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Pre-Week Reviewer in Political Law


Rulings, Requisites and Definitions1) September, 2010

Prepared by



(Political Law/Constitutional Law)


Davao City Iloilo City Cagayan !" O#o City an! $a%&oanga City


(-" ".a%in"" is /#"su%"! to -av" %ast"#"! t-" Constitutional /#ovisions0

Baguio City +antiago City (ag&ila#an City an! 1anila PART I---POLITICAL LAW 1. Define Political Law It is t-at &#anc- o2 /u&lic law w-ic- !"als wit- t-" o#gani3ation an! o/"#ations o2 t-" gov"#n%"ntal o#gans o2 t-" +tat" an! !"2in"s t-" #"lations o2 t-" +tat" wit- t-" in-a&itants o2 its t"##ito#y0 (PEOPLE VS. PERFECTO, 43 Phi . !!") 2. What are included in Political Law? Constitutional Law4 A!%inist#ativ" Law Law o2 Pu&lic O22ic"#s Law on Pu&lic Co#/o#ation El"ction Law 56a0 Is t-" /#ovision o2 t-" Co!" o2 Co%%"#c" /#o-i&iting 7ustic"s an! 7u!g"s 2#o% "ngaging in &usin"ss violat"! &y a 7u!g" w-o is a P#"si!"nt o2 a co#/o#ation in L"yt" w-"#" -is cou#t sits8 'o &"caus" t-" sai! /#ovision is a /olitical law an! t-"#"2o#" t-" sa%" was a&#ogat"! w-"n t-"#" was a c-ang" o2 sov"#"ignty 2#o% +/ain to t-" 9nit"! +tat"s at t-" tu#n o2 t-" c"ntu#y0 (MACARIOLA VS. #UD$E ASUNCION, %%4 SCRA %"") 3. What is the doctrine of constitutional supremacy? 9n!"# t-" !oct#in" o2 constitutional su/#"%acy i2 a law o# cont#act violat"s any no#% o2 t-" constitution t-at law o# cont#act w-"t-"# /#o%ulgat"! &y t-" l"gislativ" o# &y t-" "."cutiv" &#anc- o# "nt"#"! into &y /#ivat" /"#sons 2o# /#ivat" /u#/os"s is null an! voi! an! wit-out any 2o#c" an! "22"ct0 (-us sinc" t-" Constitution is t-" 2un!a%"ntal /a#a%ount an! su/#"%" law o2 t-" nation it is !""%"! w#itt"n in "v"#y statut" an! cont#act0 4. What are the requisites for the e ercise of !people"s initiati#e$ to amend the %onstitution?

It is /#ovi!"! un!"# +"ction 5 A#t0 :VII o2 t-" Constitution w-ic/#ovi!"s t-at ;A%"n!%"nts to t-is Constitution %ay li<"wis" &" !i#"ctly /#o/os"! &y t-" /"o/l" t-#oug- initiativ" u/on a /"tition o2 at l"ast ,5= o2 t-" total nu%&"# o2 #"gist"#"! vot"#s o2 w-ic- "v"#y l"gislativ" !ist#ict %ust &" #"/#"s"nt"! &y at l"ast >= o2 t-" #"gist"#"! vot"# t-"#"in0? (-" Cong#"ss s-all /#ovi!" 2o# t-" i%/l"%"ntation o2 t-" "."#cis" o2 t-is #ig-t0 In s-o#t t-"#" %ust &" a law "nact"! &y Cong#"ss 2i#st0 &. 's there a law now which would pro#ide for the mechanism for the people to propose amendments to the %onstitution by people"s initiati#e? W-il" Cong#"ss -a! "nact"! RA @A>B /u#/o#t"!ly to /#ovi!" t-" %"c-anis%s 2o# t-" /"o/l"Cs "."#cis" t-" /ow"# to a%"n! t-" Constitution &y /"o/l"Cs initiativ" t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in 1IRIA1 DEFE'+OR6 +A'(IAGO "t al0 Vs0 CO1ELEC G0R0 'o0 ,5A>5B 1a#c- ,D ,DDA E Fun" ,G ,DDA t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at RA &"3' i( i)*+,- ./., i)01.230/. +4 50)/i)6 i) .((.)/i0 /.4,( 0)1 *+)1i/i+)( i)(+704 0( i)i/i0/i8. +) 0,.)1,.)/( /+ /h. C+)(/i/3/i+) i( *+)*.4).1. I/( 0*3)0. +) /hi( (39(/0)/i8. ,0//.4 04. 70/0 0)1 *0))+/ 9. *34.1 9: ;.,-+5.4i)6< /h. COMELEC /+ -4+,3 60/. (3*h 43 .( 0)1 4.63 0/i+)( 0( ,0: 9. ).*.((04: /+ *044: /h. -34-+(.( +7 /hi( 0*/. I) LAMBINO VS. COMELEC, h+5.8.4, /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ +) N+8.,9.4 =%, =>>&, i) /h. Mi)3/. R.(+ 3/i+) +7 /h. -./i/i+).4?( M+/i+) 7+4 R.*+)(i1.40/i+), h. 1 /h0/ RA N+. &"3' i( 01.230/. 0)1 *+,- ./. 7+4 /h. -34-+(. +7 -4+-+(i)6 0,.)1,.)/( /+ /h. C+)(/i/3/i+) /h4+36h -.+- .?( i)i/i0/i8. 9: 0 8+/. +7 %> ,.,9.4( 0( -.4 C.4/i7i*0/i+) +7 /h. E) B0)*?( C .4@ +7 C+34/. &(a. )ay the question !Do you appro#e the amendment of *rticles +' and +'' of the 1,-. Philippine %onstitution chan/in/ the form of /o#ernment from Presidential(0icameral to Parliamentary(1nicameral$ be allowed to be submitted to the people for their ratification or re2ection as a means of amendin/ the %onstitution by people"s initiati#e if the requisite number of si/natories 3124 nationwide and at least 34 for e#ery le/islati#e district5 are met? 'o 2o# two (5) #"asons0

,0 (-" sai! ;/#o/osal? !i! not in!icat" w-ic- /#ovisions o2 A#ticl"s VI an! VII a#" actually &"ing a%"n!"! w-ic- is a %ust un!"# +"ction 5 A#t0 :VII0 Ot-"#wis" w-o s-all %a<" t-" a%"n!%"nts i2 t-" /"o/l" in a /l"&iscit" a//#ov" t-" sa%"4 50 C-anging t-" 2o#% o2 gov"#n%"nt 2#o% /#"si!"ntial to /a#lia%"nta#y is an act o2 REVI+I'G t-" Constitution w-ic- is not allow"! un!"# A#t0 :VII +"ction 50 P"o/l"Cs initiativ" %ay only &" allow"! to /#o/os" a%"n!%"nts to t-" Constitution not #"vision0 6. What are the requisites before an amendment to the %onstitution by !people"s initiati#e$ is sufficient in form and in substance? In t-" cas" o2 RA9L L0 LA1BI'O an! ERICO B0 A91E'(ADO tog"t-"# wit- @ >5A DB5 #"gist"#"! vot"#s vs0 ()E CO11I++IO' O' ELEC(IO'+ G0R0 'o0 ,AH,B> Octo&"# 5B 5GG@ BGB +CRA ,@G t-" 2ollowing #"Iuisit"s %ust &" /#"s"ntJ ,0 (-" /"o/l" %ust aut-o# an! %ust sign t-" "nti#" /#o/osal0 'o ag"nt o# #"/#"s"ntativ" can sign 2o# an! on t-"i# &"-al24 50 As an initiativ" u/on a /"tition ()E PROPO+AL 19+( BE E1BODIED I' A PE(I(IO'0 (-"s" "ss"ntial "l"%"nts a#" /#"s"nt only i2 t-" 2ull t".t o2 t-" /#o/os"! a%"n!%"nts is 2i#st s-own to t-" /"o/l" w-o will "./#"ss t-"i# ass"nt &y signing suc- co%/l"t" /#o/osal in a /"tition0 (-us an a%"n!%"nt is ;DIREC(L* PROPO+ED B* ()E PEOPLE ()RO9G) I'I(IA(IVE 9PO' A PE(II(O' ; O'L* IF ()E PEOPLE +IG' O' A PE(I(IO' ()A( OC'(AI'+ ()E F9LL (E:( OF ()E PROPO+ED A1E'D1E'(+0 .. Distin/uish !7e#ision$ from !amendment$ of the %onstitution. ;R.8i(i+)< is t-" alt"#ations o2 t-" !i22"#"nt /o#tions o2 t-" "nti#" !ocu%"nt KConstitutionL0 It %ay #"sult in t-" #"w#iting w-"t-"# t-" w-ol" constitution o# t-" g#"at"# /o#tion o2 it o# /"#-a/s so%" o2 its i%/o#tant /#ovisions0 But w-at"v"# #"sults t-" #"vision %ay /#o!uc" t-" 2acto# t-at c-a#act"#i3"s it as an act o2 #"vision is t-" o#iginal int"ntion an! /lan aut-o#i3"!

to &" ca##i"! out0 (-at int"ntion an! /lan %ust cont"%/lat" a consi!"#ation o2 all t-" /#ovisions o2 t-" Constitution to !"t"#%in" w-ic- on" s-oul! &" alt"#"! o# su//#"ss"! o# w-"t-"# t-" w-ol" !ocu%"nt s-oul! &" #"/lac"! wit- an "nti#"ly n"w on"0 ;A,.)1,.)/< o2 t-" Constitution on t-" ot-"# -an! "nvisag"s a c-ang" o# only a 2"w s/"ci2ic /#ovisions0 (-" int"ntion o2 an act to a%"n! is not to consi!"# t-" a!visa&ility o2 c-anging t-" "nti#" constitution o# o2 consi!"#ing t-at /ossi&ility0 (-" int"ntion #at-"# is to i%/#ov" s/"ci2ic /a#ts o2 t-" ".isting constitution o# to a!! to it /#ovisions !""%"! "ss"ntial on account o2 c-ang"! con!itions o# to su//#"ss /o#tions o2 it t-at s""% o&sol"t" o# !ang"#ous o# %isl"a!ing in t-"i# "22"ct0 (+I'CO Vic"nt" P)ILIPPI'E POLI(ICAL LAW) -. )ay %on/ress propose amendments to the %onstitution while at the same time callin/ for a %onstitutional %on#ention to amend the %onstitution? Yes, there is no prohibition for Congress to propose amendments to the Constitution and at the same time call for the convening of a Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution. The word or in the provision Congress, upon a vote of of all its members; ! "#$ % constitutional Convention under &ection ', %rt. ()** also means %+,. -89:;*L<= +=. %9)<L<%> =% SCRA ""45 ,. What is the !Doctrine of Proper =ubmission$ in connection with proposed amendments to the %onstitution? ,octrine of .roper &ubmission means all the proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to the people for the ratification or re/ection at the same time, not piecemeal. -T 01+T*+ )&. C 2101C, 3' &C!% 45#6 ,G0 W-at is t-" a#c-i/"lagic !oct#in" o# a#c-i/"lago t-"o#y8 It is t-" 5n! s"nt"nc" o2 +"ction , A#t0 I o2 t-" Constitution w-icstat"s t-at ;t-" wat"#s a#oun! &"tw""n an! conn"cting t-" islan!s o2 t-"

a#c-i/"lago #"ga#!l"ss o2 t-"i# &#"a!t- an! !i%"nsions 2o#% /a#t o2 t-" int"#nal wat"#s o2 t-" P-ili//in"s0? 11. What are the elements of !state$? As -"l! in C 001CT ! )&. C%2. & !71,%, 3# &C!% #8, the "l"%"nts o2 a stat" a#"0 ,0 /"o/l" 50 t"##ito#y >0 sov"#"ignty H0 gov"#n%"nt 12. *re the two(fold function of /o#ernment as enumerated by the =upreme %ourt in 0*%*:' +=. :*%9%9> 1?? Phil. 46- 3)inistrant @merely directoryA and %onstituent @)andatoryA Bunctions5 still applicable today? +o more as held in %CC9% )&. C7:C , 85 &C!% ;3<. This is !u" to co%/l".iti"s o2 t-" c-anging soci"ty t-" two62ol! 2unction o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt as classi2i"! &y P#"si!"nt Wilson is no long"# #"l"vant as a #"sult o2 t-" c-anging soci"ty w-"#"in w-at a#" consi!"#"! %"#"ly %inist#ant 2unctions o2 t-" +tat" &"2o#" a#" now consi!"#"! constitu"nt o# vic" v"#sa0 13. What Cind of /o#ernment was the !*quino 8o#ernment$ after former President )arcos left )alacanan/ for Dawaii due to the <D=* 7e#olution in Bebruary 1,-6. %s held in *n !e= SATURNINO BERMUDEA, %4' SCRA %&>, t-" sa%" is !" 7u#"0 A gov"#n%"nt 2o#%"! as a #"sult o2 a /"o/l"Cs #"volution is consi!"#"! !" 7u#" i2 it is al#"a!y acc"/t"! &y t-" 2a%ily o2 nations o# ot-"# count#i"s li<" t-" 9nit"! +tat"s G#"at B#itain G"#%any Fa/an an! ot-"#s0 ,>6a0 )ow a&out t-" gov"#n%"nt o2 P#"si!"nt Glo#ia A##oyo a2t"# 2o#%"# P#"si!"nt Fos"/- Est#a!a l"2t 1alacanang as a #"sult o2 ED+A II on Fanua#y 5G 5GG,8 It was !" 7u#" gov"#n%"nt &"caus" s-" succ""!"! P#"si!"nt Est#a!a &"ing t-" Vic" P#"si!"nt un!"# t-" ,DMA Constitution w-"n P#"si!"nt Est#a!a ;const#uctiv"ly? #"sign"!0 Fu#t-"# s-" is t-" on" #"cogni3"! &y Cong#"ss as "vi!"nc"! &y t-"i# actions o2 con2i#%ing -"# no%ination o2 a

n"w Vic" P#"si!"nt in t-" /"#son o2 +"nato# ("o/isto Guingona an! &y su&%itting t-" &ills t-"y a//#ov"! to -"# 2o# -"# a//#oval o# #"7"ction0 (#OSEPH ESTRADA VS. DESIERTO B $LORIA MACAPA$AL ARROYO,$.R. N+(. %4&"%>-%' 0)1 %4&"3!, M04*h =, =>>%) %4. Wh0/ 04. /h. /h4.. (3) @i)1( +7 1. 70*/+ 6+8.4),.)/C As -"l! in CO DIM CHAM VS. VALDEA TAN DEH, "' Phi . %%3, t-" t-#"" (>) <in!s o2 !" 2acto gov"#n%"nts a#"J a0 (-" 2i#st o# gov"#n%"nt !" 2acto in a /#o/"# l"gal s"ns" is t-at gov"#n%"nt t-at g"ts /oss"ssion an! cont#ol o2 o# usu#/s &y 2o#c" o# &y t-" voic" o2 t-" %a7o#ity t-" #ig-t2ul l"gal gov"#n%"nts an! %aintains its"l2 against t-" will o2 t-" latt"# sucas t-" gov"#n%"nt o2 Englan! un!"# t-" Co%%onw"alt- 2i#st &y Pa#lia%"nt an! lat"# &y C#o%w"ll as P#ot"cto#0 &0 (-" s"con! is t-at w-ic- is "sta&lis-"! an! %aintain"! &y %ilita#y 2o#c"s w-o inva!" an! occu/y a t"##ito#y o2 t-" "n"%y in t-" cou#s" o2 wa# an! w-ic- is !"no%inat"! a gov"#n%"nt o2 /a#a%ount 2o#c" as t-" cas"s o2 Castin" in 1ain" w-ic- was #"!uc"! to B#itis- /oss"ssion in t-" wa# o2 ,M,5 an! (a%/ico 1".ico occu/i"! !u#ing t-" wa# wit- 1".ico &y t-" t#oo/s o2 t-" 9nit"! +tat"s0 c0 An! t-" t-i#! is t-at "sta&lis-"! as an in!"/"n!"nt gov"#n%"nt &y t-" in-a&itants o2 a count#y w-o #is" in insu##"ction against t-" /a#"nt stat" o2 sucas t-" gov"#n%"nt o2 t-" +out-"#n Con2"!"#acy in #"volt not conc"#n"! in t-" /#"s"nt cas" wit- t-" 2i#st <in! &ut only wit- t-" s"con! an! t-i#! <in!s o2 !" 2acto gov"#n%"nts0 NBut t-"#" is anot-"# !"sc#i/tion o2 gov"#n%"nt call"! also &y /u&licists a gov"#n%"nt !" 2acto &ut w-ic- %ig-t /"#-a/s &" %o#" a/tly !"no%inat"! a gov"#n%"nt o2

/a#a%ount 2o#c"0 Its !istinguis-ing c-a#act"#istics a#" (,) t-at its ".ist"nc" is %aintain"! &y activ" %ilita#y /ow"# wit- t-" t"##ito#i"s an! against t-" #ig-t2ul aut-o#ity o2 an "sta&lis-"! an! law2ul gov"#n%"nt4 an! (5) t-at w-il" it ".ists it n"c"ssa#ily &" o&"y"! in civil %att"#s &y /#ivat" citi3"ns w-o &y acts o2 o&"!i"nc" #"n!"#"! in su&%ission to suc2o#c" !o not &"co%" #"s/onsi&l" o# w#ong!o"#s 2o# t-os" acts t-oug- not wa##ant"! &y t-" laws o2 t-" #ig-t2ul gov"#n%"nt0 1&. What is the postliminy theory or 2us postliminium? W-"n a 2o#"ign /ow"# occu/i"s a stat" an! "."#cis"s t-" /ow"#s o2 gov"#n%"nt t-" /olitical laws o2 t-" sai! stat" a#" !""%"! auto%atically sus/"n!"! &ut t-" 2o#%"# gov"#n%"nt auto%atically co%"s to li2" an! will &" in 2o#c" an! in "22"ct again u/on t-" #"6"sta&lis-%"nt o2 t-" 2o#%"# gov"#n%"nt0 (T0: +4, I)/.4)0/i+)0 L05, -. &%', *i/.1 i) CO DIM CHAM VS. VALDEA TAN DEH, "3 Phi . %%3) 16. What is the doctrine of so#erei/nty as !auto limitation$? In t-" succinct languag" o2 F"llin"< it Nis t-" /#o/"#ty o2 a stat"62o#c" !u" to w-ic- it -as t-" ".clusiv" ca/acity o2 l"gal s"l26!"t"#%ination an! s"l26#"st#iction.E A (/0/. /h.), i7 i/ *h++(.( /+, ,0: 4.740i) 74+, /h. .F.4*i(. +7 5h0/ +/h.45i(. i( i i,i/09 . *+,-./.)*..E (-" o/inion was at /ains to /oint out t-oug- t-at "v"n t-"n t-"#" is at t-" %ost !i%inution o2 7u#is!ictional #ig-ts not its !isa//"a#anc"0 (Cit"! in 7<*8*: +=. %9))'=='9:<7> P<9PL< +=. 89;9> &3 =%7* 4.6 and %9))'=='9:<7 +=. 790<7E=9:> 143 =%7* 3,.5 1.. What is the !incorporation theory$ or the !'ncorporation %lause$ of the %onstitution? It is t-" /#inci/l" "%&o!i"! in +"ction 5 A#ticl" II o2 t-" Constitution w-ic- stat"s t-at ;Th. Phi i--i).( 01+-/( /h. 6.).40 : 0**.-/.1

-4i)*i- .( +7 i)/.4)0/i+)0 05 0( -04/ +7 /h. 05 +7 /h. 0)1<. As sucan un!"si#a&l" ali"n %ay not &" 7ail"! 2o# an in!"2init" /"#io! o2 ti%" &"caus" no /lan" o# s-i/ 2#o% -is count#y wants to ta<" -i% out o2 t-" P-ili//in"s wit-out violating t-" 9niv"#sal D"cla#ation o2 )u%an Rig-ts w-"#" t-" P-ili//in"s is a signato#y (ME#OFF VS. DIRECTOR OF PRISONS, G> Phi . ">. (-" P-ili//in"s coul! also us" int"#national laws /unis-ing wa# c#i%"s against t-" Fa/an"s" sol!i"#s "v"n t-oug- w" a#" not signato#i"s to it sinc" t-"y a#" !""%"! inco#/o#at"! in ou# laws &"ing ;g"n"#ally acc"/t"! /#inci/l"s o2 int"#national law (O9RODA V+0 FALA'DO'I M> P-il ,A,)0 (-" sa%" is t#u" wit- t-" Vi"nna Conv"ntion on Roa! +igns "tc0 is !""%"! inco#/o#at"! in ou# laws t-"#"&y vali!ating t-" #"Iui#"%"nt 2o# all v"-icl" own"#s to -av" "a#ly wa#ning !"vic"s (A$USTIN VS. EDU, !! SCRA %G'). 1-. 'n case of conflict between a constitutional ri/ht of a citiFen and a /enerally accepted principle of international law where we a a si/natory> which shall pre#ail? In t-" cas" o2 REYES VS. BA$ATSIN$,%=' SCRA ''3 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" constitutional #ig-t s-all /#"vail0 (-oug- A#ticl" 55 o2 t-" Vi"nna Conv"ntion on Di/lo%atic R"lations /#o-i&its #alli"s wit-in BGG 2""t o2 any 2o#"ign "%&assy t-" sa%" s-all giv" way to t-" constitutional #ig-t o2 t-" citi3"ns to ;/"ac"a&ly ass"%&l" an! to /"tition t-" gov"#n%"nt 2o# #"!#"ss o2 t-"i# g#i"vanc"s?0 1,. )ay a citiFen refuse to render personal military ser#iceGtrainin/ because he does not ha#e military inclination or he does not want to Cill or be Cilled? 'o as -"l! in P<9PL< +=. L*8)*:> 66 Phil. 13. The appellant>s argument that he does not want to /oin the armed forces because he does not want to ?ill or be ?illed and that he has no militar@ inclination is not acceptable because it is his obligation to /oin the armed forces in connection with the defense of the &tate provision of the Constitution. 5G. 's the !separation of church and state$ a myth or a reality? It is a #"ality as s-own &y t-" 2ollowing /#ovisions o2 t-" Constitution0


,0 ART. III, S.*. '. 'o law s-all &" %a!" #"s/"cting an "sta&lis-%"nt o2 #"ligion o# /#o-i&iting t-" 2#"" "."#cis" t-"#"o20 (-" 2#"" "."#cis" an! "n7oy%"nt o2 #"ligious /#o2"ssion an! wo#s-i/ wit-out !isc#i%ination o# /#"2"#"nc" s-all 2o#"v"# &" allow"!0 'O RELIGIO9+ (E+( +)ALL BE REP9IRED FOR ()E E:ERCI+E OF CIVIL OR POLI(ICAL RIG)(+0 50 ART. VI, S.*. =! (3). C-a#ita&l" institutions c-u#c-"s %osIu"s non6/#o2it c"%"t"#i"sQactually !i#"ctly an! ".clusiv"ly us"! 2o# #"ligious c-a#ita&l" o# "!ucational /u#/os"s s-all &" "."%/t 2#o% ta.ation0 >0 ART. VI, S.*. =G .(=). 'o /u&lic %on"y o# /#o/"#ty s-all &" a//#o/#iat"! a//li"! /ai! 2o# t-" &"n"2it !i#"ctly o# in!i#"ctly 2o# t-" us" &"n"2it o# su//o#t o2 any s"ct c-u#c- !"no%ination o# #"ligion ".c"/t w-"n suc- /#i"st %inist"#00 is assign"! to t-" a#%"! 2o#c"s o# to any /"nal institution o# gov"#n%"nt o#/-anag" o# l"/#osa#iu%0 H0 ART. IX, C, =('). R"ligious !"no%inations an! s"cts s-all not &" #"gist"#"!Qas /olitical /a#ti"s0 ('O(EJ R"ligious o#gani3ations a#" also /#o-i&it"! ion conn"ction wit- s"cto#al #"/#"s"ntativ"s un!"# A#t0 VI) B0 ART. XIV, S.*. 3(3)0 At t-" o/tion in w#iting &y /a#"nts #"ligion s-all &" allow"! to &" taug-t to t-"i# c-il!#"n in "l"%"nta#y an! -ig- sc-ools wit-in t-" #"gula# class -ou#s &y inst#ucto#s !"signat"! o# a//#ov"! &y #"ligious aut-o#iti"s to w-ic- sai! c-il!#"n &"long wit-out a!!itional cost to t-" gov"#n%"nt0 ('O(EJ 5GGM Ba# Pu"stion)

21. What are the four factors to be considered by the Philippines in dealin/ with other nations under the %onstitution? As /#ovi!"! in +"ction A o2 A#t0 II (-" P-ili//in"s s-all /u#su" an in!"/"n!"nt 2o#"ign /olicy0 In its #"lations wit- ot-"# stat"s t-" /a#a%ount consi!"#ation s-all &" K,L )0/i+)0 (+8.4.i6)/:, H=I /.44i/+4i0 i)/.64i/:, H3I )0/i+)0 i)/.4.(/, 0)1 H4I /h. 4i6h/ /+ (. 7-1./.4,i)0/i+),


22. 's there an absolute prohibition for the Philippines to be equipped with nuclear weapons? 'o as stat"! in +"ction M A#t0 II ;t-" P-ili//in"s consistent with the national interest a!o/ts an! /u#su"s a /olicy o2 2#""!o% 2#o% nucl"a# w"a/ons in its t"##ito#y0? As suc- i2 it is consist"nt wit- national int"#"st t-" sa%" is not /#o-i&it"!0 23. 's !di#orce$ prohibited by the 1,-. Philippine %onstitution? J Fat-"# B"#nas o/in"s t-at t-" /#ovision o2 t-" Constitution (+"ction ,5 A#t0 III) w-ic- /#ovi!"s in /a#t t-at t-" ;+tat" s-all (/4.)6/h.) t-" 2a%ily? !o"s not ta<" a stan! on !ivo#c" t-oug- it a//"a#s t-at a !ivo#c" law woul! ;&#"a<? t-" 2a%ily inst"a! o2 ;st#"ngt-"ning? it0 As suc- a Divo#c" Law to &" /ass"! &y Cong#"ss %ay o# %ay not &" unconstitutional0 23. 's abortion allowed in the Philippines? +"ction ,5 A#t0 II /#o-i&its all 2o#%s o2 a&o#tion ".c"/t ;t-"#a/"utic a&o#tion? o# w-"n t-" li2" o2 t-" %ot-"# is in !ang"#0 ('ot"J In t-" 9nit"! +tat"s a&o#tion is allow"! &ut only u/ to t-" 5n! t#i%"st"# o2 t-" /#"gnancy KROE vs0 WADEL) 5H. 's a law prohibitin/ the sale of !/irlie 3bold5 ma/aFines$ to minors #iolates the ri/ht of parents in rearin/ their children for ci#ic efficiency? 'o as -"l! in t-" cas" o2 $INSBER$ VS. NEW YORD, 3G> US &=G (%G&G) a law /#o-i&iting t-" sal" o2 ;gi#li" %aga3in"s? K&ol!8) is constitutional an! !o"s not violat" t-" a&ov" /#ovision0 (-is is so &"caus" /a#"nts coul! &uy sai! %aga3in"s 2o# t-"i# c-il!#"n i2 t-"y &"li"v" t-" sa%" is al#"a!y suita&l" to t-" un!"#stan!ing o2 t-"i# c-il!0 (-is is in acco#!anc" wit- t-is /#ovision w-ic- stat"s t-at t-" /a#"nts -av" t-" ;natu#al an! /#i%a#y #ig-t in #"a#ing t-"i# c-il! 2o# civic "22ici"ncyQ? 2&. )ay the =tate prohibit the teachin/ of a particular lan/ua/e in any school?


'o as -"l! in MEYER VS. NEBRASDA, =&> US =&> (%G==) &"caus" t-" c-il! is not a %"#" c#"atu#" o2 t-" +tat" an! t-" /a#"nts -av" t-" natu#al #ig-t an! !uty o2 #"a#ing t-"i# c-il!#"n 2o# civic "22ici"ncy0 26. )ay the =tate require parents to enroll their small children only to public schools #alid? As -"l! in PIERCE VS. SOCIETY OF SISTERS, =&! US '%> (%G=') a law #"Iui#ing s%all <i!s to &" "n#oll"! in /u&lic sc-ools only is unconstitutional sinc" it int"#2"#"s wit- t-" #ig-t o2 /a#"nts in #"a#ing t-"i# c-il!#"n0 (-"y -av" t-" #ig-t to c-oos" w-ic- sc-ool is &"st suit"! 2o# t-" !"v"lo/%"nt o2 t-"i# c-il!#"n wit-out int"#2"#"nc" 2#o% t-" +tat"0 ()I+ I+ +O BECA9+E ()E C)ILDRE' ARE 'O( 1ERE CREA(9RE+ OF ()E +(A(E0 2.. Do we practice the free enterprise system in the Philippines or is it the welfare state concept? Distin/uish the two. As -"l! in ACCFA V+0 C9GCO >G +CRA @HD t-" P-ili//in"s n"v"# /#actic"! t-" 2#"" "nt"#/#is" syst"%?0 It is t-" w"l2a#"6stat" conc"/t w-ic- is &"ing 2ollow"! as s-own &y t-" constitutional /#ovision on ag#a#ian #"2o#% -ousing /#ot"ction to la&o#Q ('O(E -ow"v"# t-at t-" ,DMA Constitution -av" /#ovisions w-ic- /#ovi!" 2o# ;2#"" "nt"#/#is")0 (-" sai! !oct#in" was #"it"#at"! in P)ILIPPI'E COCO'9( DE+ICCA(OR+ V+0 P)ILIPPI'E COCO'9( A9()ORI(* 5M@ +CRA ,GD w-"#" it was -"l! t-at t-" P-ili//in" Constitutions sta#ting 2#o% t-" ,D>B !ocu%"nt )AVE REP9DIA(ED laisseA faire (o# t-" !oct#in" o2 2#"" "nt"#/#is") as an "cono%ic /#inci/l" an! alt-oug- t-" /#"s"nt Constitution "ns-#in"s 2#"" "nt"#/#is" as a /olicy it n"v"#t-"l"ss #"s"#v"s to t-" gov"#n%"nt t-" /ow"# to int"#v"n" w-"n"v"# n"c"ssa#y to /#o%ot" t-" g"n"#al w"l2a#"0 As suc2#"" "nt"#/#is" !o"s not call 2o# t-" #"%oval o2 ;/#ot"ctiv" #"gulations? 2o# t-" &"n"2it o2 t-" g"n"#al /u&lic0 (-is is so &"caus" un!"# A#t0 :II +"ctions @ an! D it is v"#y cl"a# t-at t-" gov"#n%"nt #"s"#v"s t-" /ow"# to int"#v"n" w-"n"v"# n"c"ssa#y to /#o%ot" t-" g"n"#al w"l2a#" an! w-"n t-" /u&lic int"#"st so #"Iui#"s0 ="-0. M0: /h. PC$$ C+,,i((i+).4( 4.73(. /+ 0--.04 9.7+4. 0 S.)0/. C+,,i//.. *+)13*/i)6 0 .6.1 i44.63 04i/i.( *+,,i//.1 9: /h., 5hi . (i//i)6 i) /h. B+041 +7 PHILCOMSAT, 0 -4i80/. 7i4, (.23.(/.4.1 9: /h. 6+8.4),.)/ +) 0**+3)/ +7 EF.*3/i8. O41.4 N+. % -4+8i1i)6 /h0/


/h.: (h+3 1 )+/ 9. /h. (39J.*/ +7 0): i)8.(/i60/i+) i) *+)).*/i+) 5i/h /h.i4 0*/( i) *+)).*/i+) 5i/h /h. -.47+4,0)*. +7 /h.i4 13/i.( 0( (3*hC 'o0 +uc- act woul! violat" +"ction 5M A#t0 II o2 t-" Constitution %an!ating !isclosu#" o2 all /u&lic t#ansactions involving t-" /u&lic int"#"st0 +uc- act woul! also violat" t-" ;#ig-t to in2o#%ation on %att"#s o2 /u&lic conc"#n? as w"ll as t-" ;/u&lic accounta&ility o2 /u&lic o22icials? as "%&o!i"! in +"ction , A#t0 :I o2 t-" ,DMA Constitution not to %"ntion t-at suc- woul! #"n!"# nugato#y t-" /ow"# o2 Cong#"ss un!"# +"ction 5, A#t0 VI0 I' FAC( GOVER'1E'( OFFICIAL+ )AVE LI1I(ED RIG)( (O PRIVAC*0 (+ABIO V+0 GORDO' BGH +CRA AGH) 2-. What *re the limitations to the %on/ress power to e ercise le/islati#e power? (-" li%itations a#"J ,0 it cannot /ass i##"/"ala&l" laws 50 /#inci/l" o2 s"/a#ation o2 /ow"#s >0 non6!"l"ga&ility o2 l"gislativ" /ow"#s 2,. What are the constitutionally allowed !dele/ation of le/islati#e power$ by %on/ress? (-" /"#%issi&l" !"l"gation o2 l"gislativ" /ow"# a#"0 , ) S.*. =3 (=) +7 A4/i* . VI (E%"#g"ncy /ow"#s to t-" P#"si!"nt in cas" o2 wa# o# ot-"# national "%"#g"ncy 2o# a li%it"! /"#io! an! su&7"ct to suc- #"st#ictions as Cong#"ss %ay /#ovi!" to "."#cis" /ow"#s n"c"ssa#y an! /#o/"# to ca##y out a !"cla#"! national /olicy0 9nl"ss soon"# wit-!#awn &y R"solution o2 Cong#"ss suc/ow"#s s-all c"as" u/on t-" n".t a!7ou#n%"nt t-"#"o20 5) S.*. =! (=) +7 A4/i* . VI. (-" Cong#"ss %ay &y law aut-o#i3" t-" P#"si!"nt to 2i. wit-in s/"ci2i"! li%its an! su&7"ct to suc- li%itations an! #"st#ictions as it %ay i%/os" ta#i22 #at"s i%/o#t an! "./o#t Iuotas tonnag" an! w-a#2ag" !u"s an! ot-"# !uti"s o# i%/osts wit-in t-" 2#a%"wo#< o2 t-" national !"v"lo/%"nt /#og#a% o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt0 >) D"l"gation to local gov"#n%"nts


H) D"l"gation o2 Rul"6%a<ing /ow"# to a!%inist#ativ" &o!i"s B) D"l"gation to t-" P"o/l" (+"ction 5 A#t0 :VII o2 t-" Constitution an! +"ction >5 A#ticl" VI666(-" Cong#"ss s-all as "a#ly as /ossi&l" /#ovi!" 2o# a syst"% o2 initiativ" an! #"2"#"n!u% an! t-" ".c"/tions t-"#"2#o% w-"#"&y t-" /"o/l" can !i#"ctly /#o/os" an! "nact laws o# a//#ov" o# #"7"ct any act o# law o# /a#t t-"#"o2 /ass"! &y t-" Cong#"ss o2 local l"gislativ" &o!y a2t"# t-" #"gist#ation o2 a /"tition t-"#"o2 sign"! &y at l"ast ,G= o2 t-" total nu%&"# o2 #"gist"#"! vot"#s o2 w-ic"v"#y l"gislativ" !ist#ict %ust &" #"/#"s"nt"! &y at l"ast >= o2 t-" #"gist"#"! vot"#s t-"#"o20 3?. What is the completeness test? Ehe sufficiency of standard test? As -"l! in PELAEA VS. AUDITOR $ENERAL, %' SCRA '&GK (a) %ompleteness Eest si%/ly %"ans t-at t-" law %ust &" co%/l"t" in its"l2 w-"n it l"2t Cong#"ss0 It %ust s"t 2o#t- t-"#"in t-" /olicy to &" "."cut"! ca##i"! out o# i%/l"%"nt"! &y t-" !"l"gat" w-ic- is not giv"n any !isc#"tion4 an! (&) =ufficiency of =tandards Eest si%/ly #"Iui#"s Cong#"ss to 2i. a stan!a#! t-" li%its o2 w-ic- a#" su22ici"ntly !"t"#%inat" o# !"t"#%ina&l" to w-ic- t-" !"l"gat" %ust con2o#% in t-" /"#2o#%anc" o2 -is 2unctions0 +o%" o2 t-" stan!a#!s to gui!" t-" !"l"gat" a#" g"n"#al w"l2a#" /u&lic int"#"st "tc0 31. 's it constitutional for the %9)<L<% to require candidates for all electi#e offices> includin/ those for President> +P> =enators and members of the Douse of 7epresentati#es to submit a %ertification from a /o#ernment(accredited dru/(testin/ centers that they are free from prohibited dru/s before their %ertificate of %andidacy is admitted? 'o t-" CO1ELEC R"solution is unconstitutional0 It a!!s a!!itional Iuali2ications 2o# t-" P#"si!"nt VOP +"nato#s an! 1"%&"#s o2 t-" )ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s not #"Iui#"! &y t-" Constitution0 (PIMENTEL VS. COMELEC, $.R. N+. %&%&'!, N+8.,9.4 3, =>>!) 31(a. 's a Bilipino citiFen who became a member of the 1= *rmed Borces and therefore at one time a 1= %itiFen considered !natural born$


for purposes of complyin/ with the qualifications of a member of the Douse of 7epresentati#es8 *"s as -"l! in ANTONIO BEN$SON III VS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL 0)1 TEODORO CRUA, 3'" SCRA '4' &"caus" R"/0 Act 'o0 5@>G /#ovi!"s t-at ;Any /"#son w-o -a! lost -is P-ili//in" Citi3"ns-i/ &y #"n!"#ing s"#vic" to o# acc"/ting co%%ission in t-" A#%"! Fo#c"s o2 t-" 9nit"! +tat"s o# a2t"# s"/a#ation 2#o% t-" A#%"! Fo#c"s o2 t-" 9nit"! stat"s acIui#"! 9+ citi3"ns-i/ 1A* REACP9IRE P)ILIPPI'E CI(I$E'+)IP B* (AOI'G A' OA() OF ALLEGIA'CE (O ()E REP9BLIC OF ()E P)ILIPPI'E+ A'D REGI+(ERI'G ()E +A1E WI() ()E LOCAL CIVIL REGI+(R* I' ()E PLACE W)ERE )E RE+IDE+ OR LA+( RE+IDED I' ()E P)ILIPPI'E+0 (-" sai! Oat- o2 all"gianc" s-all contain a #"nunciation o2 any ot-"# citi3"ns-i/0? An! -" s-all still &" consi!"#"! ;natu#al &o#n? Fili/ino citi3"n0 32. 'f the candidate for %on/ressman is subsequently disqualified for non(compliance of the residence requirement under *rt. +'> may the 2nd placer be declared the winner in his place? When may the 2 nd placer be allowed to be declared the winner? It !"/"n!s0 As -"l! in OCAMPO VS. HOUSE ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL 0)1 MARIO CRESPO, 0.@.0. MARD #IMENEA, #3). %', =>>4. ,0 (-"#" %ust &" a 2inal 7u!g%"nt !isIuali2ying a can!i!at" in o#!"# t-at t-" vot"s o2 a !isIuali2i"! can!i!at" can &" consi!"#"! ;st#ay?0 (-is 2inal 7u!g%"nt %ust &" #"n!"#"! BEFORE THE ELECTION0 (-is was t-" #uling in t-" cas" o2 CODILLA V+0 DE VE'ECIA0 )"nc" w-"n a can!i!at" -as not &""n !isIuali2i"! &y 2inal 7u!g%"nt !u#ing t-" "l"ction !ay -" was vot"! 2o# t-" vot"s cast in -is 2avo# cannot &" !"cla#"! st#ay0 (o !o so woul! a%ount to !is"n2#anc-ising t-" "l"cto#at" in w-o% sov"#"ignty #"si!"s0 (-" #"ason &"-in! t-is is t-at t-" /"o/l" vot"! 2o# -i% &ona 2i!" an! in t-" -on"st &"li"2 t-at t-" can!i!at" was t-"n Iuali2i"! to &" t-" /"#son to w-o% t-"y woul! "nt#ust t-" "."#cis" o2 t-" /ow"#s o2 gov"#n%"nt0 50 (-" !isIuali2ication o2 a can!i!at" w-o o&tain"! t-" -ig-"st nu%&"# o2 vot"s AFTER THE ELECTION !o"s not "ntitl" t-" s"con! /lac"# to &" !"cla#"! t-" winn"#0 (-" sai! /#inci/l" was lai! !own as "a#ly as


,D,5 an! #"it"#at"! in t-" cas"s o2 LABO VS. COMELEC, ABELLA VS. COMELEC 0)1 DOMINO VS. COMELEC0 32-a. Is there compliance of the residence requirement for Members of the House of Representatives if the candidate has a residential house in Pagsanjan !aguna "hich is part of the # th $istrict and "here he resided as %ice &overnor of !aguna before but leased a place in 'ta. Rora "hich is part of the (st $istrict and sta)ed there for more than ( )ear before the Ma) 2**+ elections and enrolled his children in schools in 'ta. Rosa if he files his certificate of candidac) for ,ongressman of the (st $istrict of !agunaYes. The Constitution does not re uire !ro!ert" o#nershi! in the !$%&e #here the &%ndid%te is residin' %s $on' %s he &o(!$ies #ith the residen&e re uire(ent o) %t $e%st 1 "e%r i((edi%te$" !re&edin' the e$e&tions. *DANILO FERNANDEZ VS. HRET, G.R. No. 187478, December 21, 2009 32-b. In order to validl) create an aditional district for ,aga)an de .ro ,it) must the la" creating it be first submitted to the people therein in a plebiscite in accordance "ith 'ection (* /rt. 0 of the (12+ ,onstitutionNo+ ,e&%use the &re%tion o) %nother distri&t #hen the s%(e is #%rr%nted is %uthori-ed under .e&tion 5 + Art. /0 %nd there is no need )or % !$e,is&ite %s !ro1ided under .e&tion 10+ Art. 2 sin&e in su&h % situ%tion+ Con'ress is not &re%tin' % ne# nor di1idin' % $o&%$ 'o1ern(ent unit. 34/&/456. %'. ,.M7!7, $ecember 2 2**28 32-c. Is the la" creating a ne" congressional district in ,amarines 'ur "ith onl) (+9 323 as population constitutional since it is belo" the 2#* *** population mentioned in 'ection # /rt. %I-


The $%# is &onstitution%$ sin&e the 250+000 !o!u$%tion re uire(ent %!!$ies on$" )or the &re%tion o) % ne# $e'is$%ti1e distri&t )or % &it"+ not )or the &re%tion o) % ne# $e'is$%ti1e distri&t in %n e3istin' !ro1in&e. !"ENIGNO A#$INO III VS. %O&ELE%, G.R. No. 18979', A(r)* 7, 2010 32-d. Is the creation of a ne" legislative district for Malolos ,it) constitutional since the :ational 'tatistics .ffice had projected that it "ill have a population of 2#; *3* b)<the )ear 2*(*<No+ there (ust ,e 250+000 !o!u$%tion on or ,e)ore the 4%" 10+ 2010 e$e&tions. 0n this &%se+ it #%s not &$e%r th%t it h%s &o(!$ied #ith the !o!u$%tion re uire(ent on e$e&tion d%". 2010 is u! to De&e(,er o) s%id "e%r. !ALDA"A VS. %O&ELE%, G.R. No. 188078, +,-.,r/ 20, 2010 32-e. Ma) a part)-list group be validl) disqualified b) the ,.M7!7, for the 2*(* elections because it failed to obtain at least 2= of the votes cast in 2**; elections "hile it did not participate in the 2**+ elections in accordance "ith 'ection 9 >2? of the Part) !ist !a"To dis u%$i)" % !%rt" $ist 'rou!+ it (ust h%1e )%i$ed to o,t%in 25 o) the 1otes &%sts in 2 su&&essi1e e$e&tions or it did not !%rti&i!%te )or t#o &onse&uti1e e$e&tions. Not )%i$in' to 'et 25 on&e %nd did not !%rti&i!%te in the ne3t e$e&tions. *1HILI11INE G$ARDIAN VS. %O&ELE%, G.R. No. 190029, A(r)* 29, 2010 32-f. Ma) the ,.M7!7, validl) list group /ng !adad because lesbians etc. are not part of @marginaliAed groups<disqualif) the part) the group of ga)s the enumeration of


No. The enu(er%tion o) the (%r'in%$i-ed 'rou!s in An' 6%'on' 6%"%ni 1s. C748L8C is not e3&$usi1e. !ANG LADLAD VS. %O&ELE%, G.R. No. 190082, A(r)* 8, 2010 32-c. In the computation of part)-list representatives is the %eterans Bederation Part) vs. ,.M7!7, Bormula or the Panganiban Bormula still applicableNo (ore ,e&%use it resu$ts in % (%the(%ti&%$ i(!ossi,$it". To stri&t$" &o(!$" #ith it re uirin' %t $e%st 25 )or e1er" se&tor%$ re!resent%ti1e to o,t%in in order to '%rner 1 se%t #ou$d re uire 1105 in order th%t there #i$$ ,e 55 se&tor%$ re!resent%ti1es ,%sed on the nu(,er o) $e'is$%ti1e distri&ts. 33. 'n case of #acancy in the =enate or in the Douse of 7epresentati#es under =ection , of *rticle +''> is it automatic for the %9)<L<% to hold a special election? 'o t-"#" %ust &" a law /ass"! &y Cong#"ss a//#o/#iating t-" 2un!s 2o# t-" sai! /u#/os"0 ( 0 B%,% vs. C 2101C, '#5 &C!% 8846 34. Whi . 0 M.,9.4 +7 C+)64.(( i( )+/ 0 +5.1 /+ 0--.04 0( *+3)(. 7+4 0): -04/: i) *+34/ +4 9.7+4. 01,i)i(/40/i8. 9+1i.(, ,0: h. 1+ (+ 0( 0 ;(/+*@h+ 1.4<C N+ 0( h. 1 i) PUYAT 8(. DE $UAMAN, %%3 SCRA 3%. W-at coul! not &" !on" !i#"ctly coul! not li<"wis" &" !on" in!i#"ctly0 +o a %"%&"# o2 Cong#"ss w-o is a stoc<-ol!"# o2 t-" co#/o#ation involv"! in a cas" is not allow"! to a//"a# un!"# t-" guis" t-at -" is a//"a#ing as sucnot as couns"l 2o# t-" co#/o#ation0 3&. )ay a court suspend a member of %on/ress when =ection 16 @3A> *rticle +' appears to /i#e such e clusi#e power to each Douse only for disorderly beha#ior> and with the concurrence of 2G3 of all its members> suspend or e pel a )ember. * penalty of suspension> when imposed> shall mot e ceed si ty days?


