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PRELIMINARY DRAFT Not for citation The attic Weights and the Economy of Athens Mario Trab cco

o !ni"ersity of Messina# Messina# Ita$y# Di%artimento di &cien'e de$$(Antichit)

The $ong debate o"er the nat re and %ro%er st dy of the ancient economy has been dominated for a $ong time by an *orthodo+ "ie,- %retending that the economy had no ro$e at a$$ in the .ree/ %anorama of the organi'ed /no,$edge 01 r/e 23345 2336 Da"ies 23375 4486 9ohen 4::85 22;< The fo$$o,ers of Weber and Po$anyi# and most im%ortant$y those ,ho s %%orted M< I< Fin$ey(s theories# inter%reted the economic beha"io r and the gain=oriented attit des of the ancient man as by=%rod cts of bigger socia$ and ideo$ogica$ %rocesses foc sing on hono r and s ccess 0Po$anyi 23>?6 Weber 23>7 and 23?86 Fin$ey 23?@6 Nafissi 4::>;< Ne"erthe$ess it is no,adays admitted by a gro,ing n mber of scho$ars that Fin$ey(s mode$ of the c$assica$ economy can(t ans,er a$$ the A estions and# abo"e a$$# is inca%ab$e to e+%$ain the e+treme dynamicity of the .ree/ economy not on$y in the roya$ states of the Be$$enistic %eriod b t in the c$assica$ Athens as ,e$$ 0Morris 233C5 @>?6 9ohen 4::85 @;< The once sef $ mode$s of redistrib tion# reci%rocity and ho seho$d are no more eno gh to e+%$ain the im%ressi"e socia$ stratification 0eg o"er 2>: different %rofessions s r"eyed by Barris 4::4;# the b rea crati'ation of the state thro gh the $arge n mber of officia$s 0,e can D st mention here De"e$in 2373 and Bansen 23325 @23;# the "a$ e of contracts# com%$iance ,ith ,hich may be coerci"e$y im%osed by $a, 09ohen 4::@6 Id< 4::8; # the e+istence of mar/et factors in the determination of %rices and ,ages 09ohen 4::85 2:= 286 .a$$o 237?6 Loomis 23375 4>?;# the %resence of monetary instit tions and the need of money in sma$$ denominations from "ery ancient times 0Eim 4::4;< It is time then to embrace a more ni"ersa$ist a%%roach# ta/ing note of the $imitations of e+aggerated modernism and the ris/s that a forma$ist %ers%ecti"e %resents for o r abi$ity to ana$y'e 0as made by Da"ies ,hen he arg es that F%resent=day economic theory as a %otentia$$y a%%$icab$e set of ideas can not be ignoredF5 Da"ies 23375 4@46 Amemiya 4::C5 >7;< This is not to deny tout-court the s bstanti"ist %aradigm# I D st ,ant to arg e that ha"ing a$so the modern economy a high degree of embeddedness# the str ct ra$ simi$arities can be e+%$oited to in"estigate the %ast# %ro"ided ,e do so in the frame of the Ne, Instit tiona$ Economics# ,ith its em%hasis on socia$ norms# the ro$e of instit tions# and most im%ortant$y the t,o=,ay re$ationshi% bet,een socia$ and economic as%ects 0North 233:6 Ra,s/i 23385 46 Lytt/ens 4::85 C;# doing that in the broader conte+t of the so=ca$$ed Ne, Economic &ocio$ogy 0&me$ser and &,edberg 233C6 Morris 4::45 4>;< Any,ay# it is a$so im%ortant to note that the a%%roach# once defined *modernist-# that sees bet,een the ho seho$d economy and that of the city on$y a A antitati"e difference is $timate$y the most %re"a$ent in antiA ity itse$f# ,e$$ doc mented in the so rces b t fa$$en o t of fa"o r for the sing$e o%%osition to it by Aristot$e# that ,as dictated by ethica$ considerations and rhetoric reasons and cannot a$one re%$ace a$$ the other $iterary data# as consistent$y demonstrated by Farag na 0Fin$ey 23?:6 contra Farag na 4::8b; < In o%%osition to the e$aboration of theoric trends# based on data *already implicated in elite acts of representation 0Morris 233C5 @8:;# ,e ha"e no, the chance to b i$d ne, mode$s combining the $iterary informations# e<g< sing the *indirect a%%roache+%erimented by Mi$$ett on attic rhetors 0Mi$$ett 23325 4;# the a$,ays increasing mass of data coming o t from the e%igra%hies 0Am%o$o 23?35 24?6 &cheide$ 4::?;# from the st dies of rban and r ra$ to%ogra%hy 0Fo+ha$$ 23346 Gsborne 237?;# historica$ demogra%hy 0see e<g< the great contrib tion of M< B< Bansen6 &cheide$ 4::8; and =of co rse= archaeo$ogy ,ith the st dies on %rod ction and circ $ation of goods and their ne, ro$e in sha%ing the economic systems of ancient societies 0.reene 4::?;< This is the genera$ frame sed for the inter%retation and conte+t a$i'ation of a someho, neg$ected c$ass of obDects5 the officia$ ,eights of the Athenian state# that I am c rrent$y st dying for my doctora$ dissertation at the !ni"ersity of Messina< The attic system of ,eights and meas res is something ,e can ca$$ a *c$osed system- 0&ta'io 23>35 >C3# >8:;# that is a system in ,hich the different series of nits for the "ario s ty%es of A antities meas red 0so$id goods# $iA ids# "a$ es; are

