Selenium Resume

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: Career Brief:

Understanding Requirements, Test Automation, Test Execution, Defect

Reporting, Regression, Test Status Reporting and Test Closure Activities. Professional Summary:

Having 2.5years of Experience in Selenium automation Testing. Good working Knowledge in Web Driver. Experience in identif ing Objec !oca ors and creating Page"ac ory for all
t!e pages.

"ood #no$ledge on selenium #C, Selenium $%E & 'uni . Experience in $or#ing on Page Objec (o)el %esign pa ern $it! % &rid
frame$or#. "ood at identif ing Business Componen and designing t!e same. Created "eneric and *eb%riverCommon+ ill function for t!e entire 'ro(ect. 'reparation of ,u oma e) es scrip s & implementing )odular frame$or#. Experience $it! -es ./ ,nno a ion, /rouping, and Parallel execu ion. Efficient in prioriti*ation of t!e tas#s and ac!ieving !ig! qualit delivera&les $it! in stipulated timelines. Configured continuous integration tool +'en0ins1 to trigger &atc! execution and generate email Report. ,or#ed $it! apac!e PO$ !ibrary. Executed test scripts on -E, .irefox / googlec!rome. 0no$ledge in 2ey3or) an) %a a )riven frame3or0.

Experience in Using Quality Center Test Management Tool for Bug reporting. Ha e an experience in !atc" execution !y using Jenkins#Ant tools.
Professional Experience:

Currentl $or#ing $it! 111, 2angalore as a Test Engineer. E)uca ion 4ualifica ions:
S0ill Se : .rame$or#s Tools 4perating S stem 'rogramming 5anguages 2ug Tools

: : : : :

Test3". Selenium ide,RC, Selenium ,e& Driver. $indo$s .amil . core 6ava. 7C.

Data&ase Development tools Projec Experience:

: :

4racle 89g. Eclipse 6uno.

PROJECT 1: Title Client ame Role Perio!

Project description:

: : : :

Test engineer $pr %&'% to Till (ate

Roles an! Responsibilities Understanding 2usiness Requirement Specifications. -dentif ing t!e common feature and ma#e t!at as a 2usiness 5i&rar . ,riting 2usiness logic for t!e application in ,e&Driver, 6ava. Designed frame$or# components & using Test3". Test data preparation. Testing application manuall and t!roug! automation Report generation & using 5og:(. Test Script Execution & using A3T, 6E30-3S. "iving application support once it is in 5ive. Understanding 2usiness Requirement Specifications. "ood understanding in Test 'lan. Designed !ig! level Test Scenarios according to .unctional Specifications. 'reparation of Test Scripts using Selenium $e& driver &ased TA.. 'articipating in t!e peer revie$s for test cases. Execution of Test Scripts for cross &ro$ser testing Reports verification and validation .ailure tracing using De&ug logs and reporting defects.

Date: Place:

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