*"s t-is was t-" #ulings o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in t-" cas"s o2 MIRIAM DEFENSOR 0)1 REP. PAREDES VS. SANDI$ANBAYAN. RA 3>%G 0-- i.( /+ 0 6+8.4),.)/ +77i*.4( 0)1 .,- +:..(. 36. 'n case of conflict between the entries in a 2ournal of both Douses of %on/ress and e traneous e#idence liCe affida#its of witnesses> which shall pre#ail? %s held in 7.&. vs. . +&, 83 .hil. 4#<, the /ournal prevails over eCtraneous evidence li?e accounts of newspaper /ournalists and reporters as to what the proceedings all about. 3.. 'n case of conflict between the 2ournal and the enrolled bill> which shall pre#ailD *n C%&C .E*0. )&. :*21+1B, 4 &C!% 834, it was held b@ the &upreme Court that (-" "n#oll"! &ill /#"vails ov"# t-" 7ou#nal0 I2 t-" "n#oll"! &ill /#ovi!"s t-at it is u#"a 2o#%al!"-y!" is t-" on" "."%/t 2#o% ta. an! not u#"a an! 2o#%al!"-y!" w-ic- a//"a#s in t-" 7ou#nal w-ic- was #"ally a//#ov"! t-" 2o#%"# /#"vails an! only C9RA(IVE LEGI+LA(IO' CO9LD C)A'GE ()E +A1E 'O( F9DICIAL LEGI+LA(IO'0 )ow"v"# i2 t-" P#"si!"nt o2 t-" P-ili//in"s +"nat" P#"si!"nt an! t-" +/"a<"# o2 t-" )ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s wit-!#aw t-"i# signatu#"s as a #"sult o2 an ano%aly su##oun!ing t-" /#inting o2 t-" 2inal co/y o2 t-" &ill t-"n t-" 7ou#nal will /#"vail sinc" w-at is l"2t is no long"# consi!"#"! an ;"n#oll"! &ill0? ('O(E -ow"v"# t-at t-" 7ou#nal /#"vails ov"# t-" "n#oll"! &ill on all %att"#s #"Iui#"! to &" "nt"#"! in t-" 7ou#nals li<" y"as an! nays on t-" 2inal #"a!ing o2 a &ill o# on any Iu"stion at t-" #"Iu"st o2 ,/B o2 t-" %"%&"#s /#"s"nt0 KFustic" Isagani C#u3L) 84Fa. 2a@ the C 2101C resolve a disGualification case against a 2ember of the Eouse of !epresentatives after ta?ing her oath as a 2ember thereofD +o more. The E!1T now had /urisdiction over the case. 3L')H*'%D9:8 +=. %9)<L<%> *pril 1> 2??,5


3.(b. )ay the Douse of 7epresentati#es <lectoral Etribunal decide cases in#ol#in/ the qualifications of nominees of the different party( list /roups? Yes, all Guestions involving the election, returns and Gualifications of the members of the Eouse of !epresentatives, including part@Flist representatives are within the /urisdiction of the E!1T 3*0*I9: +=. D7<E *:D P*LP*7*: +=. D7<E> Bebruary 11> 2?1?5 3-. )ay %on/ress chan/e the e istin/ membership of the %ommission on *ppointments or <lectoral Eribunals as a result of the chan/es of membership of the different political parties? Yes *f the changes in the political part@ affiliations of the members of Congress is substantial and at the same time permanent so as to dramaticall@ increase the membership of one part@ while significantl@ reducing the other, the number of representatives of the different parties in the Commission on %ppointments ma@ also be changed in proportion to their actual memberships. -+ T1= *n Cunanan vs. Tan, the membership of the &enators was onl@ temporar@ so as not to result in the change of membership in the Commission on %ppointments6 3-(a. )ay a political party 3LDP5 replace its representati#e in the Douse of 7epresentati#es <lectoral %ommission who> in a preliminary #otin/ in a protest case a/ainst an LDP )ember> #oted in fa#or of the other party and a/ainst the candidate of his #ery own party? Hhile as a rule the different political parties ma@ change their representatives in the 1lectoral Tribunal or Commission on %ppointments, it ma@ not change a 2ember who completel@ heard and participated in a particular case "and has alread@ indicated his vote to the members of the tribunal$ and replace him with another who has no participation therein, eCcept onl@ to vote for a part@Fmate who is involved in the protest. &uch would be a travest@ of /ustice. -I +, C )&. .*+1,%, &eptember #;, '<<'6


3,. )ay a committee of %on/ress cite a person for contempt of court for refusin/ to answer its questions durin/ in#esti/ations in aid of le/islation? Dow lon/ may it imprison such witness? As -"l! in %!+%70T vs. +%B%!1+ , J4 .hil. #<, ;A 5i/).(( 5h+ 4.73(.( /+ 0)(5.4 0 23.4: 9: /h. C+,,i//.. ,0: 9. 1./0i).1 134i)6 /h. /.4, +7 /h. ,.,9.4( i,-+(i)6 (0i1 -.)0 /: 93/ /h. 1./.)/i+) (h+3 1 )+/ 9. /++ +)6 0( /+ 8i+ 0/. /h. 5i/).((? 4i6h/ /+ 13. -4+*.(( +7 05.< 4?. )ay the President #alidly prohibit members of the %abinet and those of the e ecuti#e department from appearin/ before any %ommittee of %on/ress without her consent? It !"/"n!s0 I2 t-" a//"a#anc" is !u" to t-" /ow"# o2 Cong#"ss to inv"stigat" in ai! o2 l"gislation un!"# +"ction 5, A#t0 VI suc- act o2 t-" P#"si!"nt is unconstitutional 2o# it woul! violat" t-" ov"#sig-t /ow"#s o2 Cong#"ss an! &"caus" t-" a//"a#anc" o2 sai! "."cutiv" o22ic"#s is 1A'DA(OR*0 It woul! also violat" t-" #ig-t to in2o#%ation on t-" /a#t o2 t-" citi3"ns0 )ow"v"# i2 t-" invitation to a//"a# is &as"! on +"ction 55 A#t0 VI o# !u#ing t-" ;Iu"stion -ou#? t-"n t-" P#"si!"nt %ay vali!ly !"%an! t-at t-"y %ust g"t -"# cons"nt 2i#st &"caus" suc- a//"a#anc" is DI+CRE(IO'AR*0 (SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES, 4.-4.(.)/.1 9: SENATE PRESIDENT FRANDLIN DRILON, ET AL., VS. EXEC. SEC. EDUARDO ERMITA, ET AL., $.R. N+. %&G"", A-4i =>, =>>& , 4!! SCRA %) 4?(a. While a )ember of the %abinet may be compelled to appear before %on/ress under =ection 21> *rt. +' of the %onstitution> may he be compelled to answer questions re/ardin/ his con#ersations with the President on matters sub2ect of the in#esti/ationGinquiry in aid of le/islation? 'o i2 t-" conv"#sations a#" cov"#"! &y t-" ;"."cutiv" /#ivil"g"?0 4?(b. < plain the !e ecuti#e pri#ile/e$ doctrine. Distin/uish the !presidential communications pri#ile/e$ and the !deliberati#e process pri#ile/e$ which comprise said !e ecuti#e pri#ile/e$. Who are co#ered by this rule? (-" +iCon an! postFHatergate cases "sta&lis-"! t-" &#oa! contou#s o2


t-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6.05K5ML In 7nited &tates v. 8@2,A +iCon, t-" 90+0 Cou#t #"cogni3"! a g#"at /u&lic int"#"st in /#"s"#ving ;/h. *+)7i1.)/i0 i/: +7 *+)8.4(0/i+)( /h0/ /0@. - 0*. i) /h. P4.(i1.)/?( -.47+4,0)*. +7 hi( +77i*i0 13/i.(.< It t-us consi!"#"! /#"si!"ntial co%%unications as ;-4.(3,-/i8. : -4i8i .6.10? A//a#"ntly t-" /#"su%/tion is 2oun!"! on t-" ;P4.(i1.)/?( 6.).40 iL.1 i)/.4.(/ i) *+)7i1.)/i0 i/:0? (-" /#ivil"g" is sai! to &" n"c"ssa#y to gua#ant"" t-" can!o# o2 /#"si!"ntial a!viso#s an! to /#ovi!" ; /h. P4.(i1.)/ 0)1 /h+(. 5h+ 0((i(/ hi,M 5i/h 74..1+, /+ .F- +4. 0 /.4)0/i8.( i) /h. -4+*.(( +7 (h0-i)6 -+ i*i.( 0)1 ,0@i)6 1.*i(i+)( 0)1 /+ 1+ (+ i) 0 50: ,0): 5+3 1 9. 3)5i i)6 /+ .F-4.(( .F*.-/ -4i80/. :.< In *n !e= &ealed Case,3@3?A t-" 90+0 Cou#t o2 A//"als !"lv"! !""/"#0 It #ul"! t-at t-"#" a#" two (5) <in!s o2 "."cutiv" /#ivil"g"4 on" is t-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. an! t-" ot-"# is t-" 1. i9.40/i8. -4+*.(( -4i8i .6.0 (-" 2o#%"# /"#tains to ;*+,,3)i*0/i+)(, 1+*3,.)/( +4 +/h.4 ,0/.4i0 ( /h0/ 4.7 .*/ -4.(i1.)/i0 1.*i(i+)-,0@i)6 0)1 1. i9.40/i+)( 0)1 /h0/ /h. P4.(i1.)/ 9. i.8.( (h+3 1 4.,0i) *+)7i1.)/i0 .< (-" latt"# inclu!"s N018i(+4: +-i)i+)(, 4.*+,,.)10/i+)( 0)1 1. i9.40/i+)( *+,-4i(i)6 -04/ +7 0 -4+*.(( 9: 5hi*h 6+8.4),.)/0 1.*i(i+)( 0)1 -+ i*i.( 04. 7+4,3 0/.1.< Acco#!ingly t-"y a#" c-a#act"#i3"! &y %a#<"! !istinctions0 P4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. a//li"s to 1.*i(i+)-,0@i)6 +7 /h. P4.(i1.)/ w-il" t-" 1. i9.40/i8. -4+*.(( -4i8i .6. to 1.*i(i+)-,0@i)6 +7 .F.*3/i8. +77i*i0 (0 (-" 7i4(/ is #oot"! in t-" constitutional /#inci/l" o2 s"/a#ation o2 /ow"# an! t-" P#"si!"ntCs uniIu" constitutional #ol"4 t-" (.*+)1 on co%%on law /#ivil"g"0 9nli<" t-" 1. i9.40/i8. -4+*.(( -4i8i .6. t-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. a//li"s /+ 1+*3,.)/( i) /h.i4 .)/i4./:, 0)1 *+8.4( 7i)0 0)1 -+(/-1.*i(i+)0 ,0/.4i0 ( 0( 5. 0( -4.-1. i9.40/i8. +).(BK>,L As a cons"Iu"nc" cong#"ssional o# 7u!icial n"gation o2 t-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. is always su&7"ct to g#"at"# sc#utiny t-an !"nial o2 t-" 1. i9.40/i8. -4+*.(( -4i8i .6.0 (u#ning on w-o a#" t-" o22icials cov"#"! &y t-" -4.(i1.)/i0


CR+ R"/o#t 2o# Cong#"ss P#"si!"ntial Clai%s o2 E."cutiv" P#ivil"g"J )isto#y Law P#actic" an! R"c"nt D"v"lo/%"nts at /0 50 H,M 90+0 @M>0 *n !e= &ealed Case +o0 D@6>,5H Fun" ,A ,DDA0 *d.


*+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. *n !e= &ealed Case con2in"s t-" /#ivil"g" only to W-it" )ous" +ta22 t-at -as ;o/"#ational /#o.i%ity? to !i#"ct /#"si!"ntial !"cision6%a<ing0 (-us t-" /#ivil"g" is %"ant to "nco%/ass only t-os" 2unctions t-at 2o#% t-" co#" o2 /#"si!"ntial aut-o#ity involving w-at t-" cou#t c-a#act"#i3"! as ;Iuint"ss"ntial an! non6!"l"ga&l" P#"si!"ntial /ow"# ? suc- as co%%an!"#6in6c-i"2 /ow"# a//oint%"nt an! #"%oval /ow"# t-" /ow"# to g#ant /a#!ons an! #"/#i"v"s t-" sol"6aut-o#ity to #"c"iv" a%&assa!o#s an! ot-"# /u&lic o22ic"#s t-" /ow"# to n"gotiat" t#"ati"s "tc0@K>5L (-" situation in Kudicial Hatch, *nc. v. ,epartment of Kustice4@33A t"st"! t-" *n !e= &ealed Case /#inci/l"s0 (-"#" w-il" t-" /#"si!"ntial !"cision involv"! is t-" "."#cis" o2 t-" P#"si!"ntCs /a#!on /ow"# a non6 !"l"ga&l" co#"6/#"si!"ntial 2unction t-" D"/uty Atto#n"y G"n"#al an! t-" Pa#!on Atto#n"y w"#" !""%"! to &" too #"%ot" 2#o% t-" P#"si!"nt an! -is s"nio# W-it" )ous" a!viso#s to &" /#ot"ct"!0 (-" Cou#t conc"!"! t-at 2unctionally t-os" o22icials w"#" /"#2o#%ing a tas< !i#"ctly #"lat"! to t-" P#"si!"ntCs /a#!on /ow"# &ut conclu!"! t-at an o#gani3ational t"st was %o#" a//#o/#iat" 2o# con2ining t-" /ot"ntially &#oa! sw""/ t-at woul! #"sult 2#o% t-" *n !e= &ealed Case>s 2unctional t"st0 (-" %a7o#ity conclu!"! t-at t-" l"ss"# /#ot"ctions o2 t-" !"li&"#ativ" /#oc"ss /#ivil"g" woul! su22ic"0 (-at /#ivil"g" was -ow"v"# 2oun! insu22ici"nt to 7usti2y t-" con2i!"ntiality o2 t-" H >H, wit--"l! !ocu%"nts0 But %o#" s/"ci2ic classi2ications o2 co%%unications cov"#"! &y "."cutiv" /#ivil"g" a#" %a!" in ol!"# cas"s0 Cou#ts #ul"! "a#ly t-at t-" E."cutiv" -as a #ig-t to wit--ol! !ocu%"nts t-at %ig-t #"v"al ,i i/04: +4 (/0/. (.*4./(,MK>HL i1.)/i/: +7 6+8.4),.)/ i)7+4,.4( i) (+,. *i4*3,(/0)*.(, DK>BL an! i)7+4,0/i+) 4. 0/.1 /+ -.)1i)6 i)8.(/i60/i+)(0,GK>@L An a#"a w-"#" t-" /#ivil"g" is -ig-ly #"v"#"! is in 7+4.i6) 4. 0/i+)(0 1a7o#ity o2 t-" a&ov" 7u#is/#u!"nc" -av" 2oun! t-"i# way in ou# 7u#is!iction0 In ChaveA v. .C::''@3-A, t-is Cou#t -"l! t-at t-"#" is a ;gov"#n%"ntal /#ivil"g" against /u&lic !isclosu#" wit- #"s/"ct to stat"

CR+ R"/o#t 2o# Cong#"ss P#"si!"ntial Clai%s o2 E."cutiv" P#ivil"g"J )isto#y Law P#actic" an! R"c"nt D"v"lo/%"nts at //0 ,M6,D0 A K>>L >@B F0>! ,,GM >@, 90+0A//0D0C0 ,M> @H F"!0 R0 Evi!0 +"#v0 ,H,0 MK>HL +"" 7nited &tates v. !e@nolds, >HB 90+0 , @6M (,DB>)4 Chicago v. %irlines, *nc. v. Haterman &teamship Corp., >>> 90+0 ,G> ,,,4 Totten v. 7nited &tates, D5 90+0 ,GB ,G@6,GA (,MAB)0 D K>BL !oviaro v. 7nited &tates >B> 90+0 B> BD6@,0 ,G K>@L +"" 9riedman v. Iache Ealse@ &tuart &hields, *nc. A>M F0 5! ,>>@ ,>H,6H> (D0C0 Ci#0 ,DMH)0 ,, K>ML >@G P-il0 ,>> (,DDM)0


s"c#"ts #"ga#!ing %ilita#y !i/lo%atic an! ot-"# s"cu#ity %att"#s0? In ChaveA v. .1%,,5K>DL t-"#" is also a #"cognition o2 t-" con2i!"ntiality o2 P#"si!"ntial conv"#sations co##"s/on!"nc"s an! !iscussions in clos"!6!oo# Ca&in"t %""tings0 In &enate v. 1rmita t-" conc"/t o2 -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. is 2ully !iscuss"!0 As %ay &" gl"an"! 2#o% t-" a&ov" !iscussion t-" clai% o2 "."cutiv" /#ivil"g" is -ig-ly #"cogni3"! in cas"s w-"#" t-" su&7"ct o2 inIui#y #"lat"s to a /ow"# t".tually co%%itt"! &y t-" Constitution to t-" P#"si!"nt suc- as t-" a#"a o2 %ilita#y an! 2o#"ign #"lations0 9n!"# ou# Constitution t-" P#"si!"nt is t-" #"/osito#y o2 t-" co%%an!"#6in6c-i"2 ,>KHGL a//ointing ,HKH,L /a#!oning ,B KH5L an! !i/lo%atic,@KH>L /ow"#s0 Consist"nt wit- t-" !oct#in" o2 s"/a#ation o2 /ow"#s t-" in2o#%ation #"lating to t-"s" /ow"#s %ay "n7oy g#"at"# con2i!"ntiality t-an ot-"#s0 (-" a&ov" cas"s "s/"cially +iCon, *n !e &ealed Case an! Kudicial Hatch, so%"-ow /#ovi!" t-" "l"%"nts o2 -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. to witJ %) =) (-" /#ot"ct"! co%%unication %ust #"lat" to a ;Iuint"ss"ntial an! non6!"l"ga&l" /#"si!"ntial /ow"#0? (-" co%%unication %ust &" aut-o#"! o# ;solicit"! an! #"c"iv"!? &y a clos" a!viso# o2 t-" P#"si!"nt o# t-" P#"si!"nt -i%s"l20 (-" 7u!icial t"st is t-at an a!viso# %ust &" in ;o/"#ational /#o.i%ity? wit- t-" P#"si!"nt0 (-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. #"%ains a Iuali2i"! /#ivil"g" t-at %ay &" ov"#co%" &y a s-owing o2 a!"Iuat" n""! suc- t-at t-" in2o#%ation soug-t ;li<"ly contains i%/o#tant "vi!"nc"? an! &y t-" unavaila&ility o2 t-" in2o#%ation "ls"w-"#" &y an a//#o/#iat" inv"stigating aut-o#ity0,AKHHL


+i%/ly /ut t-" &as"s a#" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. an!
,5K>DL ,> ,H


+"ction ,M A#ticl" VII0 +"ction ,@ A#ticl" VII0 ,B KH5L +"ction ,D A#ticl" VII0 ,@ KH>L +"ction 5G an! 5, A#ticl" VII0 ,AKHHL CR+ R"/o#t 2o# Cong#"ss P#"si!"ntial Clai%s o2 E."cutiv" P#ivil"g"J )isto#y Law P#actic" an! D"v"lo/%"nts supra..



"."cutiv" /#ivil"g" on %att"#s #"lating to 1i- +,0*: +4 7+4.i6) 4. 0/i+)(0 9sing t-" a&ov" "l"%"nts w" a#" convinc"! t-at in!""! t-" co%%unications "licit"! &y t-" t-#"" (>) Iu"stions a#" cov"#"! &y t-" -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6.0 Birst t-" co%%unications #"lat" to a ;Iuint"ss"ntial an! non6!"l"ga&l" /ow"#? o2 t-" P#"si!"nt i0"0 t-" /ow"# to "nt"# into an "."cutiv" ag#""%"nt wit- ot-"# count#i"s0 (-is aut-o#ity o2 t-" P#"si!"nt to "nt"# into eCecutive agreements wit-out t-" concu##"nc" o2 t-" L"gislatu#" -as t#a!itionally &""n #"cogni3"! in P-ili//in" 7u#is/#u!"nc"0,MKHBL =econd> t-" co%%unications a#" ;#"c"iv"!? &y a clos" a!viso# o2 t-" P#"si!"nt0 9n!"# t-" ;o/"#ational /#o.i%ity? t"st /"tition"# can &" consi!"#"! a clos" a!viso# &"ing a %"%&"# o2 P#"si!"nt A##oyoCs ca&in"t0 %nd third t-"#" is no a!"Iuat" s-owing o2 a co%/"lling n""! t-at woul! 7usti2y t-" li%itation o2 t-" /#ivil"g" an! o2 t-" 3)080i 09i i/: o2 t-" in2o#%ation "ls"w-"#" &y an a//#o/#iat" inv"stigating aut-o#ity0 (NOTEK I) NiF+), /h. US S3-4.,. C+34/ h. 1 /h0/ i)8+*0/i+) +7 ;.F.*3/i8. -4i8i .6.< i( 3)080i i)6 i7 i/ i)8+ 8.( /h. *+,,i((i+) +7 0 *4i,. 0)1 /h.4. i( 0 4.01: 0 -.)1i)6 *4i,i)0 *0(..) W" s"" no !is/ut" on t-is0 It is s"ttl"! in 7nited &tates v. +iCon'<@4-A t-at ;!"%onst#at"! s/"ci2ic n""! 2o# "vi!"nc" in -.)1i)6 *4i,i)0 /4i0 ? outw"ig-s t-" P#"si!"ntCs ;g"n"#ali3"! int"#"st in con2i!"ntiality0? )ow"v"# t-" /#"s"nt cas"Cs !istinction wit- t-" +iCon cas" is v"#y "vi!"nt0 In +iCon t-"#" is a /"n!ing c#i%inal /#oc""!ing w-"#" t-" in2o#%ation is #"Iu"st"! an! it is t-" !"%an!s o2 !u" /#oc"ss o2 law an! t-" 2ai# a!%inist#ation o2 c#i%inal 7ustic" t-at t-" in2o#%ation &" !isclos"!0 (-is is t-" #"ason w-y t-" 90+0 Cou#t was Iuic< to ; i,i/ /h. (*+-. +7 i/( 1.*i(i+).? It st#"ss"! t-at it is ;)+/ *+)*.4).1 h.4. 5i/h /h. 90 0)*. 9./5..) /h. P4.(i1.)/?( 6.).40 iL.1 i)/.4.(/ i) *+)7i1.)/i0 i/: F F F 0)1 *+)64.((i+)0 1.,0)1( 7+4 i)7+4,0/i+).< 9nli<" in +iCon t-" in2o#%ation -"#" is "licit"! not in a c#i%inal /#oc""!ing &ut in a l"gislativ" inIui#y0 In t-is #"ga#! &enate v. 1rmita st#"ss"! t-at t-" vali!ity o2 t-" clai% o2 "."cutiv" /#ivil"g" !"/"n!s not only on t-" g#oun! invo<"! &ut

B"#nas +0F0 (-" ,DMA Constitution o2 t-" R"/u&lic o2 t-" P-ili//in"s A Co%%"nta#y 5GG> E!0 /0 DG>0 &upra.


also on t-" -4+*.1340 (.//i)6 o# t-" *+)/.F/ in w-ic- t-" clai% is %a!"0 Fu#t-"#%o#" in +iCon, t-" P#"si!"nt !i! not int"#/os" any clai% o2 n""! to /#ot"ct %ilita#y !i/lo%atic o# s"nsitiv" national s"cu#ity s"c#"ts0 In t-" /#"s"nt cas" E."cutiv" +"c#"ta#y E#%ita cat"go#ically clai%s "."cutiv" /#ivil"g" on t-" g#oun!s o2 -4.(i1.)/i0 *+,,3)i*0/i+)( -4i8i .6. in #"lation to -"# "."cutiv" an! /olicy !"cision6%a<ing /#oc"ss an! !i/lo%atic s"c#"ts0 41. )ay a person #alidly refuse to honor an in#itation to appear before the =enate 0lue 7ibbon %ommittee in connection with its alle/ed in#esti/ation !in aid of le/islation$? *"s0 In B"ng3on F#0 vs0 +"nat" Blu" Ri&&on Co%%itt"" 'ov0 5G ,DD, it was -"l! t-at ;t-" /ow"# o2 &ot- -ous"s o2 Cong#"ss to con!uct inIui#i"s in ai! o2 l"gislation is not a&solut" o# unli%it"!0 N(-" #ig-ts o2 /"#sons a//"a#ing in o# a22"ct"! &y suc- inIui#i"s s-all &" #"s/"ct"!0N It 2ollows t-"n t-at t-" #ig-ts o2 /"#sons un!"# t-" Bill o2 Rig-ts %ust &" #"s/"ct"! inclu!ing t-" #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss an! t-" #ig-t not to &" co%/"ll"! to t"sti2y against on"Rs s"l20 But &#oa! as is t-is /ow"# o2 inIui#y it is not unli%it"!0 (-"#" is no g"n"#al aut-o#ity to "./os" t-" /#ivat" a22ai#s o2 in!ivi!uals wit-out 7usti2ication in t"#%s o2 t-" 2unctions o2 Cong#"ss0 'o# is t-" Cong#"ss a law "n2o#c"%"nt o# t#ial ag"ncy0 (-"s" a#" 2unctions o2 t-" "."cutiv" an! 7u!icial !"/a#t%"nts o2 gov"#n%"nt0 'o inIui#y is an "n! in its"l24 it %ust &" #"lat"! to an! in 2u#t-"#anc" o2 a l"giti%at" tas< o2 Cong#"ss0 Inv"stigations con!uct"! sol"ly 2o# t-" /"#sonal agg#an!i3"%"nt o2 t-" inv"stigato#s o# to N/unis-N t-os" inv"stigat"! a#" in!"2"nsi&l"0 As suc- i2 t-" /"#son invit"! is al#"a!y an accus"! &"2o#" t-" +an!igan&ayan o# 2acing a cas" in t-" O%&u!s%an in conn"ction wit- a su&7"ct %att"# #"lat"! to t-" )ous" o# +"nat" inIui#y t-"n -" coul! vali!ly #"2us" to att"n! to sai! -"a#ing0 41(a. )ay the P%88 %hairman and commissioners refuse to attend inquiries in ad of le/islation bein/ done by the =enate because < ecuti#e 9rder :o. 1 pro#ides that they should not be questioned re/ardin/ their acti#ities as such? 'o t-" /#ovision o2 E."c0 O#!"# 'o0 , #"ga#!ing t-"i# /#ivil"g" not to att"n! suc- -"a#ings is unconstitutional0 It violat"s +"ction 5M A#t0 II (-" #ig-t to in2o#%ation un!"# A#t0 III +"ction 5, A#t0 VI an! +"ction , A#t0 :I o# t-" accounta&ility o2 /u&lic o22ic"#s0


41(b. )ay local le/islati#e bodies #alidly cite a person in contempt of court 3as what %on/ress could do5 for refusin/ to appear therein or to answer the questions of the members thereof? 'o0 In 'EGRO+ ORIE'(AL II ELEC(RIC COOPERA(IVE V+0 +A'GG9'IA'G PA'GL9'G+OD OF D91AG9E(E CI(* G0R0 'o0 A5HD5 'ov0 B ,DMA ,BB +CRA H5, t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at suc/ow"# was not !"l"gat"! &y Cong#"ss to local gov"#n%"nt units0 H,6c0 1ay Cong#"ss vali!ly con!uct inIui#i"s in ai! o2 l"gislation "v"n i2 its Rul"s w"#" not /u&lis- in a n"ws/a/"# o2 g"n"#al ci#culation o# in t-" O22icial Ga3"tt" a2t"# "ac- "l"ctions &ut /ost"! in its int"#n"t w"&sit"8 'o0 Cong#"ss -as to /u&lis- its Rul"s "v"#y ti%" it o/"ns its s"ssions a2t"# "l"ctions0 (-" /osting o2 sai! #ul"s in its w"&sit" is not allow"! sinc" suc- is not on" o2 t-" %o!"s o2 /u&lis-ing laws0 W-il" RA 'o0 MAD5 o# t-" El"ct#onic Co%%"#c" Act o2 5GGG consi!"#s an "l"ct#onic !ata %"ssag" o# an "l"ct#onic !ocu%"nt a!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" as t-" 2unctional "Iuival"nt o2 a w#itt"n !ocu%"nt it is only 2o# "vi!"ntia#y /u#/os"s0 It !o"s not %a<" t-" int"#n"t as a %"!iu% 2o# /u&lis-ing laws #ul"s an! #"gulations0 ($ARCILLANO VS. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION, D.*.,9.4 =3, =>>!) H,6!0 1ay t-" +"nat" Fo#"ign A22ai#s Co%%itt"" con!uct inIui#i"s in ai! o2 l"gislation 2o# an all"g"! ill"gal acts co%%itt"! &y %"%&"#s o2 t-" P'P in 1oscow w-ic- is outsi!" t-" P-ili//in"s8 *"s &"caus" it coul! inv"stigat" ;all %att"#s #"lating to t-" #"lations o2 t-" P-ili//in"s wit- all ot-"# nations0? (DE LA PAA VS. SENATE COMMITTEE ON FOREI$N AFFAIRS, F.94304: %3, =>>G) 42. What are the bills that must e clusi#ely ori/inate from the Douse of 7epresentati#es? 9n!"# +"ction 5H A#t0 VI All a//#o/#iations #"v"nu" o# ta#i22 &ills &ills aut-o#i3ing inc#"as" o2 t-" /u&lic !"&t &ills o2 local a//lication an! /#ivat" &ills s-all o#iginat" ".clusiv"ly in t-" )ous" o2 #"/#"s"ntativ"s &ut t-" +"nat" %ay /#o/os" o# concu# wit- a%"n!%"nts0 (NOTEK In T+ .)/i)+ 8(. S.*4./04: +7 Fi)0)*. t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" E6VA( Law is


constitutional "v"n i2 t-" sa%" was t-" VER+IO' w-ic- ca%" 2#o% t-" +"nat" not 2#o% t-" )ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s0 (-is is so &"caus" t-" +"nat" is allow"! to ;/#o/os" a%"n!%"nts? to &ills w-ic- %ust ".clusiv"ly o#iginat" 2#o% t-" )ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s0) 43. When is transfer of appropriations allowed by the %onstitution8 Only t-os" cov"#"! &y +"ction 5B KBL w-ic- /#ovi!"s t-at ;'o law s-all &" /ass"! aut-o#i3ing any t#ans2"# o2 a//#o/#iations4 -ow"v"# t-" P#"si!"nt t-" P#"si!"nt o2 t-" +"nat" t-" +/"a<"# o2 t-" -ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s t-" C-i"2 7ustic" o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t an! t-" -"a!s o2 t-" constitutional co%%issions %ay &y law &" aut-o#i3"! to aug%"nt any it"% in t-" g"n"#al a//#o/#iations law 2o# t-"i# #"s/"ctiv" o22ic"s 2#o% savings in ot-"# it"%s o2 t-"i# #"s/"ctiv" a//#o/#iations0? 44. What is the so(called !e ecuti#e impoundment$? It %"ans t-at alt-oug- an it"% o2 a//#o/#iation is not v"to"! &y t-" P#"si!"nt -" -ow"v"# #"2us"s 2o# w-at"v"# #"ason to s/"n! 2un!s %a!" /ossi&l" &y Cong#"ss0 It is t-" 2ailu#" to s/"n! o# o&ligat" &u!g"t aut-o#ity o2 any ty/"0 P#o/on"nts o2 i%/oun!%"nt -av" invo<"! at l"ast t-#"" (>) /#inci/al sou#c"s o2 aut-o#ity o2 t-" P#"si!"nt0 K,L aut-o#ity to i%/oun! giv"n to -i% &y Cong#"ss "it-"# "./#"ssly o# i%/li"!ly4 K5L t-" "."cutiv" /ow"# !#awn 2#o% -is /ow"# as Co%%an!"#6in6c-i"24 an! K>L t-" Fait-2ul "."cution claus" o2 t-" Constitution0 'ot" t-at in t-is cas" t-" +C -"l! t-at t-" Count#ysi!" D"v"lo/%"nt Fun! (CDF) o# ;Po#< Ba##"l? o2 Cong#"ss%"n an! +"nato#s is CO'+(I(9(IO'AL &"caus" t-" sa%" is ;s"t asi!" 2o# Sin2#ast#uctu#" /u#c-as" o2 a%&ulanc"s an! co%/ut"#s an! ot-"# /#io#ity /#o7"cts an! activiti"s an! c#"!it 2aciliti"s to Iuali2i"! &"n"2icia#i"s as /#o/os"! an! i!"nti2i"! &y sai! +"nato#s an! Cong#"ss%"n0 (P)ILCO'+A V+0 E'RIP9E$ 5>B +CRA BG@) 4&. )ay the President refuse to enforce a law on the /round that in his opinion it is unconstitutional? 'o0 Ot-"#wis" -" will &" violating t-" !oct#in" o2 s"/a#ation o2 /ow"#s &"caus" &y !oing so -" will &" a##ogating unto -i%s"l2 t-" /ow"# to int"#/#"t t-" law not %"#"ly to i%/l"%"nt it0 ( 0.&. 2 + L C . )&. E%!!*& +, 38 .hil.8J6


46. Ehe President of the Philippines> by *dministrati#e 9rder> mandates the !*D9PE'9: 9B * :*E'9:*L %9)P1E<7';<D 'D<:E'B'%*E'9: 7<B<7<:%< =I=E<)$ and appropriatin/ funds therefore?'s this within his !e ecuti#e power$? 'o as -"l! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in BLA+ OPLE V+0 R9BE' (ORRE+ E( AL0 G0R0 'o0 ,5A@MB Fuly 5> ,DDM t-" AO "sta&lis-"s a syst"% o2 i!"nti2ication t-at is all6"nco%/assing in sco/" a22"cts t-" li2" an! li&"#ty o2 "v"#y Fili/ino citi3"ns an! 2o#"ign #"si!"nts an! t-"#"2o#" it is su//os"! to &" a law /ass"! &y Cong#"ss t-at i%/l"%"nts it not &y an A!%inist#ativ" O#!"# issu"! &y t-" P#"si!"nt0 A!%inist#ativ" Pow"# w-icis su//os"! to &" "."#cis"! &y t-" P#"si!"nt is conc"#n"! wit- t-" wo#< o2 a//lying /olici"s an! "n2o#cing o#!"#s as !"t"#%in"! &y /#o/"# gov"#n%"ntal o#gans0 It "na&l"s t-" P#"si!"nt to 2i. a uni2o#% stan!a#! o2 a!%inist#ativ" "22ici"ncy an! c-"c< t-" o22icial con!uct o2 -is ag"nts0 P#"scin!ing 2#o% t-" 2o#"going /#"c"/ts AO >GM involv"s a su&7"ct t-at is not a//#o/#iat" to &" cov"#"! &y an A!%inist#ativ" O#!"#0 An a!%inist#ativ" o#!"# is an o#!inanc" issu"! &y t-" P#"si!"nt w-ic- #"lat"s to s/"ci2ic as/"cts in t-" a!%inist#ativ" o/"#ation o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt0 It %ust &" in -a#%ony wit- t-" law an! s-oul! &" 2o# t-" sol" /u#/os" o2 i%/l"%"nting t-" law an! ca##ying out t-" l"gislativ" /olicy0 (-" su&7"ct o2 AO >GM t-"#"2o#" is &"yon! t-" /ow"# o2 t-" P#"si!"nt to issu" an! it is a usu#/ation o2 l"gislativ" /ow"#0 4.. What is the !totality test$ used by the =upreme %ourt in holdin/ that former President Joseph <strada resi/ned as President on January 2?> 2??.? ()I+ I+ ()E (O(ALI(* (E+( ()E (O(ALI(* OF PRIOR CO'(E1PORA'EO9+ A'D PO+(ERIOR FAC(+ A'D CIRC91+(A'(IAL EVIDE'CE BEARI'G 1A(ERIAL RELEVA'CE (O ()E I++9E0 4-. 's President 8loria )acapa/al *rroyo a de 2ure or a de facto President? 'f de 2ure> how did she succeed? 7esi/nation or permanent disability of former President <strada? +inc" &ot- )ous"s o2 Cong#"ss -a! #"cogni3"! t-at A##oyo is t-" P#"si!"nt w-"n t-"y /ass"! R"solution ;"./#"ssing t-"i# su//o#t to t-" a!%inist#ation o2 )"# E.c"ll"ncy Glo#ia 1aca/agal A##oyo P#"si!"nt o2 t-"


