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Career Power Plant Personnel

I) Executives 1. 2. 3. 4. Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Engineer (Stores)

Position will be decided taking into account o erall e!"erience. Minimum e!"erience re#uired $or each "osition is as $ollows%& (i) Engineer & Minimum 2 'ears (ii) (M & Minimum ) 'ears (iii) *M & Minimum12 'ears II) Non-Executives 1. *i"loma +echnician , Mechanical- Electrical and Instrumentation 2. Sr. +echnician (.ire) 2. Sr. +echnician (/01) I) EXECUTIVES 1. Mechanical 2uali$ication% .irst /lass *egree in Mechanical Engineering $rom a re"uted recogni3ed 4ni ersit'5Institute. E!"erience% /andidates ha ing 2 & 16 'ears "ost #uali$ication e!"erience ma' a""l'. Selected candidates shall be $itted in suitable grade commensurating to their e!"erience. Mechanical Engineer with e!"erience in erection- commissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ high&"ressure boiler with minimum steam generating ca"acit' o$ 176 +5hr and its au!iliaries in a Power Plant or "rocess industr'. Personnel with e!"erience in "ower "lant shall be "re$erred. /andidate must "ossess ade#uate e!"erience in maintenance o$ "ressure "arts and rotar' machine i3.- $an blowers- soot blowers and its au!iliaries. 8e should ha e e!"erience in maintenance "lanning and s"ares management. 9nowledge o$ S(P will be added ad antage. Steam turbine and its au!iliaries o$ ca"acit' ): M; and abo e. .ull e!"osure to ma<or o erhauling- trouble shooting and diagnosis o$ "lant and e#ui"ment beha ior is essential. E!"erience in maintenance "lannings"are "arts stock control is desirable. 9nowledge o$ S(P will be added ad antage. 2. Electrical 2uali$ication% .irst class Engineering graduate o$ Electrical stream $rom a re"uted institute5uni ersit'. E!"erience % /andidates ha ing 2 & 16 'ears "ost #uali$ication e!"erience ma' a""l'. Selected candidates shall be $itted in suitable grade commensurating to their e!"erience. E!"erience in maintaining electrical s'stems o$ coal5lignite based thermal "ower stations o$ around 1:: M; ca"acit' or large "rocess "lant. Integrated knowledge o$ "ower s'stems with rating ar'ing $rom 24 olts to 22: 9=- modern generators- 8=51= motors- 8= trans$ormers- switch gears- electrical "rotection and inter locking s'stem is essential. 3. Instrumentation 2uali$ication% .irst /lass *egree in /ontrol 0 Instrumentation $rom a re"uted recogni3ed 4ni ersit'5Institute. E!"erience% /andidates ha ing 2 & 16 'ears "ost #uali$ication e!"erience ma' a""l'. Selected candidates shall be $itted in suitable grade commensurating to their e!"erience. Instrumentation Engineer with e!"erience in >8E1 Procontrol */S5Siemens +ele"erm ME */S- P1/ o$ Siemens (S65S7) and (llen >radle'- .ield Instrumentation related to thermal "ower "lant5hea ' "rocess

