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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of

Master of Business Administration (2008-10)

SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Controller of Examination Kaushal Bansal Maharshi Dayanand University MBA 4rd semester Rohtak 2K !MRCE!MBA!"2"

MA#A$ RAC%#A CO&&E'E O( E#')#EER)#'* (AR)DABAD

+A,,roved -y A)C.E / Affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University* Rohtak0

This is to certify that KA SHA!" st#$e%t of MBA &Fi%a%ce ' Mar(eti%)* fi%a+ year Ro++ No, MBA -.-" has /or(e$ #%$er 0y s#1er2isio% a%$ )#i$a%ce o% the Research 3ro4ect e%tit+e$5 Mar#et Strate$% of &'"C Ban# and !C!C! Ban#

The project is completed in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of MBA Degree. The matter used in the project is original and authentic to the best of my knowledge. I recommend that the project is fit for e aluation.

I wish him all success in life and future.


I% a% i%stit#te" a st#$e%t +ear%s a6o#t theoretica+ co%ce1ts, B#t i% the 1rese%t $ay sce%ario" e%2iro%0e%t s#rro#%$i%) the 6#si%ess is co01+e7" $y%a0ic a%$ the i%$#stries are so 0#ch $i2ersifie$ a%$ s1ecia+i8e$ that it re9#ires the 0a%a)ers to 6e /ho+eso0e+y %o#rishe$ /ith (%o/+e$)e a%$ s(i++s i% their res1ecti2e fie+$s of s1ecia+i8atio%, E71os#re is the (ey i% 6#i+$i%) )oo$ f#t#re 0a%a)ers, This research 1ro4ect is the res#+t of 0y three50o%th har$ /or(, Research 1ro4ect is a% i%te)ra+ 1art of the Master of Business Administration a%$ it ai0s at 1ro2i$i%) the rea+ +ife e71erie%ce of the i%$#stry to the st#$e%ts, The 1ractica+ e71erie%ce he+1s the st#$e%t to 2ie/ the rea+ 6#si%ess /or+$ c+ose+y" /hich i% t#r% /i$e+y i%f+#e%ces their co%ce1tio% a%$ 1erce1tio%, It 1ro2i$es the 6asic s(i++ re9#ire$ to 1erfor0 the s#r2ey a%$ statistics too+ %ee$e$ to a%a+ysis the $ata Research, It he+1s i% the $e2e+o10e%t of the 1ractica+ s(i++ a%$ a%a+ytica+ s(i++ a%$ a%a+ytica+ thi%(i%) 1rocess, The research assi)%e$ i,e, )Mar#et Strate$% of &'"C ban# and !C!C! ban#* The 9#estio%%aire 0etho$ has 6ee% a11+ie$ to co++ect the $ata fro0 res1o%$e%ts,

+A,S&A- BA.SA-


The 1rocess of this 1ro4ect /riti%) /as a /o%$erf#+ +ear%i%) e71erie%ce o% 0y aca$e0ic +ife /hich /as fi++e$ /ith cha++e%)es a%$ re/ar$s, The co01+etio% of the 1rese%t st#$y +ea$s a %e/ 6e)i%%i%) a%$ a ste1 for/ar$ to/ar$s 0y f#t#re a%$ /he% /riti%) this 1reface" a 9#otatio% 6y the Scottish 3hysicist :a0es C+ar( Ma7/e++ ca0e to 0y 0i%$, Ma7/e++ o%ce state$ 0hat is done b% 2hat is 3alled me is4 ! feel4 done b% somethin$ $reater than m%self in me5* The 9#estio% is 4#stifia6+e, Di$ I rea++y $o this; Di$ I rea++y 0a%a)e to )et it a++ to)ether; This research 1ro2i$es a /e+co0e$ o11ort#%ity a%$ cha%ce to ac(%o/+e$)e the he+1 a%$ assista%ce of the 1eo1+e /ho /ith their i%te++ect#a+ i%si)hts or co%str#cti2e criticis0" other ti0es i% the for0 of frie%$shi1 ha2e he+1e$ 0e to $e2e+o1 this research, I a0 hi)h+y i%$e6te$ to Mrs,<<<<<<<<< 4 for 1ro2i$i%) 0e the 1ro01t assista%ce a%$ 2a+#a6+e s#11ort a%$ a++o/i%) 0e to /or( o% this 1ro4ect, I a0 2ery tha%(f#+ to her" that she has )i2e% 0e this 1+eas#re to #se his 2a+#a6+e co00e%ts" fee$6ac(s a%$ s#))estio%s, O#tsi$e of aca$e0ia" I /o#+$ +i(e to tha%( a++ 0y fa0i+y a%$ 0y frie%$s for their f#++y s#11ort,





15 Si$nifi3an3e of the Stud% 25 Re6ie2 of e7istin$ literature 85 Con3eptuali9ation :5 "o3us of the Stud%

04 05 06-54 55 55 56-59

;. /b<e3ti6es of the Stud% =5 Resear3h Methodolo$% Resear3h desi$n Sample 'esi$n Sample e3hni>ues ?. 'ata Anal%sis and !nterpretation 85 -imitations of the Stud%

60-74 75-76

105 Con3lusion @ Su$$estions 115 Biblio$raph% 125 A..EA,RE

96 97 98-100

Si$nifi3an3e /f he Stud%


Re6ie2 of e7istin$ literature

=A re2ie/ of the +iterat#re ca% ha2e %#0ero#s $iffere%t foc#ses" )oa+s" 1ers1ecti2es" co2era)e strate)ies" or)a%i8atio%s" a%$ a#$ie%ces, For i%sta%ce" +iterat#re re2ie/s ca% foc#s o% research o#tco0es" research 0etho$s" theories" a11+icatio%s" or a++ these, !iterat#re re2ie/s ca% atte01t to i%te)rate /hat others ha2e $o%e a%$ sai$" to critici8e 1re2io#s scho+ar+y /or(s" to 6#i+$ 6ri$)es 6et/ee% re+ate$ to1ic areas" to i$e%tify the ce%tra+ iss#es i% a fie+$" or a++ these,

After re6ie2in$ different 2ebsites it has been 3on3luded that>5 Mar(eti%) strate)y is a 0etho$ of foc#si%) a% or)a%i8atio%?s e%er)ies a%$ reso#rces o% a co#rse of actio% /hich ca% +ea$ to i%crease$ sa+es a%$ $o0i%a%ce of a tar)ete$ 0ar(et %iche, A 0ar(eti%) strate)y co06i%es 1ro$#ct $e2e+o10e%t" 1ro0otio%" $istri6#tio%" 1rici%)" re+atio%shi1 0a%a)e0e%t a%$ other e+e0e%ts@ i$e%tifies the fir0?s 0ar(eti%) )oa+s" a%$ e71+ai%s ho/ they /i++ 6e achie2e$" i$ea++y /ithi% a state$ ti0efra0e, Mar(eti%) strate)y $eter0i%es the choice of tar)et 0ar(et se)0e%ts" 1ositio%i%)" 0ar(eti%) 0i7" a%$ a++ocatio% of reso#rces, It is 0ost effecti2e /he% it is a% i%te)ra+ co01o%e%t of o2era++ fir0 strate)y" $efi%i%) ho/ the or)a%i8atio% /i++ s#ccessf#++y e%)a)e c#sto0ers" 1ros1ects" a%$ co01etitors i% the 0ar(et are%a, Cor1orate strate)ies" cor1orate 0issio%s" a%$ cor1orate )oa+s, As the c#sto0er co%stit#tes the so#rce of a co01a%y?s re2e%#e" 0ar(eti%) strate)y is c+ose+y +i%(e$ /ith sa+es, A (ey co01o%e%t of 0ar(eti%) strate)y is ofte% to (ee1 0ar(eti%) i% +i%e /ith a co01a%y?s o2erarchi%) 0issio% state0e%t,

C/.CE( ,A-!SA !/.

Ba%(i%) is the 6ac(6o%e of a 0o$er% eco%o0y, Hea+th of 6a%(i%) i%$#stry is o%e of the 0ost i01orta%t 1re5co%$itio%s for s#stai%e$ eco%o0ic 1ro)ress of a%y co#%try, The /or+$ of 6a%(i%) has ass#0e$ a %e/ $i0e%sio% at the $a/% of the .Ast ce%t#ry /ith the a$2e%t of tech 6a%(i%)" there6y +e%$i%) the i%$#stry a sta01 of #%i2ersa+ity, I% )e%era+" 6a%(i%) 0ay 6e c+assifie$ as retai+ a%$ cor1orate 6a%(i%), Retai+ 6a%(i%)" /hich is $esi)%e$ to 0eet the re9#ire0e%ts of i%$i2i$#a+ c#sto0ers a%$ e%co#ra)e their sa2i%)s" i%c+#$es 1ay0e%t of #ti+ity 6i++s" co%s#0er +oa%s" cre$it car$s" chec(i%) acco#%t 6a+a%ces" ATMs" tra%sferri%) f#%$s 6et/ee% acco#%ts a%$ the +i(e, Cor1orate 6a%(i%)" o% the other ha%$" caters to the %ee$s of cor1orate c#sto0ers +i(e 6i++s $isco#%ti%)" o1e%i%) +etters of cre$it a%$ 0a%a)i%) cash, The I%$ia% 6a%(i%) sce%e has cha%)e$ $rastica++y /ith the 1ri2ate sector 0a(i%) i%roa$s i% a% area hitherto $o0i%ate$ 6y +ar)e 1#6+ic sector 6a%(s, Gro/i%) $isi%2est0e%t is +i(e+y to i01act the 6a%(i%) i%$#stry as /e++, There is e2ery 1ossi6i+ity of 1ri2ati8atio% of 1#6+ic sector 6a%(s" +ea$i%) to )reater o1eratio%a+ a#to%o0y,The $e2e+o10e%t of the I%$ia% 6a%(i%) sector has 6ee% acco01a%ie$ 6y the i%tro$#ctio% of %e/ %or0s s#ch as I%co0e Reco)%itio% a%$ Ca1ita+ A$e9#acy" 6y the )o2er%0e%t, The +atter i01+ies that 6a%(s ca% +e%$ o% the 6asis of their res1ecti2e ca1ita+ 6ase, These %or0s ha2e ca#se$ 6a%(s to co%str#ct e9#ity o% their o/%" 6efore )oi%) i% for $e6t, Disi%ter0e$iatio% is a rea+ threat for 6a%(s, Of +ate" 6a%(s are a$o1ti%) the EBA &Eco%o0ic Ba+#e A$$e$* co%ce1t /herei% re2e%#es are 2ie/e$ i% the co%te7t of the ris( associate$ /ith the0, The New World order has ensured "Survival of the Fittest". Ne/ ser2ices are the or$er of the $ay" i% or$er to stay ahea$ i% the rat race, Ba%(s are %o/ forayi%) i%to %et 6a%(i%)" sec#rities" co%s#0er fi%a%ce" ho#si%) fi%a%ce" treas#ry 0ar(et" 0ercha%t 6a%(i%) a%$ i%s#ra%ce,

