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LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !

eda Co""ege o# La$

%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&


:# a person 7"ll not !o a7ay or 7"ll not !o to so$e ot&er places, no one 7"ll ta%e &"s property 'land)/ ;UES8:O3: HO< ,=3 <E HE ,O38ROL H:S L=30> Page | 1 8&"s 4uest"on "s ans7ered by t&e de6elop$ent o# land la7s? pr"6ate land o7ners can assert r"!&ts because o# RE@:S8R=8:O3 'land t"tles or docu$ents) HISTORY/ DEVELOPMENT

LECTURE NOTES #1 June 19, 2010

HOUSE RULES -no excused absences -duty: to learn, to study, to pray, to pass -no !o"n! out #ro$ class -no tal%"n! -$entally &onest 'no c&eat"n!( no coac&"n!)

=ct 1 -9A

Land Re!"strat"on =ct lasted #or B2(BB years unt"l repealed by ./0/ 3o/ 1229 7&"c& "s t&e la7 no7 "n #orce and "n e##ect/

Cecause 7e l"6e "n a soc"ety 7"t& d"6er!ent "nterests, t&ere ar"se d"sputesD ;UES8:O3S: o o o <&o "s t&e o7ner o# t&e land> <&o &as better r"!&t> Ho7 can t&"rd persons be a##ected> <&at %"nds o# e6"dences are re4u"red to en#orce o7ners&"p>

*"rst + ,&apters- Lecture Start"n! Sect"on 1- o# ./0/ 11229 rec"tat"on

3ext $eet"n!: 4u"5 ,o6era!e: 7&at &as been ta%en up

8&ese 4uest"ons are ans7ered "n t&"s class/

INTRODUCTION 8&e sub9ect "s about t&e control o6er land *or a person to &a6e exclus"6e en9oy$ent o# property/ Ho7e6er, a person cannot absolutely control a certa"n p"ece o# land o .ersons !o to ot&er places

,r"t"cal de6elop$ents t&rou!& t&e ad6ance$ent o# c"6"l"5at"on de6eloped consc"ousness o# land o7ners&"p ar"se t&e necess"ty o# protect"n! t&e r"!&ts o# o7ner TORRENS SYSTEM OF LAND REGISTRATION R"c&ard Robert 8orrens ,urrent syste$ o# land re!"strat"on

Private land ownership did not come from nowhere. 8&ere could be a source: 7&oE( #ro$ 7&o$ d"d you ac4u"re your land>

8&us, t&ere "s only te$porary control because "t "s "$poss"ble to p&ys"cally possess or control lar!e tracts o# land/

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

SOUR,E: pr"6ate land o7ners&"p $ust e$anate #ro$ t&e S8=8E/ 8&e State "s t&e source o# land to t&e REGALIAN DOCTRINE. '=ll lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n belon! to t&e State, 7&"c& "s t&e source o# any asserted r"!&t to o7ners&"p o# land/ =ll lands not ot&er7"se appear"n! to be clearly 7"t&"n pr"6ate o7ners&"p are presu$ed to belon! to t&e State/ =ll lands not ot&er7"se clearly appear"n! to be pr"6ately-o7ned are presu$ed to belon! to t&e State)

./0/ 3o/ 1229

0o$"nat"on o# Spa"n: o o .r"6ate land o7ners&"p t&rou!& @R=38S =ll lands belon! to Spa"n Except"on:

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1) .ossess"on o# person o#
land #ro$ t"$e "$$e$or"al 'predecessors-"n"nterest)? presu$pt"on t&at land "s pr"6ate land/ 2) ,&urc&( educat"onal propert"es 't&e K"n! dec"ded t&at &e 7as not t&e o7ner o# t&ese lands)/ <&en Spa"n entered t&e 8reaty o# .ar"s, Spa"n d"d not cede t&e lands o# t&e c&urc&es? t&ey cont"nued to be property o# t&e R, ,&urc&/

Secretary ! DENR ". May r # $e Ya% &'(()* @/R/ 3o/ 1ABB0B Oct/ F, 200F Expla"ned Re!al"an doctr"ne/ 8&"s "s about Coracay :sland/ @roup o# persons bu"ld &ouses( bu"ld"n!s 'o# a!r"cultural lands) 8&e @o6ern$ent sa"d t&at t&e Coracay :sland "s a #orest and t"$berland and re$a"ned to be #orest and t"$berland, so not a!r"cultural land/ S,: t&e lands are "nal"enable publ"c land? unt"l t&e !o6ern$ent reclass"#"ed Coracay :sland, "t "s st"ll #orest and t"$berland? t&us, "t canGt be ac4u"red by pr"6ate persons/ Cas"s: Re!al"an doctr"ne 'all o# publ"c do$a"ns belon! to t&e State? State reser6es suc& r"!&t o6er suc& lands/ 8&e 19+2, 19B+ H 19FB ,onst"tut"on appl"es t&"s doctr"ne/ =ll lands not ac4u"red #ro$ t&e !o6ern$ent belon! to t&e State/ 8&e state can cons"der 7&at "s al"enable or not/ DEVELOPMENT OF LAND LAWS La7s o# :nd"es Ley HepoD/'Iort!a!e La7 o# 1F9+) J'unt"l)

O+c+ ". D,rect r ! La-.$ &/0 P+,1$. )2* / / / =ll lands t&at 7ere not ac4u"red #ro$ t&e @o6ern$ent, e"t&er by purc&ase or by !rant, belon! to t&e publ"c do$a"n/ =n except"on to t&e rule 7ould be any land t&at s&ould &a6e been "n t&e possess"on o# an occupant and o# &"s predecessors "n "nterest s"nce t"$e "$$e$or"al, #or suc& possess"on 7ould 9ust"#y t&e presu$pt"on t&at t&e land &ad ne6er been part o# t&e publ"c do$a"n e6en be#ore t&e Span"s& con4uest/ ',ar"Lo 6s/ :nsular @o6ern$ent, 212 U/S/, --9? 2+ La7/ ed/, 29-/) '( 8&e appl"cant does not co$e under t&e except"on, #or t&e earl"est possess"on o# t&e lot by &"s #"rst predecessor "n "nterest be!an "n 1FF0/ DEFINITIONS La-.3 "s t&e sol"d part o# t&e sur#ace o# t&e Eart&/

La-. T,t1e3 "s an e6"dence o# r"!&t o# o7ner or extent o# &"s "nterest by 7&"c& &e can $a"nta"n, control and,

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

as a rule, assert r"!&t to exclus"6e possess"on and en9oy$ent o# property/ E/!/ 8rans#er ,ert"#"cate o# 8"tle( ,ert"#"cate o# 8"tle)

:$portant to render "t a publ"c docu$ent J

Dee.3 "s a 7r"tten "nstru$ent executed "n accordance 7"t& t&e #or$ prescr"bed by la7 7&ere a person !rants or con6eys land/ Exa$ples: o o o o trans#er o# t"tle? or encu$brance o# land? or $ort!a!e? or l"en

Re!"strable 0ocu$ent

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C+e-6 ". Ge-at

Re6,$trat, -3 "s t&e entry $ade "n t&e Re!"strar 7&"c& records sole$nly and per$anently t&e r"!&t o# o7ners&"p and all t&e real r"!&ts/ CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY

=rt"cle -1-: 1. Per$ -a1 r 7 "a81e '. Rea1 r ,77 "a81e

P $$e$$, - "s d"##erent #ro$ O4-er$+,%. P $$e$$, O4-er$+,% Ex/ Lease: LessorM O7ner LeaseeM .ossessor .ossess"on "s t&e &old"n! o# a t&"n! or t&e en9oy$ent o# a r"!&t 'Article 523 Civil Code) I- ! r a DEED TO 5E EFFECTIVE REQUISI ES! 8&ere $ust be a !rantor 8&ere $ust be a !rantee 8&ere $ust be 7ords o# !rant '"/e/ trans#ers, ass"!ns, leases) 0escr"pt"on o# property S"!nature o# !rantor '"$portant: "ntent"on to con6ey or trans#er) =ttested by at least 2 7"tnesses =c%no7led!ed by a notary publ"c Sec. ""2# P$ "52%!



i. cons"sts o# all property by

pr"6ate person e"t&er "nd"6"dual or collect"6ely 'Art. &25: N.roperty o# pr"6ate o7ners&"p, bes"des t&e patr"$on"al property o# t&e State, pro6"nces, c"t"es, and $un"c"pal"t"es, cons"sts o# all property belon!"n! to pr"6ate persons, e"t&er "nd"6"dually or collect"6ely) ""/ se!re!at"on lands #ro$ publ"c

iii. Article "&": @o6Gt/ !rants

publ"c a!r"cultural lands t&rou!& 6ar"ous %"nds o# patents ' =lready land beco$es pr"6ate

'Jud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t"tle OSec/ -F 'b), ,/=/ 1-1)

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

P:81,c3 not se!re!ated #ro$ $ass o# lands/ ,. T+e C -$t,t:t, - c1a$$,!,e$ ; c1a$$e$9 1/ *orest t"$berlands 2/ I"neral +/ =!r"cultural -/ Reser6at"on 19+2 and 19B+ ,onst"tut"on 'only + class"#"cat"on) and

<e are concerned 7"t& transact"on "n6ol6"n! lands? O7ners&"p: &o7 trans#erred> Ho7 lost> <&o &as better r"!&t> Page | 4 @ DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF TRANSFERRING LAND TITLE

1. Pr .:ct, - a-. .e1,"ery ! c -"eya-ce a-. ! 6ra-t r t 6ra-tee 'co$plete "n "tsel#)

2. Re6,$trat, - r Rec r.,-6 ! Dee. !

C -"eya-ce '"s a publ"c record %ept by a publ"c o##"c"al)

A6r,c:1t:ra1 1a-.$3 "nal"enable(not d"sposable H 7e$tea.< $a1e< . -at, Once ac4u"red, can be ac4u"red t&rou!& re!"strat"on under t&e 8orrens La7/ MODES Ord"nary Re!"strat"on Jud"c"al ,on#"r$at"on o# 8"tle ,adastral =d$"n"strat"6e #or$ o# re!"strat"on

3. Sy$te7 ! #:.,c,a1 Re6,$trat, - 4+,c+

%r ",.e$ t,t1e ! 4-er$+,% ,t$e1! 'not only re!"strat"on)


1. Re6,$tere. La-.3 co6ered by t&e 8orrens 8"tle 2. U-re6,$tere. La-.3 not co6ered by t&e 8orrens
8"tle -8&e need #or class"#"cat"on "s to deter$"ne t&e $ode o# trans#err"n! t"tle/

E=a7%1e ! %:81,c 1a-.$ - t $:8>ect t %r,"ate 4-er$+,%? - t re6,$tra81e T rre-$9 0e6oted #or publ"c use: roads, street 0e6oted #or publ"c ser6"ce *orest and t"$berlands I"neral resources La%es <aters&ed, etc/ 3a6"!able sea

U-re6,$tere. La-.9 Sec/- =d$"n"strat"6e ,ode 'be#ore .0 1229) Sec. ""3# P.$. "52% record"n! o# "nstru$ent o# unre!"stered land/


:3=L:E3=CLEM 3O3-RE@:S8R=CLE

1. F r Re6,$tere. La-.$:
.0 1229 ',od"#"ed =ct? ,adastral =ct)

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

'. F r U-re6,$tere. La-.$9 Sec/ 11+ -S"nce "t "s already 4u"te, t&e land "s rel"6ed o# un%no7n l"ensD -t&"rd persons 7&o d"d not appear are already barred OexceptP t&ose pro6"ded by la7 'Sec/ --) PURPOSES OF LAND REGISTRATION 1. T A:,te t,t1e t 1a-.
Sec. 31, par. 2: The decree of registration shall bind the land and quiet title thereto, subject only to such exceptions or liens as may be pro ided by la!. "t shall be conclusi e upon and against all persons, including the #ational $o ernment and all branches thereof, !hether mentioned by name in the application or notice, the same being included in the general description %To all !hom it may concern%.

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@. T %re"e-t !ra:.:1e-t c1a,7$

Sec. -3: (resentation of o!ner.s duplicate upon entry of ne! certificate. #o oluntary instrument shall be registered by the /egister of 0eeds, unless the o!ner.s duplicate certificate is presented !ith such instrument, except in cases expressly pro ided for in this 0ecree or upon order of the court, for cause sho!n.

&egarda ' (rieto . +0 .&"l/ +90 S,: -pr"$ary purpose o# land re!"strat"on "s to settle t"tle to land/ -t"tle "s already un"$peac&able -not sub9ect to anot&er re!"strat"on -to put a stop #ore6er to any 4uest"on to t&e le!al"ty o# t&e t"tle except cla"$s 7&"c& are duly not"ced at t&e t"$e o# t&e re!"strat"on 't&at cla"$s s&ould be duly recorded "n t&e t"tle)

The production of the o!ner.s duplicate certificate, !hene er any oluntary instrument is presented for registration, shall be conclusi e authority from the registered o!ner to the /egister of 0eeds to enter a ne! certificate or to ma+e a memorandum of registration in accordance !ith such instrument, and the ne! certificate or memorandum shall be binding upon the registered o!ner and upon all persons claiming under him, in fa or of e ery purchaser for alue and in good faith.

C r 11ary t t+,$ ,$ t+e -e=t9 B '. T re1,e"e t+e 1a-. ! :-C- 4- 1,e-$< c1a,7$< r 8:r.e-$< 4+et+er >:$t r :->:$t
Sec. )): Statutory liens affecting title. * ery registered o!ner recei ing a certificate of title in pursuance of a decree of registration, and e ery subsequent purchaser of registered land ta+ing a certificate of title for alue and in good faith, shall hold the same free from all encumbrances,

"n all cases of registration procured by fraud, the o!ner may pursue all his legal and equitable remedies against the parties to such fraud !ithout prejudice, ho!e er, to the rights of any innocent holder for alue of a certificate of title. 1fter the entry of the decree of registration on the original petition or application, any subsequent registration procured by the presentation of a forged duplicate certificate of title, or a forged deed or other instrument, shall be null and oid.

-s&ould be read "n relat"on to At& -Re!"strat"on "s a spec"es o# not"ce because t&ereGs a per$anen publ"c record "n t&e O##"ce o# Re!"ster o# 0eeds/

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

-Sect"on +1(+2: Once land "s already re!"stered under t&e 8orrens Syste$? =ll transact"ons "n order to b"nd t&"rd persons $ust be RE@:S8ERE0/ -<HQ> REGISTRATION3 ,$ t+e %erat,"e act t+at 8,-.$ r a!!ect$ re6,$tere. 1a-. ,-$ !ar a$ t+,r. %er$ - are c -cer-e.. J 8ransact"on o# land cannot be concealed because "t "s re!"stered pre6ent #raudulent cla"$s/ Ex/ =ct 12-- N#"rst re!"strant "n !ood #a"t&R re!"strat"on b"nds/ ;. T e$ta81,$+ %r, r,ty ,- r,6+t$ Sec.
-2: (rimary *ntry 3oo+4 fees4 certified copies. *ach /egister of 0eeds shall +eep a primary entry boo+ in !hich, upon payment of the entry fee, he shall enter, in the order of their reception, all instruments including copies of !rits and processes filed !ith him relating to registered land. 5e shall, as a preliminary process in registration, note in such boo+ the date, hour and minute of reception of all instruments, in the order in !hich they !ere recei ed. They shall be regarded as registered from the time so noted, and the memorandum of each instrument, !hen made on the certificate of title to !hich it refers, shall bear the same date: (ro ided, that the national go ernment as !ell as the pro incial and city go ernments shall be exempt from the payment of such fees in ad ance in order to be entitled to entry and registration.

shall be attested and sealed by the /egister of 0eeds, endorsed !ith the file number, and copies may be deli ered to the person presenting them.

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6ertified copies of all instruments filed and registered may also be obtained from the /egister of 0eeds upon payment of the prescribed fees.

0. T create ,-.e!ea$,81e &,-.,",$,81eD* a-. ,7%re$cr,%t,81e t,t1e 8,-.,-6 - t+e 4+ 1e 4 r1.

Sec. )2: /egistration 3oo+s. The original copy of the original certificate of title shall be filed in the /egistry of 0eeds. The same shall be bound in consecuti e order together !ith similar certificates of title and shall constitute the registration boo+ for titled properties. Sec. )7: /egistered land not subject to prescriptions. #o title to registered land in derogation of the title of the registered o!ner shall be acquired by prescription or ad erse possession.

-Sec/ -2: a#ter 1 year o# entry o# '"ssuance) o# re!"stry, t"tle beco$es conclus"6e and "ncontro6ert"ble t"tle can no lon!er be de#eated by any ot&er person/

-Sec/ -B: "$prescr"pt"ble 't"tle) land re!"stered canGt be ac4u"red by prescr"pt"on/ E. T %r ",.e a 7ea-$ ! %:81,cat, - r - t,ce t t+,r. %er$ -$ 3spec"es o# not"ceM per$anent publ"c records J O-ce tra-$act, - ,$ REGISTERED< t+at $er"e$ a$ a CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE t t+e 4+ 1e 4 r1.. (A) *+ C*+S RUC I,E +* ICE 8per$anent publ"c records pro6"de source and "n#or$at"on #or t&e status o# land

* ery deed or other instrument, !hether oluntary or in oluntary, so filed !ith the /egister of 0eeds shall be numbered and indexed and endorsed !ith a reference to the proper certificate of title. 1ll records and papers relati e to registered land in the office of the /egister of 0eeds shall be open to the public in the same manner as court records, subject to such reasonable regulations as the /egister of 0eeds, under the direction of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration, may prescribe.

1ll deeds and oluntary instruments shall be presented !ith their respecti e copies and

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

-t&ere "s a presu$pt"on t&at any buyer &as already exa$"ned t&e records J -presu$ed to %no7 #acts J -!ood #a"t& "s not a 6al"d de#ense J
S*6. 32 /e ie! of decree of registration4 "nnocent purchaser for alue. The decree of registration shall not be reopened or re ised by reason of absence, minority, or other disability of any person ad ersely affected thereby, nor by any proceeding in any court for re ersing judgments, subject, ho!e er, to the right of any person, including the go ernment and the branches thereof, depri ed of land or of any estate or interest therein by such adjudication or confirmation of title obtained by actual fraud, to file in the proper 6ourt of 9irst "nstance a petition for reopening and re ie! of the decree of registration not later than one year from and after the date of the entry of such decree of registration, but in no case shall such petition be entertained by the court !here an innocent purchaser for alue has acquired the land or an interest therein, !hose rights may be prejudiced. :hene er the phrase %innocent purchaser for alue% or an equi alent phrase occurs in this 0ecree, it shall be deemed to include an innocent lessee, mortgagee, or other encumbrancer for alue. ;pon the expiration of said period of one year, the decree of registration and the certificate of title issued shall become incontro ertible. 1ny person aggrie ed by such decree of registration in any case may pursue his remedy by action for damages against the applicant or any other persons responsible for the fraud.

a person sells an estate, t&e ne7 t"tle &as to be "dent"cal to t&e old one "n ter$s o# descr"pt"on o# lands, except #or t&e o7nerTs na$e/

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S:%% $,-6, a re!"stered land sub9ect o# sale? t&e sale "s not re!"stered, 7&o are bound> Only t&e part"es 'estoppels by deed) He"rs, ass"!ns, successors-"n-"nterest 'based on /elati ity<

=re t&"rd persons bound> :t depends


:# 7"t& actual %no7led!e conracts&e "s bound



KD 6/ Uelu5 '-1 .&"l/ A0-) H ,onsol"dated Rural Can% 6/ ,= '--F S,R= +-) Third persons are bound because actual +no!ledge of the transaction is equi alent to registration.