P-ili//in"s? w-ic- was /ass"! on Fanua#y 5H 5GG,4 anot-"# #"solution !at"! Fanua#y 5H 5GG, ;"./#"ssing 2ull su//o#t to t-" assu%/tion into o22ic" &y VP A##oyo as P#"si!"nt o2 t-" P-ili//in"s?4 an! t-" R"solution !at"! F"&#ua#y A 5GG, ;con2i#%ing P#"si!"nt A##oyoCs no%ination o2 +"nato# ("o/isto Guingona F#0 as Vic" P#"si!"nt o2 t-" P-ili//in"s? -"# gov"#n%"nt is !" 7u#"0 4,. )ay the President maCes appointment to #acancies in the 2udiciary within two months immediately before the ne t presidential election and up to the end of his term$ in order to comply with the requirement of =ections 4 and -> *rt. +''' for him to fill up #acancies in the 2udiciary within ,? days from the submission of the list of nominees by the Judicial and 0ar %ouncil? 'o0 +"ction ,B A#ticl" VII a//li"s only to t"%/o#a#y a//oint%"nts to "."cutiv" /ositions w-"n continu"! vacanci"s t-"#"in will /#"7u!ic" /u&lic s"#vic" o# "n!ang"# /u&lic sa2"ty an! not to t-" 7u!icia#y0 &?. What appointments made by the President shall be the sub2ect of confirmation by the %ommission on *ppointments? Only t-os" cov"#"! &y t-" ,st s"nt"nc" o2 +"ction ,@ A#t0 VII w-ica#" t-" -"a!s o2 t-" "."cutiv" !"/a#t%"nts a%&assa!o#s ot-"# /u&lic %inist"#s an! consuls o# o22ic"#s o2 t-" a#%"! 2o#c"s 2#o% t-" #an< o2 colon"l o# naval ca/tain an! ot-"# o22ic"#s a#" v"st"! in -i% in t-is Constitution0 &1. )ay the President maCe temporary appointments in#ol#in/ the members of the %abinet while %on/ress in session or not in session? Distin/uish ad interim appointment and appointment in an actin/ capacity0 *"s /#ovi!"! t-" t"%/o#a#y a//oint%"nts o2 ca&in"t %"%&"#s !o not ".c""! on" (,) y"a#0 (+E'0 AP9ILI'O PI1E'(EL "t al0 vs0 E:EC0 +ECRE(AR* ED9ARDO ER1I(A "t al0 HA5 +CRA BMA) ,0 (-" t"%/o#a#y a//oint%"nts a#" vali!0 (-" /ow"# to a//oint is "ss"ntially "."cutiv" in natu#" an! t-" l"gislatu#" %ay not int"#2"#" wit- t-" "."#cis" o2 t-is "."cutiv" /ow"# ".c"/t in t-os" instanc"s w-"n t-" Constitution "./#"ssly allows it to int"#2"#"0 (-" "ss"nc"


o2 an a//oint%"nt in an acting ca/acity is its t"%/o#a#y natu#"0 It is a sto/6ga/ %"asu#" int"n!"! to 2ill an o22ic" 2o# a li%it"! ti%" until t-" a//oint%"nt o2 a /"#%an"nt occu/ant to t-" o22ic"0 In cas" o2 vacancy in an o22ic" occu/i"! &y an alt"# "go o2 t-" P#"si!"nt suc- as t-" o22ic" o2 a !"/a#t%"nt s"c#"ta#y t-" P#"si!"nt %ust n"c"ssa#ily a//oint an alt"# "go o2 -"# c-oic" as acting s"c#"ta#y &"2o#" t-" /"#%an"nt a//oint"" o2 -"# c-oic" coul! assu%" o22ic"0 Cong#"ss t-#oug- a law cannot i%/os" on t-" P#"si!"nt t-" o&ligation o2 auto%atically a//ointing t-" 9n!"#s"c#"ta#y as -"# alt"# "go0 )" %ust &" o2 t-" P#"si!"ntCs con2i!"nc" an! /#ovi!"! t-at t-" t"%/o#a#y a//oint%"nt !o"s not ".c""! on" (,) y"a#0 (-"#" is a n""! to !istinguis- a! int"#i% a//oint%"nts an! a//oint%"nts in an acting ca/acity0 W-il" &ot- a#" "22"ctiv" u/on acc"/tanc" a! int"#i% a//oint%"nts a#" ".t"n!"! only !u#ing t-" #"c"ss o2 Cong#"ss w-"#"as acting a//oint%"nts %ay &" ".t"n!"! any ti%" t-at t-"#" is a vacancy0 1o#"ov"# a! int"#i% a//oint%"nts a#" su&%itt"! to t-" Co%%ission on A//oint%"nts 2o# con2i#%ation o# #"7"ction4 acting a//oint%"nts a#" not su&%itt"! to t-" Co%%ission on a//oint%"nts0 Acting a//oint%"nts a#" a way o2 t"%/o#a#ily ci#cu%v"nting t-" n""! o2 con2i#%ation &y t-" Co%%ission on A//oint%"nts0 &2. What is the !taCe care power$ of the President of the Philippines? It is t-" /ow"# o2 t-" P#"si!"nt un!"# +"ction ,A A#t0 VII w-ic/#ovi!"s t-at (-" P#"si!"nt s-all -av" cont#ol o2 all t-" "."cutiv" !"/a#t%"nts &u#"aus an! o22ic"s0 H. (h0 .)(34. /h0/ /h. 05( 9. 70i/h73 : .F.*3/.1. &3. What is the power of control of the President. Distin/uish it from power of super#ision0 NCont#olN -as &""n !"2in"! as Nt-" /ow"# o2 an o22ic"# to alt"# o# %o!i2y o# nulli2y o# s"t asi!" w-at a su&o#!inat" o22ic"# -a! !on" in t-" /"#2o#%anc" o2 -is !uti"s an! to su&stitut" t-" 7u!g%"nt o2 t-" 2o#%"# 2o# t"st o2 t-" latt"#0N N+u/"#visionN on t-" ot-"# -an! %"ans Nov"#s""ing o# t-"


/ow"# o# aut-o#ity o2 an o22ic"# to s"" t-at su&o#!inat" o22ic"#s /"#2o#% t-"i# !uti"s0 (1O'DA'O V+0 +ILVO+A) &4. )ay the President #alidly require all officers and employees under the e ecuti#e department to maintain 'D systems and ha#e 'D cards? *"s in acco#!anc" wit- -"# /ow"# o2 cont#ol un!"# +"ction ,A A#t0 VII o2 t-" Constitution0 (OIL9+A'G 1A*O 9'O V+0 E:EC9(IVE +ECRE(AR* ED9ARDO ER1I(A E( AL0 A/#il ,D 5GG@ E Fun" 5G 5GG@) But not 2o# a national ID syst"% w-ic- inclu!"s civilians as -"l! in O/l" vs0 (o##"s su/#a0 &&. What is the doctrine of qualified political a/ency? It si%/ly %"ans t-at ;th. P4.(i1.)/ i( )+/ .F-.*/.1 /+ -.47+4, i) -.4(+) 0) /h. ,3 /i704i+3( .F.*3/i8. 0)1 01,i)i(/40/i8. 73)*/i+)(. Th. O77i*. +7 /h. EF.*3/i8. S.*4./04: i( 0) 03Fi 04: 3)i/ 5hi*h 0((i(/( /h. P4.(i1.)/. U)1.4 +34 *+)(/i/3/i+)0 (./-3-, /h. EF.*3/i8. S.*4./04: 0*/( 7+4 0)1 i) 9.h0 7 +7 /h. P4.(i1.)/K 0)1 9: 03/h+4i/: +7 /h. P4.(i1.)/, h. h0( 3)1i(-3/.1 J34i(1i*/i+) /+ 077i4,, ,+1i7:, +4 .8.) 4.8.4(. 0): +41.4 +7 /h. S.*4./04: +7 N0/340 R.(+34*.( 0)1 +/h.4 C09i)./ S.*4./04i.( 0 W-"#" t-" E."cutiv" +"c#"ta#y acts N&y aut-o#ity o2 t-" P#"si!"ntN -is !"cision is t-at o2 t-" P#"si!"nt0 (Lacson61agallan"s Co0 Inc0 vs0 Pano 5, +CRA MDB)0 &6. What are the differences between the power of the President to declare martial law or suspend the pri#ile/e of the writ of habeas corpus under the 1,-. %onstitution and the pre#ious %onstitutions? 9n!"# t-" ,DMA P-ili//in" Constitution suc- acts o2 t-" P#"si!"nt %ay &" #"vi"w"! not only &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t &ut also t-" Cong#"ss o2 t-" P-ili//in"s0 P#"viously suc- woul! &" consi!"#"! ;/olitical Iu"stion? w-ic- is &"yon! t-" #"vi"w /ow"#s o2 t-" cou#ts0 Li<"wis" t-"#" is a !"2init" /"#io! 2o# t-" sai! sus/"nsion unli<" &"2o#" an! %o#" i%/o#tantly t-" g#oun!s a#" only invasion an! #"&"llion W)E' ()E P9BLIC +AFE(* REP9IRE+ I(0 (-" +u/#"%" Cou#t %ay #"vi"w in an a//#o/#iat" /#oc""!ing 2il"! &y any citi3"n t-" su22ici"ncy o2 t-" 2actual &asis o2 t-" /#ocla%ation o2 %a#tial law o# sus/"nsion o2 t-"


/#ivil"g" o2 t-" w#it o# t-" ".t"nsion t-"#"o2 an! %ust /#o%ulgat" its !"cision t-"#"on wit-in >G !ays 2#o% its 2iling0 A stat" o2 %a#tial law !o"s not sus/"n! t-" o/"#ation o2 t-" Constitution no# su//lant t-" 2unctioning o2 t-" civil cou#ts o# l"gislativ" ass"%&li"s no# aut-o#i3" t-" con2"#%"nt o2 7u#is!iction on %ilita#y cou#ts an! ag"nci"s ov"# civilians w-"#" civil cou#ts a#" a&l" to 2unction no# auto%atically sus/"n! t-" /#ivil"g" o2 t-" w#it0 (-" sus/"nsion o2 t-" /#ivil"g" o2 t-" w#it s-all a//ly only to /"#sons 7u!icially c-a#g"! 2o# #"&"llion o# o22"ns"s in-"#"nt in o# !i#"ctly conn"ct"! wit- invasion0 Du#ing t-" sus/"nsion o2 t-" /#ivil"g" o2 t-" w#it any /"#son t-us a##"st"! o# !"tain"! s-all &" 7u!icially c-a#g"! wit-in > !ays ot-"#wis" -" s-all &" #"l"as"!0 &.. )ay the President under the 1,-. %onstitution #alidly issue decrees after declarin/ a state of national emer/ency. )ay she direct the taCe o#er of business affected with national interest by reason of the !emer/ency$ which she herself proclaimed? I n t - " c a s " o 2 PROF. RANDOLF S. DAVID, ./ A VS. $LORIA MACAPA$AL-ARROYO, AS PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, ./ 0 ., $.R. N+. %"%3G&, M0: 3, =>>& it was -"l! t-at in !"cla#ing a stat" o2 national "%"#g"ncy P#"si!"nt A##oyo !i! not only #"ly on +"ction ,M A#ticl" VII o2 t-" Constitution a /#ovision calling on t-" AFP to /#"v"nt o# su//#"ss lawl"ss viol"nc" invasion o# #"&"llion0 +-" also #"li"! on +"ction ,A A#ticl" :II a /#ovision on t-" +tat"Cs ".t#ao#!ina#y /ow"# to ta<" ov"# /#ivat"ly6own"! /u&lic utility an! &usin"ss a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st0 (-" +u/#"%" Cou#t #ul"! t-at t-" assail"! PP ,G,A is unconstitutional inso2a# as it g#ants P#"si!"nt A##oyo t-" aut-o#ity to /#o%ulgat" ;!"c#""s0? L"gislativ" /ow"# is /"culia#ly wit-in t-" /#ovinc" o2 t-" L"gislatu#"0 +"ction , A#ticl" VI cat"go#ically stat"s t-at ;KtL-" l"gislativ" /ow"# s-all &" v"st"! in t-" Cong#"ss o2 t-" P-ili//in"s w-ics-all consist o2 a +"nat" an! a )ous" o2 R"/#"s"ntativ"s0? (o &" su#" n"it-"# 1a#tial Law no# a stat" o2 #"&"llion no# a stat" o2 "%"#g"ncy can 7usti2y P#"si!"nt A##oyoCs "."#cis" o2 l"gislativ" /ow"# &y issuing !"c#""s0


Li<"wis" t-" "."#cis" o2 "%"#g"ncy /ow"#s suc- as t-" ta<ing ov"# o2 /#ivat"ly own"! /u&lic utility o# &usin"ss a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st is also unconstitutional0 (-is #"Iui#"s a !"l"gation 2#o% Cong#"ss0 &-. What are the requisites of 2udicial re#iew? Cou#ts %ay "."#cis" t-" /ow"# o2 7u!icial #"vi"w only w-"n t-" 2ollowing #"Iuisit"s a#" /#"s"ntJ first, t-"#" %ust &" an actual cas" o# cont#ov"#sy4 second, /"tition"#s -av" to #ais" a Iu"stion o2 unconstitutionality4 third, t-" constitutional Iu"stion %ust &" #ais"! at t-" "a#li"st o//o#tunity4 an! fourth, t-" !"cision o2 t-" constitutional Iu"stion %ust &" n"c"ssa#y to t-" !"t"#%ination o2 t-" cas" its"l20 &,. When may the courts still #alidly decide moot and academic cases? A %oot an! aca!"%ic cas" is on" t-at c"as"s to /#"s"nt a 7usticia&l" cont#ov"#sy &y vi#tu" o2 su/"#v"ning "v"nts 5G so t-at a !"cla#ation t-"#"on woul! &" o2 no /#actical us" o# valu"0 G"n"#ally cou#ts !"clin" 7u#is!iction ov"# suc- cas"5, o# !is%iss it on g#oun! o2 %ootn"ss0 (-" ;,++/ 0)1 0*01.,i*? /#inci/l" is not a %agical 2o#%ula t-at can auto%atically !issua!" t-" cou#ts in #"solving a cas"0 Cou#ts will !"ci!" cas"s ot-"#wis" %oot an! aca!"%ic i2J first, t-"#" is a g#av" violation o2 t-" Constitution ( P4+8i)*. +7 B0/0)60( 8(. R+,3 +, .R. N+. %'=""4, M0: =", =>>4, 4=G SCRA "3&)0 second t-" ".c"/tional c-a#act"# o2 t-" situation an! t-" /a#a%ount /u&lic int"#"st is involv"! (L0*(+) 8(. P.4.L, $.R. N+. %4""!>, M0: %>, =>>%, 3'" SCRA "'&)O third, w-"n constitutional issu" #ais"! #"Iui#"s 2o#%ulation o2 cont#olling /#inci/l"s to gui!" t-" &"nc- t-" &a# an! t-" /u&lic (P4+8i)*. +7 B0/0)60( 8(. R+,3 +)4 an! fourth, t-" cas" is ca/a&l" o2 #"/"tition y"t "va!ing #"vi"w (*lbaKa #. %ommission on <lections> $.R. N+. %&33>=, #3 : =3,
5G 5,

.rovince of Iatangas v. !omulo G0R0 'o0 ,B5AAH 1ay 5A 5GGH H5D +CRA A>@0 !o@al Cargo Corporation v. Civil %eronautics Ioard, G0R0 'os0 ,G>GBB6B@ Fanua#y 5@ 5GGH H5, +CRA 5,4 )da. ,e ,abao v. Court of %ppeals supra0


=>>4, 43' SCRA G!, *cop #. 8uin/ona> Jr.> $.R. N+. %34!'', #3 : =, =>>=, 3!3 SCRA '"", =anlaCas #. < ecuti#e =ecretary, $.R. N+. %'G>!', F.94304: 3, =>>4, 4=% SCRA &'&. ) 6?. Define locus standi. 0ocus standi is !"2in"! as ;a #ig-t o2 a//"a#anc" in a cou#t o2 7ustic" on a giv"n Iu"stion0?55 In /#ivat" suits stan!ing is gov"#n"! &y t-" ;#"al6 /a#ti"s6in int"#"st? #ul" as contain"! in +"ction 5 Rul" > o2 t-" ,DDA Rul"s o2 Civil P#oc"!u#" as a%"n!"!0 It /#ovi!"s t-at ; .8.4: 0*/i+) ,3(/ 9. -4+(.*3/.1 +4 1.7.)1.1 i) /h. )0,. +7 /h. 4.0 -04/: i) i)/.4.(/ 0? Acco#!ingly t-" ;#"al6/a#ty6in int"#"st? is ;/h. -04/: 5h+ (/0)1( /+ 9. 9.).7i/.1 +4 i)J34.1 9: /h. J316,.)/ i) /h. (3i/ +4 /h. -04/: .)/i/ .1 /+ /h. 080i ( +7 /h. (3i/.?5> +uccinctly /ut t-" /lainti22Cs stan!ing is &as"! on -is own #ig-t to t-" #"li"2 soug-t0 61. What are the tests of locus standi in the Philippines8 (-" o#iginal wasJ K,L I2 t-" act involv"s t-" !is&u#s"%"nt o2 /u&lic 2un!s %"#" ta./ay"# -as t-" ca/acity to su" an! Iu"stion suc- act0 K5L I2 it !o"s not involv" !is&u#s"%"nt o2 /u&lic 2un!s only t-os" w-o a#" ;!i#"ctly in7u#"!? &y t-" sai! law o# cont#act "nt"#"! into &y t-" gov"#n%"nt0 Cas" law in %ost 7u#is!ictions now allows &ot- ;citi3"n? an! ;ta./ay"#? stan!ing in /u&lic actions0 (-" !istinction was 2i#st lai! !own in Ieauchamp v. &il? 5H w-"#" it was -"l! t-at t-" /lainti22 in a ta./ay"#Cs suit is in a !i22"#"nt cat"go#y 2#o% t-" /lainti22 in a citi3"nCs suit0 I) /h. 7+4,.4, /h. - 0i)/i77 i( 077.*/.1 9: /h. .F-.)1i/34. +7 -39 i* 73)1(, 5hi . i) /h. 0//.4, h. i( 93/ /h. ,.4. i)(/43,.)/ +7 /h. -39 i* *+)*.4) )ow"v"# to /#"v"nt 7ust a&out any /"#son 2#o% s""<ing 7u!icial int"#2"#"nc" in any o22icial /olicy o# act wit- w-ic- -" !isag#""! wit- an! t-us -in!"#s t-" activiti"s o2 gov"#n%"ntal ag"nci"s "ngag"! in /u&lic s"#vic" t-" 9nit"! +tat" +u/#"%" Cou#t lai! !own t-" %o#" st#ing"nt ;1i4.*/ i)J34:? /.(/ in 1C .arte 0evitt 5B lat"# #"a22i#%"! in Tileston v.
5> 5H 5B

Blac<Cs Law Dictiona#y @t- E!0 ,DD, /0 DH,0 &alonga v. Harner Iarnes L Co., MM P-il0 ,5B (,DB,)0 5AB Oy D, ,5G +W5! A@B (,D>M)0 >G5 90+0 @>>0


7llman.5@ (-" sa%" Cou#t #ul"! t-at 2o# a /#ivat" in!ivi!ual to invo<" t-" 7u!icial /ow"# to !"t"#%in" t-" vali!ity o2 an "."cutiv" o# l"gislativ" action h. ,3(/ (h+5 /h0/ h. h0( (3(/0i).1 0 1i4.*/ i)J34: 0( 0 4.(3 / +7 /h0/ 0*/i+), 0)1 i/ i( )+/ (377i*i.)/ /h0/ h. h0( 0 6.).40 i)/.4.(/ *+,,+) /+ 0 ,.,9.4( +7 /h. -39 i*. (-is Cou#t a!o/t"! t-" ;1i4.*/ i)J34:< /.(/ in ou# 7u#is!iction0 In .eople v. )era 5A it -"l! t-at t-" /"#son w-o i%/ugns t-" vali!ity o2 a statut" %ust -av" ;0 -.4(+)0 0)1 (39(/0)/i0 i)/.4.(/ i) /h. *0(. (3*h /h0/ h. h0( (3(/0i).1, +4 5i (3(/0i) 1i4.*/ i)J34: 0( 0 4.(3 / 0? (-" )era !oct#in" was u/-"l! in a litany o2 cas"s suc- as Custodio v. .resident of the &enate 5M 2anila !ace Eorse Trainers> %ssociation v. ,e la 9uente 5D .ascual v. &ecretar@ of .ublic Hor?s >G an! %ntiFChinese 0eague of the .hilippines v. 9eliC.>, )ow"v"# &"ing a %"#" /#oc"!u#al t"c-nicality t-" #"Iui#"%"nt o2 locus standi %ay &" waiv"! &y t-" Cou#t in t-" "."#cis" o2 its !isc#"tion0 (-is was !on" in t-" %G4G E,.46.)*: P+5.4( C0(.(, %raneta v. ,inglasan >5 w-"#" t-" ;/40)(*.)1.)/0 i,-+4/0)*.? o2 t-" cas"s /#o%/t"! t-" Cou#t to act li&"#ally0 +uc- li&"#ality was n"it-"# a #a#ity no# acci!"ntal0 In %Guino v. Comelec >> t-is Cou#t #"solv"! to /ass u/on t-" issu"s #ais"! !u" to t-" ;704-4.0*hi)6 i,- i*0/i+)(? o2 t-" /"tition notwit-stan!ing its cat"go#ical stat"%"nt t-at /"tition"# t-"#"in -a! no /"#sonality to 2il" t-" suit0 In!""! t-"#" is a c-ain o2 cas"s w-"#" t-is li&"#al /olicy -as &""n o&s"#v"! allowing o#!ina#y citi3"ns %"%&"#s o2 Cong#"ss an! civic o#gani3ations to /#os"cut" actions involving t-" constitutionality o# vali!ity o2 laws #"gulations an! #ulings0>H
5@ 5A 5M 5D >G >, >5

>,M 90+0 HH@0 @B P-il0 B@ (,D>A)0 G0R0 'o0 ,,A 'ov"%&"# A ,DHB (9n#"/o#t"!)0 G0R0 'o0 5DHA Fanua#y ,, ,DBD (9n#"/o#t"!)0 ,,G P-il0 >>, (,D@G)0 AA P-il0 ,G,5 (,DHA)0 MH P-il0 >@M (,DHD) (-" Cou#t -"l!J ;A&ov" all t-" t#ansc"n!"ntal i%/o#tanc" to t-" /u&lic o2 t-"s" cas"s !"%an!s t-at t-"y &" s"ttl"! /#o%/tly an! !"2init"ly &#us-ing asi!" i2 w" %ust t"c-nicaliti"s o2 /#oc"!u#"0? L6'o0 HGGGH Fanua#y >, ,DAB @5 +CRA 5AB0 EaKada #. Eu#era , G0R0 'o0 @>D,B A/#il 5H ,DMB ,>@ +CRA 5A w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at w-"#" t-" Iu"stion is on" o2 /u&lic !uty an! t-" "n2o#c"%"nt o2 a /u&lic #ig-t t-" /"o/l" a#" t-" #"al /a#ty in int"#"st an! it is su22ici"nt t-at t-" /"tition"# is a citi3"n int"#"st"! in t-" "."cution o2 t-" law4 Le/aspi #. %i#il =er#ice %ommission , G0R0 'o0 A5,,D 1ay 5D ,DMA ,BG +CRA B>G w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at in cas"s involving an ass"#tion o2 a /u&lic #ig-t t-" #"Iui#"%"nt o2 /"#sonal int"#"st is satis2i"! &y t-" %"#" 2act t-at t-" /"tition"# is a citi3"n an! /a#t o2 t-" g"n"#al




(-us t-" Cou#t -as a!o/t"! a #ul" t-at "v"n w-"#" t-" /"tition"#s -av" 2ail"! to s-ow !i#"ct in7u#y t-"y -av" &""n allow"! to su" un!"# t-" /#inci/l" o2 ;/40)(*.)1.)/0 i,-+4/0)*.0? P"#tin"nt a#" t-" 2ollowing cas"sJ (%) ChaveA v. .ublic 1states %uthorit@,>B w-"#" t-" Cou#t #ul"! t-at /h. .)7+4*.,.)/ +7 /h. *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4i6h/ /+ i)7+4,0/i+) 0)1 /h. .23i/09 . 1i773(i+) +7 )0/340 4.(+34*.( 04. ,0//.4( +7 /40)(*.)1.)/0 i,-+4/0)*. 5hi*h * +/h. /h. -./i/i+).4 5i/h locus standiO 32) Iagong %l@ansang 2a?aba@an v. Bamora,>@ w-"#"in t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at ;6i8.) /h. /40)(*.)1.)/0 i,-+4/0)*. +7 /h. i((3.( i)8+ 8.1, /h. C+34/ ,0: 4. 0F /h. (/0)1i)6 4.23i4.,.)/( 0)1 0 +5 /h. (3i/ /+ -4+(-.4 1.(-i/. /h. 0*@ +7 1i4.*/ i)J34: /+ /h. -04/i.( (..@i)6 J31i*i0 4.8i.5< o2 t-" Visiting Fo#c"s Ag#""%"nt4 (3) 0im v. 1Cecutive &ecretar@ >A w-il" t-" Cou#t not"! t-at t-" /"tition"#s %ay not 2il" suit in t-"i# ca/acity as ta./ay"#s a&s"nt a s-owing t-at ;Bali<atan G56G,? involv"s t-" "."#cis" o2 Cong#"ssC o# s/"n!ing /ow"#s it #"it"#at"! its #uling in Iagong %l@ansang 2a?aba@an v. Bamora,>M th0/ i) *0(.( +7 /40)(*.)1.)/0 i,-+4/0)*., /h.
/u&lic w-ic- /oss"ss"s t-" #ig-t0 Hapatiran n/ m/a :a/lilin/Cod sa Pamahalaan n/ Pilipinas> 'nc. #. Ean , L0 'o0 M,>,, Fun" >G ,DMM ,@> +CRA >A, w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at o&7"ctions to ta./ay"#sC lac< o2 /"#sonality to su" %ay &" !is#"ga#!"! in !"t"#%ining t-" vali!ity o2 t-" VA( law4 *lbano #. 7eyes, G0R0 'o0 M>BB, Fuly ,, ,DMD ,AB +CRA 5@H w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at w-il" no "./"n!itu#" o2 /u&lic 2un!s was involv"! un!"# t-" Iu"stion"! cont#act non"t-"l"ss consi!"#ing its i%/o#tant #ol" in t-" "cono%ic !"v"lo/%"nt o2 t-" count#y an! t-" %agnitu!" o2 t-" 2inancial consi!"#ation involv"! /u&lic int"#"st was !"2init"ly involv"! an! t-is clot-"! /"tition"# wit- t-" l"gal /"#sonality un!"# t-" !isclosu#" /#ovision o2 t-" Constitution to Iu"stion it0 *ssociation of =mall Landowners in the Philippines> 'nc. #. =ec. of */rarian 7eform> G0R0 'o0 AMAH5 Fuly ,H ,DMD ,AB +CRA >H> w-"#" t-" Cou#t #ul"! t-at w-il" /"tition"#s a#" st#ictly s/"a<ing not cov"#"! &y t-" !"2inition o2 a ;/#o/"# /a#ty ? non"t-"l"ss it -as t-" !isc#"tion to waiv" t-" #"Iui#"%"nt in !"t"#%ining t-" vali!ity o2 t-" i%/l"%"ntation o2 t-" CARP0 8onFales #. )acarai/> Jr . G0R0 'o0 MA@>@ 'ov"%&"# ,D ,DDG ,D, +CRA HB5 w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at it "n7oys t-" o/"n !isc#"tion to "nt"#tain ta./ay"#Cs suit o# not an! t-at a %"%&"# o2 t-" +"nat" -as t-" #"Iuisit" /"#sonality to &#ing a suit w-"#" a constitutional issu" is #ais"!0 )aceda #. )acarai/> Jr., G0R0 'o0 MM5D, 1ay >, ,DD, ,DA +CRA AA, w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at /"tition"# as a ta./ay"# -as t-" /"#sonality to 2il" t-" instant /"tition as t-" issu"s involv"! /"#tains to ill"gal "./"n!itu#" o2 /u&lic %on"y4 9smeKa #. %omelec , G0R0 'o0 ,GG>,M ,GG>GM ,GGH,A ,GGH5G Fuly >G ,DD, ,DD +CRA ABG w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at w-"#" s"#ious constitutional Iu"stions a#" involv"! t-" ;t#ansc"n!"ntal i%/o#tanc"? to t-" /u&lic o2 t-" cas"s involv"! !"%an!s t-at t-"y &" s"ttl"! /#o%/tly an! !"2init"ly &#us-ing asi!" t"c-nicaliti"s o2 /#oc"!u#"s4 De 8uia #. %omelec , G0R0 'o0 ,GHA,5 1ay @ ,DD5 5GM +CRA H5G w-"#" t-" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" i%/o#tanc" o2 t-" issu"s involv"! conc"#ning as it !o"s t-" /olitical "."#cis" o2 Iuali2i"! vot"#s a22"ct"! &y t-" a//o#tion%"nt n"c"ssitat"s t-" &#us-ing asi!" o2 t-" /#oc"!u#al #"Iui#"%"nt o2 locus standi0
>B >@

G0R0 'o0 ,>>5BG Fuly D 5GG5 >MH +CRA ,B50 G0R0 'os0 ,>MBAG ,>MBA5 ,>MBMA ,>M@MG ,>M@DM Octo&"# ,G 5GGG >H5 +CRA HHD0 G0R0 'o0 ,B,HHB A/#il ,, 5GG5 >MG +CRA A>D0




*0(.( ,3(/ 9. (.// .1 -4+,-/ : 0)1 1.7i)i/. : 0)1 (/0)1i)6 4.23i4.,.)/( ,0: 9. 4. 0F.10 By way o2 su%%a#y t-" 2ollowing #ul"s %ay &" cull"! 2#o% t-" cas"s !"ci!"! &y t-is Cou#t0 (a./ay"#s vot"#s conc"#n"! citi3"ns an! l"gislato#s %ay &" acco#!"! stan!ing to su" /#ovi!"! t-at t-" 2ollowing #"Iui#"%"nts a#" %"tJ ,0 50 >0 H0 t-" cas"s involv" constitutional issu"s4 2o# /0F-0:.4( t-"#" %ust &" a clai% o2 ill"gal !is&u#s"%"nt o2 /u&lic 2un!s o# t-at t-" ta. %"asu#" is unconstitutional4 2o# 8+/.4( t-"#" %ust &" a s-owing o2 o&vious int"#"st in t-" vali!ity o2 t-" "l"ction law in Iu"stion4 2o# *+)*.4).1 *i/iL.)( t-"#" %ust &" a s-owing t-at t-" issu"s #ais"! a#" o2 t#ansc"n!"ntal i%/o#tanc" w-ic- %ust &" s"ttl"! "a#ly4 an! 2o# .6i( 0/+4( t-"#" %ust &" a clai% t-at t-" o22icial action co%/lain"! o2 in2#ing"s u/on t-"i# /#"#ogativ"s as l"gislato#s0


+igni2icantly #"c"nt !"cisions s-ow a c"#tain toug-"ning in t-" Cou#tCs attitu!" towa#! l"gal stan!ing0 In Milosba@an, *nc. v. 2orato >D t-" Cou#t #ul"! t-at t-" status o2 Milosba@an as a /"o/l"Cs o#gani3ation !o"s not giv" it t-" #"Iuisit" /"#sonality to Iu"stion t-" vali!ity o2 t-" on6lin" lott"#y cont#act %o#" so w-"#" it !o"s not #ais" any issu" o2 constitutionality0 1o#"ov"# it cannot su" as a ta./ay"# a&s"nt any all"gation t-at /u&lic 2un!s a#" &"ing %isus"!0 'o# can it su" as a conc"#n"! citi3"n as it !o"s not all"g" any s/"ci2ic in7u#y it -as su22"#"!0 In Telecommunications and Iroadcast %ttorne@s of the .hilippines, *nc. v. Comelec HG t-" Cou#t #"it"#at"! t-" ;!i#"ct in7u#y? t"st wit- #"s/"ct to conc"#n"! citi3"nsC cas"s involving constitutional issu"s0 It -"l! t-at ;t-"#"

G0R0 'o0 ,,MD,G 'ov"%&"# ,@ ,DDB 5BG +CRA ,>G0 G0R0 'o0 ,>5D55 A/#il 5, ,DDM 5MD +CRA >>A0


%ust &" a s-owing t-at t-" citi3"n /"#sonally su22"#"! so%" actual o# t-#"at"n"! in7u#y a#ising 2#o% t-" all"g"! ill"gal o22icial act0? In 0acson v. .ereA H, t-" Cou#t #ul"! t-at on" o2 t-" /"tition"#s 0aban ng ,emo?rati?ong .ilipino (LDP) is not a #"al /a#ty6in6int"#"st as it -a! not !"%onst#at"! any in7u#y to its"l2 o# to its l"a!"#s %"%&"#s o# su//o#t"#s0 In &anla?as v. 1Cecutive &ecretar@ H5 t-" Cou#t #ul"! t-at only t-" /"tition"#s w-o a#" %"%&"#s o2 Cong#"ss -av" stan!ing to su" as t-"y clai% t-at t-" P#"si!"ntCs !"cla#ation o2 a stat" o2 #"&"llion i( 0 3(34-0/i+) +7 /h. .,.46.)*: -+5.4( +7 C+)64.((, /h3( i,-0i4i)6 /h.i4 .6i( 0/i8. -+5.4( 0 As to /"tition"#s &anla?as, .artido 2anggagawa, and &ocial Kustice &ociet@ t-" Cou#t !"cla#"! t-"% to &" !"voi! o2 stan!ing "Iuating t-"% wit- t-" LDP in 0acson0 62. What is the !taCe o#er$ pro#ision of the %onstitution. )ay the President #alidly e ercise the same? (-is is +"ction ,A A#ticl" :II w-ic- #"a!sJ S.*. %". In ti%"s o2 national "%"#g"ncy w-"n t-" /u&lic int"#"st so #"Iui#"s t-" +tat" %ay !u#ing t-" "%"#g"ncy an! un!"# #"asona&l" t"#%s /#"sc#i&"! &y it t"%/o#a#ily ta<" ov"# o# !i#"ct t-" o/"#ation o2 any /#ivat"ly6own"! /u&lic utility o# &usin"ss a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st0 W-il" t-" P#"si!"nt alon" can !"cla#" a stat" o2 national "%"#g"ncy -ow"v"# wit-out l"gislation -" -as no /ow"# to ta<" ov"# /#ivat"ly6own"! /u&lic utility o# &usin"ss a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st0 (-" P#"si!"nt cannot !"ci!" w-"t-"# ".c"/tional ci#cu%stanc"s ".ist wa##anting t-" ta<" ov"# o2 /#ivat"ly6own"! /u&lic utility o# &usin"ss a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st0 'o# can -" !"t"#%in" w-"n suc- ".c"/tional ci#cu%stanc"s -av" c"as"!0 Li<"wis" 5i/h+3/ .6i( 0/i+), t-" P#"si!"nt -as no /ow"# to /oint out t-" ty/"s o2 &usin"ss"s a22"ct"! wit- /u&lic int"#"st t-at s-oul! &" ta<"n ov"#0 In s-o#t t-" P#"si!"nt -as no a&solut" aut-o#ity to "."#cis" all t-" /ow"#s o2 t-" +tat" un!"# +"ction ,A A#ticl" VII in t-" a&s"nc" o2 an "%"#g"ncy /ow"#s act /ass"! &y Cong#"ss0
H, H5

G0R0 'o0 ,HAAMG ,HAAM, ,HAADD ,HAM,G 1ay ,G 5GG, >BA +CRA AB@0 G0R0 'o0 ,BDGMB F"&#ua#y > 5GGH H5, +CRA @B@0


@>. What are the limitations of the President"s power of e ecuti#e clemency? (-" sa%" is not availa&l" in cas"s o2 i%/"ac-%"nt as w"ll as violation o2 "l"ction laws #ul"s an! #"gulations wit-out t-" 2avo#a&l" #"co%%"n!ation o2 t-" Co%%ission on El"ctions0 (+"ction ,D A#t0 VII an! +"ction B A#t0 I:6C)) 64. Distin/uish pardon from amnesty0 As -"l! in BARRIOP9I'(O V+0 FER'A'DE$ M5 P-il0 @H5 t-" !istinctions a#" as 2ollowsJ K,L Pa#!on is g#ant"! &y t-" C-i"2 E."cutiv" an! as suc- it is a /#ivat" act w-ic- %ust &" /l"a!"! an! /#ov"! &y t-" /"#son /a#!on"! &"caus" t-" cou#ts ta<" no notic" t-"#"o24 w-il" a%n"sty &y P#ocla%ation o2 t-" C-i"2 E."cutiv" wit- t-" concu##"nc" o2 Cong#"ss an! it is a /u&lic act o2 w-ic- t-" cou#ts s-oul! ta<" 7u!icial notic"0 K5L Pa#!on is g#ant"! to on" a2t"# conviction (o2 o#!ina#y c#i%"s) 4 w-il" a%n"sty is g#ant"! to class"s o2 /"#sons o# co%%uniti"s w-o %ay &" guilty o2 /olitical o22"ns"s g"n"#ally &"2o#" o# a2t"# t-" institution o2 t-" c#i%inal /#os"cution an! so%"ti%"s a2t"# conviction0 K>L Pa#!on loo<s 2o#wa#! an! #"li"v"s t-" o22"n!"# 2#o% t-" cons"Iu"nc"s o2 an o22"ns" o2 w-ic- -" -as &""n convict"! t-at is it a&olis-"! o# 2o#giv"s t-" /unis-%"nt an! 2o# t-at #"ason it !o"s NNno# wo#< t-" #"sto#ation o2 t-" #ig-ts to -ol! /u&lic o22ic" o# t-" #ig-t o2 su22#ag" unl"ss suc- #ig-ts &" "./#"ssly #"sto#"! &y t-" t"#%s o2 t-" /a#!on N an! it Nin no cas" "."%/ts t-" cul/#it 2#o% t-" /ay%"nt o2 t-" civil in!"%nity i%/os"! u/on -i% &y t-" s"nt"nc"N a#ticl" >@ R"vis"! P"nal Co!")0 w-il" a%n"sty loo<s &ac<wa#! an! a&olis-"s an! /uts into o&livion t-" o22"ns" its"l2 it so ov"#loo<s an! o&lit"#at"s t-" o22"ns" wit- w-ic- -" is c-a#g"! t-at t-" /"#son #"l"as"! &y a%n"sty stan!s &"2o#" t-" law /#"cis"ly as t-oug- -" -a! co%%itt"! no o22"ns"0 (s"ction ,GK@L A#ticl" VII P-ili//in" Constitution4 +tat" vs0 Blaloc< @5 '0C0 5H5 5HA4 In #" B#iggs ,>B '0C0 ,,M4 HA +0E0 HG50 HG>4 E. /a#t" Law >B GA0 5MB 5D@4 +tat" ". #"l An-"us"#Busc- B#"wing


AssRn0 vs0 E&y ,AG 1o0 HDA4 A, +0W B5 @,4 Bu#!ic< vs 9nit"! +tat"s '0*0 >B +0 Ct0 5@A4 5A,4 5>@ 90+0 AD4 BD Law0 "!0 HA@0) KHL Pa#!on is co%/l"t" wit- t-" act o2 t-" P#"si!"nt w-il" A%n"sty is vali! only wit- t-" concu##"nc" o2 t-" %a7o#ity o2 t-" %"%&"#s o2 all t-" %"%&"#s o2 Cong#"ss0 6&. 's it required for the person applyin/ for amnesty to admit his /uilt before his amnesty application be considered? Ye,s as held in )1!% )&. .1 .01, 4 &C!% 'N#. B"2o#" on" %ay vali!ly a//ly 2o# "."cutiv" cl"%"ncy (/a#!on o# a%n"sty) -" 19+( AD1I( )AVI'G CO11I((ED ()E AC(+ W)IC) RE+9L(ED I' )I+ I1PRI+O'1E'(0 (-is #ul" a&an!on"! t-" cont#a#y #uling in Ba##ioIuinto vs0 F"#nan!"30 66. )ay a public officer> who has been /ranted an absolute pardon by the %hief < ecuti#e> entitled to automatic reinstatement to her former position without need of a :ew appointment? +o. %s held in MONSANTO VS. FACTORAN,F.94304:, %G!G, a /a#!on loo<s to t-" 2utu#"0 It is not #"t#os/"ctiv"0 It %a<"s no a%"n!s 2o# t-" /ast0 It a22o#!s no #"li"2 2o# w-at -as &""n su22"#"! &y t-" o22"n!"#0 It !o"s not i%/os" u/on t-" gov"#n%"nt any o&ligation to %a<" #"/a#ation 2o# w-at -as &""n su22"#"!0 N+inc" t-" o22"ns" -as &""n "sta&lis-"! &y 7u!icial /#oc""!ings t-at w-ic- -as &""n !on" o# su22"#"! w-il" t-"y w"#" in 2o#c" is /#"su%"! to -av" &""n #ig-t2ully !on" an! 7ustly su22"#"! an! no satis2action 2o# it can &" #"Iui#"!0N Thi( 5+3 1 .F- 0i) 5h: -./i/i+).4, /h+36h -041+).1, *0))+/ 9. .)/i/ .1 /+ 4.i)(/0/.,.)/, 3) .(( 0--+i)/.1 060i) 9: /h. 0--+i)/i)6 03/h+4i/:, 4.*.i8. 90*@-0: 7+4 +(/ .04)i)6( 0)1 9.).7i/(0 6.. )ay the power of e ecuti#e clemency applied to administrati#e cases liCe the suspension of a Pro#incial 8o#ernor? Y.(. Thi( 50( /h. 43 i)6 +7 /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ i) L 0,0( 8(. EF.*. S.*. O49+(, O*/. %', %GG%. Th. 5+41 ;*+)8i*/i+) i) S.*/i+) %G,


A4/. VII +7 /h. C+)(/i/3/i+) %ay &" us"! "it-"# in a c#i%inal cas" o# in an a!%inist#ativ" cas"0 6-. 's the mere filin/ of a criminal case a/ainst a recipient of a conditional pardon with the condition Lnot a/ain #iolate any of the penal laws of the Philippines and this condition be #iolated> he will be proceeded a/ainst in the manner prescribed by lawL sufficient to re#oCe such conditional pardon without first securin/ con#iction a/ainst the /rantee? *"s0 As -"l! in (ORRE+ V+0 GO'$ALE+ ,B5 +CRA 5A5 t-" !"t"#%ination o2 w-"t-"# t-" con!itions o2 a convictCs /a#!on -a! &""n &#"ac-"! #"sts ".clusiv"ly in t-" soun! 7u!g%"nt o2 t-" P#"si!"nt an! t-at suc- !"t"#%ination woul! not &" #"vi"w"! &y t-" cou#ts0 As -"l! in ("so#o vs0 Di#"cto# o2 P#isons in acc"/ting t-" t"#%s un!"# w-ic- t-" /a#ol" -a! &""n g#ant"! ("so#o -a! in "22"ct ag#""! t-at t-" Gov"#no#6G"n"#alRs !"t"#%ination (#at-"# t-an t-at o2 t-" #"gula# cou#ts o2 law) t-at -" -a! &#"ac-"! on" o2 t-" con!itions o2 -is /a#ol" &y co%%itting a!ult"#y w-il" -" was con!itionally at li&"#ty was &in!ing an! conclusiv" u/on -i%0 6,. What are the requisites before the President or his representati#es may #alidly contract or /uarantee forei/n loans? 9n!"# +"ction 5G A#t0 VII t-" P#"si!"nt %ay cont#act o# gua#ant"" 2o#"ign loans on &"-al2 o2 t-" R"/u&lic o2 t-" P-ili//in"s su&7"ct to t-" 2ollowing con!itionsJ a0 t-"#" %ust &" /#io# concu##"nc" o2 t-" 1on"ta#y Boa#!4 &0 su&7"ct to suc- li%itations as %ay &" /#ovi!"! 2o# &y law0 Fu#t-"# t-" 1on"ta#y Boa#! s-all wit-in >G !ays 2#o% t-" "n! o2 "v"#y Iua#t"# o2 t-" cal"n!a# y"a# su&%it to t-" Cong#"ss a co%/l"t" #"/o#t o2 its !"cisions on a//lications 2o# loans to &" cont#act"! o# gua#ant""! &y t-" gov"#n%"nt o# gov"#n%"nt own"! an! cont#oll"! co#/o#ations w-icwoul! -av" t-" "22"ct o2 inc#"asing t-" 2o#"ign !"&t an! containing ot-"# %att"#s as %ay &" /#ovi!"! 2o# &y law0 .?. What is 2udicial power? Fu!icial /ow"# inclu!"s t-" !uty o2 t-" cou#ts o2 7ustic" to s"ttl" actual cont#ov"#si"s involving #ig-ts w-ic- a#" l"gally !"%an!a&l" an!