BA.+!.1 S R,C ,RE !. !.'!A

S3heduled Ban#s in !ndia (A) S3heduled Commer3ial Ban#s

(ubli3 se3tor Ban#s

(ri6ate se3tor Ban#s

"orei$n Ban#s in !ndia &.E*

Re$ional Rural Ban#

&.C* Natio%a+i8e$ Ba%( Other 3#6+ic Sector Ba%(s &IDBI* SBI a%$ its Associates

&.D* O+$ 3ri2ate Ba%(s .e2 (ri6ate Ban#s


(B) S3heduled Cooperati6e Ban#s

S3heduled ,rban Cooperati6e Ban#s (;;)

S3heduled State Cooperati6e Ban#s (81)

Here /e 0ore co%cer%e$ a6o#t 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s a%$ co01etitio% a0o%) the0, To$ay" there are .D 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s i% the 6a%(i%) sector> AE o+$ 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s a%$ C %e/

1ri2ate sector 6a%(s, These %e/ 6a%(s ha2e 6ro#)ht i% state5of5the5art tech%o+o)y a%$ A))ressi2e+y 0ar(ete$ their 1ro$#cts, The 3#6+ic sector 6a%(s are Faci%) a stiff

co01etitio% fro0 the %e/ 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s, The 6a%(s /hich ha2e 6ee% set#1 i% the AEE-s #%$er the )#i$e+i%es of Committee are referre$ to as NEF 3RIBATE SECTOR BANKS, .e2 (ri6ate Se3tor Ban#s S#1erior Fi%a%cia+ Ser2ices Desi)%e$ I%%o2ati2e 3ro$#cts Ta11e$ %e/ 0ar(ets Accesse$ !o/ cost NRI f#%$s Greater efficie%cy the .arasimham

!.'!A. BA.+!.1 !.',S R!ES

The I%$ia% 6a%(i%) 0ar(et is )ro/i%) at a% asto%ishi%) rate" /ith Assets e71ecte$ to reach SGA tri++io% 6y .-A-, A% e71a%$i%) eco%o0y" 0i$$+e c+ass" a%$ tech%o+o)ica+ i%%o2atio%s are a++ co%tri6#ti%) to this )ro/th, The co#%tryHs 0i$$+e c+ass acco#%ts for o2er I.- 0i++io% 1eo1+e, I% corre+atio% /ith the )ro/th of the eco%o0y" risi%) i%co0e +e2e+s i%crease$ sta%$ar$ of +i2i%)" a%$ affor$a6i+ity of 6a%(i%) 1ro$#cts are 1ro0isi%) factors for co%ti%#e$ e71a%sio%,

The I%$ia% 6a%(i%) I%$#stry is i% the 0i$$+e of a% e71a%sio% of ce%tric i% retai+ a%$ r#ra+ 6a%(i%), 3+ayers


re2o+#tio%" Foc#si%) o% the

are 6eco0i%) i%creasi%)+y c#sto0er 5

their a11roach" /hich has res#+te$ i% i%%o2ati2e 0etho$s of offeri%) %e/ 6a%(i%) Ba%(s are %o/ rea+i8i%) the i01orta%ce of 6ei%) a 6i) 1+ayer a%$ ac9#isitio%s to ta(e a$2a%ta)e re)#+atio%,

1ro$#cts a%$ ser2ices,

a%$ are 6e)i%%i%) to foc#s their atte%tio% o% 0er)ers of eco%o0ies of sca+e a%$Jor co01+y /ith Base+ II

C/M(A.C (R/"!-E

0E ,.'ERS A.' C/,R 0/R-'

The Ho#si%) De2e+o10e%t Fi%a%ce Cor1oratio% !i0ite$ &HDFC* /as a0o%)st the first to recei2e a% Din prin3ipleD a11ro2a+ fro0 the Reser2e Ba%( of I%$ia &RBI* to set #1 a 6a%( i% the 1ri2ate sector" as 1art of the RBI?s +i6era+i8atio% of the I%$ia% Ba%(i%) I%$#stry i% AEEK, The 6a%( /as i%cor1orate$ i% A#)#st AEEK i% the %a0e of ?HDFC Ba%( !i0ite$?" /ith its re)istere$ office i% M#06ai" I%$ia, HDFC Ba%( co00e%ce$ o1eratio%s as a Sche$#+e$ Co00ercia+ Ba%( i% :a%#ary AEEL,

HDFC is I%$ia?s 1re0ier ho#si%) fi%a%ce co01a%y a%$ e%4oys a% i01ecca6+e trac( recor$ i% I%$ia as /e++ as i% i%ter%atio%a+ 0ar(ets, Si%ce its i%ce1tio% i% AEDD" the Cor1oratio% has 0ai%tai%e$ a co%siste%t a%$ hea+thy )ro/th i% its o1eratio%s to re0ai% the 0ar(et +ea$er i% 0ort)a)es, Its o#tsta%$i%) +oa% 1ortfo+io co2ers /e++ o2er a 0i++io% $/e++i%) #%its, HDFC has

$e2e+o1e$ si)%ifica%t e71ertise i% retai+ 0ort)a)e +oa%s to $iffere%t 0ar(et se)0e%ts a%$ a+so has a +ar)e cor1orate c+ie%t 6ase for its ho#si%) re+ate$ e71erie%ce i% the fi%a%cia+ 0ar(ets" cre$it faci+ities, Fith its

a stro%) 0ar(et re1#tatio%" +ar)e shareho+$er 6ase a%$

#%i9#e co%s#0er fra%chise" HDFC /as i$ea++y 1ositio%e$ to 1ro0ote a 6a%( i% the I%$ia% e%2iro%0e%t,

HDFC Ba%( 6e)a% o1eratio%s i% AEEL /ith a si01+e 0issio%> to 6e a )0orld Class !ndian Ban#5* Fe rea+i8e$ that o%+y a si%)+e 0i%$e$ foc#s o% 1ro$#ct 9#a+ity a%$ ser2ice e7ce++e%ce /o#+$ he+1 #s )et there, To$ay" /e are 1ro#$ to say that /e are /e++ o% o#r /ay to/ar$s that )oa+, $T%&!' !ATI&!A( !"T)&%*

+D,- BA!*

March .//0 -itied Branches ATMs ..2 535 43.3

March .//1 340 026 40/5

March .//2 3.1 104 4711

As of March IA" .--C" the Ba%(Hs $istri6#tio% %et/or( /as at DMA Bra%ches a%$ AEDD ATMs i% I.D cities as a)ai%st MCK 6ra%ches a%$ A"M-L ATMs i% I.- cities as of March IA" .--D, A)ai%st the re)#+atory a11ro2a+s for %e/ 6ra%ches i% ha%$" the Ba%( e71ects to f#rther e71a%$ the 6ra%ch %et/or( 6y aro#%$ AL- 6ra%ches 6y :#%e I-" .--C, D#ri%) the year" the Ba%( ste11e$ #1 retai+ c#sto0er ac9#isitio% /ith $e1osit acco#%ts i%creasi%) fro0 M,. 0i++io% to C,D 0i++io% a%$ tota+ car$s iss#e$ &$e6it a%$ cre$it car$s* i%creasi%) fro0 D 0i++io% to E,. 0i++io%,Fhi+st cre$it )ro/th i% the 6a%(i%) syste0 s+o/e$ $o/% to a6o#t ..N for the year e%$e$ .--D5-C" the Ba%(Hs %et a$2a%ces )re/ 6y IL,AN /ith retai+ a$2a%ces )ro/i%) 6y IC,MN a%$ /ho+esa+e a$2a%ces )ro/i%) 6y I-N" i01+yi%) a hi)her 0ar(et share i% 6oth se)0e%ts, The tra%sactio%a+ 6a%(i%) 6#si%ess a+so re)istere$ hea+thy )ro/th Fith cash 0a%a)e0e%t 2o+#0es i%crease$ 6y aro#%$ C-N a%$ tra$e ser2ices 2o+#0es 6y aro#%$ K-N o2er the 1re2io#s year, 3ortfo+io 9#a+ity as of March IA" .--C re0ai%e$ hea+thy /ith )ross %o%1erfor0i%) assets at A,IN a%$ %et %o%51erfor0i%) assets at -,KN of tota+ c#sto0er

assets, The Ba%(Hs 1ro2isio%i%) 1o+icies for s1ecific +oa% +oss 1ro2isio%s re0ai%e$ hi)her tha% re)#+atory re9#ire0e%ts,

EC&./-/1C ,SE' !. &'"C BA.+

I% the era of )+o6a+i8atio% each a%$ e2ery sector face$ the stiff co01etitio% fro0 their ri2a+s, A%$ /or+$ a+so co%2erte$ i%to the f+at fro0 the )+o6e, After the 1o+icy of +i6era+i8atio% a%$ RBI i%itiati2es to ta(e the ste1 for the 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s" 0ore a%$ 0ore cha%)es are ta(i%) the 1art i%to it, A%$ there are create co01etitio% 6et/ee% the 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s a%$ 1#6+ic sector 6a%(, 3ri2ate sector 6a%(s are to$ay #se$ the +atest tech%o+o)y for the $iffere%t tra%sactio% of $ay to $ay 6a%(i%) +ife, As /e (%o/ that I%for0atio% Tech%o+o)y 1+ays the 2ita+ ro+e i% the each a%$ e2ery i%$#stries a%$ )i2es the o1ti0#0 ret#r% fro0 the +i0ite$ reso#rces, Ba%(s are ser2ice i%$#stries a%$ to$ay IT )i2es the i%%o2ati2e Tech%o+o)y a11+icatio% to

Ba%(i%) i%$#stries, HDFC BANK is the +ea$er i% the i%$#stries a%$ to$ay IT a%$ HDFC BANK to)ether co06i%e$ they reache$ the s(y, Ne/ tech%o+o)y cha%)e$ the 0i%$ of the c#sto0ers a%$ cha%)e$ the 9#e#e co%ce1t fro0 the history 6a%(i%) tra%sactio%, To$ay there are $iffere%t cha%%e+s are a2ai+a6+e for the 6a%(i%) tra%sactio%s, Fe ca% see that the ho/ tech%o+o)y )i2es the 6est res#+ts i% the 6e+o/ $ia)ra0, There are $rastica++y cha%)es see% i% the #se of I%ter%et 6a%(i%)" i% a year .--A &.N* a%$ i% the year .--C & .LN*, These ty1e of tech%o+o)y )i2es the free$o0 to retai+ c#sto0ers, Ce%tra+i8e$ 3rocessi%) %its Deri2e$ Eco%o0ies of Sca+e

