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Clubbing comes from western culture where they are very like to do party. It starts from !"# when the disco music appears. $ith the development of music technology% there were invented other kind of music with fast and hard beat. &hen the clubbing culture was born. Clubbing is a party that held in the club when the night till the sun rise up% complete with the music element% food and beverages% drug% alcohol% and others kind of thing. It very closely to show the freedom% e'pression% hedonism% consumerism and metropolitan life that give all form of happiness. (roblems arise when these cultures comes to Indonesia. Indonesian culture has e'tremely strict rules norms. )n e'ample is when in the night person should sleep% and if not then they should not make noise as not to disturb their neighbors. But clubbing culture makes people do activities at night with loud music which can disturb others. *rom the problem above% there are some cause and some effect toward the development of clubbing culture in Indonesia. +ome of them are listed below. &he reason why this kind of culture can goes into Indonesia is globali,ation. Globali,ation clears the border in the world% so everyone can communicate with everyone. It gives people across the world a chance to share everything. &hey share language% music% film% art% and even the culture. +o this culture% clubbing% can appear and develop in Indonesia. &he other factor that fastens the development of clubbing in Indonesia is people curiosity. $ith this new kind of culture that people learn and know makes people want to try. It can happen because curiosity is people basic nature. +o people will show this character toward a new kind of thing. It includes the clubbing culture which is a new kind of culture that give freedom and happiness that people need. &hat-s why people start to accept it. Clubbing also becomes a new chance to get a high profit in market and business. &he entrepreneur can get high profit from the food and beverages% alcohol% drug% club entrance% entertainment etc. Clubbing is a new promising business. &hat-s why there are many entrepreneur starts to build the club. Government can also get profit from the high ta' in club. Because of the profit that every stakeholder gets% clubbing develop and spread faster in Indonesia.

$hen the clubbing comes in Indonesia% it also gives an effect. &he first effect is the effect to the society. Clubbing culture is very different with Indonesian culture. Clubbing is done in the night and full of freedom% loudness and happiness which are very different with Indonesian culture and norm. It-ll make a new stigma on the society and most of them are a bad stigma. +ociety will .udge badly to people who to do club. &he other effect is the effect on health. &he health means physical and psychological effect. Clubbing make people sleepless and make an alcohol effect. +leepless will cause an effect such as cardiovascular disease% diabetes% and cancer. Based on the research that done by the researchers from $est /irginia University +chool of 0edicine in 1##2% it is known that people who have less than 3 hours of sleep each night at risk for heart disease. In other study% a research by researchers from Case $estern University% found that people who sleep less than 4 hours a night risk of developing colorectal polyps that can become cancerous by 53 percent compared to people who have enough hours of sleep. &he alcohol can shorten human life. 6ne of the famous $estern thinkers to e'press that as many as 2 people had died from a hundred young people aged 1 to 17 years who are addicted to alcoholic drinks. &his is a very large number if compared with the death of no more than # people from the youth who are not addicted to alcohol. )nd on the psychological effect% it will make new bad attitude that appear on clubber% its hedonism and anti8social. It-ll give a bad effect on their society life. *rom all of the cause and effect of clubbing% it can be concluded that clubbing may give good and bad impact. *rom the cause% it gives a good effect on economy. But the bad effects come from the health effect and physiological effect that create many deathly diseases and make people hedons and anti8social. Bimantara )di $ithaka 42 #5## 7

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