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Box 1.

3a: Starting an online discussion

Discussion thread: Starter A From: Laura This might seem like a bit of an odd question but I was just wondering what everyones favourite drink is? (Not including alcohol!!!) Mine would have to be that old British favourite, tea, although I know many others prefer coffee . . . Hehe a bit of a dull subject I know, but I thought it might be interesting to see how much we all differ in our basic preferences. I would very much appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas . . . Cheers!

Discussion thread: Starter A From: Laura This might seem like a bit of an odd question but I was just wondering what everyones favourite drink is? (Not including alcohol!!!) Mine would have to be that old British favourite, tea, although I know many others prefer coffee . . . Hehe a bit of a dull subject I know, but I thought it might be interesting to see how much we all differ in our basic preferences. I would very much appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas . . . Cheers!

Discussion thread: Starter A From: Laura This might seem like a bit of an odd question but I was just wondering what everyones favourite drink is? (Not including alcohol!!!) Mine would have to be that old British favourite, tea, although I know many others prefer coffee . . . Hehe a bit of a dull subject I know, but I thought it might be interesting to see how much we all differ in our basic preferences. I would very much appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas . . . Cheers!

Discussion thread: Starter A From: Laura This might seem like a bit of an odd question but I was just wondering what everyones favourite drink is? (Not including alcohol!!!) Mine would have to be that old British favourite, tea, although I know many others prefer coffee . . . Hehe a bit of a dull subject I know, but I thought it might be interesting to see how much we all differ in our basic preferences. I would very much appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas . . . Cheers!

Discussion thread: Starter A From: Laura This might seem like a bit of an odd question but I was just wondering what everyones favourite drink is? (Not including alcohol!!!) Mine would have to be that old British favourite, tea, although I know many others prefer coffee . . . Hehe a bit of a dull subject I know, but I thought it might be interesting to see how much we all differ in our basic preferences. I would very much appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas . . . Cheers!

Cambridge University Press 2010 reproduced from Intercultural Language Activities

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