=re t&ere secret !"rl#r"ends> Ho7> 8o let &er %no7 %no7led!eMre!"strat"on to not"#y actual

/. T %r ",.e $ta8,1,ty t 1a-. t,t1e$

REGISTRATION DOES NOT VEST TITLE TO REGISTRANT Ex/ O*< 7ent abroad? &e le#t docu$ents to #r"end? t&en t&e #r"end re!"stered/ Re!"strat"on does not 6est t"tle, O*< can as% #or recon6eyance RE@:S8R=8:O3 IERELQ ,O3*:RIS 8:8LE

,orollary to t&"s "s t&e MIRROR DOCTRINE &a11 y : +a"e t . ,$ t re1y - t+e t,t1e? :t 7as en6"sa!ed t&at a person 7&o 7as cons"der"n! purc&as"n! an "nterest "n land could #"nd all t&e "n#or$at"on necessary to $a%e a dec"s"on by "nspect"on o# t&e re!"ster/ 8&at "s, t&e re!"ster 7ould be a S$"rrorT o# t&e actual state o# t&e propr"etorTs t"tle, and d"sclose any bene#"ts or encu$brances assoc"ated 7"t& t&e t"tle -irror principle - t&e re!"ster ',ert"#"cate o# 8"tle) re#lects '$"rrors) accurately and co$pletely t&e current #acts about a personTs t"tle/ 8&"s $eans t&at, "#

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
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:# you apply #or re!"strat"on, you pro6ed you are t&e o7ner

=rt"cle 1B2, ,"6"l ,ode: 0 MODES OF ACFUIRING LAND TITLES9 1/ Occupat"on

-re!"strat"on "s not a $ode o# ac4u"r"n! o7ners&"p -"t does not cure de#ect "n t&e contract -"t does not 6al"date an "lle!al contract

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2. :ntellectual creat"on t&e only one not

appl"cable to real property +/ 0onat"on(success"on -/ :n conse4uence o# contract by trad"t"on(del"6ery 2/ .rescr"pt"on RECOGNIGED MODES 1/ @o6ern$ent !rant 2/ =d6erse possess"on +/ .rescr"pt"on -/ Recla$at"on 2/ Uoluntary trans#er A/ :n6oluntary al"enat"on B/ Success"on 1. GOVERNMENT GRANT <&ene6er publ"c land "s con6eyed to so$e pr"6ate "nd"6"dual Re!al"an doctr"ne: publ"c !rant "s !ranted by t&e State 8&ere $ust be a la7 9ust"#y"n! express or "$pl"ed !rant/ Exa$ple: o o ,/=/ 1-1 N.ubl"c Land =ctR Lands o# publ"c do$a"n $aybe !ranted to pr"6ate "nd"6"dual based on d"##erent land patents and 4ual"#"ed bene#"c"ar"es/

REGISTRATION SHOULD 5E ACCOMPLISHED IN THE CORRECT SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION Ex/ Land already re!"stered? 8ax 0eclarat"on "s unre!"stered land? land sold to =? = re!"stered "t to re!"strat"on o# unre!"stered land by attac&$ent cred"tor? 2nd buyer bou!&t t&e land #ro$ re!"stered o7ner/

2nd buyer &as better r"!&t because "t 7as

7ron! syste$ o# re!"strat"on: "n6al"d(le!ally "ne##ect"6e re!"strat"on ORIGINAL REGISTRATION3 "# #"rst t"$e to be re!"stered "n publ"c record, "t "s or"!"nal re!"strat"on 'Or"!"nal ,ert"#"cate O# 8"tle) 2 ,op"es: -Or"!"nal sa Re!"stry -8o re!"strant

TRANSFER3 "s t&e subse4uent re!"strat"on '8rans#er ,ert"#"cate)

O5#ECT OF REGISTRATION: real r"!&ts and real property and "nterests "n t&e land 'e/!/ $ort!a!e, attac&$ent, etc/)

LECTURE NOTES #' June 2A, 2010

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o o o

Ho$estead patent to t"tles $ay be "ssued Sales patent *ree patent 0oes not "nclude 9ud"c"al re!"strat"on proceed"n!s? suc& patents can be presented to t&e Re!"ster o# 0eeds =d$"n"strat"6e proceed"n!s
Section ".3. 6ertificates of title pursuant to patents. :hene er public land is by the $o ernment alienated, granted or con eyed to any person, the same shall be brought forth!ith under the operation of this 0ecree. "t shall be the duty of the official issuing the instrument of alienation, grant, patent or con eyance in behalf of the $o ernment to cause such instrument to be filed !ith the /egister of 0eeds of the pro ince or city !here the land lies, and to be there registered li+e other deeds and con eyance, !hereupon a certificate of title shall be entered as in other cases of registered land, and an o!ner.s duplicate issued to the grantee. The deed, grant, patent or instrument of con eyance from the $o ernment to the grantee shall not ta+e effect as a con eyance or bind the land but shall operate only as a contract bet!een the $o ernment and the grantee and as e idence of authority to the /egister of 0eeds to ma+e registration. "t is the act of registration that shall be the operati e act to affect and con ey the land, and in all cases under this 0ecree, registration shall be made in the office of the /egister of 0eeds of the pro ince or city !here the land lies. The fees for registration shall be paid by the grantee. 1fter due registration and issuance of the certificate of title, such land shall be deemed to be registered land to all intents and purposes under this 0ecree.

E$anc"pated #ro$ bonda!e o# land E$anc"pat"on patent: o ser6es as aut&or"ty o# t&e Re!"ster o# Page | 9 0eeds to re!"ster t&e land $ay be d"st"n!u"s&ed by t&e 8"tle 3o/ '"# E. preced"n! t&e nu$ber re!"stered #or t&e #"rst t"$e? but subse4uent transact"ons no lon!er carry E.)

R= AA2B ',o$pre&ens"6e =!rar"an Re#or$ La7)

,ert"#"cate o# land trans#er bas"s o# re!"strat"on o# lands/

'. ACFUISITIVE PRESCRIPTION <&en a person "s "n possess"on o# land "n an open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on o6er a per"od o# t"$e prescr"bed by la7/ =c4u"s"t"6e prescr"pt"on( =d6erse .ossess"on =d6erse possess"onM cla"$"n! o7ners&"p to land =c4u"s"t"on depends:

o o

:# t&e possessor "s "n !ood #a"t& ac4u"res land a#ter 10 years :# t&e possessor "s "n bad #a"t& ac4u"res land a#ter +0 years

Cut re!"stered land canGt be ac4u"red t&rou!& prescr"pt"on/

@. ACCRETION =rt"cle --0, ,"6"l ,ode: N8&e o7ners&"p o# property !"6es t&e r"!&t by access"on to e6eryt&"n! 7&"c& "s produced t&ereby, or 7&"c& "s "ncorporated or attac&ed t&ereto, e"t&er naturally or art"#"c"ally/R

.0 1 2B '0ur"n! Iart"al La7) 8enants are dee$ed as o7ner o# land t&e t"ll/

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=ct o# pr"nc"pal produc"n! o# t&"n! "s attac&ed to t&e pr"nc"pal @"6es r"!&t to accessory

0oes not apply to *ORESHORE L=30

*ores&ore land- land t&at "s border"n! or part o# t&e Page | land dur"n! lo7 t"de, sub$er!ed dur"n! &"!& t"de/ 10 J :# you put $ater"als "n sa"d area, t&ere "s reclamation ;. RECLAMATION

=ccret"on- anyt&"n! produced, "ncorporated, attac&ed to t&e land/

=llu6"u$ =6uls"on *or$at"on o# "sland ,&an!e o# r"6erD

Recla$at"on- $et&od o# #"ll"n!, dred!"n!, or ot&er $eans/

8&at port"on o# #ores&ore land "s no lon!er co6ered by 7ater !"6ers r"se to land only t&e !o6ern$ent can cla"$ o7ners&"p o# recla"$ed areas/ =rt"cle 2, R/=/ 1FAA:

=llu6"u$: =rt/ -2B, ,,: N8o t&e o7ners o# lands ad9o"n"n! t&e ban%s o# r"6ers belon! t&e accret"on 7&"c& t&ey !radually rece"6e #ro$ t&e e##ects o# t&e current o# t&e 7aters/R So"l "s attac&ed to ot&er personGs land because o# t&e current o# 7ater/ Result: area o# land "ncreases? o7ner o# t&e land border"n! t&e r"6er 7&"c& depos"t "s attac&ed o7ns t&e add"t"onal area/ 8&e o7ner o# t&e pr"nc"pal "s t&e o7ner o# t&e accessory Supposing land is already registered, is the additional area also registered= o 3o, tec&n"cal descr"pt"on o# t&e property does not "nclude t&e add"t"onal area/ 8&ere#ore, t&e add"t"onal area "s unre!"stered/ 8&e re$edy "s to apply re!"strat"on under ./0/ 3o/ 1229 J #or

R/=/ 1F99 =llo7s #"ll"n!, dred!"n!, doc%"n! <&o o7ns> 8&ey beco$e t&e property o# t&e c"ty or $un"c"pal"ty 7&o $ade t&e recla$at"on/ <&"le "t re$a"ns 7"t& t&e !o6ern$ent, t&e !o6ern$ent can exerc"se pos"t"6e act and declare "t as al"enable and d"sposable/

C+a"eH ". P:81,c E$tate$ A:t+ r,ty .0 10F- !a6e .E= aut&or"ty to recla"$ land? to de6elop, "$pro6e, ac4u"re or sell land/ .E= started to d"spose property/ 8&"s 7as 4uest"oned/ :ssues: 1/ 8&at sub$er!ed area o# Ian"la Cay re$a"ns "nal"enable natural resources o# publ"c do$a"n "t


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canGt be trans#erred to ot&er party beyond t&e co$$erce o# $en 2/ <&en can "t be sub9ect to trans#er> 8&e #"ll"n! o# t&e sub$er!ed areas t&rou!& t&e recla$at"on pro9ect, "n order to be al"enable, t&e !o6ern$ent s&ould "ssue a procla$at"on t&at t&e land "s no7 al"enable/

19+2 ,onst"tut"on: pr"6ate corporat"ons can o7n publ"c do$a"ns t&ey re$a"n o7ners o# land? t&ey &a6e 6ested r"!&ts o# property? "# 7e apply t&e current ,onst"tut"on retroact"6ely, "t 7"ll be a Page | depr"6at"on o# property 7"t&out due process o# 11 la7/

0. VOLUNTARY TRANSFER *ores&ore lands "nal"enable lands o# publ"c do$a"n canGt be reclass"#"ed canGt be sub9ect o# pr"6ate o7ners&"p /egalian doctrine: sea and #ores&ore areas are part o# publ"c do$a"ns? Ex"stence o# Re!al"an doctr"ne #ro$ Span"s& La7 o# <aters/ ,on6ers"on o# I"l"tary Reser6at"on '=t t&e t"$e o# Ra$os) 3o lon!er needed #or publ"c ser6"ce and con6erted to patr"$on"al property or lands 7&"c& $ay be al"enable/ Exa$ple: *ort Con"#ac"o? ,lar% ="rbase? Sub"c 3a6al Case ,lass"#"ed as al"enable and d"sposable/ ,o$$on $ode ,an be $ade by t&e o7ner or &"s a!ent ,onsent and 6oluntary "ntent"on o# t&e o7ner "s necessary/ Exa$ples: o o o con6eyance "n a deed o# sale, deed o# donat"on, deed o# ass"!n$ent

Iust be "n #ro$ su##"c"ent "n la7 :# "t "n6ol6es land, "t s&ould be re!"stered/

E. INVOLUNTARY ALIENATION 0oes not re4u"re consent(part"c"pat"on o# t&e o7ner/ Exa$ples: o Se"5ure Le6y on attac&$ent Le6y on execut"on

.r"6ate ,orporat"ons not le!ally 4ual"#"ed to o7n land o# publ"c do$a"ns 19B+, 19FB ,onst"tut"on ,o$$only, only lease #or 22 years rene7able #or anot&er 22 years? 1000 &ectares

o o



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=c4u"s"t"on o# property r"!&ts and obl"!at"ons o# decedent upon t&e latterGs deat&/ He"rs, le!atees, de6"sees successors Uoluntary &e"r0e6"se- "# real property "s !"6en as a !"#t "n t&e 7"ll 0e6"see- !"6en t&e !"#t Le!atee-

cadastral sur6ey you s&ould #"le your ans7er(cla"$ ot&er7"se, youGll lose your land

@. #:.,c,a1 C -!,r7at, - ! T,t1e ,= 1-1, as a$ended: 9ud"c"al and 6oluntary Sect"on -F 'd), ,= 1-1

Page | 12



=ny one o# t&e $odes "s bas"s o# o7ners&"p bas"s o# re!"strat"on .ro6"des 7&at 7e need to establ"s& #or 6oluntary land re!"strat"on Cut re!"strat"on "s only to con#"r$ o7ners&"p <"t&out t&ese, you canGt con#"r$ed? court 7onGt !rant/ Sec/ 1- '1229) &a6e your t"tle

5ASIC LAWS P.D. N . 10'23 >:.,c,a1 a-. ,- re7 1. V 1:-tary Re6,$trat, - &Or.,-ary* - "t "s t&e o7ner o# t&e land 7&o appl"es #or re!"strat"on '. C 7%:1$ ry %r cee.,-6 V 'Sec/ +2, +A, +B, +F) ,adastral: 9ud"c"al but co$pulsory t&e State 7"ll #"le

Section ".3. 6ertificates of title pursuant to patents. :hene er public land is by the $o ernment alienated, granted or con eyed to any person, the same shall be brought forth!ith under the operation of this 0ecree. "t shall be the duty of the official issuing the instrument of alienation, grant, patent or con eyance in behalf of the $o ernment to cause such instrument to be filed !ith the /egister of 0eeds of the pro ince or city !here the land lies, and to be there registered li+e other deeds and con eyance, !hereupon a certificate of title shall be entered as in other cases of registered land, and an o!ner.s duplicate issued to the grantee. The deed, grant, patent or instrument of con eyance from the $o ernment to the grantee shall not ta+e effect as a con eyance or bind the land but shall operate only as a contract bet!een the $o ernment and the grantee and as e idence of authority to the /egister of 0eeds to ma+e registration. "t is the act of registration that shall be the operati e act to affect and con ey the land, and in all cases under this 0ecree, registration shall be made in the office of the /egister of 0eeds of the pro ince or city !here the land lies. The fees for registration shall be paid by the grantee. 1fter due registration and issuance of the certificate of title, such land shall be deemed to be registered land to all intents and purposes under this 0ecree.

I-.,6e- :$ Pe %1eI$ R,6+t$ Act &IPRA*


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:n6ol6es ancestral do$a"n :nd"!enous people co6ered by :.R= $ay apply #or re!"strat"on o# land/ Jud"c"al and 6oluntary

Iust be $e$bers o# t&e .&"l"pp"ne Car

I7% rta-t !:-ct, -$ ! t+e LRA

Section /. $eneral 9unctions. >1< The 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall ha e the follo!ing functions: >a< "ssue decrees of registration pursuant to final judgments of the courts in land registration proceedings and cause the issuance by the /egisters of 0eeds of the corresponding certificates of title4 >b< *xercise super ision and control o er all /egisters of 0eeds and other personnel of the 6ommission4 >c< /esol e cases ele ated en consulta by, or on appeal from decision of, /egisters of 0eeds4 >d< *xercise executi e super ision o er all cler+s of court and personnel of the 6ourts of 9irst "nstance throughout the (hilippines !ith respect to the discharge of their duties and functions in relation to the registration of lands4 >e< "mplement all orders, decisions, and decrees promulgated relati e to the registration of lands and issue, subject to the appro al of the Secretary of ?ustice, all needful rules and regulations therefor4 >f< @erify and appro e subdi ision, consolidation, and consolidation8subdi ision sur ey plans of properties titled under 1ct #o. )A2 except those co ered by (.0. #o. A-7. >2< The &and /egistration 6ommission shall ha e the follo!ing functions: >a< *xtend speedy and effecti e assistance to the 0epartment of 1grarian /eform, the &and 3an+, and other agencies in the implementation of the land reform program of the go ernment4 >b< *xtend assistance to courts in ordinary and cadastral land registration proceedings4

Page | 13


0e6"sed by S"r Robert R"c&ard 8orrens En!l"s& Ierc&ant S&"pp"n! =ct "n6ol6ed re!"strat"on o# s&"ps? &e $ade(appl"ed "t to land re!"strat"on J

Real .roperty =ct o# 1F2B(1F2F '>)

A."a-ta6e$ ! T rre-$ Sy$te7 Re#er to boo%(s? read and learn

C 7%arat,"e 8e-e!,t$ Re#er to boo%? read and learn

W+,c+ 6 "er-7e-t a6e-cy ,7%1e7e-t$D L=30 RE@:S8R=8:O3 =U8HOR:8Q 'EO 292)

Headed by: =d$"n"strator ass"sted by 2 deputy ad$"n"strator Under 0OJ :ts ar$s 'under "t) are: 6ar"ous Re!"ster o# 0eeds "n pro6"nces and c"t"es

0c1 2e the central repositor3 of records relative to ori4inal re4istration of lands titled 5nder the orrens s3stem# incl5din4 s56division and consolidation plans of titled lands.