E+ectro%ic Strai)ht Thro#)h 3rocessi%)

Re$#ce$ Tra%sactio% Cost

Data Fareho#si%) " CRM

I01ro2e cost efficie%cy" Cross se++

I%%o2ati2e Tech%o+o)y A11+icatio%

3ro2i$e %e/ or s#1erior 1ro$#cts

HDFC BANK is the 2ery co%siste%t 1+ayer i% the Ne/ 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s, Ne/ 1ri2ate sector 6a%(s to /ithsta%$ the co01etitio% fro0 1#6+ic sector 6a%(s ca0e #1 /ith i%%o2ati2e 1ro$#cts a%$ s#1erior ser2ice, 2001


& N c#sto0er i%itiate$ Tra%sactio% 6y Cha%%e+*

&'"C BA.+ (R/',C A.' C,S /MER SE1ME. S

(ERS/.A- BA.+!.1

-oan (rodu3t

'eposit (rodu3t

!n6estment @ !nsuran3e

A#to !oa% !oa% A)ai%st Sec#rity !oa% 3ro1erty A)ai%st

Sa2i%) aJc C#rre%t aJc Fi7e$ $e1osit De0at aJc Safe De1osit !oc(ers

M#t#a+ F#%$ Bo%$s K%o/+e$)e Ce%tre

3erso%a+ +oa% Cre$it car$ .5/hee+er +oa% Co00ercia+ 2ehic+es fi%a%ce

I%s#ra%ce Ge%era+ Hea+th I%s#ra%ce a%$

E9#ity Deri2ati2es


Ho0e +oa%s Retai+6#si%ess 6a%(i%)

M#$ra Bar


Tractor +oa% For(i%) Fi%a%ce Ca1ita+

Co%str#ctio% E9#i10e%t Fi%a%ce

Hea+th Care Fi%a%ce E$#catio% !oa% Go+$ !oa%


(a%ment Ser6i3es

A33ess o Ban#

Cre$it Car$ De6it Car$ 3re1ai$ Car$

NetSafe Mercha%t 3re1ai$ Refi++ Bi++1ay Bisa Bi++1ay I%sta3ay Direct3ay BisaMo%ey Tra%sfer eOMo%ies E+ectro%ic F#%$s Tra%sfer

NetBa%(i%) O%eBie/ I%staA+ert

Mo6i+eBa%(i%) ATM 3ho%e Ba%(i%) E0ai+ State0e%ts Bra%ch Net/or(

55555555555555555555555555555555 "ore7 Ser6i3es 55555555555555555555555555555555 3ro$#ct ' Ser2ices Tra$e Ser2ices Fore7 ser2ice Bra%ch !ocater RBI G#i$e+i%es

O%+i%e 3ay0e%t of Direct Ta7

0&/-ESA-E BA.+!.1


Small and Medium Enterprises

"inan3ial !nstitutions and rusts

F#%$e$ Ser2ices No% Ser2ices

F#%$e$ Ser2ices No% F#%$e$ Ser2ices S1ecia+i8e$ Ser2ices Ba+#e a$$e$ ser2ices I%ter%et Ba%(i%)

BA.+S C+eari%) S#65Me06ershi1 RTGS O s#60e06ershi1 F#%$ Tra%sfer ATM Tie5#1s Cor1orate Sa+ary aJc Ta7 Co++ectio%

F#%$e$ A$$e$

Ba+#e Ser2ices

I%ter%et Ba%(i%)

"inan3ial !nstitutions

Mutual "unds

Sto3# Bro#ers

!nsuran3e Companies

Commodities Business


B8$I!"$$ MI#

otal 'eposits

1ross Ad6an3es

.et Re6enue



HDFC Ba%( is a co%siste%t 1+ayer i% the 1ri2ate sector 6a%( a%$ ha2e a /e++ 6a+a%ce$ 1ro$#ct a%$ 6#si%ess 0i7 i% the I%$ia% as /e++ as o2erseas 0ar(ets,

C#sto0er se)0e%ts &retai+ ' /ho+esa+e* acco#%t for CKN of & FY .--C*

Net re2e%#es

Hi)her retai+ re2e%#es 1art+y offset 6y hi)her o1erati%) a%$ cre$it costs, E9#a++y /e++ 1ositio%e$ to )ro/ 6oth se)0e%ts,


A33ounts @ 'eposits


R#1ee Sa2i%) aJc R#1ee C#rre%t aJc R#1ee Fi7e$ De1osits Forei)% C#rre%cy De1osits

North A0erica K E#ro1e So#th East Asia

Acco#%ts for Ret#r%i%) I%$ia%s

Mi$$+e East Africa Others

Fui3# remit !ndia-in# Che>ue -o3#Bo7 ele$raphi3G 0ire ransfer "unds ransfer Che>uesG''sG Cs

!n6estment @ !nsuran3es


M#t#a+ F#%$s I%s#ra%ce 3ri2ate Ba%(i%) 3ortfo+io I%2est0e%t Sche0e

Ho0e !oa%s !oa%s A)ai%st Sec#rities !oa%s A)ai%st De1osits Go+$ Cre$it Car$

(a%ment Ser6i3es

A33ess o Ban#

NetSafe Bi++3ay

NetBa%(i%) O%eBie/

I%sta3ay Direct3ay Bisa Mo%ey O%+i%e Do%atio%

I%staA+ert ATM 3ho%eBa%(i%) E0ai+ State0e%ts Bra%ch Net/or(

&'"C BA.+ MAR+E S RA E1C HDFC BANK 0issio% is to 6e =a 0orld Class !ndian Ban#=" 6e%ch0ar(i%) the0se+2es

a)ai%st i%ter%atio%a+ sta%$ar$s a%$ 6est 1ractices i% ter0s of 1ro$#ct offeri%)s" tech%o+o)y" ser2ice +e2e+s" ris( 0a%a)e0e%t a%$ a#$it ' co01+ia%ce, The o64ecti2e is to 6#i+$ so#%$ c#sto0er fra%chises across $isti%ct 6#si%esses so as to 6e a 1referre$ 1ro2i$er of 6a%(i%) ser2ices for tar)et retai+ a%$ /ho+esa+e c#sto0er se)0e%ts" a%$ to achie2e a hea+thy )ro/th i% 1rofita6i+ity" co%siste%t /ith the Ba%(?s ris( a11etite, Ba%( is co00itte$ to $o this /hi+e e%s#ri%) the hi)hest +e2e+s of ethica+ sta%$ar$s" 1rofessio%a+ i%te)rity" cor1orate )o2er%a%ce a%$ re)#+atory co01+ia%ce, Co%ti%#e to $e2e+o1 %e/ 1ro$#ct a%$ tech%o+o)y is the 0ai% 6#si%ess strate)y of the 6a%(, Mai%tai% )oo$ re+atio% /ith the c#sto0ers is the 0ai% a%$ 1ri0e o64ecti2e of the 6a%(,

&'"C BA.+ Mar#et Strate$% Emphasi9es he "ollo2in$H I%crease 0ar(et share i% I%$iaHs e71a%$i%) 6a%(i%) a%$ fi%a%cia+ ser2ices

i%$#stry 6y fo++o/i%) a $isci1+i%e$ )ro/th strate)y foc#si%) o% 9#a+ity a%$ %ot o% 9#a%tity a%$ $e+i2eri%) hi)h 9#a+ity c#sto0er ser2ice, !e2era)e o#r tech%o+o)y 1+atfor0 a%$ o1e% sca+ea6+e syste0s to $e+i2er 0ore 1ro$#cts to 0ore c#sto0ers a%$ to co%tro+ o1erati%) costs, Mai%tai% c#rre%t hi)h sta%$ar$sfor asset 9#a+ity thro#)h $isci1+i%e$ cre$it ris( 0a%a)e0e%t, De2e+o1 i%%o2ati2e 1ro$#cts a%$ ser2ices that attract the tar)ete$ c#sto0ers a%$ a$$ress i%efficie%cies i% the I%$ia% fi%a%cia+ sector, Co%ti%#e to $e2e+o1 1ro$#cts a%$ ser2ices that re$#ce 6a%(Hs cost of f#%$s, Foc#s o% hi)h ear%i%)s )ro/th /ith +o/ 2o+ati+ity,

!.S!'E &'"C BA.+

FIBE S " 3ART OF KAIPEN FORK 3!ACE TRANSFORMATION Foc#s o% effecti2e /or( 1+ace or)a%i8atio% Be+ie2e i% ) Small 3han$es lead to lar$e impro6ement * E2ery s#ccessf#+ or)a%i8atio% ha2e their o/% strate)y to /i% the race i% the co01etiti2e 0ar(et, They #se so0e tech%i9#e a%$ 0etho$o+o)y for s0ooth r#%%i%) of 6#si%ess, HDFC BANK a+so

ac9#ire$ the :a1a%ese tech%i9#e for s0ooth r#%%i%) of /or( a%$ effecti2e /or( 1+ace or)a%i8atio%, Fi2e QSH 3art of +ai9en is the tech%i9#e /hich is #se$ i% the 6a%( For easy a%$ syste0atic /or( 1+ace a%$ e+i0i%ati%) #%%ecessary thi%)s fro0 the /or( 1+ace, BENEFIT OF FIBE S It ca% 6e starte$ i00e$iate+y, E2eryo%e has to 1artici1ate, Fi2e S is a% e%tire+y 1eo1+e $ri2e% i%itiati2es, Bri%)s i% co%ce1t of o/%ershi1, A++ /asta)e is 0a$e 2isi6+e,


&A* S/R HIt foc#ses o% e+i0i%ati%) #%%ecessary ite0s fro0 the /or( 1+ace, It is e7ce++e%t /ay to free #1 2a+#a6+e f+oor s1ace, It se)re)ates ite0s as 1er re9#ire a%$ /a%te$,

Frequently Required
Remove everything from workpla e

Less Frequently Required

Wanted !ut not required

&.) SCS EMA !IE>5


Syste0ati8e is foc#s o% efficie%t a%$ effecti2e Stora)e 0etho$, That 0ea%s it i$e%tify" or)a%i8e a%$ arra%)e retrie2a+, It +ar)e+y foc#ses o% )oo$ +a6e+i%) a%$ i$e%tificatio% 1ractices, O64ecti2e> 5 A 1+ace for e2erythi%) a%$ e2erythi%) i% its 1+ace, &I) S(!C- n - S(A.>5 S1ic5%5S1a% foc#ses o% re)#+ar c+eari%) a%$ se+f i%s1ectio%, It 6ri%)s i% the se%se of o/%ershi1, &K* S A.'ER'!IE>5 It foc#s o% si01+ificatio% a%$ sta%$ar$i8atio%, It i%2o+2e sta%$ar$ r#+es a%$ 1o+icies, It

esta6+ish chec(+ist to faci+itates a#to%o0o#s 0ai%te%a%ce of /or(1+ace, It assi)% res1o%si6i+ity for $oi%) 2ario#s 4o6s a%$ $eci$e o% Fi2e S fre9#e%cy,