"n2o#c"a&l" an! to !"t"#%in" w-"t-"# o# not t-"#" -as &""n a g#av" a&us" o2 !isc#"tion a%ounting to lac< o# in ".c"ss o2 7u#is!iction on t-" /a#t o2 any &#anc- o# inst#u%"ntality o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt0 .1. )ay 2udicial power be e ercised by the =upreme %ourt in cases of decisions of the Douse of 7epresentati#es <lectoral tribunal since =ection 16> *rt. +' of the %onstitution pro#ides that the D7<E is the !sole 2ud/e$ of all contestests in#ol#in/ the election> returns and qualifications of the members of the Douse of 7epresentati#es? *"s i2 t-"#" is all"gation o2 g#av" a&us" o2 !isc#"tion a%ounting to lac< o# in ".c"ss o2 7u#is!iction on t-" /a#t o2 t-" )RE( (BO'DOC V+0 PI'EDA) .2. What is a political question? *n %02%!* )&. %0I%, '#4 &C!% ;, it was defined as a Iu"stion w-ic- !"als wit- t-" n"c"ssity "./"!i"ncy an! wis!o% o2 a /a#ticua# act t-" sa%" is /olitical an! not 7usticia&l" In +ani!a! vs0 Co%"l"c A> +CRA >>> /olitical Iu"stions was !"2in"! as Iu"stions w-ic- a#" n"atly associat"! wit- t-" wis!o% not t-" l"gality o2 a /a#ticula# act0 W-"#" t-" vo#t". o2 t-" cont#ov"#sy #"2"#s to t-" l"gality o# vali!ity o2 t-" cont"st"! act t-" %att"# is !"2init"ly 7usticia&l" o# non6/olitical0 In (ana!a vs0 Cu"nco ,G> P-il0 /olitical Iu"stion was !"2in"! as Iu"stions to &" answ"#"! &y t-" /"o/l" in t-"i# sov"#"ign ca/acity o# in #"ga#! to w-ic- 2ull !isc#"tiona#y aut-o#ity is v"st"! to t-" "."cutiv" o# l"gislativ" &#anc- o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt0 O# in Gon3al"s vs0 CO1ELEC 5, +CRA AAH w-"n t-" c#u. o2 t-" /#o&l"% !"als wit- t-" wis!o% o2 an act it is /olitical)0 .3. What is the e tent of the fiscal autonomy /ranted to the 2udiciary under the 1,-. %onstitution? As /#ovi!"! un!"# +"ction > At0 VIII t-" 7u!icia#y s-all "n7oy 2iscal autono%y an! as suc- a//#o/#iations 2o# t-" 7u!icia#y %ay not &" #"!uc"! &y t-" l"gislatu#" &"low t-" a%ount a//#o/#iat"! 2o# t-"


/#"vious y"a# an! a2t"# a//#oval s-all &" auto%atically an! #"gula#ly #"l"as"!0 .4. What are the cases to be decided by the =upreme %ourt en banc? All cas"s involving t-" constitutionality o2 a t#"aty int"#national o# "."cutiv" ag#""%"nt o# law w-ic- s-all &" -"a#! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t "n &anc inclu!ing t-os" involving t-" constitutionality a//lication o# o/"#ation o2 /#"si!"ntial !"c#""s /#ocla%ations o#!"#s inst#uctions o#!inanc"s an! ot-"# #"gulations s-all &" !"ci!"! witt-" concu##"nc" o2 a %a7o#ity o2 t-" %"%&"#s w-o actually too< /a#t in t-" !"li&"#ations on t-" issu"s in t-" cas" an! vot"! t-"#"on0 Also no !oct#in" o# /#inci/l" o2 law lai! !own &y t-" cou#t "n &anc o# in !ivision %ay &" %o!i2i"! o# #"v"#s"! ".c"/t &y t-" cou#t sitting "n &anc0 Also i2 two (5) !ivisions o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -av" con2licting !"cisions t-" sa%" s-all &" #"solv"! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t "n &anc0 Cas"s #"2"##"! to &y t-" !ivision to t-" &anc involving nov"l Iu"stions o2 law t-" sa%" s-all &" !"ci!"! &y t-" "n &anc acc"/t"! &y t-" latt"#0 Finally !is%issal o2 7u!g"s an! !is&a#%"nt o2 lawy"#s a#" also !"ci!"! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t "n &anc0 AB0 W-at a#" t-" /ow"#s o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t8 As "nu%"#at"! in A#t0 VIII +"ction B t -" +u/#"%" Cou#t s-all -av" t-" 2ollowing /ow"#sJ (%) EF.4*i(. +4i6i)0 J34i(1i*/i+) +8.4 *0(.( 077.*/i)6 0,90((01+4(, +/h.4 -39 i* ,i)i(/.4( 0)1 *+)(3 (, 0)1 +8.4 -./i/i+)( 7+4 *.4/i+404i, -4+hi9i/i+), ,0)10,3(, 23+ 50440)/+, 0)1 h09.0( *+4-3(. (=) R.8i.5, 4.8i(., 4.8.4(., ,+1i7:, +4 077i4, +) 0--.0 +4 *.4/i+404i 0( /h. 05 +4 /h. R3 .( +7 C+34/ ,0: -4+8i1., 7i)0 J316,.)/( 0)1 +41.4( +7 +5.4 *+34/( i)K (0) A *0(.( i) 5hi*h /h. *+)(/i/3/i+)0 i/: +4 80 i1i/: +7 0): /4.0/:, i)/.4)0/i+)0 +4 .F.*3/i8. 064..,.)/, 05, -4.(i1.)/i0


1.*4.., -4+* 0,0/i+), +41.4, i)(/43*/i+), +41i)0)*., +4 4.63 0/i+) i( i) 23.(/i+)O (9)A *0(.( i)8+ 8i)6 /h. .60 i/: +7 0): /0F, i,-+(/, 0((.((,.)/, +4 /+ , +4 0): -.)0 /: i,-+(.1 i) 4. 0/i+) /h.4./+O (*) A *0(.( i) 5hi*h /h. J34i(1i*/i+) +7 0): +5.4 *+34/ i( i) i((3.O (1)A *4i,i)0 *0(.( i) 5hi*h /h. -.)0 /: i,-+(.1 i( 4.* 3(i+) -.4-./30 +4 hi6h.4O (.) A *0(.( i) 5hi*h +) : 0) .44+4 +4 23.(/i+) +7 05 i( i)8+ 8.1. (3) A((i6) /.,-+404i : J316.( +7 +5.4 *+34/( /+ +/h.4 (/0/i+)( 0( -39 i* i)/.4.(/ ,0: 4.23i4.. S3*h /.,-+404: 0((i6),.)/ (h0 )+/ .F*..1 & ,+)/h( 5i/h+3/ /h. *+)(.)/ +7 /h. J316. *+)*.4).1. (4) O41.4 0 *h0)6. +7 8.)3. +4 - 0*. +7 /4i0 /+ 08+i1 0 ,i(*044i06. +7 J3(/i*.. (') P4+,3 60/. 43 .( *+)*.4)i)6 /h. -4+/.*/i+) 0)1 .)7+4*.,.)/ +7 *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4i6h/(, - .01i)6 , -40*/i*. , 0)1 -4+*.134. i) 0 *+34/(, /h. 01,i((i+) /+ /h. -40*/i*. +7 05, /h. I)/.640/.1 B04, 0)1 .60 0((i(/0)*. /+ /h. 3)1.4-4i8i .6.1. S3*h 43 .( (h0 -4+8i1. 0 (i,- i7i.1 0)1 i).F-.)(i8. -4+*.134. 7+4 /h. (-..1: 1i(-+(i/i+) +7 *0(.(, (h0 9. 3)i7+4, 7+4 0 *+34/( +7 /h. (0,. 6401., 0)1 (h0 )+/ 1i,i)i(h, i)*4.0(. +4 ,+1i7: (39(/0)/i8. 4i6h/(. R3 .( +7 -4+*.134. +7 (-.*i0 *+34/( 0)1 230(iJ31i*i0 9+1i.( (h0 4.,0i) .77.*/i8. 3) .(( 1i(0--4+8.1 9: /h. S3-4.,. C+34/. (&) A--+i)/ 0 +77i*i0 ( 0)1 .,- +:..( +7 /h. J31i*i04: i) 0**+410)*. 5i/h /h. *i8i (.48i*. 05. .6. What is the !writ of amparo$? It is a w#it issu"! &y t-" cou#ts 2o# t-" -4+/.*/i+) 0)1 .)7+4*.,.)/ +7 /h. *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4i6h/( +7 0 -.4(+) 3)1.4 1./.)/i+). (S.*/i+) ' ('), A4/. VIII) ... What are the 3(fold Bunctions of Judicial 7e#iew?


(-"s" a#" t-"J ,) l"giti%i3ing 2unction o# to !"cla#" t-" law vali! an! constitutional4 5) c-"c<ing 2unction o# to !"cla#" t-" law unconstitutional4 >) sy%&olic o# "!ucational 2unction o# w-"n t-" su/#"%" cou#t !"ci!" a cas" "v"n i2 it is %oot an! aca!"%ic to "!ucat" t-" low"# cou#ts an! ot-"# gov"#n%"nt o22icials0 .-. )ay inferior courts also e ercise the power of 2udicial re#iew 3declarin/ a law> treaty> etc. unconstitutional5 in the li/ht of the requirements of =ection 4325 of *rticle +''' that not e#en any of the =upreme %ourt"s three 335 di#isions> sittin/ separately could not declare a law> treaty> etc.> unconstitutional? *"s &"caus" t-" /ow"# o2 7u!icial #"vi"w is 7ust a /a#t o2 7u!icial /ow"# w-ic- is availa&l" to all cou#ts (+"ction , A#t0 VIII)0 Li<"wis" as s-own &y +"ction B K5L (a) t-" !"cision o2 low"# cou#ts !"cla#ing a law unconstitutional is su&7"ct to #"vi"w &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t0 (YNOT VS. IAC, M04*h =>, %G!") .,. What is the !operati#e fact doctrine$? It si%/ly %"ans t-at t-" !"cla#ation o2 unconstitutionality o2 a law t#"aty "tc0 is /#os/"ctiv"0 As suc- all acts !on" in conn"ction wit- t-" sai! law &"2o#" its !"cla#ation o2 unconstitutionality s-all &" consi!"#"! l"gal vali! an! &in!ing0 It is only t-" !"cla#ation o2 unconstitutionality w-ic- is t-" ;o/"#ativ" 2act? w-ic- woul! sto/ t-" /"o/l" 2#o% co%/lying wit- its /#ovisions0 (,1 %:I%Y%+* )&. .+I, 8J &C!% 3#<6 -?. What are the qualities of one aspirin/ to become a member of the 2udiciary aside from the citiFenship and a/e qualifications? A ,.,9.4 +7 /h. J31i*i04: ,3(/ 9. 0 -.4(+) +7 -4+8.) *+,-./.)*., i)/.64i/:, -4+9i/: 0)1 i)1.-.)1.)*.. -1. 1nder the 1,-. %onstitution> may the salaries of the members of the 2udiciary be ta ed without #iolatin/ =ection 1?> *rticle +''' which would ha#e the effect of decreasin/ the sameC


'o0 (-is was t-" #uling in +*T%9%+ )&. C 22*&&* +1!, 'N# &C!% #J3 which abandoned the contrar@ rulings in the cases of .1!91CT )&. 211!, JN .hil. NN# and 1+,1+C*% )&. ,%)*,, <8 .hil. ;<; -2. 1p to when are members of the 2udiciary entitled to hold on to their positions? +"ction ,, A#t0 VIII /#ovi!"s t-at t-" 1"%&"#s o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t an! 7u!g"s o2 t-" low"# cou#t s-all -ol! o22ic" !u#ing goo! &"-avio# until t-"y #"ac- t-" ag" o2 AG y"a#s o# &"co%" inca/acitat"! to !isc-a#g" t-" !uti"s o2 t-"i# o22ic"0 (-" +u/#"%" Cou#t "n &anc s-all -av" t-" /ow"# to !isci/lin" 7u!g"s o2 low"# cou#ts o# o#!"# t-"i# !is%issal &y a vot" o2 %a7o#ity o2 t-" %"%&"#s w-o actually too< /a#t in t-" !"li&"#ations on t-" issu"s in t-" cas" an! vot"! t-"#"on. M>0 1ay an R(C Fu!g" &" a//oint"! as a %"%&"# o2 t-" P#ovincial P"ac" an! O#!"# Council o2 t-" /lac" w-"#" -" -ol!s o22ic"8 'o0 Th. ,.,9.4( +7 /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ 0)1 +/h.4 *+34/( .(/09 i(h.1 9: 05 (h0 )+/ 9. 1.(i6)0/.1 /+ 0): 06.)*: -.47+4,i)6 230(i-J31i*i0 +4 01,i)i(/40/i8. 73)*/i+)(. (*+ !1= K7,:1 ! , 09 2%+B%+ , ctober N, '<JJ6 MH0 A#" t-" !i22"#"nt a!%inist#ativ" an! Iuasi67u!icial &o!i"s (CO1ELEC 'LRC 'APOLCO1 1ILI(AR* CO11I++IO'+) &oun! &y t-" #"Iui#"%"nt o2 S.*/i+) %4, A4/. VIII /h0/ ;N+ 1.*i(i+) (h0 9. 4.)1.4.1 9: 0): *+34/ 5i/h+3/ .F-4.((i)6 /h.4.i) * .04 : 0)1 1i(/i)*/ : /h. 70*/( 0)1 /h. 05 +) 5hi*h i/ i( 90(.1<C N+. I/ 0-- i.( +) : /+ /h. *+34/( 0( 1.7i).1 +4 i)* 31.1 9: S.*/i+) %, A4/. VIII. (%*! 9!%+C1 )&. C%!!%&C & , 'J &C!% 'NN , ),% ,1 1&.*!*T7 )&. C9*, 34 &C!% 8N3 , I7&C%Y+ )&. 1+!*01, '5# &C!% 4 , 2%+:C% )&. C 2101C, ''# &C!% #48, )%00%, 0*, )&. *+C* +:, '#' &C!% #5N, +%. 0C 2 )&. 0 ,, '#4 &C!% 4N, +7+%0 )&. C%, ';< &C!% 8N; 0)1 2angelen vs. C%, #'N &C!% #856 -&. What are the periods /i#en to the different courts to decide cases before them?


9n!"# +"ction ,B A#t0 VIII all cas"s o# %att"#s 2il"! a2t"# t-" "22"ctivity o2 t-is Constitution %ust &" !"ci!"! o# #"solv"! wit-in 5H %ont-s 2#o% !at" o2 su&%ission 2o# t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t an! unl"ss #"!uc"! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t ,5 %ont-s 2o# all low"# coll"giat" cou#ts an! > %ont-s 2o# all ot-"# low"# cou#ts0 A cas" s-all &" !""%"! su&%itt"! 2o# !"cision o# #"solution u/on t-" 2iling o2 t-" last /l"a!ing &#i"2 o# %"%o#an!u% #"Iui#"! &y t-" Rul"s o2 Cou#t o# &y t-" cou#t its"l20 U)1.4 S.*/i+) %!, A4/. VII, h+5.8.4, 0 *0(. 23.(/i+)i)6 /h. 80 i1i/: +7 /h. 1.* 040/i+) +7 ,04/i0 05 +4 (3(-.)(i+) +7 /h. 54i/ +7 h09.0( *+4-3( ,3(/ 9. 1.*i1.1 5i/hi) 3> 10:( 74+, /h. 10/. +7 7i i)6. -6. 's the requirement under =ection 1&> *rt. +''' mandatory or merely directory? +"ction ,B A#t0 VIII is %an!ato#y in all cou#ts ".c"/t t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t w-"#" sai! /#ovision is consi!"#"! %"#"ly !i#"cto#y0 (-is is so &"caus" it is ;i%/ossi&l"? 2o# t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t to co%/ly wit- suc/#ovision consi!"#ing t-" volu%" o2 cas"s 2il"! &"2o#" it0 (C !.7& )&. C% <J &C!% 3#3, 2%0%C !% )&. C%, ''4 &C!% 38N, 2%!C10*+ )&. C!7B, '#' &C!% N' 0)1 ,1 ! 2% )&. C%, 'N# &C!% #5N6 !". What are co#ered by the powers of the %i#il =er#ice %ommissionC 9n!"# +"ction 5 A#ticl" I:6B o2 t-" Constitution t-" civil s"#vic" "%&#ac"s all &#anc-"s su&!ivisions inst#u%"ntaliti"s an! ag"nci"s o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt inclu!ing gov"#n%"nt own"! an! cont#oll"! co#/o#ations WI() ORIGI'AL C)AR(ER+0 --. What are the requirements before one may be appointed in the ci#il ser#ice? < ceptions? A//oint%"nts in t-" C+ s-all &" %a!" only acco#!ing to %"#it an! 2itn"ss to &" !"t"#%in"! as 2a# as /#actica&l" an! .F*.-/ 0( /+ -+(i/i+)( 5hi*h 04. -+ i*: 1./.4,i)i)6, -4i,04i : *+)7i1.)/i0 +4 hi6h : /.*h)i*0 &y co%/"titiv" ".a%ination0


MD0 D"2in" t-" t-#"" (>) ".c"/tions to t-" #ul" t-at t-" a//oint"" %ust &" c-os"n &as"! on %"#it an! 2itn"ss to &" !"t"#%in"! &y co%/"titiv" ".a%ination8 P+ i*: 1./.4,i)i)6 is on" c-a#g"! wit- laying !own o2 /#inci/al o# 2un!a%"ntal gui!"lin"s o# #ul"s suc- as t-at -"a! o2 a !"/a#t%"nt0 P4i,04i : *+)7i1.)/i0 -+(i/i+) is on" !"noting not only con2i!"nc" in t-" a/titu!" o2 t-" a//oint"" 2o# t-" !uti"s o2 t-" o22ic" &ut /#i%a#ily clos" inti%acy w-ic- "nsu#"s 2#""!o% o2 int"#cou#s" wit-out "%&a##ass%"nt o# 2#""!o% 2#o% %isgivings o# &"t#ayals o2 t-" /"#sonal t#ust on con2i!"ntial %att"#s o2 t-" stat" (E.a%/l"J C-i"2 L"gal Couns"l o2 t-" P'B B"sa vs0 P'B >> +CRA >>G) Hi6h : /.*h)i*0 -+(i/i+) #"Iui#"s t-" a//oint"" t-"#"to to /oss"ss t"c-nical s<ill o# t#aining in t-" su/#"%" o# su/"#io# !"g#""0 DG. 's the position of %ity <n/ineer of 0a/uio %ity a !hi/hly technical$ position8 'o0 (-" /osition o2 City Engin""# o2 Baguio City is t"c-nical ;&ut not -ig-ly so0? (,1 0 & &%+T & )&. 2%00%!1, J4 .hil. #J<6 ,1. 's there such a thin/ as !ne t(in(ranC$ or seniority rule in fillin/ up #acancies in the classified ci#il ser#ice? +o. %s held in 2edenilla vs. C&C, 9ebruar@ '<, '<<', there is no need to wait for the deadwoods to retire before one ma@ be promoted to fillFup a vacanc@ as a result of the presence of other emplo@ees with longer @ears of service or neCtFinFran?. Hhat is important is that the appointee meets all the Gualifications for the said position. ,2. What is the e tent of the powers of the %=% in appointment cases? *t has onl@ the power to approve the appointment if the appointee meets all the Gualifications and the power to den@ the appointment if the appointee does not meet the Gualifications. *T , 1& + T E%)1 TE1 . H1! T &7I&T*T7T1 TE1 %.. *+T11 CE &1+ IY TE1


%.. *+T*+: %7TE !*TY H*TE %+ TE1! HE*CE *T I10*1)1& T I1 2 !1 O7%0*9*1,. ,3. 's the position of %ity or Pro#incial Le/al 9fficer a primarily confidential position? Yes, as held in C%,*1+T1 )&. &%+T &, '3# &C!% =!>, /h. P4+8i)*i0 L.60 O77i*.4 i( 0 -4i,04i : *+)7i1.)/i0 +77i*., 93/ )+/ hi( 0((i(/0)/. Th. (0,. 50( 4.i/.40/.1 i) &%2& + )&. C%, '3N &C!% 5h.4. i/ 50( h. 1 /h0/ Th. Ci/: L.60 +77i*.4 i( 0 -4i,04i : *+)7i1.)/i0 +77i*.4. ,4. )ay /o#Mt. employees form unions for purposes of collecti#e bar/ainin/ and to striCe a/ainst the /o#ernment? As -"l! in %00*%+C1 9 : )T. H !M1!& )&. 2 01, '#3 &C!% and 1Cecutive rder +o. 'J5 , Kune ', '<J4, government emplo@ees ma@ form unions but not authoriAed to stri?e or demand for collective bargaining agreement with the government. authoriAing govt. emplo@ees to form unions. ,&. )ay /o#ernment employees be remo#ed without cause as a result of a /o#ernment reor/aniFation? 'o0 (-is is cl"a# 2#o% RA @@B@ Fun" ,G ,DMM w-ic- is ;An act to /#ot"ct t-" s"cu#ity o2 t"nu#" o2 civil s"#vic" o22ic"#s an! "%/loy""s in t-" i%/l"%"ntation o2 gov"#n%"nt #"o#gani3ation0? (-"#" %ust &" 2ull co%/lianc" o2 t-" !u" /#oc"ss #"Iui#"%"nt0 It %ust &" &as"! on 7ust caus" an! wit- !u" /#oc"ss0( ,%!* )&. 2*& +, %ugust J, '<J< 90 !1B% )&. +:.*+, 9ebruar@ #;, '<<5 21+, B% )&. O7*&72I*+:, Kune 3, '<<5 , TC vs. C&C, ctober 8, '<<' !omualdeA vs. C&C, %ugust '#, '<<8 an! Torio vs. C&C, #5< &C!% ;446 ,6. )ay a person be appointed in a temporary capacity as a %ommissioner of the %ommission on <lections? 'o +"ction , A#t0 I:6C /#ovi!"s t-at ; I) )+ *0(. (h0 0): ,.,9.4 9. 0--+i)/.1 +4 1.(i6)0/.1 i) 0 /.,-+404: +4 0*/i)6 *0-0*i/:. ;)Irillantes vs. Yorac, ,ec. 'J, '<<'6


,.. What are the more important powers of the %9)<L<%8 9n!"# S.*/i+) =, A4/. IX-C, i/( -+5.4( 04. /+ "n2o#c" an! a!%inist"# all laws #"lativ" to t-" con!uct o2 "l"ction /l"&iscit" initiativ" #"2"#"n!u% an! #"callQ0o#iginal 7u#is!iction ov"# all cont"sts #"lating to t-" "l"ctions #"tu#ns an! Iuali2ications o2 all "l"ctiv" #"gional /#ovincial an! city o22icials an! a//"llat" 7u#is!iction ov"# all cont"sts involving "l"ctiv" %unici/al o22icials !"ci!"! &y cou#ts o2 g"n"#al 7u#is!iction an! "l"ctiv" &a#angay o22icials !"ci!"! &y t#ial cou#ts o2 li%it"! 7u#is!iction0 Also it -as t-" /ow"# toJ 0. 9. *. 1. D.-3/iL. 05 .)7+4*.,.)/ 06.)*i.(, i)* 31i)6 /h. AFP.. R.6i(/.4 -+ i/i*0 -04/i.(, .F*.-/ 4. i6i+3( 64+3-( Fi . *+,- 0i)/( 7+4 8i+ 0/i+) +7 . .*/i+) 05( R.63 0/. /h. .)J+:,.)/ +4 3/i iL0/i+) +7 0 740)*hi(.( 7+4 /h. +-.40/i+) +7 /40)(-+4/0/i+) 0)1 +/h.4 -39 i* 3/i i/i.(, ,.1i0 +7 *+,,3)i*0/i+)..

,-. Which court has 2urisdiction o#er election cases in#ol#in/ municipal and baran/ay officials8 El"ction cas"s involving %unici/al o22icial s-all &" 2il"! &"2o#" t-" R(C w-os" !"cision %ay &" a//"al"! to t-" CO1ELEC0 (-os" involving &a#angay o22icials s-all &" 2il"! wit- t-" 1(C w-os" !"cision is li<"wis" su&7"ct to a//"al to t-" CO1ELEC w-os" !"cision in &ot- instanc"s is 2inal an! not a//"ala&l"0 ,,. Where must election cases in#ol#in/ city and pro#incial officials be filed? It %ust &" 2il"! wit- t-" CO1ELEC not wit- t-" cou#ts0 1??. Does the President ha#e discretion on the release of the 'nternal 7e#enue *llotment 3'7*5 for the Local 8o#ernment =er#ice <qualiFation Bund 3L8=<B5 and may she #alidly impose conditions for the release thereof? 'o local gov"#n%"nts -av" 2iscal autono%y un!"# A#t0 : o2 t-" ,DMA Constitution0 As -"l! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in t-" cas" o2 PROVI'CE OF BA(A'GA+ V+0 )O'0 ALBER(O RO19LO E( AL0 1ay 5A 5GGH


auto%atic #"l"as" o2 2un!s o2 Local Gov"#n%"nt 9nits /a#ticula#ly t-" IRA is %an!at"! wit- no con!itions i%/os"! 2o# its #"l"as"0 (o allow t-" P#"si!"nt to i%/os" con!itions 2o# t-" #"l"as" o2 t-" IRA a%ounts to cont#ol to local gov"#n%"nt units w-"n t-" P#"si!"ntCs /ow"# ov"# local gov"#n%"nt units is con2in"! to g"n"#al su/"#vision not /ow"# o2 cont#ol as "nunciat"! in D4i +) 8(. Li,, =3' SCRA %3'. 1?1. What are the requirements for a #alid chan/e of residence for purposes of the requirement on !residence$ under the Local 8o#ernment %ode? In t-" cas" o2 D91PI(61IC)ELE'A V+0 CO1ELEC it was -"l! t-at to vali!ly "22"ct a c-ang" o2 #"si!"nc" t-"#" %ust &" animus manendi coupled with animus non re#ertendi. (-" int"nt to #"%ain in t-" n"w !o%icil" o2 c-oic" %ust &" 2o# an in!"2init" /"#io! o2 ti%" %ust &" volunta#y an! t-" #"si!"nc" at t-" n"w !o%icil" %ust &" actual0 ,G50 Is t-" >6t"#% li%it o2 "l"ct"! local o22icials a//lica&l" to a t"#% acIui#"! t-#oug- succ"ssion8 N+, /h. 3-/.4, i,i/ 0-- i.( +) : i7 /h. +77i*i0 50( DULY ELECTED /+ /h. (0i1 -+(i/i+) 7+4 /h4.. (3) *+)(.*3/i8. /.4,(, )+/ 9: (3**.((i+). (BE'FA1I' BORFA V+0 CO1ELEC an! FO+E (0 CAPCO FR0 G0R0 'o0 ,>>HDB +"/t"%&"# > ,DDM) 1?2(a. )ontebon was elected )unicipal %ouncilor of Euburan> %ebu durin/ the 1,,-> 2??1 and 2??4 elections. De was number councilor in the election of 2??4. 'n 2??&> the +ice )ayor died and he tooC o#er the said position by way of succession in accordance with the Local 8o#ernment %ode. )ay #alidly run a/ain for )unicipal %ouncilor durin/ the )ay> 2??. elections? *"s &"caus" t-"#" was ;I'VOL9'(AR* RE'9'CIA(IO'? o2 -is > t"#%s0 It was not volunta#y w-ic- coul! -av" #"sult"! in t-" counting o2 -is "l"ction in 5GGH as -is > #! t"#%0 )" was 2o#c"! &y law to vacat" -is /osition as 1unici/al Councilo#0 ()9:E<09: +=. %9)<L<%> *pril -> 2??-)

1?2(b. :icasio 0olos> Jr. was elected 0aran/ay %aptain of 0aran/ay 0iCin/> Dauis> 0ohol durin/ the 1,,4> 1,,. and 2??2 0aran/ay


elections. Without ha#in/ completed his 3 rd term> he ran for )unicipal %ouncilor of Dauis> 0ohol durin/ the 2??4 :ational and Local <lections and won. Dis term ended on June 3?> 2??.. 's he qualified to run for 0aran/ay %aptain of his baran/ay durin/ the baran/ay elections of 9ctober> 2??.? 'o %o#" &"caus" -" was "l"ct"! to t-#"" cons"cutiv" t"#%s0 )is non6co%/l"tion o2 -is >#! t"#% WA+ VOL9'(AR* w-"n -"# #un 2o# 1unici/al Councilo#0 (BOLOS, #R. VS. COMELEC, M04*h %", =>>G) 1?3. 'n the creation of a new pro#ince> city> municipality or baran/ay or when it will be di#ided> mer/ed or abolished> or its boundary substantially altered> who shall #ote in the plebiscite to be conducted8 All t-" #"si!"nts o2 t-" /olitical units a22"ct"! i0"0 2o#%"# an! n"w local gov"#n%"nt unit to &" 2o#%"! %ust /a#tici/at" in t-" /l"&iscit"0 ( T%+ )&. C 2101C, '3# &C!% 4#4 and .adilla vs. C 2101C, #'3 &C!% 48N abandoning the doctrines in .%!1,1& )&. 1(1C7T*)1 &1C!1T%!Y, '#J &C!% ; and 0 .1B )&. 21T! 2%+*0% C 22*&&* +, '8; &C!% ;886 1?4. What are the /rounds for impeachment? Only 2o# ;Cul/a&l" violation o2 t-" constitution t#"ason &#i&"#y g#a2t an! co##u/tion ot-"# -ig- c#i%"s o# &"t#ayal o2 /u&lic t#ust?0 1?&. What is the e tent of a 2ud/ment in impeachment cases? Fu!g%"nt in cas"s o2 i%/"ac-%"nt s-all not ".t"n! 2u#t-"# t-an #"%oval 2#o% o22ic" an! !isIuali2ication to -ol! any ot-"# o22ic" un!"# t-" R"/u&lic o2 t-" P-ili//in"s &ut s-all n"v"#t-"l"ss &" lia&l" to /#os"cution t#ial an! /unis-%"nt acco#!ing to law0 1?6. When is an impeachment complaint deemed !initiated$ to bar another complaint within a period of one year? As -"l! in FRANCISCO VS. SPEADER #OSE DE VENECIA, ET AL, 4%' SCRA 44, N+8.,9.4 %>, =>>3, an i%/"ac-%"nt co%/laint !""%"! ;initiat"!? to &" a &a# to t-" 2iling o2 anot-"# co%/laint wit-in a ,6 y"a# /"#io! u/on its KaL 2iling4 an! K&L CO9PLED WI() CO'GRE++ (AOI'G I'I(IAL AC(IO' OF +AID CO1PLAI'(0?


1?.. Who in#esti/ates and prosecutes public officials for crimes committed in the performance of their official duties? < ception It is t-" O22ic" o2 t-" O%&u!s%an an! t-" O22ic" o2 t-" +/"cial P#os"cuto# ".c"/t i2 t-" o22"ns" is in violation o2 "l"ction laws #ul"s an! #"gulations w-"#"in only t-" CO1ELEC -as t-" /ow"# to inv"stigat" an! to 2il" t-" a//#o/#iat" in2o#%ation in cou#t0 -CorpuA vs. Tanodba@an, '3< &C!% #J'6 1?-. What is co#ered by the !academic freedom$ pro#ision of the 1,-. %onstitution? It cov"#s not only aca!"%ic 2#""!o% on t-" /a#t o2 t-" sc-ool &ut also t-os" o2 t-" t"ac-"#s /#o2"sso#s an! t-" stu!"nts &"caus" t-" /#ovision stat"s t-at ;Aca!"%ic 2#""!o% s-all &" "n7oy"! i) all institutions o2 -ig-"# l"a#ning? w-il" un!"# t-" ,DA> Constitution only institutions o2 -ig-"# l"a#ning "n7oy aca!"%ic 2#""!o% &"caus" t-" /#ovision t-"n stat"s t-at ;0 i)(/i/3/i+)( +7 hi6h.4 .04)i)6 (h0 .)J+: 0*01.,i* 74..1+, (A4/. XV, S.*/i+) ! H%I, %G"3 C+)(/i/3/i+).? 1?,. What is the e tent of academic freedom on the part of schools8 It inclu!"s t-" /ow"# to !"t"#%in"J a0 &0 c0 !0 w-o %ay t"acw-at %ay &" taug-t -ow it s-all &" taug-t an! w-o %ay &" a!%itt"! to stu!yNR (E%/-asis su//li"!4 citing +inco P-ili//in" Political Law HD, (,D@5) an! t-" concu##ing o/inion o2 Fustic" F#an<2u#t"# in +w""3y v0 '"w )a%/s-i#" (>BH 9+ 5>H K,DBAL GARCIA V+0 FAC9L(* AD1I++IO' @M +CRA 5AA)0

11?. Does academic freedom on the part of the school carries with it the power to re#oCe a de/ree or honor it has bestowed to its students? *"s0 As -"l! in 9P BOARD OF REGE'(+ V+0 CA August >, ,DDD ;aca!"%ic F#""!o% inclu!"s t-" /ow"# o2 a 9niv"#sity to REVOOE a !"g#"" o# -ono# it -as con2"##"! to a stu!"nt a2t"# it was 2oun! out t-at t-" stu!"ntCs g#a!uation was o&tain"! t-#oug- 2#au!0


Aca!"%ic 2#""!o% is giv"n a wi!" s/-"#" o2 aut-o#ity0 I2 an institution o2 -ig-"# l"a#ning can !"ci!" on w-o can an! cannot stu!y in it it c"#tainly can also !"t"#%in" on w-o% it can con2"# t-" -ono# an! !istinction o2 &"ing its g#a!uat"s0 111. )ay a school punish its students for ille/al acts committed outside the school premises and beyond school hours but within the semester where they are enrolled? Yes because the@ still carr@ the name of the school and their actuations affect the reputation of the school. - %+:101& )&. &*& +, ''# &C!% #;6 This rule was reiterated in the cased of ,1 0% &%001 7+*)1!&*TY )&. C% -#55J6 where a rumble between two fraternities too? place outside the school campus but the students involved were 1(.1001, b@ the school. The &upreme Court, however, while conceding the power of the school over its students held that the penalt@ of eCpulsion is too harsh a penalt@. *t should be 1(C07&* +, meaning, the@ are not allowed to enroll at the ,e 0a sale but the@ should be given transfer credentials so that the@ ma@ enroll in another school. 112. What are the underlyin/ principles behind the constitutional proscription that the =tate may not be sued without its consent? I@ reason of public polic@ -if ever@ citiAen is allowed to sue the government, it will be distracted from performing its functions to serve the people and it will be left /ust answering cases in court6, b@ reason of sovereignt@ -the people shall not be allowed to sue the ver@ entit@ that gives it said right;6 and b@ reason of consent -when the people ratified the Constitution which includes the provision that the &tate cannot be sued without its consent, it has consented or waived said right to sue6. 113. Dow may the =tate /i#es its consent to be sued? E./#"ssly w-"n t-"#" is a law allowing it an! i%/li"!ly w-"n it "nt"#s into a cont#act wit- an in!ivi!ual &"caus" in t-" latt"# it !"sc"n!"! to t-" l"v"l o2 an in!ivi!ual %a<ing it susc"/ti&l" to count"#clai%s o# suits0 114. )ay the /o#ernment be sued in the e ercise of its /o#ernmental functions?