Headed by: Re!"ster o# 0eeds ass"sted by 0eputy Re!"ster o# 0eeds

Report "n6ol6"n! lands sub9ect to land re!"strat"on proceed"n!s


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I7% rta-ce ! !:-ct, -$9 8o 6er"#y "# t&e decree o# t&e ,o$$"ss"oner( =d$"n"strator 'decree o# re!"strat"on) "s !enu"ne or not, !o to LR= *or records t&at are al$ost destroyed, you can !et "t #ro$ LR=

Section 8. 1ppointment of /egisters of 0eeds and their 0eputies and other subordinate personnel4 salaries. /egisters of 0eeds shall be appointed by the (resident of the (hilippines upon recommendation of the Secretary of ?ustice. 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds and all other subordinate personnel of the /egistries of 0eeds shall be appointed by the Secretary of ?ustice upon the recommendation of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration. The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds and their 0eputies shall be at the follo!ing rates: >1< 9irst 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds in first class /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred pesos per annum less than that of the 0eputy 6ommissioner. >2< Second 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds in second class /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred pesos per annum less than those of /egisters of 0eeds in first class /egistries. >3< Third 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds in third class /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred pesos per annum less than those of /egisters of 0eeds in second class /egistries. >)< The salaries of 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds and Second 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds shall be three thousand four hundred pesos per annum less than those of their corresponding /egisters of 0eeds and 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds, respecti ely. The Secretary of ?ustice, upon recommendation of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration, shall cause the reclassification of /egistries based either on !or+ load or the class of pro inceCcity, !hiche er !ill result in a higher classification, for purposes of salary adjustments in accordance !ith the rates hereinabo e pro ided. Section %. Dualifications of /egisters of 0eeds and 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds. #o person shall be appointed /egister of 0eeds unless he has been admitted to the practice of la! in the (hilippines and shall ha e been actually engaged in such practice for at least three years or has been employed for a li+e period in any branch of go ernment the functions of !hich include the registration of property. The 0eputy /egister of 0eeds shall be a member of the (hilippine 3ar. (ro ided, ho!e er, that no /egister of 0eeds or 0eputy /egister of 0eeds holding office as such upon the passage of this 0ecree shall by reason hereof, be remo ed from office or be demoted to a lo!er category or scale of salary except for cause and upon compliance !ith due process as pro ided for by la!. Section ".. $eneral functions of /egisters of 0eeds. The office of the /egister of 0eeds constitutes a public repository of records of instruments affecting registered or unregistered lands and chattel mortgages in the pro ince or city !herein such office is situated. "t shall be the duty of the /egister of 0eeds to immediately register an instrument presented for registration dealing !ith real or personal property !hich complies !ith all the requisites for registration. 5e shall see to it that said instrument bears the proper

Page | 14

A.7,-,$trat r< !:-ct, -$9 .o7er( duty to "ssue decree o# re!"strat"on :ssuance "n Re!"stry o# 0eeds o# ,ert"#"cates o# 8"tles Iay resol6e cases ele6ated to &"$ in consulta: :s t&e docu$ent re!"strable or not> =ppealable to t&e ,ourt o# =ppeals

0uty to "$ple$ent order, "ssue decrees o# re!"strat"on o# lands, pro6"de rules and re!ulat"ons

Re6,$ter ! Dee.$- repos"tory o# records "n pro6"nces or c"t"es

Section 7. Bffice of the /egister of 0eeds. There shall be at least one /egister of 0eeds for each pro ince and one for each city. * ery /egistry !ith a yearly a erage collection of more than sixty thousand pesos during the last three years shall ha e one 0eputy /egister of 0eeds, and e ery /egistry !ith a yearly a erage collection of more than three hundred thousand pesos during the last three years, shall ha e one 0eputy /egister of 0eeds and one second 0eputy /egister of 0eeds. The Secretary of ?ustice shall define the official station and territorial jurisdiction of each /egistry upon the recommendation of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration, !ith the end in ie! of ma+ing e ery registry easily accessible to the people of the neighboring municipalities. The pro ince or city shall furnish a suitable space or building for the office of the /egister of 0eeds until such time as the same could be furnished out of national funds.


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documentary and science stamps and that the same are properly canceled. "f the instrument is not registerable, he shall forth!ith deny registration thereof and inform the presentor of such denial in !riting, stating the ground or reason therefor, and ad ising him of his right to appeal by consulta in accordance !ith Section 117 of this 0ecree.

-3O, Sec/22(2A: c"t"5ens&"p "s re4u"red deter$"nes re!"strab"l"ty #"rst 'pr"6ate corporat"ons also 4ual"#"ed to o7n land "n t&e .&"l"pp"nes)

Sec. 1(- *unct"on duty to "$$ed"ately re!"ster appl"cat"on presented #or re!"strat"on o# real property pro6"ded "t co$pl"es 7"t& all re4u"s"tes/ :# not re!"strable, 7r"te "t and t&e reason o# den"al

SECTION '< PD NO. 10'2 Ty%e$ ! La-. Re6,$trat, 1/ @eneral 2/ Jud"c"al

Page | 15

.o7er to deter$"ne re!"strab"l"ty co$ply 7"t& Sect"on 112 '.0 1229) Re4u"s"tes o# 0eed suc& as t&e ac+no!ledgment by notary public because only publ"c docu$ents $ay be re!"stered "n Re!"ster o# 0eeds/

+/ =d$"n"strat"6e a/ Uoluntary b/ ,o$pulsory c/ Jud"c"al con#"r$at"on

Nat:re a-. C+aracter ! F:-ct, -$ Mara-6a ". 5:$t,11 I"n"ster"al duty pro6"ded t&at t&e docu$ent "s re!"strable, pay$ent "s $ade, etc/ Ro0 no d"scret"on to deny Ro0 precluded #ro$ 9ud!$ent or d"scret"on exerc"s"n! personal Nat:re ! La-. Re6,$trat, - Pr cee.,-6$ Jud"c"al Cased on !enerally accepted pr"nc"ples o# 8orrens Syste$ :n re$ 'b"nd"n! on all persons, on t&e 7&ole 7orld)

8&e supposed "n6al"d"ty o# contract "s not a 6al"d excuse #or deny"n! re!"strat"on/ :n deter$"n"n! 7&at "s 6al"d: t&"s "n6ol6es d"scret"on 9ud"c"al and not $"n"ster"al ;uest"ons "n6ol6"n! t&e 6al"d"ty be dec"ded a#ter re!"strat"on 'Sec/ 22)

Ho7> Ho7 do court ac4u"re 9ur"sd"ct"on o# de#endant> -su$$ons '"$pract"cal) -publ"cat"on 'Sec/ 2+) -Sect"on 2A conse4uences o# publ"cat"on: N8o =ll <&o$ "t Iay ,oncernR all persons are $ade party de#endants to t&e case/

Supposing, document pro ides that Eao Fing, 6hinese >buyer< of land situated in 9orbes (ar+, if your /o0, !ill you register=

W+,c+ c :rt +a$ >:r,$.,ct, -D 'C. 129 rena$ed ,*: to) R8,


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0oes /T6 ha e exclusi e jurisdiction=

0eadl"ne: 7"t&"n or up to 0ece$ber 21, 2020

3o, 'Sec/ +-), a$end$ent R= BA91 S, !"6en aut&or"ty to ass"!n cases to "n#er"or courts 'Sec/ +-) =/O/ A-9A-= '3o6/ 12, 1992): I8,, etc/ dele!ated 9ur"sd"ct"on

). Faximum area S&ould not exceed 12 &ectares

Page | 16

W+at ca$e$ 7ay 8e !,1e. 8e! re ,-!er, r c :rt$D Sect"on +-: cases o# land 7"t& no contro6ersy case o# contro6ersy o# land 6alue does not exceed 100,000 pesos

Ne=t 4eeC9 ,&apter +, -, 2 ;u"5 and rec"tat"on

W+ere t a%%ea1D

,ourt o# =ppeals ,adastral ,ases




NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS #:.,c,a1 C -!,r7at, - ! I-c 7%1ete T,t1e Sect"on -F 'd) o# ,= 1-1 Jud"c"al H "n re$ Re!"strat"on proceed"n! "s conclus"6e and #"nal Jud"c"al "n rem8 a!a"nst t&e 7&ole 7orld

LAWS GOVERNING #UDICIAL CONFIRMATION OF TITLE (ublic &and 1ct >6.1. 1)1<, as a$ended, !o6erns lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, except t"$ber and $"neral lands, #r"ar lands, and pr"6ately-o7ned lands 7&"c& re6erted to t&e State/

1. :hat +inds of lands are co ered= =l"enable and d"sposable land o# publ"c do$a"n

Sec/ -F 'b), ,&apter U:::, o# ,= 1-1, as a$ended '.ubl"c Land =ct), pro6"des:

2. (eriod of possession and occupation of land S"nce June 12, 19-2 or earl"er

3. :hen should application be filed=

GSec. )H. The follo!ing described citiIens of the (hilippines, occupying lands of the public domain or claiming to o!n any such lands or an interest therein, but !hose titles ha e not been perfected or completed, may apply to the /egional Trial 6ourt of the pro ince or city !here the land is located for confirmation of their claims and the issuance


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of a certificate of title therefor, under the (roperty /egistration 0ecree, to !it: xxx xxx xxx xxx

s"nce June 12, 19-2 or pr"or t&ereto, or e6en s"nce t"$e "$$e$or"al/

2. *"l"p"no c"t"5en 7&o by t&e$sel6es or t&e"r

predecessors-"n-"nterest &a6e been pr"or to Page | t&e e##ect"6"ty o# ./0/ 10B+ on January 22, 17 19BB, "n open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on and occupat"on o# a!r"cultural lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, under a bona fide cla"$ o# ac4u"s"t"on o# o7ners&"p, #or at least +0 years, or at least s"nce January 2-, 19-B/ +/ .r"6ate corporat"ons or assoc"at"ons 7&"c& &ad ac4u"red lands, #or$erly part o# t&e al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, #ro$ *"l"p"no c"t"5ens 7&o &ad possessed t&e sa$e "n t&e $anner and #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e "nd"cated "n subpara!rap&s 1 and 2 abo6e/ -/ 3atural-born c"t"5ens o# t&e .&"l"pp"nes 7&o &a6e lost t&e"r .&"l"pp"ne c"t"5ens&"p, 7&o &a6e ac4u"red d"sposable and al"enable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n #ro$ *"l"p"no c"t"5ens 7&o &ad possessed t&e sa$e "n t&e sa$e $anner and #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e "nd"cated "n subpara!rap&s 1 and 2/

>b< Those !ho by themsel es or through their predecessors in interest ha e been in the open, continuous, exclusi e, and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable agricultural lands of the public domain, under a bona fide claim of acquisition or o!nership, since ?une 12, 1A)-, except !hen pre ented by !ar or force majeure. These shall be conclusi ely presumed to ha e performed all the conditions essential to a $o ernment grant and shall be entitled to a certificate of title under the pro isions of this chapter. >c< Fembers of the national cultural minorities !ho by themsel es or through their predecessors8in8interest ha e been in open, continuous, exclusi e and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable agricultural lands of the public domain, under a bona fide claim of o!nership since ?une 12, 1A)-, shall be entitled to the rights in subsection >b< hereof.J

PERIOD OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR #UDICIAL CONFIRMATION OF TITLE 8&e latest extens"on o# t&e per"od "s unt"l 0ece$ber +1, 2020, 7"t&"n 7&"c& to #"le sa"d appl"cat"ons/

WHAT APPLICANT MUST PROVE 1/ 8&e land "s al"enable and d"sposable land o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, and

LIMITATION OF AREA APPLIED FOR9 Ns&all apply only 7&ere t&e area appl"ed #or does not exceed 12 &ectares/R

2/ H"s possess"on $ust be #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e and "n t&e $anner and concept stated "n Sect"on -F'b) o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct, as a$ended/

APPLICANTS Cy la7 and 9ur"sprudence, t&e #ollo7"n! $ay t&ere#ore apply #or 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t&e"r "$per#ect or "nco$plete t"tle: 8&e burden o# proo# l"es 7"t& t&e appl"cant to pro6e &"s pos"t"6e a6er$ents/

1. *"l"p"no c"t"5ens 7&o by t&e$sel6es or

t&rou!& t&e"r predecessors-"n-"nterest &a6e been "n open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on and occupat"on o# al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n under a bona fide cla"$ o# ac4u"s"t"on

Sec. of $E+R# et al. v. 9ose -. :ap 2 Re4u"re$ents 1/ open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e possess"on and occupat"on o# and notor"ous


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2/ al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n

!o6ern$ent !rant, 7"t&out t&e necess"ty o# a cert"#"cate o# t"tle be"n! "ssued/

JP $$e$$, -K Croader t&an occupat"on because "t "ncludes construct"6e possess"on <&en t&e la7 adds t&e 7ord occupat"on, "t see%s to del"$"t t&e all-enco$pass"n! e##ect o# construct"6e possess"on/ 8a%en to!et&er 7"t& t&e 7ords Wopen, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous, t&e 7ord occupat"on ser6es to &"!&l"!&t t&e #act t&at #or one to 4ual"#y under para!rap& 'b) o# t&e a#oresa"d sect"on '-F), &"s possess"on o# t&e land $ust not be $ere #"ct"on/

8&e land per#orce ceases to be o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, and beyond t&e aut&or"ty o# t&e 0"rector o# Land 18 Iana!e$ent to d"spose o#/ 8&e appl"cat"on #or con#"r$at"on "s t&en a $ere #or$al"ty, t&e lac% o# 7&"c& does not a##ect t&e su##"c"ency o# t&e t"tle as 7ould be e6"denced by t&e patent and t&e correspond"n! 8orrens t"tle "ssued pursuant to suc& patent/

Page |

8&e abo6e pro6"s"on appl"es exclus"6ely to publ"c a!r"cultural land, 7&"c& are al"enable and d"sposable/

PRIVATE CORPORATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS AS APPLICANTS .ossess"on "s: NOpenR- 7&en "t "s patent, 6"s"ble, apparent, notor"ous and not clandest"ne? N,ont"nuousR- 7&en un"nterrupted, unbro%en and not "nter$"ttent or occas"onal? NExclus"6eR- 7&en t&e ad6erse possessor can s&o7 exclus"6e do$"n"on o6er t&e land and an appropr"at"on o# "t to &"s o7n use and bene#"t? and N3otor"ousR- 7&en "t "s so consp"cuous t&at "t "s !enerally %no7n and tal%ed o# by t&e publ"c or t&e people "n t&e ne"!&bor&ood/ ,orporat"ons $ay #"le #or 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t"tle '9cot)/

The 1AH7 (hilippine 6onstitution, 6hapter K"", Sec. 3: ND.r"6ate corporat"ons or assoc"at"ons $ay not &old suc& al"enable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n except by lease, #or a per"od not exceed"n! t7enty-#"6e '22) years, rene7able #or not $ore t&an t7enty-#"6e years, and not to exceed one t&ousand &ectares "n area/R

Use o# land "s Nad6erseR 7&en "t "s open and notor"ous/

:# t&e land "s st"ll part o# t&e al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n at t&e t"$e a corporat"on or assoc"at"on #"les and appl"cat"on #or con#"r$at"on o# "$per#ect "nco$plete t"tle t&ereto or at t&e t"$e suc& appl"cant ac4u"red t&e land #ro$ a *"l"p"no c"t"5en, t&en t&e a#ore4uoted const"tut"onal bar l"es/

E!!ect ! c 7%1,a-ce 4,t+ reA:,re7e-t 0irector of &ands . "16: <&en t&e cond"t"ons as spec"#"ed "n Sec/-F 'b) o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct, as a$ended, are co$pl"ed 7"t&, t&e possessor "s .ee7e. t +a"e acA:,re.< 8y %erat, - ! 1a4 &a:t 7at,c*, a r"!&t to a !rant,

On t&e ot&er &and, 7&ere at t&e t"$e suc& corporat"on ac4u"red land, "ts predecessors-"n"nterest by exclus"6e, cont"nuous and ad6erse possess"on o# t&e sa$e "n t&e $anner and #or t&e per"od prescr"bed by la7 as to ent"tle &"$ to re!"strat"on "n &"s na$e, t&en t&e pro&"b"t"on does not apply #or t&e land 7as no lon!er publ"c land but pr"6ate property/


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T+e 7a,- % ,-t t c -$,.er ,$9 7(n t&e land at t&e t"$e o# t&e #"l"n! "s already pr"6ate(publ"c :# publ"c: "t cannot apply #or 9cot :# pr"6ate: "t $ay 6al"dly apply #or 9cot/

0irector of &ands . "16 and 1cme (ly!ood and @eneer 6o., "nc. 1/ St"ll, a pr"6ate corporat"on $ay "nst"tute con#"r$at"on proceed"n!s under Sec/ -F 'b) o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct "#, at t&e t"$e o# "nst"tut"on o# t&e re!"strat"on proceed"n!s, t&e land 7as already pr"6ate land/

-/ 8&e purely acc"dental c"rcu$stance t&at con#"r$at"on proceed"n!s 7ere brou!&t under t&e ae!"s o# a subse4uent la7 Page | 7&"c& #orb"ds corporat"ons 19 #ro$ o7n"n! lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n cannot de#eat a r"!&t already 6ested be#ore t&at la7 ca$e "nto e##ect, or "n6al"date transact"ons t&en per#ectly 6al"d and proper/ 8&e ,onst"tut"on cannot "$pa"r 6ested r"!&ts/ 2/ 8&e ob9ect"on t&at =,IE "s not 4ual"#"ed to apply #or 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on "s tec&n"cal, rat&er t&an substant"al/

2. 8&e correct rule "s t&at

al"enable publ"c land &eld by a possessor, personally or t&rou!& &"s predecessors-"n"nterest, openly cont"nuously and exclus"6ely #or t&e prescr"bed per"od "s con6erted to pr"6ate property by t&e $ere lapse or co$plet"on o# sa"d per"od, ipso jure. +/ S"nce Sec/ -F 'b) "tsel# cons"ders Npossess"on o# publ"c land 7&"c& "s o# t&e c&aracter and durat"on prescr"bed by statute as t&e e4u"6alent o# an express !rant #ro$ t&e State,R t&en con#"r$at"on proceed"n!s 7ould "n trut& be l"ttle $ore t&an a #or$al"ty, at t&e $ost l"$"ted to ascerta"n"n! 7&et&er t&e possess"on cla"$ed "s o# t&e re4u"red c&aracter and len!t& o# t"$e? and re!"strat"on t&ereunder 7ould not con#er t"tle, but s"$ply reco!n"5e a t"tle already 6este '6ested r"!&t)/

PROCEDURAL REFUIREMENT F r7 a-. c -te-t$ ! a%%1,cat, Sec/ 20 o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct pro6"des t&at t&e appl"cat"on #or 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# "$per#ect or "nco$plete t"tle Ns&all con#or$ as nearly as $ay be "n "ts $ater"al alle!at"ons to t&e re4u"re$ents o# an appl"cat"on under t&e Land Re!"strat"on =ct,R no7 t&e .roperty Re!"strat"on 0ecree/

=ccord"n!ly, t&e appl"cant s&ould state "n &"s appl"cat"on t&e $ater"al #acts and "n#or$at"on re4u"red under Sect"on 12 o# sa"d 0ecree/

Section "5. 9orm and contents. The application for land registration shall be in !riting, signed by the application or the person duly authoriIed in his behalf, and s!orn to before any officer authoriIed to administer oaths for the pro ince or city !here the application !as actually signed. "f there is more than one applicant, the application shall be signed and s!orn to by and in behalf of each. The application shall contain a description of the land and shall state the citiIenship and ci il status of the applicant, !hether single or married, and, if married, the name of the !ife or husband, and, if the marriage has been legally dissol ed, !hen


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and ho! the marriage relation terminated. "t shall also state the full names and addresses of all occupants of the land and those of the adjoining o!ners, if +no!n, and, if not +no!n, it shall state the extent of the search made to find them.