&L* S,S A!.HIt foc#ses o% $efi%i%) a %e/ stat#s a%$ sta%$ar$ of or)a%i8e$ /or( 1+ace, S#stai% 0ea%s re)#+ar trai%i%) to 0ai%tai% sta%$ar$s $e2e+o1e$ #%$er S5K, It 6ri%)s i% se+f5 $isci1+i%e a%$ co00it0e%t to/ar$s /or(1+ace or)a%i8atio%,

S0/ A.A-CS!S /" &'"C BA.+

S RE.1 & Ri)ht strate)y for the ri)ht 1ro$#cts, S#1erior c#sto0er ser2ice 2s, co01etitors, Great Bra%$ I0a)e 3ro$#cts accre$itatio%s, Hi)h $e)ree of c#sto0er ha2e re9#ire$

So0e )a1s i% ra%)e for certai% sectors, C#sto0er trai%i%), 3rocesses a%$ syste0s" etc Ma%a)e0e%t co2er i%s#fficie%t, Sectora+ )ro/th is co%strai%e$ +o/ #%e01+oy0e%t +e2e+s a%$ co01etitio% for staff 6y ser2ice staff %ee$s

satisfactio%, Goo$ 1+ace to /or( !o/er res1o%se ti0e /ith

efficie%t a%$ effecti2e ser2ice, De$icate$ /or(force ai0i%) at 0a(i%) a +o%)5ter0 career i% the fie+$,



3rofit 0ar)i%s /i++ 6e )oo$, Co#+$ e7te%$ to o2erseas 6roa$+y, Ne/ s1ecia+ist a11+icatio%s, Co#+$ see( 6etter c#sto0er $ea+s, Fast5trac( 6asis, career $e2e+o10e%t

!e)is+atio% co#+$ i01act, Great ris( i%2o+2e$ Bery hi)h co01etitio% 1re2ai+i%) i% the i%$#stry,

B#+%era6+e to reacti2e attac( 6y 0a4or co01etitors

o11ort#%ities o% a% i%$#stry5/i$e

A% a11+ie$ research ce%tre to create o11ort#%ities for $e2e+o1i%) tech%i9#es to 1ro2i$e a$$e$52a+#e ser2ices,

!ac( of i%frastr#ct#re i% r#ra+ areas co#+$ co%strai% i%2est0e%t,

Hi)h 2o+#0eJ+o/ cost 0ar(et is i%te%se+y co01etiti2e,

C/M(A.C (R/"!-E

ICICI Ba%( is the +ar)est 1ri2ate sector 6a%( ' the seco%$ +ar)est 6a%( i% the co#%try i% ter0s of assets, It is a 1a%5I%$ia 1+ayer /ith aro#%$ EL- 6ra%ches &i%c+#$i%) rece%t+y ac9#ire$ Sa%)+i 6a%(*, The 6a%( has 6ooste$ itHs o2erseas o1eratio%s i% the +ast three years a%$ %o/ has 1rese%ce i% AC co#%tries either thro#)h s#6si$iaries or re1rese%tati2e offices ,To)ether /ith itHs s#6si$iaries " ICICI Ba%( offers a co01+ete s1ectr#0 of fi%a%cia+ ser2ices ' 1ro$#cts ra%)i%) fro0 co00ercia+ 6a%(i%) to i%2est0e%t 6a%(i%) " 0#t#a+ f#%$ to i%s#ra%ce5 ICICI has a 2ery co01e++i%) )ro/th story ahea$ of it as I%$ia% eco%o0y co%ti%#es to 6oo0, The GD3 )ro/th i% I%$ia has 6ee% a% a2era)e CN for the +ast I years, A+tho#)h I thi%( that the 0ar(et has so0e 0ore $o/%si$e +eft to it" if I /ere to 6#i+$ a %e/ 1ositio% i% ICICI" I /o#+$ start 6#yi%) here o% $i1s 0ay6e i% o%e5thir$s or o%e5fo#rths, !n6estment Rationale H ICICI Ba%( /i++ re0ai% a o%e of the 0ost fa%cie$ stoc(s a0o%) the i%2estors /ho 6e+ie2e i% I%$iaHs +o%)5ter0 )ro/th story, Retai+ 6a%(i%) tho#)h s+o/e$ $o/% /i++ re0ai% foc#s area for ICICI Ba%( Massi2e sca+e #1 i% i%ter%atio%a+ 6a%(i%) I%%o2ate a11roach to ta1 1ote%tia+ i% R#ra+ ' SME sector Ro6#st %o%5i%terest i%co0e co01e%sati%) for s+o/er )ro/th i% Net I%terest I%co0e Sa%)+i Ba%( ac9#isitio% /i++ he+1 the 6a%( to i01ro2e CASA $e1osits ,

!C!C! BA.+ H /R1A.!IA !/.A- S R,C ,RE

? (JS /" MAR+E !.1 "/R !C!C! BA.+

1) (R/',C M!A

15 'E(/S! S ICICI Ba%( offers /i$e 2ariety of De1osit 3ro$#cts to s#it o#r re9#ire0e%ts, Co#1+e$ /ith co%2e%ie%ce of %et/or(e$ 6ra%chesJ o2er AC-- ATMs a%$ faci+ity of E5cha%%e+s +i(e I%ter%et a%$ Mo6i+e Ba%(i%)" ICICI Ba%( 6ri%)s 6a%(i%) at yo#r $oorste1, Sa6in$s A33ountH ICICI Ba%( offers a 1o/er 1ac(e$ Sa2i%)s Acco#%t /ith a host of co%2e%ie%t feat#res a%$ 6a%(i%) cha%%e+s to tra%sact thro#)h, Senior Citi9en Ser6i3esH The Se%ior Citi8e% Ser2ices fro0 ICICI Ba%( has se2era+ a$2a%ta)es that are tai+ore$ to 6ri%) 0ore co%2e%ie%ce a%$ e%4oy0e%t i% yo#r +ife5 Coun$ StarsH It?s rea++y i01orta%t to he+1 chi+$re% +ear% the 2a+#e of fi%a%ces a%$ 0o%ey 0a%a)e0e%t at a% ear+y a)e, Ba%(i%) is a serio#s 6#si%ess" 6#t /e 0a(e 6a%(i%) a 1+eas#re a%$ at the sa0e ti0e chi+$re% +ear% ho/ to 0a%a)e their 1erso%a+ fi%a%ces, "i7ed 'epositsH Safety" F+e7i6i+ity" !i9#i$ity a%$ Ret#r%sRRRR A co06i%atio% of #%6eata6+e feat#res of the Fi7e$ De1osit fro0 ICICI Ba%(, Re3urrin$ 'epositsH Thro#)h ICICI Ba%( Rec#rri%) De1osit yo# ca% i%2est s0a++ a0o#%ts of 0o%ey e2ery 0o%th that e%$s #1 /ith a +ar)e sa2i%) o% 0at#rity, So yo# e%4oy t/i% a$2a%ta)es5 affor$a6i+ity a%$ hi)her ear%i%)s, Roamin$ Current A33ountH O%+y Roa0i%) C#rre%t Acco#%t fro0 ICICI Ba%( tra2e+s the $ista%ce /ith yo#r 6#si%ess, Yo# ca% access yo#r acco#%ts at o2er L-- %et/or(e$ 6ra%ches across the co#%try, Ban# K CampusH Tha%(s to 6a%(Sca01#s" chi+$ ca% %o/ s#rf the Net a%$ access a++ the $etai+s of his J her acco#%t at the c+ic( of a 0o#seR No %ee$ to 2isit the 6a%( 6ra%ch at a++, !C!C! Ban# Salar% A33ountH is a 6e%efit5rich 1ayro++ acco#%t for E01+oyers a%$ E01+oyees, As a% or)a%i8atio%" yo# ca% o1t for o#r Sa+ary Acco#%ts to e%a6+e easy $is6#rse0e%ts of sa+aries a%$ e%4oy %#0ero#s other 6e%efits too,



Alon$ 2ith 'eposit produ3ts and -oan offerin$s4 !C!C! Ban# assists %ou to mana$e %our finan3es b% pro6idin$ 6arious in6estment options su3h asH ICICI Ba%( Ta7 Sa2i%) Bo%$s Go2er%0e%t of I%$ia Bo%$s I%2est0e%t i% M#t#a+ F#%$s I%itia+ 3#6+ic Offers 6y Cor1orate I%2est0e%t i% =3#re Go+$= Forei)% E7cha%)e Ser2ices Se%ior Citi8e%s Sa2i%)s Sche0e" .--K

85 A.C0&ERE BA.+!.1 !C!C! Ban# is the se3ond lar$est ban# in the 3ountr%5 It ser2ices a c#sto0er 6ase of 0ore tha% L 0i++io% c#sto0er acco#%ts thro#)h a 0#+ti5cha%%e+ access %et/or(, This i%c+#$es 0ore tha% L-- 6ra%ches a%$ e7te%sio% co#%ters" o2er AC-- ATMs" Ca++ Ce%tre a%$ I%ter%et Ba%(i%), hus4 one 3an a33ess the 6arious ser6i3es !C!C! Ban# has to offer at an%time4 an%2here and from an%pla3e5

:5 -/A. a* Ho0e !oa%s 6* 3erso%a+ !oa%s c* Car !oa%s $* T/o Fhee+er !oa%s e* Co00ercia+ Behic+e !oa%s f* !oa%s a)ai%st Sec#rities )* Far0 E9#i10e%t !oa%s

h* Co%str#ctio% E9#i10e%t !oa%s i* Office E9#i10e%t !oa%s 4* Me$ica+ E9#i10e%t !oa%s

