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SCP: Episode 3 (Pilot) The Truth, and nothing but it.

By Ben French and Andrew Nile

Characters created by Andrew Nile and the community at


The team is in Richardss office. Calvin and Francis are sat down facing Richard who is also seated. Joanthon and Steven are stood. RICHARD Well, I think it is high time I gave you all something to do. MEDIUM: CALVIN CALVIN About damn time. MEDIUM: RICHARD LOOKS AT CALVIN MEDIUM: CALVIN Sorry, its about damn time Sir. MEDIUM: RICHARD RICHARD I have a Doctor moving on to the site for work and I need you 4 to protect him. Hes been on the run for a while now. MEDIUM: JONATHON JONATHON On the run? MEDIUM: RICHARD RICHARD Got himself contaminated whilst carrying out research at one of our new G2 sites. He hasnt turned yet, but it is very important that we pick him up before he does. OVER THE SHOULDER: RICHARD FRANCIS Whos leading? RICHARD I will be instructing you for this first exercise.




CALVIN So are we bringing along the newbie for his first taste of action? MEDIUM: RICHARD RICHARD Mr Price is part of the team and thus this experience will be for all team members. Experienced or not. Mr Price has been trained sufficiently. MEDIUM: CALVIN CALVIN Yes Sir. MEDIUM: RICHARD The van will be waiting outside tomorrow morning, dismissed. WIDE: Francis, Cal and Jonathon leave, Steven is about to leave but is stopped by Richard. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: RICHARD RICHARD I expect great things from you Mr Price. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: STEVEN LEAVES 2 EXT. ABANDONED OLD HUT. DARTMOOR. DAY. WIDE: The team is stood out side an old hut in the middle of nowhere. Richard is speaking over an ear piece. RICHARD (Over the ear piece) Something seems to be wrong; he was supposed to meet you here. MEDIUM: 2


CONTINUED: CALVIN Any suggestions? RICHARD Scout around. He cant have gone far.


Mixed MOANING and GROWLING can be heard in the distance. MEDIUM: STEVEN I dont think we will need to go far he seems to be coming to us. RICHARD (Over the ear piece) Whats going on? Steven, report. STEVEN Um it appears to be the doctor we were sent for, he looks like hes limping though. OVER THE SHOULDER: STEVEN RICHARD (Over the ear piece) Limping? (Pauses) weapons free JONATHON Im sorry sir, can you confirm? TWO-SHOT: CAL AND DOC FROM SIDE CALVIN Whats up Doc? (Chuckling) Calvin moves closer. RICHARD I said weapons free, thats an order. MEDIUM: FRANCIS Are you sure Sir, Calvin seems to have it under control. TWO-SHOT: FROM FRONT OF CAL AND DOC Calvin has the doctor within arms reach.




RICHARD That thing is a hostile, take him down now. He must of turned earlier than estimated! CALVIN (Surprised) Wait thats blood, Guys I think the Doc is injured. The doctor then grabs Calvin from behind. Oh shit! He bashes him off, spins around and un-holsters his gun. MEDIUM: JONATHON Weapons free! TWO-SHOT: SIDE Calvin gladly shoots the doctor twice in the chest. He falls to the ground. CALVIN Well that was exciting. SHOT OF FRANICS, STEVEN AND JONATHON: RICHARD Is the target down? JONATHON Thats affirmative, target is down? RICHARD Is his head intact? TWO-SHOT: FRONT CALVIN What do you mean is... The zombie jumps up and grabs him. A bang is heard. The doctor drops down. TWO-SHOT: STEVEN AND JONATHON Steven is stood there with his gun out. JONATHON Good shot!




RICHARD Is the target down? STEVEN Yes, sir, I got it in the head. RICHARD Good a clean up team is on its way, secure the area. POV: ZOMBIE DOC Francis is investigating the body. FRANCIS Cal, how many times did you shoot him? MEDIUM: CALVIN CALVIN (Checking his clip)Twice POV: ZOMBIE DOC FRANCIS Then where did the third, forth and fifth bullet holes come from, because they dont look fresh? TWO-SHOT: STEVEN AND JONATHON JONATHON Any ideas mister Steven? STEVEN I am as clueless as you. WIDE: RICHARD Report back to me for debriefing. Theres a few things I need to check over. 3 INT. RICHARDS OFFICE. DAY. The team are stood in Richards office. MEDIUM: 3




