will have her own baby, because that scare and anticipations will finally leave her. That's the same way about people who want to get healed. They... If they can just have one little visible evidence. Like Elijah when he said... Gehazi said, "I see a cloud about the size of a man's hand." Elijah says, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." He saw the evidence. That's why, many times, I tell the people, "Go on. Start praising the Lord." See, because that is the adopted baby. 'Cause it's in their intellectual until it comes into their soul that they're healed. Then faith makes it right.

AS_THE_EAGLE_STIRRETH_UP_HER_NEST CHAUTAUQUA_OH 08-15-59 6 Just remember now, as I go on record in these tapes... I say this with all my heart: That if any persons will take the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise that God has made, it'll bring it to pass. If you could take the right an--attitude towards what He said, it'll bring it to pass. I've seen sarcomas cancer leave people by that same thing. Now, maybe you won't be able to receive enough for--just to deliver you all of a sudden. But I might say tonight, just closing, I want to talk to you a moment and say this: If you can't receive enough faith to--to be healed instantly, then you take the adopted baby route. Did you ever hear of adopting a baby? Now, if you take a young woman; she'll may be married and--and she and her husband. And she's scared she isn't going to have a baby. She wants one. And she's so scared she won't have it, she won't. Because just like Job said, "The things that I've feared the most come upon me." See? But you take that same woman... 7 Now, if there's doctors, which there probably is setting by, nurses. You take that same woman and let her adopt a baby, then she'll have one herself. See? It quietens her. Now, if you haven't got enough faith, to receive it right now as a miracle, then take the adopted baby attitude. "Lord, it's mine because You promised it. I'll go from here tonight praising You just the same as I was well." Watch what happens; you'll receive it. It has to happen; God promised it. So, He's the infinite God. And if you can feel just a least little speck of faith that tells you that you'll be all right, you believe it. And just go on thanking Him for it. And then, you remember, they hadn't received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. But they were ten days up there thanking the Lord and praising Him for the promise of the Holy Ghost.

8 And then all of a sudden, It came like a rushing wind. So, you believe that with all your heart. Just remember that. The little boy in the wheelchair, the little colored lad... It's a fine looking young fellow setting here, looking at me on a pillow, the little white boy setting there. This young man laying here on a stretcher, to you out there that's dying of heart trouble, may not live through the night if God don't help you, tubercular, cancer eaten, whatever you may be, if the doctor has given you up, don't lose courage. God is still on the throne. You can believe that, and accept that... I've never seen it fail. I'm fifty years old, been in the ministry thirty years, prayed for millions of people. I've never seen it fail. When a true heart comes to God, and believes with all that's in you, having faith that He will do it, He will do it. Humble yourself into such a place, no matter how God sends it to you... If you're healed instantly, if you're healed by degrees, if you're--if you're put off for... Like Abraham was twenty-five years waiting for the promise. But instead of getting weak, he got stronger of all the time, giving praise to God. Just so that you know that God promised it, and you accept it for yourself; it's got to come to pass.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Luke 18:8 1 John 5:1 Jeremiah 17 Psalms 42:5 Psalms 42:11 Psalms 43:5

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