;5 CAR'S a* Cre$it Car$ 6* De6it c#0 ATM Car$ c* Tra2e+ Car$

=5 'EMA SERE!CES ICICI Ba%( De0at Ser2ices 6oasts of a% e2er5)ro/i%) c#sto0er 6ase of o2er D +acs acco#%t ho+$ers, I% their co%ti%#o#s e%$ea2or to offer 6est of the c+ass ser2ices to o#r c#sto0ers /e offer the fo++o/i%) feat#res> Di)ita++y si)%e$ tra%sactio% state0e%t 6y e50ai+, Cor1orate 6e%efit trac(i%), e5I%str#ctio% faci+ity 5 faci+ity to tra%sfer sec#rities .K ho#rs a $ay" D $ays a /ee( thro#)h I%ter%et I%teracti2e Boice Res1o%se &IBR* at a +o/er cost, De$icate$ s1ecia++y trai%e$ c#sto0er care e7ec#ti2es at their ca++ ce%tre" to ha%$+e a++ 9#eries,

?5 M/B!-E BA.+!.1 Fith ICICI Ba%(" 6a%(i%) is %o +o%)er /hat it #se$ to 6e, ICICI Ba%( offers Mo6i+e Ba%(i%) faci+ity to a++ its Ba%(" Cre$it Car$ a%$ De0at c#sto0ers, ICICI Ba%( Mo6i+e Ba%(i%) e%a6+es yo# to 6a%( /hi+e 6ei%) o% the 0o2e, 85 .R! SERE!CES O%+i%e 0o%ey tra%sfer faci+ity a2ai+a6+e to %ris /or+$/i$e thro#)h ///,0o%ey.i%$ia,co0 at the c+ic( of a 6#tto%R

BE.E"! SH Free 0o%ey tra%sfers i%to acco#%ts /ith o2er I- 6a%(s i% i%$ia De0a%$ $rafts iss#e$ a%$ 1aya6+e at o2er A.L- +ocatio%s i% i%$ia O%+i%e trac(i%) of the stat#s of yo#r f#%$s S#1erior e7cha%)e rates Off+i%e 0o%ey tra%sfer faci+ity is a+so a2ai+a6+e across )eo)ra1hies thro#)h O#r +oca+ 6ra%ches a%$ i% associatio% /ith 1art%er 6a%(sJ e7cha%)e ho#ses5

2) (R!C!.1 M!A The 1rici%) $ecisio%s or the $ecisio%s re+ate$ to i%terest a%$ fee or co00issio% char)e$ 6y 6a%(s are fo#%$ i%str#0e%ta+ i% 0oti2ati%) or i%f+#e%ci%) the tar)et 0ar(et, The RBI a%$ the IBA are co%cer%e$ /ith re)#+atio%s, The rate of i%terest is re)#+ate$ 6y the RBI a%$ other char)es are co%tro++e$ 6y IBA, The 1rici%) 1o+icy of a 6a%( is co%si$ere$ i01orta%t for raisi%) the %#06er of c#sto0ersH 2is5T5 2is the accretio% of $e1osits, A+so the 9#a+ity of ser2ice 1ro2i$e$ has $irect re+atio%shi1 /ith the fees char)e$, Th#s /hi+e $eci$i%) the 1rice 0i7 c#sto0er ser2ices ra%( the to1 1ositio%, The 6a%(i%) or)a%i8atio%s are re9#ire$ to fra0e t/o5 fo+$ strate)ies, First" the strate)y is co%cer%e$ /ith i%terest a%$ fee char)e$ a%$ the seco%$ strate)y is re+ate$ to the i%terest 1ai$, Si%ce 6oth the strate)ies thro/ a 2ice5 2ersa i01act" it is i01orta%t that 6a%(s atte01t to esta6+ish a corre+atio% 6et/ee% t/o, It is esse%tia+ that 6oth the 6#yers as /e++ as the se++ers ha2e fee+i%) of /i%%i%),

8) (-ACE

This co01o%e%t of 0ar(eti%) 0i7 is re+ate$ to the offeri%) of ser2ices, The ser2ices are so+$ thro#)h the 6ra%ches, The . i01orta%t $ecisio% 0a(i%) areas are> 0a(i%) a2ai+a6+e the 1ro0ise$ ser2ices to the #+ti0ate #sers a%$ se+ecti%) a s#ita6+e 1+ace for 6a%( 6ra%ches, The %#06er of 6ra%ches OF ICICI> AE-- i% I%$ia a%$ II i% M#06ai, 0h% the% sele3t this pla3e as bran3hL The se+ectio% of a s#ita6+e 1+ace for the esta6+ish0e%t of a 6ra%ch is si)%ifica%t /ith the 2ie/ 1oi%t of 0a(i%) 1+ace accessi6+e, The safety a%$ sec#rity 1ro2isio%s a Co%2e%ie%t to 6oth the 1arties" s#ch as the #sers a%$ the 6a%(ers I%frastr#ct#re faci+ity Near to statio% a%$ +ocate$ o% s, 2, roa$ /e++ cro/$e$ area, :) (R/M/ !/. M!A Ad6ertisin$> Te+e2isio%" ra$io" 0o2ies" theatres (rint media> hoar$i%)s" %e/s1a1er" 0a)a8i%es (ubli3it%> roa$ sho/s" ca01#s 2isits" sa%$/ich 0a%" S1o%sorshi1 Sales promotionH )ifts" $isco#%t a%$ co00issio%" i%ce%ti2es" etc, (ersonal sellin$> Cross5sa+e &se++i%) at co01etitors 1+ace*" 1erso%a+i8e$ ser2ice elemar#etin$> ICICI o%e so#rce Ca++ ce%ter &0i%$ s1ace*

;) (R/CESS "lo2 of a3ti6itiesH a++ the 0a4or acti2ities of ICICI 6a%(s fo++o/ RBI )#i$e+i%es, There has to 6e a$here%ce to certai% r#+es a%$ 1ri%ci1+es i% the 6a%(i%) o1eratio%s, The acti2ities ha2e 6ee% se)re)ate$ i%to 2ario#s $e1art0e%ts accor$i%)+y, Standardi9ation> ICICI 6a%( has )ot sta%$ar$i8e$ 1roce$#res )ot ty1ica+ tra%sactio%s, I% fact %ot o%+y a++ the 6ra%ches of a si%)+e56a%(" 6#t a++ the 6a%(s ha2e so0e sta%$ar$i8atio% i% the0, This is 6eca#se of the r#+es they are s#64ect to, Besi$es this" each of the 6a%(s has its sta%$ar$ for0s" $oc#0e%tatio%s etc, Sta%$ar$i8atio% sa2es a +ot of ti0e 6ehi%$ i%$i2i$#a+ tra%sactio%, Customi9ationH There are s1ecia+ty co#%ters at each 6ra%ch to $ea+ /ith c#sto0ers of a 1artic#+ar sche0e, Besi$es this the c#sto0ers ca% se+ect their $e1osit 1erio$ a0o%) the a2ai+a6+e a+ter%ati2es, .umber of stepsH %#06ers of ste1s are #s#a++y s1ecifie$ a%$ a s1ecific 1atter% is fo++o/e$ to 0i%i0i8e ti0e ta(e%,

Simpli3it%> i% ICICI 6a%(s 2ario#s f#%ctio%s are se)re)ate$, Se1arate co#%ters e7ist /ith c+ear i%$icatio%, Th#s a c#sto0er /a%ti%) to $e1osit 0o%ey )oes to Q$e1ositsH co#%ter a%$ $oes %ot 0i%)+e e+se/here, This 0a(es 1roce$#res %ot o%+y si01+e 6#t co%s#0e +ess ti0e, Besi$es i%str#ctio% 6oar$s i% %atio%a+ 6oar$s i% %atio%a+ a%$ re)io%a+ +a%)#a)e he+1 the c#sto0ers f#rther, Customer in6ol6ementH ATM $oes %ot i%2o+2e a%y 6a%( e01+oyees, Besi$es" $#ri%) #s#a+ 6a%( tra%sactio%s" there is $efi%ite c#sto0er i%2o+2e0e%t at so0e or the other 1+ace 6eca#se of the 0o%ey 0atters a%$ si)%at#re re9#ires,

=) (&CS!CA- EE!'E.CES (h%si3al e6iden3e is the material part of a ser6i3e5 Strict+y s1ea(i%) there are %o 1hysica+ attri6#tes to a ser2ice" so a co%s#0er te%$s to re+y o% 0ateria+ c#es, There are 0a%y e7a01+es of 1hysica+ e2i$e%ce" i%c+#$i%) so0e of the fo++o/i%)> I%ter%etJ/e6 1a)es 3a1er/or( Broch#res F#r%ishi%)s B#si%ess car$s The 6#i+$i%) itse+f &s#ch as 1resti)io#s offices or sce%ic hea$9#arters* The 1hysica+ e2i$e%ces a+so i%c+#$e si)%a)e" re1orts" 1#%ch +i%es" other ta%)i6+es" e01+oyeeHs $ress co$e etc, Si$na$eH each a%$ e2ery 6a%( has its +o)o 6y /hich a 1erso% ca% i$e%tify the co01a%y, Th#s s#ch si)%a)es are si)%ifica%t for creati%) 2is#a+i8atio% a%$ cor1orate i$e%tity, "inan3ial reportsH The Co01a%yHs fi%a%cia+ re1orts are iss#e$ to the c#sto0ers to e01hasis or cre$i6i+ity, an$iblesH 6a%( )i2es 1e%s" /riti%) 1a$s to the i%ter%a+ c#sto0ers, E2e% the 1ass6oo(s" che9#e6oo(s" etc re$#ce the i%here%t i%ta%)i6i+ity of ser2ices, (un3h linesH 1#%ch +i%es or the cor1orate state0e%t $e1ict the 1hi+oso1hy a%$ attit#$e of the 6a%(, Ba%(s ha2e i%f+#e%tia+ 1#%ch +i%es to attract the c#sto0ers5

Emplo%eeJs dress 3odeH ICICI 6a%( fo++o/s a $ress co$e for their i%ter%a+ c#sto0ers, This he+1s the c#sto0ers to fee+ the ease a%$ co0fort,