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$in/ed one another by fi+ed %ro%ortions thro gh eA i"a$encies bet,een nits of different series# "ertica$$y 0m $ti%$es and s bm $ti%$es of the nit; and hori'onta$$y from one series to the other 0&ta'io 23>35 >82# >?2;< The reconstr ction ,or/ of this series re$ies on the com%arati"e st dy of h ndreds of items that ,e can easi$y recogni'e as officia$ ,eights and meas res ,hose %ro%erties ,ere caref $$y fi+ed# chec/ed# and then g aranteed by the &tate ,ith its sea$ and the inscri%tion HIJKLMKNOHPJKLMKN# often abbre"iated in HIJKOHPJK< D ring a$$ the c$assica$ %eriod the state made %eriodica$$y series of s%ecimens of the meas re nits officia$$y recongni'ed# ca$$ed symbola# that ,ere /e%t in the Agora# %recise$y in the Tho$os# and a$so in the city E$e sinion# and ,ere sed by the officia$s 0metronomoi and agoranomoi6 Ehrenberg 23@46 Qander%oo$ 2387; in their contro$ d ties< Gther series ,ere dedicated in the sanct aries 0Po$osa 4::45 ?4:;# b t it is not yet s re ,hether it ,as to % t them nder the %rotection of the gods or as meta$ dedication after their ser"ice# es%ecia$$y the bron'e ones< It is s re eno gh# on the other side# that some ,eights ,ere act a$$y sed in the ,eighting and acco nting of the offers# as ,e can see in the in"entories# ,here the %recise ,eight of the obDects is caref $$y recorded 01resson 4:::5 422=4C4;< A$$ the %roced res for the fabrication# c stody# se# acco nting of this officia$ standard ,eights ,ere set by $a, 0$i/e the %reser"ed I. I@ 2:2@# or the other nomos by Tisamenes mentioned by Andocides6 see 1reg$ia P $ci Doria 237> and Ando/< Myst. I# 7@;# gi"ing this obDect the same $ega$ "a$ e ,e can recogni'e in the coins< These items come main$y from the e+ca"ations of the A/ro%o$is and Agora of Athens# a $itt$e gro % coming from the %anhe$$enic sanct ary of G$ym%ia# and the rest from the antiA arian mar/et# ,itho t conte+t 0Pernice 273C# Lang 238C# Bit'$ 2338;< From the chrono$ogica$ %oint of "ie,# on$y of a sma$$ n mber of ,eights ,e ha"e e+ca"ation data# for the most %art of the items ,e de%end from sty$istic considerations< I ,i$$ sho, yo here the %ieces ,ith the safer dating< The caref $ e+amination of the symbola coming from the American e+ca"ations in the Athenian Agora# cond cted by Mabe$ Lang and % b$ished in the 2:th "o$ me of the Athenian Agora series in 238C# em%hasi'es ho, these officia$ ,eights# tho gh they are a$$ e+am%$es of the same attic system of meas res# can be se%arated in sma$$er gro %s# each of them nited by interna$ coherence< We ha"e obDects sho,ing the same symbo$s# same sha%e# more or $ess same dimensions# b t not the same ,eight# nor the same name in some cases 0Lang 238C5 4;< The %rob$em comes ,hen this difference in ,eight is too great to be e+%$ainab$e ,ith %reser"ation %rocesses and chemica$ or %hysica$ damage of the item< Yo can see an e+am%$e in the s$ide< Lang %ro%osed to e+%$ain this %henomenon as a %eriodica$ %date of the standard to maintain ,eights and meas re coherent ,ith maDor f$ ct ations of the "a$ e of the goods meas red# going a$ong ,ith the "ariation of the si$"erObron'e ratio 0Lang 238C527=42;< 1 t she missed to e+%$ain the need of this %date# so her theory ,as genera$$y set aside< No, IRm going forth# e+tending this basic int ition to a$$ the Attic ,eights and st dying them in the broader conte+t of the %o$itica$ economy of the city in the c$assica$ and Be$$enistic %eriod< E+amining the e"idence of this standards changing ,e sho $d as/ o rse$"es5 ,as it intendedS and ,hat ,as it intended forS First of a$$ ,e sho $d note that this %date of the ,eight standard had the effect of co nterba$ancing the rise of the %rices d ring %eriods of bad economic conditions< This ,as made by changing the A antity of a good corres%onding to a fi+ed "a$ e# a %ractice sed in "ario s %re=ind stria$ economies5 if the %rice is high yo can get $ess# if the %rice is $o, yo can get more ,ith the same "a$ e 0E $a 23?25 ??=?7; < 1 t yo can rea$$y /no, that yo are getting more or $ess on$y if the ,eight standard remains the same# ,hi$e the change of the standard ,i$$ no more sho, yo the $oss< This ,asnRt made to foo$ the citi'ens5 to recei"e the same nomina$ amo nt of a good for the same %rice ,as sef $ to a"oid the socia$ %rob$ems deri"ed from inf$ation# fo$$o,ing the rise of the %rices of the ra, materia$s< Gn the other side the "ariation in the standard ,as noticeab$e on$y on the $arge sca$e# and not on the sing$e item# so it ,as a stratagem good for the &tate and the big economic systems b t not a great change for ho seho$d economies< Gn the $arge sca$e# a simi$ar effect ,as %robab$y foreseen by &o$on ,ith his metro$ogica$ reform# e+%$aining the $in/ estab$ished by $ater a thors bet,een the change of the standard and the seisachteia, a %artia$ re$ief from the debts obtained by the red ction of the ,eight standard so that the debtors co $d gi"e the same amo nt of