*"s i2 t-" gov"#n%"nt ag"ncy -as a c-a#t"# w-ic- allows it to &" su"!0 (!%Y )&. C9* 9 I70%C%+, ''5 &C!% 3N;6. %lso, the government is not allowed to invo?e its immunit@ from suit if b@ doing so, it will be causing an in/ustice to its citiAens. -2*+*&T1!* )&. C9* of Cebu, 35 &C!% and &%+T*%: )&. !1.7I0*C, J4 &C!% #<36 11&. 's the 1= 8o#ernment also immune from suit in the Philippines in connection with the e ercise of its /o#ernmental functions? *"s0 (-is was t-" #uling in 7.&. )&. !7*B, '8; &C!% where it was held that even if there is a contract entered into b@ the 7& :overnment but the same involves its /usre imperii functions -governmental functions, it cannot be sued. *t is onl@ when the contract involves its /us gestiones or business or proprietar@ functions that it ma@ be sued. '';. A4. +*0 6+8.4),.)/( 0 (+ .)/i/ .1 /+ i)8+@. i,,3)i/: 74+, (3i/C Yes. 11.. )ay a municipality be held liable for dama/es as a result of the death of a person arisin/ from the collapse of a sta/e constructed by the local /o#ernment in connection with its town fiesta? Yes, a town fiesta is a business or proprietar@ function, not governmental, since no law reGuires an@ town, cit@, province or baranga@ to hold an annual fiesta. -T !* )&. 9 +T%+*00%, JN &C!% N<<6 11.. )ay the /o#ernment still be held liable to a pri#ate indi#idual if the contract it entered into is #oid but the other party had already complied with his obli/ations under said a/reement? Yes, because the government shall not enrich itself at the eCpense of its citiAens. (DEPAR(1E'( OF )EAL() V+0 C0V0 CA'C)ELA "t al0 HAB +CRA 5,M) Also t-" sai! i%%unity 2#o% suit !"2"ns" is not a//lica&l" i2 to !o so woul! caus" an in7ustic" to a citi3"n ( )':'=E<7'9 +=. %B' 9B %<01> 4? =%7*) It !o"s not also a//ly i2 it was t-" gov"#n%"nt w-icviolat"! its cont#act wit- its citi3"n ( =*:E'*89 +=. 7<P10L'%> -. =%7* 2,45


Pre-Bar Quizzer in Political Law (Bill of Rights) (Doctinal Rulings, Requisites and Definitions43) June, 2009

1. Define police power. It is t-" /ow"# v"st"! in t-" l"gislatu#" &y t-" Constitution to %a<" o#!ain "sta&lis- all %ann"# o2 w-ol"so%" an! #"asona&l" laws 2o# t-" goo! an! w"l2a#" o2 t-" +tat" an! its /"o/l"0 ( ERMITA MALATE HOTEL VS. CITY MAYOR, #3 : 3%, %G&") 2. What are the basic purposesGaspects of police powerN a0 to /#o%ot" t-" g"n"#al w"l2a#" co%2o#t an! conv"ni"nc" o2 t-" /"o/l"4 (A++OCIA(IO' OF +1ALL LA'DOW'ER+ V+0 +ECRE(AR* ,AB +CRA >H>4 9+ V+0 (ORIBIO ,B P-il0 MB &0 to /#o%ot" an! /#"s"#v" /u&lic -"alt-4 (VILLA'9EVA V+0 CA+(A'EDA +"/t"%&"# 5, ,DMA4 DEC+ V+0 +A' DIEGO ,MG +CRA B>> K'1A(L4 LORE'$O V+0 DIREC(OR OF )EAL() BG P-il0 BDBTa//#"-"n! an! con2in" l"/"#s in a l"/#osa#iu%) c0 to /#o%ot" an! /#ot"ct /u&lic sa2"ty4 (AG9+(I' V+0 ED9 MM +CRA ,DB4 (A:ICAB OPERA(OR+ V+0 F9I'IO ,,D +CRA MDA ) !0 to %aintain an! sa2"gua#! /"ac" an! o#!"#4 (G9A$O' V+0 DE VILLA) "0 to /#ot"ct /u&lic %o#als4 (DE LA CR9$ V+0 PARA+ ,5> +CRA B@D4 ER1I(A 1ALA(E )O(EL V+0 CI(* 1A*OR Fuly >, ,D@A4 F11 PRO1O(IO'+ V+0 CA 5@G +CRA >,D4 VELA+CO V+0 VILLEGA+ F"&#ua#y ,> ,DM>) 20 to /#o%ot" t-" "cono%ic s"cu#ity o2 t-" /"o/l"0 (IC)O'G V+0 )ER'A'DE$ ,G, P-il0 ,,,BB)


(-" ".a%in"" is /#"su%"! to -av" %ast"#"! t-" Constitutional /#ovisions0


2(a. )ay an 9rdinance of the %ity of )anila #alidly require peopleGcouples checCin/ in the different motels in the city to @1A re/ister at the motel"s desC facin/ a public streetO and @2A show their identification card> etc08 A0 *"s0 It is a vali! "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"# to /#o%ot" /u&lic %o#als i0"0 cu#& /#ostitution o# illicit #"lations-i/s0 ERMITA MALATE HOTEL VS. CITY MAYOR, #3 : 3%, %G&") 2(b. )ay the %ity of )anila #alidly prohibit the operation of ni/ht clubs> sauna parlors> massa/e parlors> CaraoCe bars> beerhouses> and similar establishments in the <rmita()alate *rea and /i#es the e istin/ establishments three 335 months to transfer to any place outside said area under pain of imprisonment of up to 1 year and fine of P&>???.?? or chan/e the nature of their business to /ift shops> restaurants> etc. ? A0 (-" O#!inanc" is unconstitutional0 It violat"s t-" !u" /#oc"ss claus" &y !"/#iving t-" own"#s o2 sai! "sta&lis-%"nts o2 t-"i# l"giti%at" &usin"ss"s0 It li<"wis" violat"s t-" "Iual /#ot"ction claus"0 (-"#" is no logic in allowing sai! "sta&lis-%"nts in ot-"# /a#ts o2 t-" City o2 1anila &ut not in t-" E#%ita61alat" a#"a0 Finally "v"n assu%ing t-at t-" sai! O#!inanc" is int"n!"! to /#o%ot" /u&lic %o#als t-" %"ans "%/loy"! is constitutionally in2i#% an! not a vali! "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"#0 ( CITY OF MANILA, 4.-4.(.)/.1 9: M0:+4 A 74.1+ Li, VS. #UD$E PERFECTO LA$UIO, #R. 0)1 MALATE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, $.R. N+. %%!%=", A-4i %=, =>>!) 2(c. )ay the %ity of )anila #alidly prohibit hotels and motels> etc.> at the <rmita()alate area> to offer !short time$ admission therein? A0 (-" O#!inanc" is unconstitutional an! is not a vali! "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"#0 (-"#" is not-ing i%%o#al in staying in a %ot"l o# -ot"l 2o# a /"#io! o2 t-#"" (>) -ou#s only &"caus" a /"#sonCs stay t-"#"in coul! &" 2o# /u#/os"s ot-"# t-an -aving s". o# using ill"gal !#ugs0 Fu#t-"# t-"#" is not-ing t-at woul! /#"v"nt /"o/l" "ngag"! in illicit #"lations-i/s to c-"c< in in sai! %ot"ls &y /aying ,5 -ou#s o# %o#" t-oug- t-"y will 7ust stay t-"#" 2o# > -ou#s0 (WHITE LI$HT CORPORATION VS. CITY OF MANILA, 4.-4.(.)/.1 9: MAYOR ALFREDO LIM, $.R. N+. %==!4&, #0)304: =>, =>>G.)


3. Distin/uish police power with power of eminent domain. (-" !istinctions a#"J ,0 (-" /ow"# o2 "%in"nt !o%ain is t-" in-"#"nt #ig-t o2 t-" +tat" to con!"%n o# to ta<" /#ivat" /#o/"#ty 2o# /u&lic us" u/on /ay%"nt o2 7ust co%/"nsation w-il" /olic" /ow"# is t-" /ow"# o2 t-" stat" to /#o%ot" /u&lic w"l2a#" &y #"st#aining an! #"gulating t-" us" o2 li&"#ty an! /#o/"#ty wit-out co%/"nsation4 50 In t-" "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"# "n7oy%"nt o2 a /#o/"#ty is #"st#ict"! &"caus" t-" continu"! us" t-"#"o2 woul! &" in7u#ious to /u&lic w"l2a#"0 In suc- cas" t-"#" is no co%/"nsa&l" ta<ing /#ovi!"! non" o2 t-" /#o/"#ty int"#"sts is a//#o/#iat"! 2o# t-" us" o# 2o# t-" &"n"2it o2 t-" /u&lic0 Ot-"#wis" t-"#" s-oul! &" co%/"nsa&l" ta<ing i2 it woul! #"sult to /u&lic us"0 >0 P#o/"#ti"s con!"%n"! un!"# /olic" /ow"# a#" usually no.ious o# int"n!"! 2o# no.ious /u#/os"4 -"nc" no co%/"nsation s-all &" /ai!0 Li<"wis" in t-" "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"# /#o/"#ty #ig-ts o2 /#ivat" in!ivi!uals a#" su&7"ct"! to #"st#aints an! &u#!"ns in o#!"# to s"cu#" t-" g"n"#al co%2o#t -"alt- an! /#os/"#ity o2 t-" stat"0 (DIDIPIO EAR() +AVER+ 19L(I P9RPO+E A++OCIA(IO' V+0 DE'R +EC0 ELI+EA GO$9 E( AL0 HMB +CRA BM@) H. What are the tests for a #alid e ercise of police power a0 t-" int"#"sts o2 t-" /u&lic not %"#" /a#ticula# class #"Iui#" t-" "."#cis" o2 /olic" /ow"#4 (LAWFUL SUB#ECT) &0 t-" %"ans "%/loy"! is #"asona&ly n"c"ssa#y 2o# t-" acco%/lis-%"nt o2 t-" /u#/os" an! not un!uly o//#"ssiv" to in!ivi!uals0 (LAWFUL MEANS)0 In s-o#t t-" "n! !o"s not 7usti2y t-" %"ans0 &. Define due process0 Du" /#oc"ss is a law w-ic- -"a#s &"2o#" it con!"%ns w-ic- /#oc""!s u/on inIui#y an! #"n!"#s 7u!g%"nt only a2t"#


t#ial (P"# Dani"l W"&st"# in t-" DARTMOUTH COLLE$E CASE) 6. What are the Hinds of Due Process? a0 su&stantiv" !u" /#oc"ss666#"Iui#"s t-" int#insic vali!ity o2 t-" law in int"#2"#ing wit- t-" #ig-ts o2 t-" /"#son to li2" li&"#ty o# /#o/"#ty0 In s-o#t it is to !"t"#%in" w-"t-"# it -as a vali! gov"#n%"ntal o&7"ctiv" li<" 2o# t-" int"#"st o2 t-" /u&lic as against %"#" /a#ticula# class0 &0 P#oc"!u#al !u" /#oc"ss666on" w-ic- -"a#s &"2o#" it con!"%ns o# t-" /#oc"!u#" as /oint"! out &y Dani"l W"&st"#0 .. What are the requisites of !2udicial due process$? As -"l! in BANCO ESPANOL VS. PALANCA, 3" Phi . G=%. (-" #"Iuisit"s a#"J ,0 (-"#" %ust &" an i%/a#tial cou#t o# t#i&unal clot-"! wit7u!icial /ow"# to -"a# an! !"ci!" t-" %att"# &"2o#" it4 50 Fu#is!iction %ust &" law2ully acIui#"! ov"# t-" /"#son o2 t-" !"2"n!ant o# ov"# t-" /#o/"#ty su&7"ct o2 t-" /#oc""!ings4 >0 (-" !"2"n!ant %ust &" giv"n t-" o//o#tunity to &" -"a#!4 H0 Fu!g%"nt %ust &" #"n!"#"! only a2t"# law2ul -"a#ing0 -. What are the requisites of due process before administrati#e bodies? As -"l! in E'0*I +=. %'7> 6, Phil. 63& t-" #"Iuisit"s a#"J a0 t-" #ig-t to a -"a#ing w-ic- inclu!"s t-" #ig-t to /#"s"nt "vi!"nc"4 &0 t-" t#i&unal %ust consi!"# t-" "vi!"nc" /#"s"nt"!4 c0 t-" !"cision %ust -av" so%"t-ing to su//o#t its"l24 !0 t-" "vi!"nc" %ust &" su&stantial4 "0 t-" !"cision %ust &" &as"! on t-" "vi!"nc" /#"s"nt"! !u#ing t-" -"a#ing4 20 t-" t#i&unal o# &o!y %ust act on its own in!"/"n!"nt consi!"#ation o2 t-" law o# 2acts4


g0 t-" &oa#! o# &o!y s-all in all cont#ov"#sial Iu"stions #"n!"# its !"cision in suc- a %ann"# t-at t-" /a#ti"s to t-" /#oc""!ings can <now t-" va#ious issu"s involv"!0 ,. 'f an accused was represented by a non(lawyer durin/ the trial of his criminal case> what ri/ht of the said accused was #iolated? 's he entitled to a new trial? I2 an accus"! was #"/#"s"nt"! &y a non6lawy"# !u#ing t-" "nti#" t#ial (t-oug- s-" t-oug-t t-at -" was a lawy"#) -is #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss was violat"! an! t-"#"2o#" -" "ntitl"! to a n"w t#ial0 ( DEL$ADO VS. CA, N+8.,9.4 %>, %G!&). )ow"v"# "v"n i2 -" was not #"/#"s"nt"! &y a non6lawy"# at t-" sta#t o2 t-" c#i%inal t#ial /a#ticula#ly w-"n t-"/#os"cution /#"s"nt"! its "vi!"nc" &ut was #"/#"s"nt"! &y a lawy"# w-"n -" /#"s"nt"! -is "vi!"nc" t-"#" is no violation o2 -is #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss o# #ig-t to couns"l0 (CONSULTA VS. PEOPLE, $.R. N+. %"G&4=, F.94304: %=, =>>G) 1?. What are the requisites of procedural due process in disciplinary actions a/ainst students8 As -"l! in $UAMAN VS. NU, %4= SCRA ">&, t-" #"Iuisit"s a#"J ,0 t-" stu!"nts %ust &" in2o#%"! in w#iting o2 t-" natu#" an! caus" o2 any accusation against t-"%4 50 t-"y s-all -av" t-" #ig-t to answ"# t-" c-a#g"s against t-"% wit- t-" assistanc" o2 couns"l4 >0 t-"y s-all &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" "vi!"nc" against t-"%4 H0 t-"y s-all -av" t-" #ig-t to a!!uc" "vi!"nc" in t-"i# own &"-al24 B0 t-" "vi!"nc" %ust &" !uly consi!"#"! &y t-" inv"stigating co%%itt"" o# o22icial !"signat"! &y t-" sc-ool aut-o#iti"s to -"a# an! !"ci!" t-" cas"0 11. What are the requisites of due process before an employee may be dismissed from his worC?


(-" #"Iuisit"s o2 Du" P#oc"ss &"2o#" t-" 'LRC a#"J ,0 'otic"4 an! 50 )"a#ing 12. 's due process satisfied in administrati#e proceedin/s if the respondent is not assisted by counsel? (-"#" is no law w-"t-"# t-" Civil +"#vic" Act o# t-" A!%inist#ativ" Co!" o2 ,DMA w-ic- /#ovi!"s t-at a #"s/on!"nt in an a!%inist#ativ" cas" s-oul! &" assist"! &y couns"l in o#!"# t-at t-" /#oc""!ings t-"#"in is consi!"#"! vali!0 'ot only t-at /"tition"# -"#"in was giv"n t-" o//o#tunity s"v"#al ti%"s to "ngag" t-" s"#vic"s o2 a lawy"# to assist -i% &ut -" con2i!"ntly in2o#%"! t-" inv"stigato#s t-at -" coul! /#ot"ct -i%s"l20 (LUMIPUED VS. EXENEA, =!= SCRA %=') 12(a. 's there a #iolation of a person"s ri/ht to due process before an administrati#e body liCe the %i#il =er#ice %ommission if a party was not allowed to cross(e amine the witnesses a/ainst him despite his request? 'o0 (-" #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss is not violat"! "v"n i2 a /a#ty to an a!%inist#ativ" cas" was not allow"! to c#oss6".a%in" t-" ot-"# /a#ty o# -is witn"ss"s0 W-at -" is "ntitl"! to is t-" #ig-t to &" -"a#!0 (ATTY. ROMEO ERECE VS. LYN MACALIN$AY, ET AL., $.R. N+. %&&!>G, A-4i ==, =>>!) 12(b. Dow about in in#esti/ations in#ol#in/ disciplinary actions a/ainst students> are the latter entitled to cross(e amine the complainant and his witnesses? A0 'o0 (-" #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss on t-" /a#t o2 a stu!"nt is not violat"! "v"n i2 -" was not allow"! to c#oss6".a%in" t-" ot-"# /a#ty o# -is witn"ss"s0 Du" /#oc"ss is s"#v"! i2 was giv"n t-" c-anc" to /#"s"nt -is "vi!"nc"0 (DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY VS. #UD$E WILFREDO REYES, RTC 3&, M0)i 0, $.R. N+, %="G!>, D.*.,9.4 %G, =>>") 13. What are the requisites for a #alid classification8


As -"l! in P"o/l" vs0 Cayat @M P-il0 ,5 t-" #"Iuisit"s a#"J a0 &0 c0 !0 (-"#" %ust &" #"al an! su&stantial !istinctions4 It %ust &" g"#%an" tot -" /u#/os"s o2 t-" law4 It %ust not &" li%it"! to ".isting con!itions only4 an! It %ust a//ly "Iually to all %"%&"#s o2 t-" sa%" class0

14. 's there #iolation of the equal protection clause if policemen who are char/ed of a criminal offense punishable for more than si 365 years will remain suspended until after the his acquittal unliCe other public officers whose ma imum suspension e#en when facin/ /raft and corrupt char/es is only three 335 months? 'o t-"#" is o violation0 In )I1AGA' V+0 PEOPLE t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" 2act t-at /olic"%"n c-a#g"! wit- a c#i%inal o22"ns" /unis-a&l" &y %o#" t-an @ y"a#s a#" to &" sus/"n!"! !u#ing t-" "nti#" !u#ation o2 t-" cas" unli<" ot-"# gov"#n%"nt "%/loy""s is vali! sinc" it #"sts on vali! classi2ication &"caus" /olic"%"n ca##y w"a/ons an! t-" &a!g" o2 t-" law w-ic- can &" us"! to -a#ass o# inti%i!at" witn"ss"s against t-"%0 1&. What are the requisites of a #alid search warrant or warrant of arrest? N+ (.04*h 50440)/ +4 50440)/ +7 044.(/ (h0 i((3. .F*.-/ 3-+) -4+909 . *03(. /+ 9. 1./.4,i).1 -.4(+)0 : 9: /h. J316. 07/.4 .F0,i)0/i+) 3)1.4 +0/h +4 077i4,0/i+) +7 /h. *+,- 0i)0)/ 0)1 /h. 5i/).((.( h. ,0: -4+13*., 0)1 -04/i*3 04 : 1.(*4i9i)6 /h. - 0*. /+ 9. (.04*h.1 0)1 /h. -.4(+)( +4 /hi)6( /+ 9. (.iL.1. (S.*/i+) =, A4/. III) I) 011i/i+), R3 . %=& +7 /h. R3 .( +) C4i,i)0 P4+*.134. 4.23i4.( /h0/ )+ 50440)/ (h0 9. i((3.1 7+4 ,+4. /h0) +). (%) (-.*i7i* +77.)(. 0)1 /h0/ i) /h. i,- .,.)/0/i+) +7 0 (.04*h 50440)/ 5h.) /h. 4.(-+)1.)/ i( )+/ -4.(.)/, 5i/).((.( 04. 4.23i4.1. Fi)0 :, 0 Ci4*3 04 i((3.1 9: /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ 4.23i4.( /h0/ )+ 50440)/ +4 50440)/ +7 044.(/ (h0 9. i,- .,.)/.1 134i)6 /h. )i6h/, 5..@-.)1( +4 h+ i10:(, .F*.-/ i) .F*.-/i+)0 *i4*3,(/0)*.(. 'O(EJ 9n!"# t-" )u%an +"cu#ity Act/Anti6 ("##o#is% Law R"/u&lic Act 'o0 D>A5 A//#ov"!


on 1a#c- @ 5GGA an! "22"ctiv" on Fuly ,B 5GGA ((-is Law s-all &" auto%atically sus/"n!"! on" (,) %ont- &"2o#" an! two (5) %ont-s a2t"# t-" -ol!ing o2 any "l"ction) a /"#son %ay &" ta<"n into custo!y &y t-" /olic" i2 t-"#" is a w#itt"n aut-o#i3ation &y t-" Anti6("##o#is% Council an! suc- !"t"ntion %ay &" ".t"n!"! u/on w#itt"n a//#oval o2 t-" Co%%ission o2 )u%an Rig-ts in cas" o2 actual o# i%%in"nt t"##o#ist attac<00 =ec. 1-. P"#io! o2 !"t"ntion wit-out 7u!icial wa##ant o2 a##"st06 (-" /#ovisions o2 A#ticl" ,5B o2 t-" R"vis"! P"nal Co!" notwit-stan!ing any /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l 5h+, h08i)6 9..) 13 : 03/h+4iL.1 i) 54i/i)6 9: /h. A)/iT.44+4i(, C+3)*i -as ta<"n custo!y o2 a /"#son c-a#g"! wito# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# t-" c#i%" o2 cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% s-all WI()O9( I'C9RRI'G A'* CRI1I'AL LIABILI(* FOR DELA* I' ()E DELIVER* OF DE(AI'ED PER+O'+ (O ()E PROPER F9DICIAL A9()ORI(IE+ DELIVER +AID C)ARGED OR +9+PEC(ED PER+O' (O ()E PROPER F9DICIAL A9()ORI(* WI()I' A PERIOD OF ()REE (>) DA*+ count"! 2#o% t-" %o%"nt sai! c-a#g"! o# sus/"ct"! /"#son -as &""n a//#"-"n!"! o# a##"st"! !"tain"! an! ta<"n into custo!y &y t-" sai! /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"lJ P#ovi!"! (-at t-" a##"st o2 t-os" sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% %ust #"sult 2#o% t-" su#v"illanc" un!"# +"ction A an! ".a%ination o2 &an< !"/osits un!"# +"ction 5A /2 t-is Act0 (-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l conc"#n"! s-all &"2o#" !"taining t-" /"#son sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% /#"s"nt -i% o# -"# &"2o#" any 7u!g" at t-" latt"#Cs #"si!"nc" o# o22ic" n"a#"st t-" /lac" w-"#" t-" a##"st too< /lac" at any ti%" o2 t-" !ay o# nig-t0 It s-all &" t-" !uty o2 t-" 7u!g" a%ong ot-"# t-ings to asc"#tain t-" i!"ntity o2 t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l an! t-" /"#son o# /"#sons t-"y -av" a##"st"! an! /#"s"nt"! &"2o#" -i% o# -"# to inIui#" o2 t-"% t-" #"asons w-y t-"y -av" a##"st"! t-" /"#son an! !"t"#%in" &y Iu"stioning an! /"#sonal o&s"#vation w-"t-"# o# not t-" su&7"ct


-as &""n su&7"ct"! to any /-ysical %o#al o# /syc-ological to#tu#" &y w-o% an! w-y0 (-" 7u!g" s-all t-"n su&%it a w#itt"n #"/o#t o2 w-at -"/s-" -a! o&s"#v"! w-"n t-" su&7"ct was &#oug-t &"2o#" -i% to t-" /#o/"# cou#t t-at -as 7u#is!iction ov"# t-" cas" o2 t-" /"#son t-us a##"st"!0 (-" 7u!g" s-all 2o#t-wit- su&%it -is #"/o#t wit-in > cal"n!a# !ays 2#o% t-" ti%" t-" sus/"ct was &#oug-t to -is/-"# #"si!"nc" o# o22ic"0 I%%"!iat"ly a2t"# ta<ing custo!y o2 a /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l s-all noti2y in w#iting t-" 7u!g" o2 t-" cou#t n"a#"st t-" /lac" o2 a//#"-"nsion o# a##"st4 /#ovi!"! (-at w-"#" t-" a##"st is %a!" !u#ing +atu#!ays +un!ays -oli!ays o# a2t"# o22ic" -ou#s t-" w#itt"n notic" s-all &" s"#v"! at t-" #"si!"nc" o2 t-" 7u!g" n"a#"st t-" /lac" w-"#" t-" accus"! was a##"st"!0 (-" /"nalty o2 ,G y"a#s an! , !ay to ,5 y"a#s i%/#ison%"nt s-all &" i%/os"! u/on t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l w-o 2ails to noti2y any 7u!g" as /#ovi!"! in t-" /#"c"!ing /a#ag#a/-0 =ection 1,. P"#io! o2 D"t"ntion in t-" "v"nt o2 an actual o# i%%in"nt t"##o#ist attac<06 In t-" v"nt o2 an actual o# i%%in"nt t"##o#ist attac< sus/"cts %ay not &" !"tain"! 2o# %o#" t-an t-#"" !ays wit-out t-" w#itt"n a//#oval o2 a %unici/al city /#ovincial o# #"gional o22icial o2 a )u%an Rig-ts Co%%ission o# 7u!g" o2 t-" %unici/al #"gional t#ial cou#t t-" +an!igan&ayan o# a 7ustic" o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als n"a#"st t-" /lac" o2 a##"st0 I2 t-" a##"st is %a!" !u#ing +atu#!ays +un!ays o# -oli!ays o# a2t"# o22ic" -ou#s t-" a##"sting /olic" o2 law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l s-all &#ing t-" /"#son t-us a##"st"! to t-" #"si!"nc" o2 any o2 t-" o22icials %"ntion"! a&ov" t-at is n"a#"st t-" /lac" w-"#" t-" accus"! was a##"st"!0 (-" a//#oval in w#iting o2 any o2 t-" sai! o22icials s-all &" s"cu#"! &y t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt /"#sonn"l conc"#n"! wit-in 2iv" !ays a2t"# t-" !at" o2 t-" !"t"ntion o2 t-" /"#sons conc"#n"!4 P#ovi!"! -ow"v"# (-at wit-in t-#"" !ays a2t"# t-" !"t"ntion t-" sus/"cts w-os" conn"ction wit- t-"


t"##o# attac< o# t-#"at is not "sta&lis-"! s-all &" #"l"as"! i%%"!iat"ly0 16. 'n case the place to be searched as indicated in the search warrant is erroneous because it is different from the place mentioned by the applicants who searched the place indicated by them in their affida#it> are the thin/s seiFed admissible in e#idence? 'o0 As -"l! in PEOPLE V+0 CA 5D, +CRA HGG WHAT IS MATERIAL IN DETERMININ$ THE VALIDITY OF A SEARCH IS THE PLACE STATED IN THE WARRANT ITSELF, NOT WHAT THE APPLICANTS HAD IN THEIR THOU$HTS, OR HAD REPRESENTED IN THE PROOFS THEY SUBMITTED TO THE COURT ISSUIN$ THE WARRANT. 1.. What are the different instances when a warrantless search and seiFure is allowed under our e istin/ 2urisprudence? Wa##antl"ss s"a#c- is allow"! in t-" 2ollowing instanc"sJ ,0 50 >0 H0 B0 @0 custo%s s"a#c-"s4 s"a#c-"s o2 %oving v"-icl"4 s"i3u#" o2 "vi!"nc" in /lain vi"w4 cons"nt"! s"a#c-"s4 s"a#c- inci!"ntal to a law2ul a##"st4 an! sto/ an! 2#is< %"asu#"s0 (PEOPLE V+0 AR9(A 5MM +CRA @5@)

1-. )ay a 2ud/e deputiFe his %lerC of %ourt to taCe the deposition of the applicant for a search warrant sub2ect to clarificatory questions after his hearin/ in other cases? 'o0 As -"l! in Bac-" vs0 Rui3 >A +CRA M5> t-" ".a%ination o2 t-" co%/lainant ant t-" witn"ss"s -" %ay /#o!uc" %ust &" !on" /"#sonally &y t-" 7u!g"0 Ot-"#wis" t-" wa##ant s-all &" voi!0 As suc- t-" +C -"l! in PE'DO' V+0 CA 'ov"%&"# ,@ ,DDG t-at w-"n t-" Iu"stions as<"! to t-" a//licant 2o# a s"a#c- wa##ant was /#"6ty/"! t-" sa%" is not vali! sinc" t-"#" coul! -av" &""n no s"a#c-ing Iu"stions0


1,. )ay a search warrant be issued for the crimes of search warrant for estafa> falsification> ta e#asion and insurance fraud? 'o suc- woul! &" a ;g"n"#al wa##ant? an! violat"s t-" #ul" t-at a wa##ant s-all &" issu"! 2o# on" (,) s/"ci2ic o22"ns"0 (Asian +u#"ty vs0 )"##"#a BH +CRA >,5) 2?. What is a !scatter(shot warrant$? It is a s"a#c- wa##ant issu"! 2o# %o#" t-an on" (,) s/"ci2ic o22"ns" li<" a s"a#c- wa##ant issu"! 2o# %o#" t-an on" s/"ci2ic o22"ns" li<" on" 2o# "sta2a #o&&"#y t-"2t an! Iuali2i"! t-"2t?0 ((A1BA+E' V+0 PEOPLE Fuly ,H ,DDB4 PEOPLE V+0 CA 5,@ +CRA ,G,) 21. )ay a 2ud/e #alidly issue a warrant of arrest based from the 'nformation and the 7esolution of the Prosecutor findin/ probable cause a/ainst the accused? 'o0 (-"#" will &" no &asis 2o# t-" issuanc" sinc" t-" P#os"cuto# is n"it-"# t-" co%/lainant no# t-" witn"ss to t-" cas"0 )" coul! not -av" !"t"#%in"! /#o&a&l" caus" &as"! 2#o% t-" sai! !ocu%"nts0 (VICENTE LIM,SR. AND MAYOR SUSANA LIM VS.HON. N. FELIX , $.R. NO. GG>'4-'")0 As -"l! in t-" cas" o2 +oliv"n vs0 1a<asia# !"ci!"! un!"# t-" ,DMA Constitution t-" Cou#t not"! t-at t-" a!!ition o2 t-" wo#! /"#sonally a2t"# t-" wo#! !"t"#%in"! an! t-" !"l"tion o2 t-" g#ant o2 aut-o#ity &y t-" ,DA> Constitution to issu" wa##ants to ot-"# #"s/on!"nt o22ic"#s as to %ay &" aut-o#i3"! &y law !o"s not #"Iui#" t-" 7u!g" to /"#sonally ".a%in" t-" co%/lainant an! -is witn"ss in -is !"t"#%ination o2 /#o&a&l" caus" 2o# t-" issuanc" o2 a wa##ant o2 a##"st0W-at t-" Constitution un!"#sco#"s is t-" ".clusiv" an! /"#sonal #"s/onsi&ility o2 t-" issuing 7u!g" to satis2y -i%s"l2 o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus"0 Following "sta&lis-"! !oct#in" an! /#oc"!u#"s -" s-allJ (,) /"#sonally "valuat" t-" #"/o#ts an! t-" su//o#ting !ocu%"nts su&%itt"! &y t-" 2iscal #"ga#!ing t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus" an! on t-" &asis t-"#"o2 issu" a wa##ant o2 a##"st4 (5) I2 on t-" &asis t-"#"o2 -" 2in!s no /#o&a&l" caus" -" %ay !is#"ga#! t-" 2iscalRs #"/o#t an! #"Iui#" t-" su&%ission o2


su//o#ting a22i!avits o2 witn"ss"s to ai! -i% in a##iving at a conclusion as to t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus"0 (-" cas" o2 P"o/l" vs0 )ono#a&l" En#iIu" B0 Inting #"it"#at"s t-" 2ollowing !oct#in"sJ (,) (-" !"t"#%ination o2 /#o&a&l" caus" is a 2unction o2 t-" 7u!g"0 It is not 2o# t-" P#ovincial Fiscal o# P#os"cuto# no# 2o# t-" El"ction +u/"#viso# to asc"#tain0 Only t-" 7u!g" alon" %a<"s t-is !"t"%ination0 (5) (-" /#"li%ina#y inIui#y %a!" &y t-" /#os"cuto# !o"s not &in! t-" 7u!g"0 It %"#"ly assist -i% to %a<" t-" !"t"#%ination o2 /#o&a&l" caus"0 (-" 7u!g" !o"s not -av" to 2ollow w-at t-" /#os"cuto#Rs /#"s"nt to -i%0 By its"l2 t-" /#os"cuto#Rs c"#ti2ication o2 /#o&a&l" caus" is in"22"ctual0 It is t-" #"/o#t t-" a22i!avits t-" t#ansc#i/ts o2 st"nog#a/-ic not"s an! all ot-"# su//o#ting !ocu%"nts &"-in! t-" /#os"cuto#Rs c"#ti2ication w-ic- a#" %at"#ial in assisting t-" 7u!g" to %a<" -is !"t"#%ination0 (>) P#"li%ina#y inIui#y s-oul! &" !istinguis-"! 2#o% t-" /#"li%ina#y inv"stigation /#o/"#0 W-il" t-" 2o#%"# s""<s to !"t"#%in" /#o&a&l" caus" 2o# t-" issuanc" o2 wa##ant o2 a##"st t-" latt"# asc"#tains w-"t-"# t-" o22"n!"# s-oul! &" -"l! 2o# t#ial o# &" #"l"as"!0 22. *s to the requirement that the 2ud/e must !personally$ determine probable cause> must he e amine the complainant and his witnesses face to face in order to comply with the said constitutional pro#ision? It !"/"n!s0 In conn"ction wit- t-" issuanc" o2 a +EARC) WARRA'( -" %ust /"#sonally ".a%in" t-" co%/lainant an! t-" witn"ss"s wit- s"a#c-ing Iu"stions 2ac" to 2ac"0 In conn"ction wit- t-" issuanc" o2 a wa##ant o2 a##"st -ow"v"# t-" wo#! ;-.4(+)0 :? a2t"# t-" wo#! !"t"#%in"! !o"s not n"c"ssa#ily %"an t-at t-" 7u!g" s-oul! ".a%in" t-" co%/lainant an! -is witn"ss"s /"#sonally o# 2ac" to 2ac" &"2o#" issuing t-" wa##ant o2 a##"st &ut t-" ".clusiv"


#"s/onsi&ility on t-" /a#t o2 sai! 7u!g" to satis2y -i%s"l2 o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus"0 As suc- t-"#" is no n""! to ".a%in" t-" co%/lainant an! -is witn"ss"s 2ac" to 2ac"0 It is su22ici"nt i2 t-" 7u!g" is convinc"! o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus" u/on #"a!ing t-" a22i!avits o# !"/osition o2 t-" co%/lainant an! -is witn"ss"s0 SOLIVEN VS. MADASIAR, %&" SCRA 3G3 23. 's the 2ud/e bound by the findin/s of e istence of !probable cause$ by the Prosecutor as indicated in his %ertification in the information so that the issuance of a warrant of arrest is only ministerial? 'f not satisfied of the e istence of probable cause> may the 2ud/e require the Prosecutor to submit additional e#idence8 (-" 7u!g" is not &oun! &y t-" 2in!ings o2 t-" P#os"cuto# &"caus" t-" sai! 2in!ing is only ;/#o&a&l" caus"? t-at a c#i%" was co%%itt"!0 P#o&a&l" caus" to 7usti2y t-" issuanc" o2 a wa##ant o2 a##"st is a 7u!icial 2unction v"st"! only in t-" 7u!g"0 In 2act -" can #"Iui#" t-" P#os"cuto# to su&%it a!!itional "vi!"nc" i2 -" is not convinc"! o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" 2o# t-" issuanc" o2 a wa##ant o2 a##"st0 (P0 vs0 Villanu"va ,,G +CRA H@B4 Plac"# vs0 Villanu"va ,5@ +CRA H@>)0 24. 's L9peration HapCapL bein/ done by the police because the suspect has somethin/ bul/in/ in his waist and Ceeps on touchin/ his abdomen as if touchin/ a /un #alid? As -"l! in PEOPLE V+0 1E'GO(E G0R0 'o0 MAGBD Fun" ,DD5 5,G +CRA ,AH ;OPERA(IO' OAPOAP? o# wa##antl"ss s"a#c- wit-out /#o&a&l" caus" is unconstitutional0 +uc- s"a#c- is vali! only i2 cov"#"! &y +"ction B A#ticl" ,,> o2 t-" Rul"s o2 Cou#t w-ic- /#ovi!"sJ +"c0 B0 A##"st wit-out wa##ant4 w-"n law2ul06 A /"ac" o22ic"# o# /#ivat" /"#son %ay wit-out wa##ant a##"st a /"#sonJ (a) W-"n in -is /#"s"nc" t-" /"#son to &" a##"st"! -as co%%itt"! is actually co%%itting o# is att"%/ting to co%%it an o22"ns"4 (&) W-"n an o22"ns" -as in 2act 7ust &""n co%%itt"! an! -" -as /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 2acts


in!icating t-at t-" /"#son to &" a##"st"! -as co%%itt"! it4 an! (c) W-"n t-" /"#son to &" a##"st"! is a /#ison"# w-o -as "sca/"! 2#o% a /"nal "sta&lis-%"nt o# /lac" w-"#" -" is s"#ving 2inal 7u!g%"nt o# t"%/o#a#ily con2in"! w-il" -is cas" is /"n!ing o# -as "sca/"! w-il" &"ing t#ans2"##"! 2#o% on" con2in"%"nt to anot-"#0 Co%/a#" t-is cas" to 1A'ALILI V+0 PEOPLE Octo&"# D ,DDA0 (-" /olic"%"n saw s"v"#al sus/icious loo<ing %"n at !awn w-o #an w-"n t-"y w"nt n"a# t-"%0 As t-" /olic"%"n #an a2t"# t-"% an unlic"ns"! 2i#"a#% was con2iscat"!0 (-" s"a#c- was !"cla#"! vali! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t0 'ot" -ow"v"# t-at in 1ALACA( V+0 CA 5M> +CRA ,BD t-" +C -"l! t-at %"#" sus/icions not su22ici"nt to vali!at" wa##antl"ss a##"st0 ='. M0: /h. I +i + P+ i*. 044.(/( 5i/h+3/ 50440)/ +4 (.04*h /h. -.4(+) 1i(.,904@i)6 74+, 0 (hi- 5i/h+3/ 50440)/ 90(.1 (+ . : +) 0) i)7+4,0/i+) 4. 0:.1 /+ /h., 9: 0) i)7+4,0)/ /h0/ /h. (3(-.*/?( 906 *+)/0i)( ,04iJ30)0C 'o0 As -"l! in .1 .01 vs. %22*+7*,*+, ';8 &C!% 35# a wa##antl"ss a##"st o2 t-" accus"! was unconstitutional0 (-is was "22"ct"! w-il" -" was co%ing !own t-" v"ss"l to all a//"a#anc"s no l"ss innoc"nt t-an t-" ot-"# !is"%&a#<ing /ass"ng"#s0 )" -a! not co%%itt"! no# was actually co%%itting o# att"%/ting to co%%it an o22"ns" in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 t-" a##"sting o22ic"#s0 )" was not "v"n acting sus/iciously0 In s-o#t t-"#" was no /#o&a&l" caus" t-at as t-" /#os"cution inco##"ctly sugg"st"! !is/"ns"! wit- t-" constitutional #"Iui#"%"nt o2 a wa##ant0 26. 'n arrests without warrant based on the fact that a crime has 2ust been committed> what Cind of Cnowled/e is required on the part of the arrestin/ officer? In PEOPLE VS. $ALVEA, 3'' SCRA =4&, /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ h. 1 /h0/ t -" /olic"%an a##"st"! t-" accus"!6a//"llant on t-" &asis sol"ly o2 w-at R"ynal!o Cast#o -a! tol! -i% an! not &"caus" -" saw t-" accus"!6 a//"llant co%%it t-" c#i%" c-a#g"! against -i%0 In!""! t-" /#os"cution a!%itt"! t-at t-"#" was no wa##ant o2 a##"st issu"! against accus"!6a//"llant w-"n t-" latt"# was ta<"n into custo!y0 Consi!"#ing t-at t-" accus"!6


a//"llant was not co%%itting a c#i%" at t-" ti%" -" was a##"st"! no# !i! t-" a##"sting o22ic"# -av" any /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 2acts in!icating t-at accus"!6a//"llant co%%itt"! a c#i%" -is a##"st wit-out a wa##ant cannot &" 7usti2i"!0 2.. What is the effect on the ille/ality of the arrest by the subsequent act of the accused in postin/ bond for his pro#isional liberty and enterin/ a plea durin/ his arrai/nment? By "nt"#ing a /l"a o2 not guilty !u#ing t-" a##aign%"nt t-" accus"!6 a//"llant waiv"! -is #ig-t to #ais" t-" issu" o2 ill"gality o2 -is a##"st0 I( I+ 'OW +E((LED ()A( OBFEC(IO' (O A WARRA'( OF ARRE+( OR ()E PROCED9RE B* W)IC) A CO9R( ACP9IRE+ F9RI+DIC(IO' OVER ()E PER+O' OF A' ACC9+ED 19+( BE 1ADE BEFORE )E E'(ER+ )I+ PLEA O()ERWI+E ()E OBFEC(IO' I+ DEE1ED WAIVED0 ()E FAC( ()A( ()E ARRE+( WA+ ILLEGAL DOE+ 'O( RE'DER ()E +9B+EP9E'( PROCEEDI'G+ VOID A'D DEPRIVE ()E +(A(E OF I(+ RIG)( (O CO'VIC( ()E G9IL(* W)E' ALL ()E FAC(+ POI'( (O ()E C9LPABILI(* OF ()E ACC9+ED0 (PEOPLE VS. $ALVEA, 3'' SCRA =4&) 2-. 's a warrantless search and seiFure by a pri#ate indi#idual #alid? *"s sinc" t-" constitutional /#ovision is not a//lica&l" to -i%0 (PEOPLE OF ()E P)ILIPPI'E+ V+0 A'DRE 1AR(I G0R0 'O0 M,B@, Fanua#y ,M ,DD,4 +ILA)I+ I'(ER'A(IO'AL )O(EL I'C0 V+0 ROGELIO +OL9(A E( AL0 HM5 +CRA @@G) 2,. What are the requisites of a #alid search incidental to a #alid arrest? As -"l! in 'OLA+CO V+0 PA'O ,>D +CRA BH, a s"a#cinci!"ntal to a vali! a##"st %ust &" !on" at t-" /lac" w-"#" t-" accus"! is a##"st"! o# its i%%"!iat" vicinity o# on t-" /"#son o2 t-" accus"!0 As suc- i2 accus"! was a##"st"! w-il" insi!" a 7""/n"y t-"#" is no vali! s"a#cinci!"ntal to a vali! a##"st i2 s-" will &" &#oug-t to -"# #"si!"nc" an! t-"#"a2t"# s"a#c- t-" sai! /lac"0 O# as -"l! in E+PA'O V+0 CA 5MM +CRA BMM i2 t-" accus"! was a##"st"! in t-" st#""t !u#ing a &uy6&ust o/"#ation t-" s"a#c- o2 -is -ous" n"a#&y is not a vali! s"a#c- inci!"ntal to a vali! a##"st0


3?. 'f the accused was #alidly arrested without warrant inside a ni/ht club for ille/al possession of firearm> may the arrestin/ officers #alidly search his car parCed se#eral meters from the place of arrest based on !search incidental to a #alid arrest$? W-"#" t-" gun tuc<"! in a /"#sonCs waist is /lainly visi&l" to t-" /olic" no s"a#c- wa##ant is n"c"ssa#y an! in t-" a&s"nc" o2 any lic"ns" 2o# sai! 2i#"a#% -" %ay &" a##"st"! at onc" as -" is in "22"ct co%%itting a c#i%" in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 t-" /olic" o22ic"#s0 'o wa##ant is n"c"ssa#y in suc- a situation it &"ing on" o2 t-" #"cogni3"! ".c"/tions un!"# t-" Rul"s0 As a cons"Iu"nc" o2 t-" accus"!Cs vali! wa##antl"ss a##"st insi!" t-" nig-tclu& -" %ay &" law2ully s"a#c-"! 2o# !ang"#ous w"a/ons o# anyt-ing w-ic- %ay &" us"! as /#oo2 o2 t-" co%%ission o2 an o22"ns" wit-out a s"a#c- wa##ant in acco#!anc" wit- +"ction ,5 Rul" ,5@0 (-is is a vali! s"a#c- inci!"ntal to a law2ul a##"st0 In 2act t-" su&s"Iu"nt !iscov"#y in -is ca# w-ic- was /a#<"! in a !istant /lac" 2#o% w-"#" t-" ill"gal /oss"ssion o2 2i#"a#% was co%%itt"! Ka2t"# -" #"Iu"st"! t-at -" will &#ing -is ca# to t-" Polic" +tation a2t"# -is wa##antl"ss a##"st) o2 a !#ug /a#a/-"#nalia an! s-a&u CA''O( BE +AID (O )AVE BEE' 1ADE D9RI'G A' ILLEGAL +EARC) &"caus" o2 -is cons"nt not !u" to s"a#c- inci!"ntal to a vali! a##"st0 As suc- t-" it"%s !o not 2all un!"# t-" ".clusiona#y #ul" an! t-" unlic"ns"! 2i#"a#%s !#ug /a#a/-"#nalia an! t-" s-a&u can &" us"! as "vi!"nc" against t-" accus"! . -PEOPLE VS. $O, 3'4 SCRA 33!) 31. )ay the police authorities #alidly search the rented apartment of a suspect without a search warrant or without the consent of the said person 01E W'ED ED< %9:=<:E 9B ED< 9W:<7 9B ED< *P*7E)<:E? 'o0 PEOPLE V+0 DA1A+O 5,5 +CRA BHA a&an!on"! t-" #uling in Lo/"3 vs0 Co%%ission"#0 In o#!"# t-at t-"#" is a vali! cons"nt to a wa##antl"ss s"a#c- t-" cons"nt %ust co%" 2#o% t-" /"#son !i#"ctly a22"ct"! &y sai! wa##antl"ss s"a#c-0 32. What is the !plain #iew doctrine$ in connection with warrantless search and seiFure?