&E (E/(-E

A++ 1eo1+e $irect+y or i%$irect+y i%2o+2e$ i% the co%s#01tio% of 6a%(i%) ser2ices are a% i01orta%t 1art of the e7te%$e$ 0ar(eti%) 0i7,K%o/+e$)e For(ers" E01+oyees" Ma%a)e0e%t a%$ other Co%s#0ers ofte% a$$ si)%ifica%t 2a+#e to the tota+ 1ro$#ct or ser2ice offeri%), It is the e01+oyees of a 6a%( /hich re1rese%t the or)a%isatio% to its c#sto0ers, I% a 6a%( or)a%i8atio%" e01+oyees are esse%tia++y the co%tact 1erso%%e+ /ith c#sto0er, Therefore" a% e01+oyee 1+ays a% i01orta%t ro+e i% the 0ar(eti%) o1eratio%s of a ser2ice or)a%isatio%, To rea+i8e its 1ote%tia+ i% 6a%( 0ar(eti%)" ICICI 6eco0e co%scio#s i% its 1ote%tia+ i% i%ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) 5 the attractio%" $e2e+o10e%t" 0oti2atio% a%$ rete%tio% of 9#a+ifie$ e01+oyee5 c#sto0ers thro#)h %ee$ 0eeti%) 4o651ro$#cts, I%ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) 1a2es /ay for e7ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) of ser2ices, I% i%ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) a 2ariety of acti2ities are #se$ i%ter%a++y i% a% acti2e" 0ar(eti%) +i(e 0a%%er a%$ i% a coor$i%ate$ /ay, The starti%) 1oi%t i% i%ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) is that the e01+oyees are the first i%ter%a+ 0ar(et for the or)a%i8atio%, The 6asic o64ecti2e of i%ter%a+ 0ar(eti%) is to $e2e+o1 0oti2ate$ a%$ c#sto0er co%scio#s e01+oyees,A ser2ice co01a%y ca% 6e o%+y as )oo$ as its 1eo1+e, A ser2ice is a 1erfor0a%ce a%$ it is #s#a++y $iffic#+t to se1arate the 1erfor0a%ce fro0 the 1eo1+e, If the 1eo1+e $o%Ht 0eet c#sto0ers? e71ectatio%s" the% %either $oes the ser2ice, Therefore" i%2esti%) i% 1eo1+e 9#a+ity i% ser2ice 6#si%ess 0ea%s i%2esti%) i% 1ro$#ct 9#a+ity,

MAR+E !.1 S RA E1C /" !C!C! BA.+ >

I%$iaHs seco%$ +ar)est 6a%( MAK 6ra%ches a%$ e7te%sio% co#%ters ..-- ATMHS Bi))est 1ri2ate sector 6a%( i% I%$ia Most 2a+#a6+e 6a%( i% I%$ia i% ter0s of 0ar(et ca1ita+i8atio% Descri6e$ 6y the co01etitors a%$ i%$#stry e71ert i% o%e /or$ O )A$$ressi6e*

"irst !n he !ndustr% # I%tro$#ce$ co%ce1t of 6ra%$i%) i% the I%$ia% 6a%(i%) i%$#stry

# # # # #

3rocess" 3eo1+e a%$ 3hysica+ e2i$e%ce O 6ro#)ht to +ife 6y ICICI 3ro$#ct I%%o2atio% O 3#t the Qc#sto0er firstH i% the tr#e se%se Cash o% the ce+e6rity fe2er O I%tro$#ce$ the co%ce1t of 6ra%$ a06assa$ors I%tro$#ctio% of DSAHs a%$ DSTHs %+eashe$ the 1o/er of the i%ter%et O i%tro$#ce$ the co%ce1t of %et 6a%(i%) a%$ e50ai+ 0ar(eti%) # First 6a%( to foc#s o% retai+ 6a%(i%) as a $ri2er for )ro/th # Co01rehe%si2e $ata ce%tre a2ai+a6i+ity ' $ata 1rotectio% so+#tio%s I% effect O cha%)e$ a%$ sha1e$ the I%$ia% Ba%(i%) I%$#stry

"o3us Areas /f Mar#etin$ Efforts

# # # # # #

Tar)et 0ar(eti%) a%$ c#sto0er ac9#isitio% Share of /a++et Cha%%e+ strate)y a%$ 0a%a)e0e%t Re+atio%shi1 0a%a)e0e%t a%$ $ata6ase 0ar(eti%) 3ro$#ct $e2e+o10e%t ' i%%o2atio% Cre$it a11ro2a+

Basis "or Se$mentation # Occ#1atio% U Differe%t 1ro$#cts for $iffere%t occ#1atio%a+ se)0e%t i$e%tifie$ # I%co0e U Mi%i0#0 6a+a%ce ser2es as a i%co0e se)0e%t 6arrier # Geo)ra1hica+ U Co%ce%trate$ o% Tier A ' Tier . Cities tryi%) to e7te%$ reach # A)e U Differe%t 1ro$#cts +i(e st#$e%t acco#%t, ar$etin$H 'ifferentiated mar#etin$ strate$%9 # Tai+ors its 0ar(eti%) ca01ai)%s to 0eet the %ee$s of its tar)et 1ros1ects # Creates $iffere%tiate$ 1ro$#ct offeri%) for $iffere%t se)0e%t

se of tech%o+o)y i% trac(i%) c#sto0er se)0e%t,

(ositionin$H # Core 1ro1ositio% O QH#0 hai% %aH O tr#st" cre$i6i+ity" tota+ fi%a%cia+ so+#tio% 1ro2i$er &6ro#)ht a6o#t thro#)h its cross se++i%) effort* # Mo$er%i8atio% O 1rocess a%$ 1hysica+ e2i$e%ce O tech%o+o)y as the 6ac(6o%e a%$ acce+erator # ICICI 6a%( is a6so+#te a11a++i%), Their s+o)a% of H#0 hai% %a is 2ery a1t" o%+y that it a11+ies to their c#sto0ers &i,e, #s 1oor 0orta+s*, H#0 hai% %a ''' to 6a%( /ith ICICI, # ICICI 6a%( the 0ost a0a8i%) 6a%( /ith a 1#%ch +i%e as H#0 Hai% Na" i thi%( they 0ea% H#0 hai% 5 5%a &%ot a2ai+a6+e* # &Ear+ier I /as /ith ICICI* I 0#st say they roc(@ 2ery )oo$ 6a%( /ith )reat c#sto0er s#11ort,

'!S R!B, !/. S RA E1C @ C&A..E- S RA E1C /" !C!C! BA.+


DI$T%IB8TI&! $T%AT"':9 # # # # # Cross se++i%) of 1ro$#cts as a 0a4or area of foc#s Creatio% of co%ce1t of DSA &Direct Se++i%) A)e%t* Creatio% of co%ce1t of DST &Direct Se++i%) Tea0* Effort o% the 1art of the 6a%( to reach the c#sto0er rather tha% /aiti%) for the c#sto0er se of i%ter%et" 0o6i+e" ATMHs a%$ other tech%o+o)ica+ $e2ice to reach a%$ ser2e the c#sto0ers

-+A!!"( $T%AT"':9

Red- 8;N Bran3h

Blue- :?N A M 1reen O =N Call 3enters Eiolet- ;N !nternet Cello2- ?N C/(S

(R/M/ !/. S RA E1C4 A'EER!S!.14 (,B-!C RE-A !/.S4 /, -''/R AC !E! !ES4 / &ER !.! !A !EES /" !C!C! BA.+5 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1) (R/M/ !/. S RA E1CH Cor1orate 6ra%$i%) 3ro$#ct 6ra%$i%)

BrandH result of 3ustomer intera3tions As Bra%$ e7ists i% the c#sto0ersH 0i%$" Bra%$ is e%tire+y the 1ro$#ct of c#sto0er e71erie%ces, E2ery (i%$ of i%teractio% /ith the c#sto0er that they ca% re+ate to o#r 6ra%$ %a0e +ea2es 6ehi%$ so0e 1erce1tio% that co%tri6#tes to" or $etracts fro0 Bra%$, He%ce" e2ery i%terface 6et/ee% o#r co01a%y a%$ the c#sto0er is a 0e$i#0 for 6#i+$i%) Bra%$, (rodu3t (romotionH # # # # Ai0e$ at )e%erati%) sa+es Co00#%icates 1ro$#ct feat#res a%$ 6e%efits Mai%+y thro#)h 1ri%t 0e$ia 3oi%t of 1#rchase 1ro0otio% too+s for $iffere%t 1ro$#cts to reach the re+e2a%t c#sto0er se)0e%t,

.; <8B(I-= %"(ATI&!$ 9 3#r1ose 5 To $e+i2er co00#%icatio% that is #%ifor0 i% its 0essa)e a%$ yet c#sto0ise$ for s1ecific tar)et a#$ie%ces # Me$ia re+atio%s

$ 3ress co%fere%ces $ 3ress Re+eases $ A5A i%ter2ie/s # I%2estor re+atio%s # A%a+yst re+atio%s # Go2er%0e%t re+atio%s 3; &8T=D&&% A-TI>ITI"$ 9 Nee$ to 6e see%Ve2ery/hereRRH # # # # # E2e%ts at cor1orate ca01#s 3ro0otio%a+ 0ateria+ at cha%%e+ 1art%er o#t+ets Bi++6oar$s Si)%a)es Kios(s i% resi$e%tia+ a%$ co00ercia+ co01+e7es

6; &T+"% I!ITIATI>"$ 9

# I%5fi+0 1ro0otio%s - Ba$hban # Co5Bra%$i%) I%itiati2es $ A++ia%ce /ith A0/ay I%$ia for +a#%ch of the i%ter%atio%a+ cre$it car$, The car$ /i++ e%a6+e A0/ay $istri6#tors to 1#rchase A0/ay 1ro$#cts a%$ ear% a%$ re$ee0 re/ar$ 1oi%ts $ I%$ia% Rai+/ays Cateri%) A%$ To#ris0 De2e+o10e%t Cor1oratio%" i% co%4#%ctio% /ith ICICI Ba%(" a%%o#%ce$ the +a#%ch of 0o6i+e 1ay0e%ts a%$

tic(eti%) syste0" offeri%) IRCTC c#sto0ers to 6oo( rai+/ay tic(ets 2ia SMS a%$ 0a(e 1ay0e%ts thro#)h their ICICI Ba%( acco#%t,

# Cross 6ra%$ associatio%s 5 ac9#iri%) $ata6ases of hi)h %et /orth c+ie%te+e of +ifesty+e 1ro$#cts > Tie5#1 /ith QFo2e% H#esH # Yo#%) Stars Acco#%t O 3ro0otio% thro#)h tie5#1 /ith Cartoo% Net/or(" a%$ i%5series 1ro0otio% thro#)h To0 ' :erry # Se0i%ars i% 1art%ershi1 /ith 0e$ia cha%%e+s

!C!C! BA.+H S0/ A.A-CS!S



O 3 3 O R T S O O Strate)ies Stre%)th> !ar)e Ca1ita+ 6ase, O11ort#%ity> Mar(et E71a%sio%, Strate)y> Dee1 3e%etratio% i%to R#ra+ Mar(et, F O O Strate)ies Fea(%ess> For(force Res1o%si2e%ess, O11ort#%ity> Core B#si%ess, O#tso#rci%) of No%

Strate)y> O#tso#rce C#sto0er Care ' other E5He+1s,


S O T Strate)ies T H R E A T S Stre%)th> !o/ o1erati%) costs Threat> I%crease$ Co01etitio% fro0 others 32t, Ba%(s, Strate)y> Ste1s to E%s#re !oya+ty 6y o+$ C#sto0ers, Fea(%ess> Sta%$ar$s,