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goods o,ed to the creditors ,hi$e gi"ing $ess in abso$ te A antity 0Androtion# FrGrHist @4C F @C T P$ t< Sol. 2>#@6 Borsmann 4:::5 488;. &o ,e ha"e a first conseA ence on the interna$ side< The other effect# on the e+terna$ side# ,as that the change of the standard by $itt$e adD stments %ermitted to /ee% the ,eight of the coin dracma na$tered# and this ,as "ery im%ortant beca se Athenian o,$s ,ere sed not on$y in Athens b t a$so in the many other states ha"ing commercia$ re$ation ,ith her# gi"en that it ,as a coin ,ith a "ery good degree of tr st D st beca se of its great stabi$ity< Gnce ,e ha"e a re$iab$e time=$ine of changes in standards d ring the %eriod ,e are dea$ing ,ith# thro gh the re nification and the re=e+amination of the data %ro"ided by the Attic ,eights# the ne+t ste% is the corre$ation of these data ,ith those concerning re"en es and e+%endit res of Athens as an economic system5 main$y the %rod ction f$o,s of the La rion mines 0for ,hich see 9ono%hagos 237:# F$ament 4::?; and# of co rse# the A antitati"e de"e$o%ment of Athenian minting in the %eriod nder re"ie, 0Fig eira 23375 27:=23?6 Ero$$ 233@5 C=2:# b t a$so Rihi$$ 4::26 "an A$fen 4:2:;< The fist of this changes of the ,eight standard ,as made ,ith the contro"ersia$ metro$ogica$ reform by &o$on 0Borsmann 4:::;# ,hi$e the $ast one ha%%ened at the end of the 4nd cent ry 19# before the definiti"e shift to the roman ,eight standard 0I. II4 2:2@ and 1reg$ia P $ci Doria 237>;< For the first ,e cannot re$y on other than estimates# and itRs been said that =at the highest %oint= the %rod ction ,as bet,een ?@8 and 2::: ta$ents %er year< 1 t it ,as not a$,ays so# and the %rod ction of si$"er from the mines had a$so cons%ic o s "ariations# as estimated by 9ono%hagos in his st dy of 237:< Gf a$$ this b $$ion# a %art going from >: to 7: %ercent seems to be con"erted in coins in the mint# and goes immediate$y into the circ $ation system# being a"ai$ab$e for e+%endit res# ta+ %aying# % b$ic and %ri"ate ,ages# mi$itary< Tho gh ,e ha"e not yet a com%rehensi"e die st dy gi"ing a %recise %ict re of the e"o$ tion of the minting of the athenian o,$s# ,e ne"erthe$ess ha"e a s/etchy idea of the trends and it is %ossib$e to see some moments of big sca$e coin %rod ction# ,ith more and more si$"er entering the economic system from the mines# the treas re of the De$ian Lig e# the phoros and a$$ foreign c rrencies< 1 t this is not a one ,ay mo"ement# beca se Athens had no, a$so more e+%endit res for s %%$y# ra, materia$s $i/e grain# $ + ry goods and %arian marb$e# mi$itary e+%endit res< There ,as not on$y a bigger threas re# b t a$so a bigger economic system# so bigger e+%enses< And a$$ this system ,as m ch more moneti'ed than ,e can gras% considering on$y the bad o%inions on coin e+change %reser"ed in some# b t not a$$# of the ancient $iterary te+ts 0see e<g< Farag na 4::@;< A$$ this b $$ion and cash mo"ements can then easi$y e+%$ain some "ariation in %rices# some inf$ation %henomena reA esting % b$ic ,ages to be raised# as ,e /no, from the comedy< This %ict re can a$so e+%$ain the f$ ct ation of the si$"erObron'e ratio# and the %ara$$e$ one of the go$dOsi$"er ratio as ,e$$ 0for the $atter see Fig eira 23375 >22=>2@ and tab< 23<2;< In this broader %ict re the %date of the ,eight standards ta/es its %ro%er sense as something conscio s$y enacted by the demos to soften the effects of maDor economic crisis 0$i/e a ,ar defeat; and to stabi$i'e the % rchase "a$ e of the coin from the mar/et f$ ct ations# and a$$o,s s to fo$$o, this maDor f$ ct ations gi"ing s another %iece of the % ''$ing economic history of Athens< 9onc$ ding# it cannot be a coincidence that the same no n sed for the ,eights# symbolon or Xsymbolon# is the same one sed for the coin before the ,ider acce%tance of nomisma< In P$ato 0@?2b; ,e ha"e in fact the coin defined as UVWXYZY[ \]^ _ZZ`a]^ b[cd` 0a symbolon made for the e+change; and# as em%hasi'ed recent$y by Farag na# the term symbolon reca$$s something that materia$i'es a re$ation 0Farag na 4::@5 248;< &o the coin is the obDect that carries a "a$ e re$ation bet,een the b yer and the se$$er< In a simi$ar ,ay the ,eight is the symbo$ of the re$ation bet,een the A antity of a gi"en st ff and its "a$ e< The %eriodic %date of the ,eight stater in re$ation ,ith the coin stater seems then to be another %ec $iarity of the a$ready %ec $iar Athenian economy# a system so different from the others to deser"e the s%ecia$ 0%se do=;Aristote$ian definition of *Atti/e Gi/onomia-0fArist<g Oec. 2@CCb@:=@@;<