A( h. 1 i) PEOPLE VS. VALDEA, 34% SCRA =', /h. !plain #iew$ doctrine, 5hi*h ,0: J3(/i7: 0 (.04*h 5i/h+3/ 50440)/, APPLIES ONLY WHERE THE POLICE OFFICER IS NOT SEARCHIN$ FOR EVIDENCE A$AINS THE ACCUSED, BUT INADVERTENTLY COMES ACROSS AN INCRIMINATIN$ OB#ECT. A( (3*h, ;- 0i) 8i.5 1+*/4i). *+3 1 )+/ 9. 3(.1 /+ J3(/i7: /h. (.iL34. +7 0) 3) i*.)(.1 7i4.04, i) P.+- . 8(. D0,0(+, (3-40, 5hi*h 50( (..) +) /+- +7 0 /09 . 07/.4 /h. +-.)i)6 +7 /h. 0-04/,.)/?( 1++4 5i/h+3/ 0 50440)/ )+4 *+)(.)/ +7 /h. +**3-0)/ /h.4.i). 33. Define probable cause in connection with the issuance of a search warrant. (-" N/#o&a&l" caus"N 2o# a vali! s"a#c- wa##ant -as &""n !"2in"! Nas suc- 2acts an! ci#cu%stanc"s w-ic- woul! l"a! a #"asona&ly !isc#""t an! /#u!"nt %an to &"li"v" t-at an o22"ns" -as &""n co%%itt"! an! t-at t-" o&7"cts soug-t in conn"ction wit- t-" o22"ns" a#" in t-" /lac" soug-t to &" s"a#c-"!N0 (Puint"#o vs0 'BI Fun" 5> ,DMM)0 (-is /#o&a&l" caus" %ust &" s-own to &" wit-in t-" /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 t-" co%/lainant o# t-" witn"ss"s -" %ay /#o!uc" an! not &as"! on %"#" -"a#say0 (P0 V+0 +* F9CO @H P)IL0 @@A4 ALVARE$ V+0 CFI @H P)IL0 >>4 9+ V+0 ADDI+O' 5M P)IL0 B@@)0 34. What is the !sufficiency test$ in connection with applications for a search warrant? N(-" t#u" t"st o2 su22ici"ncy o2 a !"/osition o# a22i!avit to wa##ant issuanc" o2 a s"a#c- wa##ant is w-"t-"# i/ 50( 1405) i) 0 ,0)).4 /h0/ -.4J34: *+3 1 9. *h046.1 /h.4.+) 0)1 /h. 077i0)/ 9. h. 1 i09 . 7+4 10,06. *03(.1. (-" oat- #"Iui#"! %ust #"2"# to t-" t#ut- o2 t-" 2acts wit-in t-" /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 t-" a//licant o2 a s"a#c- wa##ant an!/o# -is witn"ss"s not o2 t-" 2acts %"#"ly #"/o#t"! &y a /"#son w-o% on" consi!"#s to &" #"lia&l"0N (DR0 'E1E+IO PR9DE'(E V+0 ()E )O'0 E:EC9(IVE F9DGE ABELARDO 10 DA*RI( R(C >> 1anila E P"o/l" o2 t-" P-ili//in"s GR 'o0 M5MAG D"c"%&"# ,H ,DMD) 3&. )ay the police and military authorities #alidly search the citiFens without warrant in checCpoints set up by them? What is the e tent of the search that they may conduct?


In RICARDO VAL1O'(E V+0 GE' RE'A(O DE VILLA GR 'o0 M>DMM +"/t"%&"# 5D ,DMD t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at wa##antl"ss s"a#c-"s an! s"i3u#"s in %ilita#y an! /olic" c-"c</oints a#" not ill"gal as t-"s" %"asu#"s to /#ot"ct t-" gov"#n%"nt an! sa2"gua#!s t-" liv"s o2 t-" /"o/l"0 (-" c-"c</oints a#" l"gal as w-"#" t-" su#vival o2 t-" o#gani3"! gov"#n%"nt is on t-" &alanc" o# w-"#" t-" liv"s an! sa2"ty o2 t-" /"o/l" a#" in g#av" /"#il0 )ow"v"# t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t cla#i2i"! t-at t-" %ilita#y o22ic"#s %anning t-" c-"c</oints %ay con!uct VI+9AL +EARC) O'L* 'O( BODIL* +EARC)0 36. 's an unlicensed firearm seiFed in the house of the accused without warrant by the military authorities> after they were /i#en consent by the said owner of the house for them to search for rebel soldiers> admissible in e#idence8 'o0 In VEROY VS. LAYA$UE, =%> SCRA G" t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" own"# o2 t-" -ous" allow"! t-" /olic"%"n to "nt"# -is -ous" &"caus" t-"y will &" s"a#c-ing 2o# #"&"l sol!i"#s &ut w-"n insi!" t-" -ous" t-"y inst"a! s"i3"! an unlic"ns"! 2i#"a#%0 As suc- t-"#" was no cons"nt to s"a#c- 2o# 2i#"a#%s an! as a cons"Iu"nc" t-" 2i#"a#% is not a!%issi&l" as "vi!"nc"0 3.. 'f the 2ud/e finds that thereMs probable cause> must he issue a warrant of arrest as a matter of course8 It !"/"n!sJ ,0 SAMULDE VS. SALVANI, SEPTEMBER =&, %G!! ('o &"caus" a wa##ant is issu"! in o#!"# to -av" 7u#is!iction o2 t-" cou#t ov"# t-" /"#son o2 an accus"! an! to assu#" t-" cou#t o2 -is /#"s"nc" w-"n"v"# -is cas" is call"! in cou#t0 As suc- i2 t-" cou#t &"li"v"s t-at t-" /#"s"nc" o2 t-" accus"! coul! &" -a! "v"n wit-out a wa##ant o2 a##"st t-"n -" %ay not issu" sai! wa##ant0 'ot"J (-is cas" involv"s a %ino# o22"ns") 50 $OAO VS. TAC-AN, 3>> SCRA =&'0 I2 t-" o22"ns" co%%itt"! is a s"#ious on" li<" t-at o&taining in t-is cas" 2o# %u#!"# t-" Fu!g" %ust issu" a wa##ant o2 a##"st a2t"# !"t"#%ining t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus")


3-. 'f the applicant for a search warrant testifies that his Cnowled/e of the facts and circumstances was deri#ed from a !hi/hly reliable informant$> would such fact sufficient to con#ince the court of the e istence of !probable cause$? 'o <nowl"!g" &as"! on -"a#say in2o#%ation !o"s not 7usti2y t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus"0 (P#u!"nt" vs0 Day#it su/#a0) In 2act w-"n t-" stat"%"nts in t-" a22i!avits o2 witn"ss"s a#" %"#" g"n"#aliti"s %"#" conclusions o2 law an! not /ositiv" stat"%"nts o2 /a#ticula# acts t-" wa##ant issu"! &y vi#tu" t-"#"o2 is not vali!0 Ponsica vs0 Ignalaga Fuly >, ,DMA) 3,. 'n the seiFure of alle/ed pirated tapes> what must the applicant submit to the court in order that the search warrant to be issued shall be #alid8 In C"ntu#y Fo. vs0 CA ,@H +CRA @BB an! COL91BIA PIC(9RE+ V+0 CA 5@, +CRA ,HH it was -"l! t-at t-" %ast"# co/y o2 t-" all"g"!ly /i#at"! ta/" s-oul! &" /#"s"nt"! &"2o#" t-" 7u!g" in o#!"# to convinc" -i% o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus") 4?. What is the effect on the e#idence obtained in #iolation of =ections 2 and 3 of *rticle '''? Any "vi!"nc" o&tain"! in violation o2 +"ctions 5 an! > o2 A#ticl" III s-all &" ina!%issi&l" 2o# any /u#/os" in any /#oc""!ing0 41. 1nder the Duman =ecurity *ctG*nti(Eerrorism Law> 7epublic *ct :o. ,3.2> *ppro#ed on )arch 6> 2??. and effecti#e on July 1&> 2??.> may police authorities the listen to> intercept and record> with the use of any mode> form or Cind or type of electronic or other sur#eillance equipment or interceptin/ and tracCin/ de#ices> or with the use of any other suitable ways or means for that purpose> any communication> messa/e> con#ersation> discussion> or spoCen or written words of a person without #iolatin/ the ri/ht to pri#acy? *"s un!"# +"ctions A an! M o2 t-" law w-ic- /#ovi!"sJ =ection .0 +u#v"illanc" o2 sus/"cts an! int"#c"/tion an! #"co#!ing o2 co%%unications0 (-" /#ovisions o2 RA H5GG (Anti6Wi#"ta//ing Law) to t-" cont#a#y notwit-stan!ing a


/olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22icial an! t-" %"%&"#s o2 -is t"a% %ay u/on a w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als list"n to int"#c"/t an! #"co#! wit- t-" us" o2 any %o!" 2o#% o# <in! o# ty/" o2 "l"ct#onic o# ot-"# su#v"illanc" "Iui/%"nt o# int"#c"/ting an! t#ac<ing !"vic"s o# wit- t-" us" o2 any ot-"# suita&l" ways o# %"ans 2o# t-at /u#/os" any co%%unication %"ssag" conv"#sation !iscussion o# s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s &"tw""n %"%&"#s o2 a 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! t"##o#ist o#gani3ation association o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons o# o2 any /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%0 P#ovi!"! (-at su#v"illanc" int"#c"/tion an! #"co#!ing o2 co%%unications &"tw""n lawy"#s an! cli"nts !octo#s an! /ati"nts 7ou#nalists an! t-"i# sou#c"s an! con2i!"ntial &usin"ss co##"s/on!"nc" s-all not &" aut-o#i3"!0 =ection -0 Fo#%al A//lication 2o# Fu!icial Aut-o#i3ation06 (-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als to t#ac< !own ta/ list"n int"#c"/t an! #"co#! co%%unications %"ssag"s conv"#sations !iscussions o# s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s o2 any /"#son sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# t-" c#i%" o2 cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% s-all only &" g#ant"! &y t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als 9PO' A' E:6PAR(E w#itt"n a//lication o2 a /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22icial w-o -as &""n !uly aut-o#i3"! in w#iting &y t-" Anti6("##o#is% Council c#"at"! in +"ction B> o2 t-is Act to 2il" suc- ".6/a#t" a//lication an! u/on ".a%ination un!"# oat- an! a22i#%ation o2 t-" a//licant an! t-" witn"ss"s w-o %ay /#o!uc" to "sta&lis-J (-at t-"#" is /#o&a&l" caus" to &"li"v" &as"! on /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 2acts an! ci#cu%stanc"s t-at t-" sai! c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% -as &""n co%%itt"! o# is &"ing co%%itt"! o# is a&out to &" co%%itt"!4 (-at t-"#" is /#o&a&l" caus" to &"li"v" &as"! on /"#sonal <nowl"!g" o2 2acts an! ci#cu%stanc"s t-at "vi!"nc" w-ic- is "ss"ntial to t-" conviction o2 any


c-a#g"! o# sus/"ct"! /"#son 2o# o# to t-" solution o# /#"v"ntion o2 any suc- c#i%"s will &" o&tain"!4 an! (-at t-"#" is no ot-"# "22"ctiv" %"ans #"a!ily availa&l" 2o# acIui#ing suc- "vi!"nc"0 =ec. ,0 Classi2ication an! Cont"nts o2 t-" O#!"# o2 t-" Cou#t0 (-" w#itt"n o#!"# g#ant"! &y t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als as w"ll as its o#!"# i2 any to ".t"n! o# #"n"w t-" sa%" t-" o#iginal a//lication o2 t-" a//licant inclu!ing -is a//lication to ".t"n! o# #"n"w i2 any an! t-" w#itt"n aut-o#i3ations o2 t-" Anti6("##o#is% Council s-all &" !""%"! an! a#" -"#"&y !"cla#"! as classi2i"! in2o#%ationJ P#ovi!"! (-at t-" /"#son &"ing su#v"ill"! o# w-os" co%%unications l"tt"#s /a/"#s %"ssag"s conv"#sations !iscussions s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s an! "22"cts -av" &""n %onito#"! list"n"! to &ugg"! o# #"co#!"! &y law "n2o#c"%"nt aut-o#iti"s -as t-" #ig-t to &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" acts !on" &y t-" law "n2o#c"%"nt aut-o#iti"s in t-" /#"%is"s o# to c-all"ng" i2 -" o# s-" int"n!s to !o so t-" l"gality o2 t-" int"#2"#"nc" &"2o#" t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als w-ic- issu"! sai! w#itt"n o#!"#0 (-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" cou#t o2 A//"als s-all s/"ci2y t-" 2ollowingJ (-" i!"ntity suc- as na%" an! a!!#"ss i2 <nown o2 t-" c-a#g"! o2 sus/"ct"! /"#sons w-os" co%%unications %"ssag"s conv"#sations !iscussions o# s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s a#" to &" t#ac<"! !own ta//"! list"n"! to int"#c"/t"! o# #"co#!"! an! in cas" o2 #a!io "l"ct#onic o# t"l"/-on" (w-"t-"# wi#"l"ss o# ot-"#wis") co%%unications %"ssag"s conv"#sations !iscussions o# s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s t-" "l"ct#onic t#ans%ission syst"%s o# t-" t"l"/-on" nu%&"#s to &" t#ac<"! !own ta//"! list"n"! to int"#c"/t"! an! #"co#!"! an! t-"i# locations i2 t-" /"#son sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% is not 2ully <nown suc- /"#son s-all &" su&7"ct to continuous


su#v"illanc" /#ovi!"! t-"#" is #"asona&l" g#oun! to !o so4 (-" i!"ntity (na%" an! a!!#"ss an! t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o#gani3ation) o2 t-" %"%&"#s o2 -is t"a% 7u!icially aut-o#i3"! to t#ac< !own ta/ list"n to int"#c"/t an! #"co#! t-" co%%unications %"ssag"s conv"#sations !iscussions o# s/o<"n o# w#itt"n wo#!s4 (-" o22"ns" o# o22"ns"s co%%itt"! o# &"ing co%%itt"! o# soug-t to &" /#"v"nt"!4 an! (-" l"ngt- o2 ti%" w-ic- t-" aut-o#i3ation s-all &" us"! o# ca##i"! out0 =ection. 1?. E22"ctiv" P"#io! o2 Fu!icial Aut-o#i3ation0 Any aut-o#i3ation g#ant"! &y t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" cou#t o2 A//"alsQs-all only &" "22"ctiv" 2o# t-" l"ngt- o2 ti%" s/"ci2i"! in t-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als w-ic- s-all not ".c""! >G !ays 2#o% t-" !at" o2 #"c"i/t o2 t-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" aut-o#i3ing !ivision o2 t-" cou#t o2 A//"als &y t-" a//licant /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22icial0 (-" CA %ay ".t"n! o# #"n"w t-" sai! aut-o#i3ation 2o# anot-"# non6".t"n!i&l" /"#io! w-ic- s-all not ".c""! >G !ays 2#o% t-" "./i#ation o2 t-" o#iginal /"#io!Q(-" ".6/a#t" a//lication 2o# #"n"wal -as &""n !uly aut-o#i3"! &y t-" Anti6 t"##o#is% Council in w#iting0 42. 1nder the Duman =ecurity *ctG*nti(Eerrorism Law> 7epublic *ct :o. ,3.2> *ppro#ed on )arch 6> 2??. and effecti#e on July 1&> 2??.> may police authorities e amine the banC accounts of indi#iduals without #iolatin/ their ri/ht to pri#acy? *"s un!"# +"ctions 5A an! 5M o2 t-" sai! law0 It /#ovi!"sJ =ection 2.0 Fu!icial aut-o#i3ation #"Iui#"! to ".a%in" &an< !"/osits accounts an! #"co#!s0


(-" 7ustic"s o2 CA !"signat"! as s/"cial cou#t to -an!l" anti6t"##o#is% cas"s a2t"# satis2ying t-"%s"lv"s o2 t-" ".ist"nc" o2 /#o&a&l" caus" in a -"a#ing call"! 2o# t-at /u#/os" t-atJ A /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%4 O2 a 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! t"##o#ist o#gani3ation o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons4 O2 a %"%&"# o2 suc- 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! o#gani3ation association o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons %ay aut-o#i3" in w#iting any /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22ic"# an! t-" %"%&"#s o2 -is t"a% !uly aut-o#i3"! in w#iting &y t-" anti6t"##o#is% council toJ ,0 ".a%in" o# caus" t-" ".a%ination o2 t-" !"/osits /lac"%"nts t#ust accounts ass"ts an! #"co#!s in a &an< o# 2inancial institution4 an! 50 gat-"# o# caus" t-" gat-"#ing o2 any #"l"vant in2o#%ation a&out suc- !"/osits /lac"%"nts t#ust accounts ass"ts an! #"co#!s 2#o% a &an< o# 2inancial institution0 (-" &an< o# 2inancial institution s-all not #"2us" to allow suc".a%ination o# to /#ovi!" t-" !"si#"! in2o#%ation w-"n so o#!"#"! &y an! s"#v"! wit- t-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" Cou#t o2 A//"als0 =ec. 2-0 A//lication to ".a%in" !"/osits accounts an! #"co#!s0 (-" w#itt"n o#!"# o2 t-" CA aut-o#i3ing t-" ".a%ination o2 &an< !"/osits /lac"%"nts t#ust accounts ass"ts an! #"co#!sJ A /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%4 O2 a 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! t"##o#ist o#gani3ation o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons4 O2 a %"%&"# o2 suc- 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! o#gani3ation association o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons in a &an< o# 2inancial institution6 6+)ALL O'L* BE GRA'(ED B* ()E A9()ORI$I'G DIVI+IO' OF ()E CA 9PO' A' E:6PAR(E APPLICA(IO' (O ()A(


EFFEC( OF A POLICE OR LAW E'FORCE1E'( OFFICIAL w-o -as &""n !uly aut-o#i3"! &y t-" Anti6("##o#is% Council to 2il" suc- ".6/a#t" a//lication an! u/on ".a%ination un!"# oat- o# a22i#%ation o2 t-" a//licant an! -is witn"ss"s -" %ay /#o!uc" to "sta&lis- t-" 2acts t-at will 7usti2y t-" n""! an! u#g"ncy o2 ".a%ining an! 2#""3ing t-" &an< !"/osits /lac"%"nts t#ust accounts ass"ts an! #"co#!sJ O2 A /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%4 O2 a 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! t"##o#ist o#gani3ation o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons4 O2 a %"%&"# o2 suc- 7u!icially !"cla#"! an! outlaw"! o#gani3ation association o# g#ou/ o2 /"#sons0 43. )ay a wife #alidly seiFe the diaries> checCs and /reetin/ cards of the alle/ed paramours of her husband in the latter"s clinic and use the same as e#idence in a le/al separation case between them? As -"l! in AULUETA VS. CA, F.94304: %>, %GG& t-" "vi!"nc" o&tain"! &y t-" wi2" w-o 2o#ci&ly o/"n"! t-" !#aw"#s at t-" clinic o2 -"# !octo#6-us&an! an! too< !ia#i"s c-"c<s an! g#""ting ca#!s o2 -is all"g"! /a#a%ou#s is ina!%issi&l" as "vi!"nc"0 (-is is so &"caus" t-" inti%aci"s o2 -us&an! an! wi2" !o"s not 7usti2y t-" &#"a<ing o2 ca&in"ts to !"t"#%in" %a#ital in2i!"lity0 43. 's the freedom of speech and e pression affected by the Duman =ecurity *ct? *"s un!"# =ection 26 o2 t-" law it /#ovi!"s t-at /"#sons w-o -av" &""n c-a#g"! wit- t"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%666"v"n i2 t-"y -av" &""n g#ant"! &ail &"caus" "vi!"nc" o2 guilt is not st#ongTcan &"J ;P#o-i&it"! 2#o% using any c"llula# /-on"s co%/ut"#s o# ot-"# %"ans o2 co%%unications wit- /"o/l" outsi!" t-"i# #"si!"nc"0? 44. What is the rule on criticisms on the acts of public officers? A /u&lic o22icial s-oul! not &" too onion6s<inn"! wit- #"2"#"nc" to co%%"nts u/on -is o22icial acts0 (-" int"#"st o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt an! t-"


soci"ty !"%an!s 2ull !iscussion o2 /u&lic a22ai#s0 (9+ vs0 Bustos >A P-il0 A>,) 4&. )ay the abo#e rule applicable to pri#ate indi#iduals who are public fi/ures or pri#ate indi#iduals who are candidates for public office? As -"l! &y t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in t-" cas" o2 BAG9IO 1IDLA'D CO9RIER E CECILLE AFABLE V+0 CO9R( OF APPEAL+ E RA1O' LABO FR0 HHH +CRA 5M K'ov"%&"# 5B 5GGH t-" a#ticl" involving a /#ivat" in!ivi!ual #unning 2o# 1ayo# o2 Baguio City is still wit-in t-" %antl" o2 /#ot"ction gua#ant""! &y t-" 2#""!o% o2 "./#"ssion /#ovi!"! in t-" Constitution sinc" it is t-" /u&licCs #ig-t to &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" %"ntal %o#al an! /-ysical 2itn"ss o2 can!i!at"s 2o# /u&lic o22ic"0 (-is was #"cogni3"! as "a#ly as t-" cas" o2 9+ V+0 +EDA'O ,H P-il0 >>M K,DGDL an! t-" cas" o2 'EW *ORO (I1E+ V+0 +9LLIVA' >A@ 90+0 5BH w-"#" t-" 9+ +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l!J ;Mi/ i( +7 /h. 3/,+(/ *+)(.23.)*. /h0/ /h. -.+- . (h+3 1 1i(*3(( /h. *h040*/.4 0)1 230 i7i*0/i+)( +7 *0)1i10/.( 7+4 /h.i4 (377406.(. Th. i,-+4/0)*. /+ /h. S/0/. 0)1 /+ (+*i./: +7 (3*h 1i(*3((i+)( i( (+ 80(/, 0)1 /h. 0180)/06.( 1.4i8.1 (+ 64.0/, /h0/ /h.: ,+4. /h0) *+3)/.490 0)*. /h. i)*+)8.)i.)*. +7 -4i80/. -.4(+)( 5h+(. *+)13*/ ,0: 9. i)8+ 8.1, 0)1 +**0(i+)0 i)J34: /+ /h. 4.-3/0/i+)( +7 i)1i8i130 ( ,3(/ :i. 1 /+ /h. -39 i* 5. 704., 0 /h+36h 0/ /i,.( (3*h i)J34: ,0: 9. 64.0/. Th. -39 i* 9.).7i/ 74+, -39 i*i/: i( (+ 64.0/ 0)1 /h. *h0)*. +7 i)J34: /+ -4i80/. *h040*/.4 (+ (,0 , /h0/ (3*h 1i(*3((i+) ,3(/ 9. -4i8i .6.1. ; C .04 :, /h. 23.(/i+).1 04/i* .( *+)(/i/3/. 70i4 *+,,.)/ +) 0 ,0//.4 +7 -39 i* i)/.4.(/ 0( i/ 1.0 / 5i/h /h. *h040*/.4 +7 /h. -4i80/. 4.(-+)1.)/ 5h+ 50( 43))i)6 7+4 /h. /+- . .*/i8. -+(/ i) B063i+ Ci/: 0/ /h0/ /i,..


46. )ay the %9)<L<% #alidly prohibit columnists> radio announcers and E+ commentator for commentin/ for or a/ainst any issue durin/ the plebiscite period since they can air their #iews in a pro/ram sponsored by the %9)<L<% itself8 'o suc- woul! &" an un!u" int"#2"#"nc" on t-" 2#""!o% o2 "./#"ssion0 I( I+ +(ILL A RE+(RIC(IO' O' ()E COL91'I+( A''O9'CER OR CO11E'(A(ORC+ C)OICE OF ()E FOR91 W)ERE )E 1A* E:PRE++ )I+ VIEW0 Pl"&iscit" issu"s a#" %att"#s o2 /u&lic conc"#n an! i%/o#tanc"0 (-" /"o/l"Rs #ig-t to &" in2o#%"! an! to &" a&l" to 2#""ly an! int"llig"ntly %a<" a !"cision woul! &" &"tt"# s"#v"! &y acc"ss to an una&#i!g"! !iscussion o2 t-" issu"s I'CL9DI'G ()E FOR910 (-" /"o/l" a22"ct"! &y t-" issu"s /#"s"nt"! in a /l"&iscit" s-oul! not &" un!uly &u#!"n"! &y #"st#ictions on t-" 2o#u% w-"#" t-" #ig-t to "./#"ssion %ay &" "."#cis"!0 (P*0L'E9 +. =*:'D*D +=. %9)<L<%> G0R0 'O0 DGMAM Fanua#y 5D ,DDG) 4.. What are the requisites that a newspaper must comply in order that its news item on an on/oin/ trial in court will not be actionable for bein/ libelous? In Eli3al!" vs0 Guti"##"3 A@ +CRA HHM it was -"l! t-at in o#!"# t-at any n"ws it"% #"lating to a 7u!icial /#oc""!ing will not &" actiona&l" t-" sa%" %ust &" KaL a t#u" an! 2ai# #"/o#t o2 t-" actual /#oc""!ings4 K&L %ust &" !on" in goo! 2ait-4 an! KcL no co%%"nts no# #"%a#<s s-all &" %a!" &y t-" w#it"#U 4-. What are the tests of obscenity? (-" t-#"" (>) t"sts as -"l! in 1ill"# vs0 Cali2o#nia >A L0 E!0 5! H,D a#"J ,0 W-"t-"# t-" av"#ag" /"#son a//lying to cont"%/o#a#y co%%unity stan!a#!s woul! 2in! t-" wo#< a//"als to /#u#i"nt int"#"st4 50 W-"t-"# t-" wo#< !"/icts o# !"sc#i&"s a /at"ntly o22"nsiv" s".ual con!uct4 >0 W-"t-"# t-" wo#< as a w-ol" lac<s s"#ious lit"#a#y a#tistic /olitical o# sci"nti2ic valu"0


4,. )ay the %ity )ayor order the confiscation without a search warrant ma/aFines which he belie#es to be obscene? What is the correct procedure for him to follow? 'o0 (Pita vs0 CA ,AM +CRA >@5)0 A City 1ayo# %ay not o#!"# t-" wa##antl"ss s"i3u#" o2 %aga3in"s w-ic- -" &"li"v"s to &" o&sc"n"4 ot-"#wis" -" will &"co%" t-" co%/lainant /#os"cuto# an! 7u!g" at t-" sa%" ti%"0 )" s-oul! o&tain a s"a#c- wa##ant 2#o% a 7u!g" &y 2ollowing t-" /#oc"!u#" lai! !own &y t-" Rul"s on -ow to s"cu#" a s"a#c- wa##ant0 &?. )ay public school teachers #alidly file mass lea#es> instead of /oin/ on striCe> after their demand to the /o#ernment was not met$ In GE+I(E "t al0 vs0 CO9R( OF APPEAL+ HHH +CRA B, -"l! t-at ;t-"s" %ass actions w"#" to all int"nts an! /u#/os"s a st#i<"4 t-"y constitut"! a conc"#t"! an! unaut-o#i3"! sto//ag" o2 o# a&s"nc" 2#o% wo#< w-ic- it was t-" t"ac-"#sC !uty to /"#2o#% un!"#ta<"n 2o# "ss"ntially "cono%ic #"asons0? It is un!is/ut"! 2act t-at t-"#" was a wo#< sto//ag" an! t-at /"tition"#sC /u#/os" was to #"ali3" t-"i# !"%an!s &y wit--ol!ing t-"i# s"#vic"s0 (-" 2act t-at t-" conv"ntional t"#% ;st#i<"? was not us"! &y t-" st#i<ing "%/loy""s to !"sc#i&" t-"i# co%%on cou#s" o2 action is incons"Iu"ntial +I'CE ()E +9B+(A'CE OF ()E +I(9A(IO' A'D 'O( I(+ APPEARA'CE WILL BE DEE1ED CO'(ROLLI'G0 (-" #ig-t o2 gov"#n%"nt "%/loy""s to o#gani3" I+ LI1I(ED (O ()E FOR1A(IO'+ OF 9'IO'+ OR A++OCIA(IO'+ O'L* WI()O9( I'CL9DI'G ()E RIG)( (O +(RIOE0 (Bangalisan vs0 CA 5A@ +CRA @,D) &1. What is the procedure to be followed in the application of rally permits before the %ity or )unicipal )ayor in accordance with 0P 0ilan/ --?? (-" a//licants 2o# a /"#%it to -ol! an ass"%&ly s-oul! in2o#% t-" lic"nsing aut-o#ity o2 t-" !at" t-" /u&lic /lac" w-"#" an! t-" ti%" when it will ta<" /lac"0 I2 it w"#" a /#ivat" /lac" only t-" cons"nt o2 t-" own"# o# t-" on" "ntitl"! to its l"gal /oss"ssion is #"Iui#"!0 +uc- a//lication s-oul! &" 2il"! w"ll a-"a! in ti%" to "na&l" t-" /u&lic o22icial conc"#n"! to a//#ais" w-"t-"# t-"#" %ay &" vali! o&7"ctions to t-" g#ant o2 t-" /"#%it o# to its g#ant &ut at anot-"# /u&lic /lac"0 It is an in!is/"nsa&l" con!ition to suc-


#"2usal o# %o!i2ication t-at t-" cl"a# an! /#"s"nt !ang"# t"st &" t-" stan!a#! 2o# t-" !"cision #"ac-"!0 I2 -" is o2 t-" vi"w t-at t-"#" is suc- an i%%in"nt an! g#av" !ang"# o2 a su&stantiv" "vil t-" a//licants %ust &" -"a#! on t-" %att"#0 (-"#"a2t"# -is !"cision w-"t-"# 2avo#a&l" o# a!v"#s" %ust &" t#ans%itt"! to t-"% at t-" "a#li"st o//o#tunity0 (-us i2 so %in!"! t-"y can -av" #"cou#s" to t-" /#o/"# 7u!icial aut-o#ity0 ( BAYAN, DARAPATAN, DILUSAN$ MA$BUBUDID N$ PILIPINAS (DMP), 0)1 $ABRIELA vs0 EDUARDO ERMITA in -is ca/acity as E."cutiv" +"c#"ta#y 1anila City 1ayo# LITO ATIENAA C-i"2 o2 t-" P-ili//in" 'ational Polic" G"n0 ARTURO M. LOMIBAO, NCRPO C-i"2 M0J. $.). VIDAL PUEROL, an! W"st"#n Polic" Dist#ict C-i"2 $.). PEDRO BULAON$ G0R0 'o0 ,@DMHM 1ay 5GG@) &2. 's 0P --? unconstitutional for bein/ #a/ue 3+oid for +a/ueness Doctrine5 and o#erbroad 39#erbreadth Doctrine)8 'o0 It is v"#y cl"a# t-at it !"als only on /u&lic ass"%&li"s t-at !"als wit- #alli"s %ass actions an! si%ila# acts an! not all <in!s o2 /u&lic ass"%&li"s0 As suc- it is not vagu"0 '"it-"# is t-" law ov"#&#oa!0 It #"gulat"s t-" "."#cis" o2 t-" #ig-t to /"ac"2ul ass"%&ly an! /"tition +) : /+ t-" ".t"nt n""!"! to avoi! a cl"a# an! /#"s"nt !ang"# o2 t-" su&stantiv" "vils Cong#"ss -as t-" #ig-t to /#"v"nt0 &3. 's the %alibrated Pre(empti#e 7esponse 3%P75 of the *rroyo *dministration towards rallyists constitutional? (-" Cou#t #"it"#at"s its &asic /olicy o2 u/-ol!ing t-" 2un!a%"ntal #ig-ts o2 ou# /"o/l" "s/"cially 2#""!o% o2 "./#"ssion an! 2#""!o% o2 ass"%&ly0 Fo# t-is #"ason t-" so6call"! cali&#at"! /#""%/tiv" #"s/ons" /olicy t-" /olicy o2 !is/"#sing #allyists t-#oug- wat"# cannons -as no /lac" in ou# l"gal 2i#%a%"nt an! %ust &" st#uc< !own as a !a#<n"ss t-at s-#ou!s 2#""!o%0 It %"#"ly con2us"s ou# /"o/l" an! is us"! &y so%" /olic" ag"nts to 7usti2y a&us"s0 On t-" ot-"# -an! B0P0 'o0 MMG cannot &" con!"%n"! as unconstitutional4 it !o"s not cu#tail o# un!uly #"st#ict 2#""!o%s4 it %"#"ly #"gulat"s t-" us" o2 /u&lic /lac"s as to t-" ti%" /lac" an! %ann"# o2 ass"%&li"s0 Fa# 2#o% &"ing insi!ious ;%a.i%u% tol"#anc"? is 2o# t-" &"n"2it o2 #allyists not t-" gov"#n%"nt0 (-" !"l"gation to t-" %ayo#s o2 t-" /ow"# to issu" #ally ;/"#%its? is vali! &"caus" it is su&7"ct to t-" constitutionally6soun! ;cl"a# an! /#"s"nt !ang"#? stan!a#!0 (BAYAN, DARAPATAN, DILUSAN$ MA$BUBUDID N$ PILIPINAS (DMP),


0)1 $ABRIELA vs0 EDUARDO ERMITA in -is ca/acity as E."cutiv" +"c#"ta#y 1anila City 1ayo# LITO ATIENAA C-i"2 o2 t-" P-ili//in" 'ational Polic" G"n0 ARTURO M. LOMIBAO, NCRPO C-i"2 M0J. $.). VIDAL PUEROL, an! W"st"#n Polic" Dist#ict C-i"2 $.). PEDRO BULAON$ G0R0 'o0 ,@DMHM 1ay 5GG@) &4. )ay the )E7%0 suspend for three 335 months the airin/ of the pro/ram *n/ Datin/ Daan of 0rother <liseo =oriano as a result of #ul/ar and uncouth lan/ua/e he uttered a/ainst the host of the pro/ram *n/ Eaman/ Daan of the '/lesia :i Hristo? A0 *"s as ;su&s"Iu"nt /unis-%"nt?0 In 2act it is a vali! ;/#io# #"st#aint? %"asu#" on t-" /a#t o2 t-" 1(RCB (+ORIA'O V+0 LAG9ARDIA A/#il 5D 5GGD) KDiss"nting O/inionJ (-" sus/"nsion o2 t-" /#og#a% is ill"gal0 It constitut"s ;/#io# #"st#aint?0 )" is /#"v"nt"! 2#o% -osting t-" /#og#a% !u#ing t-" succ""!ing !ays "v"n i2 -" will 7ust say t-" ;Lo#!Cs P#ay"#? o# to g#""t ;goo! %o#ning? to -is vi"w"#s0 P"# Fustic" Antonio Ca#/ioL &4(a. )ay the %ity of %auayan> 'sabela> #alidly close the 0ombo 7adio =tations therein on the /round that their buildin/ was constructed on an !a/ricultural land$ @that is why the %ity did not issue business permit for it to operateA which has not been con#erted to !commercial land$ by the D*7 despite the fact that it has been there for so many years and was questioned only when the said station was critical of the Dy"s in 'sabela who own the only other radio station therein? A. Th. 0*/ +7 /h. Ci/: +7 C030:0), I(09. 0 *+)(/i/3/.( -4i+4 4.(/40i)/. I/ (h0 -0: P%>M i) 10,06.( 7+4 /h. +((.( (377.4.1 9: B+,9+ R01:+ 0( 0 4.(3 / +7 /h. i .60 * +(34.. ( 'EW+O9'D+ BROADCA+(I'G 'E(WORO I'C0 an! CO'+OLIDA(ED BROADCA+(I'G +*+(E1 I'C0 vs0 )O'0 CEA+AR G0 D* FELICI+I1O G0 1EER BAG'O+ 1A:I1O RAC1A FER'A'DE$6 GARCIA an! ()E CI(* OF CA9A*A' G0R0 'os0 ,AG5AG E,ADH,, A/#il 5 5GGD) &4(b. Distin/uish !clear and present dan/er$> !dan/erous tendency rule$ and !balancin/ of interest test$.


Cl"a# an! /#"s"nt !ang"# an! !ang"#ous t"n!"ncy #ul" (w-"t-"# t-" wo#!s us"! in suc- ci#cu%stanc"s an! a#" o2 suc- a natu#" as to c#"at" a cl"a# an! /#"s"nt !ang"# t-at t-"y will &#ing a&out t-" su&stantiv" "vils t-at t-" +tat" -as t-" #ig-t to /#"v"nt) Dang"#ous t"n!"ncy #ul" (I2 t-" wo#!s utt"#"! c#"at" a !ang"#ous t"n!"ncy w-ic- t-" +tat" -as t-" #ig-t to /#"v"nt t-"n suc- wo#!s a#" /unis-a&l") (-" &alancing6o26int"#"st t"st (W-"n a /a#ticula# con!uct is #"gulat"! in t-" int"#"st o2 t-" /u&lic o#!"# an! t-" #"gulation #"sults in an in!i#"ct con!itional /a#tial a&#i!g%"nt o2 s/""c- t-" !uty o2 t-" cou#ts is to !"t"#%in" w-ic- o2 t-" 5 con2licting int"#"sts !"%an! g#"at"# /#ot"ction un!"# t-" ci#cu%stanc"s /#"s"nt"!0) &&. )ay =enator Juan Ponce <nrile pre#ent the mo#ie producer of the <D=* ' 7e#olution mo#ie from includin/ his participation durin/ the uprisin/ since it #iolates his ri/ht to pri#acy? 'o as &"tw""n En#il"Cs #ig-t to /#ivacy an! t-" 2#""!o% o2 "./#"ssion on t-" /a#t o2 t-" %ovi" /#o!uc"# t-" latt"#Cs #ig-t /#"vail &"caus" En#il"Cs /a#t in t-" %ovi" !"als sol"ly on -is acts as a /u&lic o22ic"# t-"n0 (o ".clu!" -i% as int"g#al /a#t o2 t-" #"volution woul! &" a !isto#tion o2 -isto#y0 (%Y1! .! ,7CT* + )&. K7,:1 C%.70 +:, K7%+ . +C1 1+!*01, 1T %0., ';5 &C!% J;'6 &6. )ay the mother of a murdered )ayor stop the filmin/ of the life story of her son which would include his alle/ed lo#e affairs which would blacCen his memory? *"s0 As &"tw""n t-" #ig-t to /#ivacy invo<"! &y t-" %ot-"# an! t-" 2#""!o% o2 "./#"ssion invo<"! &y t-" %ovi" /#o!uc"# t-" stat" s-all &alanc" t-"i# #"s/"ctiv" int"#"sts0 +inc" t-" %ovi" /#o!uc"# is /#i%a#ily a2t"# /#o2its only t-" #ig-t to /#ivacy s-all /#"vail0 (Lagun3a! vs0 Gon3al"s)0 &.. What are the two 325 aspects of the 7'8DE E9 7<L'8'91= P79B<=='9: *:D W97=D'P ? Distin/uish each0 0. F4..1+, /+ 9. i.8.O 0)1 9. F4..1+, /+ 0*/.


