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Because I Could Not Stop for Death

Because I Could Not Stop for Death reveals Emily Dickinsons calm acceptance of death. !out !ein" so !usy #ith livin" that she didn$t have time to die% so death came to her. It came not as a monster% !ut as a "entleman in a carria"e&like her fianc'. (he notion of characteri)in" death as *kindly* and "racious is a po#erful reconceptuali)ation as opposed to the standard "loomy notion. +e kindly stopped is !oth a reassurance that his arrival #as not unpleasant. (his is a vision of death that is not fearful% !ut rather receptive to #hat is a#aitin" all life. In the process% a theme that arises is that one should not live their life in fear of death% !ut rather e,amine a life #here there is some notion of happiness #hen the inevita!ility of the carria"e *kindly* stops for all of us. nd there is one other passen"er in the carria"e #ith them - immortality. "ain% this is a reassurance that there is survival after death. Dickinson$s Christian vie# of eternity and the immortality of life are evident here. (he third stan)a "ives a picture of the .ourney. (he children and the school in the first line refer to early life. (he fields of ripenin" "rain in the third line refer to life$s middle sta"e. /inally% the settin" sun in the fourth line refers to the final sta"e of life. (he "rave or tom! is descri!ed in the fifth stan)a as a house. (hey stopped at a house or her "rave site. .+er description of the "rave as her house indicates ho# comforta!le she feels a!out death. She enters the house #ith the "ossamer "o#n #hich is more like a #eddin" dress representin" a ne# !e"innin" rather than an end. (he description indicates that the poet feels at ease #ith the location. (here after centuries pass% so pleasant is her ne# life that time seems to stand still% feelin" shorter than a Day. (he *horses$ heads* is a comforta!le alliteration and ties the vision !ack to the first stan)a. (he final #ord% *eternity* rhymes #ith *immortality* in the first stan)a. ......(he overall theme of the poem seems to !e that death is not to !e feared since it is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature. +er vie# of death may also reflect her personality and reli"ious !eliefs.

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