Lesson Plan

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Joy A.

Macalla BEED-III

Lesson Plan

Date: October 8, 2013 Subject Matter: Play Objectives: 1. Define what a play is and identify the types and elements of a play. 2. Appreciate the importance of each element through making their own skit. 3. Create a skit about a given topic. Teaching Method to be used: 1. Discussion 2. Group activity (skit-making) Materials to be used: 1. 2. 3. 4. Marker Whiteboard Computer w/ LCD (optional) Cartolina

References: Tabotabo, Claudio V., A Travel to the Literatures of the World, National Bookstore, 2007 Sialongo, Cunanan, Balinas, Nakpil, Colle, Infante, Daenos, Pagala, Dingal, Literatures of the World, Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2007 Lacia, Ferdilyn C., Gonong, Gina O., The Literatures of the World, Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2003

Class Preparation: 1. Opening Prayer 2. Laying out of class rules 3. Introduction to Play/Drama

Motivation: Charades 1. Group the students into three according to their seating arrangement. 2. Ask each group to choose one representative who will act out the item to be guessed. The item to be guessed are famous local and international plays (i.e. Romeo and Juliet, The World is an Apple, New Yorker in Tondo). 3. Each group will be given two (2) minutes to guess. There shall be no coaching coming or word coming out from the representative. 4. The fastest group to guess the item correctly will receive a prize. Lesson Development: 1. The items guessed were all famous plays, both local and international. A play is a literary genre that imitates human experience intended to be acted on stage. It presents a story told entirely in dialogue and action. It has a two-fold nature, one that is literature and one that is theater. 2. A play has two main types: Tragedy and Comedy. Tragedy is a play where the hero is brought to suffer great sorrow, while Comedy is a play that brings laughter and where the protagonist surpasses all difficulties he encountered in his way to achieve his goal. Aside from Tragedy and Comedy, there are two other types of drama or play, these are Melodrama and Farce. Melodrama is a play drawn from tragedy the only difference is it concludes in a happy resolution while Farce is a play that brings laughter for the sake of laughter. 3. There are five (5) elements of a play: Setting, Characters, Plot, Theme and Style. Setting identifies the time and place in which the events of the play occur. Character refers to the people involved in the paly. Plot pertains to the series of events that form the entirety of the play. Theme is the unifying element that defines the idea of the play. Style refers to the mode of expression or presentation of the play which points out the playwrights position or viewpoint in life. Guide Questions for the Lesson Development: 1. 2. 3. 4. What did you noticed on the items you guessed during the charades? What is a play in your own words? What do you think is a tragedy? A comedy? When we say setting, character, plot, theme and style, what comes to your mind?

Correlation to other Discipline: PE Through the activity for today, the students will learn the value of teamwork.

CLVE The main activity for the day is anchored in the schools Christ-centered mission and vision statement.

VMGOs: The skit that will be written by the students is taken from the Vision-Mission statement of Santa Isabel College as part of their integral development as Isabelans. It is taken particularly from the vision statement and numbers 2 and 4 in the mission statement stating at Santa Isabel College, we commit ourselves to interdependently accelerate leadership and professional development through continuing education and intensive Vincentian formation and relentlessly generate a new breed of self-directed, global and environmentally-caring Vincentian leaders. Evaluation: 1. With the group they have during the motivation, each group will be asked to create a skit about a given situation: a. There were students who are grouped in order to work harmoniously for a project, but, some group members did not cooperate and depended too much on their group leader because of this their project almost collapsed. On the brink of a crisis, the group members who did not cooperate realized their mistakes and decided to help. In the end, they managed to finish their project with flying colors. b. There is a beggar outside the school; a group of students have noticed that he has been outside the school all day without food and no other place to stay. Seeing how the beggar needs help, the students worked together to help. c. There was a student who was always being bullied by his classmates, he has no friends and he is always alone. Feeling sad for him, a classmate of his befriended him and defended him to their other classmates even if it means he will also be bullied by their classmates. In the end, they were both accepted by their classmates. 2. The skit must have a title, characters, setting, plot and theme. Synthesis: 1. What is a play? 2. What are the types of a play? 3. What are the elements of a play? Remarks: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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