I' t-" 2i#st suc- 2#""!o% is a&solut"0 )" %ay in!ulg" in -is own t-"o#i"s a&out li2" an! !"at-4 wo#s-i/ any go! -" c-oos"s o# non" at all0 )" %ay not &" /unis-"! "v"n i2 -" cannot /#ov" w-at -" &"li"v"s0 In t-" s"con! i2 t-" in!ivi!ual ".t"#nali3"s w-at -" &"li"v"s -is 2#""!o% to !o so &"co%"s su&7"ct to t-" aut-o#ity o2 t-" +tat"0 (-is is so &"caus" #"ligious 2#""!o% can &" "."#cis"! only wit- !u" #"ga#! to t-" #ig-ts o2 ot-"#s0 E.a%/l"J ;Go 2o#t- an! %ulti/ly666cannot %a##y s"v"#al ti%"s 7ust to co%/ly0 &-. )ay a Jeho#ah"s Witnesses )ember who is the %ourt 'nterpreter of 7E% 0ranch 2&3> Las Pinas %ity> be held liable for !/rossly immoral conduct$ for li#in/ with a married man while her #ery own marria/e was still subsistin/8 'o0 As -"l! in ESTRADA VS. SOLEDAD ESCRITOR, 4G= SCRA % (R.(+ 3/i+) +7 /h. M+/i+) 7+4 R.*+)(i1.40/i+)), 4>! SCRA %, /h. S3-4.,. C+34/ h. 1 /h0/ (h. i( )+/ i09 . 7+4 g#ossly i%%o#al con!uct &"caus"J +-" is a %"%&"# o2 t-" F"-ova-Cs Witn"ss"s an! t-" Watc- (ow"# +oci"ty4 (-at t-" con7ugal a##ang"%"nt was in con2o#%ity wit- t-"i# #"ligious &"li"2s4 (-at t-" con7ugal a##ang"%"nt wit- Puila/io -as t-" a//#oval o2 -"# cong#"gation0 Esc#ito# li<"wis" clai%"! t-at s-" -a! "."cut"! a ;DECLARA(IO' OF PLEDGI'G FAI()F9L'E++? in acco#!anc" wit- -"# #"ligion w-ic- allows %"%&"#s o2 t-" F"-ova-Cs witn"ss"s w-o -av" &""n a&an!on"! &y t-"i# s/ous"s to "nt"# into %a#ital #"lations0 (-" D"cla#ation t-us %a<"s t-" #"sulting union %o#al an! &in!ing wit-in t-" cong#"gation all ov"# t-" wo#l! ".c"/t in count#i"s w-"#" !ivo#c" is allow"!0 Esc#ito#Cs con7ugal a##ang"%"nt cannot &" /"nali3"! as s-" -as %a!" out a cas" 2o# "."%/tion 2#o% t-" law &as"! on -"# 2un!a%"ntal #ig-t to #"ligion0 )ow"v"# t-is %o!" o2 living wit- anot-"# ot-"# t-an -is o# -"# s/ous" &y a %a##i"! /"#son !o"s not a//ly in /lac"s w-"#" !ivo#c" is allow"!0


&,. )ay children of Jeho#ah"s Witnesses in public schools be forced to sin/ the :ational *nthemO recite the Patriotic Pled/eO and =alute the Bla/ under pain of bein/ e pelled for non(compliance? 'o sinc" suc- is in violation o2 t-"i# #"ligious &"li"2s0 (ROEL EBRALI'AG E( AL V+0 ()E DIVI+IO' +9PERI'(E'DE'( OF +C)OOL+ OF CEB9 1a#c- , ,DD>)0 R"ligious 2#""!o% is su/"#io# to t-" statut" #"Iui#ing t-" /u/ils to sing the +ational %nthem; recite the .atriotic .ledge; and &alute the 9lag. The doctrine laid down in :erona vs. &ecretar@ of 1ducation was reversed. 6?. Dow may the ri/ht to tra#el be impaired? (-" li&"#ty o2 a&o!" an! o2 c-anging t-" sa%" wit-in t-" li%its /#"sc#i&"! &y law s-all not &" i%/ai#"! ".c"/t u/on law2ul o#!"# o2 t-" cou#t0 '"it-"# s-all t-" #ig-t to t#av"l &" i%/ai#"! ".c"/t in t-" int"#"st o2 national s"cu#ity /u&lic sa2"ty o# /u&lic -"alt- as %ay &" /#ovi!"! &y law0 @,. 's the ri/ht to tra#el affected by the Duman =ecurity *ct? *"s =ection 26 /#ovi!"s t-at /"#sons w-o -av" &""n c-a#g"! witt"##o#is% o# cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is%666"v"n i2 t-"y -av" &""n g#ant"! &ail &"caus" "vi!"nc" o2 guilt is not st#ongTcan &"J D"tain"! un!"# -ous" a##"st4 R"st#ict"! 2#o% t#av"ling4 an!/o# 9/on a//lication o2 t-" /#os"cuto# t-" sus/"ctCs #ig-t to t#av"l s-all &" li%it"! to t-" %unici/ality o# city w-"#" -" #"si!"s o# w-"#" t-" cas" is /"n!ing in t-" int"#"st o2 national s"cu#ity an! /u&lic sa2"ty0 (#av"l outsi!" o2 sai! %unici/ality o# city wit-out t-" aut-o#i3ation o2 t-" cou#t s-all &" !""%"! a violation o2 t-" t"#%s an! con!itions o2 t-" &ail w-ic- s-all t-"n &" 2o#2"it"! as /#ovi!"! in t-" Rul"s o2 Cou#t0 (-"s" #"st#ictions s-all &" t"#%inat"! u/on acIuittal o2 t-" accus"!4 o# t-" !is%issal o2 t-" cas" 2il"! against -i%4 o# "a#li"# u/on t-" !isc#"tion o2 t-" cou#t o# u/on %otion o2 t-" /#os"cuto#0


&=. M0: F+4,.4 P4.(i1.)/ M04*+( 80 i1 : *+,-. /h. 6+8.4),.)/ /+ i((3. hi, hi( /408. -0-.4( i) +41.4 /h0/ h. *+3 1 4./34) /+ /h. Phi i--i).( 74+, hi( US .Fi . i) 0**+410)*. 5i/h hi( *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4i6h/ /+ /408. C 'o0 (FERDI'A'D 1ARCO+ E( AL0 V+0 )O'0 RA9L 1A'GLAP9+ E( AL0 G0R0 'O0 MM5,, +"/t"%&"# ,B ,DMD an! t-" R"solution o2 t-" 1otion 2o# R"consi!"#ation !at"! Octo&"# 5A ,DMD)0 W-at is /#ovi!"! &y t-" P-ili//in" Constitution is t-" #ig-t to t#av"l an! not t-" #ig-t to #"tu#n0 (-"s" two (5) #ig-ts a#" !i22"#"nt un!"# t-" 9niv"#sal D"cla#ation o2 )u%an Rig-ts an! Int"#national Cov"nant on Civil an! Political Rig-ts0 ()E RIG)( (O RE(9R' (O O'ER+ CO9'(R* I+ 'O( A1O'G ()E RIG)(+ +PECIFICALL* G9ARA'(EED B* ()E BILL OF RIG)(+ W)IC) (REA(+ O'L* OF ()E LIBER(* OF ABODE A'D ()E RIG)( (O (RAVEL B9( I( I+ O9R WELL6 CO'+IDERED VIEW ()A( ()E RIG)( (O RE(9R' 1A* BE CO'+IDERED A+ A GE'ERALL* ACCEP(ED PRI'CIPLE OF I'(ER'A(IO'AL LAW 9'DER O9R CO'+(I(9(IO' I+ PAR( OF ()E LAW OF ()E LA'D0 63. What is the !residual power$ of the President? It is t-" /ow"# o2 t-" P#"si!"nt in &alancing t-" g"n"#al w"l2a#" an! t-" co%%on goo! against t-" "."#cis" o2 #ig-ts o2 c"#tain in!ivi!uals0 (-" /ow"# involv"! is t-" P#"si!"ntRs RE+ID9AL POWER to /#ot"ct t-" g"n"#al w"l2a#" o2 t-" /"o/l"0 64. )ay a person out on bail be #alidly allowed to tra#el abroad? *"s su&7"ct to t-" 2ollowing #"Iuisit"s ( 1anotoc vs0 CA ,H5 +CRA ,HD)J )" %ust -ow"v"# K,L convinc" t-" cou#ts o2 t-" u#g"ncy o2 -is t#av"l K5L t-" !u#ation t-"#"o2 an! K>L t-at -is su#"ti"s a#" willing to un!"#ta<" t-" #"s/onsi&ility o2 allowing -i% to t#av"l0 6&. 's the ri/ht to information on matters of public concern absolute?


'o0 W-il" t-" #ig-t o2 t-" /"o/l" to in2o#%ation on %att"#s o2 /u&lic conc"#n s-all &" #"cogni3"! an! acc"ss to o22icial #"co#!sQs-all &" a22o#!"! t-" citi3"n it %ust &" su&7"ct to suc- li%itations as %ay &" /#ovi!"! &y law as w"ll as #"asona&l" con!itions i%/os"! &y /u&lic o22icials in custo!y o2 sai! #"co#!s li<" t-" /ay%"nt o2 t-" "./"ns"s o2 #"/#o!uction o2 /u&lic !ocu%"nts4 t-" #"Iu"st %ust &" !on" !u#ing o22ic" -ou#s "tc0 66. )ay the %9)<L<% be compelled to publish the names of the nominees of the different party(list /roups for the )ay 14> 2??. elections despite the prohibition on such publication as embodied by the Party(List *ct? *E+ t-" CO1ELEC %ust /u&lis- t-" sa%" !"s/it" t-" /#o-i&ition in t-" law0 +uc- /#o-i&ition violat"s t-" #ig-t to in2o#%ation on %att"#s o2 /u&lic conc"#n on t-" /a#t o2 t-" citi3"n0 (BA'(A* REP9BLIC V+0 CO1ELEC 1A* H 5GGA) 6.. )ay the President #alidly prohibit members of her %abinet as well as other officers in the e ecuti#e department from attendin/ in#esti/ations in aid of le/islation by %on/ress? 'o0 +uc- woul! violat" t-" #ig-t o2 t-" /"o/l" to in2o#%ation on %att"#s o2 /u&lic conc"#n0 It is only t-#oug- sai! inv"stigations t-at t-" /"o/l" will &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" wo#<ings o2 t-" !i22"#"nt !"/a#t%"nts o2 t-" gov"#n%"nt0 (SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES, 4.-4.(.)/.1 9: SENATE PRESIDENT FRANDLIN DRILON, ET AL., VS. EXEC. SEC. EDUARDO ERMITA, ET AL., $.R. N+. %&G"", A-4i =>, =>>& ) 6-. )ay a 0aran/ay #alidly e ercise the power of eminent domain? *"s su&7"ct to t-" a//#oval &y t-" P#"si!"nt0( Ba#angay 1atictic vs0 El&inias ,HM +CRA M>) 6,. What are the requisites before an e propriator may #alidly obtain a writ of possession to taCe o#er possession of the e propriated property? It !"/"n!sJ


,0 I2 t-" "./#o/#iation is 2o# a ;N0/i+)0 6+8.4),.)/ -4+J.*/(? o# ;)0/i+)0 i)740(/43*/34. -4+J.*/(? li<" t-os" cov"#"! &y t-" ;Buil!6 O/"#at"6(#ans2"#? RA MDAH s-all &" 2ollow"!0 (-is %"ans t-at t-"#" %ust &" a KaL Co%/laint 2o# "./#o/#iation w-ic- is su22ici"nt in 2o#% an! in su&stanc"4 an! K5L t-" ,GG= o2 t-" %a#<"t valu" o2 t-" /#o/"#ty soug-t to &" "./#o/#iat"! %ust 2i#st &" /ai! to t-" own"# o2 t-" /#o/"#ty0 (REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. #UD$E $IN$OYON, 4"! SCRA 4"4) 50 In o#!ina#y "./#o/#iation cas"s t-" #ul" is t-at in t-" cas" o2 BIGLA'G6AWA V+0 F9DGE BACALLA >BH +CRA B@50 It /#ovi!"sJ P9R+9A'( (O +EC(IO' 5 R9LE @A OF ()E ,DDA R9LE+ OF CIVIL PROCED9RE A'D ()E DOC(RI'E LAID DOW' I' ()E ROBER' DEVELOP1E'( CA+E ()E O'L* REP9I+I(E+ FOR ()E I11EDIA(E E'(R* B* ()E GOVER'1E'( I' E:PROPRIA(IO' CA+E+ AREJ /h. 7i i)6 +7 0 *+,- 0i)/ 7+4 .F-4+-4i0/i+) (377i*i.)/ i) 7+4, 0)1 (39(/0)*.O 0)1 /h. ,0@i)6 +7 0 1.-+(i/ .23i80 .)/ /+ /h. ASSESSED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY SUB#ECT TO EXPROPRIATION0 >0 I2 t-" "./#o/#iation is &"ing !on" &y a Local Gov"#n%"nt 9nit t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t !"cision in t-" cas" o2 THE CITY OF ILOILO VS. #UD$E LE$ASPI, RTC ==, ILOILO CITY, 444 SCRA =&G, s-all &" co%/li"! wit-J ,0 t-" co%/laint 2o# "./#o/#iation 2il"! in cou#t is su22ici"nt in 2o#% an! su&stanc"4 an! =. /h. .F-4+-4i0/+4 ,3(/ 1.-+(i/ /h. 0,+3)/ .23i80 .)/ /+ %'Q +7 /h. 70i4 ,04@./ 80 3. +7 /h. -4+-.4/: /+ 9. .F-4+-4i0/.1 90(.1 +) i/( *344.)/ /0F 1.* 040/i+). .?. Who determines the 2ust compensation in e propriation cases? What are the factors to be considered in determinin/ the same?


D"t"#%ination o2 7ust co%/"nsation is a 7u!icial 2unction wit- t-" assistanc" o# #"co%%"n!ation o2 t-" cou#t6a//oint"! co%%ission"#s0 (1anoto< vs0 CA 1ay 5, ,DMA) (-" 2acto#s to &" consi!"#"! co%/"nsation/%a#<"t valu" a#"J in !"t"#%ining t-" 7ust

,0 cost o2 acIuisition4 50 t-" cu##"nt valu" o2 li<" /#o"#ti"s4 >0 its actual o# /ot"ntial us"s4 H0 /a#ticula# cas" o2 lan!s4 B0 t-"i# si3" s-a/" location4 an! @0 t-" ta. !"cla#ations t-"#"on0 Finally not" t-at as -"l! in t-" cas" o2 R"/u&lic vs0 +antos ,H, +CRA >G t-" %a#<"t valu" as #"co%%"n!"! &y t-" &oa#! o2 co%%ission"#s a//oint"! &y t-" cou#t w"#" at &"st only ADVI+OR* A'D PER+9A+IVE A'D B* 'O 1EA'+ FI'AL OR BI'DI'G0 (BERDENDOTTER, INC. VS. COURT OF APPEALS AND REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, D"c"%&"# ,H ,DD5)0 .1. What are the requisites of !taCin/$ in e propriation cases? (-" R"Iuisit"s o2 ta<ing a#"J a0 &0 c0 !0 "0 t-" "./#o/#iato# %ust "nt"# t-" /#o/"#ty4 t-" "nt#anc" %ust not &" 2o# 7ust a %o%"nta#y /"#io!4 t-" "nt#y %ust &" un!"# wa##ant o2 colo# o# titl"4 t-" /#o/"#ty %ust &" !"vot"! 2o# /u&lic us"4 an! t-" own"# %ust &" oust"! 2#o% &"n"2icial us" o2 -is lan!0 (R"/0 vs0 Cast"llvi BM +CRA >>@)

.2. )ay a pri#ate property already used as a pri#ate cemetery be e propriated for a public purpose8 'o a /#ivat" /#o/"#ty w-ic- is al#"a!y !"vot"! to /u&lic us" %ay not &" "./#o/#iat"! 2o# anot-"# /u&lic /u#/os"0 (City o2 1anila vs0 C-in"s" Co%%unity HG P-il0 >HD)0


.3. What are the ri/hts of a person under custodial in#esti/ation under the !)ahinay Doctrine$ or the !< panded )iranda Doctrine$? (-" #ig-ts a#"J ,0 (-" /"#son a##"st"! !"tain"! invit"! o# un!"# custo!ial inv"stigation %ust &" in2o#%"! in a languag" <nown to an! un!"#stoo! &y -i% o2 t-" #"ason 2o# t-" a##"st an! -" %ust &" s-own a co/y o2 t-" wa##ant o2 a##"st i2 any4 Ev"#y ot-"# wa#nings in2o#%ation o# co%%unication %ust &" in a languag" <nown to an! un!"#stoo! &y sai! /"#son4 50 )" %ust &" wa#n"! t-at -" -as t-" #ig-t to #"%ain sil"nt an! t-at any stat"%"nt -" %a<"s %ay &" us"! as "vi!"nc" against -i%4 >0 )" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at -" -as t-" #ig-t to &" assist"! at all ti%"s an! -av" t-" /#"s"nc" o2 an in!"/"n!"nt an! co%/"t"nt lawy"# /#"2"#a&ly o2 -is own c-oic"4 H0 )" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at i2 -" -as no lawy"# o# cannot a22o#! t-" s"#vic"s o2 a lawy"# on" will &" /#ovi!"! 2o# -i%4 an! t-at a lawy"# %ay also &" "ngag"! &y any /"#son in -is &"-al2 o# %ay &" a//oint"! &y t-" cou#t u/on /"tition o2 t-" /"#son a##"st"! o# on" acting in -is &"-al24 B0 (-at w-"t-"# o# not t-" /"#son a##"st"! -as a lawy"# -" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at no custo!ial inv"stigation in any 2o#% s-all &" con!uct"! ".c"/t in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 -is couns"l o# a2t"# a vali! waiv"# -as &""n %a!"4 @0 (-" /"#son a##"st"! %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at at any ti%" -" -as t-" #ig-t to co%%unicat" o# con2"# &y t-" %ost "./"!i"nt %"ans666t"l"/-on" #a!io l"tt"# o# %"ss"ng"#666 wit- -is lawy"# ("it-"# #"tain"! o# a//oint"!) any %"%&"# o2 -is i%%"!iat" 2a%ily4 o# any %"!ical !octo# /#i"st o# %inist"# c-os"n &y -i% o# &y any on" 2#o% -is i%%"!iat" 2a%ily o# &y -is couns"l o# &" visit"! &y/con2"# wit- !uly acc#"!it"! national o# int"#national non6gov"#n%"ntal o#gani3ation0 I( +)ALL BE ()E RE+PO'+IBILI(* OF







A0 )" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at -" -as t-" #ig-t to waiv" any o2 sai! #ig-ts /#ovi!"! it is %a!" volunta#ily <nowingly an! int"llig"ntly an! "nsu#" t-at -" un!"#stoo! t-" sa%"4 M0 In a!!ition i2 t-" /"#son a##"st"! waiv"s -is #ig-t to a lawy"# -" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at it %ust &" !on" in w#iting A'D in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 couns"l ot-"#wis" -" %ust &" wa#n"! t-at t-" waiv"# is voi! "v"n i2 -" insist on -is waiv"# an! c-oos"s to s/"a<4 D0 (-at t-" /"#son a##"st"! %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at -" %ay in!icat" in any %ann"# at any ti%" o# stat" o2 t-" /#oc"ss t-at -" !o"s not wis- to &" Iu"stion"! wit- t-" wa#ning t-at onc" -" %a<"s suc- in!ication t-" /olic" %ay not int"##ogat" -i% i2 t-" sa%" -a! not y"t co%%"nc"! o# t-" int"##ogation -as &"gun4 ,G0(-" /"#son a##"st"! %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at -is initial waiv"# o2 -is #ig-t to #"%ain sil"nt t-" #ig-t to couns"l o# any o2 -is #ig-ts !o"s not &a# -i% 2#o% invo<ing it at any ot-"# ti%" !u#ing t-" /#oc"ss #"ga#!l"ss o2 w-"t-"# -" %ay -av" answ"#"! so%" Iu"stions o# volunt""#"! so%" in2o#%ation o# stat"%"nts4 ,,0)" %ust &" in2o#%"! t-at any stat"%"nt OR EVIDE'CE as t-" cas" %ay &" o&tain"! in violation o2 any o2 t-" 2o#"going w-"t-"# incul/ato#y o# ".cul/ato#y in w-ol" o# in /a#t +)ALL BE I'AD1I++IBLE I' EVIDE'CE0 .4. What are the ri/hts of a person under !custodial detention$ for one suspected or arrested as a terrorist under the Duman =ecurity *ct? (-" #ig-ts a#" "%&o!i"! un!"# +"ction 5, t-"#"o2 w-icstat"sJ =ection 210 Rig-ts o2 a /"#son un!"# custo!ial !"t"ntion06 (-" %o%"nt a /"#son c-a#g"! wit- o# sus/"ct"! o2 t-" c#i%" o2 t"##o#is%


o# t-" c#i%" o2 cons/i#acy to co%%it t"##o#is% is a//#"-"n!"! o# a##"st"! an! !"tain"! -" s-all 2o#t-wit- &" in2o#%"! &y t-" a##"sting /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22ic"#s to w-os" custo!y t-" /"#son conc"#n"! is &#oug-t o2 -is o# -"# #ig-tJ ,0 to &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" natu#" an! caus" o2 -is a##"st to #"%ain sil"nt an! to -av" co%/"t"nt an! in!"/"n!"nt couns"l /#"2"#a&ly o2 -is own c-oic"0 I2 t-" /"#son cannot a22o#! t-" s"#vic"s o2 couns"l o2 -is o# -"# c-oic" t-" /olic" o# law "n2o#c"%"nt o22ic"#s conc"#n"! s-all i%%"!iat"ly contact t-" 2#"" l"gal assistanc" unit o2 t-" IBP o# t-" Pu&lic atto#n"yCs o22ic" (PAO)0 It s-all &" t-" !uty o2 t-" 2#"" l"gal assistanc" unit o2 t-" IBP o# t-" PAOCs t-us contact"! to i%%"!iat"ly visit t-" /"#son !"tain"! an! /#ovi!" -i% wit- l"gal assistanc"0 (-"s" #ig-ts cannot &" waiv"! ".c"/t in w#iting an! in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 t-" couns"l o2 c-oic"4 50 in2o#%"! o2 t-" caus" o# caus"s o2 -is !"t"ntion in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 -is l"gal couns"l4 >0 allow"! to co%%unicat" 2#""ly wit- -is l"gal couns"l an! to con2"# wit- t-"% at any ti%" wit-out #"st#iction4 H0 allow"! to co%%unicat" 2#""ly an! /#ivat"ly wit-out #"st#ictions wit- t-" %"%&"#s o2 -is 2a%ily o# wit- -is n"a#"st #"lativ"s an! &" visit"! &y t-"%4 an! B0 allow"! 2#""ly to avail o2 t-" s"#vic"s o2 a /-ysician o# /-ysicians o2 c-oic"0 .&. *re the abo#e ri/hts a#ailable to a suspect if in#esti/ation by a pri#ate person? he is under

'o0 (()E PEOPLE OF ()E P)ILIPPI'E+ V+0 FO+E (I'G LA' 9* FR0 "t al0 HAB +CRA 5HM)0 (-" clai% t-at -is a22i!avit is ina!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" in acco#!anc" wit- s"ction ,5 K,L o2 t-" Bill o2 Rig-ts is not t"na&l"0 (-" ;inv"stigation? un!"# sai! /#ovision #"2"#s to ;custo!ial inv"stigation w-"#" a sus/"ct -as al#"a!y &""n ta<"n into /olic" custo!y an! t-at t-" inv"stigating o22ic"#s &"gin to as< Iu"stions to "licit in2o#%ation an! con2"ssions o# a!%issions 2#o% t-" sus/"ct0 +uccinctly stat"! custo!ial inv"stigation #"2"#s to t-" c#itical /#"6t#ial stag" w-"n t-" inv"stigation c"as"s to &" a g"n"#al inIui#y into an unsolv"! c#i%" &ut -as &"gan to 2ocus on a /a#ticula# /"#son as a sus/"ct (P"o/l" vs0 Du"nas F#0 H5@ +CRA @@@)0


Cl"a#ly t-"#"2o#" t-" #ig-ts "nu%"#at"! &y t-" accus"! a#" not availa&l" BEFORE GOVER'1E'( I'VE+(IGA(OR+ E'(ER ()E PIC(9RE0 (-" /#ot"ctiv" %antl" o2 s"ction ,5 a#ticl" III !o"s not a//ly to a!%inist#ativ" inv"stigations (P"o/l" vs0 Fu!g" Ayson ,AB +CRA 5,@)4 con2"ssion to a /#ivat" in!ivi!ual (Oi%/o vs0 CA 5>5 +CRA B>)4 v"#&al a!%ission %a!" to a #a!io announc"# w-o was not a /a#t o2 t-" inv"stigation (P"o/l" vs0 O#!ono >>H +CRA @A>)4 o# "v"n to a 1ayo# a//#oac-"! as a /"#sonal con2i!ant" an! not in -is o22icial ca/acity (P"o/l" vs0 $u"la >5> +CRA BMD)0 In 2act "v"n a vi!"ota/"! int"#vi"w w-"#" t-" accus"! willingly a!%it -is guilt in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 n"ws%"n is not cov"#"! &y t-" sai! /#ovision t-oug- t-" t#ial cou#ts w"#" wa#n"! &y t-" su/#"%" Cou#t to ta<" ".t#"%" caution in a!%itting si%ila# con2"ssions &"caus" o2 t-" !istinct /ossi&ility t-at t-" /olic" wit- t-" connivanc" o2 unsc#u/ulous %"!ia /#actition"#s %ay att"%/t to l"giti%i3" co"#c"! ".t#a7u!icial con2"ssions an! /lac" t-"% &"yon! t-" ".clusiona#y #ul" &y -aving an accus"! a!%it an o22"ns" on t"l"vision (P"o/l" vs0 En!ino >B> +CRA >GA)0 .6. When is custodial in#esti/ation deemed to ha#e started so as to entitle the suspect to be informed of his ri/hts under the !)ahinay Doctrine$ or the !< panded )iranda Doctrine$D Custo!ial inv"stigation &"gins w-"n it is no long"# a g"n"#al inIui#y into an unsolv"! c#i%" &ut sta#ts to 2ocus on a /a#ticula# /"#son as a sus/"ct i0"0 w-"n t-" /olic" inv"stigato# sta#ts int"##ogating o# ".acting con2"ssion 2#o% t-" sus/"ct in conn"ction wit- an all"g"! o22"ns"0 THE PLACE OF INTERRO$ATION IS NOT DETERMINATIVE OF THE EXISTENCE OR ABSENCE OF CUSTODIAL INVESTI$ATION BUT THE TONE AND MANNER OF PUESTIONIN$ BY THE POLICE AUTHORITIES 0 Th3(, /h.4. 50( *3(/+1i0 i)8.(/i60/i+) 5h.) /h. -+ i*. 03/h+4i/i.(, 3-+) /h.i4 044.(/ +7 (+,. +7 /h. 0**3(.1, i,,.1i0/. : 0(@.1 /h., 4.6041i)6 /h.i4 -04/i*i-0/i+) i) /h. *+,,i((i+) +7 /h. *4i,. , .8.) 5hi . /h.: 5.4. (/i 50 @i)6 0 +)6 /h. hi6h50: +) /h.i4 50: /+ /h. -+ i*. (/0/i+). ( PEOPLE V+0 BARIP9I( >H, +CRA @GG) ... *re spontaneous admissions made before a person could be informed of his ri/hts durin/ custodial in#esti/ation admissible as e#idence?


*"s0 S-+)/0).+3( (/0/.,.)/( 8+ 3)/04i : 6i8.), 0( 5h.4. 0--. 0)/ +40 : 01,i//.1 @i i)6 /h. 8i*/i, 9.7+4. /h. 9040)60: *0-/0i) (5h+ i( ).i/h.4 0 -+ i*. +77i*.4 )+4 0 05 .)7+4*.,.)/ 06.)/), 1+ )+/ 70 3)1.4 *3(/+1i0 i)8.(/i60/i+). S3*h 01,i((i+), .8.) 5i/h+3/ /h. 0((i(/0)*. +7 0 05:.4, 1+.( )+/ 8i+ 0/. 0--. 0)/?( *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4i6h/( AND THEREFORE ADMISSIBLE IN EVIDENCE. (PEOPLE V+0 DA'O G0R0 'O0 ,,A@DG >>D +CRA B,B +EP(0 , 5GGG4 PEOPLE V+0 1A*ORGA G0R0 'O0 ,>BHGB >H@ +CRA HBM 'OVE1BER 5D 5GGG)0 .-. What are the requisites before an e tra2udicial confession is admissible? (o &" a!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" an ".t#a7u!icial con2"ssion %ust &"J (i) volunta#y4 (ii) %a!" wit- t-" assistance of competent and independent counsel4 (iii) "./#"ss4 an! (iv) in w#iting0 A sus/"ctCs con2"ssion w-"t-"# v"#&al o# non6v"#&al w-"n ta<"n wit-out t-" assistanc" o2 couns"l wit-out a vali! waiv"# o2 sucassistanc" #"ga#!l"ss o2 t-" a&s"nc" o2 co"#cion o# t-" 2act t-at it -a! &""n volunta#ily giv"n is ina!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" "v"n i2 a//"llantCs con2"ssion w"#" gos/"l t#ut-0 (PEOPLE V+0 DA'O G0R0 'O0 ,,A@DG >>D +CRA B,B +EP(0 , 5GGG4 PEOPLE V+0 +A1OLDE G0R0 'O0 ,5MBB, >>@ +CRA @>5 F9L0 >, 5GGG)0 (o &" a!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" an ".t#a7u!icial con2"ssion %ust &"J (i) volunta#y4 (ii) %a!" wit- t-" assistance of competent and independent counsel4 (iii) "./#"ss4 an! (iv) in w#iting0 A sus/"ctCs con2"ssion w-"t-"# v"#&al o# non6v"#&al w-"n ta<"n wit-out t-" assistanc" o2 couns"l wit-out a vali! waiv"# o2 suc- assistanc" #"ga#!l"ss o2 t-" a&s"nc" o2 co"#cion o# t-" 2act t-at it -a! &""n volunta#ily giv"n is ina!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" "v"n i2 a//"llantCs con2"ssion w"#" gos/"l t#ut-0 .,. 's the presence of a lawyer to assist the suspect durin/ custodial in#esti/ation sufficient to comply with the requirements of the %onstitution?


N+. A( h. 1 i) PEOPLE VS. PATUN$AN, 3'4 SCRA 4%3, /h. ,.4. -4.(.)*. +7 0 05:.4 i( )+/ (377i*i.)/ *+,- i0)*. 5i/h /h. *+)(/i/3/i+)0 4.23i4.,.)/ +7 0((i(/0)*. +7 *+3)(. . A((i(/0)*. +7 *+3)(. ,3(/ 9. .77.*/i8., 8i6i 0)/ 0)1 i)1.-.)1.)/. A 05:.4 5h+ *+3 1 J3(/ h.04 /h. i)8.(/i60/i+) 6+i)6 +) 5hi . 5+4@i)6 +) 0)+/h.4 *0(. h041 : (0/i(7i.( /h. ,i)i,3, 4.23i4.,.)/( +7 .77.*/i8. 0((i(/0)*. +7 *+3)(. . N+/ +) : 50( /h. 0**3(.1 (39J.*/.1 /+ *3(/+1i0 i)8.(/i60/i+) 5i/h+3/ *+3)(. , h. 50( i@.5i(. 1.)i.1 .77.*/i8. 0((i(/0)*. +7 *+3)(. 134i)6 /h. /0@i)6 +7 hi( .F/40-J31i*i0 *+)7.((i+). -?. Brom what time must the counsel assist the suspect durin/ custodial in#esti/ation? Who must choose such counsel? In PEOPLE V0 FI1E'E$ G0R0 'o0 M5@GH0 D"c"%&"# ,5 ,DD, it was -"l! t-at t-" couns"l %ust &" /#"s"nt 2#o% t-" inc"/tion o2 t-" custo!ial inv"stigation not at any ti%" t-"#"a2t"#0 Also t-" lawy"# w-o assists t-" sus/"ct un!"# custo!ial int"##ogation s-oul! &" o2 t-" latt"#Rs own c-oic" not on" 2oist"! on -i% &y t-" /olic" inv"stigato#s o# ot-"# /a#ti"s0 In t-is cas" t-" 2o#%"# 7u!g" w-os" assistanc" was #"Iu"st"! &y t-" /olic" was "vi!"ntly not o2 1a#cos Fi%"n"3R own c-oic"4 s-" was t-" /olic" o22ic"#sR own c-oic"4 s-" !i! not as< 1a#cos i2 -" was willing to -av" -"# #"/#"s"nt -i%0 (-is is not t-" %o!" o2 solicitation o2 l"gal assistanc" cont"%/lat"! &y t-" Constitution0 Fu#t-"#%o#" t-" 2o#%"# 7u!g" was not /#"s"nt w-"n 1a#cos was &"ing int"##ogat"! &y t-" /olic"0 W-il" s-" as<"! -i% i2 -" -a! volunta#ily giv"n t-" stat"%"nts contain"! in t-" ty/"w#itt"n !ocu%"nt t-is is 2a# 2#o% &"ing su&stantial co%/lianc" wit- t-" constitutional !uty o2 /olic" inv"stigato#s !u#ing custo!ial int"##ogation0 -1. 's the e tra2udicial confession of a suspect obtained without the assistance of a lawyer> but speaCs of /ospel truth> admissible in e#idence? 'o0 In PEOPLE V+0 GALI( ,>B +CRA H@B PEOPLE V+0 PA'FILO CABILE+ 5MH +CRA ,DD4 an! PEOPLE V+0 (A' 5M@ +CRA 5GA it was -"l! t-at "v"n i2 t-" con2"ssion o2 t-" accus"! s/"a<s t-" t#ut- i2 it was %a!" wit-out t-" assistanc" o2 couns"l it is ina!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc" #"ga#!l"ss o2 t-" a&s"nc" o2 co"#cion o# "v"n i2 it was volunta#ily giv"n0 In o#!"# t-at a con2"ssion is a!%issi&l" t-" 2ollowing #"Iuisit"s %ust &" /#"s"ntJ


a0 t-" con2"ssion %ust &" volunta#y4 &0 t-" con2"ssion %ust &" %a!" wit- t-" assistanc" o2 a co%/"t"nt an! in!"/"n!"nt couns"l4 c0 t-" con2"ssion %ust &" "./#"ss4 an! !0 t-" con2"ssion %ust &" in w#iting0 (-" a&ov" #"Iui#"%"nts -ow"v"# a#" not a//lica&l" w-"n t-" sus/"ct %a<"s an s/ontan"ous stat"%"nt not "licit"! t-#oug- Iu"stioning &y t-" aut-o#iti"s B9( GIVE' I' A' ORDI'AR* 1A''ER W)EREB* ()E ACC9+ED ORALL* AD1I((ED )AVI'G CO11I((ED ()E CRI1E0 (-is was t-" !"cision o2 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t in t-" cas" o2 PEOPLE VS. ANDAN, M04*h 3, %GG" w-"n t-" accus"! %a!" a volunta#y an! v"#&al con2"ssion to t-" 1unici/al 1ayo# t-at -" co%%itt"! t-" c#i%" i%/ut"! to -i%0 As suc- -is uncouns"ll"! con2"ssion is a!%issi&l" in "vi!"nc". -2. What are the two 325 Cinds of coerced or in#oluntary confessions under =ection 12> *rt. ''' of the %onstitution? (-" two (5) <in!s o2 involunta#y o# co"#c"! con2"ssions un!"# A#t0 III +"ction ,5 o2 t-" Constitution0 (-"s" a#"J a0 con2"ssion w-ic- a#" t-" /#o!uct o2 t-i#! !"g#"" %"t-o!s suc- as to#tu#" 2o#c" viol"nc" t-#"at inti%i!ation4 an! &0 t-os" w-ic- a#" giv"n wit-out t-" &"n"2it o2 1i#an!a Wa#nings0 PEOPLE V+0 OBRERO >>5 +CRA ,DG -3. What is the status of coerced confessions as e#idence in court? Co"#c"! o# involunta#y con2"ssions a#" ina!%issi&l" as "vi!"nc" &"ing t-" ;2#uit o2 t-" /oison"! t#""0? -4. 's the ri/ht to counsel satisfied if the suspect was assisted by the =tation %ommander of the Western Police District while he was bein/ in#esti/ated by the policemen of the same station? Dow about if the in#esti/ation is bein/ conducted by the :0' and the suspect was ordered assisted by a lawyer(applicant therein?


(-"#" is no co%/lianc" o2 t-" constitutional #"Iui#"%"nt o2 co%/"t"nt an! in!"/"n!"nt couns"l to assist an accus"! !u#ing custo!ial inv"stigation w-"n t-" accus"! was assist"! &y t-" +tation Co%%an!"# o2 t-" WPD Atty0 D" los R"y"s w-il" &"ing inv"stigat"! &y ot-"# /olic"%"n o2 t-" sa%" /olic" station &"caus" t-" int"#"st o2 t-" /olic" is natu#ally a!v"#s" to t-" accus"!0 In 2act t-" +C in t-" cas" o2 PEOPLE V+0 FA'9ARIO 5@A +CRA @GM -"l! t-at a lawy"# a//lying 2o# a /osition in t-" 'BI coul! not vali!ly assist an accus"! &"ing inv"stigat"! t-"n &y t-" 'BI0 (PEOPLE V+0 OBRERO >>5 +CRA ,DG) -&. 's the ri/ht to counsel a#ailable to a suspect durin/ a police line(up? (-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -a! con2licting !"cisions on t-is as/"ct &ut "n!"! u/ wit- t-" #ul" t-at sinc" t-" accus"! will not &" %a!" to %a<" any t"sti%ony !u#ing t-" /olic" lin"6u/ t-"n -" is not un!"# custo!ial inv"stigation an! t-"#"2o#" t-"#" is no n""! 2o# -i% to &" assist"! &y a lawy"#0 ( P vs0 9s%an )assan ,BA +CRA 5@,4 Ga%&oa vs0 Fu!g" C#u3 ,@5 +CRA @H54 DE LA (ORRE V+0 CA 5DH +CRA ,D@ an! PEOPLE V+0 )A((O') -6. 's there a #alid custodial in#esti/ation if the lawyer who assisted him durin/ custodial in#esti/ation is a public attorney who was not chosen by the accused himself but /i#en to him free of char/e? %ould the Biscal also represent the accused durin/ custodial in#esti/ation to satisfy the requirement of the %onstitution that the accused is assisted by counsel? (-" couns"l %ust &" t-" c-oic" o2 t-" accus"! o# sus/"ct0 (P0 vs0 Al"g#ia +"/t"%&"# 5M ,DDG) Also t-" Fiscal coul! not -av" /#ot"ct"! t-" #ig-ts o2 t-" sus/"ct "v"n i2 t-"y a#" <nown to "ac- ot-"# sinc" t-" Fiscal is t-"#" 2o# t-" /#ivat" co%/lainant0 (P0 vs0 1atos6Vi!uaya +"/t"%&"# ,, ,DDG) -6(a. Ehe appellants were arrested by the P*9%EB for Hidnappin/ and )urder of two 325 minor children of a businessman from 0ulacan. While under custodial in#esti/ation by %ol. %esar )ancao> the lawyers /i#en to assist them tare the lawyers of P*9%EB. Was the confessions obtained durin/ the custodial in#esti/ation admissible in e#idence?