'appl"cable to or"!"nal re!"strat"on and con#"r$at"on o# "$per#ect or "nco$plete t"tle)

= 9ud"c"al declarat"on 'e"t&er ord"nary or cadatral) t&at a parcel o# land "s publ"c does not preclude e6en t&e sa$e appl"cant #ro$ subse4uently see%"n! a 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# &"s t"tle to t&e sa$e land, pro6"ded &e t&erea#ter co$pl"es 7"t& t&e pro6"s"ons o# Sec/ -F 'b), as a$ended, and as lon! as sa"d publ"c land re$a"ns al"enable and d"sposable/

1/ Sur6ey o# land by Land Iana!e$ent Cureau or a duly l"censed pr"6ate sur6eyor? '=ccord"n! to s"r) Ce#ore #"l"n! 7ould be preparation. 2/ *"l"n! o# appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on by t&e appl"cant? +/ Sett"n! o# t&e date #or t&e "n"t"al &ear"n! o# t&e appl"cat"on by t&e ,ourt? -/ 8rans$"ttal o# t&e publ"cat"on and t&e date o# "n"t"al &ear"n! 7"t& all t&e docu$ents or ot&er e6"dences attac&ed t&ereto by t&e ,ler% o# ,ourt to t&e Land Re!"strat"on =ut&or"ty 'LR=)? 2/ .ubl"cat"on o# a not"ce o# t&e #"l"n! o# t&e appl"cat"on and date and place o# t&e &ear"n! "n t&e O##"c"al @a5ette? A/ Ser6"ce o# not"ce upon cont"!uous o7ners, occupants and t&ose %no7n to &a6e "nterests "n t&e property by t&e s&er"##? B/ *"l"n! o# ans7er to t&e appl"cat"on by any person 7&et&er na$ed "n t&e court or not? F/ Hear"n! o# t&e case by t&e ,ourt? 9/ .ro$ul!at"on o# 9ud!$ent by t&e ,ourt?

DISTINCTIONS 5ETWEEN OLR AND #CT 'by Jud!e Serrano) OR0:3=RQ L=30 RE@:S8R=8:O3 .RO,EE0:3@S 8"tle to land ex"st sub9ect to con#"r$at"on JU0:,:=L ,O3*:RI=8:O3 O* 8:8LE .resu$pt"on "s t&at t&e land appl"ed #or perta"ns to t&e State, and t&at t&e occupants and possessors only cla"$ an "nterest "n t&e sa$e by 6"rtue o# t&e"r "$per#ect t"tle or cont"nuous, open, and notor"ous possess"on 0"s$"ssal "s al7ays 7"t& pre9ud"ce 'res 9ud"cata)

Iay be d"s$"ssed 7"t& or 7"t&out pre9ud"ce '=ppl"cant $ay re-#"le case) :# 7"t&out pre9ud"ce, appl"cant 7"ll not lose o7ners&"p to t&e property

:# appl"cant #a"ls to pro6e t&e !rant as bas"s o# con#"r$at"on, property "s declared land o# publ"c do$a"n and loses property

10/ :ssuance o# t&e decree by t&e ,ourt declar"n! t&e dec"s"on #"nal and "nstruct"n! t&e LR= to "ssue a decree o# con#"r$at"on and re!"strat"on? 11/ Entry o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on "n t&e LR=? 12/ Send"n! o# copy o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on to t&e correspond"n! Re!"ster o# 0eeds? and


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1+/ 8ranscr"pt"on o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on "n t&e re!"strat"on boo% and "ssuance o# t&e o7nerGs dupl"cate or"!"nal cert"#"cate to t&e appl"cant by t&e Re!"ster o# 0eeds, upon pay$ent o# t&e prescr"bed #ees/

>2< Those !ho ha e acquired o!nership of pri ate lands by prescription under the pro ision of existing la!s.

= cert"#"cate o# t"tle "ssued 7"t&out #ully co$ply"n! 7"t& t&e abo6e re4u"s"tes are t&us "lle!al and "n6al"d and $ay be cancelled by t&e courts/

>3< Those !ho ha e acquired o!nership of pri ate lands or abandoned ri er beds by right of accession or accretion under the existing la!s.

Page | 21

>)< Those !ho ha e acquired o!nership of land in any other manner pro ided for by la!.

SURVEY 'by Jud!e Serrano) .repares sur6ey plan J 8ec&n"cal descr"pt"on 'purpose: to "dent"#y and descr"be t&e landJ) J Sub$"tted to t&e Land Iana!e$ent Cureau #or appro6al by t&e 0"rector PREPARATION
:here the land has been sold under pacto de retro, the endor a retro may file an application for the original registration of the land, pro ided, ho!e er, that should the period for redemption expire during the pendency of the registration proceedings and o!nership to the property consolidated in the endee a retro, the latter shall be substituted for the applicant and may continue the proceedings. :here the land is o!ned in common, all the co8o!ners shall file the application jointly.




1 trustee on behalf of his principal may apply for original registration of any land held in trust by him, unless prohibited by the instrument creating the trust.

Section "&. :ho may apply. The follo!ing persons may file in the proper 6ourt of 9irst "nstance an application for registration of title to land, !hether personally or through their duly authoriIed representati es:

W+ ca- a%%1yD 1/ 3atural persons 2/ Jur"d"cal persons +/ V ,orporat"ons 'under t&e ,onst"tut"on $ust be A0X o7ned by *"l"p"nos)

>1< Those !ho by themsel es or through their predecessors8in8interest ha e been in open, continuous, exclusi e and notorious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of o!nership since ?une 12, 1A)-, or earlier.

Sec. 1; &1* sa$e as 9ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t"tle under .ubl"c Land =ct


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Re4u"s"tes under Sec/ 1- '1) 1/ 8&at t&e property "s an a!r"cultural land o# t&e publ"c do$a"n? 2/ 8&at "t &as been class"#"ed by a pos"t"6e act o# !o6ern$ent as al"enable and d"sposable? +/ 8&at t&e appl"cant, by &"$sel# or t&rou!& &"s predecessors-"n-"nterest, &as been "n open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on and occupat"on o# t&e land "n t&e concept o# o7ner? and 4. 8&at suc& possess"on and occupat"on "s under a bona fide cla"$ o# o7ners&"p s"nce June 12, 19-2 or earl"er/

1/ 8&e present possessor $ay co$plete t&e per"od by tac%"n! &"s possess"on to t&at o# &"s !rantor or predecessor-"n-"nterest? 2/ 8&e present possessor 7&o 7as also t&e possessor at a pre6"ous t"$e, "s presu$ed to Page | &a6e cont"nued to be "n possess"on dur"n! 22 t&e "nter6en"n! t"$e "n t&e absence o# proo# to t&e contrary? +/ 8&e #"rst day s&all be excluded and t&e last day "ncluded/

=c4u"s"t"on o# No7ners&"p o# pr"6ate lands by prescr"pt"on under ex"st"n! la7R- :t "s not t&ere#ore, o7ners&"p o# any %"nd o# N"$$o6ableR ac4u"red by prescr"pt"on t&at $ay be re!"stered under sa"d 0ecree, but only t&e o7ners&"p o# pr"6ate lands/

=l"enable and d"sposable land Re4u"res t&at t&e property sou!&t to be re!"stered as already al"enable and d"sposable at t&e t"$e o# t&e appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on and not at t&e t"$e(be#ore appl"cantGs possess"on Ex/ Lands re!"stered under t&e Span"s& Iort!a!e La7 7&"c& are not yet co6ered by a cert"#"cate o# t"tle by t&e t"$e o# t&e "ssuance o# .0 1229 on June 11, 19BF and cons"dered as unre!"stered land: t&ese lands $ay be ac4u"red by a person by prescr"pt"on by ad6erse possess"on a!a"nst t&e or"!"nal !rantee/

8o pro6e t&at t&e land "s alienable: appl"cant $ust establ"s& t&e ex"stence o# a pos"t"6e act o# t&e !o6ern$ent suc& as pres"dent"al procla$at"on or an execut"6e order/

Sec. 1; &@* =rt"cle -2B, ,,: N8o t&e o7ners o# lands ad9o"n"n! t&e ban%s o# r"6ers belon! t&e accret"on 7&"c& t&ey !radually rece"6e #ro$ t&e e##ects o# t&e current o# t&e 7aters/

Sec. 1; &'* =rt"cle 11+B o# t&e ,"6"l ,ode pro6"des t&at No7ners&"p and ot&er real r"!&ts o6er "$$o6ables also prescr"be t&rou!& un"nterrupted ad6erse possess"on t&ereo# #or t&"rty years, 7"t&out need o# t"tle or o# !ood #a"t&/R *or accret"on and allu6"on to be re!"strable, re4u"s"tes $ust concur: 1/ 8&at t&e depos"t be !radual and "$percept"ble? 2/ 8&at "t be $ade t&rou!& t&e e##ects o# t&e current o# t&e 7ater? +/ 8&at t&e land 7&ere t&e accret"on ta%es place "s ad9acent to t&e ban%s o# r"6ers/ -/ 8&at "t $ust be exclus"6e 7or% o# nature and not caused by &u$an "nter6ent"on/

Rules #or +0-year per"od:


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=n accret"on #ro$ r"6er to re!"stered land does not auto$at"cally beco$e re!"stered land/ =s suc& "t $ust be placed under t&e operat"ons o# t&e 8orrens t"tle/

=rt"cle -A1, ,,: Nr"6er beds 7&"c& are abandoned t&rou!& t&e natural c&an!e "n t&e course o# t&e 7aters ipso facto belon! t&e o7ners 7&ose lands are occup"ed by t&e ne7 course "n proport"on to t&e area lost/ Ho7e6er, t&e o7ners o# lands ad9o"n"n! t&e old bed s&all &a6e t&e r"!&t to ac4u"re t&e sa$e by pay"n! t&e 6alue t&ereo#, 7&"c& 6alue s&all not exceed t&e 6alue o# t&e area occup"ed by t&e ne7 bed/R

2/ = $ort!a!ee, or &"s successor-"n-"nterest to t&e $ort!a!e 'a l"en(encu$brance "s not o7ners&"p) +/ =n ant"c&ret"c cred"tor cannot ac4u"re by prescr"pt"on t&e land surrendered to &"$ by Page | t&e debtor/ H"s possess"on not "n concept o# 23 o7ner but $ere &older placed "n possess"on o# t&e land b "ts o7ners? suc& possess"on cannot ser6e as a t"tle #or ac4u"r"n! do$"n"on/ -/ = person or ent"ty 7&ose cla"$ o# o7ners&"p to land &ad been pre6"ously den"ed "n a re"6"nd"catory act"on, and t&e r"!&t o# o7ners&"p t&ereto o# anot&er up&eld by t&e courts, cannot apply #or t&e sa$e land "n a re!"strat"on proceed"n!s/ FILING FORM AND CONTENTS OF APPLICATION
Section "5. 9orm and contents. The application for land registration shall be in !riting, signed by the application or the person duly authoriIed in his behalf, and s!orn to before any officer authoriIed to administer oaths for the pro ince or city !here the application !as actually signed. "f there is more than one applicant, the application shall be signed and s!orn to by and in behalf of each. The application shall contain a description of the land and shall state the citiIenship and ci il status of the applicant, !hether single or married, and, if married, the name of the !ife or husband, and, if the marriage has been legally dissol ed, !hen and ho! the marriage relation terminated. "t shall also state the full names and addresses of all occupants of the land and those of the adjoining o!ners, if +no!n, and, if not +no!n, it shall state the extent of the search made to find them.

Sec. 1; &;* .ersons or ent"t"es ac4u"r"n! o7ners&"p o# land by ot&er $odes $ay apply #or re!"strat"on o# t"tle t&ereto: 1/ = land reser6ed, by pres"dent"al procla$at"on, #or a certa"n purpose "s not sub9ect to entry by any ot&er person or ent"ty and no la7#ul settle$ent on t&e$ can be ac4u"red/ 8&e procla$at"on le!ally e##ected a land !rant, 6al"dly su##"c"ent #or "n"t"al re!"strat"on by t&e !rantee under t&e .0 1229/ Suc& land !rant "s const"tut"6e o# a N#ee s"$pleR t"tle or absolute t"tle "n #a6or o# sa"d !rantee/ 2/ .ersons or ent"t"es to 7&o$ a land &as been ceded by t&e Republ"c o# t&e .&"l"pp"nes by la7 $ay t&us also properly apply #or re!"strat"on o# t"tle t&ereto/

Section 2.. :hen land applied for borders on road. "f the application describes the land as bounded by a public or pri ate !ay or road, it shall state !hether or not the applicant claims any and !hat portion of the land !ithin the limits of the !ay or road, and !hether the applicant desires to ha e the line of the !ay or road determined.

Per$ -$ 4+ ca-- t %r %er1y !,1e a- a%%1,cat, ! r re6,$trat, - ! 1a-. 1/ = publ"c land sales appl"cant
Section 2". /equirement of additional facts and papers4 ocular inspection. The court may require facts to be stated in the application in


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addition to those prescribed by this 0ecree not inconsistent there!ith and may require the filing of any additional paper. "t may also conduct an ocular inspection, if necessary.

T+e a%%1,cat, - $+a11 c -ta,- t+e ! 11 4,-69

1. 0escr"pt"on o# t&e land appl"ed #or, to!et&er

7"t& t&e bu"ld"n!s and "$pro6e$ents t&ereon, "# any/ 8&e plan duly appro6ed by t&e 0"rector o# Land Iana!e$ent Cureau, and tec&n"cal descr"pt"ons o# t&e land appl"ed #or, $ust be attac&ed to t&e appl"cat"on/ '=ll t&ese are produced "n t&e 1st step: sur6ey) 8&e c"t"5ens&"p and c"6"l status o# t&e appl"cant, 7&et&er s"n!le or $arr"ed, and "# $arr"ed, t&e na$e o# t&e 7"#e or &usband, and, "# t&e $arr"a!e &as been le!ally d"ssol6ed, 7&en and &o7 t&e $arr"a!e relat"on ter$"nated/ 8&e assessed 6alue o# t&e land and t&e bu"ld"n!s and ot&er "$pro6e$ents t&ereon, based on t&e last assess$ent #or taxat"on purposes/ Iort!a!e or encu$brance o# any %"nd 7&atsoe6er a##ect"n! t&e land appl"ed #or, or na$es o# ot&er persons 7&o $ay &a6e an "nterest t&ere"n, le!al or e4u"table/ Ot&er7"se, t&e appl"cant s&all state t&at to t&e best o# &"s %no7led!e and bel"e#, t&ere "s no suc& encu$brance or "nterested persons/ 8&e $anner by 7&"c& t&e appl"cant &as ac4u"red t&e land 'Re#er to Sec/ 1-) 8&e #ull na$es and addresses o# all occupants o# t&e land and t&ose o# t&e ad9o"n"n! o7ners, "# %no7n, and "# not %no7n, t&e appl"cant s&all state t&e extent o# t&e searc& $ade to #"nd t&e$/ <&en land appl"ed #or borders on road: Sec/ 20/ Sec/ 21: t&e court $ay re4u"red #acts to be stated "n t&e appl"cat"on "n add"t"on to t&ose prescr"bed by t&e 0ecree not "ncons"stent t&ere7"t& and $ay re4u"red t&e #"l"n! o# any add"t"onal papers/ :t $ay also conduct an ocular "nspect"on, "# necessary/

Section "/. #on8resident applicant. "f the applicant is not a resident of the (hilippines, he shall file !ith his application an instrument in due form appointing an agent or representati e residing in the (hilippines, gi ing his full name and postal address, and shall therein agree that the ser ice of any legal process in the proceedings under or gro!ing out of the application made upon his agent or representati e shall be of the same legal effect as if made upon the applicant !ithin the (hilippines. "f the agent or representati e dies, or lea es the (hilippines, the applicant shall forth!ith ma+e another appointment for the substitute, and, if he fails to do so the court may dismiss the application.

Page | 24


Section "7. :hat and !here to file. The application for land registration shall be filed !ith the 6ourt of 9irst "nstance >no! /T6< of the pro ince or city !here the land is situated. The applicant shall file together !ith the application all original muniments of titles or copies thereof and a sur ey plan of the land appro ed by the 3ureau of &ands >no! 3ureau of &and Fanagement<.



The cler+ of court shall not accept any application unless it is sho!n that the applicant has furnished the 0irector of &ands >no! 0irector of &and Fanagement< !ith a copy of the application and all annexes.

2/ A/


Section "8. 1pplication co ering t!o or more parcels. 1n application may include t!o or more parcels of land belonging to the applicantCs pro ided they are situated !ithin the same pro ince or city. The court may at any time order an application to be amended by stri+ing out one or more of the parcels or by a se erance of the application.

B/ F/

I! t+e a%%1,ca-t ,$ - -3re$,.e-t9

Section "%. 1mendments. 1mendments to the application including joinder, substitution, or discontinuance as to parties may be allo!ed by the court at any stage of the proceedings upon just and reasonable terms.


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1mendments !hich shall consist in a substantial change in the boundaries or an increase in area of the land applied for or !hich in ol e the inclusion of an additional land shall be subject to the same requirements of publication and notice as in an original application.

interested party shall present to the court the pertinent instruments together !ith a subdi ision plan appro ed by the 0irector of &ands in case of transfer of portions thereof and the court, after notice to the parties, shall order such land registered subject to the con eyance or encumbrance created by said instruments, or order that the decree of registration be issued in the name of the person to !hom the property has been con eyed by said instruments.

Page | 25

Under t&e abo6e pro6"s"on, t&ere "s need to co$ply 7"t& t&e re4u"red publ"cat"on and not"ce "# t&e a$end$ent o# t&e appl"cat"on cons"sts "n: 1/ = substant"al c&an!e "n t&e boundar"es? 2/ =n "ncrease "n t&e area o# t&e land appl"ed #or? or +/ 8&e "nclus"on o# an add"t"onal land/ A; ER ;I(I+< *; APP(ICA I*+

NOTICE AND INITIAL HEARING I-c1:.e$ &taCe - te $te%$ ! r re6,$trat, -*9

Reason #or republ"cat"on: to !"6e not"ce to all persons concerned re!ard"n! t&e a$ended appl"cat"on/ <"t&out ne7 publ"cat"on t&e re!"strat"on court cannot ac4u"re 9ur"sd"ct"on o6er t&e area or parcel o# land t&at "s added to t&e area co6ered by t&e or"!"nal appl"cat"on, and t&e dec"s"on o# t&e re!"strat"on court 7ould be a null"ty "nso#ar as t&e dec"s"on concerns t&e ne7ly "ncluded land/

+/ Sett"n! date #or "n"t"al &ear"n! and publ"cat"on -/ 8rans$"ttal o# t&e publ"cat"on and t&e date o# "n"t"al &ear"n! 7"t& all t&e docu$ents or ot&er e6"dences attac&ed t&ereto by t&e cler% o# court to t&e land re!"strat"on aut&or"ty 'lra) 2/ .ubl"cat"on o# a not"ce o# t&e #"l"n! o# t&e appl"cat"on and date and place o# t&e &ear"n! "n t&e o##"c"al !a5ette A/ Ser6"ce o# not"ce upon cont"!uous o7ners, occupants and t&ose %no7n to &a6e "nterests "n t&e property by t&e s&er"##
Section 23. #otice of initial hearing, publication, etc. The court shall, !ithin fi e days from filing of the application, issue an order setting the date and hour of the initial hearing !hich shall not be earlier than forty8 fi e days nor later than ninety days from the date of the order.