RICHARD And youre sure he wasnt bitten? OVER THE SHOULDER: RICHARD CALVIN For the hundredth time yes, Im sure that thing didnt get his dirty chops on any part of me. JONATHON (Calmly) I dont think thats the issue here sir, we just got attacked by something that from the look of it had sustained heavy damage. MEDIUM: RICHARD He must have turned shortly after he made contact with us. Thats a pity, he was a smart man. A very valuable resource. MEDIUM: STEVEN So what exactly was this Doc carrying. MEDIUM: RICHARD There were complications and the virus entered his body. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM FRANCIS From the new G2 site? MEDIUM: RICHARD That is correct Miss Hynel. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM CALVIN So we really did prevent a zombie apocalypse?


CONTINUED: JONATHON I guess so Cal. CALVIN Doesnt feel as cool as I wouldve expected. MEDIUM: FRANCIS Thats because this is real. People could die. MEDIUM: CALVIN I know that. MEDIUM: FRANCIS Were gonna have to start listening a lot more. Something tells me there is much worse out there. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM The team turn to look at her. What? We were all thinking it. CALVIN None of us were dumb enough to say it though. Of course there is going to be worse out there. There is always worse. Remember out in Russia? The things they had. The weapons they were developing? MEDIUM: Richard signals for silence. RICHARD Thats enough. Listen up. From now on you follow orders without hesitation. Do you understand? No more bullshit. You could have gotten someone killed out there today because you were ignorant and stubborn. When I say weapons free, weapons are free. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM





TEAM Yes Sir MEDIUM: RICHARD Good. Now I must say, good work out there today despite the issues. This was a tough first job. For all of you. Not just Steven. Youre not with the military anymore. SCP artifacts pose a significant threat to global security. Various agencies from around the world operate to maintain human independence from extra-terrestrial, extra-dimensional, and extra-universal threat. In the past humankind has been at the whim of these bizarre artifacts and similar phenomena, but we have now reached a point in history where we can begin to control and contain these defiances of natural law. You are now working for the SCP Foundation. You have no need to understand how or why we operate. What you do need to understand is how vital your mission is. The SCP Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major world government with the task of containing items which jeopardize normalcy. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM STEVEN Were do we fit into this exactly? MEDIUM: RICHARD Ah yes, you missed orientation. MEDIUM: STEVEN I didnt miss it I was press ganged into signing up after itd happened. (CONTINUED)



GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM JONATHON Were one of their Task Forces. Task Force Delta-17 to be exact. Were stationed on this site perminantly to make sure things stay were they belong. We also get sent out on collections every so often. But for the time being were the only Task Force here. TWO-SHOT: RICHARD AND NUMBER TWO RICHARD Mr Bridges is l but correct. Your perminant station here allows for rotation every 6 months. This is only in cases where you are physically or mentally unable to work on the site any longer, or you file for a transfer. GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM FRANCIS Physically or mentally unable to work here? MEDIUM: RICHARD There are instances were certain SCPs have caused significant Physical and Pschological damage. MEDIUM: JONATHON How often does that happen? MEDIUM CLOSE UP: RICHARD Very rarely. I assure you. Infact, weve had no such instances on Site 39B. MEDIUM: STEVEN Is that supposed to be funny. Thats because this is a new site! (CONTINUED)



MEDIUM: RICHARD Mr Price, we really have to do something about that anger of yours. Would you like me to book you in with our Site Psch? GROUP SHOT: THE TEAM STEVEN Fuck you. MEDIUM CLOSE UP: RICHARD Language Mr Price. Rudeness will get you no where. Now, if youd excuse me. I have a heap of paerwork the size of Kentucky to get through and a very angry Administrator ringing me every hour asking why some some bastard from Marshall, Carter and Dark and now working for us. Youre all dismissed. WIDE: The team leave the room. TWO-SHOT: RICHARD AND NUMBER TWO RICHARD We really need to do something about that boys attitude. NUMBER TWO Well Sir, if you asked me Id say hes blaming you for the death of Charleston girl. RICHARD And thats exactly why Im not asking. Now, fetch me a latte like the good little coperate bitch that you are. NUMBER TWO Yes Sir. Sugar? Richard finally turns to look at him.




RICHARD What do you think? NUMBER TWO No? RICHARD Yes I want bloody sugar! NUMBER TWO Yes Sir. WIDE: Number Two scurries out of the office. Richard slams his fist down on the table.

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