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Volume 3 Issue 5

Whats new in 2013?

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Spotlight On:
Lara Cornett Owner
Born and raised in the Buckhead area, Lara has returned from the busy corporate world of New York City to contribute to the same community that raised her. Lara attended Morris Brandon Elementary, Sutton Middle, and North Atlanta High Schools. She went on to continue her education at Georgia State University, graduating with a BBA, in Event Management. After graduation, Lara took a bold risk of moving to New York City without a job! Within 18 months she found her self planning events for Rocket Racing League which catered to A-list celebrities; living the dream New York City lifestyle. Lara lived in The Big Apple for over 3 years before longing for a return home to her friends and family. She moved back to Atlanta and began helping the families and childcare sites that she had worked with through high school and college. A lot of hard work and great guidance from her mentor Kim Bishop allowed her to create her dream of running and organizing a very successful Kiddos after school at E. Rivers Elementary and an even more successful Kiddos Summer Camp at Sarah Smith Elementary. My experiences in New York and planning events in the corporate world has prepared me for planning engaging and exciting daily activities for these kids. - Lara Cornett

A new new year brings ers, p m a c , s e i t i activ ors! l e s n u o c d n a

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Counselor in Training Profile Connor Graham

New Kiddos Programs To Come!

ince the 1st year of Kiddos Summer Camp at Sarah Smith Elementary , there have been many great changes to the program. The inaugural summer of 2011 saw campers and counselors alike learning what Kiddos was going to be all about. The campers truly taught the counselors what games would be the most engaging with considerations of our space. The counselors remained flexible and brought the energy that kept the camp entertaining for all. Lara Cornett and the Kiddos family received remarkable feedback from parents and campers which has stimulated a search for even more programs. Adventure Camp Lara and her creative team have structured a camp that will challenge our older Kiddos. The Adventure Camp will be available to kids ages 9-14 and will allow this age group to really test themselves Inman Middle School : After School Troy Lynch and Kelly Dunn, better known by there camp names as Optimus and Pippi, will be co-directing the newest addition of the Kiddos after school family. Activities will be tailored to a more curious and active middle schooler. These activities will include community outreach projects, team-building exercises and projects incorporating technology. Troy and Kelly both have an extensive background in child care. They both graduated from Georgia State with a Bachelors in education.They have the energy to keep the kids motivated and Lara has fully entrusted these two to carry on the Kiddos brand!
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Age: 11 Grade: Rising 6th Grader School: Inman Middle School Favorite Hobby: Riding Bikes Favorite Activity: Carpentry Favorite Class: Lunch Time! Favorite Counselor Keebler

Play >
Lara, Kelly, and Troy at a childcare convention in Indianapolis, IN.

Adventure Campers can look forward to rock climbing, repelling, camping, cycling, and more ways to get them outdoors and active! Most of these events will be off-site as campers will cruise around in our new custom Blue Bird Bus.

Lara Cornett Owner and Operator Troy Lynch Community Outreach Coordinator Kelly Dunn Assistant Director Chameka Batiste Assistant Director Alex Cornett Public Relation Specialist Chris Koppelman Kickball Specialist

Kiddos Kronikle 37 0 Old Ivy Road Atlanta, GA Editor: Sara Johnson Volume: 3 Issue: 5

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