Amemiya# T< 04::C;# The Economic Ideas of 9$assica$ Athens# in he !yoto "conomic #e$ie% ?@<4# >??C

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Am%o$o# 9< 023?3;# Oi&onomia. re osser$a'ioni sui rapporti tra la finan'a e l(economia in )*O+ I# 223=2@: 1reg$ia P $ci Doria# L< 0237>;# Per $a storia di Atene a$$a fine de$ II sec< A<9<5 I$ decreto s i %esi e mis re5 I. II4 2:2@# in M,F#) 3?# C22@: 1resson# A< 04:::;# -a cit. marchande# 1ordea + 1 r/e# E< M< 02334;# The Economy of Athens in the 9$assica$ Era5 &ome AdD stments to the Primiti"ist Mode$, in )/) 244# 233=448 9ohen# E< D< 04::@;# 9onsens a$ 9ontracts at Athens# in R %%recht# B<=A< 0Bg<;# Symposion 0112. 3ortr4ge 'ur griechischen und hellenistischen #echtsgeschichte 0Ra ischho$'ha sen# @:< &e%tember @< G/tober 4::@;# Wien# ?@=7C 9ohen# E< D< 04::8;# 9onsens a$ 9ontracts at Athens# Pa%er read at the I&NIE 9onference 4::8# 1o $der# 42=4C &e%tember 4::8# a"ai$ab$e from hhtt%5OO,,,<Isnie<orgO I&NIE:8OPa%ers:8O:2<4Ocohen<%dfi fAccessed 2: May# 4::7g 9ono%hagos# 9< 0237:;# -e -aurium anti5ue# Athenes Da"ies# j< E< 02337;# Ancient Economies5 Mode$s and M dd$es in Par/ins# B< = &mith# 9h< 0edd<;# rade, raders and the )ncient 6ity # London = Ne, Yor/# 44>=4>8 De"e$in 2373# )thenian Officials 789-20: ;.6., 9ambridge Ehrenberg# Q< 023@4;# Metronomoi# in #" kQ# co$< 2C7> Farag na# M< 04::@;# *Nomisma- e *%o$is-5 as%etti de$$a rif$essione greca antica s $ r o$o de$$a moneta ne$$a societ)# in .< !rso ed<# Moneta mercanti banchieri< i precedenti greci e romani dell="uro< atti del con$egno interna'ionale, 6i$idale del Friuli, 07-08 settembre 0110# Pisa# 2:3=@> Farag na# M< 04::8;# Aristote$e e $e origini de$$(oi&onomia greca# in #i$ista Online della Scuola Superiore dell(economia e delle finan'e# a< III# n< > 0maggio 4::8;# a"ai$ab$e from htt%5OOri"ista<ssef<itOsite<%h%S%ageT4::C :C482?@22C388leditionT4::8=:>=:2 fAccessed on 7 May# 4::7g Fig eira# T< j< 02337;# he /o%er of Money< 6oinage and /olitics in the )thenian "mpire, Phi$ade$%hia Fin$ey# M< I< 023?:;# Aristot$e and economic ana$ysis# in /ast and /resent C?