Opps November 25 13

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5)'-6/ 237"#7$48 Reach foi a Stai Collection Bay is taking place in Blanchaiustown Shopping Centie
on Fiiuay Becembei 1Sth fiom 11am - 7pm. We'ie looking foi volunteeis to help foi a couple of houis
on the uay, to shake buckets anu help with selling calenuais, Chiistmas caius anu uecoiations. We aie
also looking foi a volunteei Face Paintei to uo a few houis on the uay.
5)$+$% Blanchaiustown Shopping Centie
5)$3% Fiiuay, Becembei 1Sth fiom 11am-7pm foi a couple of houis

!"#$% .)+9/-:'/ ;+$$ <"#=3-$$+ ,'#$/>$">#$ 0 .9-? "* @=A#93 B1.C
5)'-6/ 237"#7$48 We aie looking foi volunteeis to help us spieau some Chiistmas cheei anu iaise
some much-neeueu funus by assisting us with a funuiaisei Chiistmas. Theie'll also be piizes foi Best
Sales Peison, Nost volunteeiing Bouis along with Spot Piizes on the uay too! Sign up via oui online
foim at http:bit.lyymcatieevolunteei , call Tiacey oi }oanne on u1-47826u7 oi email infoymca.ie
5)$+$% YNCA Facility in Sanuymount, Bublin 4
5)$3% S houi shift between Novembei 29th - Becembei 2uth

!"#$% <"#=3-$$+ @+':' ;=-"+ 0 D"(=/ 2+$#'34
5)'-6/ 237"#7$48 We woulu like to involve a Biama Tutoi in oui Piepaiation foi Euucation, Tiaining
anu Employment (PETE) pioject baseu on Fiancis Stieet. With the suppoit of a Pioject Woikei, the
volunteei woulu facilitate the 1S week class, once a week, uay to suit the volunteei anu seivice.e.
5)$+$% Fiancis Stieet, Bublin 8
5)$3% 4 houis a week

!"#$% E$F#$?G/ .)+9/-:'/ HI)9A9-9"3 <"#=3-$$+ 0 CJKLH
5)'-6/ 237"#7$4% We will be collaboiating with Bewleys, uiafton Stieet, which is housing a fantastic
Chiistmas Exhibition which will attiact many visitois. All pioceeus fiom this event will be given to
AL0NE to suppoit its seivices. We neeu volunteeis to gieet visitois anu guiue them to the exhibition
while also infoiming visitois about AL0NE anu its seivices anu how they can uonate.
5)$+$% Bewley's, uiafton Stieet, Bublin 2
5)$3% 4 houi slot (11am-Spm oi S-7pm) fiom Novembei 27th - }anuaiy 6th

!"#$% 1'93-$3'3($ <"#=3-$$+ 0 ,-M N")3G/ O"=/$P .':93" L$-F"+Q
5)'-6/ 237"#7$4% We aie baseu in a house that was uonateu to us two yeais ago in a bau state of
iepaii. Although we have maue goou piogiess on the builuing woik theie is still a lot moie to uo.
Tasks: ueneial maintenance woik incluuing some impiovements woiks. Painting piojects, Boois-
walls-Ceilings (inuoois) Woouwoik, Booi fiames Skiiting boaius. uiounuwoik, sweeping leaves,
looking aftei vegetable patch. ueneial maintenance of pioject, light bulbs, etc....
5)$+$% St }ohn's Bouse, 6S 0lu Lucan Roau, Chapelizou, Bublin 2u

!"#$% C//9/-'3- ,"(($+ ."'() RD""-A'## *"+ C## .#=AS 0 D""-A'## C//"(9'-9"3 "* 2+$#'34
5)'-6/ 237"#7$4% The Football Foi All Club gives playeis with uisabilities between the age of 6 anu 14
yeais the oppoitunity to get iegulai football tiaining anu competition thiough a local community club
in theii aiea. volunteeis with the club will woik with the team coach to pioviue simple soccei baseu
activities foi chiluien ageu 6 - 14 with uisabilities.
5)$+$% Cuiient locations incluue: Bublin 12, Ballybouen, Cabinteely, Nalahiue anu Bunboyne
25th November 2013
Volunteer Opportunities:
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Bublin City South volunteei Centie
T: +SSS 1 47S 7482
E: infovolunteeiuublin.ie
W: www.volunteeiuublincitysouth.ie

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