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What are annular eclipses?

Annular eclipses are renowned for looking like a ring of fire. They are similar to total eclipses in that the moon appears to pass across the centre of the sun, but because the moon is too far from earth to cover the sun completely, viewers with special solar glasses or filters see a ring of bright sunshine around the dark shadow of the moon, hence the ring of fire.

How to view it
This spectacular sight can only be safely observed with approved solar glasses, filters or by projecting an image of the eclipsed sun on to a flat white surface. This eclipse is not safe to view with the naked eye at any time, unlike a total solar eclipse where you can look at the sun during totality. During the annular eclipse, look at the shadow of leafy trees cast during the partial phase. ou will see numerous partially eclipsed suns projected through pinhole gaps between the leaves. ou will also notice that that it gets a bit cooler as the eclipse deepens. The sky will darken a bit, making it feel like an early twilight.

Get your safe solar viewing glasses

!ake sure you have safe solar viewing glasses on hand to view the "#$% Annular &clipse as wearing the safety glasses is one sure way to safely see this astronomical event. "#$" solar viewing glasses are available now. ' pairs for ($# or a bo) of *# for (+, -inc ./0 1 23T4 5rder now to avoid disappointment. All orders must be placed by 6riday, !ay %.

Eye safety
ou don7t want to miss out on this e)citing astronomical event, so eye safety is the most important thing to consider when viewing the "#$% Annular &clipse. 8e aware that permanent eye damage can result from looking directly at the sun or looking through a camera viewfinder, binoculars or a telescope. 8elieve it or not, when only $9 of the sun7s surface is still visible, it is still about $#,### times brighter than the full moon: 3taring at the sun under such circumstances is like using a magnifying glass

to focus sunlight on to tinder. The retina is delicate and irreplaceable and will become severely damaged even after only briefly looking at the sun. There is little or nothing a retinal surgeon will be able to do to help you if you damage your retina, so don7t take any chances.

Tips to avoid eye damage

;ook at the sun only through solar eclipse glasses that have been <& certified and pass Australian and =ew >ealand safety standards. =ever look directly at the sun with your naked eye. Do not look at the eclipse through binoculars or a telescope. Do not look at the eclipse by stacking sunglasses or <Ds together or by looking at the sun through e)posed film. ou can also use welder7s goggles with a rating of $' or higher for safe eye protection. ?ndirect projection is another safe way to view the "#$% Annular &clipse. To prevent permanent eye damage, your glasses must be worn for the duration of the eclipse.

All about eclipses

The moon7s shadow consists of three different areas @ the innermost and darkest part -umbra4, the lighter, outer part -penumbra4 and an area beyond the umbra only visible from earth when the moon is at apogee -antumbra4.

Total eclipse @ A solar eclipse is when the moon7s umbral shadow traverses earth -the moon is close enough to earth to completely cover the sun4. During the ma)imum phase of a total solar eclipse, the sun7s is totally blocked by the moon. That is the only point where you can view the eclipse without safety eye protection. 0ybrid eclipse @ A hybrid eclipse is a solar eclipse in which the moon7s umbral and antumbral shadows traverse earth -the eclipse is both annular and total along different sections of its path4. These eclipses are also known as annular@total eclipses. ?n most cases, hybrid eclipses begin as annular, transform into total and then revert back to annular before the end of their path. .artial eclipse @ A partial eclipse is when the moon7s penumbral shadow traverses earth -umbral and antumbral shadows completely miss earth4. During a partial eclipse, the moon blocks part of the sun.

Annular eclipse @ This solar eclipse in when the moon7s antumbral shadow traverses &arth -the moon is too far from earth to completely cover the sun4. During the ma)imum phase of an annular eclipse, the sun appears as a blindingly bright ring surrounding the moon A the ring of fire.

Upcoming eclipses
The ne)t eclipse occurs in =ovember "#$% on a very thin band -so thin that it7s annular at one end, designating it a hybrid eclipse4 in the mid Atlantic 5cean and central Africa. Bnfortunately, this is a very short eclipse A lasting about ,# seconds at its greatest and that point is in the ocean off east@ central Africa. The ne)t full total solar eclipse isn7t until !arch "#$* from the 6aroe ?slands north of 3cotland, north to 3valbard and the =orth .ole. The Bnited 3tates will have a total solar eclipse in August "#$C.

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