F O T Strate)ies





Threat> E%try of 0a%y Forei)% Ba%(s,

Strate)y> Co%si$er a$$itio%a+ 6e%efits

'E A!-E' A.A-CS!SH


Stren$th - /pportunit% Anal%sis5

Stren$thH It is /e++ (%o/ that ICICI Ba%( has the +ar)est A#thorise$ Ca1ita+ Base i% the Ba%(i%) Syste0 i% I%$ia i,e, ha2i%) a tota+ ca1acity to raise Rs, AE"---"---"--- &No% O 3re0i#0 Ba+#e*, /pportunit%H Seei%) the 1rese%t fi%a%cia+ ' eco%o0ic $e2e+o10e%t of I%$ia% Eco%o0y a%$ a+so the tre0e%$o#s )ro/th of the I%$ia% Co01a%ies i%c+#$i%) the ac9#isitio% s1ree fo++o/e$ 6y the0"it c+ear+y states the e71a%$i%) 0ar(et for fi%a%ce re9#ire0e%ts a%$ a+so the )ro/th i% s#r1+#s $is1osa+ i%co0e of I%$ia% citi8e%s has )i2e% a h#)e rise i% sa2i%)s $e1osits O fro0 the a6o2e 1oi%t it is c+ear that there is a h#)e 0ar(et e71a%sio% 1ossi6+e i% 6a%(i%) sector i% I%$ia,

Strate$%H Fro0 the a%a+ysis of Stre%)th ' O11ort#%ity the si01+e a%$ strai)ht 1ossi6+e strate)y for ICICI Ba%( co#+$ 6e 5 to 1e%etrate i%to the r#ra+ sector of I%$ia for e71a%$i%) its 0ar(et share as /e++ as +ea$i%) a++ other 32t, Ba%(s fro0 a )reat )a1, ii5 Stren$th - hreat Anal%sis5

Stren$thH ICICI Ba%( is %ot o%+y (%o/% for +ar)e ca1ita+ 6#t a+so for ha2i%) a +o/ o1eratio%s cost tho#)h ha2i%) h#)e %#06er of 6ra%ches a%$ ser2ices 1ro2i$e$, hreatH After sho/i%) a si)%ifica%t )ro/th o2era++" I%$ia is a6+e to attract 0a%y i%ter%atio%a+ fi%a%cia+ ' 6a%(i%) i%stit#tes" /hich are (%o/% for their state of art /or(i%) a%$ (ee1i%) +o/ o1eratio% costs, Strate$%H

To e%s#re that ICICI Ba%( (ee1s )oi%) o% /ith +o/ o1eratio% cost ' ha2e co%ti%#o#s 6#si%ess it sho#+$ si01+y 1ro0ote itse+f /e++ ' 1ro2i$e 9#a+ity ser2ice so as to e%s#re c#sto0er +oya+ty" therefore )#ara%teei%) co%ti%#o#s 6#si%ess,


0ea#ness - /pportunit% Anal%sis5

0ea#nessH It is /e++ (%o/% that /or(force res1o%si2e%ess i% 6a%(i%) sector is Bery +o/ i% I%$ia% 6a%(i%) sector" tho#)h ICICI Ba%( has 6etter res1o%si6+e staff 6#t it sti++ +ac(s 6ehi%$ its co#%ter1arts +i(e HSBC" HDFC BANK" CITI BANK" YES BANK etc, /pportunit%H I% the 1rese%t /or+$" I%$ia is 1referre$ o%e of the 6est 1+aces for o#t O so#rci%) of 6#si%ess 1rocess /or(s a%$ 0a%y 0ore, Strate$%H As i%ter%atio%a+ co01a%ies are rea1i%) h#)e 6e%efits after o#t5so#rci%) there c#sto0er care ' B3OHs" this sa0e strate)y sho#+$ 6e i01+e0e%te$ 6y ICICI Ba%( so as to ha2e 1ro1er c#sto0er ser2ice /itho#t hi%$eri%) c#sto0er e71ectatio%s, i65 0ea#ness - hreat Anal%sis5

0ea#nessH Tho#)h ha2i%) a i%ter%atio%a+ 1rese%ce" ICICI Ba%( has %ot 6ee% a6+e to (ee1 #1 the i%ter%atio%a+ sta%$ar$s i% 1ro2i$i%) c#sto0er ser2ice as /e++ as 6a%(i%) /or(s, hreatH I% rece%t ti0es" I%$ia has /it%esse$ e%try of 0a%y i%ter%atio%a+ 6a%(s +i(e CITI Ba%(" YES Ba%( etc /hich 1osses a% e7ter%a+ e%tra%t threat to ICICI Ba%( O as this Ba%(s are (%o/% for their art of /or(i%) a%$ 0ai%tai% hi)h sta%$ar$s of c#sto0er ser2ice, Strate$%H After ha2i%) %e/ e%tra%ts threat" ICICI Ba%( sho#+$ co0e #1 /ith More a$$itio%a+ 6e%efits to its c#sto0er or 0ay 6e e2e% re$#ce so0e fees for a%y a$$itio%a+ /or(s of c#sto0ers,

,&-8$ &, T+" $T8D:

3ro4ect re1ort st#$y 0ay ha2e 0a%y o64ecti2es 6#t a++ these o64ecti2es re2o+2e aro#%$ o%e 0a4or o64ecti2e" /hich is (%o/% as foc#s of the st#$y,

I% this 1ro4ect" st#$y foc#s is 6asica++y re2o+2es aro#%$ HDFC a%$ ICICI 0ar(et strate)y a%$ a+so their co01ariso%,

&B?"-TI>"$ &, T+" $T8D:,

To (%o/ a6o#t the 1ositio% of ICICI 6a%( i% 0ar(et, To st#$y ho/ the 2ario#s 1ro$#cts are 1ositio%e$ i% the 0ar(et, Cor1orate 0ar(eti%) of 1ro$#cts,

SFOT A%a+ysis of HDFC Ba%( a%$ ICICI Ba%(, To st#$y the co%s#0er satisfactio% /ith ICICI a%$ HDFC To st#$y of 0ar(et share i% 6a%(i%) sector of ICICI a%$ HDFC,

RESEARC& ME &/'/-/1C
Research 0etho$o+o)y is a syste0atic /ay" /hich co%sists of series of actio% ste1s" %ecessary to effecti2e+y carry o#t research a%$ the $esire$ se9#e%ci%) to these ste1s, The 0ar(eti%) research is a 1rocess of i%2o+2es a %o, of i%ter5re+ate$ acti2ities" /hich o2er+a1 a%$ $o ri)i$+y fo++o/ a 1artic#+ar se9#e%ce, It co%sists of the fo++o/i%) ste1s>5 For0#+ati%) the o64ecti2e of the st#$y

Desi)%i%) the 0etho$s of $ata co++ectio% Se+ecti%) the sa01+e 1+a% Co++ecti%) the $ata 3rocessi%) a%$ a%a+y8i%) the $ata Re1orti%) the fi%$i%)s

O-3e4tive of 5tudy

Resear4h Desi6n

5am,le Desi6n

Data Colle4tion

Data Analysis

Re,ort of findin6s

Research $esi)% s1ecifies the 0etho$s a%$ 1roce$#res for co%$#cti%) a 1artic#+ar st#$y, A research $esi)% is the arra%)e0e%t of co%$itio%s for co++ectio% a%$ a%a+ysis of the $ata i% a 0a%%er that ai0s to co06i%e re+e2a%ce to the research 1#r1ose /ith eco%o0y i% 1roce$#re, Research $esi)% is 6roa$+y c+assifie$ i%to three ty1es as

E71+oratory Research Desi)% Descri1ti2e Research Desi)% Ca#sa+ Research Desi)%

I ha2e chose% the $escri1ti2e research $esi)%,

'ESCR!( !EE RESEARC& 'ES!1.H Descri1ti2e research st#$ies are those st#$ies /hich are co%cer%e$ /ith $escri6e$ the characteristics of 1artic#+ar i%$i2i$#a+, I% $escri1ti2e as /e++ as i% $ia)%ostic st#$ies" the researcher 0#st 6e a6+e to $efi%e c+ear+y" /hat he /a%ts to 0eas#re a%$ 0#st fi%$ a$e9#ate 0etho$s for 0eas#ri%) it a+o%) /ith a c+ear c#t $efi%itio% of 1o1#+atio% he /a%t to st#$y, Si%ce the ai0 is to o6tai% co01+ete a%$ acc#rate i%for0atio% i% the sai$ st#$ies" the 1roce$#re to 6e #se$ 0#st 6e caref#++y 1+a%%e$, The research $esi)% 0#st 0a(e e%o#)h 1ro2isio% for 1rotectio% a)ai%st 6ias a%$ 0#st 0a7i0i8e re+ia6i+ity" /ith $#e co%cer% for the eco%o0ica+ co01+etio% of the research st#$y,

SAM(-E 'ES!1.
A Sa01+e Desi)% is a $efi%ite 1+a% for o6tai%i%) a sa01+e fro0 a )i2e% 1o1#+atio%, It refers to the tech%i9#e to the 1roce$#re a$o1te$ i% se+ecti%) ite0s for the sa01+i%) $esi)%s are as 6e+o/>

SAM(-E S!IEH The s#6sta%tia+ 1ortio%s of the tar)et c#sto0er that are sa01+e$ to achie2e

re+ia6+e res#+t are L-, The cost a%$ ti0e +i0itatio% co01+ete$ 0e to se+ect L- res1o%$e%ts as sa01+e si8e
SAM(-!.1 ME &/'H

I% this 0ar(eti%) research 1ro4ect" I a0 #si%) Ra%$o0 sa01+i%) 0etho$,

A ra%$o0 sa01+e )i2es e2ery #%it of the 1o1#+atio% a (%o/% a%$ %o%58ero 1ro6a6i+ity of 6ei%) se+ecte$, Si%ce ra%$o0 sa01+i%) i01+ies e9#a+ 1ro6a6i+ity to e2ery #%it i% the 1o1#+atio%" it is %ecessary that the se+ectio% of the sa01+e 0#st 6e free fro0 h#0a% 4#$)0e%t, SAM(-E EC&.!F,E I ha2e ta(e% the Statistica+ too+ of 1erce%ta)e 0etho$ to a%a+ysis a%$ i%ter1retatio% of the co++ecte$ $ata, 'A A C/--EC !/. The st#$y /as co%$#cte$ 6y the 0ea%s of 1erso%a+ i%ter2ie/ /ith res1o%$e%ts a%$ the i%for0atio% )i2e% 6y the0 /ere $irect+y recor$e$ o% 9#estio%%aire, For the 1#r1ose of a%a+y8i%) the $ata it is %ecessary to co++ect the 2ita+ i%for0atio%, There are t/o ty1es of $ata>5 (R!MARC 'A AH3ri0ary $ata ca% 6e co++ecte$ thro#)h 9#estio%%aire, The 9#estio%%aire ca% 6e c+assifie$ i%to fo#r 0ai% ty1es,