3o republ"cat"on re4u"red: =$end$ent due to c&an!e o# na$e o# appl"cant =$end$ent due to decrease "n t&e area o# t&e land


The public shall be gi en notice of the initial hearing of the application for land registration by means of >1< publication4 >2< mailing4 and >3< posting.

Section 22. 0ealings !ith land pending original registration. 1fter the filing of the application and before the issuance of the decree of registration, the land therein described may still be the subject of dealings in !hole or in part, in !hich case the


3y publication.


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;pon receipt of the order of the court setting the time for initial hearing, the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall cause notice of initial hearing to be published once in the Bfficial $aIette and once in a ne!spaper of general circulation in the (hilippines: (ro ided, ho!e er, that the publication in the Bfficial $aIette shall be sufficient to confer jurisdiction upon the court. Said notice shall be addressed to all persons appearing to ha e an interest in the land in ol ed including the adjoining o!ners so far as +no!n, and %to all !hom it may concern%. Said notice shall also require all persons concerned to appear in court at a certain date and time to sho! cause !hy the prayer of said application shall not be granted.

ad erse to that of the applicant, notice of the initial hearing shall be gi en in the same manner to the Secretary of 1grarian /eform, the Solicitor $eneral, the 0irector of &ands, the 0irector of Fines andCor the 0irector of 9isheries and 1quatic /esources, as may be appropriate.

Page | 26

3. 3y posting.


3y mailing.

The 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall also cause a duly attested copy of the notice of initial hearing to be posted by the sheriff of the pro ince or city, as the case may be, or by his deputy, in a conspicuous place on each parcel of land included in the application and also in a conspicuous place on the bulletin board of the municipal building of the municipality or city in !hich the land or portion thereof is situated, fourteen days at least before the date of initial hearing. The court may also cause notice to be ser ed to such other persons and in such manner as it may deem proper.

>a< Failing of notice to persons named in the application. The 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall also, !ithin se en days after publication of said notice in the Bfficial $aIette, as hereinbefore pro ided, cause a copy of the notice of initial hearing to be mailed to e ery person named in the notice !hose address is +no!n.

>6aption and Title< #BT"6* B9 "#"T"1& 5*1/"#$

>b< Failing of notice to the Secretary of (ublic 5igh!ays, the (ro incial $o ernor and the Fayor. "f the applicant requests to ha e the line of a public !ay or road determined, the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall cause a copy of said notice of initial hearing to be mailed to the Secretary of (ublic 5igh!ays, to the (ro incial $o ernor, and to the Fayor of the municipality or city, as the case may be, in !hich the land lies.

To >here insert the names of all persons appearing to ha e an interest and the adjoining o!ners so far as +no!n, and to all !hom it may concern<:

>c< Failing of notice to the Secretary of 1grarian /eform, the Solicitor $eneral, the 0irector of &ands, the 0irector of (ublic :or+s, the 0irector of 9orest 0e elopment, the 0irector of Fines and the 0irector of 9isheries and 1quatic /esources. "f the land borders on a ri er, na igable stream or shore, or on an arm of the sea !here a ri er or harbor line has been established, or on a la+e, or if it other!ise appears from the application or the proceedings that a tenant8farmer or the national go ernment may ha e a claim

1n application >or petition< ha ing been filed in the abo e8entitled case by >full name and address< praying for the registration and confirmation >or for the settlement and adjudication, in case of petition in cadastral proceedings< of title to the follo!ing described lands:

>"nsert description<

Eou are hereby ser ed this notice to appear before this 6ourt at its session to be held at


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LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL on the LLLLLLLLLLLLLL day of LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, 1A LLLLLL, at LLLLLLLLLLLLL o.cloc+ in the LLLLLLLLL then and there to present such claims as you may ha e to said lands or any portion thereof, and to submit e idence in support of such claim4 and unless you appear at said 6ourt at the time and place aforesaid, your default !ill be recorded and the title to the lands !ill be adjudicated and determined in accordance !ith la! and the e idence before the 6ourt, and thereafter you !ill fore er be barred from contesting said application >or petition< or any decree entered thereon.

M #otice gi en to public by publishing, mailing and posting

Page | 27

C :rt 8ey -. 2( .ay$ /epublic . San &orenIo >=< -does not a##ect t&e 6al"d"ty o# appl"cat"on

:itness, the 5on. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ?udge of the 6ourt of 9irst "nstance of LLLLLLL this LLLLLLL day of LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, in the year 1ALLLLLL. 1ttest: 6ommissioner of &and /egistration

-t&e duty to set "t l"es 7"t& t&e court -"t "s beyond t&e po7er o# t&e appl"cant -"t "s un#a"r to pun"s& t&e appl"cant because &e &as no control to set t&e date #or "n"t"al &ear"n!/

C -te-t$ ! c :rt $ett,-6 .ate ! ,-,t,a1 +ear,-69 s"$"lar to su$$ons "n ord"nary c"6"l act"ons/

PU5LICATION P:r% $e a-. e!!ect$ ! %:81,cat, -9 1/ 8o con#er 9ur"sd"ct"on o6er t&e land appl"ed #or upon t&e court, 2/ 8o c&ar!e t&e 7&ole 7orld 7"t& %no7led!e o# t&e appl"cat"on o# t&e land "n6ol6ed, and "n6"te t&e$ to ta%e part "n t&e case and assert and pro6e t&e"r r"!&ts o6er t&e property sub9ect t&ereo#/

The court order setting the date of initial hearing M Transmitted to the 1dministrator of the &/1 M 1dministrator prepareCissue notice of initial hearin4 in the form prescribed in Sec. 23

P:81,cat, - $at,$!,e$ t+e c -$t,t:t, -a1 reA:,re7e-t ! .:e %r ce$$9 .rocedural due process: 1/ 3ot"ce 'co$pl"ed 7"t&)


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-t&e publ"cat"on "s also de#ect"6e 7&ere t&e O/@/ conta"n"n! sa"d not"ce, alt&ou!& #or t&e $ont& pr"or to t&e sc&eduled &ear"n!, 7as released #or publ"cat"on only a#ter sa"d &ear"n!/ -publ"cat"on $ust precede t&e date o# "n"t"al &ear"n!

Page | 28

P:81,cat, - 4+y -1y ,- t+e P+,1,%%,-e$D ,ourts only &a6e 9ur"sd"ct"on "n t&e .&"l"pp"nes and t&e purpose o# publ"cat"on "s to con#er 9ur"sd"ct"on/

I$ %:81,cat, - ,- O!!,c,a1 GaHette $:!!,c,e-t t c -!er >:r,$.,ct, -D 3o/ 0irector of &ands . 61 >272 S6/1 272<

MAILING 'Iandatory) Cy re!"stered $a"l

-publ"cat"on "n t&e O/@/ "s not su##"c"ent to con#er 9ur"sd"ct"on -O/@/ "s not as 7"dely read -O/@/ o#ten delayed, not"ce does not reac& "nterested party on t"$e -Le!al reasons: pro6"s"on uses t&e 7ord Ns&allR 'rules on statutory construct"on: "t "s "$perat"6e act( $andatory? NandR "s also con9unct"6e/) POSTING Cy s&er"## or &"s deputy




(roof of publication: I! t+e c :rt . e$ - t acA:,re >:r,$.,ct, -9 all proceed"n!s by t&e court are null and 6o"d/ ,ert"#"cat"on o# =d$"n"strator 'because &e "s t&e one 7&o caused t&e publ"cat"on) o .robat"6e 6alue( conclus"6e proo#?

I$$:e ! O.G. re1ea$e. a!ter ,-,t,a1 +ear,-6 /egister of 0eeds of Falabon Falabon, Fetro Fanila . /T6,

Section 2&. (roof of publication and notice. The certification of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration and of the sheriff concerned to the effect that the notice of initial hearing, as required by la!, has been complied !ith shall be filed in the case before the date of initial hearing, and shall be conclusi e proof of such fact.

-tard"ness o# publ"cat"on: court d"d not ac4u"re 9ur"sd"ct"on /epublic . 61 >232 S6/1 ))2, ))A<

,opy o# t&e O##"c"al @a5ette ,opy o# t&e 3e7spaper =##"da6"t o# publ"cat"on "ssued by t&e publ"s&er or duly aut&or"5ed person o# t&e ne7spaper/


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(roof of mailing <&en Nre!"stry return cardR "s returned to t&e court 'bou!&t #ro$ t&e .ost O##"ce)

real r"!&t "ndependent o#, and not at all subord"nate to, t&e r"!&ts o# t&e @o6ern$ent/ 8&e oppos"tor does not &a6e to s&o7 t"tle "n &"$sel#? &e s&ould &o7e6er appear to &a6e an Page | "nterest "n t&e property/


:nterest $ay be "n t&e c&aracter o#:

(roof of posting ,ert"#"cate s&er"## o# post"n! "ssued by

Le!al o7ner, or E4u"table "nterest, or Cene#"c"ary o# a trust


8&e prayer 'ob9ect"on, "nterest, re$edy) deter$"nes:


Section 25. Bpposition to application in ordinary proceedings. 1ny person claiming an interest, !hether named in the notice or not, may appear and file an opposition on or before the date of initial hearing, or !ithin such further time as may be allo!ed by the court. The opposition shall state:

7&et&er to deny or d"s$"ss t&e appl"cat"on o# cla"$ant, and #or t&e court to order re!"strat"on o# land "n t&e na$e o# oppos"tor

T+e ! 11 4,-6 7ay 8e %r %er %% $,t r$9 1/ a &o$esteader 7&o &ad not yet been "ssued &"s t"tle but 7&o &ad #ul#"lled all t&e cond"t"ons re4u"red by la7 to ent"tle &"$ to a patent? 2/ a purc&aser o# #r"ar land be#ore t&e "ssuance o# t&e patent to &"$? +/ .ersons 7&o cla"$ to be "n possess"on o# a tract o# publ"c land and &a6e appl"ed 7"t& t&e Cureau o# Land Iana!e$ent #or "ts purc&ase T+e ! 11 4,-6 7ay - t 8e %r %er %% $,t r$9 1/ = $ere #ores&ore lessee o# publ"c land '&e "s not an e4u"table o7ner, &"s r"!&t "s subord"nate to t&at o# t&e @o6ern$ent/ S 1,c,t r 6e-era1 7ay !,1e a 7 t, - t .,$7,$$ t+e a%%1,cat, <&en t&e land "s "nal"enable 'e/!/ t"$berland, #orest land) @round: t&e court &as no 9ur"sd"ct"on o6er t&e case because t&e land "s "nal"enable

all the objections to the application and

shall set forth the interest claimed by the party filing the same and apply for the remedy desired, and

shall be signed and s!orn to by him or by some other duly authoriIed person.

"f the opposition or the ad erse claim of any person co ers only a portion of the lot and said portion is not properly delimited on the plan attached to the application, or in case of undi ided co8o!nership, conflicting claims of o!nership or possession, or o erlapping of boundaries, the court may require the parties to submit a subdi ision plan duly appro ed by the 0irector of &ands.

T+e %% $,t r$9 need not be na$ed "n t&e not"ce o# "n"t"al &ear"n!/

He $ust cla"$ an "nterest to t&e property appl"ed #or, based on a r"!&t o# do$"n"on or so$e ot&er


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DEFAULT =n "nterested party to a land sub9ect o# re!"strat"on $ay #"le &"s oppos"t"on to t&e appl"cat"on on or be#ore t&e date o# "n"t"al &ear"n!/ =bsent any oppos"tor, t&e court 7"ll t&en "ssue an order o# de#ault/

I$ t+e .ec1arat, - ! .e!a:1t a 6:ara-tee t+at t+e a%%1,cat, - 4,11 8e 6ra-te.D 3o, "t "s st"ll t&e burden o# t&e appl"cant to pro6e t&at Page | &e "s ent"tled to re!"strat"on, "ncontro6ert"ble proo#/

W+e- .e!a:1t ,$ ,7%r %er? re7e.y9 .et"t"on #or cert"orar"

Section 2/. Brder of default4 effect. "f no person appears and ans!ers !ithin the time allo!ed, the court shall, upon motion of the applicant, no reason to the contrary appearing, order a default to be recorded and require the applicant to present e idence. 3y the description in the notice %To all :hom "t Fay 6oncern%, all the !orld are made parties defendant and shall be concluded by the default order. >general default<

Re7e.y !r 7 ! .e!a:1t = de#aulted "nterested person $ay &o7e6er !a"n stand"n! "n court by #"l"n! a $ot"on to set as"de t&e order o# de#ault "n accordance 7"t& Sec/ +, Rule 1F or Rules o# ,ourt/

:here an appearance has been entered and an ans!er filed, a default order shall be entered against persons !ho did not appear and ans!er. >special default<

@eneral de#ault- "s addressed to t&e 7&ole 7orld Spec"al de#ault- "s d"rected only a!a"nst t&ose 7&o d"d not enter t&e"r appearance and #"le ans7er/

Sec. 3. Relief from order of defa5lt! 1 party declared in default may at any time after disco ery thereof and before judgment file a motion under oath to set aside the order of default upon proper sho!ing that his failure to ans!er !as due to fraud, accident, mista+e or excusable negligence and that he has meritorious defense. "n such case the order of default may be set aside on such terms and conditions as the judge may impose in the interest of justice.

E!!ect$ ! .e!a:1t = de#ault order "s entered a!a"nst t&e 7&ole 7orld, so t&at all persons are bound by sa"d order/ = person 7&o &as not c&allen!ed t&e appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on o# land, e6en "# t&e appeal &e a#ter7ards "nterposed "s based on t&e r"!&t o# do$"n"on o6er t&e sa$e land, cannot alle!e da$a!e or error a!a"nst t&e 9ud!$ent !rant"n! t&e re!"strat"on "nas$uc& as &e d"d not alle!e to &a6e any r"!&t to suc& land/ 8&e appl"cant "s allo7ed to present e6"dence ex parte

@rounds9 '*=IE-I) 1/ 2/ +/ -/ 2/ *raud =cc"dent I"sta%e Excusable ne!l"!ence Ier"tor"ous de#ense

I! t+ere +a$ a1rea.y 8ee- >:.67e-t 8y .e!a:1t a-. a%%1,ca-t +a$ a1rea.y %re$e-te. e",.e-ce9 $ot"on #or ne7 tr"al '!round: #a$e-$) A%%ea1 !r 7 >:.67e-t !r 7 c :rt9


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:# #ro$ R8,- to ,ourt o# =ppeals :# #ro$ I8,- st"ll to ,ourt o# =ppeals 'dele!ated 9ur"sd"ct"on)

#/ !/

'Re$edy d"scussed "n "ts proper place)

a/ b/


unclass"#"ed or"!"n "s not e6"dence o# suc& release/ '0"rector o# Lands 6/ ,=) :n6est"!at"on reports o# Cureau o# Lands "n6est"!ator Le!"slat"6e act, or by statute Page | #ot sufficient proofs to establish 31 declassification Sur6ey plan e6en "# appro6ed by t&e Cureau o# Lands ,on6ers"on o# land "nto #"s&pond and t&e t"tl"n! o# propert"es around "t 8&e $ere #act t&at t&e area "n 7&"c& t&e land "n6ol6ed "s located &as beco$e &"!&ly de6eloped res"dent"al or co$$erc"al land and actually no lon!er #orest land

:n land re!"strat"on cases, t&e burden o# proo# "s upon t&e appl"cant to s&o7 t&at &e "s t&e real and absolute o7ner "n #ee s"$ple/ 8&e appl"cant $ust o6erco$e t&e presu$pt"on t&at t&e land sou!&t to be re!"stered #or$s part o# t&e publ"c do$a"n 'by 6"rtue o# t&e Re!al"an doctr"ne)/ Ho7> Cy present"n! co$petent, clear and persuas"6e e6"dence o# pr"6ate o7ners&"p or o# ac4u"s"t"on #ro$ t&e !o6ern$ent/ =ppl"cant $ust stand on t&e stren!t& o# &"s o7n e6"dence and not rely on t&e absence or 7ea%ness o# t&e e6"dence o# t&e oppos"tors/ W+at a%%1,ca-t 7:$t %r "e9

1. 8&at t&e 1a-. a%%1,e. ! r +a$ 8ee.ec1a$$,!,e. and "s a %:81,c a6r,c:1t:ra1 1a-.< ,$ a1,e-a81e a-. .,$% $a81e/ 8&ere $ust be a pos"t"6e act #ro$ t&e !o6ern$ent t&at t&e land &ad been declass"#"ed #ro$ t&e #orest !roups and con6erted "nto al"enable and d"sposable land #or a!r"cultural purposes/ Specific proofs that he may present: a/ .res"dent"al procla$at"on b/ Execut"6e order c/ =d$"n"strat"6e order d/ C*0 land class"#"cat"on $ap e/ ,ert"#"cat"on by t&e 0"rector o# *orestry and reports o# 0"str"ct *orester Iere reco$$endat"on o# t&e 0"str"ct *orester #or release o# t&e land #ro$ "ts

'. I.e-t,ty ! t+e 1a-.. (roofs: a/ Sur6ey plan o# t&e property appro6ed by t&e 0"rector o# Lands b/ 8rac"n! clot& plan and blue pr"nt cop"es o# t&e plan 8&e sub$"ss"on o# t&e or"!"nal trac"n! clot& plan o# t&e land appl"ed #or, duly appro6ed by t&e 0"rector o# Lands, 7as &eld to be a statutory re4u"re$ent o# $andatory c&aracter 7&"c& cannot be 7a"6ed/ '0"rector o# Lands 6/ Reyes) reason: to establ"s& t&e true "dent"ty o# t&e land to ensure t&at "t does not o6erlap a parcel o# land or a port"on t&ereo# already co6ered by a pre6"ous land re!"strat"on, and to #orestall t&e poss"b"l"ty t&at "t 7"ll be o6erlapped by a subse4uent re!"strat"on o# any ad9o"n"n! land/ Clue pr"nt copy su##"ces #or t&e purpose 7&ere t&e or"!"nal trac"n! clot& plan 7as attac&ed to t&e appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on/ c/ 8ec&n"cal descr"pt"on o# t&e land appl"ed #or, duly s"!ned by a !eodet"c en!"neer d/ 8ax declarat"ons e/ Coundar"es and area @eneral Rule: :n t&e "dent"#"cat"on o# land, 7ell-de#"ned boundar"es 7"ll pre6a"l o6er area, and "n case o# con#l"ct, #or$er controls t&e latter/ Except"on: :# t&ere "s substant"al and unexpla"ned d"screpanc"es as to t&e area o# t&e land stated "n t&e $un"$ents o# t"tle or "n docu$ents e6"denc"n! ac4u"s"t"on o#