# @=4> Fin$ey# M< I< 023?@;# he )ncient "conomy# London F$ament# N< 04::?;# -e monnayage en argent d( )th>nes< de l(.po5ue archa?5ue @ l(.po5ue hell.nisti5ue Ac. BB1- c. 91 a$. C.-6.D # mt des N mismatiA es 2# Lo "ain=$a=Ne "e< Fo+ha$$# L< 02334;# (The contro$ of the Attic $andsca%e# in We$$s# 1< 0ed<;# )griculture in ancient. Greece# &toc/ho$m# 2>>=3 .a$$o# L< 0237?;# Salari e infla'ione< )tene tra 3 e *3 sec. a. 6.# in )S+/, s< III# "< kQII# 23=8@< .reene# E< 04::?;# Archaeo$ogy# com%arati"e history# mode$s and instit tions in 1ang# P< F< = I/eg chi# M< = niche# B< .< eds<# )ncient economies, modern methodologies< archaeology, comparati$e history, models and institutions, 1ari# 2:3=2@8 Bansen# M< B< 02332;# he )thenian democracy in the age of Eemosthenes< structure, principles, and ideology, G+ford Barris# E< M< 04::4;# Wor/sho%# Mar/et%$ace and Bo seho$d The Nat re of Technica$ &%ecia$i'ation in 9$assica$ Athens and its Inf$ ence on Economy and &ociety# in 9art$edge# P<# 9ohen# E< E< and Fo+ha$$# L< 0eds<;# Money, -abour and -and< )pproaches to the "conomies of )ncient Greece, London = Ne, Yor/# 8?=33 Bit'$# E< 02338;# Ge%ichte Griechischer Feit aus Olympia# G$ym%ische Forsch ngen 4># 1er$in Borsmann# .< 04:::;# Athens Weg ' r eigenen Wohr ng5 Der n sammenhang der metro$ogischen Reform &o$ons mit der timo/ratischen# Historia C3<@# 4>3=?? Eim B< &< 04::4;# &ma$$ change and the moneyed economy, in 9art$edge# P< = 9ohen# E< = Fo+ha$$# L< 0eds<;# Money, -abour and -and< )pproaches to the "conomies of )ncient Greece, London = Ne, Yor/# CC=>2 Ero$$ 233@# he Gree& 6oins# The Athenian Agora 48# Princeton E $a# W< 0237C;# Les Mes res et $es hommes# Paris Lang# M< 0238C;# The Weights in Lang# M< 9rosby# M< 238C# he )thenian agora :1, Geights, measures and to&ens# Princeton Loomis 2337# Gages, Gelfare 6osts and *nflation in 6lassical )thens# Ann Arbor Lytt/ens 4::8# Instit tions# ta+ation and mar/et re$ationshi%s in ancient Athens# Pa%er read at the I&NIE 9onference 4::8# 1o $der# 42=4C

