Why Astral Projection Happens

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Inner Awareness Why astral projection happens By Jaime Licauco Philippine Daily Inquirer Read more: http://lifestyle.inquirer.

net/72792/why-astral-projection-happens#ixz z2llAkBSPB Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook Part I The following are my answers to questions about astral projection asked by De La Salle University student Krysta Mae Alcala for her school newspaper Plaridel. Q: What is astral projection? What are the scientific and spiritual explanations for this ability? A: Astral projection or Out-of-Body Experience (OOBE) is not an ability or talent. t is a natural phenomenon or occurrence. It happens to almost anybody, but he or she may not be aware of it. Orthodox science does not have any explanation for this because scientists do no t even believe there is such a thing. There is no acceptable scientific proof fo r its existence. However, from the point of esoteric science, spirituality and parapsychology, as tral projection is a fact. I myself have experienced this many times. But how do we explain the astral body? Our human constitution is consists of several bodies of energy. The astral body is only one of them which is nearest in vibration to the physical body. Usually, the astral body detaches itself during sleep, but sometimes it can also happen while one is fully awake and conscious. The astral body is connected to our phys ical body through an astral cord or silver cord, which can stretch as far as out er space. There are many reasons the astral body leaves the physical body, such as to give the physical body needed rest, to gain information about the spirit w orld, to know the future, to meet other astral beings, to heal the sick. I

Q: What are the signs that one is undergoing astral projection?

A: This differs from one person to another. To most people, it may appear like t hey are just dreaming. But when one wakes up during astral projection, he or she may see the physical body lying asleep on the bed while the astral body is on t he air near the ceiling. This makes people afraid. But there is no reason to fea r. The more a person panics, the more difficult it is to come back. But if one k eeps calm, he or she will easily and naturally get back to the physical body. The astral body is called the desire body ciously wants to go. because it goes where the person subcons

The signs that one is going into astral projection are as follows: He may hear a soft popping sound as the astral body detaches itself from the physical body. T hen he may feel the astral wind. His perspective changes, he becomes aware that he is out of the body. If he opens his astral eyes, he sees his physical body as leep on the bed.

Q: Is this a natural phenomenon or is it inherited? If natural, is there a way t o develop this ability? A: It is a natural phenomenon and not inherited as indicated earlier. However, I v e met families where several members can go into astral projection at will. Usua lly, it happens spontaneously without the person consciously doing it. Yes, there are ways of developing one s ability to go into astral projection consc iously. I teach this in my Advanced ESP and Higher Consciousness Seminar which I c onduct only twice a year. It is a five-evening program and one has to take the B asic ESP course before being admitted into the Advanced course. Q: What are the good and bad effects of going out of one s body and traveling in t he astral realm? A: If the astral projection happens naturally, say during sleep, there is usuall y no bad effect or danger to this because it is a natural phenomenon. However, if one induces it but is not fully prepared for it, then he may encount er some negative or lower astral beings. He may also be thrown into a vortex cal led the Phantasmagoric Plane where highly negative entities may try to grab his as tral body and do not let him get away. It is like going into a black hole where he or she cannot escape. This is one explanation for the phenomenon called bangung ot, and it is not really due to pancreatitis as doctors believe it to be. Bangu ngot is sometimes called fatal nightmare. One does not wake up anymore. But this i s very rare. Generally, astral projection is safe and harmless. One should not attempt astral projection in a place that is haunted or where the re are lower negative entities, because there is also the danger of spirit posse ssion while one s astral body is out. Another entity may take over one s physical bo dy. But if astral projection happens naturally in a positive environment, there is no danger. Next week: What are the benefits of astral projection? NOTE: The next Basic ESP and Intuition Development Seminar is on Oct. 27-28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I, Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati City. For consultat ion, past life hypnotic regression, depossession, advanced seminars and other pa ranormal services, call 8107245 or (0920) 9818962-63. E-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo .com, visit our website www.jimmylicauco.com. Read more: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/72792/why-astral-projection-happens#ixz z2llAfbycb Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

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