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t&e land by t&e appl"cant or &"s cla"$ o# o7ners&"p and t&e area as sur6eyed based on natural boundar"es 3. =ppl"cantGs possess"on a-. cc:%at, - ! t+e 1a-. #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e and "n t&e $anner re4u"red by la7/ *ffect of possession: Open, exclus"6e, and und"sputed possess"on o# al"enable publ"c land #or t&e per"od prescr"bed by la7 creates t&e le!al #"ct"on 7&ereby t&e land, upon co$plet"on o# t&e re4u"s"te per"od "pso 9ure and 7"t&out t&e need o# 9ud"c"al or ot&er sanct"ons, ceases to be publ"c land and beco$es pr"6ate property/ .ossessor "s dee$ed to &a6e ac4u"red by operat"on o# la7 a r"!&t to !o6ern$ent !rant 7"t&out t&e necess"ty o# cert"#"cate o# t"tle be"n! "ssued/ 8&e present possessor $ay co$plete t&e per"od necessary #or prescr"pt"on by tac%"n! &"s possess"on to t&at o# &"s !rantor or predecessor-"n-"nterest 8ac%"n! o# possess"on "s allo7ed only 7&en t&ere "s pr"6"ty o# contract or relat"ons&"p bet7een t&e pre6"ous and present possessors "nsufficient proofs of possession a/ Iere casual cult"6at"on o# port"ons o# land by cla"$ant $ere occupancy t&ereo# by !ra5"n! l"6estoc% upon "t, 7"t&out substant"al enclosures, or ot&er per$anent "$pro6e$ents, "s not su##"c"ent to support a cla"$ o# t"tle t&rou!& ac4u"s"t"6e prescr"pt"on/ b/ 8ax declarat"on o# land sou!&t to be re!"stered, 7&"c& "s not "n t&e na$e o# t&e appl"cant but "n t&e na$e o# t&e deceased parents o# an oppos"tor c/ Hold"n! o# property by $ere tolerance o# t&e o7ner d/ Iere #a"lure o# #"scal represent"n! t&e State to cross-exa$"ne t&e appl"cant on t&e cla"$ed possess"on e/ .ossess"on o# ot&er persons "n t&e land appl"ed #or "$pu!ns t&e exclus"6e 4ual"ty o# t&e appl"cantGs possess"on/ #/ E6en "# t&e pet"t"oners can trace t&e"r deed o# sale bac% to =da$ and E6e, #"ll "n e6ery s4uare "nc& o# t&e land 7"t& a!r"cultural tenants, &a6e res"dent"al

&ouses bu"lt e6ery #e7 $eters &ere and t&ere, pay t&e realty taxes rel"!"ously e6ery year and &a6e an appro6ed Cureau o# Lands Sur6ey yearly, t&ey 7"ll not beco$e t&e o7ners "# t&ey 7"ll not Page | #ollo7 t&e procedure to obta"n publ"c 32 a!r"cultural land $andated by t&e .ubl"c Land =ct

4. 5a$,$

! %r,"ate 4-er$+,% '"# appl"cant cla"$s pr"6ate o7ners&"p not because o# possess"on) (roofs: a/ 0ocu$entary e6"dence "/ Span"s& t"tles "n pend"n! cases Under .0 F92, &olders o# Span"s& t"tles or !rants can no lon!er "n6o%e "t as bas"s o# o7ners&"p #or t&e purposes o# apply"n! #or re!"strat"on s"x $ont&s a#ter *ebruary 1A, 19BA/ 8&ey are no7 $erely "nd"c"a o# cla"$ o# o7ners&"p, "/e/ t&at t&e &older &as a cla"$ o6er t&e property/ ""/ 8ax declarat"ons and realty tax pay$ents not conclus"6e e6"dence o# o7ners&"p but are at least proo# t&at t&e &older &ad a cla"$ o# t"tle o6er t&e property best "nd"c"a o# possess"on beco$e stron! e6"dence o# o7ners&"p ac4u"red by prescr"pt"on 7&en acco$pan"ed by proo# o# actual possess"on o# t&e property by ot&er e##ect"6e proo# """/ .res"dent"al "ssuances and le!"slat"6e acts b/ 8est"$on"al e6"dence c/ 0eeds o# sale 8&e execut"on o# a deed o# a notar"al deed o# sale "s e4u"6alent to t&e del"6ery o# t&e realty sold and places t&e 6endee "n le!al possess"on t&ereo#, con#or$ably to =rt/1-9F o# t&e 3,,/1

<&en t&e sale "s $ade t&rou!& a publ"c "nstru$ent, t&e execut"on t&ereo# s&all be e4u"6alent to t&e del"6ery o# t&e t&"n! 7&"c& "s t&e ob9ect o# t&e contract, "# #ro$ t&e deed t&e contrary does not appear or cannot be clearly "n#erred/ <"t& re!ard to $o6able property, "ts del"6ery $ay also be $ade by t&e del"6ery o# t&e %eys o# t&e place or depos"tory 7&ere "t "s stored or %ept/


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#ot sufficient proofs: a/ ,o$pro$"se a!ree$ent bet7een part"es 7&ere t&ey a!reed t&at t&ey &a6e r"!&ts and "nterest o6er t&e land and ass"!ned or allocated port"ons t&ereo# to eac& o# t&e$

b/ 0ec"s"on "n an estate proceed"n! o# a predecessor-"n-"nterest o# an appl"cant 7&"c& "n6ol6es a property o6er 7&"c& t&e decedent &as no trans$"ss"ble r"!&t and dec"s"ons "n any ot&er cases 7&ere t&e "ssue o# Page | o7ners&"p 7as not de#"n"tely passed upon 33 c/ Sur6ey plan o# t&e land


W+at a%%1,ca-t 7:$t %r "e 1/ 8&at t&e land appl"ed #or &as been declass"#"ed, and "s a publ"c a!r"cultural land, "s al"enable and d"sposable a/ b/ c/ d/ e/ #/ 2/ :dent"ty o# t&e land !/ a/ b/ c/ d/ e/ S:!!,c,e-t %r !$ I-$:!!,c,e-t %r !$

.res"dent"al procla$at"on Execut"6e order =d$"n"strat"6e order C*0 Land ,lass"#"cat"on Iap ,ert"#"cat"on by t&e 0"rector o# *orestry and reports o# 0"str"ct *orester :n6est"!at"on reports o# Cureau o# Lands Le!"slat"6e act, by statute Sur6ey plan 8rac"n! clot& plan and blue pr"nt cop"es o# t&e plan 8ec&n"cal descr"pt"on o# t&e land appl"ed #or, duly s"!ned by a !eodet"c en!"neer 8ax declarat"ons Coundar"es and area

a/ Sur6ey plan b/ ,on6ers"on o# land "nto #"s&pond c/ $ere #act t&at t&e area "n 7&"c& t&e land "n6ol6ed "s located &as beco$e &"!&ly de6eloped res"dent"al or co$$erc"al land and actually no lon!er #orest land


=ppl"cantGs possess"on a-. cc:%at, - ! t+e 1a-. #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e and "n t&e $anner re4u"red by la7/


Cas"s o# pr"6ate o7ners&"p

a/ 0ocu$entary e6"dence "/ Span"s& t"tle "n pend"n! cases ""/ tax declarat"ons and realty tax pay$ents """/ pres"dent"al "ssuances and le!"slat"6e acts "6/ deeds o# sale b/ 8est"$on"al e6"dence

a/ Iere casual cult"6at"on o# port"ons o# land by cla"$ant b/ 8ax declarat"on o# land sou!&t to be re!"stered, 7&"c& "s not "n t&e na$e o# t&e appl"cant but "n t&e na$e o# t&e deceased parents o# an oppos"tor c/ Hold"n! o# property by $ere tolerance o# t&e o7ner d/ Iere #a"lure o# #"scal represent"n! t&e State to cross-exa$"ne t&e appl"cant on t&e cla"$ed possess"on e/ .ossess"on o# ot&er persons "n t&e land appl"ed #or "$pu!ns t&e exclus"6e 4ual"ty o# t&e appl"cantGs possess"on/ #/ <&en pet"t"oners do not #ollo7 t&e procedure to obta"n publ"c a!r"cultural land $andated by t&e .ubl"c Land =ct a/ ,o$pro$"se a!ree$ent bet7een part"es 7&ere t&ey a!reed t&at t&ey &a6e r"!&ts and "nterest o6er t&e land and ass"!ned or allocated port"ons t&ereo# to eac& o# t&e$ b/ 0ec"s"on "n an estate proceed"n! o# a predecessor-"n-"nterest o# an appl"cant 7&"c& "n6ol6es a property o6er 7&"c& t&e decedent &as no trans$"ss"ble r"!&t and dec"s"ons "n any ot&er cases 7&ere t&e "ssue o# o7ners&"p 7as not de#"n"tely passed upon c/ Sur6ey plan o# t&e land

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Sec. 27! Speed3 hearin4= reference to a referee The trial court shall see to it that all registration proceedings are disposed or !ithin AN days from the date the case is submitted for decision. The court, if it deems necessary, may refer the case or any part thereof to a referee !ho shall hear the parties and their e idence, and the referee shall submit his report thereon to the 6ourt !ithin 1- days after the termination of such hearing. 5earing before a referee may be held at any con enient place !ithin the pro ince or city as may be fixed by him and after reasonable notice thereof shall ha e been ser ed the parties concerned. The court may render judgment in accordance !ith the report as though the facts ha e been found by the judge himself: (ro ided, ho!e er, that the court may in its discretion accept the report or set it aside in !hole or in part, or order the case to be recommitted for further proceedings.

decrees a!arded in fa or of the persons entitled to the lands or to parts thereof and such decrees shall be the basis for issuance or original certificates of title granted on application for registration of land under ordinary land registration proceeding.

Sec. 28! Partial >5d4ment. "n a case !here only a portion of the land subject of registration is contested, the court may render partial judgment pro ided that a subdi ision plan sho!ing the contested and uncontested portions appro ed by the 0irector of &ands is pre iously submitted to said court.

T+e c :rt 7ay9 1/ Hear t&e part"es and t&e"r e6"dence? or 2/ Re#er t&e case or any part t&ereo# to a re#eree or co$$"ss"oner :n t&e exerc"se o# dele!ated 9ur"sd"ct"on, t&e I8, can no lon!er appo"nt co$$"ss"oners <&"le re#eree can rece"6e e6"dence and ob9ect"ons, "t &as no po7er to rule on t&e case/ :ts $a"n duty "s to rece"6e e6"dence and sub$"t "ts #"nd"n!s and reco$$endat"ons to t&e court/ 8&e order o# tr"al "s s"$"lar to t&at "n ord"nary c"6"l act"on/ 8&e appl"cant $ust #"rst produce &"s test"$on"al and docu$entary e6"dence, sub9ect to cross-exa$"nat"on by t&e oppos"tor, and t&en #or$ally o##er sa"d e6"dence/
Sec. 3H. 5earing, judgment, decree. The trial of the case may occur at any con enient place !ithin the pro ince in !hich the lands are situated and shall be conducted, and orders for default and confessions entered, in the same manner as in ordinary land registration proceedings and shall be go erned by the same rules. 1ll conflicting interests shall be adjudicated by the court and

Only cla"$ed property or a port"on t&ereo# can be ad9ud"cated/ :# t&e appl"cant asserts o7ners&"p to and sub$"ts e6"dence only #or a port"on o# a lot, t&e "nclus"on o# t&e % rt, - - t c1a,7e. by t&e appl"cant "s " ,. and o# no e##ect #or a land re!"strat"on c :rt +a$ - >:r,$.,ct, t .ecree a 1 t t a %er$ - 4+ %:t$ - c1a,7 t ,t and 7&o ne6er asserted any r"!&t o# o7ners&"p o6er "t/
Sec.2%! 95d4ment confirmin4 title. 1ll conflicting claims of o!nership and interest in the land subject of the application shall be determined by the court. "f the court, after considering the e idence and the reports of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration and the 0irector of &ands, finds that the applicant or the oppositor has sufficient title proper for registration, judgment shall be rendered confirming the title of the applicant, or the oppositor to the land or portions thereof. Sec. 33! Appeal from >5d4ment# etc. The judgment and orders of the court hearing the land registration case are appealable to the 6ourt of 1ppeals or to the Supreme 6ourt in the same manner as in ordinary actions. Sec. 3&! R5les of proced5re. The /ules of 6ourt shall, insofar as not consistent !ith the pro ision of this 0ecree, be applicable to land registration and cadastral cases by analogy or in a suppletory

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character and !hene er practicable and con enient.

In whose name re4istration of land ma3 6e made! 1/ =ppl"cant? or 2/ Oppos"tor? or +/ Cuyer or t&e person to 7&o$ t&e land &as been con6eyed by an "nstru$ent executed dur"n! t&e "nter6al o# t"$e bet7een t&e #"l"n! o# t&e appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on and t&e "ssuance o# t&e decree to t"tle re4u"re$ents: a/ 8&at t&e "nstru$ent be presented to t&e court by t&e "nterested party to!et&er 7"t& a $ot"on t&at t&e sa$e be cons"dered "n relat"on 7"t& t&e appl"cat"on b/ 8&at pr"or not"ce be !"6en to t&e part"es to t&e case N te9 8&e court $ay re6erse "ts dec"s"on e6en a#ter t&e LR= &as already "ssued t&e decree o# re!"strat"on/ C :rt$ 4,t+ >:r,$.,ct, - t ca$e$ +ear 1a-. re6,$trat, -

1fter judgment has become final and executory, it shall de ol e upon the court to forth!ith issue an order in accordance !ith Sec.3A of this 0ecree to the 6ommissioner for the issuance of the decree of registration and the corresponding certificate of title in fa or of the person adjudged entitled to registration.

N te$9

1. R8, exclus"6e 9ur"sd"ct"on o6er:

a/ =ppl"cat"ons #or or"!"nal re!"strat"on o# t"tle b/ .et"t"ons #"led a#ter or"!"nal re!"strat"on o# t"tle 2. Ie8,, I8,, I,8, dele!ated 9ur"sd"ct"on o6er: >Sec.3), 3( 3lg. 12A,or the ?udiciary /eorganiIation 1ct of 1AHN, as amended by /1 72A1< a/ ,adastral or land re!"strat"on cases co6er"n! lots 7&ere t&ere "s no contro6ersy or oppos"t"on? or b/ O6er contested lots t&e 6alue o# 7&"c& does not exceed .100,000 W+e- >:.67e-t 8ec 7e$ !,-a1
Sec.3.. )hen >5d4ment 6ecomes final= d5t3 to ca5se iss5ance of decree The judgment rendered in a land registration proceeding becomes final upon the expiration of 3N days >1- days na dapat< to be counted from the date of receipt of notice of the judgment. 1n appeal may be ta+en from the judgment of the court as in ordinary ci il cases.

Upon a lapse o# 10 .ay$ counted #ro$ rece"pt o# - t,ce ! t+e >:.67e-t/ Ho7e6er, not7"t&stand"n! t&e lapse o# t&e 12-day per"od #ro$ rece"pt o# 9ud!$ent by t&e part"es, t&e c :rt c -t,-:e$ t reta,- c -tr 1 o6er t&e case unt"l t&e e=%,rat, - ! 1 year a#ter t&e entry o# decree o# re!"strat"on by t&e LR=/ :# an appeal "s ta%en #ro$ t&e 9ud!$ent o# t&e lo7er court, t&e 12-day per"od s&ould be rec%oned #ro$ rece"pt o# not"ce o# 9ud!$ent o# t&e appellate court/ 8&e pre6a"l"n! party "n t&e lo7er court cannot $o6e #or an execut"on pend"n! appeal "n t&e appellate court/ ,ourt orders and dec"s"ons sent to t&e !,$ca1, act"n! as a!ent o# t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral "n land re!"strat"on cases are - t 8,-.,-6 unt"l t&ey are actually rece"6ed by t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral/ 8&us, t&e per"od o# appeal s&all be rec%oned #ro$ t&e rece"pt o# t&e dec"s"on by t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral/ 8&e court $ay st"ll "ssue sa"d order o# decree o# re!"strat"on and cert"#"cate o# t"tle e6en beyond t&e 12-day per"od so as not to pre9ud"ce t&e ad9ud!ed o7ner/ reason: t&e 9ud!$ent "s $erely declaratory "n c&aracter and does not need to be asserted or en#orced a!a"nst t&e ad6erse party/

8&e ,$$:a-ce ! a .ecree "s a 7,-,$ter,a1 .:ty bot& o# t&e 9ud!e and o# t&e Land Re!"strat"on ,o$$"ss"on/ = dec"s"on "n a land re!"strat"on case "s not rendered "ne##"cac"ous by t&e statute o# l"$"tat"ons and(or by lac&es, so t&at a decree "ssued pursuant to suc& 9ud!$ent e6en a#ter t&e lapse o# 10 years "s not 6o"d/ Re$ >:.,cata

= #"nal 9ud!$ent "n an ord"nary c"6"l case deter$"n"n! t&e o!nership o# land "s res judicata 'conclus"6e ad9ud"cat"on) "n a re!"strat"on proceed"n! 7&ere t&e part"es and t&e property

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are t&e sa$e as "n t&e #or$er case/ 8&us, subse4uent l"t"!at"on "s barred/ ReA:,$,te$9 1/ 8&e #or$er 9ud!$ent $ust be #"nal 2/ :t $ust &a6e been rendered by a court &a6"n! 9ur"sd"ct"on o# t&e sub9ect $atter and o# t&e part"es +/ :t $ust be a 9ud!$ent on t&e $er"ts -/ 8&ere $ust be, bet7een t&e #"rst and second act"ons, "dent"ty o# part"es, o# sub9ect $atter, and o# cause o# act"on