*"s0 As -"l! in t-" cas" o2 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. DOMIN$O REYES, ET AL., $.R. N+. %"!3>>, M04*h %", =>>G t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at sinc" t-" "vi!"nc" s-ows t-at t-" lawy"#s o2 PAOC(F assist"! t-"% 2#o% t-" sta#t u/ to t-" "n! o2 t-"i# custo!ial inv"stigation an! t-at t-"i# #ig-ts w"#" /#ot"ct"! t-" sa%" is a!%issi&l" as "vi!"nc" "s/"cially so t-at t-"#" is no "vi!"nc" o2 co%/ulsion0 -6(b. What are the e#idence of #oluntariness in the suspect"s e tra2udicial confession maCin/ it admissible in e#idence? )ay such confession be used a/ainst a co(accusd? 1p to what e tent? In P.+- . 8(. Pi0, ==G Phi . '"" 0)1 PEOPLE VS. REYES, $.R. N+. %"!3>>, M04*h %", =>>G, t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t "nu%"#at"! t-" 2ollowing as "vi!"nc" o2 volunta#in"ss in t-" ".t#a7u!icial con2"ssion o2 a sus/"ctJ (-"i# /-ysical ".a%ination #"/o#ts c"#ti2y t-at no ".t"#nal signs o2 /-ysical in7u#y o# any 2o#% o2 t#au%a w"#" not"! !u#ing t-"i# ".a%ination0 HH KD>L In .eople v. .ia, w" -"l! t-at t-" 2ollowing 2acto#s in!icat" volunta#in"ss o2 an ".t#a67u!icial con2"ssionJ (,) w-"#" t-" accus"! 2ail"! to /#"s"nt c#"!i&l" "vi!"nc" o2 co%/ulsion o# !u#"ss o# viol"nc" on t-"i# /"#sons4 (5) w-"#" t-"y 2ail"! to co%/lain to t-" o22ic"#s w-o a!%inist"#"! t-" oat-s4 (>) w-"#" t-"y !i! not institut" any c#i%inal o# a!%inist#ativ" action against t-"i# all"g"! inti%i!ato#s 2o# %alt#"at%"nt4 (H) w-"#" t-"#" a//"a#"! to &" no %a#<s o2 viol"nc" on t-"i# &o!i"s4 an! (B) w-"#" t-"y !i! not -av" t-"%s"lv"s ".a%in"! &y a #"/uta&l" /-ysician to &utt#"ss t-"i# clai%0 It s-oul! also &" not"! t-at t-" ".t#a67u!icial con2"ssions o2 a//"llants A#nal!o an! Flo#"s a#" #"/l"t" wit- !"tails on t-" %ann"# in w-ic- t-" <i!na//ing was co%%itt"! t-"#"&y #uling out t-" /ossi&ility t-at t-"s" w"#" involunta#ily %a!"0 (-"i# ".t#a67u!icial con2"ssions cl"a#ly stat" -ow a//"llants an! t-"i# co-o#ts /lann"! t-" <i!na//ing as w"ll as t-" s"Iu"nc" o2 "v"nts &"2o#" !u#ing an! a2t"# its occu##"nc"0 (-" volunta#in"ss o2 a con2"ssion %ay &" in2"##"! 2#o% its languag" i2 u/on its 2ac" t-" con2"ssion ".-i&its no sus/icious ci#cu%stanc"s t"n!ing to cast !ou&t u/on its int"g#ity it &"ing #"/l"t" wit- !"tails w-ic- coul! only &" su//li"! &y t-" accus"!0


I!0 at ,D0


Wit- #"s/"ct to a//"llant R"y"sCs clai% t-at t-" ".t#a67u!icial con2"ssions o2 a//"llants A#nal!o an! Flo#"s cannot &" us"! in "vi!"nc" against -i% w" -av" #ul"! t-at alt-oug- an ".t#a67u!icial con2"ssion is a!%issi&l" only against t-" con2"ssant 7u#is/#u!"nc" %a<"s it a!%issi&l" as co##o&o#ativ" "vi!"nc" o2 ot-"# 2acts t-at t"n! to "sta&lis- t-" guilt o2 -is co6 accus"!0HBKD@L In .eople v. %lvareA H@KDAL w" #ul"! t-at w-"#" t-" con2"ssion is us"! as ci#cu%stantial "vi!"nc" to s-ow t-" /#o&a&ility o2 /a#tici/ation &y t-" co6cons/i#ato# t-at con2"ssion is #"c"iva&l" as "vi!"nc" against a co6 accus"!0 In .eople v. 1ncipido34@,-A w" "luci!at"! as 2ollowsJ -.. 'f the e tra2udicial admission or confession of the accused is declared inadmissible as e#idence> must the accused be acquitted as a matter of ri/ht? 'o0 In PEOPLE V+0 ROLA'DO FELI:1I'IA y CA1AC)O GR 'o0 ,5B>>> 1a#c- 5G 5GG5 t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-oug- t-" ".t#a7u!icial con2"ssion o2 t-" accus"! was !"cla#"! ina!%issi&l" 2o# violation o2 -is #ig-t to couns"l i2 t-"#" a#" "vi!"nc" su22ici"nt to /#ov" -is guilt &"yon! #"asona&l" !ou&t li<" ci#cu%stantial "vi!"nc" t-"n -" can still &" convict"! o2 t-" c#i%" c-a#g"!0 (-is is so &"caus" K,L t-" co%/#o%ising ci#cu%stanc"s w"#" !uly /#ov"n w-ic- w"#" consist"nt wit- "ac- ot-"# an! w-ic- l"a! wit- %o#al c"#tainty to t-" conclusion t-at -" was guilty o2 t-" c#i%" c-a#g"!4 an! K5L t-" totality o2 suc- ci#cu%stanc"s "li%inat"! &"yon! !ou&t t-" /ossi&ility o2 -is innoc"nc"0 In P"o/l" vs0 1a-inay it was -"l! t-at conviction %ay &" -a! on ci#cu%stantial "vi!"nc" /#ovi!"! t-" 2ollowing #"Iuisit"s a#" /#"s"ntJ KaL t-"#" is %o#" t-an on" ci#cu%stanc"4 K&L t-" 2acts 2#o% w-ic- t-" in2"#"nc"s a#" !"#iv"! a#" /#ov"n4 an! KcL t-" co%&ination o2 all ci#cu%stanc"s is suc- as to /#o!uc" a conviction &"yon! #"asona&l" !ou&t0 --. )ay a con#icted person be released from 2ail throu/h reco/niFance? N+. I) ATTY. #ULIANA ADALIM-WHITE VS. #UD$E ARNULFO BU$TAS, RTC = BORON$AN, SAMAR, 4"' SCRA %"', i/ 50( h. 1 /h0/ 4.(-+)1.)/ #316. i( 63i /: +7 64+(( i6)+40)*. +7 /h. 05 7+4 +41.4i)6 /h. 4. .0(. +7 B060-+4+ -.)1i)6 /h. 0--4+80 +7 hi(

&antos v. &andiganba@an HGG P-il0 ,,AB ,5G@ (5GGG)0 G0R0 'o0 MMHB, B +"/t"%&"# ,DD, 5G, +CRA >@H >AA0 5>G P-il0 B@G BAH (,DM@)0


0-- i*0/i+) 7+4 -04+ . 0)1 9.7+4. /h. *+,- ./i+) +7 /h. ,i)i,3, -.4i+1 +7 /h. (.)/.)*. i,-+(.1 3-+) hi,. I/ i( -0/.)/ : .44+).+3( /+ 4. .0(. 0 *+)8i*/ +) 4.*+6)iL0)*.. S.*/i+) =4, R3 . %%4 -4+8i1.( /h0/ /h.4. (h0 )+ 90i 7+4 0 *+)8i*/ 07/.4 7i)0 J316,.)/. Th. +) : .F*.-/i+) i( 5h.) /h. *+)8i*/ 0-- i.( 7+4 P4+90/i+) 9.7+4. h. *+,,.)*.( /+ (.48. hi( (.)/.)*. 0)1 /h0/ /h. +77.)(. 0)1 /h. -.)0 /: 7+4 /h. +77.)(. i( 5i/hi) /h. -348i.5 +7 /h. P4+90/i+) L05. +"ctions B an! ,@ o2 Rul" ,,H o2 t-" Rul"s o2 Cou#t (on t-" !i22"#"nt <in!s o2 &ail) APPLIE+ O'L* (O A' ACC9+ED 9'DERGOI'G PREVE'(IVE I1PRI+O'1E'( D9RI'G (RIAL OR O' APPEAL0 ()E* DO 'O( APPL* (O A PER+O' CO'VIC(ED B* FI'AL F9DG1E'( A'D ALREAD* +ERVI'G +E'(E'CE0 -,. )ay a 2ud/e require !cash bond$ only? 'o0 (-" Rul"s /#ovi!"s 2o# 2ou# (H) ways o2 /osting &on! an! it is g#av" a&us" o2 !isc#"tion on t-" /a#t o2 t-" 7u!g" to #"Iui#" cas- &on! only0 (Al%"!a vs0 Villalu3 @@ +CRA >M)0 ,?. )ay an accused char/ed of a capital offense and the e#idence of /uilt is stron/ be /ranted bail? *"s0 (-" /u#/os" o2 t-" &on! is to assu#" t-" cou#t o2 t-" /#"s"nc" o2 t-" accus"! !u#ing t-" t#ial o2 -is cas"0 I2 t-" /#o&a&ility o2 ;2lig-t? is nil t-"n t-" accus"! %ay &" allow"! to /ost &ail0 (BEL(RA' V+0 ()E +ECRE(AR* OF F9+(ICE A/#il 5GGA) ,1. )ay a person sub2ect of e tradition from another country and where the cases a/ainst him in said country are bailable> be allowed to post bail pendin/ the e tradition hearin/s? N+. As -"l! in 9'I(ED +(A(E+ V+0 F9DGE P9R9GGA'A' E 1ARO FI1E'E$ >MD +CRA @5> t-#oug- 2o#%"# C-i"2 7ustic" Pangani&an t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at a /"#son 2acing ".t#a!ition /#oc""!ings is not "ntitl"! to &ail "v"n i2 t-" c#i%" -" was c-a#g"! o2 in a 2o#"ign count#y is &aila&l"0 (-is is so &"caus" t-" constitutional /#ovision on t-" #ig-t to &ail un!"# A#t0 III o2 t-" ,DMA Constitution 0-- i.( +) : /+ *4i,i)0 *0(.(, )+/ i) .F/401i/i+) -4+*..1i)6(. (EDUARDO RODRI$UEA VS. THE PRESIDIN$


#UD$E, RTC %", MANILA, 4!3 SCRA =G>). Thi( i( (+ 9.*03(. +7 /h. -+((i9i i/: +7 7 i6h/. BUT IN THE CASE OF $OVERNMENT OF HON$DON$ VS. OLALIA, '=% SCRA 4">, i/ 50( h. 1 /h0/ /h. -+/.)/i0 .F/401i/. ,0: 9. 640)/.1 90i i7 h. *0) -4+8. 9: * .04 0)1 *+)8i)*i)6 .8i1.)*. /h0/ h. i( )+/ 0 7 i6h/ 4i(@ 0)1 5i 09i1. 5i/h 0 /h. +41.4( 0)1 -4+*.((.( +7 /h. .F/401i/i+) *+34/. ;C .04 0)1 *+)8i)*i)6 .8i1.)*.< i( 0) .8i1.)*. 5i/h 0 (/0)1041 +5.4 /h0) -4++7 9.:+)1 4.0(+)09 . 1+39/ 93/ ,+4. /h0) -4.-+)1.40)*. +7 .8i1.)*.. ,2. 'n e tradition cases> is the respondent therein entitled to notice and hearin/ before the issuance of a warrant of arrest a/ainst him? 'o0 In +ECRE(AR* OF F9+(ICE V+0 F9DGE LA'(IO' >55 +CRA ,@G ((-" 1a#< Fi%"n"3 Cas") t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t on a D6@ vot" -"l! t-at t-" ".t#a!it"" is "ntitl"! to notic" an! -"a#ing w-"n a #"Iu"st 2o# ".t#a!ition &y anot-"# count#y is still &"ing "valuat"!0 )ow"v"# on 1otion 2o# R"consi!"#ation in t-" sa%" cas" in a D6@ !"cision t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at t-" /#os/"ctiv" ".t#a!it"" is not "ntitl"! to notic" an! -"a#ing w-il" -is cas" is still un!"# "valuation &"caus" t-is woul! !"2"at t-" /u#/os" o2 t-" a##"st wa##ant sinc" it coul! giv" wa#ning t-at #"s/on!"nts woul! &" a##"st"! an! "v"n "ncou#ag" t-"% to 2l"" &ut "ntitl"! to notic" an! -"a#ing i2 t-" cas" is al#"a!y 2il"! in cou#t0 )ow"v"# i2 &ail was g#ant"! to an ".t#a!it" t-" sa%" %ay not &" canc"ll"! wit-out notic" an! -"a#ing0 Ot-"#wis" -is #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss will &" violat"!0 (EDUARDO RODRI$UEA VS. THE PRESIDIN$ #UD$E, RTC %", MANILA, 4!3 SCRA =G>) ,3. What is the !<P1'P9'=< 71L<$? I2 t-" "vi!"nc" in a c#i%inal cas" is "v"nly &alanc"! t-" constitutional /#"su%/tion o2 innoc"nc" tilts t-" scal" o2 7ustic" in 2avo# o2 t-" accus"! an! -" s-oul! &" acIuitt"! 2#o% t-" c#i%" c-a#g"!0 W-"#" t-" incul/ato#y 2acts an! ci#cu%stanc"s a#" ca/a&l" o2 two o# %o#" int"#/#"tations on" o2 w-ic- is consist"nt wit- t-" innoc"nc" o2 t-" accus"! an! t-" ot-"# consist"nt wit-is guilt t-"n t-" "vi!"nc" !o"s not 2ul2ill t-" t"st o2 %o#al c"#tainty an! is not su22ici"nt to su//o#t a conviction &"caus" o2 t-" accus"!Cs constitutional /#"su%/tion o2 innoc"nc"0(PEOPLE VS. DE LOS SANTOS, 3'' SCRA 4%') ,4. )ay the court re#erse the order of trial in a criminal case?


'o0 suc- woul! violat" t-" #ig-t o2 t-" accus"! to /#"su%/tion o2 innoc"nc"0 (o &" #"Iui#"! to /#"s"nt -is "vi!"nc" 2i#st woul! &" %a<ing -i% /#ov" -is innoc"nc" an! not t-" +tat" /#oving -is guilt0 (Al"7an!#o vs0 P"/ito D@ +CRA >55) )ow"v"# i2 t-" accus"! !o"s not o&7"ct to suc- a /#oc"!u#" t-"n a #"v"#s" o#!"# o2 t#ial is allow"! &y t-" Rul"s0 (+acay vs0 +an!igan&ayan Fuly ,G lDM@) In 2act it s-oul! &" not"! t-at un!"# t-" n"wly a!o/t"! ,DMB Rul"s o2 C#i%inal P#oc"!u#" (+"c0 >") Rul" ,,D)t-" sai! /#oc"!u#" is now "./#"ssly sanction"!0 (-usJ N)ow"v"# w-"n t-" accus"! a!%its t-" act o# o%ission c-a#g"! in t-" co%/laint o# in2o#%ation &ut int"#/os"s a law2ul !"2"ns" t-" o#!"# o2 t#ial %ay &" %o!i2i"! acco#!ingly0N ,&. What is the e tent of the obli/ation of a counsel de oficio for an accused in a criminal case? W-il" an accus"! %ay &" giv"n a couns"l !" o2icio w-ic- is not a lawy"# o2 -is own c-oic" &"caus" -" coul! not a22o#! t-" s"#vic"s o2 a !" /a#t" lawy"# only t-" 2ait-2ul /"#2o#%anc" &y couns"l o2 -is !uty towa#!s -is cli"nt can giv" %"aning an! su&stanc" to t-" accus"!Cs #ig-t to !u" /#oc"ss an! to &" /#"su%"! innoc"nt until /#ov"n ot-"#wis"0 )"nc" a lawy"#Cs !uty "s/"cially t-at o2 a !"2"ns" couns"l %ust not &" ta<"n lig-tly0 It %ust &" /"#2o#%"! wit- all t-" 3"al an! vigo# at -is co%%an! to /#ot"ct an! sa2"gua#! t-" accus"!Cs 2un!a%"ntal #ig-ts0 (-" cavali"# attitu!" o2 Atty0 1anolo B#oton"l o2 t-" PAO cannot go unnotic"!0 It is !isc"#ni&l" in KaL -is #"2usal to c#oss6".a%in" Ol"&y 'a!"#a (t-" co%/lainant 2o# RAPE)4 K&L t-" %ann"# in w-ic- -" con!uct"! 1a#ic#is 'a!"#aCs c#oss6".a%ination4 an! KcL -is 2ailu#" not only to /#"s"nt "vi!"nc" 2o# t-" accus"! &ut to in2o#% t-" accus"! o2 -is #ig-t to !o so i2 -" !"si#"s0 (PEOPLE V+0 'ADERA FR0 >5H +CRA HDG) ,6. 'f the accused has the ri/ht to be present durin/ the trial of his case> can he also refuse to appear durin/ the hearin/s of his case? N+. D34i)6 0440i6),.)/, -4+,3 60/i+) +7 /h. 1.*i(i+) 0)1 5h.) h. i( /+ 9. i1.)/i7i.1 9: /h. 5i/).((.( 7+4 /h. -4+(.*3/i+), h. ,3(/ 9. -4.(.)/. H+5.8.4, h. *0) 80 i1 : 50i8. hi( -4.(.)*. 07/.4 0440i6),.)/ 5h.) h. (/0/. i) +-.) *+34/ +4 i) 0) 077i108i/ /h0/ 5h.).8.4 0 5i/).(( ,.)/i+)( hi( )0,. 134i)6 /h. -4.(.)/0/i+) +7 /h.


-4+(.*3/i+)?( .8i1.)*., h. 01,i/( /h0/ h. i( /h. +). 9.i)6 /+. (A23i)+ 8(. Mi i/04: C+,,i((i+), &3 SCRA '4&O P 8(. #316., %=' SCRA =&G) ,.. When may !speedy trial$ be raised by the accused to cause the dismissal of his case? What Cind of delays must occur before the same could be in#oCedC In FAI1E BER'A( V+0 +A'DIGA'BA*A' 1ay 5G 5GGH it was -"l! t-at t-" #ig-t to s/""!y t#ial is violat"! only i2 t-" /#oc""!ings w"#" att"n!"! &y v".atious ca/#icious an! o//#"ssiv" !"lays0 (-" !"t"#%ination o2 w-"t-"# t-" !"lays a#" o2 sai! natu#" is #"lativ" an! cannot &" &as"! on %"#" %at-"%atical #"c<oning o2 ti%"0 Pa#ticula# #"ga#! to t-" 2acts an! ci#cu%stanc"s o2 t-" cas"0 As -"l! in t-" cas" o2 DE LA PE'A V+0 +A'DIGA'BA*A' c"#tain 2acto#s s-all &" consi!"#"! an! &alanc"! to !"t"#%in" i2 t-"#" is !"lay as 2ollowsJ L"ngt- o2 t-" !"lay4 R"asons 2o# t-" !"lay4 Ass"#tion o# 2ailu#" to ass"#t suc- #ig-t &y t-" accus"!4 an! P#"7u!ic"! caus"! &y t-" !"lay0 (-"#" is no violation o2 t-" #ig-t to s/""!y !is/osition o2 -is cas" &"caus" /"tition"# 2ail"! to ass"#t -is constitutional #ig-t to a s/""!y !is/osition o2 -is cas"0 Du#ing t-" M6y"a# /"#io! /#io# to A/#il ,D 5GG5 /"tition"# !i! not co%/lain a&out t-" long !"lay in !"ci!ing -is cas"0 ,-. )ay the ri/ht to speedy disposition of cases be in#oCed for the dismissal of cases pendin/ before quasi(2udicial bodies liCe the 9ffice of the 9mbudsman? *"s un#"asona&l" !"lays li<" 2ailu#" to !"ci!" a co%/laint against t-" #"s/on!"nt 2o# %o#" t-an t-#"" (>) y"a#s 2#o% t-" ti%" all t-" /l"a!ings w"#" 2il"! violat"s t-" #"s/on!"ntCs #ig-t to a s/""!y !is/osition o2 -is cas" an! t-" cas" %ust &" !is%iss"!0 (D9(ER(E V+0 +A'DIGA'BA*A' 5MD +CRA A5,4 A'GC)A'GCO V+0 O1B9D+1A' 5@D +CRA >G,) (-" !"t"#%ination o2 w-"t-"# an accus"! -a! &""n !"ni"! t-" #ig-t to s/""!y t#ial !"/"n!s on t-" su##oun!ing ci#cu%stanc"s o2 "ac- cas"0 Alt-oug- it too< a&out M y"a#s &"2o#" t-" t#ial o2 t-is cas" was #"su%"! suc-


!"lay !i! not a%ount to violation o2 /"tition"#Cs #ig-t to s/""!y t#ial consi!"#ing t-at suc- !"lay was not att#i&uta&l" to t-" /#os"cution0 (-" 2acto#s to consi!"# in !"t"#%ining w-"t-"# o# not suc- #ig-t -as &""n violat"!J ,0 l"ngt- o2 !"lay 50 #"asons 2o# suc- !"lay an! >0 ass"#tion o# 2ailu#" to ass"#t suc- #ig-ts &y t-" accus"! an! t-" /#"7u!ic" caus"! &y t-" !"lay0 (ii) +/""!y (#ial Act o2 ,DDM0 (-" aut-o#ity o2 t-" +"c#"ta#y o2 Fustic" to #"vi"w #"solutions o2 -is su&o#!inat"s "v"n a2t"# an in2o#%ation -as al#"a!y &""n 2il"! in cou#t !o"s not /#"s"nt an i##"concila&l" con2lict wit- t-" >G6!ay /"#io! /#"sc#i&"! in +"c0 A o2 t-" +/""!y (#ial Act o2 ,DDM0 (+91BA'G V+0 GE'0 CO9R( 1AR(IAL G0R0 'O0 ,HG,MM >>A +CRA 55A A9G0 > 5GGG4 BLA'CO V+0 +A'DIGA'BA*A' G0R0 'O+0 ,>@ABA V BM >H@ +CRA ,GM 'OV0 5A 5GGG4 +OLAR (EA1 E'(ER(AI'1E'( I'C0 )O'0 )OW G0R0 'O0 ,HGM@> >>M +CRA B, A9G0 55 5GGG)0 ,,. Was the failure of the court to ha#e a si/n lan/ua/e e pert to inform the accused who is a deaf(mute of the contents of the criminal information fatal to the #alidity of the proceedin/s which resulted in the con#iction of the said accused? *"s &"caus" t-" accus"! was !"ni"! o2 t-" #ig-t to &" in2o#%"! o2 t-" natu#" an! caus" o2 t-" accusation against -i%0 As suc- t-" "nti#" /#oc""!ings is null an! voi! an! anot-"# t#ial &" con!uct"! in t-" /#"s"nc" o2 a sign languag" "./"#t to in2o#% t-" accus"! o2 t-" /#oc""!ings0 (+al"s vs0 CA ,@H +CRA A,A4 P vs0 C#isologo ,BG +CRA @B>) 1??. )ay an accused in a !Domicide$ case be con#icted of !)urder$ without #iolatin/ his ri/ht to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation a/ainst him? *"s0 Ev"n i2 t-" In2o#%ation was ca/tion"! ;Fo#J )o%ici!"? only &ut t-" &o!y o2 t-" In2o#%ation all"g"s ;t#"ac-"#y? o# ;"vi!"nt /#"%"!itation?


an! t-" sa%" was #"a! to t-" accus"! -" coul! &" convict"! o2 1u#!"#0 (-is is so &"caus" it is t-" &o!y o2 t-" In2o#%ation t-at is &in!ing not t-" ca/tion t-"#"o2 an! t-"#"2o#" t-" accus"! was !uly in2o#%"! o2 t-" natu#" an! caus" o2 accusation against -i%0 (P vs0 R"savaga ,BD +CRA H5@) 1?1. What is the effect of the testimony of a witness who did not return to court for his cross e amination? Dow about if there is only partial cross(e amination? A witn"ss w-o !i! not #"tu#n to cou#t 2o# -is c#oss6".a%ination woul! #"n!"# -is "nti#" t"sti%ony ina!%issi&l" 2o# &"ing -"a#say0 It li<"wis" violat"! t-" #ig-t o2 con2#ontation on t-" /a#t o2 t-" accus"!0 (O#tigas FR0 vs0 Lu2t-ansa @H +CRA @,G) I2 t-" witn"ss was /a#tially ".a%in"! only t-" /o#tion o2 -is !i#"ct t"sti%ony w-"#" -" was c#oss6".a%in"! s-all &" a!%issi&l" as "vi!"nc"0( P vs0 +"n"#is DD +CRA D5) 1?2. What are the requisites of a #alid trial in absentia? )ay an accused who 2umped bail after arrai/nment be #alidly con#icted by the trial court? (-" #"Iuisit"s o2 a vali! t#ial in a&s"ntia a#" t-" 2ollowingJ (-" accus"! was !uly a##aign"!4 (-" accus"! was noti2i"! o2 t-" -"a#ing4 an! (-" accus"!Cs a&s"nc" K!u#ing t-" t#ialL is un7usti2ia&l"0 1?3. )ay an accused compel the trial court to issue subpoena to a Physician who is already worCin/ in the 1nited =tates to testify on his treatment of the accused? Would the failure of said witness to appear and testify for the accused #iolates his ri/ht to subpoena witnesses and the production of e#idence in his fa#or8 'o0 +uc- witn"ss is &"yon! t-" 7u#is!iction o2 t-" P-ili//in" Cou#ts0 Fu#t-"# -is #ig-t to su&/o"na witn"ss"s an! t-" /#o!uction o2 "vi!"nc" will not &" violat"! sinc" t-" -os/ital coul! /#o!uc" sai! #"co#!s an! anot-"# /-ysician coul! t"sti2y on t-" cont"nts t-"#"o20 (Cavili vs0 )on0 Flo#"n!o ,BH +CRA @,G4 Fa7a#!o vs0 Ga#cia DM +CRA B,H)


1?4. )ay the accused be presented by the prosecution as the latter"s witness? 'o0 +uc- woul! violat" t-" #ig-t o2 t-" accus"! against s"l26 inc#i%ination an! i2 suc- -a//"n"! t-" /#oc""!ings s-all &" null an! voi!0 (C-av"3 vs0 CA 5H +CRA @@>) 1?&. 8enerally> to what Cind of e#idence does the ri/ht a/ainst self( incrimination applies? G"n"#ally it a//li"s only to ;t"sti%onial co%/ulsion0? As suc2o#cing a /"#son to giv" a sa%/l" o2 -is u#in" to !"t"#%in" w-"t-"# a wo%an is /#"gnant (Villa2lo# vs0 +u%%"#s H, P-il0 @5)4 w-"t-"# a /"#son is su22"#ing 2#o% s".ually t#ans%itt"! !is"as" (9+ vs0 (ang ("ng 5> P-il0 ,HB) o# un!"# t-" in2lu"nc" o2 /#o-i&it"! !#ugs (PEOPLE V+0 BA'I)I( G0R0 'O0 ,>5GHB >>D +CRA M@ A9G0 5B 5GGG4 PEOPLE V+0 CO'(I'E'(E G0R0 'O+0 ,GGMG,6 G5 >>D +CRA , A9G0 5B 5GGG) !o"s not violat" t-" /"#sonCs #ig-t against s"l26inc#i%ination0 Li<"wis" 2o#cing on" to t#y a /ai# o2 s-o"s /ants o# s-i#t !o"s not 2all un!"# t-" a&ov" /#osc#i/tion0 1?6. Dow about forcin/ a person to /i#e a sample of his handwritin/?. (-oug- t-" sa%" !o"s not #"Iui#" t"sti%onial co%/ulsion t-" #ig-t against s"l26inc#i%ination will &" violat"! &y sai! act0 (-is is so &"caus" it involv"s t-" us" o2 t-" int"llig"nc" o2 t-" /"#son0 (B"lt#an vs0 +a%son BG P-il0 BAG) 1?.. Does the ri/ht a/ainst self(incrimination applicable to ci#il and administrati#e cases also? *"s &ut unli<" in c#i%inal cas"s w-"#" t-" accus"! coul! not &" /#"s"nt"! &y t-" /#os"cution an! -is #ig-t not to ta<" t-" witn"ss stan! is a&solut" an a!v"#s" /a#ty in a civil o# a!%inist#ativ" cas"s %ay &" /#"s"nt"! &y t-" ot-"# /a#ty &ut coul! #"2us" to answ"# only i2 t-" Iu"stion /#o/oun!"! calls 2o# an inc#i%inato#y answ"#0 1?-. )ay a court steno/rapher who had resi/ned from the /o#ernment be compelled to transcribe her notes under pain of contempt without #iolatin/ her ri/ht a/ainst in#oluntary ser#itude?


*"s0 (-is is so &"caus" t-" t"sti%ony was ta<"n w-il" s-" was still in t-" gov"#n%"nt an! as suc- it was -"# o&ligation to t#ansc#i&" t-" sa%" -aving #"c"iv"! -"# sala#y 2o# t-" !ay w-"n t-" t"sti%ony was ta<"n0 (Acla#acion vs0 Gat%aitan @H +CRA ,>,) 1?,. 's the Death Penalty already abolished by the %onstitution? 1,-.

W-il" t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t answ"#"! t-" sa%" in t-" a22i#%ativ" in t-" cas"s o2 P vs0 Gava##a ,BB +CRa >5A4 P vs0 1asang<ay ,BB +CRA ,,>4 P vs0 At"ncio ,B@ +CRA 5H54 P vs0 Intino +"/t"%&"# 5@ ,DMM it -"l! in P"o/l" vs0 1uno3 ,AG +CRA ,GA t-at it was %"#"ly sus/"n!"!0 11?. 's death as a penalty a cruel or unuasual punishment?

'o0 (P vs0 Estoista D> P-il0 @HA)0 It is only w-"n t-" /unis-%"nt is s-oc<ing to t-" consci"nc" o2 t-" co%%unity an! !is/#o/o#tionat" to t-" o22"ns" c-a#g"! t-at t-" /"nalty &"co%"s c#u"l an! unusual0 In 2act t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! in EC)EGARA* V+0 +ECRE(AR* OF F9+(ICE t-at !"at- t-#oug- L"t-al In7"ction is t-" %ost -u%an" way o2 i%/l"%"nting t-" !"at- /"nalty0 %%%. Wh0/ 04. /h. 4.23i(i/.( 9.7+4. 0) 0**3(.1 ,0: 80 i1 : i)8+@. 1+39 . J.+-041:C (-"#" is !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y w-"n t-"#" isJ K,L vali! co%/laint o2 in2o#%ation4 K5L 2il"! in a cou#t o2 co%/"t"nt 7u#is!iction4 K>L t-" accus"! was vali!ly a##aign"!4 an! KHL t-" accus"! was convict"! o# acIuitt"! o# t-" cas" was !is%iss"! o# ot-"#wis" t"#%inat"! wit-out t-" "./#"ss cons"nt o2 t-" accus"!0 (PEOPLE V+0 AL1ARIO >BB +CRA ,) 112. 'f the dismissal was with the e press consent of the accused> may the dismissal result in double 2eopardy?


*"s in two (5) instanc"s0 As a g"n"#al #ul" i2 t-" !is%issal is t-#oug- t-" instanc" o2 t-" accus"! o# wit- -is "./#"ss cons"nt t-"#" is no !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y0 )ow"v"# t-is #ul" a!%its o2 two (5) ".c"/tionsJ ,) t-" %otion to !is%iss is &as"! on insu22ici"ncy o2 "vi!"nc" o# D"%u##"# to Evi!"nc"4 an! #6 t-" %otion to !is%iss is &as"! on t-" !"nial o2 t-" accus"!Cs #ig-t to s/""!y t#ial. -PEOPLE V+0 AL1ARIO >BB +CRA ,) 6!ou&l" 7"o/a#!y -as s"t in0 In t-"s" two (5) instanc"s t-" co##"ct !"sc#i/tion o2 w-at -a//"n"! is t-at t-" accus"! was ;acIuitt"!? an! not ;t-" cas" was !is%iss"! wit- -is cons"nt?0 It %ust &" /oint"! out -ow"v"# t-at in PEOPLE VS. TAMPAL, =44 SCRA =>= 0)1 PEOPLE VS. LEVISTE, ='' SCRA =3! t-" +C #"v"#s"! t-" !is%issal o2 t-" c#i%inal cas" &y t-" t#ial cou#t &as"! on ;s/""!y t#ial? sinc" t-" sa%" was not /#"!icat"! ;on t-" cl"a# #ig-t o2 t-" accus"! to s/""!y t#ial0? It is only w-"n t-"#" is a cl"a# violation o2 t-" accus"!Cs #ig-t to s/""!y t#ial t-at t-" !is%issal #"sults in !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y0 113. Ehe accused was char/ed of theft of electricity based on the %ity 9rdinance of 0atan/as %ity. *fter arrai/nment> the case was dismissed because it was found out that the same has prescribed because it was filed after more than 6? days. Ehe Biscal filed another information based on the 7e#ised Penal %ode. Das double 2eopardy set in? *"s0 I2 t-" accus"! was c-a#g"! o2 ;t-"2t o2 "l"ct#icity? &as"! on t-" City O#!inanc" o2 Batangas an! not &as"! on t-" R"vis"! P"nal Co!" an! lat"# on t-" cas" is !is%iss"! &y t-" 7u!g" !u" to t-" 2act t-at t-" c#i%" -as /#"sc#i&"! t-" gov"#n%"nt can no long"# c-a#g" t-" accus"! o2 t-" sa%" c#i%" un!"# t-" R"vis"! P"nal Co!" sinc" !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y -as s"t in0 I2 an act is /unis-"! &y law an! an o#!inanc" acIuittal o# conviction in on" s-all &a# /#os"cution 2#o% t-" ot-"#0 (PEOPLE VS. RELOVA, %4! SCRA =G=)


114. Ehe accused was char/ed of /ra#e coercion before the )E% and was duly arrai/ned. Ehe Jud/e dismissed it without any motion form the accused because the case is alle/edly outside the )E%"s 2urisdiction. *nother information for the same offense was filed with the 7E% which was liCewise dismissed because of lacC of 2urisdiction. *s such> the Biscal filed a 3rd information for /ra#e coercion before the )E%. Ehe accused pleaded double 2eopardy. 's he correct8 *"s0 +inc" t-" accus"! was al#"a!y a##aign"! in t-" , st in2o#%ation &"2o#" t-" 1(C w-ic- -as 7u#is!iction ov"# t-" sa%" an! t-" cas" was su&s"Iu"ntly !is%iss"! wit-out -is "./#"ss cons"nt t-"n !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y -as s"t in0 11&. Ehe accused was arrai/ned of homicide and entered a plea of /uilty but prayed that he be /i#en the chance to pro#e incomplete self( defense which the court /ranted. *fter presentin/ his e#idence to pro#e !incomplete self(defense$> the court acquitted him because what was alle/edly pro#en by him was complete self(defense. )ay the accused #alidly in#oCe double 2eopardy if the Prosecutor mo#es for the reinstatement of the case for him to present the e#idence of the prosecution? 'o &"caus" on" o2 t-" #"Iuisit"s o2 !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y is %issing0 (-"#" was no vali! a##aign%"nt0 (-is is so &"caus" -is /l"a was on" o2 guilty an! y"t -" was acIuitt"!0 In t-is cas" -" -as to &" #"6a##aign"! 2o# -i% to "nt"# a /l"a o2 ;not guilty? in o#!"# t-at -" coul! &" vali!ly acIuitt"!0 116. Ehe accused was con#icted of frustrated murder. Within 1& days from promul/ation> he filed a )otion for :ew Erial based on a !newly(disco#ered e#idence$ which was /ranted by the court. *fter the presentation of the alle/ed !newly(disco#ered e#idence$> the accused was acquitted. )ay the prosecution appeal the acquittal since the e#idence presented was not really a newly(disco#ered e#idence but a for/otten one and that e#en assumin/ that the same is a newly(disco#ered e#idence> it was insufficient to o#erturn the e#idence of /uilt as pro#en by the prosecution. In t-" cas" o2 P vs0 Fu!g" )"#nan!o ,GM +CRA ,5, t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t -"l! t-at in!""! t-" "vi!"nc" /#"s"nt"! was not ;n"wly6!iscov"#"! "vi!"nc"? an! t-at assu%ing it to &" so it was not su22ici"nt to ov"#tu#n t-"


"vi!"nc" o2 guilt as s-own &y t-" /#os"cutionCs "vi!"nc"0 )ow"v"# t-ougt-" !"cision was "##on"ous !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y -as s"t in an! t-" gov"#n%"nt coul! no long"# a//"al t-" !"cision0 +o "v"n i2 t-" cou#t o&viously "##"! in t-" a//#"ciation o2 t-" "vi!"nc" #"sulting in a !"cision o2 acIuittal inst"a! o2 conviction a//"al woul! /ut t-" accus"! in !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y0 (1a3o vs0 1un0 Cou#t ,,> +CRA 5,A) 11.. )ay the /o#ernment appeal a 2ud/ment of acquittal or for the increase of the penalty imposed? 'o sinc" !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y -as s"t in0 (PEOPLE V+0 )O'0 VELA+CO G0R0 'O0 ,5AHHH >HG +CRA 5GA +EP(0 ,> 5GGG)0 As %an!at"! &y t-" Constitution statut"s an! cognat" 7u#is/#u!"nc" an acIuittal is 2inal an! una//"ala&l" on t-" g#oun! o2 !ou&l" 7"o/a#!y w-"t-"# it -a//"ns at t-" t#ial cou#t o2 a 7u!g%"nt o2 acIuittal &#oug-t &"2o#" t-" +u/#"%" Cou#t on c"#tio#a#i cannot &" -a! unl"ss t-"#" is a 2in!ing o2 %ist#ial as in :alman vs. &andiganba@an. )ow"v"# i2 t-" accus"! was t-" on" w-o a//"al"! t-" !"cision o2 t-" CFI convicting -i% o2 -o%ici!" (t-oug- -" was c-a#g"! o2 %u#!"#) t-" a//"llat" cou#t %ay convict -i% o2 %u#!"# i2 t-" "vi!"nc" wa##ants an! t-at t-" low"# cou#t %is6a//#"ciat"! t-" "vi!"nc"0 (-is is so &"caus" i2 t-" accus"! a//"als t-" !"cision t-" sa%" will &" su&7"ct to a co%/l"t" #"6 ".a%ination o2 t-" "vi!"nc" on #"co#!0 11-. What is the L=uper#enin/ Bact Doctrine.L It si%/ly /#ovi!"s t-at an accus"!Cs conviction s-all not &" a &a# to anot-"# /#os"cution 2o# an o22"ns" w-ic- n"c"ssa#ily inclu!"s t-" o22"ns" c-a#g"! in t-" 2o#%"# co%/laint o# in2o#%ation w-"n t-" g#av"# o22"ns" !"v"lo/"! !u" to su/"#v"ning 2acts a#ising 2#o% t-" sa%" act o# o%ission constituting t-" 2o#%"# c-a#g" o# t-at t-" 2acts constituting t-" g#av"# c-a#g" &"ca%" <nown only o# w"#" !iscov"#"! a2t"# a /l"a was "nt"#"! in t-" 2o#%"# co%/laint o# in2o#%ation0 (+"ction A Rul" ,,A 5GGG Rul"s o2 C#i%inal P#oc"!u#"4 P vs0 (a#o< A> P-il0 5@G4 P vs0 Villasis H@ O0G0 5@M4 1"lo vs0 P"o/l" MB P-il0 A@@4 P vs0 Buling ,GA P-il0 A,54 P vs0 A!il A@ +CRA H@54 P0 vs0 (ac6an ,M5 +CRA @G,4 an! P vs0 City Cou#t o2 1anila ,5, +CRA @>A 11,. When may the !e (post facto law$ rule be in#oCed?


Only i2 t-" law soug-t to &" a//li"! is a ;c#i%inal law o# /"nal?0 Ot-"#wis" t-" sa%" %ay not &" invo<"! as w-"n t-" Iu"stion"! law involv"s t-" 7u#is!iction o2 t-" +an!igan&ayan w-ic- is not a /"nal law0 E. /ost 2acto law /#o-i&its t-" #"t#os/"ctivity o2 /"nal laws0 RA M5HD is not a /"nal law0 It is a su&stantiv" law on 7u#is!iction w-ic- is not /"nal in c-a#act"#0 (PA'FILO 10 LAC+O' V+0 ()E E:EC9(IVE +ECRE(AR* ()E +A'DIGA'BA*A' E( AL0 RO1EO ACOP E FRA'CI+CO $9BIA FR0 G0R0 'o0 ,5MGD@ Fanua#y 5G ,DDD) 12?. What are the different forms of e (post facto law? In o#!"# t-at a law is an ". /ost 2acto law t-" sa%" %ust &" on"T a0 w-ic- %a<"s an act !on" c#i%inal &"2o#" t-" /assing o2 t-" law an! w-ic- was innoc"nt w-"n co%%itt"! an! /unis-"s suc- action4 &0 w-ic- agg#avat"s a c#i%" o# %a<"s it g#"at"# t-an w-"n it was co%%itt"!4 c0 w-ic- c-ang"s t-" /unis-%"nt an! in2licts a g#"at"# /unis-%"nt t-an t-" law ann"."! to t-" c#i%" w-"n it was co%%itt"!4 !0 w-ic- alt"#s t-" l"gal #ul"s o2 "vi!"nc" an! #"c"iv"s l"ss o# !i22"#"nt t"sti%ony t-an t-" law #"Iui#"! a t-" ti%" o2 t-" co%%ission o2 t-" o22"ns" in o#!"# to convict t-" !"2"n!ant4 "0 "v"#y law w-ic- in #"lation to t-" o22"ns" o# its cons"Iu"nc"s alt"#s t-" situation o2 a /"#son to -is !isa!vantag"4 20 t-at w-ic- assu%"s to #"gulat" civil #ig-ts an! #"%"!i"s &ut in "22"ct i%/os"s a /"nalty o# !"/#ivation o2 a #ig-t w-icw-"n !on" was law2ul4 g0 !"/#iv"s a /"#son accus"! o2 a c#i%" o2 so%" law2ul /#ot"ction to w-ic- -" -as &"co%" "ntitl"! suc- as t-" /#ot"ction o2 a 2o#%"# conviction o# acIuittal o# a /#ocla%ation o2 a%n"sty (DAY VILLE$AS DAMI, 3' SCRA 4=GO ME#IA VS. PAMARAN, %&> SCRA 4'"O TAN VS. BARRIOS, %G> SCRA &!&O PEOPLE VS. SANDI$ANBAYAN, =%% SCRA =4%). WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


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