industr'- re$iner'- "etrochemicals. >ackground o$ working in +hermal Power Plant and e!"erience in 1ignite5 ash handling s'stem will be an added ad antage. E!"erience in installation and maintenance o$ .ield Instruments- s"ares "rocurements- control loo"s designing- anal'tical abilit' $or trouble shootingworking in S(P en ironment shall be "re$erred. 4. Engineer (Stores) 2uali$ication% .irst class *i"loma in Mechanical5Electrical Engineering $rom a re"uted5recogni3ed 4ni ersit'5 Institute. E!"erience% Must ha e at least 16&2: 'ears "ost #uali$ication e!"erience in the Stores *e"artment o$ a large "rocess industr'. /andidates ha ing e!"erience in stores o$ "ower "lant will be "re$erred. ?raduate Engineers with 3 & 4 'ears@ rele ant e!"erience will also be considered $or the "osition Aes"onsible $or store $unctions such as managing timel' recei"t and issue o$ materials- s"ares 0 consumable- managing in entor'- alternate use5 dis"osal o$ dead in entor' etc. 9nowledge o$ managing stores and in entories through S(P5 MM Module is desired. II) NON-EXECUTIVES 1. *i"loma +echnicians i) Mechanical , >oiler 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Mechanical engineering 9nowledge o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant s'stems- >oiler- rotating e#ui"ments etc. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant (unit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) es"eciall' in >oiler area. ii) Mechanical , +urbine- "i"ing 0 al es- "um"s 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Mechanical engineering 9nowledge o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant s'stems- Steam turbine- rotating e#ui"ments- Power "lant "i"ing s'stem- P 0 I*s. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (unit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) es"eciall' in Steam turbine- "i"ing 0 al es and "um"s. iii) Mechanical , >alance o$ Plant (reas (>BP) 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Mechanical engineering 9nowledge o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant s'stems- *M Plant- /ooling +ower- (ir conditioning s'stementilation s'stem- Pum"s- >lowers- (ir /om"ressors etc. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (unit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) es"eciall' in >alance o$ Plant areas. i ) Mechanical , 1ignite handling S'stem (18S) 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Mechanical engineering.. 9nowledge o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant s'stems- 1ignite handling s'stem- Material handling s'stem. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (unit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) es"eciall' in 1ignite5/oal51imestone handling s'stem- Material handling s'stem. ) Mechanical , (sh handling S'stem ((8S) 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Mechanical engineering 9nowledge o$ 1ignite 5 /oal based "ower "lant s'stems- (sh handling s'stem. Minimum 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (unit

si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) es"eciall' in (sh handling s'stem. i) Electrical 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Electrical engineering 9nowledge o$ Electrical s'stems like 22: k= switch'ard- ?enerator- (=A- Power 0 *istribution +rans$ormers- Protection s'stems- 8+ 5 1+ switchgears 0 motors- 4PS- >atteries 0 >atter' /hargers- ESPElectrical heat tracing s'stem etc. in 1ignite 5/oal based "ower "lant. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (4nit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) in abo e Electrical s'stems. ii) Electrical (+esting) 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Electrical engineering Minimum 3 'ears working e!"erience in the $ield o$ electrical testing in "ower "lant- "rocess "lantelectrical "ower transmission and *istribution /om"an' or in an' agenc' engaged in the $ield o$ electrical testing. iii) Instrumentation 2uali$ication% *i"loma in Instrumentation 5 / 0 I engineering. 9nowledge o$ Instrumentation and control s'stems like *istributed /ontrol s'stem (*/S)- P1/ s'stemcontrol al es- =.*s- .ield instruments- transmitters- calibration "rocedures etc. Minimum 3 'ears e!"erience in Erection- /ommissioning- o"eration and maintenance o$ "ower "lant (4nit si3e 1:: M; 0 abo e) in Instrumentation s'stems. 2. Sr. +echnician (.ire) 2uali$ication% >.Sc with Sub&B$$icer /ourse or >.Sc .ire $rom ?o t. recogni3ed institute. ?raduate in .ire Engineering or Station B$$icers@ /ourse $rom an' ?o ernment organi3ation like /IS. +raining InstituteCag"ur .ire +raining Institute etc. E!"erience% Minimum 6 'ears E!"erience in $ire $ighting de"artment o$ a large "rocess5chemical5 "etrochemical or thermal "ower "lant is essential. /andidates with a basic course in $irst aid 0 sa$et' will be "re$erred. 3. Sr. +echnician (/01) 2uali$ication% Science ?raduate with /hemistr' as a ma<or sub<ect with minimum 66D marks. E!"erience% Minimum 6 'ears E!"erience in anal'sis o$ /oal51ignite- Bil- water 0 Steam and o"eration o$ *emineralised ;ater +reatment Plant. Should be $amiliar with modern water chemistr' "ractice "ertaining to 8igh Pressure >oilers. E!"osure in en ironment management and S(P will be an added ad antage.