A6a,-$t 4+ 7 4r,t ! % $$e$$, - 7ay 1,e 1/ =!a"nst t&e persons 7&o appeared "n t&e proceed"n!s and ans7ered 2/ =!a"nst t&ose 7&o, &a6"n! been ser6ed 7"t& process, d"d not appear or ans7er +/ =!a"nst anyone unla7#ully and ad6ersely occupy"n! t&e land or any port"on t&ereo# dur"n! t&e proceed"n!s up to t&e "ssuance o# t&e #"nal decree Ge-era1 R:1e9 8&e 9ud!$ent ad9ud"cat"n! o7ners&"p to t&e success#ul appl"cant "$pl"edly carr"es 7"t& "t t&e del"6ery o# possess"on "# &e "s depr"6ed, s"nce t&e r"!&t o# possess"on "s "n&erent "n t&at o# o7ners&"p/ E=ce%t, -$9 1/ = 7r"t o# possess"on does not l"e "n a land re!"strat"on case a!a"nst a person 7&o entered t&e property a#ter "ssuance o# t&e #"nal decree and 7&o &ad not been a party "n t&e case 2/ = 7r"t o# possess"on cannot be "ssued "n a pet"t"on #or reconst"tut"on o# alle!edly lost or destroyed cert"#"cate o# t"tle N te$9 8&e "ssuance o# a 7r"t o# possess"on "s only a $atter o# course "# not&"n! "n t&e past &as been "ssued "n #a6or o# t&e re!"stered o7ner? t&ere "s no prescr"pt"on as to "ts "ssuance/ 8&e r,6+t o# t&e appl"cant or a subse4uent purc&aser to as% #or t&e ,$$:a-ce ! a 4r,t ! % $$e$$, - o# t&e land re!"stered 7ould -e"er %re$cr,8e. Re7e.y 4+e- t+ere ,$ re!:$a1 t "acate 1a-. .e$%,te 4r,t9 pet"t"on #or conte$pt Wr,t ! .e7 1,t, a co$ple$ent o# t&e 7r"t o# possess"on, 7"t&out 7&"c& t&e latter 7ould be "ne##ect"6e not appealable 7&ere t&ere "s no alle!at"on t&at "t &as 6ar"ed t&e tenor o# t&e 9ud!$ent

= 9ud!$ent d"s$"ss"n! an appl"cat"on #or t&e re!"strat"on o# land does 3O8 operate as res 9ud"cata bet7een t&e appl"cant and t&e opponent 7&o &as success#ully res"sted t&e appl"cat"on/ 8&e appl"cant or any person der"6"n! t"tle #ro$ &"$ $ay "nst"tute anot&er proceed"n! #or t&e re!"strat"on o# t&e sa$e land, and t&e #act t&at &e or &"s predecessor "n "nterest 7as unsuccess#ul "n t&e #or$er proceed"n! does not const"tute a bar t&ereto/ >5enson . 0irector of &ands< <&ere t&e appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on &as been d"s$"ssed by t&e court <:8HOU8 .REJU0:,E2, t&e decree o# d"s$"ssal e6en "# "t &as beco$e #"nal, does 3O8 const"tute res 9ud"cata/ :# t&e appl"cant 7"t&dra7s &"s appl"cat"on be#ore t&e #"nal decree, t&e proceed"n! $ay be d"s$"ssed, upon ter$s to be #"xed by t&e court/ :n suc& a case, t&e appl"cant $ay later #"le a!a"n an appl"cat"on #or t&e sa$e property/ POST3#UDGMENT INCIDENTS Wr,t ! % $$e$$, "$pl"es t&e del"6ery o# possess"on o# t&e land to t&e success#ul l"t"!ant/ "t "s an e##ect, a 7r"t o# execut"on, co$$and"n! t&e s&er"## to enter t&e land and !"6e possess"on t&ereo# to t&e person ent"tled under t&e 9ud!$ent/ Per$ -$ e-t,t1e.9 1/ =d9ud!ed o7ner 2/ =ny subse4uent purc&aser o# t&e property



0"s$"ssal 7"t&out pre9ud"ce t&e 9ud!$ent "s not conclus"6e

Decree ! re6,$trat, -

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decree "ssued by t&e LR= pursuant to t&e order o# t&e court condensed #or$ o# t&e courtGs 9ud!$ent
Sec. 3". $ecree of re4istration. * ery decree of registration issued by the 6ommissioner shall bear the date, hour and minute of its entry, and shall be signed by him. "t shall state !hether the o!ner is married or unmarried, and if married, the name of the husband or !ife: (ro ided, ho!e er, that if the land adjudicated by the court is conjugal property, the decree shall be issued in the name of both spouses. "f the o!ner is under disability, it shall state the nature of disability, and if a minor, his age. "t shall contain a description of the land as finally determined by the court, and shall set forth the estate of the o!ner, and also, in such manner as to sho! their relati e priorities, all particular estates, mortgages, easements, liens, attachments, and other encumbrances, including rights of tenant8farmers, if any, to !hich the land or o!nerOs estate is subject, as !ell as any other matter properly to be determined in pursuance of this 0ecree.

sa"d decree "s conclus"6e upon all persons "nclud"n! t&e !o6ern$ent suc& conclus"6eness does not cease to ex"st 7&en t&e t"tle "s trans#erred to a successor bars t&e re-l"t"!at"on o# t&e 4uest"on o# o7ners&"p "n t&e sa$e proceed"n!s 5Y WHOM ISSUED9 =d$"n"strator o# LR= 7&o s"!ns t&e decree o# re!"strat"on and attests t&e date and &our o# "ts "ssuance D:ty ! a.7,-,$trat r t ,$$:e .ecree 1/ $"n"ster"al "n t&e sense t&at t&ey act under t&e orders o# t&e court and t&e decree $ust be "n t&e con#or$"ty 7"t& court 9ud!$ent and 7"t& t&e data #ound "n t&e record 2/ 9ud"c"al as t&e t&ey act as court o##"c"als and not as ad$"n"strat"6e o##"c"als N te9 8&e =d$"n"strator "s not le!ally obl"!ated to "ssue t&e decree 7&ere, upon &"s 6er"#"cat"on, &e #"nds t&at t&e sub9ect land &as already been decreed and t"tled "n anot&erGs na$e/ reason: because 7&en once decreed by a court o# co$petent 9ur"sd"ct"on, t&e t"tle to t&e land t&us deter$"ned "s already res 9ud"cata b"nd"n! on t&e 7&ole 7orld, t&e proceed"n! be"n! "n re$/ WHEN ISSUED9 8&e la7 does not l"$"t t&e per"od 7"t&"n 7&"c& t&e court $ay order t&e "ssuance o# a decree o# re!"strat"on/ FINALITY OF DECREE9 =#ter t&e lapse o# one year #ro$ t&e date o# "ts "ssuance and entry/
Sec. 32. par.2. ;pon the expiration of said period of one year, the decree of registration and the certificate of title issued shall become incontro ertible. 1ny person aggrie ed by such decree of registration in any case may pursue his remedy by action for damages against the applicant or any other persons responsible for the fraud.

C -te-t$ ! .ecree9 &DCD3DEO*

1. Date, &our and $"nute o# entry 2. C"6"l status o# t&e o7ner V 7&et&er $arr"ed or
un$arr"ed/ :# $arr"ed, t&e na$e o# t&e spouse :# t&e land ad9ud"cated "s con9u!al property, decree s&all be "ssued "n t&e na$e o# CO8H spouses/ 3. :# t&e o7ner "s under ."sab"l"ty, t&e nature o# suc& d"sab"l"ty, and "# a $"nor, &"s a!e 4. Descr"pt"on o# t&e land 5. Estate o# t&e o7ner, and also "n suc& $anner as to s&o7 t&e"r relat"6e pr"or"t"es, all part"cular estates, $ort!a!es, ease$ents, l"ens, attac&$ents, and ot&er encu$brances, "nclud"n! r"!&ts o# tenant-#ar$ers, "# any to 7&"c& t&e land or o7nerGs estate "s sub9ect 6. Ot&er $atters to be deter$"ned "n pursuance o# .0 1229 PURPOSE9 8o b"nd t&e land and 4u"et t"tle t&ereto, sub9ect only to suc& except"ons or l"ens as $ay be pro6"ded by la7

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J,-c -tr "ert,81eK "nde#eas"ble? t&e t"tle o# t&e o7ner cannot be attac%ed, assa"led or 4uest"oned any$ore AMENDMENT OF DECREE OF REGISTRATION R:1e9 8&e court &as 3O 9ur"sd"ct"on to a$end t&e decree o# re!"strat"on a!ter t&e lapse o# one year #or t&e purpose o# "nclud"n! ne7 o7ners/ reason: t&e t"tle &as beco$e "ncontro6ert"ble a#ter t&e lapse o# one year/ I-$ta-ce$ 4+e- c :rt ,$ a11 4e. t a7e-. .ecree ! re6,$trat, -9 1/ #or t&e purpose o# not"n! do7n t&e ext"n!u"s&$ent o# any r"!&t, or t&e creat"on o# ne7 real r"!&ts not appear"n! "n t&e cert"#"cate 2/ #or t&e purpose o# correct"n! errors CERTIFICATE OF TITLE

Sec. &.. Entr3 of *ri4inal Certificate of itle. 8 ;pon receipt by the /egister of 0eeds of the original and duplicate copies of the original certificate of title the same shall be entered in his record boo+ and shall be numbered, dated, signed and sealed by the /egister of 0eeds !ith the seal of his office. Said certificate of title shall ta+e effect upon the date of entry thereof. The /egister of 0eeds shall forth!ith send notice by mail to the registered o!ner that his o!ner.s duplicate is ready for deli ery to him upon payment of legal fees.

Cert,!,cate ! t,t1e t&e true copy o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on or t&e transcr"pt"on t&ereo# and s"!ned by t&e =d$"n"strator 8a%es e##ect upon t&e date o# entry t&ereo# and t&e land co6ered t&ereby beco$es re!"stered land on t&at date/ C -te-t$9

Sec. 3%. Preparation certificate of title.




1fter the judgment directing the registration of title to land has become final, the court shall, !ithin 1- days from entry of judgment, issue an order directing the 6ommissioner to issue the corresponding decree of registration and certificate of title. The cler+ of court shall send, !ithin 1- days from entry of judgment, certified copies of the judgment and of the order of the court directing the 6ommissioner to issue the corresponding decree of registration and certificate of title and a certificate stating that the decision has not been amended, reconsidered, nor appealed, and has become final. Thereupon, the 6ommissioner shall cause to be prepared the decree of registration as !ell as the original and duplicate of the corresponding original certificate of title. The original certificate of title shall be a true copy of the decree of registration. The decree of registration shall be signed by the 6ommissioner, entered and filed in the &and /egistration 6ommission. The original of the original certificate of title shall also be signed by the 6ommissioner and shall be sent, together !ith the o!ner.s duplicate certificate, to the /egister of 0eeds of the city or pro ince !here the property is situated for entry in his registration boo+.

1/ *ull na$es o# all persons 7&ose "nterest $a%e up t&e #ull o7ners&"p "n t&e 7&ole land 2/ ,"6"l status +/ 3a$es o# respect"6e spouses, "# $arr"ed :# t&e property co6ered belon!s to t&e con9u!al propert"es, t&e cert"#"cate "s "ssued "n t&e na$e o# bot& spouses/ -/ ,"t"5ens&"p 2/ Res"dence A/ .ostal address :n deter$"n"n! 7&et&er a property belon!s to t&e con9u!al partners&"p or parap&ernal property o# one o# t&e spouses, "t "s "$portant to note "n 7&ose na$e or na$es t&e t"tle "s re!"stered/ 8&"s "s so because t&e cert"#"cate o# t"tle does not establ"s& t&e t"$e o# t&e ac4u"s"t"on o# t&e property/ :t only con#"r$s a pre-ex"st"n! t"tle/ O4-erI$ .:%1,cate cert,!,cate ! t,t1e
Sec. &"! *wner?s d5plicate certificate of title The o!nerOs duplicate certificate of title shall be deli ered to the registered o!ner or to his duly authoriIed representati e. "f t!o

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or more persons are registered o!ners, one o!ner.s duplicate certificate may be issued for the !hole land, or if the co8o!ners so desire, a separate duplicate may be issued to each of them in li+e form, but all outstanding certificates of title so issued shall be surrendered !hene er the /egister of 0eeds shall register any subsequent oluntary transaction affecting the !hole land or part thereof or any interest therein. The /egister of 0eeds shall note on each certificate of title a statement as to !hom a copy thereof !as issued.

Attr,8:te$ a-. L,7,tat, -$ - Cert,!,cate$ ! T,t1e a-. Re6,$tere. La-.$ 1/ *ree #ro$ l"ens and encu$brances
Sec.&&! Stat5tor3 liens affectin4 title. * ery registered o!ner recei ing a certificate of title in pursuance of a decree of registration, and e ery subsequent purchaser of registered land ta+ing a certificate of title for alue and in good faith, shall hold the same free from all encumbrances except those noted in said certificate and any of the follo!ing encumbrances !hich may be subsisting, namely: 9irst. &iens, claims or rights arising or existing under the la!s and 6onstitution of the (hilippines !hich are not by la! required to appear of record in the /egistry of 0eeds in order to be alid against subsequent purchasers or encumbrancers of record. Second. ;npaid real estate taxes le ied and assessed !ithin t!o years immediately preceding the acquisition of any right o er the land by an innocent purchaser for alue, !ithout prejudice to the right of the go ernment to collect taxes payable before that period from the delinquent taxpayer alone. Third. 1ny public high!ay or pri ate !ay established or recogniIed by la!, or any go ernment irrigation canal or lateral thereof, if the certificate of title does not state that the boundaries of such high!ay or irrigation canal or lateral thereof ha e been determined. 9ourth. 1ny disposition of the property or limitation on the use thereof by irtue of, or pursuant to, (residential 0ecree #o. 27 or any other la! or regulations on agrarian reform.

8&e 4-er o# t&e land "n 7&ose #a6or and "n 7&ose na$e sa"d land "s re!"stered and "nscr"bed "n t&e cert"#"cate o# t"tle &as a 7 re %re!ere-t,a1 r,6+t to t&e possess"on o# t&e o7nerGs dupl"cate cert"#"cate t&an one 7&ose na$e does not appear "n t&e cert"#"cate and &as yet to establ"s& &"s r"!&t to t&e possess"on t&ereo#/ Tra-$!er cert,!,cate ! t,t1e
Sec. &3! ransfer certificate of title. The subsequent certificate of title that may be issued by the /egister of 0eeds pursuant to any oluntary or in oluntary instrument relating to the same land shall be in li+e form, entitled %Transfer 6ertificate of Title%, and li+e!ise issued in duplicate. The certificate shall sho! the number of the next pre ious certificate co ering the same land and also the fact that it !as originally registered, gi ing the record number, the number of the original certificate of title, and the olume and page of the registration boo+ in !hich the latter is found.

Re!"strat"on does 3O8 6est t"tle/ :t "s $erely e6"dence o# suc& t"tle o6er a part"cular property/ =nd a 8orrens cert"#"cate "s t&e best e6"dence o# o7ners&"p o6er re!"stered land/ Ho7e6er, s"$ple possess"on o# a cert"#"cate o# t"tle does not necessar"ly $a%e t&e &older t&ereo# a true o7ner o# all t&e property descr"bed t&ere"n suc& as 7&en t"tle "ncludes by $"sta%e or o6ers"!&t, land 7&"c& can no lon!er be re!"stered under t&e 8orrens syste$, as 7&en t&e sa$e land &as already been re!"stered and an earl"er cert"#"cate #or t&e sa$e land "s "n ex"stence/

Ge-era1 r:1e9 ,la"$s and l"ens o# 7&ate6er c&aracter ex"st"n! a!a"nst t&e land pr"or to t&e "ssuance o# t&e cert"#"cate o# t"tle are cut o## by suc& cert"#"cate so "ssued b"nds t&e 7&ole 7orld, "nclud"n! t&e !o6ern$ent/ E=ce%t, -$9 a/ 8&ose noted on t&e cert"#"cate b/ L"ens cla"$s or r"!&ts ar"s"n! or ex"st"n! under t&e la7s and t&e ,onst"tut"on, 7&"c& are

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not by la7 re4u"red to appear o# record "n t&e Re!"ster o# 0eeds "n order to be 6al"d c/ Unpa"d real estate taxes le6"ed and assessed 7"t&"n 2 years "$$ed"ately preced"n! t&e ac4u"s"t"on o# t&e r"!&t o6er t&e land by an "nnocent purc&aser #or 6alue d/ =ny publ"c &"!&7ay, or pr"6ate 7ay establ"s&ed or reco!n"5ed by la7, or any !o6ern$ent "rr"!at"on canal or lateral t&ereo#, "# t&e cert"#"cate o# t"tle does not state t&e boundar"es o# suc& &"!&7ay or "rr"!at"on canal or lateral t&ereo# &a6e been deter$"ned e/ =ny d"spos"t"on o# t&e property or l"$"tat"on on t&e use t&ereo# pursuant to .0 2B or any ot&er la7 or re!ulat"ons on a!rar"an re#or$ 2/ :ncontro6ert"ble and "nde#eas"ble Ge-era1 r:1e9 Upon exp"rat"on o# 1 year #ro$ and a#ter t&e entry o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on "n t&e LR=, t&e decree and t&e correspond"n! cert"#"cate o# t"tle beco$es "ncontro6ert"ble and "nde#eas"ble/ E=ce%t, -$9 a/ :# pre6"ous 6al"d t"tle o# t&e sa$e land ex"sts b/ <&en land co6ered "s not capable o# re!"strat"on c/ <&en ac4u"s"t"on o# cert"#"cate "s attended by #raud +/ Re!"stered land not sub9ect to prescr"pt"on
Sec. &7! Re4istered land not s56>ect to prescriptions. #o title to registered land in derogation of the title of the registered o!ner shall be acquired by prescription or ad erse possession.

/egistered land shall be subject to such burdens and incidents as may arise by operation of la!. #othing contained in this decree shall in any !ay be construed to relie e registered land or the o!ners thereof from any rights incident to the relation of husband and !ife, landlord and tenant, or from liability to attachment or le y on execution, or from liability to any lien of any description established by la! on the land and the buildings thereon, or on the interest of the o!ner in such land or buildings, or to change the la!s of descent, or the rights of partition bet!een co8o!ners, or the right to ta+e the same by eminent domain, or to relie e such land from liability to be reco ered by an assignee in insol ency or trustee in ban+cruptcy under the la!s relati e to preferences, or to change or affect in any !ay other rights or liabilities created by la! and applicable to unregistered land, except as other!ise pro ided in this 0ecree.

Re!"stered land or t&e o7ners t&ereo# are not rel"e6ed #ro$ t&e #ollo7"n!: 1/ =ny r"!&ts "nc"dent to t&e relat"on o# &usband and 7"#e, landlord and tenant 2/ L"ab"l"ty to attac&$ent or le6y on execut"on +/ L"ab"l"ty to any l"en o# any descr"pt"on establ"s&ed by la7 on t&e land and t&e bu"ld"n!s t&ereon, or "n t&e "nterest o# t&e o7ner "n suc& land or bu"ld"n! -/ =ny r"!&t or l"ab"l"ty t&at $ay ar"se due to c&an!e o# t&e la7 on descent 2/ R"!&ts o# part"t"on bet7een co-o7ners A/ R"!&t o# !o6ern$ent to ta%e t&e land by e$"nent do$a"n B/ L"ab"l"ty to be reco6ered by an ass"!nee "n "nsol6ency or trustee "n ban%ruptcy under t&e la7s relat"6e to pre#erences F/ =ny ot&er r"!&ts or l"ab"l"t"es created by la7 and appl"cable to unre!"stered land Per$ -$ e-t,t1e. t a .:%1,cate cert,!,cate ! t,t1e

-/ ,ert"#"cate o# t"tle not sub9ect to collateral attac% Ge-era1 I-c,.e-t$ ! Re6,$tere. La-.
Sec. &/! <eneral incidents of re4istered land.

