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1assma A.

Legacy lannlng Croup
SCPWA81Z, 8Cn, WALkL8 & S1uuL8, LLC
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rovldlng a CllenL-lrlendly
Creaung Clear LxpecLauons
Compleung Lhe Work
Ask for leedback/Lvaluauon
Look aL how you provlde servlces
from your cllenLs' perspecuve . . .
WhaL does your omce say abouL you?
ls lL easy Lo nd?
ls parklng easy?
WhaL are Lhe rsL lmpresslons creaLed?
Pow are Lhey greeLed?
Are Lhey oered beverages? 8eadlng maLerlals?
ls your omce clean and uncluuered?
uoes cllenLs' prlvacy seem respecLed?
ls Lhere a clock vlslble Lo cllenLs?

Lmbrace a phllosophy whereln CllenL
Servlce ls Lhe no. 1 prlorlLy.

!"#$%# $ '#$( )**"+$,-
lnLroduce SupporL SLa
Lmpower Lhem Lo provlde servlce
CommunlcaLe Lhelr roles and ablllLy Lo
asslsL Lhe cllenL !"#"$ &'() &'" (#*$)"+,
SupporL your empowered sLa

Colng Above and 8eyond

1hls becomes a naLural exLenslon of Lhe
cllenL-cenLered pracuce, buL Lhlnk of
examples and demonsLraLe Lhose Lo your
Lxplaln Lhe Auorney -CllenL 8elauonshlp

1hls seems baslc, buL you may be Lhe rsL
Auorney Lhey have worked wlLh.

A loL of Lhem wlll have a )"-(./" lmpresslon of our
professlon. Pow are you dlerenL Lhan Lhose scoundrels on

?ou can provlde a qulck explanauon and Lhen supporL LhaL
ln Lhe engagemenL leuer.


.2% %-#/" (/345 $% #$5# +3 %-# 3$%2"# +6 +2" 742,/$"1
"#8$9+35-/* $34 %-# *"/0$,1 %-$% /5 /3-#"#3% :#%;##3 $<+"3#1
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>28# ?=@= 0*)12").(34&+ *5 4)5*$6(.*),
A$B A lawyer shall noL reveal condenual lnformauon relaung Lo Lhe represenLauon of a cllenL
unless Lhe cllenL makes an lnformed declslon, Lhe dlsclosure ls lmplledly auLhorlzed ln order Lo carry ouL Lhe
represenLauon or Lhe dlsclosure ls permlued by paragraph (b).
Wyomlng Model 8ules of rofesslonal 8esponslblllLy

(Also make sure Lhe enure Leam undersLands Lhe scope of
Lhe duLy and your expecLauon LhaL Lhey wlll noL dlscuss
cllenLs ouLslde Lhe omce - ever!)

Scope of Work

Make sure Lhe cllenL undersLands whaL Lhe
servlces you are provldlng lnclude - and
whaL lL does noL (lf you are excludlng a
naLural exLenslon of Lhe work)

1he LngagemenL Leuer wlll supporL your
scope of work wlLhouL surprlslng Lhem.

uon'L be afrald Lo dlscuss fees. Lvery
cllenL knows LhaL auorneys charge.
1hey expecL LhaL. 8e falr and condenL
ln Lhe fee and acL accordlngly.

CeL a slgned engagemenL leuer!!!

Clle3%D5 E:8/F$9+35

1here wlll be Lhlngs LhaL Lhe cllenL needs Lo
do Lo move Lhe represenLauon along.
CommunlcaLe LhaL clearly and remlnd Lhem
of Lhelr homework". lf your work ls
condluoned upon Lhelr compleuon of Lhelr
work Lhen make LhaL vL8? CLLA8.

8ulld deadllnes" lf LhaL ls helpful.

Lmbrace LhaL you musL communlcaLe well wlLh cllenLs Lo
have a successful experlence.

Work Lo undersLand Lhe besL way Lo communlcaLe wlLh
LhaL parucular cllenL.

Lncourage Lhem Lo hold you accounLable.

Communlcauon - Model 8ules

>28# ?=G= 0*667)48(.*),
A$B A lawyer shall:
A?BprompLly lnform Lhe cllenL of any declslon or clrcumsLance wlLh respecL Lo whlch
Lhe cllenL's lnformed declslon, as dened ln 1.0(f), ls requlred by Lhese 8ules,
AHBreasonably consulL wlLh Lhe cllenL abouL Lhe means by whlch Lhe cllenL's
ob[ecuves are Lo be accompllshed,AIBkeep Lhe cllenL reasonably lnformed abouL Lhe
sLaLus of Lhe mauer,AGBprompLly comply wlLh reasonable requesLs for lnformauon,
andAJBconsulL wlLh Lhe cllenL abouL any relevanL llmlLauon on Lhe lawyer's conducL
when Lhe lawyer knows LhaL Lhe cllenL expecLs asslsLance noL permlued by Lhe 8ules
of rofesslonal ConducL or oLher law.
A:B A lawyer shall explaln a mauer Lo Lhe exLenL reasonably necessary Lo
permlL Lhe cllenL Lo make lnformed declslons regardlng Lhe represenLauon, excepL
LhaL a lawyer appolnLed Lo acL as a guardlan ad llLem shall be ulumaLely responslble
for maklng declslons ln Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe lndlvldual.

1lme lrame

CllenLs $"(33+ need some expecLauons provlded regardlng

Pow long unul Lhey wlll be done wlLh us . . .

Pow long should Lhey walL Lo hear back?
Pow long does lL Lake you Lo reLurn phone calls or emalls?
Pow long unul we have a hearlng or anoLher

K+2 $"# /3 ,+3%"+8 +6 %-# #L*#,%$9+35 1+2 ,"#$%#=

K+2 $"# /3 ,+3%"+8 +6 %-#
#L*#,%$9+35 1+2 ,"#$%#=

Semng AppolnLmenLs 8efore Lhe CllenL Leaves

CreaLe ueadllnes for ?ourself & 1eam

Acuvely Schedule 1lme ln your Calendar

Pave a process for followlng up wlLh cllenLs!

CllenLs appreclaLe belng able Lo glve you some
feedback. 1hey wlll dlscuss Lhe experlence. uo
you wanL Lo know whaL Lhey are llkely Lo say?

uo you ask for referrals?
Look aL >28# M=I= 94$"8& 8*)&(8& :4&' ;$*<;"8./" 834")&<,

(-*#$&+9 # ()&*+$,(*+$*-*. /-#0$&0*


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