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Internet growth in the field of job recruitment market caused an avalanche of unstructured information about job offer and

candidate profiles, consequently recruitment platforms can not handle the complex environment. [1]. The job platforms offer rigid filter of job offers, based on knowledge categorization areas. Hence, the candidates ignore job offers according to their competencies and employers do not find suitable candidates to cover work positions [2]. As a result, the search success rate for both employers and candidates is very low. The main problems related to career planning are the constant change of labor market requirements, emerging of new positions within companies and the growing need for experts in certain areas [3]. Thus, universities should review their professional offers, to ensure the training of professionals with the competencies required to the labor market [4], however academic systems are lacking of information about student competencies therefore they can not predict the competencies should be included in the profiles. To increase the level of interoperability between systems, researchers have focused on the modeling of competencies, however, the constant changing requirements of the stakeholders, has created a problem of semantic heterogeneity. According to [5], Semantic heterogeneity problem can be solved using ontology matching which finds correspondences between semantically related entities among different source of ontologies [6]. On the other hand, there are ontologies in various applications which cannot interoperate [7], because entities may have different names in several ontologies and dissimilar languages can be used to address the same set of terms [8]. We propose to link competences of educational and employment contexts, establishing a consensual model of the elements required to meet domain expectations of local and global competencies. The match of instances based on similarity measures allows the verification of competence elements and missing elements for each stakeholder. As a result, a suggestion of competencies requested elements will made, according to the expectations of the stakeholders competency domain. Moreover, maintenance of ontological models is a priority in most investigations. In this sense, data mining techniques and semantic matching algorithms have played an important part, but experts should be participate to conduct validation processes. In this context, the challenge of our research succesfully combine both techniques in order to achieve a more accurate matching results.
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[3] [4]

[5] [6] [7]


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