1/ Re!"stered o7ner 2/ Eac& co-o7ner State7e-t ! %er$ -a1 c,rc:7$ta-ce$ ,- t+e cert,!,cate
Sec. )-. Statement of circumstances in the certificate. personal

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* ery certificate of title shall set forth the full names of all persons !hose interests ma+e up the full o!nership in the !hole land, including their ci il status, and the names of their respecti e spouses, if married, as !ell as their citiIenship, residence and postal address. "f the property co ered belongs to the conjugal partnership, it shall be issued in the names of both spouses.

t&at &e 7as depr"6ed o# t&e opportun"ty to be &eard "n t&e or"!"nal re!"strat"on case not later t&an one year a#ter t&e entry o# t&e decree/ Jre",e4 ! >:.67e-tK 7&en "t "s #"led a#ter rend"t"on o# t&e dec"s"on but be#ore t&e entry o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on/ Jre",e4 ! .ecreeK 7&en "t "s #"led 7"t&"n t&e 1 year per"od a#ter suc& entry/ N te9 :ntent"onal conceal$ent and representat"on as possessor, occupant and cla"$ant const"tutes actual #raud 9ust"#y"n! t&e reopen"n! and re6"e7 o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on/ Gr :-.$ ! r re",e4 ! .ecree9 a/ =ctual or extr"ns"c #raud Act:a1/% $,t,"e !ra:. proceeds #ro$ an "ntent"onal decept"on pract"ced by $eans o# t&e $"srepresentat"on or conceal$ent o# a $ater"al #act/ E=tr,-$,c !ra:. pre6ents a party #ro$ &a6"n! a tr"al or #ro$ present"n! &"s ent"re case to t&e court or 7&ere "t operates upon $atters perta"n"n! not to t&e 9ud!$ent "tsel# but to t&e $anner "n 7&"c& "t "s procured, so t&at t&ere "s not a #a"r sub$"ss"on o# t&e contro6ersy/ D,!!ere-ce$ 8et4ee- act:a1 !ra:./e=tr,-$,c a-. c -$tr:ct,"e/,-tr,-$,c !ra:. Act:a1 Fra:.
.roceeds #ro$ an "ntent"onal decept"on pract"ced by $eans o# $"srepresentat"on or conceal$ent o# $ater"al #act

REMEDIES 1. NEW TRIAL Gr :-.$9 a/ *raud, acc"dent, $"sta%e or excusable ne!l"!ence 7&"c& ord"nary prudence could not &a6e !uarded a!a"nst b/ =7ard o# excess"6e da$a!es, or "nsu##"c"ency o# t&e e6"dence to 9ust"#y t&e dec"s"on c/ 3e7ly d"sco6ered e6"dence Per, . ! !,1,-69 <"t&"n t&e 12-day per"od #or per#ect"n! an appeal '. APPEAL W+ere !,1e.9 ,ourt o# =ppeals or Supre$e ,ourt Per, . ! !,1,-69 <"t&"n 12 days #ro$ rece"pt o# t&e 9ud!$ent or #"nal order appealed #ro$ @. RELIEF FROM #UDGMENT Nat:re9 Subs"d"ary re$edy, "/e/ $ay be a6a"led only 7&en t&e 9ud!$ent &as beco$e #"nal and a ne7 tr"al "s not a6a"lable Gr :-.$9 <&en a 9ud!$ent "s entered a!a"nst a party t&rou!& #raud, acc"dent, $"sta%e, or excusable ne!l"!ence, suc& party $ay #"le a pet"t"on "n t&e court t&at rendered suc& 9ud!$ent pray"n! t&at t&e sa"d 9ud!$ent be set as"de/ Per, . ! !,1,-69 <"t&"n A0 days a#ter t&e pet"t"oner learns o# t&e 9ud!$ent, order, or proceed"n! and not $ore t&an A $ont&s a#ter suc& 9ud!$ent or order 7as entered or suc& proceed"n! 7as ta%en/ ;. PETITION FOR REVIEW &OF A DECREE* =ny person $ay #"le a pet"t"on #or re6"e7 to set as"de t&e decree o# re!"strat"on on t&e !round

C -$tr:ct,"e Fra:.
=ct "s not done or co$$"tted 7"t& an actual des"!n to co$$"t pos"t"6e #raud or "n9ury upon ot&er persons but "s construed as #raud because o# "ts detr"$ental e##ect upon publ"c "nterest and publ"c or pr"6ate

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&


E=tr,-$,c Fra:.
.re6ents a party #ro$ &a6"n! a tr"al or #ro$ present"n! &"s ent"re case to t&e court

I-tr,-$,c Fra:.
<&ere t&e #raudulent acts perta"n to an "ssue "n6ol6ed "n t&e or"!"nal act"on, or 7&ere t&e acts const"tut"n! t&e #raud 7ere or could &a6e been l"t"!ated t&ere"n

an act"on see%"n! to trans#er or recon6ey t&e land #ro$ t&e re!"stered o7ner to t&e r"!&t#ul o7ner/

N te$9 Iay be #"led e6en a#ter t&e lapse o# one year #ro$ entry o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on as lon! as t&e property &as not been trans#erred or con6eyed to an "nnocent purc&aser #or 6alue/ =n act"on #or recon6eyance does not a"$ or purport to reopen t&e re!"strat"on proceed"n!s and set as"de t&e decree o# re!"strat"on but only to s&o7 t&at t&e person 7&o secured t&e re!"strat"on o# t&e 4uest"oned property "s not t&e real o7ner t&ereo#/ 8&e act"on, 7&"le respect"n! t&e decree as "ncontro6ert"ble, see%s to trans#er or recon6ey t&e land land #ro$ t&e re!"stered o7ner to t&e r"!&t#ul o7ner/ W+e- rec -"eya-ce . e$ - t %re$cr,8e9 a/ :# brou!&t by re!"stered o7ners or t&e"r c&"ldren b. = co-&e"r, 7&o, t&rou!& #raud, succeeds "n obta"n"n! a cert"#"cate o# t"tle "n &"s na$e to t&e pre9ud"ce o# &"s co-&e"rs, "s dee$ed to &old t&e land "n trust+ #or t&e latter/ 8&e excluded &e"rGs act"on "s "$prescr"pt"ble/ c/ <&ere t&e pla"nt"## "n an act"on #or recon6eyance, 7&"c& "s "n e##ect an act"on to 4u"et t"tle, "s "n possess"on o# t&e land "n 4uest"on/ Gr :-.$ ! r rec -"eya-ce c rre$% -.,-6 %er, . ! %re$cr,%t, Gr :-.$ *raud a-.

b/ *atal "n#"r$"ty "n t&e dec"s"on #or 7ant o# due process c/ Lac% o# 9ur"sd"ct"on o# t&e court @eirs of -an5el A. RoAas v. CA! Only actual or extr"ns"c #raud &as been accepted as !rounds #or a 9ud!$ent to be annulled or a decree o# re!"strat"on reopened and re6"e7ed/ 8&e N#raudR conte$plated by t&e la7 "s actual and extr"ns"c, 7&"c& "ncludes an "ntent"onal o$"ss"on o# #act re4u"red by la7/ *or #raud to 9ust"#y a re6"e7 o# a decree, "t $ust be extr"ns"c or collateral, and t&e #acts upon 7&"c& "t "s based &a6e not been contro6erted or resol6ed "n t&e case 7&ere t&e 9ud!$ent sou!&t to be annulled 7as rendered/ :n t&e sa"d case, t&e ,ourt &eld t&at t&e respondent corporat"onGs "ntent"onal conceal$ent and representat"on o# pet"t"onerGs "nterest "n t&e sub9ect lot as possessor, occupant and cla"$ant const"tutes actual #raud 9ust"#y"n! t&e reopen"n! and re6"e7 o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on/

ReA:,$,te$ ! r re",e4 ! t+e .ecree9 a/ b/ c/ d/ .et"t"oner &as a real and do$"n"cal r"!&t He &as been depr"6ed t&ereo# 8&rou!& actual or extr"ns"c #raud .et"t"on "s #"led 7"t&"n one year #or$ "ssuance o# t&e decree e/ 8&e property &as not yet passed to an "nnocent purc&aser #or 6alue 0. ACTION FOR RECONVEYANCE

Pre$cr,%t,"e %er, .
- years #ro$ d"sco6ery o# t&e #raud 'dee$ed to &a6e ta%en place #ro$ t&e "ssuance o# t&e or"!"nal cert"#"cate o# t"tle)/

=rt/ 1--1: 8rusts are e"t&er express or "$pl"ed/ Express trusts are created by t&e "ntent"on o# t&e trustor or o# t&e part"es/ :$pl"ed trusts co$e "nto be"n! by operat"on o# la7/

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

3o trust created/

:$pl"ed or construct"6e trust

10 years #ro$ t&e date o# t&e "ssuance o# t&e O,8 or 8,8/ Y8&e abo6e rule does 3O8 apply 7&ere t&e person en#orc"n! t&e trust "s "n actual possess"on o# t&e property because &e "s "n e##ect see%"n! to 4u"et t"tle to t&e sa$e 7&"c& "s "$prescr"pt"ble

Art. "&&5! #o trust shall fail because the trustee appointed declined the designation, unless the contrary should appear in the instrument constituting the trust. Art. "&&/! 1cceptance by the beneficiary is necessary. #e ertheless, if the trust imposes no onerous condition upon the beneficiary, his acceptance shall be presumed, if there is no proof to the contrary. Implied tr5sts Art. "&&7! The enumeration of the follo!ing cases of implied trust does not exclude others established by the general la! of trust, but the limitation laid do!n in 1rticle 1))2 shall be applicable. Art. "&&8! There is an implied trust !hen property is sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party but the price is paid by another for the purpose of ha ing the beneficial interest of the property. The former is the trustee, !hile the latter is the beneficiary. 5o!e er, if the person to !hom the title is con eyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied by la!, it being disputably presumed that there is a gift in fa or of the child. Art. "&&%! There is also an implied trust !hen a donation is made to a person but it appears that although the legal estate is transmitted to the done, he ne ertheless is either to ha e no beneficial interest or only a part thereof. Art. "&5.! "f the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid by one person for the benefit of another and the con eyance is made to the lender or payor to secure the payment of the debt, a trust arises by operation of la! in fa or of the person to !hom the money is loaned or for !hom it is paid. The latter may redeem the property and compel a con eyance thereof to him. Art. "&5"! :hen land passes by succession to any person and he causes the legal title to be put in the name of another, a trust is established by implication of la! for the benefit of the o!ner. Art. "&52! "f t!o or more persons agree to purchase property and by common consent the legal title is ta+en in the name of one of them for the benefit of all, a trust is created by force of la! in fa or of others in proportion to the interest of each. Art. "&53! :hen property is con eyed to a person in reliance upon his declared intention to hold it for, or transfer it to another or the grantor, there is an implied trust in fa or of the person !hose benefit is contemplated. Art. "&5&! "f an absolute con eyance of property is made in order to secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor to!ard the grantee, a trust by irtue of la! is established. "f the fulfillment of the obligation is offered by the grantor !hen it becomes due, he may demand the recon eyance of the property to him,

Express trust Uo"d contract

3ot barred prescr"pt"on :$prescr"pt"ble


MarA:eH ". CA9 ,onstruct"6e trusts are created "n e4u"ty "n order to pre6ent un9ust enr"c&$ent/ 8&ey ar"se contrary to "ntent"on a!a"nst one 7&o, by #raud, duress or abuse o# con#"dence, obta"ns or &olds t&e le!al r"!&t to property 7&"c& &e ou!&t not, "n e4u"ty and !ood consc"ence, to &old/ =n act"on #or recon6eyance based on an "$pl"ed or construct"6e trust prescr"bes "n 10 years #ro$ t&e "ssuance o# t&e 8orrens t"tle o6er t&e property/ :n t&e sa"d case, 7&en Ra#ael Iar4ue5, Sr/, #or one reason or anot&er, $"srepresented "n &"s un"lateral a##"da6"t t&at &e 7as t&e only &e"r o# &"s 7"#e 7&en "n #act t&e"r c&"ldren 7ere st"ll al"6e, and $ana!ed to secure a 8,8 under &"s na$e, a construct"6e trust under =rt/ 1-2A 7as establ"s&ed/

Pr ",$, -$ ! NCC re9 tr:$t$

EApress tr5sts Art. "&&3! #o express trusts concerning an immo able or any therein may be pro ed by parol e idence. Art. "&&&! #o particular !ords are required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended.

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

Art. "&55! :hen any trustee, guardian or other person holding a fiduciary relationship uses trust funds for the purchase of property and causes the con eyance to be made to him or to a third person, a trust is established by operation of la! in fa or of the person to !hom the funds belong. Art. "&5/! "f property is acquired through mista+e or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of la!, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person from !hom the property comes. Art. "&57! 1n implied trust may be pro ed by oral e idence.

Sec. 1N2. &imitation of 1ction. P 1ny action for compensation against the 1ssurance 9und by reason of any loss, damage or depri ation of land or any interest therein shall be instituted !ithin a period of six years from the time the right to bring such action first occurred: (ro ided, That the right of action herein pro ided shall sur i e to the legal representati e of the person sustaining loss or damage, unless barred in his lifetime4 and, (ro ided, further, That if at the time such right of action first accrued the person entitled to bring such action !as a minor or insane or imprisoned, or other!ise under legal disability, such person or anyone claiming from, by or under him may bring the proper action at any time !ithin t!o years after such disability has been remo ed, not!ithstanding the expiration of the original period of six years first abo e pro ided.

E. ACTION FOR DAMAGES Iay be resorted to 7&en a pet"t"on #or re6"e7 and an act"on #or recon6eyance "s no lon!er poss"ble because t&e property &as passed to an "nnocent purc&aser #or 6alue and "n !ood #a"t& =n ord"nary act"on #or da$a!es prescr"bes "n 10 years a#ter t&e "ssuance o# t&e 8orrens t"tle o6er t&e property /. ACTION FOR COMPENSATION ASSURANCE FUND ReA:,$,te$9 FROM

Ge-era1 R:1e9 :t $ust be "nst"tuted 7"t&"n a per"od o# A years #ro$ t&e t"$e t&e r"!&t to br"n! suc& act"on #"rst occurred V 7&"c& "s t&e date o# "ssue o# t&e cert"#"cate o# t"tle/ E=ce%t, -9

a/ 8&e a!!r"e6ed party or t&e su"tor susta"ned loss or da$a!e or "s depr"6ed o# land or any estate or "nterest t&ere"n/ b/ Suc& loss, da$a!e or depr"6at"on 7as: "/ Occas"oned by t&e br"n!"n! o# t&e land under t&e operat"on o# t&e 8orrens syste$? or ""/ =rose a#ter or"!"nal re!"strat"on o# land c/ 8&e loss, da$a!e or depr"6at"on 7as due to: "/ *raud? or ""/ =ny error, o$"ss"on, $"sta%e or $"sdescr"pt"on "n any cert"#"cate o# t"tle or "n any entry or $e$orandu$ "n t&e re!"strat"on boo% d/ 8&ere 7as no ne!l"!ence on &"s part e/ He "s barred or precluded under t&e pro6"s"ons o# .0 1229 or under t&e pro6"s"on o# any la7 #ro$ br"n!"n! an act"on #or t&e reco6ery o# suc& land or t&e estate or "nterest t&ere"n #/ 8&e act"on &as not prescr"bed L,7,tat, - ! act, -9

=nyt"$e 7"t&"n t7o years a#ter suc& d"sab"l"ty &as been re$o6ed, not7"t&stand"n! t&e exp"rat"on o# t&e or"!"nal per"od o# s"x years "# t&e person ent"tled to br"n! suc& r"!&t o# act"on 7as a $"nor or "nsane or "$pr"soned or ot&er7"se under le!al d"sab"l"ty N te9 8&e r"!&t o# act"on &ere"n pro6"ded s&all perta"n to t&e le!al representat"6e o# t&e person susta"n"n! loss or da$a!e unless barred "n &"s l"#et"$e/ ). CANCELLATION SUITS <&ere t7o cert"#"cates are "ssued to d"##erent persons co6er"n! t&e sa$e land, t&e t"tle earl"er "n date $ust pre6a"l 8&e latter t"tle s&ould be declared null and 6o"d and ordered cancelled 2. ANNULMENT OF #UDGMENT Iay only be a6a"led o# 7&en t&e ord"nary re$ed"es o# ne7 tr"al, pet"t"on #or rel"e#, or ot&er appropr"ate re$ed"es are no lon!er a6a"lable t&rou!& no #ault o# pet"t"oner

LTD LECTURE NOTES & REVIEWER Judge Serrano - Midterm 20 0 San !eda Co""ege o# La$
%&' Can(ino) *ri+&" & Ve"o+o) ,in-&

1(. FUIETING OF TITLE =n act"on t&at "s brou!&t to re$o6e cloud on t&e t"tle to real property or any "nterest t&ere"n, by reason o# any "nstru$ent, record, cla"$, encu$brance or proceed"n! 7&"c& "s apparently 6al"d or e##ect"6e but "s "n trut& and "n #act "n6al"d, "ne##ect"6e, 6o"dable, or unen#orceable, and $ay be pre9ud"c"al to sa"d t"tle '=rt/-BA, 3,,) =n ord"nary c"6"l re$edy Pr ",$, -$ ! NCC re A:,et,-6 ! t,t1e
Art. &77! The plaintiff must ha e a legal or equitable title to, or interest in the real property !hich is the subject8matter of the action. 5e need not be in possession of said property. Art. &78! There may also be an action to quiet title or remo e cloud therefrom !hen the contract, instrument or other obligation has been extinguished or has terminated, or has been barred by extincti e prescription. Art. &7%! The plaintiff must return to the defendant all the benefits he may ha e recei ed from the latter or reimburse him for expenses that may ha e redounded to the plaintiffOs benefit. Art. &8.! The principles of the general la! on the quieting of title are hereby adopted insofar as they are not in conflict !ith this 6ode Art. &8"! The procedure for the quieting of title or the remo al of a cloud therefrom shall be go erned by such rules of court as the Supreme 6ourt shall promulgate.

6ommissioner of &and /egistration

1dministrator of &and /egistration 1uthority 0irector of &and Fanagement 3ureau of &and Fanagement /T6

0irector of &ands 3ureau of &ands 69"

<*$ 2(ESSB

11. CRIMINAL ACTION State $ay cr"$"nally prosecute #or per9ury t&e party 7&o obta"ns re!"strat"on t&rou!& #raud, suc& as by stat"n! #alse assert"ons "n t&e s7orn ans7er re4u"red o# appl"cants "n cadastral proceed"n!s/

2efore +ow

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