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&e%tember 4::8# from htt%5OO,,,<isnie<orgO I&NIE:8OPa%ers:8O:2<4OLytt/ensI&NIE4::8 "ersion@<%df fAccessed 2: May# 4::7g Mi$$ett# P< 02332;# -ending and borro%ing in ancient )thens, 9ambridge Morris# I< 0233C;# The Athenian economy t,enty years after the Ancient Economy, in 6lass. /hil. 73# @>2=@88 Morris# I< 04::4;# Bard & rfaces# in 9art$edge# P< =9ohen# E< = Fo+ha$$# L< 0eds<;# Money, -abour and -and< )pproaches to the "conomies of )ncient Greece, London=Ne, Yor/# 7=C@ Nafissi# M< 04::>;# )ncient )thens and Modern *deologies< 3alue, heory and "$idence in Historical Sciences# 1I9& & %%$< 7:# London North# D< 0233:;# *nstitutions, *nstitutional 6hange and "conomic /erformance, 9ambridge Gsborne# R< 02334;# 6lassical -andscape %ith Figures< he )ncient Gree& 6ity and its 6ountryside, London Pernice# E< 0273C;# Griechische Ge%ichte, 1er$in Po$anyi# E< 023>?;# rade and mar&et in the early empires< economies in history and theory 0edd< E< Po$anyi# 9< M< Arensberg# and B< W< Pearson ;# Ne, Yor/< Po$osa# A< 04::4;# I sistemi %ondera$i e i sistemi &ta'io#

Metro$ogia greca# in "nciclopedia classica# Torino# "o$< III# >@@=>?3

A< 23>3#

"an A$fen 4:2:# Batching o,$s5 Athenian % b$ic finance and the reg $ation of coin %rod ction# in F< de 9a$$ataq and E< Lo 9ascio eds< Huantifying monetary supplies in Greco-#oman times# Pragmateiai# no< 23# 1ari# 24?=2C3 Qander%oo$# E< 02387;# Metronomoi# in Hesperia @?<2# ?@=?8 Weber# M< 023>7;# he protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism, Ne, Yor/ Weber# M< 023?8;# he )grarian Sociology of )ncient 6i$ilisations# London

$ineari# di s %erficie e di ca%acit) da$$(et) arcaica a$$(e$$enismo in *l mondo dell(archeologia, Roma# "o$< II# ?2?=?42
Ra,s/i# T< .< 02338;# Economics and the historian# 1er/e$ey Rihi$$ 4::2# Ma/ing Money in 9$assica$ Athens# in D< j< Matting$y and j< &a$mon 0eds<;# "conomics beyond )griculture in the 6lassical Gorld # London and Ne, Yor/# 22>=2C4 &cheide$ 4::8# /opulation and Eemography, "ersion 2<:, PrincetonO&tanford Wor/ing Pa%ers on 9$assics, a"ai$ab$e from htt%5OO,,,<%rinceton<ed Op%s,%cO%dfsOschei de$O:C:8:C<%df fAccessed @ Febr ary 4:22g &cheide$ 4::?# "pigraphy and demography< birth, marriage, family and death # "ersion 2<:# PrincetonO&tanford Wor/ing Pa%ers in 9$assics, a"ai$ab$e from htt%5OO,,,<%rinceton<ed Op%s,%cO%dfsOschei de$O:8:?:2<%df fAccessed @ Febr ary 4:22g &me$ser and &,edberg 233C# he Handboo& of "conomic Sociology# Princeton

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