Str#ct#re$ %o% $is)#ise$ 9#estio%%aire Str#ct#re$ $is)#ise$ 9#estio%%aire, No% str#ct#re$ %o% $is)#ise$ 9#estio%%aire No% Ostr#ct#re$ $is)#ise$ 9#estio%%aire,

For 0y 0ar(et st#$y" I ha2e s+eete$ str#ct#re$ %o%5$is)#ise$ 9#estio%%aire 6eca#se 0y 9#estio%%aire is /e++ str#ct#re$" +isti%) of 9#estio%s are i% a 1rearra%)e$ or$er a%$ /here the o64ect of e%9#iry is re2ea+e$ to the res1o%$e%ts, To 0a(i%) a /e++5str#ct#re$ 9#estio%%aire" /e ha2e a$o1te$ three ty1es of 9#estio%s5 O1e% e%$e$ 9#estio% Dichoto0o#s 9#estio%s M#+ti1+e choice 9#estio%s

These ty1es of 9#estio%s are easy to #%$ersta%$ a%$ easy to )i2e re9#ire$ a%s/ers,

SEC/.'ARC 'A AHSeco%$ary $ata 0ea%s $ata that are a+rea$y a2ai+a6+e i,e, they refer the $ata /hich ha2e a+rea$y 6ee% co++ecte$ a%$ a%a+y8e$ 6y so0eo%e e+se, Fhe% the researcher #ti+i8es seco%$ary $ata" tha%

he has to +oo( i%to 2ario#s so#rces fro0 /here h e ca% o6tai% the0" i% this case he is certai%+y %ot co%fro%te$ /ith the 1ro6+e0s that are #s#a++y associate$ /ith the co++ectio% of ori)i%a+ $ata, Seco%$ary $ata 0ay either 6e 1#6+ishe$ $ata or #%1#6+ishe$ $ata, a2ai+a6+e i%> Bario#s 1#6+icatio%s of the ce%tra+" state a%$ +oca+ )o2er%0e%t@ Bario#s 1#6+icatio%s of forei)% )o2er%0e%t or of i%ter%atio%a+ 6o$ies a%$ their s#6si$iary or)a%i8atio%a+@ Tech%ica+ a%$ tra$e 4o#r%a+s@ Boo(s" 0a)a8i%es a%$ %e/s1a1ers@ Re1orts a%$ 1#6+icatio%s of 2ario#s associatio%s co%%ecte$ /ith 6#si%ess sa% i%$#stry" stoc( e7cha%)es etc,@ Re1orts 1re1are$ 6y research scho+ars" #%i2ersities" eco%o0ists etc@ 3#6+ic recor$s a%$ statistics" historica+ $oc#0e%t a%$ other so#rce of 1#6+ishe$ i%for0atio%, The so#rce of #%1#6+ishe$ $ata are 0a%y@ they 0ay 6e fo#%$ i% $iaries" +etters" #%1#6+ishe$ 6io)ra1hies a%$ a#to6io)ra1hies a%$ a+so 0ay 6e a2ai+a6+e /ith scho+ars a%$ research /or(ers" tra$e associatio%s" +a6or 6eca#se a%$ other 1#6+ic 1ri2ate i%$i2i$#a+s a%$ or)a%i8atio%, s#a++y 1#6+ishe$ $ata are




F,ES !/. 1H Are Cou &a6in$ A Ban# A33ountL

("i$ure-1) 1- D-N says yes .5 I-N says %o

F,ES !/. 2H 0here 'o Cou /pen An A33ountL

("i$ure-2) 15 - ICN says ICICI, 25 - A.N says HDFC,

85 - .-N says OTHERS,

F,ES !/. 8H 'o Cou hin# hat Ban# !s 1i6in$ A 1ood ReturnL


A, .,

I.N Ba%( )i2i%) a yes ret#r%, MCN Ba%( )i2i%) a %o ret#r%,

F,ES !/. :H Are %ou plannin$ to $et a33ount or loan from an% 3ompan%L


15 8=N sa%s %es 25 =:N sa%s no

F,ES !/. ;H !n 2hi3h 3ompan% are %ou loo#in$ to in6estL

("i$ure-;) 15 :0N sa%s !C!C! BA.+ 25 8;N sa%s &'"C BA.+

85 2;N sa%s / &ER BA.+S

F,ES !/. =H !f $et an opportunit% in future 2ould %ou li#e to be $ettin$ atta3hed 2ith !C!C! Ban#L

("i$ure-=) 15 1?N sa%s no

25 88N sa%s %es

-!M! A !/.S /" &E S ,'C

Tho#)h the reso#rces see0 s#fficie%t e%o#)h to achie2e hi)h sta%$ar$ for this research" sti++ /e foresee the fo++o/i%) +i0itatio%s of st#$y,

The Sector is 2ery 2ast a%$ it /as %ot 1ossi6+e to co2er e2ery %oo( a%$ cor%er of this sector,

The 2aria6i+ity a%$ a2ai+a6i+ity of $ata /as a+so a +i0itatio%, The o64ecti2e /hich /e /a%t to f#+fi++ i% this 1ro4ect is rea++y )oo$" 6#t the 0a4or $e0erit to o#r st#$y is the a2ai+a6i+ity of ti0e for o#r search a%$ a%a+ysis" 6#t the% a+so" I ha2e trie$ 0y +e2e+ 6est to sho/ a )+i01se of 0y Research i% t#%e /ith the o64ecti2es,

ICICI Ba%( a%$ HDFC 6a%( has to i01ro2e its 6ra%$ i0a)e" i,e, it has to 1ositio% itse+f i% the 0i%$s of 1ros1ects i% a 6etter /ay i% co01ariso%s to others, It sho#+$ 1ro2i$e 6etter career o11ort#%ities for the rete%tio% of its 1ote%tia+ a$2isors, F#rther it has to 1ro2i$e trai%i%) to its recr#ite$ a$2isors 6y )oo$ a%$ efficie%t trai%i%) 0etho$s" /hich 0i)ht 6e a +itt+e 6it c#sto0i8e$ if %ee$e$,

It sho#+$ 0ore e01hasi8e i% a$2ertisi%)" as it is the 0ost 1o/erf#+ too+ to 1ositio% a%t 6ra%$ i% the 0i%$sets of c#sto0ers,

It sho#+$ 1ro2i$e o%+i%e trai%i%) a%$ for those /ho are i% 4o6s a%$ /a%t to 6eco0e a$2isors ICICI sho#+$ 1ro2i$e e2e%i%) trai%i%) c+asses" so that they ca% 4oi% the trai%i%) after $oi%) their 4o6s,

Ba%(i%) is a+so %o/ 6ei%) re)ar$e$ as a 2ersati+e fi%a%cia+ 1+a%%i%) too+, Research i%$icates that I%$ia%s ha2e fo#r 6asic fi%a%cia+ %ee$s $#ri%) their +ife asset acc#0#+atio% &s#ch as 6#yi%) a ho#se or car*" 1rotecti%) their fa0i+y" sec#ri%) their chi+$re%Hs e$#catio%" a%$ 1ro2isio% for their retire0e%t, I%$ia 6ei%) a co#%try ha2i%) a h#)e 1o1#+atio% of aro#%$ o%e 6i++io% 1eo1+e /ith o%+y I.N of the 6a%(i%) 1o1#+atio% i% I%$ia 1ossessi%) 6a%(i%) the co#%try has a 2ast 1ote%tia+" /hich has 6ee% +eft #%ta11e$ ti++ %o/, Ba%(i%) Co01a%y Ba%(i%) a$2isors are the +ife+i%e a%$ a 2ery h#)e asset so each co01a%y try to recr#it a%$ se+ect a 1ote%tia+ force of Ba%(i%) a$2isors 6eca#se this is the a$2isors /ho )e%erate 0a7i0#0 6#si%ess for the Ba%(, Ba%(i%) a$2isors 1ro2i$e a 2ery stro%) s#11ort to the Ba%( a%$ $o a++ 1ossi6+e efforts to )e%erate h#)e a0o#%t of 1rofit to the co01a%y a%$ for hi0,

BOOKS> Kothari" C,R" Research Metho$o+o)y" Ne/ $e+hi" Bi(as 3#6+ishi%) Ho#se 3BT !TD, .--D ICICI a%$ HDFC 6roch#re of a$2isors Recr#it0e%t, B SINESS TODAY MAGAPINE, 3HI!I3 KOT!ERHS MARKETING MANAGEMENT

0EBS! ES ///,h$fc6a%(,co0 ///,icici6a%(,co0 ///,eco%o0icti0es,i%$iatio0e,co0 ///,6#si%ess5sta%$ar$,co0 ///,/i(e1e$ia,co0

A!!"#8%" @ 4 A8"$TI&!!AI%"

(ERS/.A- 'E A!-SH Na0e Mr,JMrs,JMiss<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< A$$ress<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3ho%e No, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< E0ai+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Occ#1atio% a* Go2er%0e%t E01+oyee c* Se+f E01+oye$ Yo#r 0o%th+y ho#seho+$ i%co0e a* !ess tha% AL--6* AL--A5.L--c*.L--A a%$ a6o2e 6* 3ri2ate E01+oyee $* St#$e%t E* Ho#se/ife

3+ease )i2e so0e refere%ces of 1eo1+e /ho yo# (%o/ are tra$i%)Ji%2esti%) i% stoc(s> A, ., <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Fhere $o yo# o1e% a acco#%t; ii, iii, i2, ICICI HDFC A%y other,


Fhich 6a%( is 0ore sec#re; i, ii, iii, ICICI HDFC Other


Fhich 6a%(s )i2e 0ore ret#r%; i, ii, iii, ICICI HDFC Other


Are yo# satisfie$ /ith ser2ices of 6a%(; i, ii, Yes No


Yo#r o1e% acco#%t $ecisio%s are i%f+#e%ce$ 6y i, ii, iii, i2, 2, O%ese+f Bro(er Mar(et Research Frie%$sJRe+ati2es A% other


Are yo# satisfie$ /ith co01a%y ser2ices; i, Yes ii, No


Fhat are the factors /hich yo# co%si$ere$ 6efore o1e%i%) acco#%t i% a 1artic#+ar 6a%(; i, ii, iii, i2, Fi%a%cia+ 3ositio% C#rre%t Mar(et 3ositio% Goo$/i++ F#t#re 3ros1ects

A%y others

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