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English Enhancement Programme For Preschool Teachers Integration Of Strategies


THEME TOPIC Introduction ITo introduce the group members PPreview of the programme 7F6 TIME 30 mins OBJECTIVES TTo inform mentees of the programme Ma e mentees aware of their roles and responsibilities MMa e mentees aware of the 7F6s being fre2uentl- used" ((ble to pronounce and identif- the 7F6s used" ACTIVITIES !!riefing on the programme and the mentees roles and responsibilities" !!rief e#planation of the programme through the overviews" THE LESSON PLAN LESSON 1 Date: ____________________ Time : 1 h !" #$ mi%!te& Theme : M'&e() Lea"%i%* O!t+ me&: $" %nderstand the programme based on the overviews" &" Increase the confidence level in the teaching and learning using the English 'anguage" 3" (ware of their roles and responsibilities" )" *now the features and how to teach using the !ig !oo " +" *now how to celebrate someone,s birthda-" ." %nderstand the significance of birthda-/s0" 1" %nderstand the preparation for a birthda- part-" I%t" ,!+ti % $" Mentor distributes a circle map /(ppendi# $0 and a 2uestions card /(ppendi# &0 to ever- group as guidance" &" Mentor e#plains to the mentees about the circle map /(ppendi# $0" 3 4efer to 'et,s Tal Module Mentor,s 5otes 3" Mentor selects a representative from 3 different groups to tal about oneself" /Mentor chooses the items from the circle map"0 HFW& : i&- a"e- a+ti.e- a%,- &i%*/(a'- 0( 1- "ea,- +(a/- /a&te )" Other mentees will as 2uestions based on the 2uestion card /(ppendi# &0" HFW& : i&- a"e- a+ti.e- a%,- &i%*/(a'- 0( 1- "ea,- +(a/- /a&te Le&& % De.e( /me%t $" (s simple 6782uestions about the !ig !oo " &" Introduce the !ig !oo 3 the features and how to use it" /Mentor demonstrates 9 :ideo0 3" Tal about the boo ,s cover and its title ;7app!irthda- Mimi and (nis," )" Mentor reads the stor- aloud to the mentees using appropriate inflection and tone" +" Mentor encourages the mentees b- as ing them some

M2SELF (Happy Birthday)

30 mins

is< are< active< and< sing< pla-< blow< read< clap< paste /embedded in the shared reading slot0

'et,s Tal

30 mins

IIncrease the confidence level in the teaching and learning using the English 'anguage !- reading this boo mentees will be able to = now the features and how to teach using the !ig !oo " "

MMentor distributes a circle map and 2uestion card as guidance" In groups< each mentee tells about oneself"

Shared 4eading

30 mins

PRE READING Introduce the features and how to use the !ig !oo " /Mentor demonstrates 9 :ideo0 Tal about the boo ,s cover and its title ;7app- !irthda- Mimi and (nis," WHILE READING Mentor reads the storaloud to the audience using appropriate inflection and tone" Mentor encourages the

English Enhancement Programme For Preschool Teachers Integration Of Strategies mentees b- as ing them some 6782uestions Mentor selects some of the mentees to pronounce> o ( word o ( phrase o ( sentence Mentor as s some of the mentees to describe the pictures Mentor selects some interesting new words and as s them to elaborate it 6782uestions" Mentor selects some of the mentees to pronounce> a" ( word b" ( phrase c" ( sentence Mentor as s some of the mentees to describe the pictures Mentor selects some interesting new words and as s them to elaborate on it


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C( &!"e $" Aecorating a part- hat 3 pasting colourful items on it /in class0" &" ?reating a birthda- card 3 Mentees ta e home tas " 3T 0e ,i&/(a'e, ,!"i%* %e4t 1ee56& (e&& %7

POST READING (ctivit- = ?reating !irthda- ?ards

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