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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter November 26, 2013

Pastors Notes: In everything, give thanks I read that scripture last night and just sat there and began to thank God for everything that would come to my mind. Family, friends, church, possessions, health..whatever came to my mind, I thanked God for it. Are you thankful? Really thankful? Sunday night, we slowed down and focused on the Lords broken body and His shed blood and took time to give Him thanks for the sacrifice He made on the cross of Calvary. Then we took communion together. What an awesome experience right on the heels of Thanksgiving. I AM THANKFUL!!!! I watched some video that was taken on my recent trip to Honduras and I saw again the conditions that some people live in.I saw the tears of a 15 year boy who doesnt go to school because he has to work to help make money for his family.I saw the hurt in his mothers eyes too. I realize how truly blessed I am and how thankful I should be. I am determined this Thanksgiving season to be thankful for everything the Lord has blessed me with. Even if there are some things that I do not like or I want to see changed.I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth! Can I get a witness? If you are receiving this bulletin on Tuesday, be reminded that our service is transferred tonight (Tuesday) to Cavins Baptist Church where we will be joining together with the Woodruff Baptist Assoc. Sis. Pam Garrett will be singing and I will be bringing the Word. PLEASE.make your plans to join with us. If you are receiving this bulletin on WednesdayTHERE WILL BE NO SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVENING. We alter our schedule during Thanksgiving week to allow people to have more time with their families and to make provision should people have to travel. Please be careful and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday! We are getting ready to enter a most busy, yet exciting time of the year. Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birth of the Messiah, the Savior of the world! What a joy it is to reflect upon the greatest gift that the Father could ever have given to us, His Children. Please be careful that in this busy time of year that we dont lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Please keep your eyes focused on the Savior! Please note some important dates for the month of December: 1. December 7 (Saturday) Miracle on Poole St. this is a special outreach for our community and is directed at them only. Please be in prayer as we minister to the community through food, fellowship but most importantly a directed ministry time of the Word.

2. December 8 (Sunday) 6:00 PM The Best of His Story. This is a special musical program for our church and any guests you invite. It will be held in the Sanctuary and will feature the best and most requested music from the His Story Musical Drama throughout the years. This will be different this year, but will be a wonderful change and opportunity for you to invite your friends and family to enjoy the awesome musical ministry by Spirit of Praise Music Ministries.

3. December 15th (Sunday) 10:30 AM Extreme Kidz Childrens Ministry will be sharing their Christmas programs with us. What an exciting time we always have. From the Kiddie parade all the way up to the older childrens play. You do not want to miss this. Sis. Donna and her staff are working hard and we know that it will be wonderful! 4. December 15th (Sunday) 6:00 PM We will have our annual Church wide fellowship in the CLC. You are asked to bring several things: 1) sandwiches, chips, drinks 2) SWEETS and goodies, 3) some canned goods/non-perishable items to help replenish our food pantry. We always have a wonderful time and I look forward to fellowshipping together with you! 5. December 22nd (Sunday) 6:00 PM We will be having a special candlelight service in the Sanctuary. What a great time to reflect on Jesus coming to be the light of the World. 6. December 25th (Wednesday) NO SERVICE. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

If you want your infant to be in the baby parade this year on December 15 th, please see Jollene Priester. Thank you! Thank you for the prayers, flowers and all you did for us during our recent loss. Special thanks to Rev. Terry for your special care. We love and appreciate you all! ~Love, Guy & Shirley Middlebrook Prayer List

AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Darryl Crowe, Michael Edmond, The Smith Family, Paula Beck & Family, Kayla Lister, Jackson Knight, vivkie Wyatt, Dreya Aiken, Derrick Crooper, Mavis Blackwell, Tiffany Cartee, Odell Jenkins, Sammy Watson, Houston Cobb, Ammie Wyatt, Rudell Frazier, Jerry Knight, Annette Lanford, Steve Lida, Tina Price, Tommy Wallce, Jewell Hammons, Mike Cox, Cindy & Coty Cox, Cheryl Corbett, Teanna & Shea Cox, Barbara Logan, Tabatha Baker, Gia Olden, James Perini, James Arnold, Randy Lambert, Loretta Kelley, Linda Lida & Family, Gayle & Aurthor Harris, Lawrence Clark , Audrey Clark, Jeremy Greene, Christa Cline, Tish York, Jeremy York, Josh Cline, Curt Ellison

The choir will wear Christmas colors this Sunday. There will be a mass choir at the Tuesday Thanksgiving service at Cavins Baptist. The rehearsal is at 6:00. We are getting close to being ready for our "Miracle on Poole Street" project! Thanks to everyone who has given in any way! We still need some more small items for men (flashlights, tape measure, gloves, etc), crayons, and LOTS of Christmas candy! Also, any gift cards or other gift items that can be used for our gift drawing would be so appreciated!

SAM/JOY CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY: The sign-up sheet is already on the bulletin board for our Christmas Party to be held at the CLC on Thursday Dec. 19 at 6:30 PM. Please go by and let us know if you plan to attend. The deadline for sign-up is Sunday Dec. 15. PLEASE HELP US! Do not sign-up for anyone other than yourself and or your husband or wife, and please make sure if you sign up that you attend the meeting. This past month we had 28 people who signed up but did not attend. Everything turned out fine and we had plenty of food, however, this meeting will be catered and if we order for a certain number we must pay for that number whether you attend or not. As you can see, this could cost our group several hundreds of dollars for those who do not show up. We thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.

Toy Closet If you took a red toy request slip, toys are due this Sunday. Thanks for your help. Everyone else please continue to purchase toys. We already have 25 children to help this year and more will come in.

Band of Brothers December meeting is going to be Thursday December 5th at 6:00 PM. Make plans to join us!

Saturday November 30th we will be watching the Clemons/Carolina Game on the Big Screen in the youth building. Sign up on the Bulletin Board in the Hallway.

Youth Events Nov 24 Youth Drama Practice 4:45pm Dec 1 Drama Practice 4:45pm Sunday Night Live 6pm Dec 4 Youth P&W Practice 5:45pm Dec 8 Drama Practice 4:00pm Dec 11 Youth P&W Practice 5:45pm Dec 14 Youth Ice Skating 1pm - 6pm Dec 18 Youth Christmas Celebration 6:30pm - 8pm

Drama practice for 6-12 year old Sunday @ 5:00. Christmas Play Practice @ 6:00 for ages 2-12. Upcoming Events: Extreme Kidz will be going to LOOK UP LODGE in MAY! The first deposit of $20.00 is due December 4th. If you have any question please see Ms. Donna. A letter will be sent home to explain more. December 14 Extreme Kidz Dress rehearsal for Christmas Play. 2-5 year old will practice at 9:30 and 6-12 year olds will practice at 11:00. We will provide lunch at 10:30 for both age groups! December 15 Extreme Kidz presents WE THREE SPIES @ 10:30! Make plans to come and investigate the meaning of Christmas. January 10 Extreme Kidz to Greenville Road Warriors Hockey Game. January 18 Extreme Kidz Lunch to community

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Kathy Arellano & Carolyn Everette Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight Usher Team #3 Buddy Arnold, Freddie Bright, Lamar Crowe, Tracy Grant, Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons NurseryAM Ann Knight & Ashton Garrett PM: Ann Knight Youth Workers for Kidz Church- Josh, Zack, Faith & Savannah Music- AM- Lisa Terry PM- Adam & Brooke Jones Praise Team- Maroon Computer Chas Guitar Korey, Duck, Greg

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