Entrepreneurship: How They Started

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Submitted to: Aamir Ali Khan Topic: Caf Student

How they started

In 1969 Haji Mohammad Ali setup the business in Saddar Market area surrounded by a number of educational institutions !iryani "as a popular dish for the masses as the area "as depri#ed of a proper food supplier It "as an ideal time and place to start sellin$ this popular dish This prompted Haji Sahib to test the market by sellin$ !iryani The !iryani "as prepared by Haji Mohammad Ali and his family members at home from home made spices and recipe It "as a small dhaaba "ith a bamboo roof supported by "ooden pillars "ith "aitin$ staff comprised of t"o elder sons ser#in$ "ith limited seatin$ capacity Started "ith one tumbler %&e$' of !iryani ser#in$ about () people per day The outlet "as surrounded by #arious educational institutions i e St* +oseph, St* -atrick.s, St* -aul.s and #arious /o#ernment Schools The business "as named 0af1 Student2 To attract students of the pro3imity 4conomical food for the market

Why they named it Caf Student

The outlet "as surrounded by #arious educational institutions i e St* +oseph, St* -atrick.s, St* -aul.s and #arious /o#ernment Schools The business "as named 0af1 Student2 To attract students of the pro3imity 4conomical food for the market 1969 5 Haji Sahib started off "ith openin$ &haba Hotel "ith limited seatin$ capacity 1966 5 Made arran$ements for a proper seatin$ area 1978 5 Setup a restaurant as a joint #enture in Saudi Arabia 1979 5 Initiated process to start a lar$e restaurant %8)) seats' "ith a separate kitchen to cater to bulk deli#eries

1996 5 9e" four storey kitchen buildin$ completed 1999 5 0onstruction of the lar$e restaurant % three storey' completed :))) 5 Started Home &eli#ery ser#ices :))) 5 ;pened a ne" branch at I I 0hundri$ar :))8 5 &edicated "ireless communication system "as introduced :))( 5 Started remote area deli#ery ser#ice to famous picnic and resorts :))< 5 ;pened 9ursery Take a"ay :))6 5 43pansion of Saddar restaurant %9)) seats' :))6 5 -lans to open up ne" branches at Shahrah=e=>aisal, &efence and /ulistan=e= jauhar :))6 5 ;pened a branch at Shara=e=>aisal 9ursery :))6 5 ;pened a branch at ?ni#ersity @oad /ulshan=e=IAbal :))7 5 Set ?p a State=of=the=Art 0all 0enter for centraliBed order takin$ of Home &eli#ery Ser#ice :))7 5 ;pened 9orth 9aBimabad !ranch in March :))7 :))7 5 ;pened M A +innah road !ranch in Au$ust :))7 :))7 5 ;pened /arden !ranch in Au$ust :))7 :))7 5 ;pened &efence !ranch in September :))7 :))7 5 ;pened 9orth Carachi !ranch in ;ctober :))7


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