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History and Background of FutureNow Technologies:

Owner+ history FutureNow Technologies is a provider of IT based solutions and services that enable organizations to achieve operational effectiveness, increase revenues, and improve stakeholder relations. Over the years FNT has catered to the business needs of organizations across a wide array of industry sectors including retail, telecom, education, health and insurance. Their solutions have helped our clients to achieve operational superiority in parallel with strategic differentiation. FutureNow Technologies today boasts of a workforce of 250 + employees based at the companys head office in Lahore, Pakistan. To reach out to global customers, they have established collaborative offices across the US. From an application support provider, they have built their portfolio to include bespoke application development, hosting solutions, business process outsourcing and packaged software solutions. Future Now Technologies is a provider of cutting edge technology solutions and services in Pakistan. FutureNow believes that innovation, commitment to quality, and effective partnership with their clients is the foundation of success. Their service offerings are designed to help their clients to generate revenue, increase cost-effectiveness, manage regulatory compliance, and integrate information and transition to next-generation technology. By understanding customers critical business processes, they provide information solutions that help to create a competitive advantage through increased efficiency, speed to market, and improved quality. Future Now Technologies strives to be at the forefront of innovation and develops new cutting edge solutions to solve real world business problems. They always try to improve, strengthen, aximize and implement their corporate values for the betterment of their employees and clients. They continue to achieve this goal by setting high standards and expectations that result in escalated performance and improved quality on their part.

What makes FNT distinct in the global IT market?

Broad range of evolving service offerings. Solutions spanning a broad spectrum of industry verticals. Established global clientele. Experienced workforce with proven track record.

FutureNow Technologies believes that the main asset of any organization is its people So they invest considerably in their resources and encourage them to be innovative in their approach towards business. FutureNow Technologies promotes an open and direct environment that offers:

Integrity in work relationships, practices and decisions Commitment to ensure our diverse workforces welfare, benefits and security Collaboration and respect for each individuals views Employee empowerment through corporate values and leadership style


We will carry out our business according to high ethical standards. We respect internationally accepted legal principles, and obey the laws of countries in which we do business.

We respect the privacy rights of our employees and our clients. We promote a work environment of equal opportunity for all employees, and treat our employees in a non-discriminatory manner.

Structure of the organization:

FutureNow Technologies has a matrix structure as it wants to respond more quickly to changes in the business environment, which might help the company to achieve a higher degree of readiness and market adaptation. The matrix structure, if implemented effectively, may increase

the ability to react to new customer demands. A matrix structure is most feasible for software houses like FutureNow Technologies operating in fast paced and dynamic environments. As the matrix structure is an organizational design that groups employees by both function and product so FNT requires matrix structure because it has different functions and employees from different functions or departments work in the form of multifunctional teams. Every project has a project manager who is responsible for a particular project. Each functional worker usually reports to the functional heads, but do not normally work directly under their supervision. Instead, the worker is controlled by project manager of a certain project so each functional worker usually works under the supervision of a project manager. This way, each worker has two superiors, who will jointly ensure the progress of the project. When work is accomplished, the project team may get dissolved, and workers from different functional areas may get reassigned to other projects and tasks.

Structural Dimensions of Organization:

Formalization: Formalization is the extent to which rules and procedure are followed in an organization. Although FutureNow Technologies has certain rules and procedures related to different affairs but the organizations environment is very flexible. Rules and regulation does not cover all the activities of the software house. It is understood that employees will spend sufficient time on the job to get the work done. So there is no proper timing for the employees of most of the departments like quality assurance and developments etc. Rules are informally understood and followed. Jobs are not always routine and regular. Organization has to modify itself according to changing demands of the environment so there is low formalization in FTN. Jobs description is rather high to some extent because it is told to an employee that to whom he has to report, what kinds of jobs he will have to perform, what kinds of skills are required for a particular job and what would be the salary for a particular position. Specialization: Specialization is high in futureNow Technologies because there is a proper division of labor in FTN. FutureNow technologies is a renowned software house and require mature professionals and we know that specialization is an Important element of a mature profession. Organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. Employees perform their own particular jobs for example a programmer will only be involved in the development process and a QA manager will only check the quality of the software etc. Standardization: Standardization means that work activities remain the same or there is a high uniformity in the work and activities. The products of FutureNow Technologies are its software applications which are developed according to the customers demands. These applications require a high level of creativity and innovation. Every day new demands of the customers have to be fulfilled by the employees so the work or activities of employees do not remain the same. Thus the standardization is low in FutureNow Technologies.

Hierarchy of Authority: FutureNow Technologies has short organizational structure so the span of control is wide. As the hierarchy of authority is shorter so more numbers of employees are reporting to one manager or we can say that employees to manager ratio are high. Employees in one department like quality assurance department which has 13 employees are supposed to report their functional manager. Centralization: Centralization is said to be a process where the concentration of decision making is in a few hands. All the important decision and actions at the lower level, all subjects and actions at the lower level are subject to the approval of top management. In FutureNow Technologies decision making is decentralized. All the major decision like date and time for meetings with clients and schedule for the delivery of modules are made with the help of team members like developers, graphic designers and quality assurance officers who are working on a particular project. Complexity: Professionalism: The core group of people working for FutureNow Technologies has been together for over five years. FutureNow Technologies believes that the main asset of any organization is its people therefore they invest considerably in their resources and encourage them to be innovative in their approach towards business. FutureNow Technologies works on regular basis on the development of employees skills and their knowledge management. For this reasons different types of formal trainings are given to the employees. To improve the education level of employees, different seminars and workshops are conducted within the organization and also outside the organization. Personal configuration:

Goals, Strategies and Effectiveness: Goals: Official Goals:

The long run goals of FutureNow Technologies are to become one of the best and top level software house of Pakistan and not to confined its services only in Pakistan but capture the global market. The mission statement or official goal of FutureNow Technologies is as follow: Mission statement: To be the trusted partner of our clients, helping them to enhance their business performance by providing them with innovative, state-of-the-art software solutions, automated and integrated workflows and business processes and the highest quality of, and quickest turnaround times for IT and IT enabled services. We believe that we exist to serve our customers with mutual respect and care, to take pride in our work, and to act with integrity in all that we do, while striving for financial gains for our stakeholders, customers and employees. Our Vision: To be recognized by our customers, employees, stakeholders, vendors, partners and competitors as the number one Software house and IT enabled services provider of Pakistan; to be rated among the best software solutions and IT services company.

Operative Goals:
FutureNow believes that innovation, commitment to quality, and effective partnership with their clients is the foundation of success. FutureNow Technologies strives to be at the forefront of innovation; developing new cutting edge solutions to solve real world business problems. FutureNow Technologies goal is to improve, strengthen, maximize and implement our corporate values for the betterment of our employees and our clients. The benefits to customers of pursuing the mission and achieving the vision include better control over investment dollars through reduced cost and lower risk, increased visibility into project results, rapid response to changing needs, innovative problem solving and solution creation, delivery of solutions that build on incremental accomplishments, and quick revelation of issues for resolution or even project cancellation. The benefits to employees include high morale and job satisfaction through improved attention to professional and career growth, enlistment into preferred job assignments,

and successful project work. The benefits to society at large include more productive assets for increasing shareholder value and philanthropic contribution as well as happier families through a more satisfied and productive workforce.

Organizational Strategies:

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