.or all the "ositions- /om"uter literac' is a must. +hose who ha e a""lied against our recent ad ertisement need not a""l'. Aemuneration% Pa' includes attracti e salar'- liberal 1+/ $acilities- Medical reimbursement- 1ea e Encashment $acilities- /P.- ?ratuit'- 8ousing5 =ehicle loans at concessional rates- "ost retirement medicaletc. Salar' will not be a constraint $or the right candidate and shall commensurate with the best in the industr'. ;e ha e a well&de elo"ed /olon' ad<acent to the Surat 1ignite Power Plant ha ing all basic amenities with >harati'a =id'a >ha an run />SE a$$iliated school. /andidates meeting the criteria ma' $orward a detailed bio&data in downloadable "rescribed $ormatclearl' stating- age- #uali$ication and e!"erience b' "ost onl' latest b' 1:th Ma' 2::E to%

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"# $ A Depa t!ent %u&a at Indust ies 'owe Co!pan( )i!ited 'O 'et oc*e!ical - +,- +./0 Dist1 2a oda 3%u&a at) *u!an esou ces45ipcl1co!


?u<arat Industries Power /om"an' 1imited is a com"an' "romoted b' ?u<arat 4r<a =ikas Cigam 1imited Ferstwhile ?u<arat Electricit' >oard (?E>)G- ?u<arat State .ertili3ers 0 /hemicals 1imited (?S./)- ?u<arat (lkalies 0 /hemicals 1imited (?(/1) and Petro$ils /o&o"erati e 1imited. ?IP/1 is currentl' engaged in the business o$ generation o$ Electrical Power. +he com"an' started its commercial o"eration in the 'ear 1HH2. Presentl' the com"an' o"erates its $ollowing "ower "lants%& 146 M; ?as based /ombined /'cle Power Plant- PB Petrochemical- >aroda

1): M; *ual .uel /ombined c'cle Power Plant- PB Petrochemical- >aroda 26: M; Surat 1ignite Power Plant- =ill. Cani Caroli- +al. Mangrol- *ist. Surat. +he /om"an'@s 26: M; e!"ansion "ro<ect at Cani Caroli- *ist. Surat is being im"lemented b' >harat 8ea ' Electricals 1imited through EP/ contract. Bn the strength o$ com"an'@s lignite mining base- it is in the "rocess o$ im"lementing another ):: M; with a target o$ ha ing 14:6 M; ca"acit' b' 2:11&12.

+he com"an' o"erates its own mine $or ca"ti e consum"tion ad<acent to Surat 1ignite Power Plant (S1PP). +he /om"an' desires to a""oint $resh ?raduate Engineers at S1PP initiall' on training basis with liberal Sti"end 0 (llowances. 2uali$ication% *egree in Mechanical 5 Electrical 5/ontrol 0 Instrumentation5Electronics $rom a uni ersit'5institute o$ re"ute with minimum )6D (no rounding o$$ "ermitted) marks in the $inal 'ear E!amination. Students a""earing $or $inal semester e!amination in Ma'5Iune 2::E ma' also a""l'"ro ided their =II semester marks are )6D and abo e. +hose who ha e "assed their graduation "rior to the 'ear 2::7 need not a""l'. F/andidate should ha e cleared e!ams o$ each 'ear in the $irst attem"tG (ge% Cot more than 26 'ears as on 1&6&2::E. +raining "eriod% Bne&Jear. Stipend 3#s1) #e!une ation 7-6:: Allowance 3#s1) 6-6:: Total 3#s1) -+0666

Success$ul candidates will be eligible to be a""ointed as Engineer in the regular scale o$ "a' as "er the /om"an'@s "olic'. /andidates meeting the criteria ma' $orward their a""lication su"erscribing disci"line a""lied $or ( i3.- ?E+ Mech. Elect. /0I- etc.) in the $ollowing *ownloadable $ormat with a recent "ass"ort si3e "hotogra"h through "ost onl' b' 1:th Ma' 2::E to%

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"# $ Ad!inist ation Depa t!ent %u&a at Indust ies 'owe Co!pan( )i!ited 'O 'et oc*e!ical 7 +,- +./0 Dist1 2a oda0 %u&a at

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