Research Sexual Attraction

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Sexual Attraction: Homosexuality (Same-sex Relationship)

In partial fulfilment in the class of EDUC 101 (Human Growth and Development)

October 15, 2012

Presented by: Jojo M. Lucion III- BSED

Presented to: Ms. Maria Sharon King-Villaruel Professor

This study is all about same-sex relationships of older adults using an interview question that adds to the understanding of lesbian and gay identity development, involvement, and the membership dynamics of LGBT organizations or in the community. The term sexual orientation refers to the gender (that is, male or female) to which a person is attracted. Being straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual is not something that a person can choose or choose to change. In fact, people don't choose their sexual orientation any more than they choose their height or eye color. Gay people are represented in all walks of life, across all nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and in all social and economic groups. No one fully understands exactly what determines a person's sexual orientation, but it is likely explained by a variety of biological and genetic factors. Despite myths and misconceptions, there is no evidence that being gay/ lesbian is caused by early childhood experiences, parenting styles, or the way someone is raised.

Homosexuality is now a common word, almost every individual in this world have encountered the word homosexuality or have met a homosexual once in their life. Homosexuality is a term coined in the 19th century theorists to describe the emotional and sexual interest of an individual to the members of ones own gender. However, the concept of homosexuality was a taboo during the early time and was not allowed to be

discussed. But with rise of the liberation movement on homosexuals, the views of homosexuals began to recognised and brought in philosophy politics and literary theories.

Nowadays, the gays and the lesbians are being recognized by most of the people regarding their achievements in the society. But despite of the recognition there are still a number of issues on homosexuality. Some societies and nations do not fully accept the idea of homosexuality and on severe cases the rights of homosexuals are being contested. To think that we live in a society wherein differences are being tolerated and people are more open-minded. Why the rights of homosexuals remain contested?

Methods A. Subject
Our subjects are Josephine and Liza, who are presently live at Paraiso, San Mateo, Rizal. They are now both working in a Carenderia as a cook and food attendant near the school of St. Matthew College. They are couple for almost seven years now. They admitted that they are lesbians. Aling Josephine has already one daughter. And Liza hasnt had.

B. Procedure
The procedure we used is an interview wherein we talk to them every time we take our lunch. They are both eager to share their insights and experiences regarding their relationships. They are open in all aspects from jokes to small things that would catch their interests or attentions. We establish good rapport to them and are comfortable at all times. As we get accommodated, we ask them if they could grant us an interview. They both welcome our invitation. As the interview goes on, we ask some questions from simple to complex matter (their emotions, their thoughts, and their acts). They are honest to answer every question we asked.

C. Results
Tolerating homosexuality (LGBT) is another right most homosexuals crave for in some parts of this world. Although in the international spectrum homosexuality is tolerated, there are still societies who view it as immoral. This perspective is definitely wrong just because homosexuality does not follow the norm of the society it does not make it immoral. These people must accept that in this world people have different values and views in life, what is wrong for them might not be wrong for others and vice versa. Homosexuals only want acceptance in the society and treat them as equals, if people still view homosexuals as immoral and wrong then their morality must be questioned too.



One of the battle cries of homosexuals around the world is same sex marriage/relationships. However there are a number of arguments regarding it. The arguments include:

Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. Same-sex couples arent the best environment in which to raise children. Gay relationships are immoral. Marriages are for procreation. Same-sex marriage would threaten the institution of marriage. Marriage is traditionally for heterosexual couples. Same-sex marriage is an untried social experiment. Gay marriage forces businesses to provide benefits for same sex couples. Churches would force to marry gay couples.

Those individuals that oppose to same-sex relationships are just not comfortable with the idea of two people from the same gender will get married and have a family, it offends the views and standing of religion, people still view marriages as a sacred institution, sex between the same gender is unnatural, repulsive and betrays the idea of masculinity, and they feel that it would be a means of recruitment. Same-sex marriage is an issue that still remain questionable to most people of this world, although some countries have allowed it, there are still nations not keen to the idea. Even though some societies tolerate homosexuality the idea of same sex marriage is still an issue for most of them. The battle for same-sex marriage will still be a long process and most people in

this world are not yet ready for the idea, so in this case, homosexuals must wait until the world is ready for same-sex marriage. The ongoing clamour for the rights of homosexuals in this world is due to the ignorance and the fact that most people cannot accept the idea that homosexuals exists in this world. People must be more open to the idea that not all people are created equally and it includes homosexuals. Acceptance of homosexuals must start within the family. If the family members accept that their son or daughter is homosexual then the society around him or her will also accept her sexual preference. Let us understand that homosexuals are also people and they must be treated equally as any other citizen in this world. They do not ask for people to fully understand them or like them they only want equal rights with other people and be seen as a productive member of the society.


References/ Bibliography

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